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[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits in melee

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Either way I really hope they revert Lupi to his former behavior. I don’t like taking clownshoes perma-vigour/arcane energy builds to solo him and after all of the damage-related nerfs in the past year I think he took long enough to solo/low man to begin with.

The change has like absolutely no impact on group play, but it makes pugging even more annoying than before because now even more groups demand 1shotting him. I only have a limited amount of underwater nets to immobilize him in phase 1 you know.

The autoattack bug doesn’t really do anything for difficulty, it’s more of a build check. So I’m not too sure I understand how anyone finds it a better idea for him to be like this other than temporary refreshment.

Carried Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maha.7902


People that say that dungeons is just about stacking and pressing 1111 are too used to get carried by good groups.

I think a lot of people know exactly what it is that stacking does but use that phrase against typically speed runners as they’re also the ones to use various phrases against pugs. I sometimes accidentally use it knowing that it’s not entirely accurate.

Most know the benefits of stacking for quick revivals from downed, sharing buffs, cleaving to get the most from your attacks, using LoS to get all mobs to one location, and so on. They’re also aware that stackers use their abilities (whether CC, blinds, blocks, etc) to protect the group long enough to DPS whatever they’re fighting down.

I don’t actually think they do.

They see people sitting in a corner and lots of flashes going off, a boss’ HP dropping and everyone topped up on HP and think there’s some magic that happens when you sit in corners.

Why else would it constantly be referred to as an exploit?

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Feel free to post yours – as long as it beats previous times!

Rules: Anything and everything profession specific is allowed. Racial skills and Mistfire Wolf aren’t. Ember’s and Ogre Pet whistles are allowed to take the grub, but are not allowed to do damage. No boosters (gem store or living story items), all other food allowed. Pre combat-stacking allowed, but only solo. Food changing during the kill allowed.

7.074s 5 men Lupicus kill by [rT]
Warrior Dub perspective:
Ele haviz perspective:
Ele dutchiez perspective:

Trio Ele + Ele + Warrior (Dub, Element and Goku): (43 seconds)

Duo Ele + Ele (Dub + Goku):
Dub: (50 seconds)
Goku: (50 seconds)

Solo Elementalist Dub: (1 min 53 seconds)
Solo Warrior Goku: (4 min 08 seconds)
Solo Guardian NoTrigger: (4 min 24 seconds)
Solo Guardian Dub: (4 min 24 seconds)
Solo Mesmer Sanderinoa: (4 min 56 seconds)
Solo Thief Perry: (5 min 51 seconds)
Solo Engineer Dub: (6 min 37 seconds)
Solo Necromancer Dub: (7 min 28 seconds)
Solo Ranger Sardonis: (9 min 22 seconds)

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by Dub.1273)

It's been done now leave thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


It’s incorrect to say there have been no new dungeons since launch. And when you argue from a hyperbole, people are going to focus on that and tear it apart. So let’s stick to facts.

About 2 months after gw2’s launch, fractals of the mists were added. Whether or not you want to call it a dungeon, it fills the roll of challenging instanced 5 man content with unique skin rewards. This was an excellent addition, and made me incredibly excited about the direction endgame pve was headed.

Then the living story began. Over the course of 2013, 3 new dungeon paths were added. 2 were temporary, but they were cannibalized into fractal shards. Most of the dungeon content added during that year still exists.

Towards the end of the year, however, there were a number of decisions that soured the dungeon community. The biggest disappointment arguably was the fractured patch, which did not open up any higher tiers and reset personal level progression. Despite this, hard core groups rushed to the new 50 to compete for spots on the announced fractal leaderboard. This leaderboard still does not exist. The mistlock instabilities, which were touted as the reason for the overhaul, proved to be an annoyance at best and progress preventing at worse when certain instabilities and shards were combined. Few if any instabilities provided interesting, tatics changing challenges.

The second blow was the aetherpath, which promised to be permanent, but also replaced an existing dungeon path. We found out that forward-up would be deleted less then 24 hours before the patch went live, from a tangential remark in a dev post on a minor sub forum. This really soured the reception of the new path, which combined with some other problematic design decisions (I have a post about here) has made it one of the least popular dungeons paths.

Fast forward to 2014, through the conclusion of season one and the first chapter of season 2. So far, we have seen no new dungeon content. In a recent interview from a developer, we also learned that there are no new paths currently in the pipeline.

What we have here is a decline in focus on 5-man content, and seemingly a loss in connection with the desires of the dungeon community. We went from the promissing addition of fractals a mere 2 months into the games launch, to 2 good but temporary new dungeon paths, to 2 controversial reworks of existing content, to a 9 month dry spell with nothing to look forward to.

