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Patcher is getting stuck after todays patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I’m getting the same issue, it gets to 1-4% and freezes or crashes. I’ve tried everything including disabling the anti virus

Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I like to do the daily achievements, but often I can’t find anyone to do the events with me. True some can be soloed, but not all, for me at least. I post on map chat but often nobody answers, and sometimes if there are people nearby they simply ignore the event. I’m finding my friends and guildmates are online less and less, and my partner is often in another area and doesn’t want to pay the cost to teleport to me for a reward that will be less than the cost of teleporting. Personally I don’t like having a go at soloing the “veteran” mob events any more because if I’m the only one there I always die, and the cost of teleporting to a waypoint then the cost of repairs is always more than I can make out of the event.

It was fun at first when there were a lot of people around, now it isn’t anywhere near as much fun as I explore and area and hardly see anyone.

Black Lion Savage Kit

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I’ve had at least 6 Black Lion Salvage kits from doing the daily achievements, and I don’t spend that much time online because I work in the day and have other things to do as well. So they are not that hard to get.

Who are these people?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


It’s the same on other MMOs, although I find it’s worse in the school holidays….

Guildmember logon message!

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


People often sneak on and off without my realising and I don’t want to seem antisocial.

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Comparing to other games is natural, and valid. It’s not necessarily putting this game down, GW2 does some things better than some older more established games. Most people here will have played other games, and they are still here. That says something in itself.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I agree that some sort of dungeon finder would help. And actually I don’t think the wow one was that bad, I couldn’t get in dungeons before that, being in a small guild. The same is pretty much true in GW2, I’ve not done any dungeons yet.

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Well there’s plenty of us in that situation. People work and have family comitments

Vote for "make all phases available longer"

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I would like it to last longer, I have too many real life commitments and completely missed phase 1. Just a few hours to do something makes it impossible if you work and have family.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Well they don’t get any money from me. I might consider spending cash if I got more for my money and could buy what I want, as it is they get zilch, zero, from me. If they Black Lion keys were cheaper and the chest contents better, I might consider spending cash for diamonds. I won’t buy town clothes, they are not attractive and there is nowhere to store them. For decent items, minis etc I might consider it.

Free trials

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Well yes but I doubt we would see that

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I meant that the time scale isn’t long enough. I have work, dogs to walk, family to look after, lots of things to do at weekends that I don’t get time to do in the week and game time is limited. I would prefer it if the event itself lasted a week or more and each phase at least a couple of days not a few hours. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Free trials

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Free trials are a great way to get new people playing. I invited 3 friends and one has purchased a full game already. However it’s not the best idea to do it during a special event as all the new people want to do is go to starter areas and learn the game mechanics. I went with them to help and missed a lot of the special event.

It would also be nice if we got some kind of in game reward if a friend converted to a full game, perhaps a mini or something? My friend who purchased the game was swearing blind he would never play GW2, he said it didn’t sound that good and not his sort of game…he was online for a couple of hours and changed his mind, so it definitley works to get new people into the game. So why not an in game reward please?

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Don’t get me wrong I thing the event itself is a good idea, but there just isn’t enough time. Some of us have real lives and commitments, and just can’t be online all that much. On Friday I tried to take part in the karka invasion of Lion’s Arch, but it was too laggy, I couldn’t do anything, couldn’t hit anything, even map chat took minutes before it appeared on my screen. (And yes I have a reasonable gaming PC). It didn’t help having the free trial the same weekend either. On Friday my friends couldn’t get online, they go the message “login server no available”. On Saturday they just wanted to learn the game mechanics in the starter zones, so I went to help. So I completely missed phase one, it was over way too quick and I had no chance to do it as I had limited online time. I did go on the ship to the new area, and enjoyed that, even though as some people have mentioned, there was no loot. But I feel that the whole thing is being squeezed into too short a time span. I enjoyed the Halloween event, there was time the bugs to be ironed out and for me to get a back item with a couple of alts. A week or so is good, but a weekend isn’t long enough. Please next time make it last longer and give us a chance to do it! And don’t make it a free trial weekend at the same time, that puts more pressure on the servers and people on the trials aren’t really interested in the events.


