“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
HoT difficult is comparable to old Orrs difficult. If anyone remembers old Orr, you would get mobbed downed by risen and everything crippled. Players adapted to that place but it was nerfed and changed later on. They were no new zones as difficult as old Orr until HoT. Some players asked for hard content and elite spec make the HoT zones very easy. The only issue I had with HoT is that it was to short. The depth of HoT is enormous so A-net expected players to replay the zones a lot. Still maps like AB are the ones that every player likes, instead of maps like TD that are extremely hard to navigate without WP.
If you every get one sell and buy the 2 legendaries sets you want. Still you need 1000g to put it on TP. I love the trail effect.
The groups that are having issues with Hot are wvwer and some casual players. Some people think HoT is to difficult to solo some content and other dislike the lack of content replaced with a grind for map currencies. Wvwer was hoping for something that would revive it.
The difficult of HoT is fine for me just adapt a little bit until you get use to your classes defensive trait lines. The lack of overall content was disappointing. Still Wvwer have good reason to be upset with stale content.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
If I can not have it no one should :P. After you play a game long enough you get burnout or bored of it. How long have those high rank wvw been playing wvw? How many players are high rank? I am one of the high rank wvw(top ~2%) and it takes ~20hrs to finish the reward track. Hell I even stopped play wvw for a year but I am still in the top wvw ranks. That amount of player that can finish the reward track is 10hr is very small.
The player that are only playing wvw for the rewards and do not like it should just quit and do something they consider fun. I do not believe the pip system was meant to draw in more players but reward the dedicated players. It will keep them here for awhile hopefully long enough for A-net change/fix some of the issue with wvw.
Wvw needs more players but if the players are not enjoying themselves why continue to play? I know alot of player really want those wvw rewards but they are just skins. Their are other ways to get ascended gear.
Practice FA elementalist. Their are 6 weaver skills. FA to the other 3 attunements then stay in Air for a bit the combo looks like this:
Air-Air, Fire-Air, Air-Fire,
Air-Air, Earth-Air, Air-Earth,
Air-Air, Water-Air, Air-Water,
Air-Air, Fire-Air,
Earth-Fire, Water-Earth, Fire-Water are the 3 dual skills that you can miss as FA. Starting in Full Air the combo buttons: F1, F3, F3, F4, F3, F3, F2, F3, F3, F1 (9 attunement swaps). The combo uses half of the dual skill you have available. You swap to Air twice because you can (doubling the FA procs) and this enables your other attunements to get off of cd. FA spec will spec 70% of their time in Air.
Still that is not the only build for weaver. This is how can cycle through the 6 dual skill.
Earth-Fire, Air-Earth,
Water-Air, Fire-Water,
Air-Fire, Earth-Air
Water-Earth, Air-Water
Its more complex but here is the combo starting in Full Air: F1, F4, F3, F2, F1, F3, F4, F2, F3, F1(9 attunement swaps). This does not include a condition focused build. Condition builds will revolve around mostly Fire-Earth combos but it looks similar to that combo. These combos do not take into account you defenses.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
It takes A-net too long to fix the issues Wvw players complain about for months. We are looking for major improvements to the quality of life in WvW. The new map added more issues instead of fixing old ones. Its harder to solo roam(auto upgrades), the event helps the winning server win faster, and it takes longer to move around the map.
Coverage gaps have been a problem the start, it became apparent to everyone during s1. Still we got 2 more seasons with the same issue. Either you are getting stomped or stomping on another server because of their playtimes. Wvwer did not get extra rewards with HoT, only more stuff that require a pve grind. Its harder for a wvw guild to upgrade their guild hall with wvw stuff than it is for a pve guild to do the same.
It easy to find zerg fights in t1 but what about the roamers/small group fights in the lower tiers? What about the solo player entering wvw for the first time? The new desert bl have a larger travel time, so find fights or objective takes a larger amount of time. The rewards you get in Wvw are lower than any pve event (unless you are constantly wiping zergs). In the lower tiers it is easier to see the issues in wvw.
wasnt gift of battle just 500 badges before all this kitten?
Yes and any wvwer that was going for a legendary bought some of those before it was stopped. Its the pve that did not read the patch note. They got all upset after it was taken out because they did not see the warning.
It’s called entitlement. It keeps getting thrown around a lot by people who don’t want it lowered. Thew sad truth though most of the defenders already are above the required rank and they feel entitled to getting the linked rewards to rank sooner then others.
How did the vast majority of people gain their ranks, via eotm, bandwagoning and k-train. The amount of people that are going to admit this though won’t be very high.
