Technically female asura and female charr get the least effort and thought put into their designs of any other race/gender. Anet designs the overwhelming majority of their armor for humans and then ports it to non-human races where it often looks bad because it wasn’t designed for them. Additionally, they reuse the male skins for the females. So if you play a female asura or a female charr, your armor is the most thoughtlessly designed armor in the game.
~The more you know~
i really like them, but i don’t gemstore and i’m saving gold for something else atm. so i’ll just admire them from a distance.
….Isn’t that a reskin of Feathered armor? They replaced a reskin with another reskin? Wow, they are stubborn.
Are you serious? All of the flame-something-armor is a reskin of another skin o.O
If they came with something new, they had to rework the other sets as well… oh my, people here just want to complain.
So we can agree that there is a lot of recycling of skins going on. That’s good.
….Isn’t that a reskin of Feathered armor? They replaced a reskin with another reskin? Wow, they are stubborn.
Yeah, it could have something to do with this thread. I guess there are some new investors in the market. Meanwhile I have been stuck at 133/250 eyes for a couple weeks. Whenever the price goes up, I lose my motivation for gold farming. So that’s been happening a lot lately. :P
If you guys could have a change made, would you rather have the recipe for Immobulus take fewer eyes, or would you rather have an increased drop rate on eyes? (either by introducing a new source or by increasing the rate from bags)
Well there’s no point in playing coy about drop rates. No offense, but players generally have more reasons to lie about such things than tell the truth.
As I said above:
“Killing a Giant or Risen Giant will always give you a guaranteed Giant Eye, similar to how killing Veteran Karkas will always give you a Karka Shell. Given how rare Giants are in this game, I don’t think this would flood the market with too much supply.”
That’s an elegant solution to the low supply. They are called Giant Eyes after all.
But you don’t understand. Everyone deserves an equal chance to participate. Maybe that guy who just used all of the keep’s supply to build a cluster of rams next to the depot is just a confused newbie in need of guidance. Who can say? I can’t, you can’t. Anet sure can’t. There’s really no way at all to be sure. Nope. None at all.
((Shrug)) Its meant to be rare. Mjolnir and Infinite Light say ‘hi’.
There are more ways to obtain Charged Lodes than ever before. They added new sources since launch. The supply is healthy and the market active. Those recipes are easier to make than in the past, whereas Immobulus is only becoming more difficult.
Farm gold in the most optimal way (dungeons/champ farm) and buy the eyes from the TP. That’s how this game has been designed to be played.
At the time of writing, there are not enough Giant Eyes on the TP to craft a single Immobulus.
1. Dungeon hosting & 2-vote kicking
2. PPT
3. The Zerg
4. Charrmor
5. Necro siphons/ death shroud/ building a class around passive defense in a game built around active defense
when you say that Anet doesn’t do anything about griefers/spies, do you mean to say that they just remain silent on it? we haven’t gotten a statement from them saying they will never take action, have we? it’s just very difficult to cajole them into acknowledging it, let alone dealing with it.
i bet more than fifteen characters in the game are affected by this.
bumping for the brief interlude between holidays.
This helmet deletes several of my character’s body parts. The horns, ears, and the part of the mane that isn’t covered by the helmet are all gone.
when i think about silver league compared to this week, our first good match in literally months:
The underwater version should be the old version, ground-targeting underwater is mostly unusable. +1.
my charr’s arm clips through this WvW Pit Fighter top.
It’s almost unusable underwater because it’s still ground targeted, hah.
In before “lol underwater balance”
haha. it’s a small thing, but you actually used to be able to stealth underwater with earth 5 and arcane wave. eles aren’t as bad underwater as people say, though they aren’t great. but yeah, water combat in general is bad, so….not that it matters much. but they made it a little worse.
i can see its uses on land, but the ground targeting should probably be removed from the underwater version. o_o
(edited by ndrangles.5183)
to me the stupid thing about the ele changes is d/d will still be going 30 into arcana but the trait changes turned arcana 10 into a junkyard for them. i didn’t think d/d needed another nerf, i thought it’s been a while since they were relevant?
i see this has been a powerful week for the movement. no less than 3 people calling for the return of Commander Bird Song. the revolution approaches.
Ultimate masochist mode
make it fractal dark.
make the platforms invisible.
make random CC
make lots of people running together viable
make RNG timing
someone somewhere would have a speedrun video guide within a couple days, needs to be harder
What would you like to know about my floaters?
sounds like they want to know how big your floaters are. it’s a fair question. i mean, from a combat standpoint, it’s beneficial to your health to make your floaters as big as possible, even though it might be difficult sometimes.
We should really be able to use our own dyes on hair accessories. It’s a little nagging issue people have been frustrated with forever. The direction this thread takes shows much player interest there still is in the issue:
You have a great dye system. It allows for a lot of creativity. But that also means a limitation like this just sticks out even more. Please consider!
(edited by ndrangles.5183)
Neither of those includes the other one that happens in combat with a staff.
There’s a problem with some strands of hair on one of the new asura female styles. It looks fine out of combat, but after you’ve entered combat, these jagged shapes appear on the 2 hair strands in the front.
I don’t know if there’s a name for this particular problem, but you see some strange shapes popping up on this hairstyle when you enter combat. Here is a handy collage:
I agree, they should also let us dye it with every dye not just the basic ones. It’s impossible to match the accessory with armor in many cases.
I think this is the proper solution, not eliminating hair accessories but instead making them fully customizable as they should be.
For a female asura, you only get 2 hair styles with no accessories, 3 if you’re counting baldness. Almost all of their accessories are very large and noticeable. But the crummy selection of dyes means it’s often impossible to match with your armor. I don’t hate the accessories themselves, I hate the pointlessly limited color selection. Half of the color choices are slightly different shades of brown….does anyone care about brown that much? Why can’t I use my own dyes again?