Black lion chest

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


They really should improve the content. I got a key as a reward for a personal story quest today, the first key I have seen in a while. I got the booster (some extra % getting a magical drop) 3 mystery tonics that I really don’t care about, they jut take up bag space, and the poorest quality salvage kit that you can get. I’m glad I didn’t bother buying the key. The best I’ve ever had from a chest is a black lion salvage kit, but those just encourage me to salvage items with runes in, and then the runes take up all my bank space sigh.

Gj on event no lag NO LAG

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kateuk.7538


The event was unplayable and my invited friends can’t login to try the game as it says login server is unavailable

LAG in event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I was lagging too during the special event with the monsters to kill in Lions Arch. Spells wouldn’t work, if I typed in chat it took several minutes to appear, I couldn’t hit anything or pick anything up, and just found myself dead all the time although I wasn’t seeing anything hit me. Everyone was complaining in chat, people were just dying and if we tried to res folks nothing happened. When I died it was taking several minutes to go to the waypoint. It just wasn’t fun. My PC is normally fine.

And to cap it all the friends I invited can’t log in, they just get “login server is unavailable”

Free Travel TO Cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


We should have a hearthstone/town portal call it what you will, for free travel to whatever city you set it at. And waypoint costs should be reasonable (or free) and not increase with level.

A In-game Macro option.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Noooooo… macros, PLEASE! This game isn’t World of Warcraft, full of kids using addons and macros to do everything instead of actually playing (or thinking).

Gem Prices too high in UK?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Dear Anet,

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but your gem prices seem extremely expensive when it comes to your pound sterling conversion.

Your costumes cost 700 gems – or presumably £7. This is the cost of a DVD or CD.
Your BL Chest keys costs 450 gems or the price of a McDonalds meal.

Actually I’m not sure that this is a valid comparison as I believe that things like eating out, DVDs and CDs are so much cheaper in the USA than they are here.

The point is certainly valid though, the diamonds are overpriced and what you can get for them isn’t worth the cost.

After opening 2 stacks of BLCs, some constructive feedback

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Black Lion keys certainly aren’t worth the money. It’s really annoying to get a key and all you get is some random booster, a daft tonic, and some crafting tools. If I paid real cash for diamonds those keys are going to cost around £1 a time (UK sterling). No way would I consider paying that for what is in those chests. I don’t even want to buy them with diamonds bought in game for gold. I am really hoping that ANet will listen, and either reduce the cost of the diamonds and or keys, and also increase the usefulness of stuff you get in the chests. Making gathering tools account bound rather than soulbound would be a start, plus making them more stackable.

As things stand at the moment, I am not tempted to spend any real cash for diamonds, considering the cost which is high, and the lack of value in the stuff you get for those diamonds. Selling cheaper would probably net more revenue in the long run.

Account Bound Items and 'Hand me downs'

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I really would like to be able to pass gathering tools on to alts, especially when I have loads I can’t use as rewards from whatever, and they just take up bag space. I hate having to destroy this stuff.

Forum suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Some threads are marked to show that there is an “official” reponse from an ANet employee, it would be nice to have a button to go straight to that response rather than have to wade through pages of “I agree”, “I don’t agree” posts before finding that all the “official” response was is “these two threads have been merged”!


Account Bound Items and 'Hand me downs'

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I do get upset that some items (particularly items bought for karma) are not only soulbound, but they can’t even be sold or salvaged when you level out of them.

Repairs, why do we have them?

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I do think that the teleport costs adds insult to injury when you die. It should be free to go to the NEAREST waypoint when dead. I think that can be the reason why some of the harder bosses are ignored in areas, people get fed up with constantly dying and the repair costs plus teleport costs make it not worth the effort. So they ignore the event after a few unsuccessful tries.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I would definitely like to be notified when guild members log on or log off, I don’t even know someone is there if they log on and don’t say anything. I’d also like to see when they last logged on. The other suggestions are good too.

