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Religion and Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I understand religion is a sensitive subject for many and being an atheist i don’t care much for it at all. Throughout the game I have noticed dialogue that catered for or against religion within the game realm and i was wondering why it is needed in video games? for example the tournament master would say “I pray to the spirits of the wild…but they hardly answer” there would be other dialogue similar to this throughout the game but i was just curious as to why this is necessary in games .

Religion is huge in our culture. Nearly everyone has one. It’s only natural to add real world myths to a video game, especially a fantasy role playing game.

No warning about ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CryxTryx.9208


As has been mentioned, “Unique” is a standard term in many many RPG type games that indicates this behavior.

It might not be explained as well as it should be, but there don’t seem to be any serious ideas for how to improve it that exhibit both efficacy and ease of use.

The fact that it is a standard term means nothing to someone who has not played other games using it.

As stated it does not behave in such a way that the dictionary definition of unique would have you expect it to.

It was also pointed out that Guild Wars I did not treat the unique status this way.

So it is far from obvious or self explanatory. Why are so many people unable to look at this from anything but their own view point?

I’ve played many rpg’s and MMO’s, I know what a unique item is. I know I can’t equip more then two, I also know that is not made obvious by the in game tool tip and that 30 laurels is a devastating cost at which to learn this lesson.

There have been solutions stated. There is already a ‘buy’ confirmation window. Simply state in the confirmation window. “You are about to purchase a ‘unique’ item. You can not equip more then one unique item of the same name.” [Buy] / [Cancel].

This is a very easy solution that would simply involve changing the text in an already exiting pop up warning.

Alternatively you can offer a buy back option, even if it is only 10 minutes. Enough time for the player to attempt the equip the item and realize they can not. These seems like it could take a bit more work, and I don’t think it would work as well, especially if the player is buying multiple unique items for an ult and will not equip them till later. A longer timer would allow players to purchase the items, do a dungeon run and sell them back..though I’m not sure why you would do that.

You can also have a player be unable to buy a second of the same unique item of the same name if he currently has one in his inventory or equip. Again more work but should solve the problem. This would not affect a player being able to get the item from the loot table.

Many solutions have been offered.

I don’t understand why players who are in the know are defending against putting a solution in place. Does it hurt you so much to see a safe guard in place just because you don’t need it yourself?

Why Represent another Guild Causes Rage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strayhand.8216


It’s funny people are demanding from guilds that they shouldn’t tell them how to play – but you are allowed to tell a guild how to play…? If a guild demands 100% rep, you have 2 simple choices, either join and represent, or don’t join. It is really that simple, instead of coming to the forums and hate.

No warning about ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokivaris.3097


If it really is unique wouldn’t it be better to not be able to buy it twice in the first place and just have a pop up stating you already own the item and cannot purchase another.

I personally had no idea you couldnt equip two acended rings of the same name and also no idea about the wiki command neither of those things have ever been meantioned in game to me.

Your leveling secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I level by not leveling. I don’t think about it. I don’t care about it, particularly.

I run around gathering nodes, seeing that’s around me and responding to it. If a town is attacked, I jump in to help. I talk to NPCs, explore, do my personal story, some crafting…basically a bit of everything.

It’s not much of a system..but I like it…oh yes and I’ve turned off the map markers for zone completion. It just makes the game a whole lot less like a checklist.

World Completion Impossible Now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sean.8274


I seems simple enough to just rotate the map every week regardless of what place your world gets. I don’t see why Anet can’t just do that and solve the problem. Its not like there is any strategic advantage to being either red/green/blue.

Lucy Ursa~80 Guardian | Worf Rozhenko~80 Warrior | Vera Valentine~80 Mesmer | Cupcake~80 Engi
King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch

World Completion Impossible Now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spooky Mulder.1524

Spooky Mulder.1524

It’s actually not hard at all… Just finished mine. Just WvW on the map you need stuff on. The Zerg will eventually get you everywhere you need to go.

