The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Try using a diff defrag tool like defraggler
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Well it took them like over a year to make salvaging not prompt you for each item.
So… 2015 I think they will make “wait” button work.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
about 1 GB in size.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Windows OS let you set different volume for each application/game individually, is GW2 set too low there?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
If everyone is using it then it is balanced even playing field. Life ezier for devs. Solution, remove all the other amulet.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Bluescreen (BSOD) is usually due to driver issues or hardware like memory/overheating/power problems.
You can try things in Part 5 of this thread.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
No my processor is year old (came out January 2012). I do not wish to waste more money (I just bought new faster RAM and that GPU).
Yes that cpu is a year old, but also a budget low end model equivalent to a high end CPU made 5yrs old. Not really designed for gaming, but great for everything else.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Maybe it is their master plan to weed out all the older pvp players so the will stop complaining. While the new crop of pvp player will just happily accept the current state of things to come.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
- make sure you don’t have previous gw2 client still running in background locking the gw2.dat file or reboot
- right click gw2.exe and run as administrator
- check 3rd party AV/security tools interfering (try cleanboot mode see Part 1.1)
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
You can remove spirit watch, but keep skyhammer! (my troll source of entertainment)
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
See Part 2.2 of this thread
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Those applications are multi-threaded and optimized to harness the potential of additional cores.
GW2 rely heavily on single thread processing power and INTEL excels in this category over AMD.
See Part 4.2 – 4.8 here to understand more in detail. See 4.11 to learn what the devs has commented on regarding optimization.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
you tried most of the common troubleshooting things
have you tried clean installation of windows?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
HD 4000 is very playable on low/med settings depending on resolution. Try it out since it is integrated. You can always get a dedicated GPU later if it doesn’t fit your needs.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
soon, hotjoin will be merged into arena because not enough players
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Peak/Prime time: matches are fun and 2/3 of the time balanced.
Off Peak time: matches suck for people on the leaderboard. Queue time is long because system waits forever trying to find player close to your MMR. After a set amount of time it gives up and toss you whatever player is available. Usually high chance of afk/leaver, clueless player that didnt know they queued, and low mmr players.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
IF your system is crashing to the extent of physical shut down then its likely headed towards hardware failure.
Could be
- Overheating, you can clean the dust/fan
- Dying GPU, you can try underclocking
- PSU power issues
- See Part 5.1 here for tools
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Its a GW2 feature. It lets PROS play hard mode (4v5 match) so they don’t get bored =]
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
about 15GB in size
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
See Part 5.2 of link above for solution/workaround
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Widescreen works fine for me on my dual monitor setup. Both in windowed and fullscreen.
Maybe update your video drivers and maybe monitor if there is one.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I was watching it. it was 99% @ 592MB with one file left remaining. It completed and was able to get in game. Probably about 600MB to make it look even and nice.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Just let the MM sit on the point and afk all game and if they leave ninja decap it.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Run Game Advisor and see if the connection test passes. Attach your logs here
(See Part 1.2 here)
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
(edited by kirito.4138)
Dressed in default gear and typing before ranked matches start:
“Hi everyone, I’m new to gw2 and pvp. Any tips or advice?”
Top 10 EU Responses
- Don’t do ranked
- Why are you in ranked?
- Go unranked
- Try Practice/Hotjoin first
- Kittens
- We’re going to lose
- [Focus target upon head]
- Have fun
- Random troll advice
Once in a blue moon someone will actually give real suggestion on how to play.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
you’re getting about 45%CPU which is about right. GW2 usually only use about 2.5 cores of your 6. What is your GPU clock speed running at? Is it under-clocked or throttling down?
Noticed your GPU only used ~230MB of memory. Mine when running used ~680MB, out of 2GB available. Not sure if it matters, but just some differences I saw.
I run Q6600 cpu and get 15-20 FPS running around in LA with this last patch. Your system should do much better than mine.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
(edited by kirito.4138)
Some people just need or want a carrot to chase after.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
too much work for Anet do to. Thats like another few lines of If-else-then statements.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
as long as its a Z77 chipset to do overclocking it should be good.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
- Better tPVP match making or bracketed ranks So you don’t get stuck with a R1 in a team of R40s. Something like 1-10, 11-30, 31-60 brackets.
- Open world duel/challenge mode or at least inside HoTM. In other MMOs like WoW dueling around the mailbox area etc around towns was a social hub. Get to know people and fool around while waiting for stuff. ATM, people in HoTM just akitten stand idle around. Rather boring.
- Better leaderboard tPVP is a team based not individual. A player that joins alot of groups and/or solo-q will have rating that fluctuate wildly. Have a leaderboard of team names would be better. Maybe there will be some real incentive to actually have a PVP guild, if its used as the name. Rating needs some rate of decay so you can’t play a few match, get rated, and never play again.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Anet should let me reset my rank back to R1.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
- check permissions for the file/folder
- any previously crashed gw2 instances running?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Leaked internal memo I got from Snowden docs says they plan to fix this in Q3 of 2017.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
See Part 4.10 here
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
So I heard from my buddy that the PvP system works like this now:
Big win – 500-250 = 3 points
close win – 500-250+ = 2 points
A disconnect = invalid game, no point givenI’m not sure if it was that exactly, but I know it was something along those lines.
Can someone confirm this? I’ve looked around google but found nothing :/
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Practice in 5v5 Hotjoins until you are comfortable and/or confident.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
they only removed rewards, new rewards will be added sometime between 2014-2017
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
gw2 Client probably has a lock on the file but crash or something leaving it hanging. You can reboot your machine and then delete the local.dat or use a unlocker tool
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Legacy of the foefire got a new pile of dirt on quarry node. I’ve been asking for this since forever! Now they just need to fix the skyhammer cannon bug.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I don’t know Anbraxius, but I approve and vouch for him. =]
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Should rename it skyhammer wars, and remove everything else. Plus make it F2P with in-game purchase for HATS!…. lots of hats… make then trade-able.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Eh…its a hot join. I dont blame him
its even happening in soloq/teamq which is annoying.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
No point in team matches if you want perfect 1v1 balance. Lets play chess with only pawns.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
you can always do the math yourself.
15GB * 1024 * 1024 / (bandwidth in kb/s) / 60 / 60 = hours to download.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Browse through this post to get a feel.
WvW is all about CPU power. Get a 3570k version. Lets you overclock. It will do very well. Probably doesn’t get much better than that atm.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
FYI – ESL tourney had 1.8-2k concurrent viewers during the stream (not to mention #s from non-English streams). Maybe Blu can share with us the total number of unique viewers during the stream – but if it’s anything like the other GW2 tournaments, it’s probably around 30-50k unique viewers. I’d say that’s pretty good considering the LoL championship and GvG streams were happening at the same time!
Hmm 30-50k that feels like more than the entire tPVP player base.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The only exclusive skyhammer stream