Remove the stealth nerf on rare drops/magic find too you guys put in weeks ago.
Botter reporting - any way to find out the result?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: paultimate.8790
You guys just put a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Congratulations. 3000 will be back up within a week. One step forward, one step back. Start banning 3000 daily for a month and we will see some changes. Until then Orr is FILLED with bots STILL.
> How do you think we will ever get around a massive rating difference in a 3 x matchup though?
One good way of doing that is to not have the winning team rewarded with things that make them stronger. Guess what GW2 decided to do? rollseyes
WvW is flawed and the rating system, while a good way to balance things on a shallow level, will never result in a system that can reliably and consistently have the week long battles on a balanced nature, because the more a team gets, the EASIER it is for them to get more, and that’s 100% backwards.
Disallow server transfers to servers you are playing against in WvW. (reccomended)
Extend the time limit on server transfers to 7 days.
- Disallows players coming in and dumping supply into rams placed uselessly.
- Disallows server transfer spam to ‘come to the winning side’ further compounding balance issue.
- Disallows players coming over, moving the Orb and letting their real server take it.
- Disallows spies (though i sort of like the idea of spies) listening in on /t
- Disallows cross server harassment
- Disallows scamming ‘tactics’ (griefing). Follow me into this trap!
Why is this still unfixed? Huge exploits. WvW is becoming more and more a joke. Bots everywhere. WvW is slowly degrading as more people discover these gaping exploits, please do something.
(edited by paultimate.8790)
Anet why is this so difficult to understand? Why are you overcomplicating this so much?
1. Make the end reward known BEFORE entry. I dont mean let people know what random drops they will get.
2. If you want to limit farming, stop being SHADY ABOUT IT and start putting actual lockouts on instances.
3. Don’t want them to farm a place more than once per hour? LOCK IT. Do NOT sit behind the shadows and put a horrible reward at the end that they didnt know was coming. GIVE THE FULL REWARD every time the instance comes out of ‘cooldown’
4. Giving the full reward at the end is FLAWED and an archaic old and horrible method of reward. Did you guy learn NOTHING from your past or what other MMOs did right?
This promotes activity in a larger range of instances at the same time lets people know what to expect from a place so they can make a rational personal choice wither to spend their time going or not.
Why are you not doing this? Who is making these horrible delicious? STOP IT. WE ARE GETTING FRUSTRATED.
(edited by paultimate.8790)
Or maybe warp em into an Arena that they cant get out of. Then tag them so that all see each other as a normal mob to attack.
And thus The Great Bot War begins. Who shall come out victorious???
T’is a bit of fun indeed. And they are absolutely piling up in some areas so it makes it easy in place. 5+ bots tossing of fireworks makes quite a display!
Discussion there. The issue is droprate for rares has plummeted, even with more magic find since around the 25th. This is NOT an RNG or statistical probable. This is no diminishing returns, as my green and blue drops have stayed the same.
With 130% MF I was consistently getting more than 2 rares per hour doing some hard grinding. Meaning it would be RARE to 3 and Id NEVER get less than that. Typically the numbers would be 4-6 per hour. Getting only 2 would happen maybe 5% of the time. Almost never. This is over 150+ hours or so.
After the 25th or around that date, 23rd or so I have consistently never been getting MORE than 3 rares per hour. The only thing that has changed on my end is I have gotten more magic find. This has been going on for 36 hours or so now. To put this into a relative prospective, this is like haing a 99% crit rate and getting a string of 10 non-crits in a row. Can it happen? Yes. Changes of it happening? 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Id like to know what is going on from an official response if anyone has it. If this is another part of their anti-bot code, that’s just harming real players again or what is happening?
Thanks and see you ingame.
1. Goto the bottom of Rata Sum
2. Find the Pyro vendor. Buy many fireworks
3. Goto a botting area.
4. Lay fireworks down where the bots kills mobs
5. lol as the bots pick up your fireworks
6. Enjoy the show.
Ya, just did a quick estimate on how many employees it would take. Seems to be 29 or more zones in the game (all of them quite large btw), and about 51 servers listed on the WvW forum. Thats 1,479 employees if 1 person watch one ENTIRE zone by themselves on every server.
No one said per zone. And you act like it would be a huge deal to look after a zone. Do you not realize how prevention this issue is or consider the tools they have to make this task very easy? You sound as if you have absolutely no experience in this sort of moderation.