The current setup is simply bad and does very little to actually get more people playing longterm. I see queues dropping a bit each day and by the end of summer it will be back to pre reward update.
Its not entitlement is about making sure it is rare. Around 10% of wvwer will be able to hit 2k rank within a reasonable time and 3% have that rank (https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.wvwRank). The prestige t3 armor is not for new players why should everyone be able to easily get it? The Warbringer for the casual players not the prestige armor. Beside they are other pve armor set that glow as well like the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Luminescent_armor or the gemstore https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ice_Encasement_Outfit.
None of the wvwer I know of consider Eotm wvw, they never go their. Wvw guilds and roamers gained their ranks from playing the game. Wvwer had years to gain their rank now that rank means something instead of having 1800 extra wxp pt to spend on nothing. Players that went to Eotm was for karma for legendaries, because wvw was not profitable back then. Most of the wxp level I have gained on a weekly basis are not from K-train, but from a mix of 10% K-train, 20% zerging and 70% roaming.
The new reward system seems to be set-up for the long run. Give some of the older wvw a long term goal. Giving us a something to say I spent most of my time in wvw.
Did you play in the 3 wvw tournaments? Players were reward with tickets that a lot of wvwers were not able to spend all of them. Wvwer have been asking A-net to make them useful now they are.
Gw2 is a casual mmo so you can quit and come back without having to play catch-up. You may have to look into getting some of the Living story episodes. LS3 is very interesting so far and hopefully an expansion will be announced later this year. From the reviews and youtube review of BDO its a grind. It does not seem that way at first but eventually you get to a point and realize how much of a grind it is.
When you ignore our traits we have very limit ways of survival in our core mechanics. Swap attunement to water drop a heal/regen that can easily be outdps. Easy to see why most elementalist use cantrips, spec for boon duration, 15water or 30arcane.
Nope camps are fine. Newer player should be able to contribute in wvw without having ascended gear and guard killer/defense traits to take a camp. Not everything should be focused on team play in wvw.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Why bring up a post that is dead and buried? Start a new thread or look for a newer post.
Curious to know how many gold/silver invaders are out their? Well take this poll. http://www.strawpoll.me/1623392
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Yep that extra 5% armor will cost you a arm and a leg. It is not worth it for condition build or people that can not save up 400-600g to craft a set. After the update it will be a accound bound set so it is more worthwhile.
The best way is to save money and buy one off of the trading post. The mystic forge is random and unless you make hundreds of gold a week it is not worth it. ~250attempts with rares 0.4% chance and ~160 attempt with exotics 0.6% chance. So just save up your money for a precursor while getting the other mats. http://gw2legendary.com/ 1200-2300g legendary prices have doubled from last year.
I would prefer if A-net makes a 2nd legendary weapon for all weapon types. Instead of legendary armor/trinkets, so the other classes can have a combo legendary. I think legendary backslot items would look better than legendary trinkets. Imagine a cloak that moves around with the same look as the twilight or a clock made of lightning.
Videogamermike you are one of the people flippers make a profit from. Putting up a item cheaper than it is worth enable them to flip it for a nice profit. Supply and demand is the simple way of understanding the TP. You have various ways to get a item and the people that have uses for it.
Crafting items are the most sold items on the TP not weapons/armor. It is easy enough for anyone to level a craft in this game. Finding the mats is the hardest aspect of crafting. The good looking skins have rarer mats than the standard skins.
Reverting back to Alpine bl will not help the overall state of wvw. It would make some of the older players happy until they realize that the same problems exist. Then they will leave again. Do not expect a miracle anytime soon. Just take a brake from wvw and check the gw2 news every friday for info on the WvW resurgence. X-com 2 is coming out this weekend too.
Zerging is only one aspect of wvw. The information from the wvw commanders is useful but A-net needs to take consideration for the roamers as well. I go to EB when I want to zerg and I used to go to the borderlands to roam. Small group play accounts for ~40% of the ppt gained (camps and instant ppt).
For the older wvwer its not grindy :P. The newer wvwer or pver that want shiny gear are the one complaining. Still these are long term rewards. Its doubtful A-net will do anything else for wvw within the next year based off of how often A-net has updated wvw. It was over a year without wvw updates before Hot and the Hot update killed wvw for a lot of people.
The base pip gain and outmanned buff are the things that should be looked into. No new player should have to play more than 40 hours to complete the reward track for the week. Players are not looking into how long it take to get to bronze/silver for the extra pips. If you play 40 hrs of wvw a week you should get to bronze within 3 weeks for an extra pip. The will greatly reduce the amount of time need to complete the track.
