Showing Posts For narrock.6890:

Another lesbian relationship?

in Lore

Posted by: narrock.6890


So we are now insulting the fact that the game has strong female characters? I for one find it really refreshing to be playing in a world where a guy doesn’t have to be the one who figures everything out and saves the day.

replace word strong with contrived and you eluding to making people have every right to call these “characters” bad, sexist(in your eyes) is proving you have nothing stand of but accusing us something were not. The story is BAD and calling us out claiming our argument is “putting men is story cuz girls ew” is not doing anything to make things better.

(edited by narrock.6890)

New World Bosses

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: narrock.6890


From what I’ve read the wurm boss will be similar in difficultly to Tequatl and for story you only need to fight the boss, which makes me thankful I’m in TTS at the moment. I’d join a Teq slaying guild before this boss patches as I imagine they’ll be recruiting in the lead up to this update.

The difficulty doesn’t bother me, but if the rewards aren’t better than then champ trains, then it will just be abandoned like Teq was. A-net really needs to balance which content gives rewards, and make some content give exclusive rewards. I’m not sure if they already do this, but it would help utilize the more abandoned world bosses.

Ive only beaten Teq twice, but I thought the rewards were pretty good. I got an ascended chest on my first time beating him though (about a month ago). Why are people always saying the rewards arent good enough? Its like 15 mins of actually doing something.

just because you got lucky means nothing

How do you feel about GW2 right now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.

what have we gotten that we asked for we asked for progression got a insane grind for BIS gear, we asked to help even the playing field in wvw for servers wither lower pop we got bloodlust back, we asked for fractal to be fun they make dredge EVEN WORSE that’s not what people want. its misinterpretation of the problem and making it worse.

NO the forms asked for gear that was not much stronger they also wanted something to work for and to have something that can majorly drop. That is the new gear for you if they where too strong you would be singing a different toon kitten ing them for making too strong of gear. Open field fights for out number was AC and other wvw weapons but they where made to deal with ppl and something that would have an impact in a fight so ppl did not wish to counter this and they asked for them to be nerfed so now numbers will still win a fight some of the time. Most ppl hated blood lust and felt it was too much. Fractal was adding in the old LS that was ASKED to be replay and that how you replay that keeps in line with the story.

No has nothing to do with misinterpretation its that ppl on these forums have no idea what unintentional consequences are and only think in the moment of what they want NOW. If you cant get a item you want you become obsessed with that one item and before trying to work on getting it ppl are more likely to come on the forums and ask for it to be easier to obtain. And that just what your doing in your post.

1: Ok one that first part you proved my point not yours
2 in the second part you brought something unrelated to anything or i said to insult me and others. I never ONCE mentioned getting that one item easy and, not wanting to work for it.

No i was showing you the reason for the changes due to the forums. Then i was posting out your reaction to something in the game and how you where using the forums to get it and not just simply playing the game.

Another case in point what going on now is zerker ppl have been making forms about pve zerker being the only way to play and they wanted it fixed and now we are getting a fix.

Ok i’m done your lying to get your non existent point across when post this
“your reaction to something in the game and how you where using the forums to get it and not just simply playing the game. " your have no ground to stand by lying to me and anybody else that can clearly see that was NEVER BROUGHT UP your just berating me to make yourself look like the hero.

How do you feel about GW2 right now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.

what have we gotten that we asked for we asked for progression got a insane grind for BIS gear, we asked to help even the playing field in wvw for servers wither lower pop we got bloodlust back, we asked for fractal to be fun they make dredge EVEN WORSE that’s not what people want. its misinterpretation of the problem and making it worse.

NO the forms asked for gear that was not much stronger they also wanted something to work for and to have something that can majorly drop. That is the new gear for you if they where too strong you would be singing a different toon kitten ing them for making too strong of gear. Open field fights for out number was AC and other wvw weapons but they where made to deal with ppl and something that would have an impact in a fight so ppl did not wish to counter this and they asked for them to be nerfed so now numbers will still win a fight some of the time. Most ppl hated blood lust and felt it was too much. Fractal was adding in the old LS that was ASKED to be replay and that how you replay that keeps in line with the story.

No has nothing to do with misinterpretation its that ppl on these forums have no idea what unintentional consequences are and only think in the moment of what they want NOW. If you cant get a item you want you become obsessed with that one item and before trying to work on getting it ppl are more likely to come on the forums and ask for it to be easier to obtain. And that just what your doing in your post.