We should be able to dye every part of our hair accessories from the hero panel, using our own personal dye collection.
hahahaaa, memories.
Normal v Tribulation Mode Crossover?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: ndrangles.5183
i saw an infantile cloud/rainbow in w2z3 trib. but it wasn’t tangible, i could jump straight through it.
next time it comes back it will have new stuff and more skin colors yaaay
everyone shut up and watch the fireworks video again.
Tribulation mode is pseudo hard mode
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: ndrangles.5183
Tribulation mode would have been better/more fun if it depended a bit more on actual skill, like is already partially present by not touching any flowers, avoiding the rocks that try to pummel you etc. If more of such elements would be incorporated this mode would be improving quite considerably.
that’s not exactly true. many of the invisible traps require you to be very precise in your movements, which is the same kind of skill you’re describing. i like those ones.
my only real critique is that i want there to be fewer spots where i could afk, meaning more things that attack you or fly at you instead of passive traps that just lie there and wait for you to accidentally step on them. meaning more difficulty!
and also, the longer path is not necessarily the more challenging or more fun one. imagine if they had souped up the log run in 2-1 and made us do a hard version of it, instead of just sending us through the hillbilly cave which was exactly the same as normal mode.
Tribulation mode is pseudo hard mode
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: ndrangles.5183
i don’t actually play a lot of the ultrahard games or whatever the genre is called that trib mode is based off of. so this is just my own personal impression of things. but based on what i have seen in those games, the main difference in trib mode is you have so many safe spots. you can just chill and look around and think things through as much as you want. other hardmode games, again i have not played them a lot, but my impression is they will force you to keep moving to avoid dying at many parts, or for more of the time than trib mode does. and that forces more quick thinking and tough decisions that contribute to the difficulty. for that kind of design, you would want more visible traps, and more traps in general, and more traps that move and fly at you and force you to stay mobile. one of the few examples i can think of this in trib mode is the flying hands/arrows. what would be even better to me, though, is to take the frogger halls, like the logs in w2z1 and add 500% more pirahnas or something to make it actually difficult to get through. there were some parts in trib where i was expecting to see more enemies or traps thrown into an obstacle course, like the logs or the gong roll, but then they turned out to be almost identical to normal mode.
the majority of the time in trib, you can sit and think as long as you want about what path is the right one to take, and once you have the general pathing figured out, then you just throw yourself at that path until all the invisible traps are revealed and you know exactly what to do. it is different, you’re right, and it’s kind of a more passive approach to difficulty imo. i would say, to make it more exciting and active, consider adding more visible traps that require smart movement and dodging, like the flying handarrows or something. things we do NOT need more of would be: fake floors, endless knockback loops from rocks and water where you have to wait a while to be able to move again (or just get stuck infinitely and have to restart, not a fan of that).
i have reached the point where i can farm trib mode, although i won’t go claiming any magnificent speedrun time. but it still gets boring once it’s all figured out. so, these are just my opinions after all i have been through. again, i have never really played these kinds of games, but trib mode has successfully gotten me interested! basically, i would like things added that make farming and speedrunning difficult, things that aren’t just a matter of memorizing an invisible safe path. my ideas were all supposed to be aimed towards that goal, but if other people have better ideas than me on how to accomplish that, which they probably do, then it’d be good to hear from you.
i also just wanted to say that the ironic use of spike pads in the w1z3 honeycomb maze was my favorite and still is. you get a A+ for irony there.
meanwhile i’m freaking out over the tree jump at the very start of w2z2. you know the one. i have no idea how to find the invisible square that gives you enough height on your jump, all i know is sometimes i find it and sometimes i don’t. then when you fail, you glance the edge of the landing tree on your way down, like it’s taunting you. why doesn’t my character just use her hands and grab on?! DX
(edited by ndrangles.5183)
Is it me or is the lava really bright?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: ndrangles.5183
it didn’t exactly hurt or cause discomfort, but i remember being pretty annoyed by the extreme contrast. and anyway, even if you don’t sense any discomfort, it’s still just not good for your eyes. i hope people aren’t playing that part in a dark room. make sure you have other light sources turned on in your room to reduce eye strain.
some rando on my list whispered it to me when i was in trib mode. i win the prize for being trolled the hardest. trolled by crash code while playing troll game mode. trollception
TM roses are red,
TM violets are blue,
they asplode your head
pay Moto to continue.
This Halloween, can we have an infinite/permanent version of the Toilet Paper rolls? I still have 3 in my bank from last year. I was saving them for special occasions, but then I just forgot about them all year until I was sorting my bank a minute ago. So, I thought I’d just gently lob the idea out there and see if it catches on anything.
if the dragons come, we all just get inside the SAB. they can’t fit in there. it’s foolproof!
Meanwhile in EB NSP,YB fighting at spawn [Host] leads a 6man to take the keep behind em…
omg it was only 6 SBI? this just got even better. after we pushed them out of our spawn, we stopped chasing them and just sat there /laughing because half of them tried to run inside the keep and died. it was magical
his face is like ¬¬
if the options aren’t good enough for you, what would you rather have?
necros don’t have to spend any points for vigor.
i haven’t gotten past the 1st panel and i’m already loling at the guardian being the only one applauding.
I don’t know why you would 20/0
Because the one of the best traits for power necro is located 30 in Spite or 25 in curse.
basically the idea that 25% dmg for your team >>>>> 20% dmg for yourself
20/0/20/0/30 is what i use for pve zerker. it stacks and maintains 25 vuln against anything that isn’t Unshakable. against Unshakable mobs it drops to like 9-13 consistent stacks. god i hate that buff.