Also even if you are completely the reward track on a weekly bases it take ~6month to complete the prestige armor. Within that time playing 40 hours a week you will gain ~1k plus wxp levels. Getting the legendary Warbringer takes half as many tickets as getting the prestige armor and you need a lower rank. Go for the legendary backslot first then the armor. Overall it takes +9 months to get one prestige armor set and the Warbringer. If you are active in wvw, gaining the wxp rank for the FINAL piece of prestige armor should not be that big of an issue. The casual player the prestige wvw armor maybe out of reach for sometime but the Warbringer should take as long as any other legendary.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
Um No. What happens if you are the dominate server? You will have to run a long way to find any sort of action. The Veteran creatures enables you to get some reward along the way to finding the commander or another camp you can take. To me the keep daily is the hardest one to get. They are a lot of upgraded defended keeps.
Yes. Its possible to already have the armor. That player is one of the older wvwer that played in the previous wvw tournaments and had tickets left over.
Yea queue EB hundred of player all fighting for SM with each one hitting 5 people with multiple conditions. That’s a lot of computations for the server to do. Its mostly EB that has the lag issues.
•Update Outnumbered buff to perhaps provide a minor bloodlust stat boost.
A-net had place stat boost in before but it only helps the winning server win more. Also Stat boost tend to make good players more powerful and some guilds may try to exclude player from a map just to get the outnumbered buff(if it was a stat buff). I would prefer if outnumbered did something else to help the outnumbered server. Like give your a scouting buff that shows enemy position if their are more than 10 coming to your, since chances are you roamer on an outnumbered map.
Wvw is not suppose to be fair. Wvw you are suppose to team up against the stronger server, not team up against the server that is the easiest to get caps from. Which is the normal thing to do. The first match this tournament. JQ was complaining about TC/BG teaming up against them but that was during NA when JQ has the least amount of WvW guilds on of the t1 servers. When it was SEA time BG/JQ teamed up against TC because of the same thing. Avoid the strong pick on the weak.
T1 servers have so much coverage that they can lockdown the 3rd server. The lower tier have coverage gaps which would make it difficult to do the same to this extent. It is fair to BG? no. Are you suppose to focus on the stronger server? yes. Is this normal? no. It is common to win a 1v2 when roaming? no.
I think for the first time the crying and whining is true.
I signed on for a bit in the evening during prime time on FA and wow, just wow. Outnumbered buff up and when I did see the enemy zergs it wasn’t that outnumbered.
Hello??? Competition where are you? Only reason this game is surviving, let’s be honest. But anet, satisfied with their game won’t help. Some other mmo puts a fire under their kitten watch them scramble.
Yea that the issue with NA WvW weekly it is not competitive. Hardcore players say they play for fights but casual player play to win. Its the systems that’s messed up, when low periods of time determine the match-up. It reduces the amount of people that want to play on that server so they transfer to another server.
It seems like server pride is one of the things that keeps EU stable. Unlike NA where everyone just stacks a server to see if it can bet another server. EU wvw always looks stable compared to NA wvw.
Yea so far I noticed that at least one dual skill on every weapon has a daze/stun. So you can use that to do some burst combos in pvp. Still curious if dual skills get the bonus of 2 trait lines (air/fire/earth/water training). It going to be very interesting seeing the various builds people can come up with. The amount of barriers you can get from build for it is comparable to the about of healing you get from auras as tempest. Weaver have an aggressive defense, 2 leaps and 2 dodges from sword. Still keeping up barriers in pvp will be tricky with 2sec to recast another barrier.
Yea been on the receiving end of a warrior burst, eviscerate me 4 time for 8k or they can skull crack into hundred blade, whirlwind attack. Thieves can reliably steal, backstab, heartseeker. A glassy fresh air ele can drop some players in 3s or just use a frostbow combo to do the same.
A-net takes a pver’s look at wvw. Instead of listening to the wvwer that have been playing since launch. A month ago A-net stated they would start a CDI on wvw, but they are to focused on the new LS season and china’s release to pay any attention to the concerns of wvwers. They are trying to match china’s updates with NA/EU updates which has delay any effort to improve wvw. The Devs I normally see on wvw forums are the ones that trash the match-up type threads. S2 burnout, wvw being stale, and it being summer time(new games/family) has decrease the number of people doing wvw.
Hum guess the OP did not read the entire post. You can get the armor look by doing the glorious pvp track. It will not be as shiny as glorious hero one but you will have the style.
