you can transmog silver to gold and so on but you CANNOT transmog copper to silver it might not be a bug but it is an oversight that recipe is clearly missing !
anyone that says otherwise clearly either already has a juggernaut or is trying to profit from the ridiculous price inflation of the kitten silver doubloons.
Use the scamming option not the spamming option, if you report spamming it could be anything from WTB WTT WTS spamming to gold selling if you use scamming it’s closer to the gold selling issue than spamming, I use scamming and a few hours after that he is no more, sometimes even less than a few hours.
I believe all classes will see both nerfs and buffs to some of their abilities as well as mechanics changes.
I do hope there’s an update for the culling issue in WvW coming with this update.
Imagine an encounter forces you to operate a machine or a weapon like a mortar in WvW. No evade, no normal skills for you available. Who could operate the device longer when you get constantly damaged? Berserker or bunker?
So you cannot complete a path if you do not have a bunker? How’s that in line with “you can complete pve with any team build”?
requiring a bunker is no different than requiring a tank, shortly after we’d need a wack a mole healer to keep the tank up and be back to the moronic holy trinity.
people talk about beserker being faceroll, which is not true even when stacking you gotta know how to pull, where to stack, what boons to prioritize and what condis to prioritize for removal etc etc, I’ve seen many parties wipe while stacking and not understanding why, some in the party mention but I just did it and it was fine, that is because the majority of that party knew what they were doing.
I understand some do not like to run pure dps builds and that is fine but understand that we are not forcing you to run zerker, please do not force us to lower our gameplay and dungeon clearing for your sake, what happened to play the way you like ?
I like clearing fast and moving on, if you like to smell the roses assemble a group of like minded people and go do the dungeon, while we can keep clearing dungeons the way we like it.
It’s still time-gated. If gear was statless, I’m sure most of the people would have nothing against big meta shakes.
This is a big truth, I’m sure you are a gw1 player by that statement.
I’m a casual player and even I have 4 crafted exotic sets, 1 dungeon armor set, full compliment of exotic weapons usable by my profession, world completion is at 56% only.
Ascended gear is welcomed with open arms, people complain about gear hamster wheel but they do not see that ascended gear is just in between exotic and legendary, now if they add something like godly armor as higher than legendary THAT right there would be a gear hamster wheel.
Most of the people complaining, I see them as the part of the player base that never even touched guild wars 1 and have no idea about infused armor, how it works and how it is NOT part of a gear hamster wheel.
I don’t know it seems legit but…..
just to be on the safe side do not click the link it might be a redirect to a non anet website.
do change your password though but go manually to the gw2 site and access your account than change your password
Dan kan je zeker van zijn dat je account niet was of kan worden gestolen.
people complain about the weirdest things, arenanet has the best patching style in any mmorpg ever and still people complain !
WoW: has a weekly scheduled downtime of hours for maintenance plus more hours for updates.
Swtor: same as wow but more hours needed.
GW: minimum down time all you need is to download the new build and play !
Still people complain seriously !!
Doesn’t have anything to do with wvw it seems
My guess is WvW will be moving to a faction style system instead of servers sometime in the near future.
priory VS vigil VS whispers
pure awesomeness
John Peters has answered a few questions while running around in the Heart of the Mists. He revealed some juice tidbits including talking about some of the upcoming patch notes. He revealed that the patch notes will be almost 5 pages long and includes lots of bullet points for Rangers and Mesmers as well as a huge number of bug fixes. The full list and bonus picture can be found on Reddit posted by iomegadrive1 (give them some Karma love).
According to Jon Peters in the mists a few hours ago:
The profession part of the upcoming patch notes is roughly 5 pages long.
~16 bullet points for rangers.
~30 bullet points for engis.
Mesmers saw the fewest number of changes.
“Tons” of bug fixes.
“Some” balance changes.
Portal is a cool ability that’s important to the game but has some problems (whatever that means from their perspective idk).
The ability to use custom dyes in pvp is possibly coming in a December patch.
Broken treb and lord announcements should be fixed soon.
Target of target and player cast bars are low priority but something they might look at in the future.
Probably no hope of ever letting us disable the terrible skill queue.
