Showing Posts For oneleggedpony.8531:
Dungeons are not hard if certain criteria are met;
1. people are open minded and realise that not everyone may have done every path of every dungeon.
2. some one, anyone in group asks the question, “has everyone done this or does anyone need help?”
3. people in the group all respond to the question above.
4. discussion, explanation and clarification take place before engaging in a fight. If everyone is on the same page? does everyone know what they are going to do?
Dungeons are group problem solving exercises. No one person can really do it by themselves. We need one another to complete a dungeon. Stating the obvious a bit but i’ve kicked a few people that were unwilling to be part of a group.
bottom line, the player – not the proffession or level or gear, is the main factor for success in dungeons.
dungeons need people to work together and talk a bit to succeed. Killing way point ressing during combat helps cultivate discussions in groups by returning the risk to an encounter that requires groups to overcome, starting with a little communication.
My apologies, != is a programming term meaning not equal, in the future I should just say not equal and not use shorthand that everyone isn’t accustomed to.
We can’t except everyone know that but not hard to guess too.
….Or look up “equals sign” on wikipedia and copy pasta. XD
here is an artistic impression if you combine fancy steampunk clothes, starwars, unicorns, attack pandas and cosmetic weaponry that resemble cute versions of our favourite transformers:
Also if you want realistic, TESO ( The Elder Scrolls Online ) looks like it might be pretty good.
I still like GW2 though
@shaojack – As a US server, did you have these issues some time ago or you noticed a drop off recently?
It’s just i’ve been playing since august and i hadn’t seen any hackers, blatantly hacking, in the open until the last few weeks.
I realise hacking has probably been going on for some time, i’m just surprised by the frequency with which i have had contact with hackers recently.
i’ve started playing WvW exlcusively on my D/D ele in order to catch them – my other characters need to see the WvW love too
Hi all,
I wanted to draw attention to speed hacking by players in WvW. I’ve recently encountered 2 groups of players from different servers in different matchups that have been using speed hacks.
I was hoping to get info on the best way to report these incidents and if there are any future plans to implement more options in the report functions. As of now i have been reporting players as botters as i imagine they are using some third party programme or have tampered with client side files.
I understand some people will have the view that arenanet won’t do anything, however i would hope that allowing this behavior by a player base seriously effects arenanets vision of building towards GW2 being a strong E-sport (despite talking about WvW rather than SPvP ).
I would also like to know how other players are dealing with these cheaters and if there are alot more of them.
I am on Piken Square (EU) btw – would also be good to see if this is a predominantly european or NA server issue.
We’d rather have our secure core base or at least guilds which have enough decency to check with the community and such And we do get full queues sometimes Just rarely
@ oneleggedpony: Tuaf or whatever seems new to me, never seen them before, I’ll hunt down one of their members and inform them if I can.
Thanks kinky, appreciate it. Hope you guys are still having fun. Som good fights so far – thanks to Elite hell master for some Ele on Ele action – had to cut it short to pick people up so sorry couldn’t stick around.
Hey sorry to be posting bad stuff – please be on the look out for a speed hacker on gandara and report accordingly;
Male norn –
Mesmer –
member of Turkish airforce [TuAf] guild
armed and kitted with CoF helm/arms etc – greatsword
at approximately 17:40 CET was involved in melee between SE camp and SE tower under and around bridge on Piken square Border lands.
the player continued to use speed hacks throughout the engagements – there were other members of their guild present but not seen to be using hacks.
- I would ask that anyone engaging in nefarious shenanigans of an unfair and unsporting nature be reported where possible.
Well, thanks for that, OLP, but that’s just not for me.
I’m a bit of a loner. I had personal guilds in WoW, and have a personal guild in GW2. I like doing my own stuff, and just grouping when necessary. The only part that guild would have helped with was going to a dungeon (and the Skill Point I guess). But the other stuff (JP and PS) was just my ineptitude and frustrating game mechanics.
No worries, you’re missing out though.
To anyone else reading the post having similar issues, I hope the advise was helpful
Heya lankybrit, sorry to hear you had a bad time today. If you haven’t already, it might be worth looking for like minded people to join up with in a guild.
It can take a long time to find a group of players that are;
A) Into the same areas of the game as you, PvP, SPvP, WvW, PvE etc
B) Available play times, ideally need to match up so you’re not missing out on grouping because of different schedules.
