Showing Posts Upvoted By Danikat.8537:

DR on hologram farming

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


The fact that you WP and attack the same kind of mob constantly for 40 minutes would indeed most likely trigger the DR, especially if you don’t kill other mobs in between.

You might not be a bot but you are playing exactly like a bot.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

We've all had enough...

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: SallyStitches.4096


You aren’t speaking for “most” players. The only ones that are complaining do so here and occasionally in map chat. There was 1 person complaining in map chat last night, and the others replying to him were telling him how ridiculous he was being. It just so happens those that have complaints feel the need to be the loudest, but they do not make up “most” of the player base. Plenty of people are enjoying the event, because they are actually playing the game instead of whining about the dead horse that is RNG.

100k candies for wings? O.o

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Kedryn.2981


what most of you are realli missing is that even if you manage to get 100k candies, you can sell them for, if the price is 3c (now is 4 times higher), 30 gold.

the skin is priced 25 now, and is dropping fast.. imagine how much it would be after one month of ppl farming… 5g? less? so why waste 30-60 gold to buy a 5g skin? sell candies as soon as you get them, and buy the skin later…

if you do it now for example, candies are 12c.. you will get at least 60-80 gold selling 100k of them…

Bad design decisions IMO: The hologram boxes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Stark.1350


The event lasts for an entire month. Let the impatient ones get done first and the crowds will thin out.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dog.1472


I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for the “I’m sad because other people can get this skin too” point of view.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

(edited by Dog.1472)

100k candies for wings? O.o

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Kedryn.2981


selling at 25g now (wings). Even if you sell 100k candies at 10copper , you can make 100g and buy 4 wings… and wings are going to drop in price in 1 month of event.. so why the hell one sane of mind would evere try to ammass 100k of candies? better selling them as soon as you get them and buy the winfs on TP

All levels?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


It may be worth pointing out that all levels can’t perhaps reasonably afford the 50 Silver cost that’s been slapped on bets for the Moa Racing activity. That part of the event seems a bit more tailored to the rich/higher levels.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

Bad design decisions IMO: The hologram boxes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Wolfgang Hype.8970

Wolfgang Hype.8970

Honestly, the problem is a bit worse than straight up griefing. You can’t NOT grief with these things. I’ve seen people patiently wait for others to arrive and when it’s finally started the things are dead before anyone can get a hit on them. I try my best if I’m one of few people there: hit them once with a bouncing attack then turn around to stop auto-attack but it doesn’t exactly help the life span when it’s already measured in milliseconds.

Tarnished Coast – Association of Classy Tyrians [ACT]
Shyamal- Asuran Necromancer | Varg Houtman- Norn Ranger
Nemo Randolf- Human Guardian

Stop buying the Chests

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


Stop buying the chest if you are losing money.

If you are “testing” the RNG, you are guilty of supporting the RNG.

For the love of the fluffy kitten, stop buying the RNG gamble system if you do not like these sorts of things in the game.

Moa racing should NOT be part of the meta

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: AvalonBright.6957


First off, count me in with the crowd that thinks the Moa Racing bets are way too expensive in the first place. And to have to get second place to even recoup your losses is ridiculous. Plus, it’s needlessly forcing lowbies out of having a real chance at completing content, since this game’s weird currency system means if you’re in your 40s or 50s and lower you’re going to be out of money in just a few unlucky races. NO ONE has that kind of gold on a lowbie unless they’re alts or have seriously generous friends.

But, that’s not what I’m complaining about in particular. The issue is that the Moa Racing achievement is part of the meta in the first place. And not even a random “Win 1” that is at least semi justifiable, but three.

Achievements should not be based around nothing but luck, especially temporary achievements that aren’t even going to be around forever. Achievements should be about your own skill and the amount of time you’re willing and able to put into work for your progress, NOT whether or not you randomly happen to guess right while having enough money to keep guessing if you continually fail.

I personally blew 2 1/2 gold on a level 30-some character and watched my moa come in dead last every time before I said NOPE, not happening. It’s ridiculous. This should not be any part of the meta at all. If you’re determined to keep it in, fine, but remove the Moa Racing from part of the meta at the very least.

free dragon bash mini pack

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: William Fairfield.1428

William Fairfield.1428

Game Designer

These are being given out in waves to avoid a strain on our mailing birds. They are not super birds!

Capital cities defences

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


I think Divinity Reach defenses got a little problem: Do you remember the vista at the giant hole in one of the districts? At this part the wall got a huge gap there.

Yeah, someone should fix that someday.

Okay, time to way over stretch your meaning of what you’d said……

“Today, in a forum post, developer Anthony Ordon confirmed that GW2 will be seeing a major structural change to city Divinity’s Reach. In particular, the district that formerly was known as the ‘Canthan District’ -currently nothing more than a giant sink hole- will be fixed. The destroyed wall will be rebuilt and the sink hole area to be rebuilt in one of two ways: either a platform area built with structural supports above the hole, or just to rebuild the area around the hole and the wall around that.

Although the post made no mention of turning the sink hole into a dungeon related to the catacombs underneath the city (read Ghosts of Ascalon for source), there was no denying of it either. Speculation is still there that the players will see another ghost-based dungeon zone sometime in the future. The dungeon would also have water-based sections and fights because, as players already well know, the sink hole is partially flooded with water.

