Showing Posts For manarchon.2089:
Best way is to try to out rotate them with more mobile comp. Which is pretty hard is most random games, since ppl don’t get it and get the lack of voice chat makes calling plays on they fly hard.
Trying to cleanse everything with comps like 2 eles might work against unexperienced enemy , but usually if they play decently not since you loose too much damage that way. And usually even that wont be enough against that much condi anyway.
Great post. A “remaster” version of a game like gw1 would still have audience. Maybe not the biggest, but would be profitable anyway.
They will not change gw2 to that direction, we would need a whole new game for it. Sadly it’s not very likely to happen.
Like mentioned it would end up to 100 hours long que times, if you would even get a game ever. You could put yourself to que, take 2 weeks holiday, come back find yourself in same kittening que and still no game.
You would have maybe max 3 players on you kitten sucking list and the rest 200 players on your scrub-kittenlist. Would not work here.
The real question is not why is there so many scrubs in ruby. Cause it probably kittening sucks like it did before and always has.
The question is why doesn’t everybody suck my kitten.
There’s the real philosophical underlining issue. I need my kitten sucked and nobody will do it!
While the matches might be better in terms of not getting like 50 games streaks, it’s still the same whatever class you play or how well ppl in most cases don’t:
a) use any sense whatsoever 75% of the time
b) don’t watch the minimap to reason where to go
c) don’t commicate, unless it’s flaming your team
d) do whenever the kittenever
e) usually nobody switches class to balance the comp unless it’s for the worse
You can still get wins if the enemy suck kitten real hard.
But whatever I play only full berserk thief without runes, sigils, traits and utility skills or weapons. Went 5x lege already. Git gud you scrub! Don’t know what que you plaing noob I’m pro so suck my kitten kitten!
Anyone who thinks that they can’t play a sub level 20 fractal with a four man squad is not an elitist, they are a bad. I feel sorry for your friend, but my gut instinct is that this is just bad luck with one or two idiot groups. My personal experience is that elitism is less of a problem in fractals now than it was in dungeons before HoT. I have an AP level that far excedes my skill level, so I usually notice it when other people kick, and the only time I regularly see people get kicked is when they are insta-downed by agony.
Yep. You can easily 2-3 man sub 20 fracs. Back when I had to farm the “daily recommended” fractals to get the pages for the ad infinitum collection, I frequently did this, if I e.g did them in some really off hours when there’s wasn’t a lot off ppl online.
I tested the “demozerker” buid today. We won against premade that had necro, mesmer, ele, druid and dh or scrapper iirc. We had whatever, no thought up synergy or balance really. Granted, besides the mesmer, that gave me some trouble the team wasn’t awfully good.
Was more fun to play than the condi one’s. You can setup some insane bursts with powerwar and surprise ppl since it seems all are running the one of the current condi builds now. And I think that was what happened it that match also. I haven’t seen one power war so far and I’ve played about 100 games since tuesday.
I have 3 warriors pre-setup: 2 condi and the power one. So I can just relog if I wanna switch from condi to power depending on the enemy team.
And it’s got nothing to do with “bad game design”. By default online games are full of kittens and kittens. If you can say and do whatever you will, certain ppl will always do it.
It’s the same as in any other case where there’s no consequences from your actions. Some ppl use it to their benefit.
Best option is to disable all chat windows when playing random games. It’s the best cure. It*s not so much a problem in GW2, as you still can do this. There’s games where you even can’t disable all the random tubes thrusting piles of vile kitten on your face
Forget teamwork in random games, you won’t see none of it. Just use the minimap, no-one else will, and do your best soloing if you aim to win the game.
I really hope this was just placeholder stuff. I don’t know about other race/gender combos were but Nolan North’s shouts sounded completely limp.
Was expecting the same sort of energy he brought to the death shroud voice acting, lines like “I am death incarnate” in particular sound amazing, but instead we get this completely flat and bored sounding line delivery.
The case here is that the shouts have and have always had exactly the line the shout is.
Whereas when you go into the shroud they had liberty to make up something really cool to say when popping shroud which “I am death incarnate!” most definitely is.