C) Need to have a good raport, so that you are not just joining for joinings sake, but rather because you can see yourself enjoying your playtime together.
The above sounds simple enough but it can be hard to find. I’d recommend it though. my guild is small and we often only have 2-3 people on at times because of timezones. However there are days when everyone is free and we can run dungeons and world vs world together with 5-10 players.
The main problem is that guilds can be created by anybody and everyones curiosity about them leads to alot of 1-2 person guilds that players create to see options available to them.
Advice bit:
Check to see if there is an unofficial forum for your server and look at guild recruitment posts. See if there are others that share your goals in game and sign up.
Alot of guilds these days use team speak, mumble, ventrillo etc. Any form of internet voice comms. Some people don’t like them but i’d strongly advise getting used to them if you haven’t tried them before. They make communications in game so much simpler and more enjoyable from my experience.
In the nicest way possible find a guild. It’s hard to find the right one but when you do your guildies tend to be one of the stronger reasons for continuing with the game.
Just to keep it clear i’m not trying to be condescending in this post, I just like to write everything down to help myself and others understand what i’m getting at.
Culling is a serious issue and it annoys everyone. However, as thieves we do not gain any benefit from being culled other than being invisible for longer. We don’t gain access to stealth openers because other people can’t render us properly.
Thief survivabilty comes from stealth/ evades / dodge / blinds – evades, dodge and blind being the best way to completely avoid damage.
Stealth mitigates damage by making us untargetable and difficult to follow – however we recieve full damage whilst in stealth.
The majority of culling issues come from large scale fights with large amounts of AoE damage flying around. AoE damage will hurt a thief in stealth or under the effects of culling no matter what.
During a culling affected encounter, players tend to AoE areas where they believe the enemy to be, generally speaking this is either where everyone else is dealing damage/ wherever you can see white numbers pop up/ where the few rendered enemies are.
As a thief you want to avoid all that damage, you know that you deal a great deal of damage from stealth irrespective of traits and weapon set up – when you hit from stealth you get big damage. Add to the fact we get bonuses to alot of attacks for being behind or to the side of a player.
As a thief in a large scale fight where culling is taking place i personally do not go through the middle. I go around the side and hit people at the back that have likely rendered first because they are out of the larger pack.
This just so happens to often be the upscaled players – either on siege or standing out of the crowd for fear of being AoE’d down. It is also where i find alot of people escaping the large scale melee to heal up safely.
Now if you’re having issues with culling in this regard, whereby you are the player at the back you can group up with others looking to break away from combat for a few mins and cover one another. A thief is far less likely to attempt or get away with a sneak attack on a group of players and get a kill than they are taking out the loners at the back.
If the issue is in the middle of the zerg where everything is an AoE fest and everyone is pretty much benefiting/ suffering from culling issues – then i’m confused as to why thief stealth is the issue?
Reason i say that is that if the thief is slap bang in the middle of a zerg AoE fest in front of an enemy force they are either going to go down very quickly or be as effective as everyone else in the zerg.
Culling sucks – I honestly agree, but i don’t see Thieves stealth as being the greatest beneficiary or swaying the fight to such a degree that stealth needs to be “re-balanced” to deal with a rendering issue.
The major issues i see with culling are the AoE stealths, which we do have access to as thieves however anyone leaping through a smoke field or dropping a blast finisher in one will trigger stealth/ AoE stealth.
AoE stealth can be an issue – but when everyone is throwing out AoE damage you’re still going to hit something.
In which case the main issue for culling for me would be:
Medium to large groups of co-ordinated players utilising large quantities of AoE stealthing abilities to manipulate the culling bug and position themselves to wipe an enemy zerg.
In my opinion individual thieves are not at fault, benefit very little from culling in large scale fights and are countered by ensuring players stick together when away from the action to provide a less tempting target.
The big issue is culling – it needs a fix as it’s not fun – but thief mechanics shouldn’t be regulated and toned down because of it.
with the utmost respect – whilst culling is an issue i don’t see how in large scale fights it effects the outcome to the degree whereby an individual thief can make the difference in a zergfest.
AoE stealth by groups to abuse culling is another issue entirely. However Arena net are trying things out to find a way of minimising and removing culling. We’ve seen attempts so far, not all of them good, however they are making headway and will revert changes where needed.
altering stealth because a bug makes it a problem under certain situations shouldn’t happen.