We’ll have more information as it comes. Attempts to contact developer Anthony Ordon for further clarification have not been answered at time of this post."

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marxo.3829


I hates these non-descriptive “ORLY” thread titles. I does hates it so.

Capital cities defences

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Well nobody will get through the Black Citadels defenses. See all those seemingly innocent cubs running around? Load them into cannons and watch the enemy run in fear while its raining kittens.

Mystic Forging 4 Legendaries=End of Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Trehearne shows up and slaps you in the face … every day, forever, even after you uninstall the game.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Mirta.5029


A lot of people continuously pointed out that the RNG ticket system is a bad idea. The problem is that gambling obsessed people gamble hundreds of dollars in gems just on that, so it’s profitable.
If people want the company to change vote with your wallet – every time there’s RNG chests on the gem store don’t buy them and stop your family and friends from buying them. Every time there’s a skin that you can buy straight off the gem store and you like the appearance of – buy it with real money. That’s the only way you can make a company change its ways.

Pay to Skin, Am I Right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’d probably spend way more money on the item shop if those kitten skins weren’t a random drop from a crate… just saying.

Me too. The problem is, the amount of money people spend on the random stuff is going to be a lot more than all of us who buy the skin combined.

Unless people stop buying random reward boxes, they’ll keep putting them in the game.

Unbind Item Kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: playandchill.3908


Let’s create something that allow to unbind item.

Want to play with my twilight on my guardian.

Would pay 3000 gems for this kitten.

[LANI] Multi glad pewpew


Breaking the Carrot Condition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


I don’t know, the carrot on the stick is sorta like human nature isn’t it? If there was no carrot on the stick we’d still be banging rocks together.

Removing the carrot is like being happy you still live with mom and dad when you’re 50, not even having your drivers license ect.. It’s not good practice in real life, and it’s not good practice in video games.

Carrots on sticks are not the same as having goals. That’s something many people seem to mistake. A carrot on a stick is a goal you will never reach or better a goal you reach but it gets immedeately devaluated because there is a new one. Gearprogression for example works this way. You reach the best possible gear but some weeks later there is new best gear and the chase begins again.

There is nothing wrong with having goals and wanting to achieve something but in my opinion this constant hunt for something is making someone as unhappy as having no goals at all.

Edit: Just to add an anecdote: Even my hamster was recognising that always running in the same direction while never getting anywhere is stupid. So he was running in his hamsterweel and tried to change the direction in between. Guess what happened. xD (No hamster was hurt^^)

(edited by Pirlipat.2479)

Breaking the Carrot Condition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Most of the people that complain here on the forums aren’t casual players, so you’re kinda preaching to the wrong crowd. What you’re describing as features, will simply seem like a waste of time to any player looking for a challenge, in PvE. Sure there are plenty of things you can do. The problem is a lack of content that offers any attentive to requirements, and goals to strive for. Fractals is the only thing worth mentioning. Everything ells is simple just “something to do”. That is the problem.

The entire point of video games is to give us “something to do”.

Karka Queen not awarding chest

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Seras.5702


I believe the daily pop-up chest is once per day per account and the chest that spawns on the ground is once per day per character.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


To me a successful player is one, who has fun in the game and makes it fun for others too. I have been fortunate to meet a few of these.

They cannot be recognized with a glance. They come in all races, professions, levels and a great variety of gear. A couple even wielded Legendaries!

I’d like to send my thanks to these unsung heroes. They have made my game thrice the fun it would have been alone.

Not going to spend money

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Beligerent.1324


Yeah, I just wish that more players refused to buy them because we still have those players who want it so bad that they are willing to spend $100 and up to try and get them. Aesthetics is a HUGE part of gameplay for me in MMOs because I am very much into collecting fashions and skins and this RNG thing just totally has me feeling stabbed in the back by ANet.

I used to defend the crap out of them and thought they were the best developers in the West and now I have to hang my head low and say I was totally wrong.

Not going to spend money

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Kaaboose.3897


This is the only way RNG will stop. If players refuse to buy into it. Until then NCsoft will keep pushing Anet to use them.

The Real Hero of Southsun...

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


… , for me, is the Consortium Dolyak.

It was always the last one standing when attacked by mobs.

Good, focused fighter. Excellent work ethics.

Well done, Dolyak.


(edited by Pixelpumpkin.4608)

2338 hours no precurser drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


BTW guys..keep in mind that hours in game doesn’t necessarily mean you should have had a good chance at getting a precursor.

A guy who plays 1000 hours purely in WvW is going to have a different chance than a guy who does 1000 hours farming meta events or even a guy who does 1000 farming shelt/pen (pre-nerf)

I’d wager that the guy who farms shelt/pen will have a greater chance at precursors due to the sheer number of mobs that person has an opportunity to have a roll on.

[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Dirty cash

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


did you guys even thought for a minute about what exactly you defend here? this is about choosing what kind of a game we want. if someone likes rng box drops with rng skins then something is wrong here.

It is possible to dislike RNG boxes with RNG skins without accepting the OP’s claim that the entire game economy is based on deception. Those who dislike RNG boxes are best advised not to buy them rather than invent reasons why the games’ economy is deceptive. If enough people don’t buy, then the developers might take notice.