One of the best gameplay voice lines overall in this game
My main guardian is max sized male norn and i would like the shouts and overall male norn voice acting reworked . They don’t sound commanding and masculine enough.
They are in fact in direct opposition to visual image of male norn guard which looks like the who guy who can’t ever die and if he does he falls as last man on the battlefield on his back so the enemy can see he’s the leader. Then he takes 2-3 guys out with him from the downedstate and says: Morior invictus!
Male Charr Necro sounds pretty amazing, it’s so deep and rumbling. “Suffer” in particular has a great kick to it.
Male charr is overall my favourite voice acting in the game along with male/female asura and female sylvari.
I always thought the male norn voice acting lacked masculinity whereas male charr sounds like George C. Scott style raspy, deep aggressive commanding tone which made me do charr necro.
I have a male norn nec too because the big norn looks great overall but was always disappointed to male norn voice acting being too soft and nice sounding.
It lacks the cojones male charr voice has
The +25% speedboost should be made baseline to all classes.
That way different classes would not be in different positions in terms of base mobilily. Now you basically have to use travelers runes most builds in pvp to get the +25% boost or waste utility slot to some useless signet if you have even that. Or your forced to take a certain traitline that has the +25% speedtrait.
And while they’re at it they should remove swiftness as well. It forces you to use certain weapons and/or traits. Mobility should only be affected by sources of superspeed, teleports, leaps, rushes etc.
You combine Jalis with Ventari and the right gear like sentinels + clerics and its kinda tanky then. Taking only Jalis is not tanky alone.
Bit the same as camping ele on earth is not tanky enough you need to use water as well
thats true but in my opinion the Ventari Board is just a nice Gimmick but in sense of PvP total useless, if u switch legend the Board disappear, so ui have to recall it every time if u switch back to Ventari, and with the current pvp “Balance” u dont have the time to do it. (i hope that each legend will get some more ultilities)
And PvE wise no one needs Tanks or Healers right now
Yes ofc its flawed in that way. The functionality needs to be tuned in some way. The ventari skills have nice heals and condiremove but they’re so slow to use you get cc:d to hell
You combine Jalis with Ventari and the right gear like sentinels + clerics and its kinda tanky then. Taking only Jalis is not tanky alone.
Bit the same as camping ele on earth is not tanky enough you need to use water as well
Its not so serious if you have lets say 1 revenant per team. But 2-3 your at a disadvantage since you have under half of your skills.
Played 2 ranked matches with revenant today. Did decently well with a celestial hammer build. One we won other one we lost since we had 1-2 ppl afking half of the match
The stealth buffing combined with burst buffing enabling to basically one shot you from stealth if you have under 20k hp is pretty kittening ridicilous.
There should be some cap how much dmg you can do with basically with one attack ( I count 2-3 clone hitting shatter from invis as such).
And its true its much easier to dominate a game with mesmer even if you suck and are slow old kitten like myself
I dont want nerfs but some minor adjustments would be in place.
You can counter it. with skills like endure pain when you get stunned.
After that he have no clones and mantra on cooldown you can return the favor.
Also in my opinion powercreep>bunkercreep.
When a player in counter strike kill the entire team,
its not because he use a faceroll weapon its because hes good.
He’s good yes. And there’s counterplay yes. But if enemy is in stealth for lets say 10+6+6 secs and for the last one with no sound effect it can be hard to see the burst coming to use your endure pain or block/whatever.
And he’s gonna stun/daze you from invis anyway prolly even 2-3 times + blinds which makes it even harder to time your stunbreak, invul, block. Even if you time it right he gets the burst in even if you break the stun.
A guardian is able to pull the defense off and maybe warrior if you have all your def off cd…. and after that you have all your defense but running used so gl running away from burst mesmer that has cripple on all gs skills…
It was the same with the engi grenadier 200% dmg from stealh. Only change was to hear the engi go into invis and count to two or three then use invul/blocks etc…..
I’m gonna w8 until we get the “power/ burst dmg” trait – line and legend before any final resolutions. But pretty interesting food for thought, ty for this.
