Showing Posts For ritsuko.2863:

Grats to SoR on their 1st Gold medal in T1

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863



Came back to play this week to help!

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


BG totally dominated all 4 maps tonight, awesome good job!

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


SoR has an existing, decent sized Asian time-zone force, just lacked the participation, organization and structure for it. In time, I think it can become quite formidable when stacked together into a zerg ball under a single leadership. Having early morning/afternoon NA forces help out is also a huge huge plus.

We’re used to running in small squads that get rolled by enemy zerg balls.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by ritsuko.2863)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


gogo BG you can do it!

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


I don’t see how the new Blackgate will be able to compete with JQ. It is still Sunday (NA) and as of this timing, BG’s WvW presence has nearly been wiped from all of the borderlands. It will only get much worse during the weekdays.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by ritsuko.2863)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


The 3-way garrison fights were great fun on SOR BL during Asian prime-time. Too bad that they won’t last past the weekend.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863



It’s all green!

Except Dawn’s Eyrie on SOR BL!

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by ritsuko.2863)

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Yesterday night was indeed pretty bad. There were less than 10 SoR players on SoR BL when we zoned in and we only had 1 tower left. By the end of Asian prime-time, we managed to take back the whole borderlands.

EB was completely camped, tried some break-out events with 10 players but got stopped fast. This is the first time since launch that I’ve seen such a dominated EB in tier 1.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Hands up Singaporeans or GMT+8 folks

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


SYN is primarily based in Singapore and is in the process of reviving interest in WvW with the pending content updates. We’re recruiting on Sanctum of Rall (SoR) and run WvW every GMT+8 night.

If you’re interested in tactical, organized small squad play and not zerging around in large numbers, do apply @

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall - Oceanic Recruitment

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


We’ve just moved to SoR with a couple of allied guilds and can testify that it is a fantastic destination server for Oceanic, Asian and EU time-zone crews. The NA organization on SoR is top-notch. I’ve never seen anything like it since the time of TA.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

[SoR-WvW] Synapse GMT+8 Recruitment [SYN]

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


SYN has transferred officially to Sanctum of Rall (SoR) and have begun to resume WvW operations. We do WvW every night from GMT+8 8pm onwards. As such, we are looking for fresh blood that are interested in organized WvW sessions.

Recruitment is Open!

Please apply at

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

[SoR-WvW] Synapse GMT+8 Recruitment [SYN]

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Synapse is based in the SG/MY/Oceanic GMT+8 time zone and serves as a long-term MMORPG community for:

-Passionate gamers for life
-Top gaming talents in the SEA region and beyond
-Hardcore PvPers who wish to play together with skilled team-mates in an organized environment
-MMO veterans whose former guilds have disbanded and are looking for a permanent home


[GW2: Sanctum of Rall]


Although Synapse was officially formed in early 2011, our core is essentially a ‘multi-core’ assembled from very strong guilds and clans from our region. We’re very used to dominating our region’s gaming scene for mainstream MMOs, and now aspire to compete on the world-level.

We have players from:

[Competitive FPS background eg. old school Quake, Counterstrike 1.6, Blackshot, Sudden Attack]
[Competitive RTS & MOBA background eg. SC2, DOTA1/2, HoN, LoL]
[Dominant SEA BF3 clans eg. BADA_S_S, MBT]
[Top SG/MY PvP clans from F2P scene eg. DreamZ, Chronicle, Extalia]
[Renowned Shattered Galaxy Regiment – Strategists]
[WoW: Thaurissan PvP – Alliance – Serious Players] – [Gorgonnash PvP – Alliance – Eternity]
[WoW: Thaurissan PvP – Horde – Quantum]
[WoW: Blackrock/Barthilas PvP – Alliance – Elementium]
[Aion: Nezekan PvP – Asmodian – Nephilim – Dominant Oceanic PvP guild]
[SWTOR: The Swiftsure PvP – Republic – Synapse]
[RIFT: Briarcliff/Laethys – Guardian – Synapse]

Achievement Synopsis

- Founding member of Titan Alliance
- Coalition of renowned SEA and Oceanic gaming groups
- Home to many WoW multi-glads eg. Leonardo (9-time Gladiator Rank 1 Paladin), Mureas (Season 3 Rank 1 Warrior & Season 10 Rank 1 Priest)
- Aion: Rank #1 and most dominant PvP legion (Nephilim) on Nezekan server
- Rift: Oceanic 1st Akylios
- Swtor: Fielded several dominant PvP teams, Server 1st (Oceanic 2nd) 8-man Nightmare EV+KP clear on Swiftsure server

Guild Description

“In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell.”

