“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Making cloth/leather node would devalue a lot of the loot you receive. Trophy, blue/green cloth/leather items, overall it would decrease the value of loot you are receiving from mobs. I do not see why players keep bringing this up when the system has always worked this way. Cloth/leather comes from bags/salvage.
I want the focus to leave a trait of floating musical notes and to make every hit on a enemy like throwing confetti of music notes. The meteologius should have some type of storm cloud following you overhead or random weather effects happening around your body. The Kraitkin only looks like a legendary at night on a Asura, so make the daytime effects bigger. I want those 3 legendary to have more unique effects than the rest. Most of the caster legendaries seems like they were an after thought for A-net. I do not want the rainbow stick :P (Bitfrost).
Still wondering if A-net will every do anything with the ugly legendaries. Similiar to Blizzard soon this will happen, meaning months or years. The first month of the game people complain once the minstrel was made and what happen. A-net improved the warrior legendaries. It has been 10months, so its easy to see that A-net are ignoring casters legendaries.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Completely agree that Celestial doesn’t scale very well as is and hits like a wet noodle because of it. They really do need to make Ferocity a major stat on celestial and have the others “all stats” as minor stats.
Celestial does more dps than full soldier and about 15-20% less dps than full berserker. With the removal of magic find and ferocity the overall celestial stat need to be buffed. I thought A-net would have exchange magic find for something else by now.
NECRO TREAD…… Anyways do wvw for karma. Most of the wvw I know have million of karma with nothing to spend it on. Highest karma I have heard of was 20million.
The price will probably triple and I doubt it will fall much. The main reason orichalcum prices started to fall was because people got fed up with the price and decided to farm for it. You can not do that with gossamer.
PPK would be nice but it has to take into account the size of both groups. Outnumbered no PPK award to enemies, killed by 2-5x your number no PPK awarded to your enemy.
The season was not broken but it was way to long. Match-up should be split into a weekend (3day)and weekday type(4day). With weekend match-ups being about weekend warriors and guilds/player putting in OT. While weekday match-ups are about coverage.
Also bloodlust should be a buff for the weaker servers. That mostly have roamer/havoc groups on during the day. Like a server that is completely outmatched by both server should always have 3 bloodlust.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Elementalist: The Summoner
Forgotten Legend.9281 I guess someone has refined the summoner idea I was thinking of. Your going with the same train of thought. I was considering use an elementalist type pet but wanted to making it more temporary since a permanent pet would be to much like a ranger’s pet. A summons that would copy some of your abilities and detonate. While doing more control effects and lower damage since elementalist already have high dps.
Summoner, summon a variety of elementals focusing on control uses a Mace. Elementals can block terrain, chill, burn, or knockback enemies that try to move through them and buff allies that move through them. Traits buff elementals and glyphs.
A commander tag is a good tool but if it was easy to get anyone could have one. The players that save up their money for one want to get their groups organized. Some wvw guilds do not tag up during PT since it is easier to work with your guild. Than some who are unwilling to listen and follow commands.
A lot of people came back to GW2 hoping for changes to wvw and other things. We got a new borderland that discourages roaming. A new pve event in the middle of desert bl that helps the bigger server win more (something every wvwer asked A-net not to do). Towers that limit paths you can take to move around the map. Auto upgrades that make everything t3 even keeps servers do not plan on defending. Guild hall upgrade locked behind pve content.
For a solo roamer everything on desert bl is worst than alpine bl. Harder to travel, take objectives, and find fights. Things should be balance on a solo players coming into wvw not on having a guild zerg in wvw.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
The swiss style tournament ended up being the same as a win up loser down system. Like I expected, a easy match-up or a impossible one for most servers. I want Quality of life changes to wvw before the next season example of some:
-Seasons should not go beyond 7weeks.
-More small group focused wvw traits
-Different commander icons/options one for small groups or guild groups.
-Change the outmanned buff into bloodlust based on the number of maps that you are outmanned on you get the buff.
-Bloodlust nodes should be replaced with something else to make it more rewarding for small groups to want them. Not something that all servers need to have.
-Improve the map scenery, similar to how Eotm is but all maps would have the same format but a different geographic area. So each bl would look awesome and different.
It is a free and global market(NA/EU). The prices for every are determined by supply and demand. Most players are either lvl 80 or a new player, so the t1 and t6 items are more common than the t3-t4 items. The value of item various during the day in the morning prices for crafting mats are high in the afternoon they are cheap.
The players that rush to sell items for quick gold do not gain the maximum profit. Still players that are patient will either make a profit off of that or get a significantly cheaper item due to buy orders. Flipper make their money off of the impatient people that want to make quick gold.