Custom rankings, obs mode, etc. all “on the way” (as usual).”
Original story at:
Sounds awesome.
I smell nerf bat coming for the mesmer portals as great as they are let’s face it using them to cheat bypass the keep reinforced defences, kill the lord and claim the keep is not cool at all.
Moderator edit: removed CoC infraction from the title
(edited by Moderator)
Very well thought out explanation mate, kudos.
we need more rational warriors like you.
You know something is wrong when a light armor class can mitigate damage better than a heavy armor class and take on 3 opponents, kill them all and still have room to spare for the next fight.
My reasoning, I was watching what to many is considered one of the best US tPVP warriors on the scene, and even he admits, he likes the warrior but only roles one because no one else wants to play one and he only runs it for special occasions where lock down builds are required.
As a warrior he died instantly almost everytime no matter how good he played, and trust me he is insanely good.
As a mesmer he was untouchable destroying 3 opponents on a point, never died once as a mesmer in 3 whole tournaments that I saw him play.
Blackgate NA same issue, same network error ! both guild and LFG down.
I foresee a whole lot more gear checks for dungeons in the not so distant future
You realize this is part of the ‘charm’ to alts right? This is like saying ‘why do I have to redo the story on an alt’ or ‘why do i have to reunlock a mission’ (in gw1). Your alt is a completely different character, its a newborn. It hasn’t experienced the story, the world, whatever.
Normally I’d agree with you but,……
since everything in this kitten game is now being stream lined to be minable / doable by a single character per day, I say unlock all way points for all my alts account wide when you reach 100% world completion on your main leave the hearts and vistas on a per character basis.
If my alts do NOT have the right to the same rewards per day as my main than the point of it being a completely new and entirely different character is MUTE
(edited by Latinkuro.9420)
I used death shroud as an example because it IS as you say an innate necromancer system, same thing is true for stances and yet we have one joke of a balance stance that is a mediocre version of what it should actually be.
XP towards your character progression good idea.
drops usable for things other than PVP bad idea.
you want pve drops go play pve
i have to agree that this is a major oversight and needs to be fixed asap.
everytime there’s a decent enough warrior build it gets nerfd
learn from launch anet, when you nerfd GS warriors in sPVP it took us a year to get back to a decent place.
reducing warrior hammer dmg by a whopping 20% is to big a nerf
PVE Warrior: unquestionably the best and most balanced pve class in the game.
PVP Warrior: Nobody plays one, lacks survivability (go figure) and oh crap moment abilities, no clear role in pvp and all professions can do everything better than a warrior.
PVE Mesmer: difficult to play AI always knows which is the real you very squishy.
PVP Mesmer: easy I win abilities and tons of oh crap moment abilities no one really knows which is the real you, tons of survivability (go figure)
There you have it.
some of us like to read the whole patch notes before playing a new build, it makes it extremely irritating when you release the notes and the patch at the same time.
can you please release the notes at least 1 hour before patch so i can read it and not have to choose either or.
I am Totally against this stupid IQ deprived idea !
one of the biggest and best features is the centralized gamewide trading post
Ask yourself this
Would saving yourself a couple of measly silver coins warrant making it so anyone can charge whatever the hell they like for an item ? of course not
Does saving yourself a couple of measly silver coins warrant being open to even worse scams ? of course not
Which game has the best economy of any online game ?
EVE which this system was based on (without the obvious scamming abilities of EVE as some have pointed out)
Stop this none sense about direct player trading already !!!
Unless you’re looking to ruin the entire game !
(edited by Latinkuro.9420)
you’re not getting it mate.
warrior is easier to play and easier to pull of big numbers, high HP base, high defense, great utility.
elementalist, is by no means UP mate, just a bit harder to pull off, low HP base, low defense, awesome utility.
I’m not defending my warrior I don’t have to
I’m telling you, you have misconceptions about what is and what is not.
I am so kitten sick of stacking.
It effectively ruins all the dungeon content in the game. No more fighting the boss as it was designed. Nope, gotta all sit in a weird corner watching my cooldowns go off. Oh, and this time it decided to magically not work, so we have to go try it again.