This post was a lot longer then I originally intended, but I don’t want the legitimate frustrations of dedicated pve players to be lost in exaggeration and hyperbole. Dungeon runners aren’t leaving for no reason, the trend is there and this past year has been a huge disappointment.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

(edited by rfdarko.4639)

Dungeon Sellers guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


And how can they join and kick, if the rest of the slots are filled with your people? They cant, thats the purpose of this. I think you did not understand the concept.

A harrowing tale, presented in snapshots of party membership:

1) Seller
2) Filler
3) Filler
4) Filler
5) <Empty>

1) Seller
2) Filler
3) Filler
4) Filler
5) ANet sanctioned griefer in disguise

1) Seller
2) Filler
3) Filler
4) ANet sanctioned griefer in disguise
5) <Empty>

1) Seller
2) Filler
3) Filler
4) ANet sanctioned griefer in disguise
5) Another griefer in disguise

1) ANet sanctioned griefer in disguise
2) Another griefer
3) <Empty>
4) <Empty>
5) <Empty>

1) ANet sanctioned griefer in disguise
2) Another griefer
3) Griefer’s friend
4) Heitred
5) Griefer’s friend

Arah List for Devs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I want to add something else.

Please don’t “fix” the plethora of jumping puzzles by adding more invisible walls. That is not the answer! The amount of ways that I know to travel around Arah make it pretty obvious that it wouldn’t do anything other than force others to use another method.

Forget the invisible walls. They aren’t actually fixing the problem, which is that bosses are skippable.

If you want to prevent people from skipping Lupicus, then make his death/the pantheon waypoint required in order to proceed to the next segment of the path. The same goes with everything else— everything in paths 3 and 4 before the light orbs are skippable so my suggestion to fix this is to have the lights only activate/trigger at the same time the door is opened (the door after mage crusher dies in P3 and after Farnaz (Lyssa) in P4).

These two solutions would prevent literally every boss from being skipped in Arah!

To all the Berserkers and Berserker aspirants

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


Amen x2.

Will we also have a prayer to the Conjure that is both Fiery and Great?

cough Sorry for bumping after all this time.

In our scriptures, we’ll write of the Conjure that is both Fiery and Great (and sword), so that our posterity can comprehend the power we once mastered.
We shall sing prayers of gratefulness and appreciation for that which we once were allowed to hold in our undeserving hands.


Very disappointing news for you guys

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: One Note Chord.5031

One Note Chord.5031

Can someone please quote me the exact line that says that there will be no new dungeons?

5:45 has already been mentioned, so I just want to quote it here in case anyone’s not watching the video. “[W]hat you’ve seen from dungeons is … the place that they’re gonna be at for a while, but like I said, … we’re always looking for … smaller changes we can make, little tweaks that we can make to improve quality of life…”

The only part even the most optimistic dungeon runner could read anything into is “a while”—“Hey, maybe that means that after a while, we’ll get a new dungeon!” But imo that’s not just extremely optimistic, it’s delusional.

Colin Johanson: "Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas.9157




Dungeon Haiku

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Honor of the Waves.
A mighty troll slain. He cries…
Tears of Ascalon.

What to do when everything is done?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629


The night was dark, and the soft pitter-patter of footsteps was becoming louder…

“I told you this was going to be bad,” said xXNoScopeXx the bowbear Ranger. The Guardian replied with “You just have to circle strafe the Crusher and kite him after i Take aggro on the patrol of mobs. My Rabid gear has Toughness,” a tactic he frequently used in his guild of friends he had known since the fifth grade. “We should just kill the Hunter first so there isn’t any poison,” Brazil typed as he let out a sigh and took another drink from his Mason jar containing Newcastle Brown Ale.

After the 3 complete wipes, the group of insubordinates defeated the pair of bosses and made their way to the Magecrusher, taking the aggro of every enemy that met their eyes. xXNoScopeXx frantically typed “I keep dying because my mom is bothering me with dinner again” into party chat as his photo in the party UI turned a deep shade of gray for the sixth or seventh time. The heroic Guardian felt he could offer his fellow pug a helping hand. Both lads took the waypoint and ran in tandem through the vile group of enemies, dodging and diving between purple circles and waves of green projectiles as they went.

After a safe go at the Magecrusher by means of ranging him from on top of a rock, the group of pusillanimous pugs casually strolled to the light orbs. “We can skip these gorillas, I saw it in Strife’s video” murmured the Staff Necro that had been quite up until this point. Brazil bravely said “I’ll just take the first one alone” as his face had become more red from alcohol ingestion as the dungeon run had “progressed” onward. The first orb was taken flawlessly with a swift Rush and Bull’s Charge, but the Guardian would not be outclassed as he took his own orb and died when he realized there was no light fixture to place it in. The gorillas swarmed in, and the Guardian swore and blamed keybinds as xXNoScopeXx spammed “LOLNOOB” repeatedly in map chat. After a quick 45 minutes of negotiating who would run the orb, the Mesmer had an epiphany. “I could just portal you, you know.” Everyone in the party was livid, and there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The road to Lupicus was not easy, but after clearing the entire group of mobs, only the Champion Orrian Warrior remained. Blade Trails went without dodges, Bleed stacks went without cleanses, and Staff Guardians face planted into the explody corpses in the side of the room. After a brief 20 minute struggle between kiting and ranging, the Champion fell and the loot boxes were picked up, rewarding the group’s effort with a green pants and Bloodstone Dust. It was now time to fight the boss of bosses.

