They are rather intimidating. What’s the scythe used for after all if not for harvesting the wheat in the fields?
Also, this. Dhuumfire? :P
This is a game not real life and in my opinion you need to learn how to ignore annoying ppl. This game needs many fixes for critical bugs and non existent content and changes to block function is in my opinion very low priority. If any.
With all due respect, just block them and get on with your life. Life is full of unfairness and griefers, (real life). Your fixation on such things does nothing but bring more attention to them, which may be what they are looking for. Just move on, and enjoy life. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Shiro (or the power legend) and the “Power” trait line cannot be the saving grace for the current Revenant’s dps problems.
The current problem that I see, is that weapons were created to fit with a particular legend, staff have quite a few supportive options with not that much dps since it fits with the support legend.
The legends are fine the way they are. It’s like being able to play Tanky one second with Jalis, and if my team starts getting wrecked or I’m low on energy, I can switch to Ventari and support a bit in MID COMBAT.
All weapons need to be able to do competitive dps no matter what legend you are using. If i want to use staff, but use it with the upcoming “power” legend, I should still be able to do competitive dps with it, while having the perks of the heals dropping from AA and the AoE condi cleanse.
The main point of this thread is that core classes aren’t penalized for taking certain weapons for a certain playstyle. Guardian can do great dps with GS no matter the utility build. Ranger can pew pew with LB whether they are running pet skills, traps, or shouts. Warrior can do awesome dps with GS whether they are running shouts or banners. So why can’t the Revenant do awesome dps with staff or hammer, while running ANY legend?
Making sure each weapon is doing legitmate dps for the Revenant will also open up more builds. I could be a staff wielding Jalis Rev, or a Hammer wielding Ventari Rev. This would also eliminate me feeling clunky if I’m running Staff Ventari, and I decide to switch to Jalis for a bit. I currently feel like something is off when I switch to my “second” legend because of low energy or because I need to trigger some condi removal.
If Revenant stays the way it is, everyone is going to using Shiro + Double Swords or whatever the Legend + Weapons combo is, because dps is too important, and they will likely camp in that legend too, unless the team absolutely needs heals, or unless the Rev needs some survivability by switching to Jalis.
At the end of the day, you can say damage numbers are untuned still, but the devs are saying the “dps focused legend and weapon” are still to come. My reply to you would be “EVERY single weapon needs to be dps focused” just like the core classes have.
Next Expac Brainstorm: Gw2 Shattered Kingdom
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793
I enjoyed reading this synopsis more than the story of living story seasons 1 and 2 combined, I think (and I enjoyed those stories!). Absolutely fantastic thinking!
Is Heart of Thorns going to have a physical release in the USA or not? I still haven’t been able to find physical pre-purchases in the USA. All the Gamestops I’ve gone to say that there is no listing for Heart of Thorns at all in their systems. I can’t even pre-purchase the digital. And Gamestop is the only retailer listed as an “official” reseller. What’s going on Anet? The date for the physical pre-purchases was to have started June 23rd, it is now July 6th.
Survey...Would you buy map packs for spvp
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Arantheal.7396
You can always wait to purchase Heart of Thorns until after it is ‘complete’. =)
Good luck.
No MMORPG is ever released complete. No expansion is ever released complete. There are always things that come down the pike after the expansion. The same was true with Guild Wars 2.
about masterypoints being retroactivated
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: bronconose.6142
Not for levellingup after 80, no. That doesn’t give mastery points; things like 100% map completion and maybe dungeon master will. You will get the mastery points from those retroactively, but only for that region not the new maps. It’s seperate masteries for the jungle and Tyria. Levelling up will give xp towards mastery tracks but that won’t be given retroactively, for now it’s just spirit shards
(edited by bronconose.6142)
Use it for key farming!!! Make all your monies back!!!
HoT boxed version - Hard Copy [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SpaceCowKing.4658
Looked on amazon (us), nothing = no $$ for you Anet
Can I pre-purchase through my favorite retailer?
Yes. Starting on June 23, 2015, you’ll be able to pre-purchase boxed and digital editions of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns from our official retail partners. You may also be able to pre-order through retailers, but there is no official pre-order program and pre-purchasing is the only way to receive the benefits of our pre-purchase program, including access to all of the Beta Weekend Events.
Seeing as all pre-purchased versions now get an extra character slot, as long as they are registered before July 31, you will get the slot if you buy from a retail parter. IF that retail partner offers pre-purchase, make sure that’s what you’re buying.