1: Ok one that first part you proved my point not yours
2 in the second part you brought something unrelated to anything or i said to insult me and others. I never ONCE mentioned getting that one item easy and, not wanting to work for it.

(edited by narrock.6890)

How do you feel about GW2 right now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.

what have we gotten that we asked for we asked for progression got a insane grind for BIS gear, we asked to help even the playing field in wvw for servers wither lower pop we got bloodlust back, we asked for fractal to be fun they make dredge EVEN WORSE that’s not what people want. its misinterpretation of the problem and making it worse.

(edited by narrock.6890)

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: narrock.6890


Also, I know this is internet and kitten and it´s expected to people rage over here, but I just had enough of this already. And if you want a response from the devs – be polite, provide constructive feedback and don´t demand.?

Just calm down and enjoy the game. If you don´t enjoy it, stop playing. Easy as that.

uhm no telling people to shut up is not helpful people complain hoping the game gets better and we have people like you insulting us, telling us shut and “leave the game” were treated like trash by people like you “I just had enough of this already” that’s our line

“be polite, provide constructive feedback and don´t demand” as you said

(edited by narrock.6890)

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


Dueling is just one aspect of what’s wrong with GW2 pvp. Conflict in GW2 doesn’t go beyond limited areas (SPvP & WvW).

Their design philosophy, is basically: everyone holds hands, in a cooperative environment, against PvE.

This is why there isn’t any factions. In WoW, you have Horde vs. Alliance. In Rift, you have Defiance vs. Guardians. In Swtor, Empire vs. Republic, etc.. the list goes on.

In my opinion, this was a very bad decision. Imagine a faction-based environment in GW2, where the Vigil, Priory, Whispers were at war. It doesn’t necessarily have to be these orders either, as they could’ve used old GW1 lore for Shining Blade and White Mantle. The possibilities are enormous here.

Instead, we get a watered down PvP environment in WvW, where faceless enemies represent a server, instead of a faction. How lame is that? And SPvP doesn’t excite either, because it just represents Blue vs. Red colors, instead of factions.

I agree, too

stopping spamming the forums with that realey rude attatchment

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


This again? Must be Tuesday (to paraphrase another poster in another thread…)

I want the Dive Master achievement. I don’t want to have to do jumping puzzles for it. I think JP’s are a waste of time and energy. I think they should be removed from the requirement.

I want the Slayer Title. I don’t want to have to go to Orr and kill Giants to get it. I don’t want to be forced to do something I don’t want to do in order to get my Achievement.


I’m sorry. I don’t have sympathy for you. If you don’t want to go to a WvW map, then don’t go. But keep in mind that if you don’t, then you’re not entitled to your 100%.

If you’re only doing it for your Gift, then find something else to do or whip out that credit card and buy your legendary. It’s much better to do that than be forced into doing something you don’t want to do…

post like this are pointless and insulting; people leave games over people like you so stop.

“I’m sorry. I don’t have sympathy for you. If you don’t want to go to a WvW map, then don’t go. But keep in mind that if you don’t, then you’re not entitled to your 100%”

yes they and your just being rude

Let's play a fun game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


hate: forum privileges still active even though players don’t play anymore

like: the game

hate: the fact they backtracked on the manifisto

like: that i can report stuff like this for verbal abuse

Thank you Arena Net

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


noticed anet edit out part were Op called people who dislike the game idiots and lairs to have a reason not lock this thread

Appreciate ascended armor you dang kids!

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: narrock.6890


I think a lot of people need to play other MMOs to really appreciate how Anet did the Ascended and Exotic gear systems.
Best in slot gear? In any other MMO system, it would come from a level 50 Fractal and drop at random from the end boss, and usually not drop at all. Then, you’d have to roll over it with your other party members. And then, you’d go back and do it all over again for the rest of your equipment. Meanwhile, if you didn’t get that Ascended Armor, the next best things, exotics, would have such terrible stats that you wouldn’t be able to play most of the game. Without grinding for those Ascended, your stats would be so poor in WvW, PvP, and you wouldn’t even be able to set foot in Orr without a fully-ascended party.

its crafted only (besides trinkets) i played mmos most let you get from rng drop if not tokens you get regardless if it dropped or to work to it and get it later aslo it not time gated with laurels, but in gw2 its crafted or a insane rng lower then legendarys in other games

Scarlet not Part of Wintersday!