Synapse is a hardcore progression guild with a melting pot of excellent veteran players at its core, and an extended guest roster of friends. Very much like the definition above, the vision for Synapse is to be THE community that connects quality gamers from our region together, be it individuals or groups. We strive to be considered as the #1 SEA-based guild, and as the top choice that a hardcore gamer from our region will pick when sourcing for a guild.

Drama is left at the door and while we recognize that having fun is an essential experience of gaming, our culture has and will always be centered around meritocracy. We seek players who have great environmental awareness, do their research to improve their performance as well as group synergy, and basically not weigh down the rest of the team. We do not regard hardcore as lengthy play time, but as dedication, knowledge and skill.

The majority of our members hail from Singapore, hence our official guild events are held during the latter part of Oceanic prime-time eg. GMT+8 7pm onwards. We will be focusing primarily on serious, competitive PvP and RvR, with PvE as a side-interest.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by ritsuko.2863)

hi SBI i'm bahaness

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


We will become not just rabbits, but turtle slaying bunnies.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


SBI managed to defeat a BG Turtle about 40 players size several hours ago, and it wasn’t easy as they used Portal bomb as well.

Any organized guild squad 20+ players should be able to easily counter 15-20 man turtles. It is the large ones that are a lot more tricky.

Albeit an interesting tactic, we still dislike the idea of Turtling (as do WM), and we will never use it. But we will adopt tactics to destroy Turtles instead.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

sbi never give up until the end

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Played 8-10 hours everyday of this match, was really fun ;D

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall


in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


On behalf of Synapse, I would like to thank the WvW players from all 3 servers for creating the best tier 1 match since launch. Well fought everybody, and all the best for the next match!

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Use of siege weapons (catapults) for garisson gate defense.

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


You can place rams in such a way that the catapults from the inside won’t knock the ram users back, however the rams will still get damaged – but takes some time to get destroyed.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Marstar makes me confused.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


TA is no more!!! Now everyone can enjoy WvW. Farewell..

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

I think it's time to break Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


What’s Vegemite?

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

I think it's time to break Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


I know, let’s go play on EU servers!

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

I think it's time to break Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


lets split every family up in the world so every orphan has a mother/father/sister/brother/pet dog.

yeah. that works.

Flawless logic. How can you compare that. I bet you have fun always winning, and waiting three hours in queue, and being a no-name guild in a big name Alliance. Not an attack, I see a lot of SYN and you guys are good, but wouldn’t it be better to be known as SYN, and not as TA? I’m not really trying to break Titan Alliance, I’m just wondering what’s the point of that alliance. Being the best ? It’s great. But you got no competition right now, being the best has no point.

Well this is the first time we’ve ever played in an Alliance of this scale as we have mostly played in unofficial Oceanic servers in past games, so it has definitely been a positive and eye-opening experience.

Frankly, we were planning to play mercenaries at the start, much like what WM is doing right now. But then someone called Enzo from CND came along and hooked us into TA before it became known as TA. We had been invited by several major Alliances, some from EU servers as well, but ultimately decided to put our trust in CND.

You’re right in the assessment that the guilds in TA play for competition and challenge. For SYN, we value loyalty and while something inevitable might occur in the unforeseeable future, we shall stick with the Alliance’s decisions until then.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

GW2J Vidcast: Nightcapping is Valid! Ritsuko of SYN and Marstar of ELTE

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


put it simple

If what they said was true, SYN and PRX would had long moved to a smallest server, and made that server #1.

but you know what? Farmers don’t care. Who’s the ones making the wave, and which are the riders, purples will show yall.