The price of silver doubloons and charged lodestones is justified. Their is a very low drop rate for those items. Can not control any of the crafting market for a prolong period of time since those items are in constant supply.
When you bought the game did you believe you would get the legendary armor or a legendary at the start? The first time I saw the legendary require I said it was stupid but I eventually got one before christmas. HoT came out and I said the same thing again but got another one. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO GET THE WVW PRESTIGE GEAR. They are other game mode that you can play and enjoy.
Wvwer have spend thousand of hours in a game mode that did not have many rewards because its fun or relaxing. Wvwer have been neglected for so long with years posts asking for changes that we would like to improve the quality of life in wvw only to be ignored. Wvwer are defending the prestige armor because its special but the pip system has its flaws.
The older wvwer are complaining about the ticket limit and casual wvwer complain about it not being possible to finish the pip track on a weekly basis playing casually. I wish I could trade in my siege/badge of honor for tickets :P. The time it take to complete the prestige set is enormous, still that’s the final reward in wvw atm. Even the active wvw can not immediately finish the prestige armor or warbringer. Acting like the high rank wvwer are immediately gifted with the prestige armor is funny, we still have to work for it. By the time I finish with my first prestige armor I will probably be at mithril rank 4095.
Hum guess I should open up my stack of skrimish chest now :P. Are you going to add other ways to turn proofs of heroic into something profitable or consumable? Once your alts are geared theirs not much to spend them on, since you can get siege for badges or silver.
Yep everyone should have a legendary that is fair :P. The cost of crafting a legendary increases as the price of the mats needed to make a legendary increase. The prices are set by the players depending on the demand and scarcity of the item. Since the trade post is global it is fair. its hard for anyone to control a specific market for a prolong period of time.
Should have just started a new thread :P. Anyways you failed to take into account TP tax. You can profit from salvaging green/blues and sell back the high valued crafting mats (t3-4 cloth/leather). Even after you sell the dust you will lose money from buying ecto. Buying hundreds of cheap mid-level, cloth/leather greens daily should still be profitable. The green/blue you should buy are the one mentioned in the crafting guides since they were always very abundance.
When I maxed luck it took less time/money than I expected with the amount of green I could buy and salvage daily. It took 3months instead of the year I thought it would take. Btw: 73% mf= 1% max luck, 144% mf = 10% max luck, 176% mf = 25% max luck, 225% mf = 50% max luck.
If you are new to wvw, gain 20hrs a week of pips and you are on the worst server expect this:
You should get the wood chest by the end of the first week. The 2nd week you will have the loyal pip and you should finish with the bronze chest. 6weeks after you started, you will hit bronze rank for 3 pips and finish with the silver chest. 5 months after you start, you should hit silver rank for 4pips and finish with the platinum chest. By the time you hit silver you should have ~1495 tickets. 14 weeks after silver you should have enough ticket to complete the Warbringer. Meaning that someone playing on the worst server at all time, without outmanned will take 9.5 months to complete the Warbringer.
That estimate does not take into account that it rare to always be on the worst server for each skirmish, so you may get 2~4pips(after the loyal pip) per hour. Getting 2 tick of outmanned per hour increases your pip gain per hour by 25-100%. You may play more than 20hrs of weeks of pips. Stated hours of pips because it takes awhile to get to tier 3 participation, sometime it takes 5min other times 20min.
Oh forgot it takes 4 months to complete the Warbringer if you are max tickets weekly.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
There was a large thread about this before. Its not going to get nerfed anytime soon. I thought a nerf would be in the works earlier in the year but it has continued. Its event better that before with the salvage all option. It keep people playing HoT content. Its still better to spend money on gems than farm gold for gems. Then again it depends on what you value more time or money.
Start out with the precursor first. As you are farming and saving money for the precursor, you are still getting mats for everything esle you need. Then start on mystic clover, lodestone and finally icy runestones. The players that are having issues with the legendary are the ones that only have the precursor to farm for.
When money is the only thing left to farm for you get dishearten. When you are farming for the precursor first you are still making progress with the other mats you need for the legendary. All of the players I know of that have not completed their legendary gave up when they realize then need 400-600g for a precursor. The precursor is 1/3 of the cost for the most popular legendaries.
I would prefer if A-net made them more desired instead of another slot in storage. Its similar to blade shards atm. They should make a high end guild weapon/armor set before giving them a material storage slot.
The only way I land dragon tooth is with signet of earth or help from a ally. Does not work well against mobile targets. Phoenix does more damage than it but has a longer cd.
RNG when a drop rate is so low that it is difficult to impossible to farm for that item.