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: narrock.6890


I like scarlet, i dont get all the hate, is it because people dont like being beat up off a woman?

don’t get the hate hmm… you must never read forums also that jab at the the whole being due the fact shes female thing is juts awful to saw is not because she is female its never was nobody ever brought that up once people hate mary sue with more power then dragon, people hate hearing a voice actor that good at their worst , people hate “characters” with such lack on any context and motivation and, people hate GW1 being retconned to make her ’fit" in the story. Not that shes a female and it never was

I dislike Scarlet

in Living World

Posted by: narrock.6890


I am a fan of Guild Wars 2, and I am neither horrified or disgusted.

we should all be I honestly can not stand you people calling this “story” good or better then dragons when generic is better then your “original stolen character” YOU ARE BAD A MAKING A story. Nobody should be defending this objectively bad story that has added NOTHING to this game, but retcons of the first it game its driving me insane people defending AND Insulting me for doing so guess what? Until scarlet is retconned out i don’t care what guys do any no matter what you make what do unless she is no longer canon in this story is dead to me. I’m not going to stand be and watch something with so much potential be ruined, by fans who cant look past a badly constructed rip of mary sue with more powers and resources then Zhaitan at this point.

i’m done with the defense of this have seen games with bad stories and, games ones with great stories but GW2 is not either its below bad its just somthing else like they are trying to make it worse then the worst. its angering me that this gets a free pass while allot better is stuck in mud with no hope getting by. This “stories” like this one and, prototype 2 are the only ones on this list its not bad its insulting that this being allowed to continue when we deserve allot more from you at this point you have proved you are above this low brow level of writing.

I dislike Scarlet

in Living World

Posted by: narrock.6890


Quick fact, I’ve never played a game because I considered it to be great literature. Typically, I enjoy games for their cheesy story lines. I enjoy the LS in GW2. If I want great literature, I’ll read a book.

then you aer settling the story is one of guild wars main selling points on the box and, the promos people want better your settling for less ALLOT less

game vs forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


And this, my friends, is the reason why what is said on the forums do not reflect the general opinion in game.

and this post here is why the game never goes past it carrot on stick one month zerg fest

Ascended Armor

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: narrock.6890


These topics are getting old. There is nothing to discuss. If you wanted a discussion it should have happened months ago not now on the verge of releasing.

this topic started that many months ago and we are still mad that says something. so no we wont accept blindly what could possibly the worst grind/money sink in mmo history

Does lore matter?

in Lore

Posted by: narrock.6890


based on Bobbys “response” to the criticism in the thread witch has bean none he only responded to berate one guy claiming hes not being team players basically a polite way of saying shut up and, giving shout outs to fans of scarlet i see zero evidence of the so called CDI here. what good QA dev would do is look at all the hate spewed over and over no matter how negative and get the idea of what the general consensus is and work on that idea not brush it off as being to negative then back off to then respond to people insulting the critics claiming were “to toxic” and “haters” this thread has turned to toxic spewing one and its all in anets favor.

Will it happen again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


honestly with all the whining I think they should just remove all racial armor for a few days to make everyone appreciate what they have more, and realize its better to share than to run around screaming “MINE” like a 5 year old, the skin are over a year old gtf over it

way to prove you side of the “issue” buy insulting berating people and calling them names the fact that your “post” has yet to be deleted shocks me

How would you rate this update?

in Living World

Posted by: narrock.6890


9/10 best update so far. Finally some attention to fractal runners.

yea its great the the fractal runners got their progress reset to 30 and got zero compensation for their hard work /sarcasm

Does lore matter?

in Lore

Posted by: narrock.6890


Hi Bobby.

My only disdain with lore in this update, is that discussion of the lore is being stifled because of the Scarlet Hate. There are IMO much more interesting reveals this update that are just utterly buried by the never-ending stream of scarlet vitriol.

Its well deserved “criticism” not vitriol when people have complained since day 1 about this…“Character” and are ignored but when people like yourself respond with praise for anet and claim all who against are just spewing vitriol and brush us off like were lesser humans it tend to lessen my respect for anet and you

What if Ascended Gears was reversed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narrock.6890


I would be happy with the rest of the player base (who are not WoW fanboys) .

i play wow all i can say is your being insulting and rude with disgusting post like this GW2 is not the end all be all game.