@Mechanix; with all due respect you can actually perma stealth. I saw this thread and went away to test it out. It is fairly easy to maintain as long as you have a mix of certain traits.
Ideally you need a minimum of 20pts in shadow arts to get the following:
Adept trait ( I ) Master of Deception – 20% reduction on deception skills CD
Adept trait ( V ) Infusion of Shadow – 2 intiative on skills that stealth you
15pt minor trait – Meld with shadows – stealth lasts 1 sec longer
Utility skills:
Blinding Powder – (traited – 32 sec CD )
Shadow Refuge – ( traited – 48 sec CD )
Hide in Shadows – 30 sec CD
With D/P weapon setup you do the following;
- blinding powder
- heartseeker x3 – through Smoke field
from here if you have the initiative to do it again then go for it, you’ll actually get the 2 initiative from comboing heartseeker and blinding powder each time you pass through – giving you initiatve for the 2 additional heartseekers through the first field.
this should give about 9 secs of stealth.
you use that to wait out intitative regen and if you’ve enough Initiative you do it again.
if youre missing just a few you can pop blinding powder for 3 more secs to wait out for more intitative.
when youre back to full intiatiuve you blinding powder heartseeker x3 again until intiative runs out.
at this point either or both Hide in shadows and blinding powder will be on CD so you can use shadow refuge to regen stealth and initiative.
Shadow refuge actually provides alot more intiative regen than just the 2 as each 3 second tick in the Shadow refuge field counts as a stealth action so you’ll regen intiative really really quickly.
you can then heartseeker x3 through blinding powder on pistol again – by this time hide in shadows and blinding powder are off CD and you keep going.
you can also use smoke screen as an additional utility to make it even easier to stay perma stealth but i like running signet of shadows – a good solid blind and move increase is awesome.
If the 50% move speed in stealth ever worked right – i’d move my 10pts in deadly arts to acrobatics for kittens and giggles.
I’m sure there must be a few more ways to keep going – you could always get Hidden thief – but i prefer the stealth regen.
whilst this is fun to see how long you can keep it up – in combat it is impractical. You want to deal damage and keep up pressure.
Giving your opponent breathing space is just asking for 2-3 of his mates to come along and help the player you’re playing against shank you whilst you’re prancing around being clever.
As for the burst – you can still get a reasonable 6K -7K backstab out of a build even if you’ve got 30 pts in Shadow arts and only 10 pts in deadly arts.
great thing about D/P is you can blind an opponent like a mad man giving alot of survivability without having to stack defensive stats to a level that’s harmful to your damage output.
@OP In order to deal damage to you we have to hit you – hitting you from stealth gives us reveal debuff unless we wait for the stealth to fall off – in which case we’re not doing our big stealth openers on you.
This means you have time to react to our actions. If we re- stealth, either prepare to dodge or block the attack coming or get ready to drop a stun/daze/knock down/ knock back.
thats 6 options right there -
if you got spanked hard from stealth chances are the thief used a stealth opener which means you have 3 seconds to do something before the thief can re stealth because of reveal.
3 seconds is a good amount of time to do one of those 6 things.
We thieves can perma stealth, it’s fun to see how long you can keep it up for before you get bored – however it’s not worth it as you kinda want to deal butt loads of damage rather than hide forever and draw out a fight.
has anyone noticed the curtain swiftness don’t stack duration
Yup, if Arenanet fixed that – swiftness would be alot easier to keep up – especially with 6/6 centaur runes
…When your girlfriend who doesn’t play Guild Wars 2 tells you “She feels 6 feet tall”…
That and she says come to bed already
Have to agree with OP – trahearne just feels too wooden
Asura – I tried playing Charr…. i really, Really, REALLY DID!
Charr story seemed like it could be good. I’m just really not keen on the look of the furballs.
If you can hack how they look in different armours, If you’re not too fussed about big characters on jumping puzzles – sure Charr could be for you.
Me – I personally really like asura. If i could change all my characters to asura i would.
the jump and feeling of speed did it for me. I have a huge male Norn and it feels sooooo slow compared to an asura.
Also – the first time i dodge rolled as an asura my heart leapt with it – “YODA!” “WTF!”
the asura jump just reminds me of Yoda when he goes all bad kitten on duku in attack of the clones
one thought i have; though i’m confused by it myself – would perhaps be in the rarity of the item. If the stats were coveted as particularly difficult to obtain or perhaps provided a unique set of stats in the same way tri forge and karka shells give balanced and rare stat allocation.