I hope the feedback from this weekends beta will steer revenant to the “right” direction….
I still think its an interesting class, but we need to get all info to make viable speculations.
For gear I’m gonna maybe do a cele armor and weps anyway first then switch trinkets and food/util buffs.
I have more ideas on this in few days…
wait until shiro is revealed, fanboys will be screaming in joy (including myself) and it will likely be the high dps power line were all waiting for.
Yeah would be so cool to have Shiro legend with at least some of the skills he uses in the final mission of Factions .
Shiro was a truly THE kitten, “in your face”; “I’m gonna murder you, your family and pets then laugh at your graves while I kitten on them” – kinda dude of GW – lore.
They could add some of the other cool characters as legends later on such as Varesh Ossa etc.
The stealth buffing combined with burst buffing enabling to basically one shot you from stealth if you have under 20k hp is pretty kittening ridicilous.
There should be some cap how much dmg you can do with basically with one attack ( I count 2-3 clone hitting shatter from invis as such).
And its true its much easier to dominate a game with mesmer even if you suck and are slow old kitten like myself
I dont want nerfs but some minor adjustments would be in place.
It doesn’t have the elites lines yet but otherwise seems to be working
I think they just add the masteries, which are like achivements prolly, without adding anymore levels or adding more any more fractals or end bosses.
The pve focus is open world zerging with gliders and kitten. Killing the dragons once more with random zerglings
I’ve had four (4) fractals daggers so far. I have 3 spare fractal dagger skins sitting on some bank alts inv
. Also 3 gs skins, 3 hammers, 3 axes, 3 swords etc…:D
But I still want the warhorn and sb, which are the only skins I don’t yet have…
(edited by manarchon.2089)
I love the psycho kitten. Especially when that annoying kitten finally dies.
Also buying AC paths 1 and 3 is good leveling. Considering how cheap it is and if you have use for the tokens.
I personally don’t like the the switching at boss as a practice with pugs unless the its pugs I’ve done runs with before. Never did it with pugs myself. But I usually give my go since the content is so easy anyway.
Its maybe funny to use spvp or wvw builds in dungeons and fractals for kittens and giggles. But do inform others youre in a casual joking mood
This is actually a good thing IMO if and if you get some compensation from the spare points you now will have more than enough. Im at rank 1590 so I have about 200 spare points now. After this patch I will have plenty more. So its ok as long as they compesate something for ppl that have grinded high rank in some way or another.
Eotm made the wvw rank a joke anyway. With bd-boosters you could hoard ranks whilst leveling chars and karma training ridicilously fast anyway. I did that myself to max the traits to get all the masteries capped
Lots of the more skillfull wvw players that have mainly roamed havent had the possibilty to gain high rank
Ikr. Didnt realize it was limited time sale so didn’t rush on getting it. Today I played spvp with a guildee who had Dreamer on his ranger and wanted to get the finisher.
Traded some gold to gems to get to 800 and didn’t find it in the section where the other finishers are.
Well I think they bring it back considering how popular it was.
Will the permanent rainbow unicorn finisher be back on sale in the gemstore in future? Missed my opportunity to get one.
Before the pvp UI rework, I tried my first two games of pvp. I didn’t understand the choices, so I ended up in the ranked matches. I did two games and hosed my team in one of them.
Now, I’m curious to try again, but don’t want to cause problems. The buttons at the top say Practice (Custom Arena) and Play (Unranked Arena). If I want to learn the maps and get some practice fighting with a pvp build that’s a bit different than my WvW build, which button do I choose? What’s the difference between them?
Any other tip for an experienced WvW player, but total pvp newbie?
To get a feel of the map structure and the secondary mechanics and just test/practice a build or get your rotations down you want to use maybe hotjoin. But there, youre not going to learn to actually play the conquest mode since the teams are unbalanced and ppl dont care much anyway of capping and holding points or winning etc. So you can do whatever you like there. Fight offpoint go for secondary objectives whenever you like etc. Also the enemies there are either truly horrible playing whatever build or more exp:d just ganking ppl with metabuilds.