Best Engineer Names

in Engineer

Posted by: narrock.6890


named mine manly sceince the study of manliness

For all the Scarlet haters and Joker lovers

in Living World

Posted by: narrock.6890


The joker has no particular motive to do what he does.

uh…. you clearly have no idea who joker is then his motivations have been made clear before you are to blame for not seeing them. The joker has motivation to take down batman by killing him, breaking him mentally or make those around distrust him by having him kill him. Why you may ask well batman was the one who made him nuts by pushing him into a vat a of chemicals that bleached his skin and made his lips red and must don’t know if he is really crazy or, if its just and act to egg on batman to finally break his code thus breaking the bat. that’s just one reason i have 2 others as for

scarlet o the other no just a shameless handling of this type of character to cash in on it while its still fresh in people minds

edit: woops forgot to mention this is pre new 52 joker ,new 52 joker is more… yea…

(edited by narrock.6890)

Final cut scene at last instance is-

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


P.S. I was going to go much more in depth on why Scarlet has a lot more depth then you seem to think. But it’s pretty clear people have made up their minds on the subject, for good or ill.
I’m not going to waste my time (or yours) explaining it and trying to go against the general agenda of some people here have to bash Anet and GW2 every chance they get.

show me this i have heard this so many times from scarlet sue defenders yet NONE has backed it up once.

I’m not going to waste my time (or yours) explaining it and trying to go against the general agenda of some people here have to bash Anet and GW2 every chance they get

what “Agenda” scarlet is just plain bad writing that rips off better character and has zero motivation as of yet and, no the websites stories don’t count they still explain nothing and, are not in game so i don’t see it as in part of it.

Final cut scene at last instance is-

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


all i saw was still screenshots a character model face stretched out making it looking weird, a summery of old updates and zero explanation still for whats going on. Then the real kicker she walks away slowly and you can do nothing for no reason.

Random one-shots are not fun.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


Don’t walk into the spore mines… They show a clear AoE marker around them and pop few seconds later.

hard to avoid when its random person #3549 setting it off and you don’t notice then fly off the edge and die.

Scarlet, Slayer of Lores.

in Lore

Posted by: narrock.6890


Personally only a fraction of the people dislike Scarlet. but those are, as always the people who speak out on the forums. I absolutly love the character and think she is truly a job well done.

So definitely not signed.

I must day I agree with you. I really like her. Lore is not unwritten here just expanded and that has always been something that has made Guild Wars so great.

So yeah definitely not signed

stepping all over established Krait, Dredge, Flame Legion and, even the Asura starting quest lore to shove scarlet in is not “expanding lore” its killing it and making scarlet the sole cause all the worlds woe for what? oh right a “pay off” that will tie it all together…No i rather she was the retconed one out not the lore that was there before her.

Well she didn’t step over the established Krait, Dredge, Flame Legion and especially not the Asura starting quest Lore. ( playing the first story missions would show that only the golem was sabotaged, and the Inquest tempered with the hardware itself and not the design )

SHE DID ruin flame legion simple really shes female flame legion hate females with a passion and see them as servants in their world why would any fallow her? oh right the would not ever and no it was not manipulation.. its a magical world called “we cant tie this in well WHO CARES throw it in anyway those lore fans can rot for all we care”

second in dredge another xenophobic race that make less sense fallowing her by ALLOT more one xenophobes that one thing but the big one is them serving her they would never put themselves on that spot after what happened with the dwarf why fallow a useless plant who is quite clearly not here to help.

And then there is the krait a race of crazy guys who see all other races as beneath them see nothing as any real threat and are devout followers of a religious text that has only subtle changes made by its priest. So if scarlet tampered with it she would be killed even if it was subtle, killed and if she had a Krait obelisks shard to bribe them KILLED no matter how strong her armies were to back up the bribe because Krait, as i said see nothing a threat.

To say she didn’t ruin the lore is just a flat out lie.

Scarlet, Slayer of Lores.

in Lore

Posted by: narrock.6890


Personally only a fraction of the people dislike Scarlet. but those are, as always the people who speak out on the forums. I absolutly love the character and think she is truly a job well done.

So definitely not signed.

I must day I agree with you. I really like her. Lore is not unwritten here just expanded and that has always been something that has made Guild Wars so great.

So yeah definitely not signed

stepping all over established Krait, Dredge, Flame Legion and, even the Asura starting quest lore to shove scarlet in is not “expanding lore” its killing it and making scarlet the sole cause all the worlds woe for what? oh right a “pay off” that will tie it all together…No i rather she was the retconed one out not the lore that was there before her.

(edited by narrock.6890)

marjory and Kasmeers work relationship?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


As a female gamer, I’ve found myself relating just about equally to male and female characters in any game. A good, strong character is a good, strong character regardless of gender.

calling GW2 characters Strong is a insult to the word. To best to describe all but what 2 characters in this game would be “Lazy”


Personally, I think that there have been a few interesting and memorable characters in GW2. The devs have had their misfires, sure, but that’s pretty much par the course for any MMO.