In pvp I say water is a necessity not arcane. A lot of conditions being thrown around nowadays and most of your healing comes from water. Been testing builds with earth instead of arcane and it has been working out.
Well the wvw titles tend to get pretty long , so it is easy to see a big group of red only for it to be a minion spec necro. You have to look under the titles to see the amount of people.
Tarnished Coast Bronze Assaulter.
Sanctum of Rail Bronze Assaulter.
The problem with bloodlust it is like any other objective. The server with more player will have it more often than the outmanned server. Making it buff the winning server more than help the outmanned one.
If they removed the internal cd from fire aura it would be prefect. Atm it goes on cd once you are attack making any attack from multiple enemies not take the effect. Fire aura should give you the possiblity of giving max stacks of might when under pressure, not just 3-4 might and 4s of burning on one target.
Never really like EA. Do not dodge enough for it to be useful to me. I use alot of blinds in my build. Fresh Air is a great grandmaster trait unlike the last ones for Air. It really increased my dps for my glass cannon build.
They actually went through quite a lot of effort to not let the general game population know about this change. Whether or not you agree with removing the vendor, you cannot state that they made a fair effort to let everyone know when the vendor was going to be removed. They just didn’t.
Their was a warning I talked in my guilds about the change to it. Anytime their a big patch, reading the patch note should be something everyone does as they are downloading it. It does not take a lot of effort to read the patch notes :P. The players I saw complaining were ones that did wvw for that item and did not buy it when they had the badges to get it. Even thought that was the only reason why they did wvw.
Overall I think its the long term goals in wvw that get to me. Wvw fights are fun, playing to win is not, have winners predetermined put players off, and getting into long match-ups with the same server gets stale. Re-linking should fix this stale issue of bland match-ups, since every 2 month we will get something new. What long term goals do players have for wvw? Get Diamond Legend? It would take me the amount of time comparable to the time I spent in ALL of the mmo’s I have bought to get to diamond legend in wvw. Get 250k kills? For roamers this will take a lot of time but a few wvw leaders have managed to get this. The Reward tracks tend to be weekly rewards but nothing really long term.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
I do them if the dailies are not to out of the way or if my daily actives match-up with them otherwise they are not worth my time.
I have gotten maybe a dozen ascended items in wvw since they improve the drop rate. Wvw rank are just about time spent in wvw. I slow down on the amount of wvw I have been doing since season 2. Before it was 40-50 wvw lvl a week, now it is 4-5. After gold invader I realized their is no progressiong left in wvw. Without my wvw guild I would have stop completely.
After season 2 the angry people left wvw and gw2. Months of no response from A-net on what they are doing to improve wvw. No quality of life update for wvw. That should have happen before s2 or shortly after it but nothing. Wvw has died down alot.
Should not necro a thread that has out of date info. 1 year old, 1 Year Old, 1 Kitten Year Old.
It is best to look for a VB map in the lfg channel. After the reset their should be some that are going for t4 day/night. The only difficult thing for axemaster is finding people with stealth detection to kill it. During my VB t4 runs axemaster is normally one of the first bosses killed.
I am at 161% magic find. Assuming you need 4.2million luck and are only getting 3000 luck a day it will take 4yrs to max magic find.
4 New zones – They are very deep and as hard as old Orr. 3 levels of exploration in each zone. With a map meta for every zone that happens every 2-3hrs. Tangled Depths is the hardest zone to explore.
3 new LS zones, more LS3 zones will come out before the end of this season. They are the best zones A-net has put in the game so far. Each LS 3 map has ascended gear that you can farm for.
A new profession Revenent its plays similar to a thief/elemental
9 new elite specs – a slight power creep in your normal professions. Adds a new mechanic and weapon for each profession with a collection to make a ascended weapon for that elite spec.
The mastery system – this enables extra progression, give you the precursor crafting, and quality of life improvements to the HoT maps(jumping mushrooms/gliding so on).
HoT Raids – 10man difficult content for cosmetic gear (legendary armor comes from raiding not int he game yet but the precursor for it is).
HoT 2nd legendary set (only 6/18 legendaries are in game atm).
Guild Halls – Just a place to group up for guild mission, decorate, and their a farm their(+50 gathering items when maxed upgraded).
Notary system in wvw – enables you to get easily get HoT map rewards/masteries by gain wxp level and spending it on the vendor(unlocked with wxp).
New HoT Pvp Tracks – same as wvw enables you to get HoT reward in pvp. Spvp season 5 update soon with a lot more this week. Not sure if you can still get the legendary backslot in spvp after this year.
All borderlands have multiple exits. The ones most traveled are normally places were you will encounter people. It is the weekend show more people are playing.