Commander Minerva Vix
Sorrow’s Furnace

Someone linked this today:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephele.5063


Minecraft comes to Guild Wars 2!

Yeah, Minecraft is awesome! Screw those NES games that copied Minecraft’s style 25 years ago.

Beauty and the Beast

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Have you considered that your money woes come from overspending rather than under-earning?

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

'Leveling' is an archaic concept.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


The leveling is there only to establish some kind of progression. You level up, you gain access to better gear and you can safely adventure into new areas.

You’re saying that downleveling takes away the sense of progression. Well, I can say that same about things that do not depend on levels. Let’s picture the game identical, except that your starting level was 80. What has this changed? Here’s a quick list:

  • All gear with 0-2 mods has been turned useless
  • Skill progression down massively due to having instant access to all utility slots and the elite slot
  • Gear progression down massively due to only having to go through white>fine>masterwork>rare>exotic on level 80

In essence, the only sense of progression you would get is from acquiring the next tier of gear or acquiring skill points. Also, since you’re now level 80, there would be very little point in exploring the world, as you could go anywhere. You can bet that most people would find the shortest possible route to Orr and unlock all of the dungeon waypoints and pretty much never go anywhere else.

On the other hand, having levels but not having downleveling causes the standard issues of higher levels meaning less to do in lower zones and the endless boredom of a high level player playing with a low level friend.

Downleveling results in all the zones staying enjoyable and it allows you to participate in the lower level content without trivializing it for the others. And that promotes the social aspect of an MMORPG, which I think is pretty important to ANet.

(edited by Olba.5376)

'Leveling' is an archaic concept.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think that if you can’t die, really can’t, then the zone is pointless and it might as well not exist for you at all. Sure the first time you go back to an MMO and see all the creatures grayed out and not attacking, you think..this is cool. I love this.

Until you realize your game has just become a whole lot smaller. For me, that’s the tragedy of most MMOs. By making early zones obsolete, you make the playable world much smaller.

Not to mention the potential for griefing. There was an event in Rift, a werewolf Rift, that you had to lure the wolves to special stones so you could kill them. Higher level players would come in, kill the stuff in one shot before you could lead it to the stones. They’d grief the event so you couldn’t finish it.

Even as it is, it’s hard in starter zones for new characters, if there are a bunch of high level guys around. No need to make it any worse for them.

'Leveling' is an archaic concept.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I’m just glad that I won’t over-level and miss content because I am too high level to enjoy it properly. That is one thing that ’ve found to be really annoying in games with a level system. Heck, when I played FFX by the time I got to the final boss I was effortlessly killing everything in one hit.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

jumping puzzles -- can't jump high enough?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Note that you actually get slightly more height during a vertical jump than a running one. For some jumps, you actually need to stand still, jump straight up, and then tap W to move forward onto the next platform.

The platforms themselves can also be slightly higher/lower in certain spots. Some experimentation may be needed to determine what’s the best point to jump onto a platform.

What direction is GW2 taking?

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


It is quite likely that the Karka turned up again because of the Deep Sea Dragon, so that would tie into the Elder Dragon story.
We do not know the reason for the Molten Alliance, so it is also possible that it might have something to do with the Dragons.
As for Southsun Cove it is already quite clear (from the F&F story line) that we will see new camps/cities over there rather soon, with all the refugees.

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that not every single release must have something to do with a specific storyline. Out in the real world things don’t really work like that after all. Things happens that have nothing to do with each other all the time.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

In regards to the keep it/remove it argument

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Electro.4173


I don’t see why having the skins easily-accessible makes them “worthless”. Do people really need an exclusive skin that badly? Does having the skin accessible to all make it look worse? Guess that means 90% of the skins in the game are worthless.

