(edited by azurrei.5691)
Hello everyone. My name is Arijani from the Desolation server. What I intend to do, with all-goodness-in heart is try to utilize my poor English for the sake letting people know how to handle random players into their assault in Twilight Arbor. I was driven to do so from numerous posts I read and personal experiences in PUGs.
Noob: A person who is new to the game or has fewer achievement points than you or just entered the dungeon for the first time or dies more than you.
Mob: A mob is monster or any hostile NPC that is not a boss
Boss: A boss is tough moster or hostile NPC, that has significantly more Heath than mobs, gives better loot than mobs and needs q certain approach in order to defeat it. Also, a boss is commonly the main objective of a dungeon.
Aggro: The situation in which the mob/boss is aggravated by your behavior and decides to attack you intead of others in the same dungeon as you are. How this happens? Please consult the wiki for more info.
Kiting: An act of dragging a mob/boss that has aggro on you accord an area for q specific reason. Referred to as kiting due to the similarity of a person flying a kite and dragging it to where he pleases.
OOC: Means out of combat
I felt the need to point out these terms as I shockingly found out that some of my teammates didn’t know.
General Code of Conduct
How to behave when socializing online in a gaming environment
1. Be polite. The fact that you don’t look your other teammates in the eye or the chance that you will never meet again doesn’t exclude the option of showing some manners. Bad language for no apparent reason is a factor that will immidiately alienate you from the rest of your team. Do not forget that all of you are in the same place to have fun.
No matter what some people are just rude or you might find that some people are not the best people to work with you. For that there is the block feature.
2. Acknowledge the reason someone has started a vote to kick a teammate. Discuss it, wait, try to find a solution. It could be you in the kicked one’s shoes, finding out you were booted out of a dungeon with no apparent reason.
It occurred to me witnessing teammates of my own seconding a vote to kick someone just because they saw the window. “I thought the guy who imitated the vote had his reasons” is not a valid excuse.
3. People might need a break. 1 or 2 or 5 minutes in my opinion is an understandable period of time in which someone from you team might need to relax, use a restroom or have a sudden issue in RL that needs solving. In this category I think falls the situation of the disconnected teammate. Allow some time to see if the player in question comes back online or just faked a reason to quit the effort of trying a difficult encounter with you.
4. There are more professions than Warrior/Guardian. I was kicked from a TA group just because I was an Engineer. I don’t know if that is a global GW phenomenon, but in many a time have I stumbled upon people saying: LFG … no noob classes, and when I asked what noob classes were I got the response: Engineers, Rangers, Thieves.
I find this sad and ill thought of, since the person looking for a group states that people who choose some classes over others have a greater benefit than us lesser professionals.
I don’t want to sound whiny or kitteny for some issues and I understand that some classes offer resources that others can’t, such as Time Warp, Portals, Warrior dps and banners, Guatdian survivability etc.
Thank you for tolerating my rant from my point of view, with my opinion stated only, ill conceived or not, please comment spread the word or feel free to disagree constructively.
Desolation EU [APR]
(edited by Kaisharga.5647)
All i can say it WOW. I have been in the game and have read these forums since Day 1. I have smirked, laughed, said WTF so many times i can’t even count. I have found myself on the elitist’s side and the non-elitist’s side of many arguments. I have logged in excited to do my daily and also dreading to do my daily, just like days i love my job and days i hate my job, etc. This is the first post that has actually made me stop and actually reply.
And my reply is a resounding applause for what you call a rant. This is the first post I have seen ( while there may have been some that i did not see ) that actually took the time to level set their opinion.
Thank you Kaisharga.5647 for taking the time to try and create a common verbiage , common expectations of a team as well as common expectations of a teammate. While your ‘English’ may not have been the best, it is still head and shoulders above most forum posters whose first language IS English and have said more in this one post then those that have posted 1k+ times.
The sad thing is… as of the time of my post, there have been 96 views and no responses. I believe most people , when set upon with irrefutable logic , are left speechless. There is nothing in your ‘rant’ that can be made fun of, laughed at, or argued with.
Your post is what most forum posters neglect — level setting everyone on their opinion. Most people on these forums are very egocentric ( I also am not immune to this ). They believe their opinion is rule , discount other’s opinions , and don’t even take the time to explain even what they write, and half of the time they just contradict themselves 3 posts later.
My apologies for my own rant, though i meant to mainly applaud your efforts. Even if it does fall on deaf ears, I just wanted you to know that at least someone out there shared your opinion.
Thank you.
Thanks for the feedback!