Lupicus stood up, and in the panic of watching Brazil move into melee range, the pugs screamed and moaned in chat about how Warrior DPS was needed to kill grubs. Brazil would not have it, though, and cleverly typed “You are a horse and you can ride to knob head land. Get it.” into chat. The Cursed Shore loading screen appeared, and an alcoholic rage commenced in Brazil’s silent and dark room like there had never been. The Sugar Glider’s cage was broken open, the Les Paul was thrown violently out of the window, and screams were heard through the wall as someone banged on the door and yelled “THE POLICE ARE ON THEIR WAY!” Brazil ran naked into the night, with red and blue flashing lights following in close pursuit. All he could remember at that point were lines from The Fast and the Furious, as he collapsed in the road, hoping that Paul Walker would bail him out with the keys to a 1993 Toyota Supra.


Youtube Channel –

What to do when everything is done?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629


The runway was dark, the lights were blinding, the alcohol was wearing off, and the crowd was explosive. It was Wethospu’s turn to walk the runway in the Dungeon Forum Fashion Show, and the laughter could be heard by insects inhabiting the grass outside of the building. Tomatoes and various types of rotten fruit were thrown onto the stage as Wethospu’s horrific armor set and dye choices caused chaos and headaches that could only be rivaled by an episode of Jerry Springer.

Wethospu fled the stage and retreated back into the gates of The Ruined City of Arah, his only home in Guild Wars 2. Here he could be at peace, observing the fashion trends of his undead friends and whispering gentle words to them as the mindlessly wandered through the ancient sand. “I’ll show them all. I’ll make a video of a Lupicus solo and it will change the world. People will know my name, and I will be the best there is.”

Operative Belka was first on the list, and just like any snobby Inquest would do, she ridiculed Wethospu’s fashion sense like the rest had before her. When Wethospu put away his Longbow and drew his Greatsword, though, Belka knew that this would be a different encounter than she was used to. Most pugs with their projectile spamming circle strafe tactics were no match for her reflection, but a Greatsword? Surely she could counter this. The fight was soon over, and the tiny Asura lay on the ground beaten and bruised with Wethospu’s hideous boot planted on top of her head.

Next up was the Abomination. The run past the Spiders and Sentinels was simple, because none were willing to approach such a man crazy enough to shroud his body in garments so distasteful. The hideous Abomination mumbled unintelligible sentences in a deep voice and approached Wethospu without any fear of his wardrobe disaster, for the Abomination was a being above clothes. Nudity would prevail in this fight, surely, but this was not the case as Wethospu outmaneuvered the beast and gracefully side-stepped his slow attacks. The great Abomination fell; undead blood and guts spilled from the stitches strewn across its body and covered the ancient sand below.

Next was his final stop: Giganticus Lupicus. Robert Hrouda (RIP) had warned him about this one. He approached the undead monstrosity with his chest puffed out, proudly displaying his horrendous armor. Lupicus awoke and rose from his position in the arena, revealing an indentation in the ground from having rested there so long. Lupicus would not be beaten by such a small man with a lack of fashion sense, and threw his arms into the air to summon a barrage of energy-infused projectiles onto Wethospu’s position. Wethospu’s Riposte blocked the projectiles, and it was followed by a Rush straight towards the undead behemoth. The fight drew on for several minutes, but the beast grew tired. It had taken too many critical hits, and the Eviscerate was more than it could handle. Lupicus fell into the center of the arena, and Wethospu wiped the blood and sweat from his already disgusting armor.

Armed with footage of defeating the most challenging boss in the game, Wethospu returned to the next year’s Dungeon Forum Fashion Show. This time sporting a new dye scheme, Wethospu strolled proudly onto the runway. Rotten fruit in hand and ready to be thrown, the crowd paused as the screen behind began to display footage of the brave Warrior’s feats. Jaws and hands dropped to the ground, and praise was given to the Warrior Wethospu for his great success.

In the back of the room, a cloaked figure rose and began to exit the building. Removing the long, black cloak, a Sylvari Warrior dressed in ancient Orrian armor with a dye scheme to rival Wethospu’s headed off to Cursed Shore. Now it was Strife’s turn.