With regards to the recipe dropping from a level 65 instance on a lvl 66 character – whilst unusual – i have recieved high level drops from low level areas ( i received lvl 76 blue and greens from plains of ashford on a lvl 80). – Perhaps the reverse can be true?
Given your post was made on 30th November – I would hazard a guess that perhaps the BoE ring was part of the new loots added to dungeons and as mentioned before the lvl requirements were an oversight.
The above comes to mind as prior to the 15th Nov patch- i hardly received jewelry and backslot items as dungeon loot – but have since found quite a few. I’d hazard a guess that the recipe was a late addition and as such, was perhaps rushed into an inappropriate loot table or some such.
Either way – making mention of it highlights it for people – if one thing slips through perhaps theres more and – we can end up getting a list of similar items unless one already exists?
Hi everyone,
I’m gonna list some of my opinions and explain them and then let you decide what you agree with.
1) Southsun Cove was a solid step in the right direction -
When i say that I don’t mean the implementation, but the design and philosophy of the new monsters and mechanics in play.
2) Monsters such as Karka promote exploration of counterplay in a PvE setting – I read another forum poster that linked a penny arcade vid ( thanks – will add an edit and link after if i can find it).
The jist is that in order to create interesting and fun ways of playing for both a player using an ability and a player who has the ability used on them there needs to be some dynamic that builds on creative forms of play.
In a PvE setting the Karka provide us with different mechanics to fight against – like a previous poster mentioned – reflection is a great tool against karka. I would not have experimented with builds to incorporate this mechanic without the karka.
Sure they could have less HP or not deal as much damage – but then they become trivial monsters that don’t add anything to the setting. By adding a hard hitting but predictable ranged mechanic the player is given the opportunity to develop thier tactics vs similar monsters and players.
3) Decreasing the difficulty of an area is a bad move unless it is quite obviously too difficult despite a wide range of experimentation by the player base to overcome the problems.
Before making any assumptions about Southsun and its difficulty discuss the issue on forums like we’re doing right now.
We can discuss tactics for dealing with specific monsters or general strategies for moving through areas and so forth. If after all that we encounter elements that prove to be beyond the ability of most players then we can look at methods for reducing difficulty.
However that should be a last resort. Hard encounters provoke discussion and the sharing of ideas and that leads to innovative ways of combating situations.
If the player base can demonstrate that level of communication and development of ideas the developers will take note and be inspired to create more ingeneous and clever monsters for us to deal with. We no longer have an increase in monster HP and damage but interesting mechanics that work differently to the tried and boring ranged or melee mob situation.
Sure mistakes will come about – but playing around and sharing ideas will highlight those mistakes in development and make the developers better at their job.
If we just ask for nerfs to HP and damage the dev’s will get lazy with future mechanics for fear they will upset players unwilling to explore the options available to them – which leads to an ever decreasing level of choice in terms of build and equipment options in the future.
— i probably went off on a tangent – basically – Mobs in southsun are fine – players with issues need to discuss them with other players to develop tactics and then share said tactics -
damage and HP nerfs on PvE monsters will lead to lazy player base not willing to experiment and will limit developers to creating more of the same rather than coming out with innovation through the insight of the player base’s exploration and development of the games mechanics and experimentation of tactics.
Edit:- Link to post that links counterplay vid –
While it’s true hundred blades can be avoided that’s not what the OP is upset about.
(edited by oneleggedpony.8531)
I think this must be an oversight or something no? – my level 28 has 400 jewelcrafting and i can make the level 80 exotics i picked up from the tradesmith with karma
Perhaps bug report it? – mention the fact that despite being able to make high level items – this specific item has a level requirement to learn the actual recipe – when in fact many top tier pieces do not have this requirement.
Hopefully you’ll get a response -
Camp a cannon or siege in an area that’s active – border land towers like briar and lake tower can see some hefty action- if you hold the keeps try upgrading towers for cannons etc and sit on an arrow cart or ballista-
When the enemy come to flip you’ll rake in kills and be far more effective and safe than out in front.
If you can combo effectively torch gives a blast finisher – only one available to us I think – means you can give AoE chaos shield to everyone Round you- solid for team fights and bosses
but I prefer focus/pistol – focus gives swiftness ( bit bugged as it doesn’t refresh swiftness if you already have it) great for yanking of Walls and grouping enemies for AoE.
