As titles says, within 600 the pet Does NOT teleport to the down person instantly as before. please correct this.
It didn’t before either.
The pet will run up super fast to the downed first, then it ports the downed to you. That’s where the teleport happens.
the speed/initiation of the “super fast” is delayed. try it for yourself
As titles says, within 600 the pet Does NOT teleport to the down person instantly as before. please correct this.
After playing a match or two managed to realize its not that bad.
Ignore the reeWALLY – I was just yelling at my teammate because he should have tried to kite & i had to res him twice -_- within a few seconds.
NOTE I did send a bug report but just for extra FYI. SnR Does seem to have a lagish delay and Isn’t as instant/fluid as it used to be (yes within 600.)
I thought whether I should answer and push the topic or leave it and flip my eyes. However, there are probably more out who think similar. Hence, I will say something.
I hoped we were through with the topic. The current mmr has under ideal settings an error-rate of 4.5%. This is proven on an empirical model. Under non-ideal settings, the error-rate will quiet likely go up. It has not yet been tested. Thus, you can put a pro-league player into mmr-hell and he will not get out of it.
Furthermore, there are lots of reports about people with loss-streaks. The matchmaking(mm) is designed the way that you first have a win-streak and afterwards a win/loss-ratio of roughly 50%. Go through the foum yourself and count the cases. They must not occur in the case of working mm.
Yes, it is right. There are some players in the forum who won 99 games in a row and then lost 1. Afterwards, they come here and cried about the bad mm and mmr-hell. Of course they cried for nothing.
Yes, I also admit that the mmr-model sounds great. However, it sounds great in theory. The practice has shown its flaws. megilandil.7506 pointed some out. I will leave the rest to your imagination.
When you think you are capable of carrying a team, then make the test. Create a team and let 4 persons go afk. Please show me the video if you win! If you dont win (what I assume), try it with 3 persons afk, 2persons and 1. Then you know how many “bad” teammates you can carry. So please, whoever wants to post that you just have to “learn to play”, do your homework. I am entirely sick of reading such posts!
I will test this theory out myself with 4 other players (anyone) on this forum please pm me and lets set this up. thanks.
(opening story)
I was just like ‘you’ I felt cheated out because all my friends and known people I know are in my mmr got past ruby in 2-3 days and I started leagues a week late so I felt like I was stuck with bad players… ( which in reality probably are still in ruby as Im typing this)
(Straight to the point)
MMR Isn’t the reason you’re losing, other players are most likely not the reason you’re losing either (to an extent)
If you don’t know why you’re losing, refer to example: A
If you do know why you’re losing and it’s 300+ to 500 losses refer to example: B
If your matches are like 200 or less to 500 losses refer to example: C
Example: A
The reason you’re losing is because:
-you can’t carry the team.
-you don’t know how to play FAST.
-you don’t know how to ROTATE WHERE, WHEN, AND WHY.
-you allow yourself to be put in situations where you’re in a disadvantage.
-you allow your teammates to be put in stations where they’re in a disadvantage.
-you allow yourself and/or your teammates to die.
-ect so on and so on
Example: B
This example based off the theory from Lord Helseth (shout out to the king!)
-If you’re losing matches like that and you feel like you should have/could have won thats all a you game, you didn’t carry hard enough, you weren’t fast enough you died or allowed other people to die, you didn’t cc key skills, Everything and anything is in question at this point but the point is those 200 points could have easily been won by you by yourself. those matches are the matches where maybe practicing other classes could have came into play, skill level may not be an issue but refining intelligence on every factor possible. You have to play every match like YOUR TEAM AND THE OPPOSING TEAM ARE ALL BAD, you need to carry your team, and erase the other team off the internet
Example: C
Two key points here:
-Either you need to seriously practice more, refer to example A, watch videos about how to properly rotate where when and why, play every class to learn everything and stop thinking you’re stuck in a division because mmr is hell, you just belong there until you get better. PERIOD.
-or your teammate actually really are bad but the odds of that are seriously not likely since they are in the same boat as you with division/mmr and probably skill level,
- then the possible drunk person, afk, dc, person not trying at all
Since mmr takes into consideration your own division & # of PIPs ect. Those of us who couldn’t start strong initially are still stuck with by definition (very much) ‘lower mmr’ players.