I know all you professional dungeon runners are in love with the idea of cheesing down content to get it done faster, but for all of us that actually enjoy fighting bosses and doing PvE content, stacking is killing our love for this game.
I just have to wonder why ANet lets this kind of thing go. Why are they just enabling their playerbase to just cheat their way through dungeons? Doesn’t that go against everything game designers and developers are supposed to stand for?
I don’t know. I’m just so kitten sick of cheesing my way through every bit of content in this game.
- is all about play the game the way you like to play it so…………..
- You play the way you like, no stacking no LOS no speedruns, no skipping yada yada yada.
- I play the way I like, speedruns galore ftw.
- I respect your play style.
- Please respect mine.
- Once I’ve done a dungeon a thousand times, I don’t really care about running it the supposedly “proper” way anymore, it’s all about get in, finish, collect, get out.
To The Elder Scrolls Online, Wildstar, and any other MMOs coming out soon, I want to say a huge THANK YOU !!! Your collective pending releases have done more to finally get ArenaNet to start making improvements to Guild Wars 2 than all the forum posts combined over the past 19 months. Keep up the good work and lets hope we see even more improvements in GW2 in the coming months.
It’s a shame that we had to wait for other competition to come along and get ArenaNet to release some impactful/lasting content.
LoL’s you make it sound as if they started coding all of these features yesterday.
Get real !
A lot of these changes / features had been requested for a very long time on these very forums.
The fact is, it takes coding time, testing time, retouch time plus bug fixing time to implement changes and systems of this magnitude.
They have probably been working on these features for quite some time, but couldn’t divulge anything about them before they were ready enough to actually talk about them.
Did those sorry excuses for modern mmorpg’s (ESO & WS) play a role ? YES
But, don’t make it out to be as if went (oh kitten ESO and WS are around the corner let’s quickly give the community what they asked us for 16 months ago in the forums)
1 – crafting recipes should NEVER require a lv 80 character it should only require lv400 on the specific profession
2 – quartz charging should be at least 1 per lv80 character per day
3 – after the sanctum is gone the home quartz node should drop more quartz
4 – every level 80 character should be able to mine the dam home node once per day
It’s all kitten account bound so there’s no damage to the kitten economy STOP punishing people with multiple characters already !!!
90% of the time even with full meta, you fail.
^^ exactly my point !
Now if you fail even with meta builds 90% of the time, that means you automatically 100% fail the moment you bring cookie happy go round having fun builds !
Which is why I also say make these RAID level bosses either instanced or figure out some way to give control of the map to those seriously attempting this kind of content.
There’s a certain satisfaction in seeing them in flames or in electric shock death.
Don’t know why it is but, if I see the bunny I go out of my way to slaughter it
I could be in the middle of a Boss fight and I divert my attention just to see it squirm muaha muahah muahahahah !
both valid questions that I would also like an answer for.
no, we have enough issues with queue w/o adding in all the people that would go in to spectate and take up precious slots away from wuv players.
not to mention that even with a delay the information on troop movement can be easily predicted and reported, patterns would emerge.
for visibility reasons I think dead player name tags should change color to grey or something different than the red name you see when an enemy player is alive.
I hate it when I fire a huge AOE in the middle of a group of enemy players to only realize seconds later that most are dead players, totally wasting my big CD AOE abilities.
a much better and interesting question would be:
- why are we the playerbase stuck with kitten letters when it is clearly possible to have proper logos ?
This little bug is so annoying !
it only creeps it’s ugly head when you 1st enter combat and swap weapons for the 1st time, it totally ignores the fact you have the fast hands trait and places a standard 9 second CD on your swapping ability instead of a 4 second CD
This needs a fix as soon as you can
Just this alone has me jumping and squeeling all over the place imagine all the other goodies this update will have
- The button to instantly refund all traits, previously seen only in structured PvP areas, has become game-wide.
- Refunding traits is now free across the game: refund your traits any time you’re not in combat or in a competitive PvP match!
- A minus button has been added to each trait line directly below the plus button, which allows you to remove a single trait point at a time.
^^ what he said, I’m not rushing to legendary but it would kitten me off to now have to work harder than those that used exploits and crap to get a pre and make a legendary weapon soon after release.