Pistol is great for direct dmg as well as applying conditions with sharper images. The cd’s are lower too.
Tl;dr – torch good for prestige and blast finisher for group chaos armour- prefer focus or pistol – usually have someone else who can blast finish my combo fields
I went with a mix of berserker and rampager gear using sword + focus/pistol – staff
I’ve gone 10/30/0/0/30 – I spend alot of time using sword and whip the staff out for the number 2 dodge and defensive capabilities of chaos armour and storm.
Having the condition damage from rampagers gives a modest 670 odd condition damage which is enough for some reasonable damage while I’m playing defensive and allowing for CDs on shatters and nukey skills.
Reflect on distortion and mirror heal add some decent ranged defense whilst blink and mirror image give some handy melee escape options. Despite being really squishy there’s a surprising amount of survival options open and I haven’t felt the need to put pts into chaos for toughness and cooldown reduction on staff.
My opinion is that you can have alot of fun with a shatter build with power/precision/crit damage/ condition damage. – you have the burst when you need it with shatters and you can stay alive whilst stacking conditions and keeping up pressure with staff.
I’d also recommend playing with sigil of stamina and sigil of energy- couple these with clone on dodge “X trait” in duelling – and you can pump out more clones for shatters and survival. Stamina sigil is great for large groups in PVE whilst energy works well for PvP though it’s a personal preference with these sigils i just thought to mention it.
I’ve been palying alot with reflect on Distortion – despite there being alot of great traits for the 10 pt slot – masterful reflection is dead handy.
Given shatter builds tend to go heavily into the illusions line – you’ll have a lower CD and in a pinch be able to pop Distortion for a second of invulnerabilty without clones. -
it’s a great way to keep pressure on an enemy whilst playing defensively.
You can use it offensively too – to mitigate initial burst and add to your own.
In PvE i’ve had the most use from it by popping it just before the initial ranged burst of karka’s.
They nuke themselves to half quite easily if you can get all the attakcs to reflect. A 1 second window is usually enough for this. Which is why i advocate using the mirror heal for fights you know have alot of hard hitting range.
Used offensively in this manner with runes that apply swiftness on heal use – you can also start using your heal offensively, Albiet you’ll need to be careful in certain situations.
any ways – I thouroughly reccomend having a play with the reflect trait if going for a shatter build. If you like it as much as i do – you may also like to try Mirror heal (15 sec CD reflect – which can give bonuses from runes that apply effects to heals).
TBH if groups kicked for every little thing that didnt conform to a specific dungeon running philosophy everyone would be complaining they can’t find groups. (wait a sec…. – yeah i have seen some of those posts).
bottom line: – common sense:
is it wise to run a dugeon with 5 signets as a warrior? – people will be looking at you wondering if it’s worth ressing.
is it wise to run a dungeon without a few weapon swaps in your bag? – if you’ve not got an alternative handy for fights, that can cause problems and it can be a pain.
ressing a downed character in melee range of a melee intensive boss is scary and dangerous.
you might be able to take the hits, but one unlucky miss timed dodge means youre out of the fight and you either have to die off and run back (hopefully not an option in future content) – or you’re risking another player perhaps 2 to come ress you in a dangerous situation.
reckon if you compromise and start running with ranged weapons for fights that are awkward and painful to melee – you’ll find it’s going to go smoother and feel less hectic.
TL:DR, – remember if you decide to go melee on a melee intensive boss it is not just your own neck you are risking. That busty red head way in the back might not like it if she has to run in and ress you.
Support in my view, and i’d hope a fair few people share this opinion, would be anything you can do that benefits a group that improves a quality of life aspect for the dungeon run.
Limnage: – check over sarcasmic’s reply again:
Portal: – any kind of difficult 1 shot environment puzzle is made infinately easier with a mesmer portal. sure everyone could get naked and run it, but this way is alot quicker.
Feedback:- Wait! a skill that prevents the ranged damage from leaving the bubble? – it reflects the damage to the enemy as well you say? wow! – you’ve prevented far more damage to the group and dealt more than any amount of group wide healing wearing plus healing gear would have done. CD of 40secs unless traited? nps save for the encounters you know are vicious – CM snipers etc
Mass Invis: – patrol or some such? – no thief? or shadow refuge on CD? – 5 secs is not alot but when it means passing through tight corners or scouting new dungeon areas to learn whats up ahead it saves you from running face first into trouble.