HoD was one of the 3 lowest populated servers at launch, it’s now #1.. Your point?

actually, I’ll give you couple points

1. HoD population was low only during 3 day early launch. When I finally got 80 and moved at end of week 1 (or was it beginning of week 2), it was already high/locked

2. You made a good call to mesmer portal golems at the right time on tue to retake SM. You deserve every bit of credit for that, but that has absolutely nothing to do with your guild or alliance, or all that nightcapping "strategy"you talked about.
Or let me rephrase that. You would of gotten the same support with or without SYN and PRX in EB that night. Everyone understood to get SM back by all means was the only way to come back on score, and we were (had been) trying everything. We fought in the lord room for 2 hours on that 1 siege kitten how much of that effort was made by your alliance?

3. since last match, you had declared you’d be in boarderland, and you had done just that. How have we been doing in EB this match so far, without you? and without your alliance? We been crushing them, in case you didn’t know, while boaderlands are only getting equal in early morning.
This morning, when we had 9 towers 2 keep and ALL supplies in EB, potential score was only 310 (and 295 at one point). Now answer me why was that? Where was your alliance and YOU in boarderlands?

WvW regulars know what we have accomplished, there’s nothing to prove. Your guild – xRx – transferred to HoD to ride coat-tails and plays WvW to farm karma for legendary. We just don’t have any respect for players like you that prioritize farming karma over tactical moves to win and suppress the enemy. We lost even more respect for you after we found out how you guys are blatant liars and trolls. Even after most of us blocked you, you continue to act like gangsters trying to pick a fight publicly in order to boost your own ego every single time someone starts mentioning new commanders on HoD. Not just us, you have been actively attacking every other commander icon that you see on the map eg. Commander Shader from Yakisoba – which incredulously you mistook them for Japanese and then proceeded to fling racist insults at him. xRx’s attitude has just been so disgusting that I don’t know what to say.

You’re also speaking as if xRx is now the lead, driving force behind HoD. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but HoD’s militia has held their own long before you transferred onto the server. With or without xRx, the result would have been the same. Moreover, we have been taking it easy and haven’t done any significant WvW after the weekend since it’s clear that the match has become pretty stale, so your chest-thumping point is pretty poor.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Moderator)

GW2J Vidcast: Nightcapping is Valid! Ritsuko of SYN and Marstar of ELTE

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


put it simple

If what they said was true, SYN and PRX would had long moved to a smallest server, and made that server #1.

but you know what? Farmers don’t care. Who’s the ones making the wave, and which are the riders, purples will show yall.

HoD was one of the 3 lowest populated servers at launch, it’s now #1.. Your point?

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Can we get a system that hold Commanders responsible for there desicions.

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


ironic, but in gw2 the problem is always with guilds…
Guilds cannot queue enough of their people in to make a real force, so they form these halfa$$ zergs (sometime with another guild) and disrupt overall strategy and tactics. They run their own objectives, without communicating with rest of the players for battlefield information, and without giving information to rest of the population so they could obtain support.

This morning in HoD-SBI-JQ game EB, without presence of any guild, we (HoD) were making 10k karma/hour, till (Yes I am going to name these kitten PRX and SYN got maybe 20 people into the game, and decided to attack overlook (JQ keep) without consulting with anyone. 3 wipes and rest of the population went down to 2k/hr.

Seriously, people that don’t understand the timer, and cap everything few seconds after round completion should just delete their chars and stop playing this game, let alone trying to lead…

I’ve always communicated with militia whenever I’m in EB, and I operate by the timer, so I have no idea what you’re talking about. Just ask anyone that played before in EB.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Home World: Henge of Denravi
Guild Name: Synapse
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Ritsuko
Focus: Hardcore WvW
Quick Notes: GMT+8 Oceanic Guild, Member of Titan Alliance

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

[Video] Synapse WvW Video Compilation - Titan Alliance -

in Community Creations

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Tier of Tears – HoD vs SBI vs ET