Honestly its depressing to see and hear so many friends and players who love this competitive scene like this, so frustrated with not even being able to simply work with players, Im not even giving the notion of “hey we are good, you are bad”… this is more like "hey, we watch the map, we know what to rotate to and where and why and how to and what to counter, map awareness cool downs, targeting, focus here there res, ect. we are telling you were to go because we know it will be best based on x’factors’ . But since a lot of us and our schedules for everyone are like any working person, we get almost brushed aside not even being able to play with our our friends we know we would actually be be matched with because of years.. growing in pvp getting match with names we recognize as great players to play agaisnt and with……. WE honestly feel.. majority of the times that we are playing with bots… we are seriously trying to work, and not go with the idea that people are bad we are seriously trying to be humble about this but this is kinda our breaking point so I’m kinda writing this for everyone that belongs in better matches. this isn’t an anger post, this is a let down, sad, tired, and still looking for some inkling of hope. I’m sure everyone is aware of other issues on top of just mmr…. like balance for a big example. many many many competitive enthusiast are just not enjoying the scene anymore ect. anyways back to the topic…. please this game is great and has so much potential if balance would be a priority worked on daily, matchmaking done right (like before leagues because that is when it felt real), no class stacking would be a HUGE buff to matchmaking if done asap. but please someone, anyone save pvp for those who have been, and want to enjoy the only game time we spend out time and money on.
@How GW2 ‘can be’ esports: The standard is not really high. You just fight over money. Every PvE-Speed Run with a price pool is basically esports.
@How GW2 ‘could become a popular’ esports title: There are multiple threads regarding it. My personal two bullet points:
- Good league system, not a farm feast.
- Good balancing, not a Bristleback that can hit me for 20k (Yes, I have a screen shot).
So what you’re telling everyone is… you didn’t bother to dodge any of the damage, no reflects, evades, blinking out, involn-ing yourself.. ect. should i keep going?
Also if a pet hits you that hard so can anyone else 2x because you clearly have no toughness on you.. go troll somewhere else with your “I have screen shots”
check his stats, very low.. also first post on forums.. so obviously doesn’t communicate too much through the community off game.
I feel like Druid is at a good standing right now, playing wise 1v1s if the other person (not Druid) actually knows how to play/look out specific skill rotations (and not the typical casuals and then cry on the forums that x skill/class is op for small easily counter able things they didn’t put in the time to figure out and practice) it is actually and very equal fight.
That aside, I absolutely 100% agree with the functionality of going into avatar without 100% fill up since there is a significant drop if you leave early anyways. Obviously the bar should be at least 1/4 full so if you use it for 1 skill, you’ll basically go back to 0%. Going into the state before 100% could be a possibility if the energy degeneration was 25/33/50% faster as a fair trade I guess?
On the flip side reasons why I would be hesitant is because doing so may open up people who cry on the forums for anything that: avatar this and that op, ect. leading to more if not already internal cool-downs on: potential skills/ traits, which are 100% balanced already… In which case I’d rather leave as is. But if it’s possible and doable w/o negative effects it’s worth a try
so this was a pve guild doing pvp missions………..plz somone help the thread poster (insert crying laughing emoji)
Please support your growing competitive player base by having a section on the new website!
To: Find/create teams, scrims. ect. Im willing to bet it will make those who need the little tiny nudge the ease to try it all out, and those already avid players the ease of access to form teams!
Since everyone including the Devs especially read these, I want to keep this in mind before the thought of touching/ or EVEN ‘looking’ into SnR comes into a feasible thing: look at how many other classes has their own unique aspect to play with.. blinking, porting, shooting through the mist, ect.. most classes can and DO counter this skill effectively in from every which way! , interrupt, cc, blink, port whatever to the down target cleave, Not to mention losing a point possibly on an already losing fight since the person was down.. so please people put your thinking caps on before you start typing away at your keyboards and play a litter more, in fact I invite you to put yourself in the mentality of hmm how can i stop someone from resing if they got ported away ? (if max 1200) make a list! try it out! I’m willing to bet 9/10 of those thing you wrote down worked ..soo fyi please, please stop calling op on things you haven’t even spend a day figuring it out
It’s another terrible attempt at updating skills. There wasn’t anything wrong with the skill as it was previously. This version is over the top.
Well, except the monstrous cooldown.
Transfusion has been doing something similar since June, even affecting more allies on a shorter cooldown, but nobody complains about that.