When an GM enters a zone they arnt liek a normal player that has to use WP and run around. They typically have the ability to warp from event to event and give each location known to harbor bots a moment of watch. These ‘bot nodes’ are produced by the common player that sends reports and talk about it on mapchat. These nodes are obvious, clear and in the open. It takes but a moment, to go there, look, and start the ban process from observing clear behavior of exploiting and botting. I could personally do all of Orr in less than 30 min on a rotation.
Each zone in the game harbors these bots, mostly events that when coupled with reports from that server are easily able to pinpoint these nodes of abuse. Dont act as if this is some big hard thing to do. Its at worst boring to do be on bot ban duty, but in no way is it a difficult thing to actually do given the tools GW2 has available for moderation.
Else we will start this process again after the first mass banwave hits. The garbage will again pile up and we will be back to square one in a huge mess trying to patch the new exploit ad infinitum.
Or they could do something fun like turn on a PvP flag for obvious botters, and normal players on the server can engage in PvP combat for a chance at badges and loot. Not to mention the satisfaction of offing nastie botters.
(edited by paultimate.8790)
Its great you guys are getting to the core of this and patching exploits, but in the end, this will always be something in an MMO. You patch, and they circumvent and find other ways. The garbage is piling up FAR faster than its being taken out. This needs to be addressed.
How about they hire a dude per server to go through each area for 30 min, watch mapchat (esp in Orr) find out where bots are, witness OBVIOUS bots in action in open event areas for all to see, and put a temp-ban on them so normal players can AT LEAST play the game normally for a few days? How hard is this? Give me the ability to do it, I literally see more bots than real people in Orr events now.
Something needs to be done between ban waves to help the situation, becuse it will only stop for a while when exploits are patched untill they find new methods. We need a more fine grained way to deal with this in a practical way that involves them going away for a while, as a time-buffer until a more permanent solution is developed (as you’re doing now). You cant expect people to wait weeks like this every-time they find new ways around the walls and start piling up all over again everywhere.
I can literally log in right now and take a screenshot of bots in an event that have been there for WEEKS.
[Edited by CC: Removed screenkitten]
(edited by Moderator)
Get your kitten together, ANet.
That’s the point of orbs, to make them important enough to want to keep, protect and obtain.
I’m pretty certain people would still want to keep and get them if they provided the outmanned boon. So your point doesnt really mean anything here.
They already made a comment on it (finally) I cant find it but just know that they did recognize it as an issue.
Exactly. Its ridiculous. I really hope they switch it. It would make getting the Orbs more worth it and when outmanned make it harder for teams to be dominate on off hours. Balance.
So lets look at the main WvW boons for a moment.
Orb Of Power
Each Orb of Power grants the owning world a 5% boost to maximum HP and 50 bonus points to all stats.
This means that if one side is already winning, they get a buff to make winning even easier. That is not balanced.
+20% Magic find
+33% Experience
+33% Karma
How does this in ANY WAY help even the playing field when outmanned? Are you saying we should just start farming some PvE while in WvW? Because if we are outmanned, we wont be taking many towers, let alone keeps. This is worthless.
So, on one hand you have a boon that buffs the winning side to make winning easier for them, and the other you have a boon for the side that has a much lower fighting force, that does absolutly nothing to help them.
—>>>Please switch these, ANet!<<<—-
Let each orb give 8% MF, 12%Exp and 12%Karma.
Let the outmanned buff become flexible and proportional to the average difference between each side. Meaning if Green has 2x and Red has 1.5x the amount of players Blue has, the average would be 1.75×. Take this and apply it to the outmanned boon in some way to make the playingfield fair and dependent on skill rather than numbers. Have this update with every new player that joins so its always even.
(edited by paultimate.8790)
Come on guys. 10? That was fine when I was a lil guy with a few copper. Now Im getting really tired of speed-clicking cotton thread x 50 so I can do my crafting.
Can we please get stacks of at least 50 or 250? Also please add the option to sell this stuff back to the vendor at 100% vendor price per. THis both makes everything easy, and prevents the loss of $ if anyone missclicks.
" if you press one button on your controller and it activates a chain of skills, that’s where you run into forbidden territory."
This is not something Anet would ever be able to even detect. Not to mention that is not automation. It requires manual interaction with the game. I dont see the disadvantage to other playes if players do that. Also, maybe they would be less inclined to if the keybind system in GW2 were from this century.
Damage needs to be nerfed. Armor needs to be more effective. I dont even know how you can backstab someone in full set of heavy armor with a small dagger. Makes zero sense.
Its almost like tiered armor would be a good idea and give people at endgame something to do! Novel, I know.