If you have played wvw I would maybe go for unranked since it doesnt affect ppls leaderboard points but you get same rewards as ranked. So ppl will rage less there. Depending the team you get ppl might also actually try to win the games and in any case if someone doesn’t dc or ragequit/go afk the teams are 5 vs 5. Builds that are at least someway functional even the ones that are not played that much can work there. But try them out. I suggest go to ranked after you get more exp get the gamemode and basic principles and tactics down and can play at least one class and build decently well.
Turrets need hotnerfed just to make them a little fun to fight against.
Turrets fire cream pies and confetti. Purely cosmetic (and fun)
This is a pure fun buff to Turret Engies. Turret Engies will now come with 100% more fun in matches with this change. You say hotnerf, I say hotbuff ;D
I’m afraid it might feel humiliating then for some poeple, though. ^^
A big black high health and toughness turret spraying creampieshots that would cc you and give aoe stability to keep everyone up would be awesome
By far Foefire is the worst map, this not because of the design itself but because it’s extremely easy to abuse cheap specs with little to no effort.
-1) Massive input of AI specs that sit mid from start till end, and you have not enough aoe to clear the all point
-2) Lb rangers/Mesmers paradise , free range shooting with little risk
These two reason are why Foefire get chosen often over other, it’s far too easy for even the worst premade to win on that map
I really don´t care for people who “abuse cheap specs”.
I play the game to have fun, and I just don´t find enjoyable playing the same map over and over.
The gw2 pvp forum should be renamed “the turret engi haters’ official whining shrine” since theres not a topic here that doesnt feature whining about how op turret engis are and how the build should be nerfed and removed from game and ppl playing it publicly flogged and shamed while crowd is throwing rotten egs and tomatoes at them.
By far Foefire is the worst map, this not because of the design itself but because it’s extremely easy to abuse cheap specs with little to no effort.
-1) Massive input of AI specs that sit mid from start till end, and you have not enough aoe to clear the all point
-2) Lb rangers/Mesmers paradise , free range shooting with little risk
These two reason are why Foefire get chosen often over other, it’s far too easy for even the worst premade to win on that map
I was talking about playing solo with random team not playing against a 5 turret engi premade. Problems with other maps if we dont count the kittenmaps in unranked include:
-ppl not taking out enemy treb and running to mid to die for treb fire repeatedly
-ppl using treb when its not useful to your team leaving you 4 vs 5
-Lb rangers, staff eles, mesmers abusing the tower roof for ranging mid
-taking the beast wrong time
-taking the beast over capping
-taking the beast instead of helping teamfight thus your team wiping and losing cap
-enemy thief steals your beast but still you go for it so he can do it again 2-3 times
-The turreteers camping mid with LB rangers and mesmers camping on some ledges and wherever
-ppl going to get ferocoty over capping of teamfights
-ppl not going for stillness and tranquillity
Foefire is by far the best map to play solo que with random team. Even though ppl still go for stupid reapeated solo or duo yolo lord rushes and waste time there, die there in the wrong time instead of being in teamfights and lose the game for you when enemy gets 3 cap during them most of the time the game is won on lost with primary objectives and teamfights.
My frustration with the community. Engis
kitten this class
then just run condi, it’s an autowin against engineer if you are not awful at playing the build. engineer is designed to be very weak vs condi and cc, especially condi.
on the topic of overconfidence in the community, i mean what can be said? these people have no idea how bad they are and many refuse to change tactics. i tried to teach a new player how to play once, but all he wanted to do is run zerker GS warrior and rage about engineers. refused to listen to my advice, even though i have been playing since beta and him only 2 weeks. noobs with big heads are rampant in this community, it’s sad- with some humility and patience they could be good players.
Condi isnt an “autowin” against a turreteer. The main problem with pure condi vs turreteer is the getting rid of turrets part which is faster with pure power or cele spec. How fast can you condi burst down a sentinels amulet turreteer that gets buffed by turrets while you take dmg and cc from them and from the turreteers rifle and turrets?