Well changes that should be made with wvw. Make fighting players more meaningful than holding more points. How about making zerg fight add instantly to ppt. Orange sword fight should be worth 25ppt, make white sword fight add 10ppt. White sword will not appear on the mini map only on the big map (10players attacking). Outmanned (35% instant ppt), size of the enemy zerg (1v2 100%more, 1v3 150% more ppt) will increase the reward. Outnumbering your opponent will decrease the reward by 50% if it is a 2v1, 0% if it is a 3v1. The dynamic event effect for the zerg fight would take into account the number of players on both side during a 30s period. The winner will be determine by which side has the most players double down. If you completely destroy the enemy zerg(50-75% of the enemy down) you should get more instant ppt(50%). Some type of system like that would help.
Then split wvw into a weekday and weekend match-ups to enable weekend warrior a change to feel like they are contributing. Playing knowing you can not win a game is very depressing even if you are having fun. Next change would be bloodlust make it effected by ppt or outmanned. The server with the least amount of people on have bloodlust and make the node only effect if your server has the stat increase not the point per stomp.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
I am curious how did you farm the blood rubies so fast? I am only getting a few during the meta event. Are you just mining with your alts?
That is why their are multiple dailies. I find the daily dungeon/fractals not possible for me since I mostly do wvw. Still get my daily done within 1-2hrs of play in wvw (tower, champ, gathering, land, kills, kill variety, camps, so on). Some days the daily is done within 30min of wvw. The only issue I see is that some are trying to complete all 10-12 dailies instead of 5.
Also, the amount of wxp you get per camp is 120 for guards/lord, 100 for 2 yaks, 200 for cap. It can be from 200-420wxp depending if you are in a big zerg or solo. It takes me 13-15mins to flip 3camps, kill 3 sentries, and the vet worg/harpy/worm with various encounters in between when solo.
Check around midday-pre daily reset. You can see the price change on gems if you look at the graph. Overall if gems are 10g =125gem or higher it is a good time to buy. That tend to happen right before patch day too.
Solo roaming:
1. Kill yaks
2. Report enemy zergs you see and where you see them, kill the slow ones :P.
3. Take camps
4. Tap waypointed keeps/upgraded towers.
5. Kill sentries
6. Group up with other roamers to take bigger objectives (bloodlust, towers, undefended keeps).
Overall havoc accounts for close to a half of the total ppt. Dolyaks give 3 instant ppt when killed, sentry give 1 ppt and invaders give 1 ppt (with BL). The instant ppt you can get accounted for ~226k of the total ppt in t1 last week and 84k total ppt comes from camps over the week. That is ~301/686 total ppt. (error with total ppt fixed 460k ppt from objectives)
(edited by Ulion.5476)
I think it will be even more disappointing if people give up on the entire game mode because they feel like the grind is too much.
IMO it should either be made cheaper OR made legendary (not both). The current state is practically an asian grindfest, and people are rewarded for afking anyway. Not to mention most of the people who got 2000+ rank did it by exploiting karma trains in EotM before it was nerfed, so where’s the value in that? It’s a joke.
All of the Asian grindfest mmo’s grind for power and its a necessity to grind for power. This grind is for prestige armor, yes it should be legendary armor for the amount of time it take from start to finish. No one needs this armor, some players want it but its not a upgrade in power.
Before news of this update most of the players I seen in wvw were high rank players(silver and above). The commanders I raided with had +2000 rank, the main EB commanders had +5000 rank. I got most of my rank from roaming. flipping camps, kill enemies which I can pick off on my way to a camp/towers.. None of the wvw I know consider Eotm a part of wvw. Wvw was the least profitable game mode why bother playing it past rank 1000 unless you are having fun? When I hit rank 2000 it was around the 2nd wvw tournament, years after that I have only gained 800 ranks. Just saying wvwer that are above rank 2000, this is the main mode they play and enjoy.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
WvW is a competition were the winner is decided before the match begins because of coverage. Their is no incentive to focus on the larger server that’s going to win, so players transfer to that server just to win. People say they play for fun/fights but a lot transfer to a server that’s suppose to win so they get more unfair fights. When the victory pt system gets put into the game hopefully it will help make it a competition instead of a fixed match. A bounty system would help change the focus of players to target the larger servers too. Something that reward extra loot, reward track potions, rares, for targeting the winning server or taking hard objectives.
Well the swiss tournament is better in the larger leagues. NA Gold has to few servers for the system to work.
Large scale the guard defense/offensive infusions do not matter. They only add extra stats so any infusion with stats would work. For small scale, with the defensive infusions able you to solo a camp in one pull or a fully upgraded camp in 2 pulls.