As for being a “terrible addition” because its boring after a few times… if you’re doing it over and over again in short periods of time, then yes. There’s a good chance its going to get boring for many. But if it were a permanent addition, you wouldn’t need to do that. Get bored after a few times? Well, stop playing it. Maybe in a month or two you’ll get the urge to play it again, and it’ll be there waiting. Its a change of pace, not something to be done constantly. If its permanent you don’t have to worry about grinding non-stop for skins, because you can work towards it at any pace, playing it every once in a while and eventually get there. The fact that its a month-only thing is whats causing the need to grind so hard, because it’ll be gone so you have to do it now or never.

GW2 should not allow you to be in multiple guilds IMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heijincks.9267


I’ll just say this: the “Guild Wars” in Guild Wars 2 comes from its lore, and not what the core of the game is actually about.

what to do after rapids

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


No no no!!! <:o Not this month. At an unspecified time. Certainly not in the next month.

Josh… that’s a long time to make a Princess wait. She will not be amused.

Well, excuuuuuuuse me, Princess!

Does "Survival Of The Fittest" exists?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirSliceALot.2065


Without the passing of genetics or permanent death, I would say no?

about mini pets

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Mirta.5029


just a question but maybe before April ends we could get a buyable cloud mini pet?
I love the beedog, but a smilling cloud is just cuteness overload and I would like to have one following me around

So, after almost a decade of playing MMOs...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


…this is the coolest addition I’ve seen to an MMO. I know ANet took a risk in allowing so much time and resource to be spent on the SAB project, but the end is a resounding success. As someone who grew up on video games in the 80s, I am thoroughly impressed by how well the SAB has tapped into the essence of an old school game while also being a high quality release with a very substantial amount of content.

I hope we see more content like this in the future.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


i say this for trolling xD this is not supermario, but i prefer finished all contents of real Gw2, and after other contents with "supermario " , super adventure box is very big content and time used for this i prefer used for finish pvp zone and other thinks


OK, let’s try this slow and easy. These little events, these holiday jumping puzzles and clock towers and chests that appear in the world, these pixellated bunnies and snakes and pumpkins and skins of myriad sorts… these ARE contents of real GW2. It’s all a part of the same whole, with it’s own cast and krewe spending countless hours to bring us their special and specific flavors to add to the Tyrian potpourri.

The Super Adventure Box is as much a part of GW2 (now) as Orr or WvW. It may be a piece that you like, it may not be one you favor, but it’s still a part of the greater whole.


gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: ZenonSeth.5739


You only skim the surface. Forget the graphics and sound effects for a moment.

SAB has more exploration and jumping puzzles, as well as hidden areas, concentrated per zone than all other places I’ve seen.

It has combat that makes everyone equal, and makes you dependent entirely on your skills.

Even if it wasn’t in old-school graphics and sounds, it would still be a fun place for those reasons. And those reasons are not something entirely related to “super mario fans” or “NintArenaNetTendo” (try saying that five times fast..)

Are ye laughin’ yet?

SAB: Ok what kind of game is this?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

This thread makes my inner child want to cry. She’s sad because some of you seem to have lost yours. Are you guys really so “grown up” that you can no longer appreciate stuff like this?

I’ll be joining some of you in the 30 club in a few days and the SAB had me sitting at my PC with a stupid grin on my face. It’s FUN! That’s why I play games… for fun. I’m weird like that!

Some people play this game to be masochistic you know. All these selfish people thinking every one should have fun! The nerve!

SAB: Ok what kind of game is this?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Necrochild.1497


Oh noes, GW2 isn’t another super serious fantasy game.

Quick, get me some foreboding stories and brown textures before I have to launch one of hundreds of other games that fall within my expectations!

Twice of the same profession someone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Palador.2170


If you’re having fun, who cares if it’s “a waste”? I say to go for it.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Week of profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


This would be awesome sure but I don’t know how practical, since no profession exists in a vacuum.
You can’t focus on balancing one profession at a time because it would then be adjusted again when you get to the next profession and the next.
The professions need to be balanced with each other in mind., while keeping the unique flavour of each.
I do think that more resources should be devoted to balancing/ given a higher priority.

Gunnar’s Hold