I agree with turret whiners on one thing a team of 5 turrets engis is pretty kittened to play against in conquest game mode since you cant run around them. 2 is ok, 1 is in most cases good for your team because of the weaknesses of the build.
The main problem is in random teams ppl dont play together, cant play themselves, dont use brain cells for common sense like taking the dps turrets down on point before going to fight there hence they die ofc.
There are lots of kittenheads in these kinds of games. Most players you see in GW2 spvp playing random teams or even premades are pretty crappy anyway. The bad part is when you’re not so good a player and your a kitten and human kittenpile at the same time as well while lacking the basic manners of social interaction, you get pretty vile kitten in your hands.
A mesmer “specialist” who cant counter a turret engi. Interesting. Maybe the easiest class to take turreteer down fast when running power build. Kinda fun as well.
Its kind of a paradox that ppl complain about some build that is easy to counter and call it braindead afk build (which it is in a way) when they themselves die off fire from stationary turrets because they stand on the fire and dont even try take them out.
One might start to think that ppl that complain nerf this nerf that on a daily basis use up all their time complaining on forums instead of practicing their own counterplay on classes and builds they feel difficult from one reason or another to play against.
Analytical discussion about class balance is another thing. But then you would need some valid arguments.
I much rather play against a team with a turret engi than a team with an engi using some other build (cele rifle, condi) which are both better builds than turrets.
I think its kittening funny that ppl consider its annoying to have on in your team. This might be the case if its puts you at disadvantage. But I see ppl whining about even when you win games.
The main issue on random teams at least in unranked is ppl not willing to destroy the dps turrets first. I very rarely if ever see this, even if you remind of this easy workaround.
A team with 2 turret engis is a bit annoying I quess but manageable. Its a L2P issue and not even a very diffilcult to learn. Annoying build maybe but if you know the counterplay easy to deal with. Lots of other annoying builds we cant remove all builds that dont please you for some reason.
I just played one match with my little female asura op as hell turret engi. In 4 different cases ppl attacked with 1 or 2 ppl and didn’t focus turrets first from range and just fought me on point. I think there was one guy who was sensible enough to focus my rocket turret and take it out first.
On one instance a single thief attacked and fought me on point. All my turrets up, was not even trying to damage the turrets. Needless to say fight was over pretty fast.
no his post legit. please dont accuse ppl pyriel. lets keep civil okays?
This is a casual game. So lots and lots of casual players. And as much as I hate loosing games when ppl on my team have no idea what or why they are doing something i accept it when i que solo. Only thing you can is do your part and encourage others do right things and hope they listen and adapt as you do.
The casuals don’t destroy the balance I think but the fact that there’s not enough “skilled” players and “hardcore” teams to pit against eachother in a team arena que.
If they were it would be sensible to have separete ques for more casual players and more elite players. But I think you would then que 24 hours to do one match of pvp.
I think the more important point is that the conquest, node-capping and holding game mode in this game is boring in itself. If you wanna win rush 2 points fast and then hold them. Rotate if needed rinse and repeat.
It favors bunkerish builds that can do bit damage, have support and some cc and decent mobilty.
Except that completely pushed out any form of bunker guard, mesmers are almost never scene except for 2 or three max. And every group is just “cele+hoelbrak/pack runes insert class here.” The only necro you ever really see is Noscoc and a couple of teams trying “surprise” power necro people.
Face it engi and ele cele build needs nerfed. I say just do the amulet.
Why not remove that stat from game altogether and remove might as well?
Cause the next thing if cele amulet is nerfed or removed is ppl still complaining how some classes benefit from might better and from might runes and sigils. Remove them as well.
I think the more important point is that the conquest, node-capping and holding game mode in this game is boring in itself. If you wanna win rush 2 points fast and then hold them. Rotate if needed rinse and repeat.
It favors bunkerish builds that can do bit damage, have support and some cc and decent mobilty.
Yes nerf all the meta builds! And nerf turret engi as well! Must be true! Everybody said so!
Anet just nerfed the wrong thing when they gutted might. It should have been celestial.
Next step is to remove celestial and while were at it lets remove might as well. And dont forget turret engies and full zerk power rangers. Should be removed, too op.