I can address a few of these bugs:
- Floor resetting: This is a side-effect of the boss not losing its armor upon wiping. As an additional note, you can explode a holo next to him at any time to reset the floors. Hope that helps
- Weird teleportation: This one’s on me. Basically what’s happening here is that the teleportation is only supposed to kick in if you accidentally get yourself inside the Holopirate Generator’s collision (via a teleport skill etc). The teleport is a failsafe to prevent you from getting stuck. Unfortunately, the collision on these generators gets smaller once you destroy them, so the area you’re teleported from is now accessible to just running into it. I have a fix for this queued up for the next non-hotfix build. My apologies to those running into this!
- Clockheart resetting: Right now there’s a few issues with the Clockheart resetting. They can be worked around, but a fix is incoming. After the fix goes in, the Clockheart will remove shielding & super charge & teleport back to the center platform as soon as a wipe occurs, ensuring future runs post-wipe will go exactly as planned.
- Holograms not spawning: This seems to be a rare issue that we’ve noticed but haven’t been able to pin down the exact cause. We’re looking into it and will hopefully ironclad that issue from occurring.
My party ….on more than one occasion has gotten to the end at the last boss…and then the leader decides to leave…therefore defeating over an hours worth of work….down the drain…no defeating boss no tokens….
If this in the game could get changed. I’m sure it’d be appreciated by many players….
who here agrees?
They really should have added tokens/kill. 20-30 token for weapon. 40-50 for mini Teq. But they love RNG.
Desolation – [TEU]
Transmuting is obvious, but the availability of transmutation stones should not prevent people from giving ANet feedback when they do or don’t like a new armor set.
In my opinion, these armors are absolutely horrendous, and a borderline embarrassment to the artistry that I’ve come to expect from ANet.
EDIT: They look far better on female characters, and it’s obvious that the armors were designed primarily for them, rather than their male counterparts.
(edited by Vick.6805)
I don’t understand why they would do this to us. The hardcore player in me NEEDS this armor because, well, stats. The casual player in me says wtf, looks ugly as hell, no way am I gonna get that.
Sooo you flatout lied to us when you said youd be giving us new permanent content in the form of an additional dungeon path. This is replacement content. Not what we wanted, go back to the drawing board. TAFU merely needed the boss to be reverted to the way he was to be one of the more played paths again, no need to delete it =/ Myself and other players still ran this path for some extra challenge.. This is not what you have been promising us, at all.
I was really looking forward to this patch, now im debating wether to log on for it at all -.-
(edited by Nakashima.7560)
Why didn’t you just make it a fourth path like you did with Arah (giving it four paths versus other dungeons with three)?
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Calm down. Seriously. The new path is permanent.
And takes away something else.
After 10 months of LS temporary crap, no, that’s not acceptable imo.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
My two favorite fights in the dungeon (granted the last boss of the path became significantly harder than it needed to but it’s still doable with most groups) are now gone, awesome… I don’t see why the hell they need to remove this path in order to make room for the new one, it’s hardly a space issue.. And it’s cutting out some of the story for that instance which just sucks…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
It sounds like they are trying to remove every bit of interesting lore from the game..
Makes sense for a game that prefers its lore non existent or external to the game.
It sounds like they are trying to remove every bit of interesting lore from the game..
The new level 80 path is going to replace the current F/U path in TA (arguably the least popular because of the final encounter). Apparently more permanent content means sometimes existing content will be replaced.
The F/U path had it’s issues but there were some good things about it:
- Water spouts break up the monotony.
- The husks had a unique mechanic (bees) that was slightly different (admittedly not very challenging but it was something new to deal with).
- Vevina was actually decently challenging.
- Unlike the new path it gave lower level characters an additional option. Now you have to be level 80 to do all three paths.
- Unlike the new path the old ones focused and expanded on the characterisation of the Nightmare Court and their conflict with the sylvari (the story itself wasn’t that interesting or unique).
I’m sure there are a lot of great things about the new path but I don’t understand why they have to come at the expense of the old one.
If you want to do TA F/U do it today. It’s gone tomorrow.
(edited by Shiren.9532)
simple solution, everyone who enters the clocktower is transformed into a human size scarecrow. Nobody will be bigger nor smaller than another person.
see you guys at the top
A private instance would ruin what makes the tower so much fun.
I cant agree with this. Even when I got the puzzle down to almost guaranteed success, my fail percentage when up tremendously whenever I couldn’t see myself for a major portion of the race. It got so bad people were actually griefing the puzzle making the largest characters they could and using items that made it incredibly hard to see the next jump. Your ability to win shouldn’t at all depend on horrible camera mechanics including the inability to see yourself because of others.
Scale everyone to the same size IMHO and no useable items or abilities. Or Let me run it alone.
I cant believe I still have this screen shot… It wasn’t fun is was just annoying.
so make it a private instance you can bring your party into if you like to?
