Showing Posts For pandora.8475:

2v1 against my server

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


Bahwhhahah that’s funny, makes me what server your with?

Simple solution use a new route like offer said or just hop maps. If you run out in the same place disorganized, against a organized comp you will always have a bad time.

I am in black gate.

2v1 against my server

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


I am asking nicely can you do something about the Constant 2v1 against my Server?they are literally stand outside our spawn farm us coming out and they don’t even fight other they are clearly working together all I want to do is karma train and the two servers Meanies will not let us do that and so what if our server is over stack that does not give them the right to 2v1 us all week so please anet can you make them stop.

(edited by pandora.8475)

[NA] Join DmD and maybe win a legendary

in Looking for...

Posted by: pandora.8475


I was in dmd once they largely inactive.. then i join better more active guild with full up grade guild family like atmosphere And loves to have fun message me for invited.

Even anet hates rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: pandora.8475


They already released the real classes any ways

Even anet hates rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: pandora.8475


they scrapper elite specialization for rangers

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pandora.8475


And is this just warning sign of what to come when hot gets released.

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pandora.8475


I think they should be ashamed with this event they hype so much. I agree it with the saying fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me.

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


Trust me your not missing much it huge waste of time.

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pandora.8475


I would say there a huge disconnect going on here.

Huge Disconnect

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


Amen brother Is this warning sign of things to come.

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


boring like silver waste

It 100 times worse then sliver waste

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pandora.8475


Wow. Have you even looked at the math behind how many hours it would take to get the ‘rewards’? I even agree that the way this event was done, coupled with the fact that it may or may not have siphoned resources away from expansion development, makes it more or less not worth the effort it took to make. But you could at least sound like you’ve read the reasons why people are actually complaining.

Honestly? The math involved seems pretty clear to me that they DON’T want you getting every possible reward in the 4 days available. No doubt to cater to the “exclusives” that would throw an unholy temper tantrum if everything they worked “so hard” for during Season 1 could be had in four days and is therefore now “worthless.”

So, I would say… “Working as intended?”

If that the case why make them rewards in the first place.

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pandora.8475


I totally agree with you.

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pandora.8475


What I would like to know why Anet so quiet about this why not come out admit they fail and made a mistake

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


They but in low lvl zone but give no xp so the new f2p can’t lvl so what point of the event why celebrate f2p then screw them like this there not one good thing about this event it epic fail and should be shut down out of embarrassment.

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pandora.8475


And the rewards are not that great they just left over form old events it really luck effort Anet but in this event I agree it should be shut down it failed horribly.

Mordrem Invasion Update 10 September

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


Since all these personal stacks are doing is encouraging very selfish play by hopping between events and only tagging a few mobs could you lower the number of stacks required to be eligible for the max rewards?

Such as:
• 0-3 stacks = 0 blooms
• 4-5 stacks = 5 blooms
• 6-7 stacks = 10 blooms
• 8-9 stacks = 15 blooms
• 10+ stacks = 20 blooms

Would discourage people hopping between events as much. A better solution would be to make the stacks a map-wide counter and personal stacks would only make you eligible for the reward.

As it is this is teaching the new players a very horrible way to play the game and isn’t promoting group and team play at all.

Your wrong
• 0-3 stacks = 0 blooms
• 4-5 stacks = 0blooms
• 6-7 stacks = 5blooms
• 8-9 stacks =10 blooms
• 10+ stacks = 10 blooms
That other thing is just a once day

please, a good reason to skip my xp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


That easy do something else that event a joke lvl some other way

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


Unfortunately, the event is a dismal failure, 30 minutes of nonstop mob tagging to get up to 15 blooms for 30 minutes of work, followed by a break of 30 minutes that people use to go afk for any reason or go to lions arch. No one cares about new players, even to the point where I think new players are avoiding the areas because they are getting a cluster mess with the blobs of people an event that’s 1 too difficult to get credit in, or 2 to difficult to survive through. So all it’s come down to is people grinding for their rewards which they won’t get cause the event is still broken.

Got love that t-1 match fixing

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


It funny how bg was third last week and lost by 20k and now this week they are winning by 20 k I wonder how that happens

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


No we’re still being under punishment for match fixing wvw and not likeing there gemstone items and demand and character Slot on preorder so now that they are sticking it to us

Your best looking character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


My thief and that butt and under boob


Why no gemstore updates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


Cause anet punished us for not like there ugliest outfits

Why no gemstore updates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


I was wondering why there no new gem store items a net please realase some thing so I can spent my money in your game .

Siege troll active on bg bl

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


Karma hurts spy gate does’kitten have no pity for that server after all it done

Siege troll active on bg bl

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


No that what bg deserve after all there cheat ways they do it all the time good about they get what deserve

How do we report match manipulation?

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


Exactly what t-1 been doing for about a year now with push weeks and with multiple accounts

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


So your saying your t1 sever is doing something that a no no and yet Proheal done noting to fix the match manipulation going on in there t-1 sever Proheal all talk no action.

Alt Abuse in BL

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


Wake up and smell roses people anet does not care about there w v w they making money off all the people buying alt account. They why guilds like tw/twl ons/onsl are cancer

Multiple accounts and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


That How the t1 guilds still in t1 and match fix all time they have alt account on two severe and have crossed severs playing against eachother

New WvW Season?

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


The season will be fix by top severs any ways just like always has been

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


The reason things got to be such ivory tower sever like bg and jq they giveing each other guilds and working together to make sure they stay balance and match fix.

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


That easy fix anet just has stop jq bg for buying guilds and share them between both severs and fixing matches and issues would be solved

Matchup Stagnation

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


If the t1 servers would stop match fixing and win sharing glicko match would work as it should and t1 would not be lock as it is now t1 is so rigged and boring anet refuses To fix the cheating on three top severs wvw will be broken until then