And if you planning to do this anet ! you dam better implement craftable precursors before you even think about implementing this crappy idea Titan has !
Keep & castle lord ressing is out of hand and is broken very broken !
This is so simple, seeing as you gave PVE NPC’s a down state !
keep lord down you can res him with a banner,
keep lord dead banner ressing doesn’t work just like it doesn’t work on dead players
there problem solved.
- skills that cause burning also have an upfront damage component to them.
- mob tagging is not about who hits it 1st rather how much damage you have done to qualify for the loot table. (not 100% sure as to the minimum dmg % needed to qualify for loot table though)
- say you have 20 burn dmg per tick and someone arrives with 40 dmg per tick what happens now is the burn duration of both is added but the dmg is not, your burn would continue to burn at 20 dmg per tick and transition into the 40dmg per tick obviously the higher dmg burn takes priority and would burn 1st, but yours is not lost at all well unless the mob died before yours was in effect, which still leaves the upfront damage from the skill to be counted towards the loot table anyway.
Hope that shines some light into it for you.
example of the slippery slope pandora’s box you wish to open:
If you get compensated for having duplicate legendaries
I want to be compensated for having 8x holographic wings (one for each of my toons)
See slippery slope right there.
NO compensation.
Tough love but it has to be done.
So you’re saying I should be happy that I have to buy on the TP or grind in-dungeons for a new type of resistance gear every time I want to do a new dungeon?
Not the gear mate, only the new infusion slot upgrade specific to the dungeon would be needed the gear would be the same ascended gear.
If that’s the case about so many warriors in dungeons being glass cannons. Then Anet might change warriors so that glass cannon spec isn’t the only spec to participate in dungeons etc.
Glass cannon is not the only viable build for warriors….!
Shouts healer might stacker, is the best build for a dungeon warrior hands down.
it has great group healing & group condition management capabilities coupled with the survivability of a tank plus comparable damage to a glass cannon.
Spec: 0/0/25/30/15
Armor: pow/vit/tough
jewelry: knight jewelry
Utilities: OMM, FGJ, SIO.
Elite: signet of rage or banner your choice.
Weapons: greatsword/longbow
spare weapons: hammer, rifle, shield, mace
Sigils: superior sigil of battle for the primary might stacking weapons.
superior sigil of air, superior sigil of fire and superior sigil of hydromancy for other weapons situational usage.
Glass cannon is the worse spec for a warrior to run in a dungeon, every time I see these I don’t even bother getting them in my party.
- Adjust axe / axe or GS to a higher DPS set: since sword roots in place this would keep the unique play style of the sword while providing a moving high DPS melee weapon
- Pet should ONLY come out under express command from player input: my reasoning for this has to do with the next change I will propose, but also the fact that it is annoying when your pet comes out and attacks a target just because you got hit
- Ranger pet stats should be a subset substracted from the player stats: this would make it so that if I decide to keep my pet stowed those stats would transfer back to me and enhance all my attributes, this would make it possible to run w/o a pet and NOT suffer from poor performance because you do not have a pet out
My thoughts on progression
Weapon skills
- new weapons skills have been added to all weapon types expanding customization options.
- All weapons skills now have a Tiered power grade ranging from 1-5
- All skills now have a classification, minor, major, superior and master.
- Tier points are awarded to all players starting at level 11, 1 Tier point per level gained for a total of 70, spent these points on your weapon skill tiers to further customize your load out.
- All level 80 players are awarded an initial 30 Tier points, the rest is awarded as you gain skill points aka level up.
How it works
- You can equip 1 minor 2 major 1 superior and 1 master skill.
- soft CC belongs to the major category, hard CC belongs to the superior category.
GS example:
- auto attack = minor Tier it to make it hit faster or increase cleave to 5 targets
- 100 blades = master Tier it to either hit harder or hit faster
- whirlwind = major Tier it make it spin on location or hit harder
- blade trail = major Tier it to make the CC last longer or travel further
- rush = superior Tier it to increase distance or reduce CD
Defiant Boss buff
- Defiant has been replaced by Resilience.
- CC has been split into 2 categories
- Soft CC: cripple and chill.