Thats because of the “pet ressing”. The necro transfusion trait is awesome, but still takes at least twice as long to res its target which gives alot more time for opponents to react.
Transfusion healing part is bugged. Reaper or Necro have a high end build that is not bunker/support because other classes (ele, scrapper, druids, guard) got more viable support build.
The pet rez seems instant or so… and the downed player seems up before you got time to counter it.
Give us counter play, with “good” tell that take 2 sec or more, to make it good.
Don’t forget the trait that rez with search and rescue don’t have any cooldown, seems instant and rez in less than 1 second.
It is definitely not instant at all what so ever. countering it is very easy if you actually have situational awareness and blink back to the down target and cleave the downed/pet/druid and then you: A either killed the down, downed the druid (taking advantage (fast reaction) B: stopped the res, druid got away (decent reaction) C: no situation awareness and res happen hence no effort to get to the down (little to no reaction)
This thread is not even remotely valid and extremely bias not to mention very toxicto be blurting out OP when it can be countered which i will explain in very easy to understand words.
When you port someone “out of cleave” you are doing 2 things, which cannot be argued
1. You are losing the point (obviously off point to be in a more non-cleave area ) in order to res the person, which can cause you to lose it entirely, therefore you need to leave or try again in already a losing fight since you needed to res. on top of that losing resources in another fight/point to rotate to you to help in the fight or help you.
2. Just like ANYONE else you are opening yourself to cleave on yourself (the resser and the ‘wanting to be ressed’) how?why? lets make this VERY clear.
S&R is Not the only port (blink) type skill. I Don’t think i need to list them all but lets hope your minds are working at this point at how clear un ‘OP’ S&R is.. so to add beack to the main point, you’re are opening yourself to cleave because Most classes can blink, pull, knock-back, launch interupt the resser and/or downed.. ect….. straight to the target they were cleaving and now boom, it didnt matter if i ported them because now IM dying to cleave while the partner is gets killed.
here is the main point, S&R is NOT I repeat NNNNOOOTTT op in anyway shape or form compared to other abilities classes have! in fact its a unique ability just like any other class/ specialization.
(edited by panda the chop chop.4712)!%22
Despite the January 26th, 2016 rework, activating this shout still prevents capture-point contribution.
The point is why when compared to other skills/traits (effect/respond, or cast,) those do not prevent C-P. While this same effect type skill, Is.
It should not be intended; it’s not distortion, doesn’t give immunity, doesn’t give no dammage taken, not even signet of stone from what I just double checked prevents point capture. /bumping untill looked at
conveniences for $1? I’d buy
thanks for some feedback!
Design an phone app that sends a notification to you that you have a match and then from there you can accept the match and then choose the map via your phone (same dishonor rules just a mobile way to interact with the game) for those long ques and you wanna go to the bathroom, keep an eye on cooking food, kids, ect.
ANet is going to do their best to quick-sort higher skilled players into the “proper” division (i.e. BRACKET).
Strict brackets are CRITICAL in this game because of the potential sophistication of the combat system. Better players can be MUCH more effective on complex classes and rotations than newer/less skilled players.
The Dunning Kruger effect is very strong in GW2 (Google it). Those who are not even AWARE of what is possible think the combat system is simple.
It’s not. Map awareness, combos, rotation intuition, quick reflexes, baiting, feinting, and many other factors come into play at higher skill levels.
Someone please give this man/woman a medal, subtweet, sub forum forum post 100000gold legendary armor and everything….. Because almost 80% of these pvp forums crying posts and complainers, afkers, blames In the matches DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT understand the last paragraph of this amazing person ….
In summery. Before you consider you’re knowledge to be anything of superiority of another person behind a computer… Reevaluate, and go down a check list of that last paragraph and ASK YOURSELF …. Do I really do all of those things???
If not? Please get more experience. If yes then you probably wouldn’t didn’t have to read this far because you stopped at “give this man/woman a medal” :quote probably.
haven’t noticed any forum posts from a-net so i figured I ask everyone (anyone) on any info they’ve provided (if any)
Edit: I mean looked into (not ‘fixed’)
Superior Sigil of Concentration is the only sigil that is worth using an extractor for.
its actually really is that one :/ lol ill try the extractor
Is there any way to get a sigil removed from an account bound weapon?
i accidentally put it on the wrong weapon… and the sigil was very quite expensive too…. i’m not trying to lose it, but I don’t want to use it on that vanilla weapon either
From Underwater, Land, swapped,& everything between!