Kas and Jory haven’t been seen too much but they’re well liked and certainly ripe for more development and scenes. An evolving or established romance might be interesting to see.

I say some are good that’s why i said most not all but on the other hand most other mmos i played with heavy story and, the ones that focus on gameplay have done better…allot…better then this so called “story” they set up here

marjory and Kasmeers work relationship?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


As a female gamer, I’ve found myself relating just about equally to male and female characters in any game. A good, strong character is a good, strong character regardless of gender.

calling GW2 characters Strong is a insult to the word. To best to describe all but what 2 characters in this game would be “Lazy”

Feedback regarding the music [merged]

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


Well I wouldn’t call this an important trailer… This is a freakin update, how many other game companies makes trailers of updates!?

all other mmo’s have update preview trailers ALL OF THEM even non mmos like Skyrim and fps games have update trailers.

"Finish Them!" in PVE -- no, please?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


Are you kidding me? This is the best thing that’s happened in a long time. You know how when you down a sylvari and then some krait runs over to res them? Yeah, they don’t like to stop trying. So if one were to, I don’t know, drop an AoE on the downed mob, you could get two kills for the price of one. More importantly, this shifts the focus away from lelelellelelelelzerker and lelelelleehealthpools towards what could potentially be interesting gameplay that allows you to prioritise disabling /not necessarily killing/ the biggest problem first and dealing a ton of damage to the poor saps who try to get him back in the fight. I don’t know, maybe I’m insane for wanting gameplay with more depth than autoattack x guys till they die?

this does not add depth all it added nothing it just artificially lengthens the fight needlessly for what? it does not change game play? no it just has people zerk harder and aggro more mobs they never wanted to fight. carefully selecting what to fight? gone, rallying? near impossible that is what it “added”. so no this is not “the best thing that’s happened in a long time” its just lazy the fact any defend it baffles me.

FYI its not going to hinder the depth its going to removing something never should have been.

Feedback regarding the music [merged]

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


Sigh i really dont think you get the point

i did and quite frankly i was right with what i said at first time you are insulting people and add nothing leave.

Feedback regarding the music [merged]

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


And in other news today.. the GW2 community have effectively run out of things to complain about….

Wait. The Devs are gearing up for another announcement. Stay tuned folks, more complaining is on the way!!!

wow who upvoted these insults at the entire community?
bad unfitting music is not running out of complaints its a real issue its same as the rap trailers for Assassin’s creed 4 its just poor taste and reflects poorly on the game. you don’t build up a dark and eerie atmosphere then start blasting CeeLo.

Cause all people seem to do every now and days is gripe gripe gripe and now there crying over something as silly as trailer music. Its one thing to complain but the music in the trailer is not one of them in fact the contest it self is one of the better things to complain about cause for one Oceanic/Asian population get shafted for contest Two look at the Q and A here “Q: Can I record vocals over “The Nightmares Within” song?
A: Yes, you can add an English vocal track to “The Nightmares Within” instrumental. English only, please – we need to understand what you’re saying!”. If i am a primary Spanish speaker i am basically forfeiting if i do Spanish vocal’s even if i translate them apparently. There also a few other legit thing’s that when people bring up on the forums go largely ignored by the overall community and devs

so your mad about something else that has nothing to do the OP, but rather then start a post asking about this problem you come here and insult people and claim your problem is above others….I….I…honestly can not believe your attitude.

Feedback regarding the music [merged]

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


And in other news today.. the GW2 community have effectively run out of things to complain about….

Wait. The Devs are gearing up for another announcement. Stay tuned folks, more complaining is on the way!!!

wow who upvoted these insults at the entire community?
bad unfitting music is not running out of complaints its a real issue its same as the rap trailers for Assassin’s creed 4 its just poor taste and reflects poorly on the game. you don’t build up a dark and eerie atmosphere then start blasting CeeLo.

Feedback regarding the music [merged]

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: narrock.6890


Sadly i haven’t lost faith in devs what i have lost it in is the community and how much a train wreck its become

way to insult us all. now go away

No male heroes?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


Why does anyone cares what the gender ratio is for the significant NPCs? In what way does that affect your gameplay?

They care because it is women! :o
Had it been men (as it normally is) this thread would most likely not exist in the first place.