Not to mention all the daze’s on shatter for bosses that can be used to remove defiant stacks.
could run signet of inspiration? spread some love-
with 15 – 20 pts in chaos you get 28sec etheral combo field on staff -
a blast finisher gives everyone chaos armour which can give protection and regen – you do that in a chaos storm and everyone also has aeigis and retaliation -
chaos armour is SOOOO good. with ethereal combo fields you should find a blast finisher buddy – warrior banners are good for it as it lets you combo by your self. That or run a torch for prestige.
healing wise – unless you go gear heavily for it – whilst those heals might be quite nice and people will be pleased they brought you – utilising what we got to the best of your advantage will overite any kudo’s you get from healing.
seriously reccomend playing around with combo fields – the only real gripe i have is i really want sceptre to have a combo finisher: – projectile – but then everyone would complain confusion is everywhere.
k – my mesmer was 61 when i started fractals – its sitting at 72 now
everl 5 or so levels i buy level appropriate gear for 1-2 silver or make some. my stats are equal to a lvl 80 with masterwork/rare gear (i checked – putting rare gear on my 80 gave 20 -30 pts difference thats all).
trait wise – it’s not the end of the world – i’ve just invested in some defensive trait lines before going further down the lines that would improve DPS. It hasn’t really hurt DPS to the degree where others have felt i am a detriment to groups.
i regularly avoid being downed and often find i perform alot better than several PuG 80’s i’ve met in late night groups.
I actually reccommend people remove gear before a section that doesnt require anything besides dodging and running through insta kill sections of a dungeon. It makes sense – why risk repairs when there is no benefit to wearing gear in certain situations? – it’s not hard to slap it all back on when you’ve finished a simple environment puzzle.
Not saying it isn’t nice to have a fully levelled group but to be fair i’d rather have some one who has a little common sense, says they’ve never done a part of the dungeon before and need help understanding and are patient.
besides there are plenty of plebs out there running selfish single person signet builds that dont bring any group utility and run such glass cannon builds that get others killed by sheer mind numbing stupidity.
Signet of might = 90 power passive (to self)
= 10 secs 5 stacks of might active (to self)
for great justice = 8 secs of Fury (20% additional Crit chance) – for group within range
= 25 secs 3 stacks of might – for group within range
both have a 25 second Cooldown unless traited
might = 35 power and 35 condition damage per stack
even if you get an additional 40 precision and reduce the CD of signet of might i’m just confused when i see these exotic geared elitist jerks running it in dungeons saying i can’t group with them because i’ll “obviously suck” at 60-70. (Actually kinda glad these types don’t want me in there group – i save money).
- wow i turned that into a random rant for no particular reason.
TL; DR – level doesn’t really count that much – if you’ve traited to do well in dungeons over MOAR DMG!! youre likely better traited than that glass cannon signet warrior with greatsword running that stupid kitten signet of might at lvl 80 with his pearl greatsword of the shaman and a sigil of grawl slaying in Ascalonian catacombs.
i’m going now – think i’ve embarassed myself enough…
edited: thought i saw a spelling mistake….i did – but then i’ve probably missed a fw others
(edited by oneleggedpony.8531)
Here’s a suggestion, not a guaranteed fix but it might alleviate a worry.
Get rid of magic find on items and increase the amount given by foods. Create a magic find potion – people can then decide to use consumables for thier magic find.
The major issue I forsee is that people would feel obliged to use magic find foods exclusively and the poorer or more casual player would be unable to compete.
However; it would mean that if you wanted to run magic find in dungeons you could without harming your group. You would also need to gamble on the cost of crafting or purchasing boosts from gem store and TP against the returns from a dungeon.
As I said not a great solution, just me putting an idea out there.
edited: there – instead of thier – i have issues if it’s not right.
(edited by oneleggedpony.8531)
You don’t need all four buckets. Found that the time for the buckets to reset is enough time to kite north and south between the rebuff wearing off.
So you can just kite one side. Made it easier to co-ordinate the PuG group.
It was also easier to ensure he went where we wanted him to go as everyone knew that after going north we’d go south. Having a ton of interupts for his heal helped too.
We had some issues but I reckon it was down to it being really late and I was pretty tired and not with it too.