Well, with a private instance you wouldn’t have to wait at all. Not to mention you wouldn’t have to jump at the same time as 10 max-sized norn/charr. This was my biggest problem last year.
OP, I personally appreciate that the more recent patches have been on the thinner side. A lot of people have complained about having too many new things to do when they still have a lot of existing content to complete. It’s exhausting. I think this was clearly intended to give players a heavily requested breather. I took the time to catch up on jumping puzzles and dungeons.
I’m also not the only one playing this game so I’m not going to begrudge others their fun. SAB isn’t my cup of tea but I was happy to pass on it to play other content, and I’m happy it was brought back for those players who love it. The temporary content patches that I did enjoy may not have been THEIR cup of tea.
Also, festival, party, festive…all pretty much synonymous. I also don’t see why celebrations aren’t related to fantasy. The nature of the celebrations are certainly fantastical.
As for other comments, I don’t see why everything has to connect to one story. Wouldn’t feel like a very rich, immersing world. In fact, my biggest disappointment with the story is how so much HAS been tied together. I prefer a mixture of an overarching plot, sub plots and side plots, not everything tied together with one shiny bow. I’m not sure why anyone requesting more depth would want that either.
Why does Teq have to relate to Scarlet?
It already ties in to the existing story of the elder dragons. If Scarlet was running that show, too, then she’d really be over the top.
IDK how you could call the teq revamp underwhelming OP. It’s some of the best content in this game. I wish MORE of the fights had multiple tatics/phases required in them like the teq fight (I also love lupi because of this kinda stuff).
The go and click on X teeth etc. part was stupid and just kinda tacked on there to make it a living story kinda thing though (seriously stop doing this skilless kinda junk a-net). But who cares, the teq fight is awesome.
This time around we’re getting a new dung. You havn’t even seen it. Wait until you’ve done it.
I would call this underwhelming. Day #2 of the new Tequatl encounter on my realm:
I love the time on the minimap ;p 4 am…
Just because a server can’t muster the numbers to even cap a single map doesn’t mean it’s bad content. I’m sure the 4am part had something to do with that though :P
That would be a wednesday as well.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
We’ve been asking for a new permanent dungeon path for almost a year
Go be bored somewhere else
ill be honest, I want a new zone to explore and a big update.
Its great that Anet is providing content every month. But its all temp content for the most part and somewhat lacking at times.
I think alot of people are ready for something big, not more temp content.
I think ArenaNet learned their lesson with the whole new zone thing. You can see what happened to Southsun Cove. It was abandoned shortly after the original Karka invasion event and then abandoned again after the Secrets of Southsun event. Basically, the message that ArenaNet is getting from players, contrary to what you post, is don’t make new zones because they don’t really care.
The only interaction I would like to see between these two involves the Mad King, his favorite choice of salad dressing, and Sporkcalibur.
I fully endorse and support this option. Make it happen, ANet. Scarlet needs to go.
It sounds like a joke, but wouldn’t that be AMAZING if it actually happened? Like, just completely out of left field the Mad King kills her off like it’s nothing. It makes more sense than you’d think:
(1) Scarlet received a great deal of player criticism and in my opinion has been largely ineffective as a convincing villain. (She’s very Mary Sue, honestly.)
(2) She arrived with little to no buildup. Having her depart in the same way has a nice symmetry to it.
(3) Who the heck doesn’t love the Mad King? Having the star of GW2’s best-reviewed patch kill off the worst-reviewed villain would be a master stroke, and nobody would expect it because holiday characters usually never get to have a lasting influence outside of their yearly event.
I mean, realistically it will probably never happen. Heck, I am doubting there will even be any Scarlet <—> Lunatic Court connection at all, because that’d be way too cool and tidy to end up in a Living Story release. BUT I CAN DREAM
I would hope that the Mad King, being a narcissist, would take extreme umbrage in someone upstaging him and his holiday.
The price cant just be lowered.
Obtaining them should be improved.
Makes we wonder though if it was an oversight or not from Anet, how difficult atm it is to acquire Silver Doubloons as loot.
I think the design team got burnout on those last updates for the pass couple months and realize its all the same to drop 1 thing every 2 weeks and generate the numbers.
Could you imagine if AP chests didn’t exist? The game would of been killed, the extrinsic values are largely gone
TO many of us have become more and more invested, that people just kind of accept garbage content as new and innovative, and really that boils down to player loyalty. I’m invested, my hours and purchases make me invested in this game but these small updates and no extrinsic value outside of RNG for me to work towards makes the game fall flat.
I think its kinda small compared to older updates, at least we know they are going to release a new balance patch in mid octomber.
Why can’t you do that on your guard? They are great frontliners and have enough built in sustain/tankiness to build hard burst.
Just make a warrior and have both
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