“People don’t realize that armor rating means absolutely nothing”
?? It means you take less damage the more you have, son.
1. Im from DH
2. Get a grip. They weren’t tossing matches. They were simply matched up with people that were on when they weren’t. Guess what, now the problem is they are on when we arnt. Its not their fault they have a bigger night-crew.
The fault lay with the horrible que system anet borrowed from their drunks aunts druggy half sons step daughters pet rat. Poor mr rat died on a keyboard one day and out poped a very basic and flawed que system in C++ written in notepad. This is the system they now use. Enjoy
The problem is that Badges are looted and not an Awarded Currency.
‘F’ Spam during Battles.
Fun, right?
The problem is badges in the first place. They should not be items. They should work like Karma and be rewarded along with the karma, silver and experience when you complete objectives. It is just too cool for school to be running around trying to loot crap when this is about PvP, not PvkittenbagsShutupNPCImtryingToLootThisBagOhkittenThisDamnSiegeWeaponIsTooCloseNowIHaveTo ManuallyClickTheDamnBagOHkittenNowImdeadbecuseiwastryingtolootandforgottodefend
Do you guys know how much fun it is to do repair and siege building duty and siege offence defence? I get SOO many badges repairing walls and stuff its so awesome. I am so glad anet make sure everyone got rewarded for doing more than mindlessly zerging around the map, staying behind, spending their OWN MONEY to upgrade (instead of a constrained fund from capturing special gold nodes of some sort) and fortify! GOLLY GOSH GEE GOOD PLAN GUYS GOOD PLAN! Dont even get me started on what a wicket cool and super fresh idea it was to have the commanders book cost gold instead of badges! YAY! Now we can have gold farmers command us! TO THE CAVES MEN! I FOUND A RICH MITHRIL VEIN! — SO. EPIC.
hahaha, people arnt going to do it just because you say so. Put this in the suggestions forum, this is something Anet needs to deal with. Expecting people to not do it is ludicrous.
“Although I am generally inclined to agree with you, I need to say: correlation does not imply causation.”
Ya know, people that generally say that back it with opposing reasons. By itself that statement is irrelevant and empty pseudo-intelligent rubbish. The probability that the reason the imbalance is happening on many servers is due to a very faulty que system that was not designed well to do exactly why we have que systems; balance the load. They seem to have forgotten that the server load isnt the only thing needing to be balanced.
One of the ridiculous things they let into the release of this game is only having one set of key-binds across all characters and all weapons. Whose idea was that??
I have zero way to really even know if I will ever get this gold back. So I have a general feeling that what I did for an entire day ingame was for zero progression and that absolutly sucks the fun out of this for me. If I dont feel like im progressing to anything, I dont have fun.
SIGH. How hard is it to do a proper AH system? Havent they been doing it for years? Doesnt D3 and hasnt WoW done this for nearly a decade? Why is this being so difficult for them?
“This doesn’t illustrate the WvW problems, it shows problems with guilds and players”
Yes. yes it does. If you cant see it, then thats your problem, but the data and points speak for themselves.
“This is a phenomenal thread. There are so many moving pieces in this game that this is a great way for you help us track issues. I will sticky this thread and get working on fixes for these right away. It might be a week or so before you see these changes in game. I would encourage other profession forums to do the same thing so that we can iron out all of the kinks in skills & traits so that we can more easily figure out which aspects require balance updates and which are just a matter of bugs.
aka ‘Thanks for beta testing for us guys! Can any of you code btw??’
For the love of all that is good, start pitting servers with similer que times throughout the day. IT SINT FUN to have a server tyhat has a great deal more night-crew than you and everything you worked for, literally EVERYTHING is gone by morning.
If you want that 30% to continue, please balance by que time of day as PRIORITY over server point accumulation. *
For example, Darkhaven and Anvil Rock are similer, so good matchup time-wise. However toss Yaks Bend in the mix and you get a horribly lopsided matchup that makes the point system wholly irrelevant when trying to balance by skill. Skilled players cant win against a lesser skilled enemy WHEN THEY ARE ASLEEP.
For the love of all that is good, start pitting servers with similer que times throughout the day. IT SINT FUN to have a server tyhat has a great deal more night-crew than you and everything you worked for, literally EVERYTHING is gone by morning.
If you want that 30% to continue, please balance by que time of day as PRIORITY over server point accumulation. *
I’m so glad Im not the only one. I was feeling like my game was bugged or something. I have countless hundreds of kills and I loot everything I can, yet I have 28 badges. How do people get anywhere close to 300? I am in WvW all the time building and upgrading from my own earned cash and I get squat! I need a reward and a feeling of progression or whats the point anymore? Thats not fun.