Tl;dr – for pugs I would suggest keeping to one side and luring him north and south to avoid confusion. The buckets should reset befor rebuff runs out and everyone is in the right place , so that if aggro switches, he’s still being kited in the right direction
Glad you enjoyed the read – I am currently in a funny mood- not funny haha just funny – i gave alot of blood today not on purpose – more by accident and feelings of obligation – moral of the story is:
If you dont read forms properly you can end up feeling very good and smug about yourself for doing something you’d totally not have done but were to ashamed to admitt you’d not have done it in the first place so you guilt yourself into doing it.
Wow – i just realised i’m an “A) alternative word for bottom or b) another word for donkey”
No in retrospect i prolly would have done it but i honestly cant remember putting the form in the post so when i get a phone call years later im thinking a whole lot of things.
I also watched CSI las vegas in which – they get DNA from a dead guys bone marrow and i got to thinking – really? is that how they get that “rude word for poop that begins with S???”.
Also you may have noticed- ive grown a liking for putting descriptive sentences in commas because i like to describe the swear words i want to use rather than say kitten.
also i dont know what the speech things are called any more. I’m pretty sure i used to but i dont remember -if anyone can help me rediscover the word for the speech thingy’s i used id be greatful – thanks
Got a touch of lag in Lions Arch? you wanted to vent on forums but were afraid to incase the lag spread to the forums and your interwebs locked up?
FEAR NOT! whilst you are inevitably stuck on this page due to contagious lag I have found some interesting solutions to fill the gap. So without further a do – here is a list of things to do when you’ve lagged out:
1. Vent frustration on a stress toy:
With all the furious clicking you may or may not have been doing whilst battling lag, your mouse is not safe in your hands anymore. To avoid unneccessary replacement of vital computer equipment, take out frustrations on that nearby stress toy.
2. Alphabetise your book collection:
It’s hard to stay angry and frustrated whilst doing an activity that requires organisation.
By taking away that impulse to write threatening hate speech on a game developers personal blog and channeling it into doing something useful ( when is a full alphabetised book shelf Not useful? -gafaw!) – you can be sure that you’ll be able to find the novel of choice for future lag issues.
It’s also quite rewarding for people like me who happen to use banknotes as bookmarks and forget about them.
3. Show your other half some random unplanned affection:
Seriously – pro tip – my girlfriend was so surprised when i decided to actually sit in the same room as the x factor.
She became concerned when i stayed for x factor USA and was close to tears when she didnt believe i would sit through “i’m a celebrity get me out of here” just because my game was laggy.
After much comforting and carefully concealed loathing for the shows in my immediate vacinity i was amazed that i could compromise my tv watching values for this girl and the bonds of love were strengthened. (AHWW)
4. Look up the release dates for future games you were keen to see released before guild wars 2 was available:
OMG! Heart of the swarm is going to be released on 13th March 2013 – awesome.
5. Go through old lottery tickets:
I won £2.20 2 weeks ago – still havent claimed it. Think i’ll treat the missus to coffee out.
6. Take up home brewing:
You can brew your own beer/wine (spirits too but could be illegal in certain countries).
home brewing is a great way for those of us that find chemistry and maths interesting now but not when we were in school. I know what i’m buying my future children XD
7. Steve Mcqueen a wall with the stress toy:
You could bounce the previously mentioned stress toy on a wall and see if it comes back to you. It took me all of 2 tries to realise that this was a very dull and wasteful addition to this list.
8. Go outside or down the pub:
I don’t often go to be honest. I like to every once in a while when friends or family visit but thats just me. It’s also very yucky and cold out. However you may be young enough or drunk enough to not care about things like the weather so yay go you! enjoy the pub.
9. do a little of what ever it was you were procastinating about:
When has anyone that has played an MMO not procrastinated about doing something. I play more than i should – i know this – which means by playing more than i should ive put of doing something i should have or better yet there was something that would have been a better use of my time.
So that bit of art i kept saying i’d finish? – Done!
10. make your own lag list:
kitten it helped me work out what i was going to do this evening – really – lists can be awesome
TL;DR – I made a list – not a very good one – i was bored because the game lagged during an event – i typed all this out because typing helps me think. I hit post instead of delete – - my spelling can be very off the mark at times.
Heya Notha – pretty sure you need to unlock the explorable modes by first doing story mode.
If someone else can confirm this for your peace of mind that would be lovely. I havent done explorables as im waiting to do dungeons with friends and they’re taking time leveling.
I have done the catacombs story though and from what i gathered from the letter sent after its completion a different story with multiple paths opens up as explorable mode.