NOTE: current weapons obv. looking to see more weapons go from offhand to main and main to off, land weapons also used underwater. MOARRRR SKILLZZZZ
The List:
-Spear (on land) used: thrown or close combat
-Trident (on land) used: thrown? ranged skills, close combat
-Wand (on land/underwater) magical stuff
-Great axe I see lots of 50% off in the future
-Scythe fast spinning attacks NOTE not to be confused looking like guardian GS spinning -.- see…
-kusari-gama …!!! lots of fun interesting possibilities at mid-ranged skills!
-kama just think….MOARRRRR dagger type skillzzz
(moaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrskillssssssss) Below
- Flatbow more supportive, arching shots
-Hornbow burst spike skillz
-Recurve Bow multi shots? spay? toxic fan spay shots! .. lol
-Unarmed grappling? takedowns? think rampage but alot more towned down but effective in its own respect!
anyways thats all i can come up with!
Edit: Active all day long guild; But if there is a more specific time id say 4pm EST +??
Spending next few hours or so to find a guild So I’m posting this to help speed up the search!!! (server doesn’t matter I can move if needed)
All that matters to me is a very active, eventful, & talkative! To me PvP is Very Important BUT *I want a community/ Fun crowd I can laugh & joke around with on Teamspeak (ect) … I still need to learn raids/ want to get back in WvW a bit too.
Getting Shinnies in-between Killing in PvP/Tournaments while enjoying the community is the point
a Little about me:
-Been playing since launch, I have 1.5 year of Commanding Experience (Raiding/Pugmanding)
-I Currently PvP religiously 2500+ PvP Hours.
-Experience in Tournaments (AG,ToL, Pugquest ect.)
-Like helping & leading (coordinating events / wvw)
-8300ish achievement points
& ofc you can ask me any other questions
Classes I Play:
-Ranger / Druid (main)
-Mesmer / Chrono
-Ele /Temp
-Dragon hunter (don’t like guardian vanilla personally but very good at DH)
-Thief / Daredevil
-Warrior / Berserker
Things I’m looking For that the guild does: (PvX)
WvW / GvG / Guild missions / Guild Events 45%
PvE (Including fractals, living story, Map Completion, Adventures type things etc.). 30%
Raids 15%
PvP 10%
Josh, what about
1050 Power
1050 Healing Power
560 Toughness
560 Vitality1050 Condition
1050 Healing
560 Toughness
560 Vitalityect… i mean you dont have to stop there lol
Would be too tanky.
actually compared to the meta now with the amulets they are removing, its quite more balanced with not too much damage; much more defined
Hi all,
We’re planning on making some changes to amulets/sigils/runes available in PvP for the Winter 2016 Update (January 26). Some of these changes will greatly affect the way that PvP is played, so I wanted to take this opportunity to get the changes in front of everyone, discuss the implications as a group, and see where we net out. Most of these changes are easily reversible, so don’t view this as a “forever change”, but rather something we’ll tweak until we get PvP’s gameplay closer to our vision for it. These changes will go out prior to our next season PvP League season, so if we identify a change that isn’t accomplishing our goals we’ll have time to address it before the season begins.
You’ll note that a lot of the changes below are directed at more defensive stat combos/items. Our intent is not to eradicate this type of gameplay, but simply to improve the pace of gameplay overall.
We’ll be removing the following runes from PvP:
- Rune of Durability
- Rune of Mercy
Sigil Changes:
- Sigil of Demon Summoning: this sigil will no longer be usable in PvP.
- We already removed a majority of AI summoning sigils/runes in a previous release – we’re just finishing the job.
- Sigil of Energy: the functionality of this Sigil is changing slightly. Instead of granting 50 endurance on weapon swap, Sigil of Energy will instead grant 5 seconds of vigor to the player with the usual 9 second ICD. This change only applies to PvP.
Amulet Changes:
We’ll be adding the following amulets:
Mercenary’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Condition
560 Toughness
560 VitalitySage’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Condition
560 Healing Power
560 VitalityPaladin’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Precision
560 Toughness
560 VitalityMender’s Amulet
1050 Power
1050 Healing Power
560 Precision
560 VitalityWe’re also removing the following amulets:
- Soldier’s
- Settler’s
- Celestial
- Sentinel
PS, gold for purchases runes/amulets will be refunded, and the newly added amulets will be free.