- Hard CC: Blind, fear, daze, stun, knock back, knock down, blowout.
- How it works, the Boss resilience meter fills up the more CC is used on him when the resilience bar is full the boss becomes enraged and is immune to all forms of CC and is more prone to use his elite attacks more frequently, use your CC sparingly and only when necessary.
soft CC adds 1.5 points to the resilience meter, hard CC ads 3 points, the bar total is 12.
- once the resilience bar is full it will only start to decay after say 15 seconds, it decays faster the longer you abstain from using CC abilities on the Boss.
Time gating
- Time gating needs to be adjusted so that alts can be progressed on the same day as the main character, make the items account bound but at least, if I have 8 toons don’t limit my progression to just my main.
- here’s a thought, all these once per day resources could be adjusted to work for example like this: for every level 80 toon you have the time gate extends by 1 per day, this way if I have 8 maxed level toons I can gather the resource 8 times.
goes w/o saying but all of the gathered resources should be account bound even the end item itself in order to prevent economy disruption.
Hard mode dungeons
- make it crazy hard, not for the faint of heart but also rewarding.
no whites, no blues, no greens, no rares, increased chance at exotics+ by a lot.
account bound named weapons after the bosses with unique skins.
you want the skin you gotta kill that boss yourself to get it, it adds prestige.
I’d rather get no drop and just some coin rather than all the vendor trash.
elite skills
- their is a need for more weapon specific and types of elites, what I mean is:
- all weapons should have at least 2 elite skills available to them.
- from a warrior’s perspective I’d love some dragon slash elite on my sword for example.
- stances, shouts physical type elite’s that interact with your traits.
Controversial Changes
make legendary items account bound upon creation just like you did with ascended.
- this would give back the prestige legendary items should have, it adds a sense of wow you got that ! instead of the you bought it from the TP feeling.
- precursors are now account bound, drop rates have been increased meaningfully.
- rich orichalcum ore node outside of JP has been added for those that do not enjoy jumping but would like to get access to this resource, no one should be forced to jump if they do not want to.
Legendary node protector actively protects the node and cannot be lured away from node has to be killed before the node can be mined.
- TP minimum outbidding price difference of 5% has been introduced to prevent 1 copper outbids. this percentage goes up as the rarity of the item goes up.
I went back to WoW for a few days when they were offering free play time and the one thing i missed more then anything was dodging, that and moving while casting.
Also the graphics in GW2 are superior to any other mmo.
yeah, because of all the people that play it and all the people that recommend others to play it I actually did give it a go some time ago in 2007 or 2008.
I could not believe my eyes !
Back than I was a console player for the most part so I said to myself,
if that is what 12 million people were playing I considered them all morons at that moment.
that is the sorriest most pathetic excuse for a game I had ever seen in my life.
even compared to consoles games of that era the combat was stale and boring as hell.
Now I’m strictly a PC mmorpg player, all my consoles are gone !
I have never played any other game as long as I have played GW2 in my life.
not even FF which is a long time favorite of mine from my console days.
2500 hours and counting.
I normally do not play a ranger at all but it seems a bit boring that the pets do not evolve at all.
also if you ever decide to implement an evolution system for pets (wink, wink)
please add a sort of fight against the pet for it or something along those lines.
pet ascension maybe
I found that just pressing F to charm a pet is how do I put it, it seems boring like that was it ? no fighting the creature to actually tame it ? no working for it at all just press F.
where did you read one time only per account ?
single use as in it is not a reusable item, when it’s full you need to buy a new one lol !
I’ve notice there is a split between the player base. Some want the trinity style returned, others do not.
- NO, there’s no split, only the majority VS the minority, the majority being the ones that do NOT want that kitten restrictive system in gw2.
- if you miss the trinity so much there are a million and one other games you could be playing instead of gw2, so why do you keep trying to change one of the few games out there that does NOT use that kitten system into the one millionth and two ?
- You’re still playing gw2 so there is obviously something that you like a lot about this game and you probably wish some other trinity based game had, to bad but, I don’t want that system in gw2 and many others think along these lines as well.
everything after that 1st line I just tuned it out, it was all yada yada trinity yada yada whine to me