The footsteps are nice but why did they remove the blue/purple streak effect? I just hope the night time effects is awesome. I know the kraitkin only looks good at night.
Wvw population does not reflect the pve population, so simply combining server would fix the wvw problem but create other issues. Eotm is an example of why server identity is important, no one cares to defend. It is just a karma train instead of how it was at the beginning and fun.
The winner up and loser down system was similar to what happen in s2. Either you get a blow-out match or get blown out. The server in the middle of a league would blow-out out by one of two servers. The bottom servers in the league never win. That is why some t2 server are trying to get into silver league before the next season. People prefer to be able to roam the map with few objective, than be spawn camped. Not much you can do to help the t8-9 servers. Even if you encourage pve to wvw that would effect all servers.
Precursor and lodestones are the hardest part. I got enough badge of honor to get 2 gifts of battle by the time I finished my first legendary last week or so. JP are were you get a majority of your badges of honor.
It would have to motivate roamers and zergs to target the bigger server. Maybe extra wxp from attacking the larger server or extra point per stomp against the larger server. The worst idea would be to add some type of pip reward for targeting the larger server. A-net could make a pip reward for flipping upgraded objectives with an extra pips for flipping the larger servers upgraded objective.
During the BG double team the main goal of that was to change the fix match. During the start of that tournament TC was going to get 2nd, BG 1st and JQ 3rd. That was just how the match-ups were decided at the start of the tournament. Because of BG overstacking some TC commanders decide to change that. 3rd match of the tournament that was when TC convinced enough JQ commanders to focus on BG. Dozen matches later, the final match was TC vs JQ for 1st or 2nd but TC could not overcome the SEA of JQ. The main motivation of the double team was to prevent BG from getting 1st.
I doubt any server would care that much about placement now. The new 1 up 1 down system will probably make wvw feel like it was at the start of GW2 with very random matches. With one server getting stomped or being bored.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
The balance problem in this game has never been at peak hours or during the periods when the forces are similar. The problem has always been the huge amount of points the server with more off peak presence can rack up whenever the opponents are not around to fight. Bloodlust exacerbates the problem; now if you’re on the losing side not only you’re forced to leave one or more maps deserted due to lack of people, but on the maps where you can still afford a presence you’ll be forced to fight at a huge disadvantage.
Yes it makes being outmanned worst. In term of ppt the Night capping servers will have few people to gain points off of with the bloodlust buff. They will still be able to get their normal 400-500ppt but they will not get the extra 40-50 stomp points (global wvw kills every 15min)you can get during primetime with bloodlust. The points per stomp are suppose to make it so primetime hours will gain more war score. The servers with no SEA guilds will still suffer from lack of people but will be able to gain ground during their NA primetimes.
We get to see how big of a difference point per stomp will make during the rest of the week. Bloodlust is already decreasing the size of zergs on maps. It is making servers choose between defending a keep or keeping the buff.
If A-net make a dungeon where berserker is not the best set for it or a hard solo dungeon with bosses like lydia. Then I can see some type of exclusive PvE set from that. Exclusive set have to be challenging to get.
Most of the updates have been focused on pve with a large variety of long term goals and achievement. In Spvp there 2 long term goals getting top rank in tpvp or get the dragon finisher. In wvw the only long term goals which are possible is maxing wvw traits or getting the 250kills title. Unless you want to spend a decay killing yaks for the yakslapper title lol.
The should be rolled up into the other pip document eh. Just read through the entire thread and stop making new ones. @Dawdler 8 pips per tick is above average. The average player is around the bronze rank atm or 3pips per tick. The normal wvwer are way above that. https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.wvwRank
The newer wvwers and casual players are the ones that have issues with the current reward system, its not balance. Even if you are maxing tickets every week it takes 2yrs to get enough tickets to complete the warbringer and all 3 prestige sets. Its a long term reward system, unlike the LS3 rewards which casual players are use to.
Must I reiterate this yet again? People did read the patchnotes. But whether or not they did does not change the fact that the patch notes did not give any indication of a date, whatsoever. The only notice of an actual date when this change would go live happened after the patch dropped. Not giving players access to the date clearly means that ANet was trying to let this fly under the radar.
A warning would not have been given months in advance if it was trying to go under the radar. You can only guess when the next update for it will happen but you know it will happen. Knowing that GoB was going to change gave players an opportunity to get the item before it was changed.
This was big issue over a minor part of the legendary grind. The 800g precursor is not the item people are complaining about but the GoB? That does not make any sense. If that was the only reason you wvw and you did not get it after you had enough badges that’s your own fault. The amount of time it takes to get the new GoB is compared to the old way. Instead of doing JP and dailies they can just afk or play wvw for a few hours during a week.
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