Josh, what about
1050 Power
1050 Healing Power
560 Toughness
560 Vitality
1050 Condition
1050 Healing
560 Toughness
560 Vitality
ect… i mean you dont have to stop there lol
‘Ranked arena’ Cannot join in parties aka ranked random arena.
Ranked Team arena must be at least 3 ‘partied’ to join, AND people can still (solo q) but knowing they will be put in a team that is 3/5, 4/5 against other pre-mades.
Except since solos in your team mode can only be paired with a team of 3 or 4, they will have really really long queues which will likely result in them quitting for the pure solo mode, which of course leads to 3-4 man groups never getting pops, so they will quit too, which would result in even longer queue time for the remaining 5 mans.
There are reasons why few games differentiate team and solo.
except that assumption is a very unlikely negative assumption
‘Ranked arena’ Cannot join in parties aka ranked random arena.
Ranked Team arena must be at least 3 ‘partied’ to join, AND people can still (solo q) but knowing they will be put in a team that is 3/5, 4/5 against other pre-mades.
you actually have to focus someone down?!?!
out play….
coordinate & time skills…..
count dodges……
react fast…….
out rotate to counter builds…..
The grace period is adjustable, and is there to account for restarting the game and hopping back in. We can change the grace period to be longer if we see that it is not long enough to account for the majority of people reentering the game.
The dishonor also applies immediately, so if you d/c and come back to play early, you’ll have worked off some of the timeout by the end of the match.
Thank you for the quick feedback! The grace period can definitely be averaged out with the help of the community giving some feedback with times how i did.
Once a game has started, there is a grace period of disconnect time before getting dishonor. Just to try an clarify with what was stated on patch notes. I disconected within about 1 minute to almost 2.
(from what i can remember which was about 15 mins ago)
My game crashed and I get back in within 35-45 seconds, maybe even less! and I have a Dishonor time out even though i got back in the match and finished it full and through.
What system is going to in placed to prevent us to not be dishonored in situations stated above? Countless of others and I could sometimes may have their games crash or internet disconnect.
Given the time isn’t that long.. like 8 mins? I may sound a little qq’ing .. and I guess people could say just take it for the greater good, this is still my 2c’s. and so. We shouldn’t be punished over something we completely have no control of.
(Idea) If a player actually comes back to the match within an minute to a minute and a half and finishes the game (proven by not standing still x amount of seconds) fully.
dishonor should not be applied.
IF you’re running that “meta”-battle build in sPVP… you’re not even using druid to its full potential…. you might as well write wanna-be follower on your forehead. *please stop making these garbage useless threads that only bring attention to the class/spec for un-need reasons. (given the fact condi/druid is very sad to consider “meta”.
me (dh) and a thief just went against a druid that just wouldnt die and was practically killing us. took forever to get him down but when he got to 10% he just ran and came back to fight us with full health
You guys couldn’t kill me because I simply dogged through your traps and stub broke out of the thief’s spikes.. and yes it was me you fought. you guys didn’t coordinate spikes, didn’t play off each-others attacks…. i used that to my advantage .. this is a LTP issue
Nvidia has an update that does not automatically download or even pop up that its needed.
Download the new updates, it will remove all the old files and install new one, restart pc and i got it!!
bringing this back up to one
Change grace of the land back to less condi dammage please. Thanks
Panda – Really not trying to troll here…. but do you honestly think they’ll answer us?
Do they ever?
worth a shot; let’s just leave this discussion at that.
(Please do not troll this thread; this is more directed for an official answer)
trying to get an official stament on why F2 was changed
Also @anet why not just let rangers control each pet skil?
(we are beast masters, so it would seem silly that we can only make our pets 1 do specific action)
Or at the very least lets us choose what action we want our pets to perform.
You mean master of overnerfing?
The f2 got nerfed too at the same time unfortunately.
please read the patch notes, this was a bug fix, not a balance change. you rangers were/are actually defending a bug lmao
No one cares about damage, no one even payed attention to it.
F2 was swapped.
Hey all,
As we hurtle toward launch most of my time is locked into Druid and Scrapper changes.
After much tribulation I was able to make a change to WHAO to remove the static boon stack application on Might and Stability stacks being copied; this was actually a fairly difficult change to implement as we don’t really have support for copying boons with preset durations.
This’ll go in with the 23rd.
literally … the best.
(the best confirmed)