Edit: – I believe the whole party is required to unlock explorable
If a Mod could merge the threads below with this one – The thread keeps getting made by different people but ends up lost after a few posts – thanks
fully support the option in the form of a tick box -
if tick box checked -
use keybinds for all characters
if tick box unchecked -
keybinds exclusive to character unchecked
- default state: tick box checked
this means for those that do not wish to have to rebind character keys every time they make a new character – they won’t have to
for those of us that do however – it is just one simple click to untick a box that we will do alongside remapping the keys we want for specific characters.
ta da – everyone is happy
Keybindings - Option to make changed unique to character.
in Suggestions
Posted by: oneleggedpony.8531
Really think this topic is worth looking into. If you happen to agree with the idea please post and keep the suggestion near the top so others can see too.
little quality of life suggestions like this really makes having multiple characters a bit easier and more manageable.
Hi all,
thanks for posting or viewing my thread, If you would like to show support for this feature the best thing i can do is send you here:
this is another post in the suggestion forum that does a better job of explaining what we’re looking for. I would advise posting in the linked thread and possibly having this one either locked or merged with the linked one.
Keybindings - Option to make changed unique to character.
in Suggestions
Posted by: oneleggedpony.8531
heya I too posted a topic about this:
I’m going to send people over this way to this post, as i think you did a better job on creating a tittle and explaining the suggestion.
Just tried log in to my character in Cursed shore on ruins of Surmia – and it works for me.
if it still isn’t working for others on ruins – i made a bug ticket an hour or so ago.
hopefully everyone can get back in now
Hi folks – to avoid unneccessary threads if you’re having this issue and wish to post or know someone in the same boat – post in the following thread to avoid multiple threads
to avoid duplicate threads – would advise posting in this thread regarding this issue:
Would be good if we can consolidate threads – same issue is posted in these other threads.
recommend if you’ve posted in any of those or know of anyone with the same issue – try to post in this thread to ensure it stays noticable and we can avoid anymore duplicate threads.
same issue being posted here:
Hey, just wanted to look in on this topic and guage other peoples reaction to the idea. I’ve since created quite a few alts and can definately see this as being a useful option.
Thanks Parvati – afraid your suggestion didn’t work though. thanks any ways.
Think this happened a few days ago with previous patch. From what i remember the issue was resolved so I reckon it will get fixed – probably after next patch which should be today/tomorrow morning (midnight PDT 24/09/12).
Hey Rataxes – I’m having the same issue – other characters can login just fine to different areas but my character in cursed shore is stuck on the load screen too.
Maybe has something to do with patch coming soon?
Hi everyone, I would like to suggest an option to allow different characters to have different hotkeys. – a character hotkey set if you will.
Ie, my mesmers hot keys will be different from my warriors and if i choose to switch between the two, i do not have to reconfigure the hotkeys each time to co-inside with the play style for each.
hope this hasn’t been mentioned before but i had a search for hot keys and i couldnt find a specific thread. Would think as a quality of life aspect it deserves its own thread so, thanks.
Edit: edited title for clarification -
(edited by oneleggedpony.8531)
I actually love a lot of the great swords skills if i am honest. whilst 100 blades is cool and beefy i’m not a fan of abilities that root you. What floats my boat is the mobility.
The greatswords 3 key is amazing escape utility. If you’ve ever tried the discipline tree (can trait movement abilities to break immobilize).
4 key often boomerangs in wide open spaces, but i find if i havent given room for it inside a cave – it wont come back.
(Edit:) Also this can be used on the run and thrown behind you so those enemies chasing you get a full smack – twice -
5 key is a bit lackluster, but as a gap closer (the distance travelled can be quite far) its doing its job. it can also be used as an escape if you’re quick with detargeting or retargeting an enemy outside the main melee.
I agree the burst skill doesnt quite feel bursty. The fury boon is great though, however there are a lot of ways as a warrior to get fury and it stacks in duration rather than intensity.
Despite that – I love Burst skills that do not root me, like swords flurry (cool skill and usefull for alot of reasons just not my cup of tea).
Bottom line the great sword is one of my favourite weapons so far.
my weapon switch combo is MH Axe/ OH Mace – I used to use Axe/Axe but the stun and more importantly the vulnerability from the Mace 4 and Axe 2 go quite nicely with a shout and a weapon swap for Greatsword 100 blades.
edited: because i am OCD
(edited by oneleggedpony.8531)