Golems + Mesmer Portals from ‘Mangloss’ Rise

Random early WvW Footage from 24-Hr Matches

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


This only happens because other servers’ players are online but not queueing into WvW.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Heh, I’m an Oceanic player and personally know a lot of active Oceanic and Asian communities on multiple NA servers, a lot of them in far greater numbers than HoD. Claiming that most of Oceanic players are on HoD is such an exaggeration.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

We will accept your pleas of surrender HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


I will surrender, but I live alone in a shack by the sea.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

[Henge of Denravi] Synapse - SG/Oceanic GMT+8 Hardcore PvP/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Our public recruitment is open again to dedicated, competitive and hardcore oceanic WvW players – preferably with an extensive PvP/RvR background. We play in the GMT+8 time zone.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


We really need a last log-in column on the guild roster.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

[Henge of Denravi] Synapse - SG/Oceanic GMT+8 Hardcore PvP/WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Our public recruitment is open again to dedicated, competitive and hardcore oceanic WvW players – preferably with an extensive PvP/RvR background. We play in the GMT+8 time zone.

Synapse is based in the SG/Oceanic GMT+8 time zone and serves as a long-term MMORPG community for:

Passionate gamers for life
Top gaming talents in the SEA region and beyond
Hardcore PvPers who wish to play together with skilled team-mates in an organized environment
MMO veterans whose former guilds have disbanded and are looking for a permanent home


[GW2: Stormbluff Isle]


Although Synapse was officially formed in early 2011, our core is essentially a ‘multi-core’ assembled from very strong guilds and clans from our region. We’re very used to dominating our region’s gaming scene for mainstream MMOs, and now aspire to compete on the world-level.

We have players from:

[Competitive FPS background eg. old school Quake, Counterstrike 1.6, Blackshot, Sudden Attack]
[Competitive RTS & MOBA background eg. SC2, DOTA1/2, HoN, LoL]
[Dominant SEA BF3 clans eg. kitten, MBT]
[Top SG/MY PvP clans from F2P scene eg. DreamZ, Chronicle, Extalia]
[Renowned Shattered Galaxy Regiment – Strategists]
[WoW: Thaurissan PvP – Alliance – Serious Players] – [Gorgonnash PvP – Alliance – Eternity]
[WoW: Thaurissan PvP – Horde – Quantum]
[WoW: Blackrock/Barthilas PvP – Alliance – Elementium]
[Aion: Nezekan PvP – Asmodian – Nephilim – Dominant Oceanic PvP guild]
[SWTOR: The Swiftsure PvP – Republic – Synapse]
[RIFT: Briarcliff/Laethys – Guardian – Synapse]

Achievement Synopsis

- Coalition of renowned SEA and Oceanic gaming groups
- Home to many WoW multi-glads eg. Leonardo (9-time Gladiator Rank 1 Paladin), Mureas (Season 3 Rank 1 Warrior & Season 10 Rank 1 Priest)
- Aion: Rank #1 and most dominant PvP legion (Nephilim) on Nezekan server
- Rift: Oceanic 1st Akylios
- Swtor: Fielded several dominant PvP teams, Server 1st (Oceanic 2nd) 8-man Nightmare EV+KP clear on Swiftsure server

Guild Description

“In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell.”

Synapse is a hardcore progression guild with a melting pot of excellent veteran players at its core, and an extended guest roster of friends. Very much like the definition above, the vision for Synapse is to be THE community that connects quality gamers from our region together, be it individuals or groups. We strive to be considered as the #1 SEA-based guild, and as the top choice that a hardcore gamer from our region will pick when sourcing for a guild.

Drama is left at the door and while we recognize that having fun is an essential experience of gaming, our culture has and will always be centered around meritocracy. We seek players who have great environmental awareness, do their research to improve their performance as well as group synergy, and basically not weigh down the rest of the team. We do not regard hardcore as lengthy play time, but as dedication, knowledge and skill.

The majority of our members hail from Singapore, hence our official guild events are held during the latter part of Oceanic prime-time eg. GMT+8 7pm onwards. We will be focusing primarily on serious, competitive PvP and RvR, with PvE as a side-interest.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by ritsuko.2863)

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


Hopefully, at least a HUD indication for WvW queue status would be great to have. At the moment, it seems that there is a queue jump bug.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall