Showing Posts For liandral.3275:

Greatest christmas gift ever, thanks ANET

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Bwahahaha – so sorry but am still laughing

Ohhh lookie there – nice chrissie pressie just for meeeeeeee


/deaths /age

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Level 70 thief
109 hours
Deaths 26

Armors in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Graphics in this game : 10/10
PVE : 10/10
PVP: 4/10 (need a big work on this)

Character look (armor) : 1/10

Really….. my chicks is not sexy at all :S Look like she wear male outfit… wtf Anet. Where is skin ? legs ? mini skirt ??? ;( Only this make this game rated below all bad game that have sexy outfits to me…

Bad game + sexy outfits much better THAN good game with unsexy female character … no ?

Gawd, another prepubescent spotty fella who is crying into his milk and cookies because the gals FINALLY get to cover up for a change in a cliche ridden MMO market

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


If I occasionally find myself in over my head I train mobs onto other players, and then play my part in killing them. I’m not sure if its bad etiquette but its my first instinct

Hi Dra,

I suggest you dont do this anymore.

For those of us who have played countless MMO’s, if you aggro too many mobs, run AWAY from other players.

Sometimes you get lucky and outrun or use a stealth skill to de-aggro and end up living, or you die without taking others down with you.

Please have the courtesy to die alone lol.

If you do this, you give other players the choice to choose to help you or not. Often I see another player struggling and will leap in to assist. However I loath those that bring me 7 mobs while I am fighting 2 of my own.

Seriously.. stop doing this ^.^

The Female Human epidemic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


In WoW at one point I tried to counter all the “elven mailbox dancing” by making a really ugly-looking burly little dwarf guy and having him dance around in his skivvies in the same area, trying to chat up any of the guys who seemed to approve of the naked elf-girls.


I approve of this

The Female Human epidemic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275



Is this an issue at all?

As a female I really dont care if males/transexual/gay men or women play female characters let alone female humans.

This is a game

This is fantasy

Enjoy yourselves without hurting others is always my motto and I fail to see how this would hurt anyone or be an issue:)

Happy gaming

Massive Mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


It’s really more about their knee jerk blame of Anet and them not even bothering to look up if it can be reversed.

Yes, that’s fair but some posters are a lil testy on the mechanics of the issue

I also think ANet could have helped when this guild contacted support by pointing to their own wiki to say the information was there.

That would have been helpful to them and this thread would not have been made

I want a class change.

in Suggestions

Posted by: liandral.3275


all i want is to be able to turn my main from an engineer to a thief and not have to spend 300 hours get the map done again. Is that so much to ask for for 800 gems.


Massive Mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Aww come on guys, have a bit of heart…

Is it really so hard for ANet to place a warning on the transfer screen?


Sure it is in the wiki and yes, it would have helped to have read that first, but a simple message added to the transfer screen isnt that difficult to code in and would certainly have avoided this stress on the players.

After being AFK for around 30 mins, I was naked?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Maybe dont go AFK in a vulnerable spot again hmmm

Little Niggles That Nark Me Off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Not sure why people are reacting to the OP’s choice of the word “Niggles”

Common usage over here and dictionary meaning

“a slight or trivial objection or complaint”

Hardware damage from GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Well, I guess GW2 burnt out my GTX670 – but only in a roundabout fashion.

Not sure if New Zealand ends up withthe old stock – however after installing the 670 to cope with GW2 and TSW, after about a month I had white rain and lines across my screen which really puzzled me as I never overclock and have good fans

Taking the card back to the shop – was told that there was a known issue with the card which ended up cooking it over time.

Dont know the full details but am getting a replacement card which doesnt have the same issues.

I think it’s quite fair to say that any high end usage of that graphics card would have cooked it regardless

anyone try rolling dyes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


What does rolling dyes actaully mean..

If you are referring to buying unidentified dyes from the Tradebroker, why on earth would you risk that?

I love dye and the dye system offers huge choice, but I know what dyes I would like so pay good money to get specific shades – not some random junk

My opinion of female medium armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Lets not be like all the asian MMOs please.

Generalizing much?
If there’s anything Asian mmo are the only one who try to cover the most style possible with their outfit.

If I wanted to generalize too I’d say that all American MMO go for the brown and ugly. Which is even closer to the truth than your claim.

I also have to agree – in fact it was the asian MMO’s that I was referring to in my earlier post in that they appear to offer variety of choice with many of their styling however – that would be a generalisation so let’s not go down that track.

More choice is what is required in armor styling which usually results in a happier playerbase

My opinion of female medium armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liandral.3275


Every MMO I have ever played in the last 15 years, this subject invariably crops up.

Female armor is too sexy, not sexy enough, not realistic… infinitum.

Those rare games in which it hasnt, there has been one main factor – variety.

To create well designed armor for women (and the guys playing women, we know you do! ) give variety for us to choose from and the players are extremely happy.

I have my thief in Krytan, but not everyone wishes to use gem-store bought items

Though there are other sets, there are a large amount of trenchcoats out there ANet so you were lazy,

guardian so low, why? :(

in Guardian

Posted by: liandral.3275


I’m one of “those” people who are altaholics.

Been playing since Beta and currently run 7 characters. With each one of these different professions, I have a different skillset to pick up and I enjoy that – it’s the way I get my enjoyment out of the game.

One thing this sort of playstyle provides, is a good understanding on how each profession differs in PvP.
I admit happily that I find some professions more challenging than others to play and Guardian is definately NOT one of them.

This is never about how high your HP is, it’s always about learning how to play your character well

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: liandral.3275


Also, not doing something in fear of criticism shows a lack of confidence and a lack of healthy character. If we all hid from ensnarement, the world would never progress. Get out of your shell and live a little.

Oh please – why on earth should “i” as a player, be forced to respond to someone elses demand, and it is a demand, to duel them right at that point in time, regardless of my own time commitments and activity that I am currently doing at that moment.

Then, as you rather rudely suggest, get informed that this somehow lacks confidence?

It can be a selfish request, pure and simple and usually carried out by those who lack confidence in their own abilities so need to constantly test themselves against others..

Oh yeah… see what I did there kitten

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: liandral.3275


No thanks – I hate getting spammed incesscently with duel requests.

If I want to check my build and how it performs, I’ll pop into pvp.

Even if you have an option to ignore duel requests, you then get tells asking what’s wrong with you for not dueling.