Full ascended gear: armor 6 defensive slots, trinkets 2offensive 2defensive (same stats) +2more infusions of either, and weapons 2 offensive. You can get all offensive infusions trinkets with mix stat rings/accessories if that is the idea stat set-up you want. Adding max guard traits you can get anywhere from -16% damage +18% attack to -22% damage +12% attack against guards. So it just depends on how often you roam compared to zerging and if you have issues surviving a camp solo.
In pve I am still glassy either full berserker/assassin or berserker/celestial. The tempest traits give you enough vigor/reflects to survive most mobs Still Earth/Water/Tempest is the current meta and one of the best sustain builds. I never like going full tank spec even in pvp, so I swap Water out for Air.
Scepter is not the best when going again melee enemies but tempest give you an option. Overloads help when dealing with melee pressure and lightning overload can easily deal with thieves that rely on stealth. You can lighting strike while overloading.
Tried to look up a dps comparison but seems like no one has tested out scepter tempest builds much. Tested it a bit with lightning strikes Air scepter AA does 50% less dps than dagger. Assuming you can stay in melee 100% of the time. Scepter can lightning strike(air 2) while overloading which closes the gap by ~25% and hits through targets still its less AA cleave dmg than dagger. Dragon tooth and phoenix hits 50% harder than burning speed but its harder to hit with. Working with a lightning overload build.
So are their any plans to increase the amount of wxp given to people who are trebbing towers/keeps? Trebs are the only way to take a defended t3 fortress but it takes ~20min to take down a fortified wall (with 2 trebs). During that time my guild took 2 towers, 3 camps and wiped 2 zergs. Even though trebbing is a good strategy it is not worthwhile for the people who decide to treb.
You miss out on some many rewards while only get 60wxp when the wall finally drops and you do not get credit when your zerg finally caps the tower/keep. Trebbers should get percentage of a destroyed wall wxp per hit or an increase amount of wxp when the wall is destroyed. So if someone decide to treb a fort wall or any wall they will get some wxp that that makes it worthwhile for them.
Expect cloth price to greatly increase once ascended armor comes out. Cloth is used for all armor. No way to really farm for cloth since drops are in from salvage and loot bag.
OP try not to quote a future post :P. Anyways for me its the reward system that needs to be improved. The new map gave me new terrain to test out but not having anything to work for, that has made me go to pve. Gratz you have 1000 wxp with nothing to spend it on. So why reward it? Balancing the match-ups would create a more competitive environment for better fights but without a new reward system it will not improve the overall state of wvw. It will not bring older players back or keep the attention any newer wvwer.
They can make a wvw converter that gives super siege daily or give a chest per unique cap. Unique siege skins, guild siege skins/tactics, any of those can be sold for gem. I would definitely make Nyan Cat air defense skin if A-net make that a guild reward (dropping rainbows). When I need gold I either do pve or mess with TP.
Why can not farm gold in the place I am having fun in? Karma training on EoTM is not wvw(helps your server win) or fun. The roaming aspect of EotM is just not the same as Alpine bl. Alpine Bl you had many objective for roamers in EotM its just a mindless zerg. Their are to few small objective for roamers in EotM.
(edited by Ulion.5476)
A ascended weapon is cheaper. Legendary weapons will always be the best in slot. Since A-net made legendaries omni-stat the prices of them have increased. http://gw2legendary.com/ They cost 800-1800g to craft and sell for 1200-2500 on TP. A legendary will take months to make. A ascended weapon cost around 200g to level crafting to 500 and ~100g to make the weapon. Takes around 2 weeks of casual play to get the timed mats for one.
I guess you are newer to wvw? It has been done before in the previous wvw seasons. Moving a server up a tiers is like asking them not to play for a week. Even thought wvw is in a downstate coverage gaps still exist.
Wvw is not suppose to be balance. Uplevel vs full ascended, guard stack, 3 bl buffs. Spvp is were you go for a mostly balance fight. This does not happen in wvw.
Scepter is more about burst damage. With Fresh air you can set-up a earth-air-water-air burst. hurl 4k, stone shards 1.5k, lightning strike 2.5k*2, arc lightning start channel, water for small heal, back to air for 2.5k lightning strike arc lightning finish ~3k. That is a 2sec burst. Arc lightning just enables you to swap to proc effects easier to finish a runner.
The only thing I hate about legendaries is I have to do more pve :P. Hopefully they will have a wvw or spvp legendary backpiece too.
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