Stop trying to make all who agree with Op out to be sexist/misogyst having all the male characters be morons is not fun to see at all, and yes this thread would still HAVE existed, and i bet title would say ANET SEXIST or something along those lines.

Whats with the Scarlet has to go hate?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


calling someone stupid isn’t “dehumanizing”,

yes it is

let me guess, you’re mad at Kormir because in game mechanics she didn’t do anything (to prevent having a Rurik or master To Go in nightfall), and because you wanted to be a god. Let me guess you ALSO wanted to be a councilman (god what a boring position that’d be) and a commander of the pact?

no i would rather the person in charge and, the one getting god hood were not god awful “Characters” who come out of field with little back story take credit for all I do and have bad voice actors who cant convey a single emotion.
also nice of you to assume that i think like that and start insulting me(sarcasm)

Scarlet isn’t that bad, I actually like that she didn’t pull the stereotypical

ill stop you right there she is a stereotype no scratch that she is worse a rip off of Harley quin with zero hint of any motivation out side “LOL ME EVIL” all the wile anet destroys already established lore to shove her in to make her look more “cool” it comes as lazy writing and, it needs to be stopped.

Actually Trahearne and Kormir both had plenty of back story, you must not have paid attention. Trahearne knows how to fight dragon minions, maybe not himself, but to lead a fight, yeah. Kormir lead the sunspears, and while she may have triggered the one thing, the gods chose her, so tough luck. I’ll give you scarlet is poorly written, but that’s about as far as it goes.

EDIT: and the more the give the Mad King Thorn lore, the more he becomes a character who’s simply “lol, i’m crazy, lol i’m evil” but people still love him

ok may be wrong about kormir but treahern is still a left field nobody just being told in a single line “yea i was in Orr allot” is not a back story AT ALL the point stands its just the same as some random guy coming out and saying he was a forgeten god/prince who ruled a kingdom is the best at what he does and beat all 5 dragons back alone its lazy writing just telling me YEA THIS GUY IS AWESOME is not back story .

You clearly didn’t level a sylvari, Traherne is with your character progressing as you do since lv 10, he’s got tons of development, and backstory, I have yet to do the sylvari story over the mirror (I was told it’s “act with wisdom but act”) but I hear it gives a lot into what he’s actually done -in- Orr.

Just because you didn’t witness any development and he was out of left field for you doesn’t mean he has nothing, granted I do think he should’ve been handled better for the other races. Because for my human and asura when you get to claw island he’s essentially like “sup bro, I’m going to kittening stalk you now.”

what development? is EXACTLY THE SAME just him saying “i was in Orr allot bro” again, in fact i makes claw island worse because when you see him there its like he never met you before asking who you are.
your grasping some thin straws here

Note:lets get back on topic of how scarlet sue needs to be removed to better the games living story.

(edited by narrock.6890)

Whats with the Scarlet has to go hate?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


calling someone stupid isn’t “dehumanizing”,

yes it is

let me guess, you’re mad at Kormir because in game mechanics she didn’t do anything (to prevent having a Rurik or master To Go in nightfall), and because you wanted to be a god. Let me guess you ALSO wanted to be a councilman (god what a boring position that’d be) and a commander of the pact?

no i would rather the person in charge and, the one getting god hood were not god awful “Characters” who come out of field with little back story take credit for all I do and have bad voice actors who cant convey a single emotion.
also nice of you to assume that i think like that and start insulting me(sarcasm)

Scarlet isn’t that bad, I actually like that she didn’t pull the stereotypical

ill stop you right there she is a stereotype no scratch that she is worse a rip off of Harley quin with zero hint of any motivation out side “LOL ME EVIL” all the wile anet destroys already established lore to shove her in to make her look more “cool” it comes as lazy writing and, it needs to be stopped.

Actually Trahearne and Kormir both had plenty of back story, you must not have paid attention. Trahearne knows how to fight dragon minions, maybe not himself, but to lead a fight, yeah. Kormir lead the sunspears, and while she may have triggered the one thing, the gods chose her, so tough luck. I’ll give you scarlet is poorly written, but that’s about as far as it goes.

EDIT: and the more the give the Mad King Thorn lore, the more he becomes a character who’s simply “lol, i’m crazy, lol i’m evil” but people still love him

ok may be wrong about kormir but treahern is still a left field nobody just being told in a single line “yea i was in Orr allot” is not a back story AT ALL the point stands its just the same as some random guy coming out and saying he was a forgeten god/prince who ruled a kingdom is the best at what he does and beat all 5 dragons back alone its lazy writing just telling me YEA THIS GUY IS AWESOME is not back story .