Gem Prices too high in UK?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Well I won’t be tempted to buy from a gold selling site, but I’m certainly not going to be spending real cash on gems from the gem store any time soon, unless ANet rethink their prices.

After opening 2 stacks of BLCs, some constructive feedback

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Black Lion keys certainly aren’t worth the money. It’s really annoying to get a key and all you get is some random booster, a daft tonic, and some crafting tools. If I paid real cash for diamonds those keys are going to cost around £1 a time (UK sterling). No way would I consider paying that for what is in those chests. I don’t even want to buy them with diamonds bought in game for gold. I am really hoping that ANet will listen, and either reduce the cost of the diamonds and or keys, and also increase the usefulness of stuff you get in the chests. Making gathering tools account bound rather than soulbound would be a start, plus making them more stackable.

As things stand at the moment, I am not tempted to spend any real cash for diamonds, considering the cost which is high, and the lack of value in the stuff you get for those diamonds. Selling cheaper would probably net more revenue in the long run.

(edited by kateuk.7538)

Black Lion Key to Chest Ratio makes no sense

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


For those of us in the UK, the price for keys if we buy them works out at nearly £1 per key, which is ridiculous. The stuff in the chests just isn’t worth anything like that. So the chests sit in the bank waiting for keys to drop.

Gem Prices too high in UK?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I thought about buying some gems but when I saw the price, I was shocked. And you can’t buy that much with them. A single Black Lion key is 125 gems, that works out over £1 each and the stuff in the chests just isn’t that great. A few silly tonics, some gathering tools that you already have a lot of, some sort of boost? Just not worth it. Even at 450 for 5, that’s still nearly £1 each. Ridiculous. And the other stuff is overpriced as well. I think that more people would spend cash buying gems if they weren’t so overpriced. As it is, I won’t be buying the costumes and the Black Lion chests can stay unopened in my bank for now. I hope Arenanet will reconsider and either bring the price down or at least give us more for our gems.

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I think my main problem is that I can’t get my head around the thief and it’s abilities. The thief seems quite melee based and I do prefer ranged. Yes I know that the thief has ranged abilities too. I’ve been using pistols a lot, for the ranged abilities.

Dual pistols aren’t very good.

Grab a short bow, it’s easily one of our top three weapon sets.

Thieves become very strong in pve it’s just the first few levels we struggle with. I’ve had no problems doing story quests 6,7 levels higher than me on my thief.

Personally i would suggest going Dagger/Dagger + Short bow. Trait for initiative regeneration(20 Critical strikes; Signet of power, Signet use. 15 Trickery; Thrill of the crime).

Hope this helped.

Well I was using dagger/pistol but I changed to shortbow for the personal quest, the AoE attacks really helped. I don’t like too much AoE normally as it can pull too many mobs but it does help if the mobs are pulled anyway. by the way I forgot to mention I’m a charr thief. I think maybe it’s the charr storyline having huge numbers of enemies that makes it hard. I got my partner to help me, with his help it was done easily and I didn’t die once. He carried on helping me with the next part, again an insane number of enemies but we did it relatively easily. I suspect that he actually did most of the work!

Anyway thanks for the advice.

Any way to change a Personal Story decision?

in Personal Story

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I accidentally chose the wrong order as well. I already chose the Order of Whispers on another alt, I was going to choose the Durmand Priory this time, but although I clicked on the right npc I think I was standing too far away and it was the other one I actually go the options for. I only realised afterwards and then there seemed to be no way of backing out, which is a shame. Maybe there should be an option to change if you haven’t gone very far into it.

I suppose it down’t make any real difference, it’s not as if it gives you any special abilities or anything is it?

Oh well I guess I just need to be more careful with my next alt.