It’s odd to see this tiny “list” of retailers for the US. I bought it at (German) Amazon two days ago and got an email today that it should be in the mail on Friday or Saturday (provided our mailman isn’t on strike by then. Again). Usually, whatever we have on Amazon, every other country’s Amazon has, too. But hey, you get to buy a pink t-shirt with the HoT logo^^
Maybe there’s a problem with shipping to the US retailers? As far as I can tell, that’s the only country affected by the mysteriously vanishing retail partners.
Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze
I’m wanting to know about this, as well.
On the pre-purchase FAQ:
Can I pre-purchase through my favorite retailer?
Yes. Starting on June 23, 2015, you’ll be able to pre-purchase boxed and digital editions of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns from our official retail partners. You may also be able to pre-order through retailers, but there is no official pre-order program and pre-purchasing is the only way to receive the benefits of our pre-purchase program, including access to all of the Beta Weekend Events.
Now my question is, where are they? No retailer seems to have Heart of Thorns for pre-purchase. And oddly the “official retail partners” went down from three retailers down to one. Yesterday it said Best Buy, Gamestop, and Newegg, but now it’s just Gamestop.
Also will I still be able to get the extra character slot promised to veterans if I buy from a retailer?
(edited by Nicktion.8910)
Nowadays most PC’s are 64 bit why are you ignoring this?
I will never buy the Expansion without the 64 bit client!!
I bought the game in February, I have all my char slots filled and have 3 level 80s. I supported Anet via the gem store. If I read the blog correctly, I don’t get a character slot with kitten stand alone game?
I still have no incentive to not make an alt account, or am I missing something? The problem is I am newer than what Anet considers a veteran player, but I am within the “refund” time. However, I have already put time into my toons.
As it stands it appears that my options are basically.
1. Pay an added fee for the privilege to use content I pay for in HoT
2. Delete my account and lose the time I spent making my level 80s for a refund
3. Wait till G2A sale for HoT
4. Abandon GW2Why not just give GW2 owners a character slot? Is it so hard to give a character slot to an expansion that boasts about having a class as a primary feature?
“If you take advantage of this refund and pre-purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, all of your current account progress will be kept intact. "
Directly from the blog post.
So… you can get your refund for the base game (if u bought it from the website, anyway). Then pre-purchase HoT, which will give you the base game back, and access to the expansion without losing any of your current progress. Then you can take the money from your refund and buy that character slot if you would like to make a rev.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
For what ? is only stupid CRAP for nothing
i have 2000 +
I WANT more Hero points on my OTHER charakter (under lvl 80) !!!!!!
WHY i cannot change for stupid SHARDs to Hero points ??
WHY ????
I save skill scroll for future character
NOT for Stupid Shards !!!
The go do some hero challanges on the maps or level them up to 80
Well at least on the Heart of Thorns pre-purchase FAQ it says:
“Starting on June 23, 2015, you’ll be able to pre-purchase boxed and digital editions of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns from our official retail partners.”
So I’m assuming you can pre-purchase through the official retail partners, which includes Best Buy and Gamestop. I was just hoping to use some gift cards I have around and also get the physical box. I like having boxes for my games, also makes it easier to reinstall the game in case my computer goes bonkers and I need to reformat or rebuild.
That’s why I was wondering if I was required to pre-purchase through Anet to get the bonuses and such.
I don’t need an extra character slot. I need to see that there’s enough playable content to warrant $50. I’ve seen a lot of interesting update stuff, like a new profession, elite specializations, gliding, masteries, but none of that is going to significantly extend the life of the game $50 worth unless there is significantly more stuff to do and area to explore.
Was about to ask the same question
It says that anyone with an older account that upgrades (with no deadline to upgrade) will get the slot. Presumably you could upgrade months after HoT releases from any vendor and still get the slot.
You read that wrong. It says:
For all players who registered the core Guild Wars 2® game prior to January 23, 2015 and who upgrade their account by prepurchasing and registering any Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns edition before Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns‘ launch, we will add one additional character slot to your Guild Wars 2 account.
(edited by DirtyDan.4759)
I hope that all the media who jumped on the news last week will put this statement out too.
I’m sure they will. Many of us “complainers” and the media admitted they loved the game but had concerns. That doesn’t mean we want to watch the world burn.
I’ll show you how they’ll justify this whole thing.
“Game is free, shut up”, “get a job”, “i bought the game and since i like it, that means my opinion is the only one that matters”, “just use gold to get gems and buy character slot, lazy cheap kitten”, “Anet is great, all praise Anet”, “HoT will clearly be worth the price, stop complaining”
Did i miss anything?
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
This response is misplaced. This thread is not a complaint at all.
Here is answer to all argument. Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.
Don’t like hearing their arguments. Don’t listen.