Whats with the Scarlet has to go hate?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


calling someone stupid isn’t “dehumanizing”,

yes it is

let me guess, you’re mad at Kormir because in game mechanics she didn’t do anything (to prevent having a Rurik or master To Go in nightfall), and because you wanted to be a god. Let me guess you ALSO wanted to be a councilman (god what a boring position that’d be) and a commander of the pact?

no i would rather the person in charge and, the one getting god hood were not god awful “Characters” who come out of field with little back story take credit for all I do and have bad voice actors who cant convey a single emotion.
also nice of you to assume that i think like that and start insulting me(sarcasm)

Scarlet isn’t that bad, I actually like that she didn’t pull the stereotypical

ill stop you right there she is a stereotype no scratch that she is worse a rip off of Harley quin with zero hint of any motivation out side “LOL ME EVIL” all the wile anet destroys already established lore to shove her in to make her look more “cool” it comes as lazy writing and, it needs to be stopped.

Whats with the Scarlet has to go hate?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


I haven’t had a single issue with, Kormir, Traherne, or Scarlet it must just be because I’m not picky and I’m intelligent enough to know a story where EVERY PLAYER becomes the leader of the same organization or a god is just flat out stupid…

oh look its the games white knights in full effect
MARY SUE CHARACTERS ARE MORE STUPID get off your high horse and dehumanizing all who disagree with your opinion no, not opinion Scaelet Treahern and Kormir are objectively bad.

(edited by narrock.6890)

Scarlet, Slayer of Lores.

in Lore

Posted by: narrock.6890


Personally only a MAJORITY of the people dislike Scarlet. but those are, as always the people ARE SMART AND CAN SEE BAD STORYTELLING A MILE AWAY . I HATE the character and think she is truly a DISGUST RIP OFF.

So definitely signed.

I fixed it for ya white knight

Please stop with the website stories...

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: narrock.6890


This thread is silly and I hope the devs ignore it. I think the website stories are fine. I enjoy reading them. People that agree with the OP seriously just need to lighten up.

and people like you are defending THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE WAY TO DELVER A STORY.
i hardly can control my responding to you white knights who are defending this awful storytelling and every other poor decision anet makes you need to just LEAVE your the ones ruining this games narrative. I should never have to leave the game to know the story IN THE GAME

Can Scarlet finally die

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: narrock.6890


Scarlet is not going to disappoint.

she already has for nearly half a year its it getting worse, and more and more GW lore is being thrown out retcon or just plain IGNORED to make this “Character”( puked typing that word) “fit” its objectively bad.

Remove Ascended from WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: narrock.6890


I believe Ascended gear should be removed from PvP. It creates the typical “Grind to Win” scenario that is so common in other MMO/Games.

I feel that Arena Net created an amazing PvP game with Guild Wars 1 and they should stick to how things were run. I also predict a very certain power creep for Melee classes like Warriors/Thiefs who benefit so much from weapon power as opposed to classes like Mesmers/Necromancers, this will create a distinct imbalance between these classes that will be compensated by 1) Nerfing the Warrior/Thief/Guardian/Ranger and effectively screwing players who don’t have Ascended armor on these characters; OR 2) Not nerfing them and creating a huge gap in power between “Physical DPS” classes and “Magic” users.

WvWvW players like to PvP, but any PvP’er will do everything in their power to achieve an advantage over the enemy, the important thing for most PvP players is winning (yes they have fun too but winning is the most important), pretty soon we will have fully ascended players in WvWvW which will make it unplayable for people who don’t have hundreds of hours to dedicate to a single character in order to equip them with full ascended armor, I believe the weapons cost 200g each, the trinkets/accessories using Laurels would take almost a year to get and the back piece is not even available, and that’s assuming you do your daily every single day. Fractals should not be required to play PvP competitively.

WvWvW players already have to spend ~50+g on Runes + exotics to remain competitive, I believe that’s enough as you should naturally accumulate that gold levelling your character and doing a few dungeons along the way, a lot of people will say ascended armour makes no difference but if we assume both zergs are of equal skill, the zerg that is fully ascended will always beat the non ascended zerg that has 5-10% less stats, it’s the same thing as putting a level 80 zerg vs a upleveled zerg, which zerg do you think will win? And don’t get me started on roaming/sniping groups fully ascended vs non ascended people, in the law of averages, we have to assume everyone is at the same skill level so the person who is better geared will win. Could a pro player beat a fully ascended “newb”? Of course, but pro players a very rare and they don’t make up the average WvWvW in our realm. Heck, my realm is full of PvE players (Desolation) so if anything Ascended gear is awesome as the sheer power of these people will carry me but I still believe these items should not be implemented in this game mode.