So you are saying a gross over representation of 3 classes running one specific build per class out of the 8 classes in the game, is okay?
Its not optimal but if they nerf them down, remove them etc. theres gonna be another meta specs in their place that dominate the scene. Then ppl start complaining about that meta and demand nerfs. It’s a neverending cycle.
Ppl will always use specs/teams that have the most efficiency if they plan to win competitive games.
like you knowalot of the class skills are easy to pull off and do lotsa dmg
like if it involved more set up n timing would that anger the average frat boy?
pls give good feedback
Yes it does.
What i suggest is to prevent casual players entering hotm altogether. Only if you have 10k+ ranked/team arena games and play a full zerker non-meta spec should you be allowed to pvp in this game. Otherwise the balance is all kittened up and it ruins the gaming pleasure from true hardcore elite players who can actually play.
I totally agree with you bro!
Yes nerf all the meta builds! And nerf turret engi as well! Must be true! Everybody said so!
Anet just nerfed the wrong thing when they gutted might. It should have been celestial.
Next step is to remove celestial and while were at it lets remove might as well. And dont forget turret engies and full zerk power rangers. Should be removed, too op.
Yes nerf all the meta builds! And nerf turret engi as well! Must be true! Everybody said so!
Trouble is, I’m not the best at the fighting and/or disengaging part somehow. I’ve tried a few builds (not meta most times) on my characters but I can’t seem to hold my own on more than a 1v1. (And even then, some classes give me more trouble than others. Not hating though; good show, thieves)
90% or more cant 2 vs 1 anything. Maybe hold a point a little while with point holding build until help gets there. And thieves, well its a class designed to make teamfighs uneven with mobilty or pressure ppl 1 vs 1. Most ppl cant handle a decent thief without proper counter spec 1 vs 1.
I suggest you go check up the metabuilds, use them, go unranked and if you know how to teamplay and your doesnt suck big time you’ll be fine. Later on when you get more exp you can start experimenting more at least in unranked. The rewards and achi`s are same in unranked and ranked only unranked wont affect leaderboard status.
If someone starts flaming you or gets personal for whatever turn off chat-channels. I only keep teamchat on at start and use it for what its purpose is. If someone starts abusing it i just disable it.
Its not intented for flaming and kittenting on ppl but communicating in way that helps the team.
They should bring some kind of individual resign option as well. Just lost a game when 2 ppl went afk at crucial moment. After that match was lost but additional minutes of my time wasted cause i cant resign and i sure as hell not gonna sit on a base afk when im there to fight a match.
The alt + F4 isnt viable since it doesnt throw you out of match instantly and even if it did you have the inconvenience of starting client again and going through 2 login screens and waiting to load.
Because in a team environment, you have structure, You have bunkers you have tactics. In PuG environment (99% of the games) the rangers wreck the game. I stopped counting how many times i’ve played with team with only berserker guardians or berserker warriors that were dropping faster than the speed of light.
A team having only berserker guardians and warrors against 5 lb full glass power rangers is pretty silly matchup anyway. But berserker guardian the medi dps one is actually pretty good against a lb ranger.
You have elite invul with 72 sec cd, 2 times aegis, focus shield, heal block. teleport skill with 1200 range. A ranged wep with immobilize and good single target damage. A melee wep with leap, blind and pull. You can slot wor trait it with master of consecrations and syg for stabi against pb shot instead of smite condi and cop and if you have the 5 ranger comp.
You lose healing and condi remove that you dont need that much against power ranger but gain defense that you shut down the rangers high bursts with. Close cap with tp and gs leap if ranger gets out of melee try to keep within 1200 so you can use scepter.
I had this happen to me as well. So I started voulenteering which is kinda annoying that you have to or risk losing the win bonus. It’s not so much voulenteering then lol.
This is the price you pay from farming easy wins for achi´s. When you indeed can browse matches and find one that has say 350-100 situation you join the winning team and take points somewhere all you need is do one cap, kill, res or whatever and get the fast win but you have the risk to get autobalanced to loserdom before the end xD.