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: kateuk.7538


My suggestion to those having difficulty:
1.) Make sure you are geared to your level.
2.) Try different weapons, skills, and traits.
3.) Attempt to find a guide online of how to finish the mission.
4.) Ask questions in /map as many people will gladly answer.
5.) Change up your tactics, many problems can be fixed this way in a video game.
6.) Spend the coin and buy signets, runes, etc….
7.) Take a breather as sometimes getting frustrated at a mission will only cause you to make more mistakes.
8.) If all else fails and none of the above solved the issue then ask a friend to come help. After all this is a MMORPG not just a RPG.

I think that this is great advice. The problem is, make it too easy, and it’s boring. Make it too hard, and it’s frustrating. And becomes boring. And how do you pitch it just right for everyone?

I know I’m not a good player. I’ve played WoW for 4 years and always been a lousy dps. This game is different, and I enjoy it, but I’m still rubbish at combat, my reaction speeds are slow and I forget to do things that I should do (like using certain special abilities). I’ve levelled a ranger and an elementalist to 30 and done the storylines appropriate to the level, died some of the time but managed. The mesmer I’ve got to 20, same again, done the storyline up to 20. I had some initial problems but it was easier once I got a better grasp of the mesmer abilities and chose which weapons I liked best. The thief? Well I just can’t do the level 10 part of the story, sorry can’t remember the name of the quest, but I have to go and rescue someone, I have a couple of npcs with me including Rylock Brimstone. Now that is too hard for me. I’m surrounded by enemies and it seems when I die and res at the entrance point I res with the enemies surrounding me each time and just die and die until all my armor is broken and I give up.

I went out, got some improved armour and weapons, tried again, defeated the first big wave of enemies, but then got another, same problem. I do agree that the npcs you take with you die way too easily. Maybe that is part of the problem.

I think my main problem is that I can’t get my head around the thief and it’s abilities. The thief seems quite melee based and I do prefer ranged. Yes I know that the thief has ranged abilities too. I’ve been using pistols a lot, for the ranged abilities. My next tactic will be to ask my partner to help me, he’s much better at combat than I am and will probably tell me it’s “easy” (he always does). He has a level 55 guardian and has not complained about the story at all. He said he only really had problems with one mission and he changed his tactics and did it.

I know it’s supposed to be a “personal” story, but surely taking a friend is no different to having a bunch of npcs with you? A friend won’t die so quickly!

(edited by kateuk.7538)

Cannot Dye Transmuted Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I think it caused my game to crash as well, I accidentally hit dye remover and then clicked a colour on a piece of armour at which point the game crashed.

Blood Witch event should be looked at

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kateuk.7538


It’s too hard unless there are loads and loads of people.

Audio Problems with all storyline conversations.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I’ve had this as well, it’s usually the npc voices missing not mine, and usually at the start of the “conversation”. I’ve had it on both human and sylvari (haven’t really done any others) and it only seems to have been happening since the sept 14th patch. I was playing with my partner and joining him on his storyline, we both found the same lines of dialogue missing, he hadn’t noticed it before either. As our PCs are totally different I think this is a GW problem not something to do with our PCs.

losing keyboard and mouse funtionality

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kateuk.7538


A few times I have lost the mouse functions but I can F12 out of the game, close it down and go back in. Then it’s OK. It doesn’t happen every time I play, sometimes I can be online for hours with no problems. My keyboard and mouse are wired.

Botters.. Everywhere..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I’m reporting loads of goldspammers every day. I’m surprised they can make money when GW2 has it’s own system of being able to pay cash for diamonds which you can then sell for gold, why take the risk buying from spammers and risk having your account hacked? I haven’t noticed botters but I haven’t been looking. I do wish there was an option to report people for inappropriate language, I’ve seen people say the most awful things and I even reported someone for an extremely inappropriate name. I don’t know if anything gets done about all this or how long it takes. I even saw one abusive little idiot claiming that his friend was a GM and he could say what he liked and nothing would happen. I do hope he gets banned.

(edited by kateuk.7538)