Solution: It’s simple, just scale Ascended gear to Exotic stat level upon entering a Borderland. I believe fair play should be encouraged and “grind to win/pay to win” (crafting) should not be encourage or allowed in PvP, this is not World of Warcraft and I believe the fair play/balanced gear model from Guild Wars 1 was perfect and it should be encouraged not scrapped. If I wanted to go “3 Shot noobs with overpowered gear” I’d go back to WoW and grind RBGs to 2200.


Wall of text and no. Its fine as it is.

It is a little bit grindy getting a skill to 500, but its very easy, focused on gathering (mining, chopping) rather then other types of grinding.

I play wvw a lot, much more so then pve. I would say 75% of my income is wvw, remaining 25% all else. Currently my Artifice, Weaponsmith, and Huntsman are all at 500. So far I have crafted 7 ascended weapons. My main has 4 (includinf underwater) and my alts 1 each. At the current rate I will have minimum 1 ascended weapon per alt (6 alts) and a full set on my main in about 3 weeks or so.

I have a job, a life etc. and do not spend 16 out of 24 hours in the game. Vast majority of people I play with are likewise.

Based on my own experience, let me ask you a question.

Why should we be punished by Y O U R lack of ability or willingness and have our ascended weapons removed ? You do not represent majority of playerbase, in fact you represent a very vocal but incapable minority.

Getting ascended weapons is a leisurely PvE activity. You do have to plan it a little bit though. Basically move your mouse cursor over stuff in the game, read descriptions, come to conclusions and follow a plan you set for yourself. Gathering the mats takes me roughly 15 minutes a day, sometimes I go 30-45 minutes if I skip a few days and kill a world boss or 2.

This stuff is so incredibly easy and just happens by itself over time that I cant understand how can anyone be stupid enough not to get it.

YOUR complaint has no merit, and you falsely assume that you represent everyone, you do not.

wow this really makes me with i could down vote this is just being condescending and insulting who upvotes this stuff ? reported this

Confused at reception of event.

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: narrock.6890


Because people will always complain about everything, no matter what it is.

oh looks its one of anet’s yes men that never complains and likes to bad content that ruins last years version that was BETTER

OMG, not Scarlet again

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: narrock.6890


Why all the hate towards the ONLY villain with an actual personality and interesting background and story?? (not counting the Mad King here)

What personality? She’s just a one dimensional cackling villain, a poor mans joker.

Coupled with the fact that she’s a complete mary sue of a villain.

Seeing the person voicing Scarlet IS the SAME person who voice Harley Quinn.

But no, you are wrong.

She is awesome. Deal with it.

shes not awesome never will be and will be forgotten as soon as she gets (hopefully) killed by the player

She will never be forgotten by the players as a whole, she’s one of my favorite villains of GW2, tied with Faolin and second only to Kudu, god rest his evil little soul =(.

Just because you don’t like her doesn’t mean she’s a bad villain, nor does it mean everyone will spontaneously forget about her.

she wont be in fact if anybody does recall her its because shes a plagiarized version from much MUCH better villains and, characters her mere existence is a insult to well written characters. She not a homage or rendition in clever way just a poorly written Mary sue plagiarized that make Paul Dini and Bruce Timm cry this is what their creation influenced this THING.

OMG, not Scarlet again

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: narrock.6890


Why all the hate towards the ONLY villain with an actual personality and interesting background and story?? (not counting the Mad King here)

What personality? She’s just a one dimensional cackling villain, a poor mans joker.

Coupled with the fact that she’s a complete mary sue of a villain.

Seeing the person voicing Scarlet IS the SAME person who voice Harley Quinn.

But no, you are wrong.

She is awesome. Deal with it.

shes not awesome never will be and will be forgotten as soon as she gets (hopefully) killed by the player

How to beat Teq, only for the obedient.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: narrock.6890


Obedient is the exact word i’m looking for. This event is war, war needs a commander, you obey your commander. Fun comes when you obey commander and you beat teq along with 150 or so well organized and obedient people and you get your title and your cheevs. that’s fun or i wouldn’t have done teq 7 times now. Teq is hella fun for the obedient

ill pass thanks i rather have fun

2 good updates in a row

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: narrock.6890


threads like this make wish there was a down vote button but, nope thumbs up only.