Showing Posts For schnitzel.9018:
There are many games out there where the Devs apologize if something bad happend like that…
Access possible. But i think we talked about a full WvW Reset. 0 Points, new start.
Well i dont care about the points, but 3 hours with less fights
Someone explain Anet what “WvW” is… Maybe they dont know that they developed this…
Will they be fixed in any time or do we have to live with it till we get the New WvW Map?
Hmm… i dont like Pepsi… where can i post this…
Many Achieved 250k Kills. So u would get it too.
Well this is cool. Everybody should post why they dont do something. So much interesting… bullkitten.
If u dont play it, dont do it. But why u are telling us why u dont play?
I hope Anet will remove weapons out of Eotm.
yay another “show us ur mesmer” thread
Hm i watched it many times and i think it could be this:
(I dont know Food or Armor. I think everybody can change it to more dmg or sustain or what else.)
→ If i watch the Cooldown of ur shatter u have 20 points in Illusions
→ U gain ur weapon stacks with sword/pistol. Energy on both weapon sets.
→ 2:13 u gain Might, Fury and Swiftness at the same time. I think u get Pack Runes (Dont think the Warrior or Guardian got this.)
→ Clone on Dodge. 20 Points in Duelling. With this Critchance i think u got PhantFury.
→ I dont see Regen after Health Threshold, so no Points in Chaos.
→ U dont apply Vulnerability on daze, so not more than 10 points in Domination
→ Ur Heal is pretty big like Normal i think. So 20 Points in Inspiration?
Maybe… Maybe not… hmm… xD got a headache by watching ur video like 50 times
World of Warcraft O.S.T.
It is World versus World. Not Love ur Neighbour.
U want to revive Wvw? People should play it.
Talking about the same in the Forum every day is not the way to revive it.
Well and everyone see, this is anet.
Care about Match Population and Pve Crypugs. Dont fix lags. They dont exist.
Lags in wvw are like “V0ld3m0rd”. Cause Anet dont talk about it.
Im still actually surprised that players really expect Anet to listen to them when it has become abundantly clear that Anet only care about Gem store purchases and Pve…………..
Cant Believe that this Forum is filled every day with new Threads. Are there still people outside who think anet care of us?
Yeah let us hype new Bugs and “1k healing”-Traits they will add.
Cant believe anyone is Excited about this…
Nice Video and Nice Fight.
1 Duell vs one of the best Mesmer i have ever seen with Focus.
And u guys rly think anet will do anything good for wvw?
For a wvw like we want to have it?
They do it theire way.
I play it cause I love to play a Class which I know better than the Developer.
This one is good. Kudos.
Well i have to say it is not hard to get, u just dont have to play Warrior lulz
and when is this going to happen for Mesmers?
Soon… As soon as a big Meteor will hit the Earth and bring us back the Dinosaurs.
(edited by schnitzel.9018)
I play it cause I love to play a Class which I know better than the Developer.
Well that is the reason, why less people play this game.
Too many good Guilds with good Videos u should know…
So playing against PU mean:
I am so bad, i need to qq.
ok, i got it
Never heard that before, sry
Thx for ur respond. Amazingly Proud of 2k+ Viewer.
Hope such Thread will be here in the Future. <3
(edited by schnitzel.9018)
Profession Skills
Healing Turret:
Cleansing Burst: Added a skill fact for conditions removed: 2.
Hammer Swing / Hammer Bash:
Fixed a bug preventing the number of targets skill fact from displaying.
Fixed a bug that caused the Master of Consecrations trait to create a duplicate skill fact.
Lich Form:
Deathly Claws: Added a pierces skill fact.
Marked for Death: Updated the damage skill fact to correctly scale with the Spiteful Marks trait.
Piercing Arrows:
Added pierces and targets per arrow skill facts to affected skills.
Mighty Swap:
Added a combat only trait fact.
Vigorous Training:
Added a combat only trait fact.
Fan of Fire:
Added pierces and targets per arrow skill facts.
Combustive Shot:
Fixed a bug that caused the damage skill fact to display a lower amount than the actual damage when traited with Burst Mastery.
Where da Mesmer?
why… why… massinvis when debuff… dodge with mouse…
… I only hope best for the Mesmer class.
Na, already dead..
Well it is since beginning. Anet doesnt care about Mesmer. They have thrown this class to our feet. And everything we get are Nerfs. Most of our enemies cant handle us, so we should be shut down by anet. So That also the last player can kill us
Due to all Bugs. For getting nothing. To be a veilbot.
- Just give me a scroll to select a new class and instant lvl 80. -
(Thy Kirito for this amazing Idea)
Best Build is ur Skill
Amazing Gameplay shown by one of the best Mesmer in one of the best Guild.
Want to see more… but pls… Dat amazing Torch
Amazing Idea! Hope Anet take this serious.
What do u think, is there any chance for us to get something good except Veil in WvW Raids?
Or what do u prefer to play in Raids?
It is working. Trust us.
Focus and Wardens Feedback tested with Warrior Bow:
Focus 4 reflect skill but F1 reflect without dmg. Adrenaline is still full, but cd on F1.
Focus 5 dont reflect. There was a Sound like Blocking. But nothing happened.
One good thing we get in the new Patch and now it will be destroyed… cry
Well i think it —-——- Whoops sry wrong Thread.
(edited by schnitzel.9018)
Works on Ele AA Skills too. lol. How long does it take to be fixed?
Wow ur posts are so amazing loos. GG
We cant play the current match and the following, cause people transferred to the winning server? Then take away the things we could get and let us play. No one switch server to get greens and those who want to play WvW can do it.
I asked some of my friends who transfered. Everyone said “Thought u cant play, but it worked” and i transfered too. There are more out there who did the same.
Many said it worked till now. But ok, maybe it was our fault. But anybody tell me why we cant play? Because of Siegespammer and spy? Comeon. Most people got many friends of other server. And Siegespammer? So many reports and pictures posted of people throwing siege everywhere on the map. What happend? “We need more Information about this issue”
Thx Anet. Pay 2400 Gems for playing 2 Days. Thx for blocking me. Why we cant play in this and another matchups? Are u scared of a 50 Man Guild who could transfer the Last day and get a server the last push? For a massive ** of Gems? No one would do that. Adding Megaserver and blocking people for paying 2k Gems out of WvW. GG. Never seen such a brainless move.
Free-WvW-Access now in the Gem-Shop: only 2200 Gems /lol
(edited by schnitzel.9018)
That’s how it look like. (For everyone who dont know it.)
Nice to watch. LoL
Bull kittening overpowered killing everyone with theyre huge brainless army in the new Arena.