This image says it most of it. This added to everything else is SUCKING the fun out of this game for me. Please tell me this is a bug.
- My account is NOT compromised
- My email is NOT compromised
- I do NOT use a pass or email that is linked to ANY other game
- My system is firewalled and utterly protected from malware, viruses and everything else by a few different protection utilities and applications, Kaspersky, malwarebytes, to name a couple.
I am secure. So why has my gold disappeared.
I support and defend and upgrade.
What do I get? Karma. Worthless to me karma.
Why am I getting karma for defending a tower instead of badges?
Why am I getting nothing for upgrading?
Why am I not rewarded for supporting?
What incentive do I have to WvW as a defending support for my team out in the field if Im robbed of badges for it ontop of it costing me ingame gold??
Please add a badge reward for being a defender, upgrader, and supporter.
If you think DPS is the only thing that matters in your build you’re just doing it wrong.
What are you going to do with your 1000 DPS if you can’t even hit your enemy in PvP? And then he rolls around and bleeds you to death because you replaced your condition heal for moardps?
Did anyone actually say “DPS is the only thing that matters” in pvp? Or did you just put that from your …..
A lot of people fail to realize what sort of game they are playing. Its an RPG. RPG games from the very start were based on math. People that enjoyed numbers INVENTED THIS GENRE.
DPS meters and whatnot are a natural want. It would do zero harm. If you dont want to see it. Dont turn it on. Simple as that. It would be very easy to parse damage in the combat logs with seconds to get a DPS count, so this would be very easy to put in game if they choose to in the future.
+1 OP
How about a Que All option.
WP costs should be 1s at MAX distance and work down from there.
Their priorities are out of order imo. They are trying to start balancing classes while basic game input still isnt finished.
I have a feeling this is going to be another Conan/Warhammer becuse they arnt fixing very basic things that are the staples of genre. This needed to be done five weeks ago.
I wonder what their rational was for this. Its a mistake as old as the MMO genre and has always been corrected. Why did they make the same mistake in this day and age?
> reduce the downtime
Or, if you weren’t trying to be a jack of all trades and min/max, you could either kill them before they kill you, making that issue irrelevant. Or kill them slowly and laugh at them try to dent you. Trying to be a little of everything is the sign of a novice player.
(edited by paultimate.8790)
Mrbig, quantify ‘hit like a truck’ being a couple thousand isnt really large.
Orbs need to do what the outmanned buff does and the outman buff needs to do what the orbs do. Someone in charge of that got very confused.
If we could just get some sign that this is at least being looked at or if its intended or not we can at least make choices if we want to keep playing.
Give us something, please, anet.
Listen to me.
- If you didn’t want people doing speed-runs.
- If you wanted people doing more environments. More instances.
- If you wanted this to not be a grind.
Then you should have thought about what you were doing. You should have thought, hmm, possibly lets make a system, where you can only do X once a day, but the rewards for X are much greater. This solves every problem above. Everyone does every instance they can in that day. They get all their instances done and are left with loot that would have had them grinding for a dozen hours in one instance over and over. They start seeing more of the game naturally.
You do not, in the shadows, implement a secret debuff/condition that most people will only notice after the finish an instance. You do not punish the player. This is BAD DESIGN. People will LEAVE THIS GAME in droves as they get to endgame and realize there is nothing really enjoyable anymore. Just a leveled out drip-feed of moderation and meh. We need epic. We need spikes of WOW and WTF DID YOU SEE THAT and OMG THIS LOOT IS AMAZING. This will be Warhammer and Conan all over again and I don’t want that. LEARN from the mistakes AND the accomplishments in past and present MMOs. You dont have to disregard everything that a game like Wow has to teach just because you want to be your own thing. They have a longevity and experience. People still play them in the amount they do for real reasons. I want those special aspects in this game.
This game has the potential to be far better than any MMO in history, but for some reason it is being utterly smothered by a severely wrong mentality in how limitations and reward systems are distributed.
(edited by paultimate.8790)
^ Just like Blizzard, telling their players how to play.
Right?? I mean I want to be able to FLY! ANET WHY YOU SO OPPRESSIVE!
So many whiners. All they are doing is making it so people can speed-run the SAME thing over and over again. If you run even ONE different one every other time, and you spend an 61 min doing them both, then you will never see a difference.
So start looking at your second favorite place to grind and grind it on rotation. Big. Kitten. Deal.