Youtube Channel –

Why people hate zerks?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


The last time I logged on I did a last AC run with a funny test. DPS contribution in a fully random, average/mediocre pug. Took a group that had the intent to do more than one path for that test. Did path 1 with my zerk gear. It went mostly okay, with everything dying as intended. During path 3 I swapped all my gear to full PVT and healing power trinkets (what I use in WvWvW) to see what would happen with just one player dropping all the offense in a group that already had close to zero dps. First thing we did, is to wipe on the spider queen because the little spiders wouldn’t die fast enough (and there wasn’t much ways to avoid that since we used the stack method as all pugs would do). Funny uh? I don’t really want to hear about all these dumb “zerkers drop all the time” when one zerker’s contribution is actually preventing so many group wipes on adds. The only projectile block we had for the little spidey was my Swirling Winds (obviously the other pugs have no idea they had projectiles blocks) and it lasted long enough in path 1, but not enough with the dps drop in path 3.

Bottom line, pugs are trying to use stacking methods even when they don’t have the dps and then don’t realize what is going wrong. Everyone in party chat was like “why did this happen”.

We then nearly wiped on kholer because the adds were murdering us and we didn’t kill them fast enough etc. We had to kite the champion’s group after the spider queen because they didn’t nearly die fast enough while stacking behind a wall. Overall do a test yourself in dungeons where pugs tend to use stacking methods and you’ll learn soon enough.

Mediocre dps pugs tend to copy methods they learned from groups that had average/decent enough dps to pull it off, and want to stack everywhere, and then wipe inside the stack because they still take more damage than they can take despite the tanky gear, but the mobs will not die fast enough to make the stack work so you need to circle strafe mobs, max melee range the ones that can be while kiting etc. Stacking with truly zero dps is a fail tactic but most of these bad dps pugs so far seem to always have had at least one or two high enough dps member to pull it off. And then they probably laugh when said dps goes down in the stack while having done 70% of the damage during their lifetime. And when they truly get into a true tank group and wipe in a stack they wonder and ask in party chat what went wrong? I’ll tell you what went wrong, you’re a kittening leech and you should stop joining dungeon run on your crap gear.

Join dungeons like AC where you’re guaranteed that pugs will use stacking methods, try to find a truly mediocre dps group and get your two set of gear and swap it during the run, see for yourself, it’s a good learning experience.

Zerking in non-zerk group is very much possible but you do have to be reminded that you can’t just stand in a spot not moving or avoiding anything and survive for long if the group dps sucks. Max melee range, circle strafe things, use more dodges/have vigor etc.
It’s possible on the spider queen adds as long as you have enough dps to kill during the time absorb/reflection is up, but it’s not possible on all mobs and at some point you’ll have to break off the dumb stack.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

PUG Powa'

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’d like to thank and congratulate Jade Quarry’s PUG Force for last night’s 3 in a row on defeating Tequatl. We didn’t need a “Leet” guild to do it. We just needed our reluctant heroes to step up and organize in Team Speak. Our map lead was awesome and didn’t even have a pin! Though hoping we all pitch in a buy him one, he earned it last night.

Good Luck everyone, keep at it.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Wukunlin, I chose you!

In order to defeat the last boss of TA F/U, the best way to solo carry a horrible pug is to use a guardian and use this OP build, you will literally be able to roll your face on the keyboard and the boss will die along with all spiders.

It is sad that we have to use a broken ridiculously overbuffed set up to deal with this equally broken encounter but until anet fixes it it is the only way for us get the rewards we deserve.

In all seriousness, if you want to use the reflect and burst method, tilt your camera to almost bird eye view because a lot of people have trouble seeing where exactly the rectangular strip of WoR is on the ground when you have a billion spiders in your field of vision

Oceanic [LOD]

Account Recovery trick, GW1/2 Mirroring.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sol Adept.8013

Sol Adept.8013

I had found my account comprimised today, but I was fortunatly able to reclaim it without much fuss due to something I discovered.

the password reset/account recovery area had thrown me errors, when that happened i was afraid the hackers had changed my account email and stuff, along with me being baffled about how they got past my email authentication, the notices in my email were unread when i found themn (which is how I discovered my account being hacked)

I then tried my GW1 account and discovered that i couldnt log on there either, I then remembered how my two linked accounts seem to act Mirrored, in the past when i was setting up GW2 around launch I had noticed that my GW1 login info changed to match GW2, then I wondered if the reverse was possible.

I logged into my NCsoft master account and reset my GW1 password and, voila, my GW2 account changed to follow suit, I was able to get onto it again, and fortunatly most of my vault was still there, just two placeholder toons deleted and a lvl 35 elementalist that wasnt there before sitting in front of Cadecus Manor.

I dont know if it would work like that for everyone, but for people with linked accounts, I highly reccomend you be vigilant with your ncsoft master accounts, it can either be a lifesaver or another security hole if you dont lock them down, just make sure the ncsoft account is fortifed along with whatever emails your using for your gaming accounts.