There are constant cases in EB and EOTM where an opponent is right in my face, maybe standing on a small rock or just simply on the roof of airport but… there’s no path to target. Other times enemies are a full level above me on a ramp-like part of the landscape and I can still instantly teleport to them with a surprise burst.
I mean, come on, this skill is so inconsistent at the moment in wvw although it still feels relatively unchanged in sPVP. I know this teleporting isn’t exclusive to guardians but can someone actually look at it?
The current locations where this skill/ blinks seem to bug out consistently are:
roof of airport in EOTM
The ramparts of Azalia’s post in EB
Durios post ramparts
Stairs at Mendons and some sections of the ramparts around SM.
There’s probably more but I’m too lazy to remember all the names. To anyone who knows how these blinks work, is there anyway to suggest a recommendation to fix this?
If you’re dead on Teq and don’t WP, you should get a negative MF debuff.
And if you AFK near south turrets and are still AFK during the start of the encounter, the game should automatically uninstall.
As an organizer at many world events (Teq, Dry Top tier 6, Marionette – not anymore, 3-headed Wurm – not anymore), I can say that dead people are a burden, and the worst things that can happen. Never bother ressing them.
If you are dead in the first place, that means you weren’t doing what you were supposed to. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, that is what downed state is for.
I simply hate is when dead people yell “REZZ FFS!!!!!” 3 meters away from the Waypoint, I would slap their dead bodies around if I could.
All you are doing when laying dead is upscaling, making a potentiel death trap for others, wasting DPS, blocking downed resses. And why? Because you were too cheap to pay 1 silver 40 coppers for a WP.
Death in GW2 is way forgiving, almost meaningless and thus people don’t even care if they die. Abolishing armor repair costs was an awful decision.
Changing "We don't rez the dead" mentality.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ralanost.8913
The problem isn’t the loss of dps in most fights, it’s the hazards of standing in one place trying to rez the dead that can easily just walk back. First phase of Teq is a great example. All those poison clouds kill very fast. You have to be quick to stay out of them. You can have 5 people trying to rez one dead just to have a few clouds hit that spot and wipe them out before they can dodge and now you have 6 dead instead of just one.
What if Specializations Cost Skill Points?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Knighthonor.4061
Most people that play the game regularly will have 1000-2000 SP’s, so I can’t imagine it will matter that much. I spend mine regularly and I will have over 1000, plus a stack of scrolls just in case.
no way. I play a lot of WvW in my time in GW2 and no where near get that many scrolls…
Rule 1 about cash shops, if the item has “random” anywhere in its description, run away.
Sorry about your luck. :T
OK, I know, I know. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…..but that’s just terrifying.
A veteran player named Ohoni.6057 thinks that everyone should have equal access to things this game has. When a pro player thinks this, you have to agree, because he has experience.
I’m also a veteran player (played GW1 and then started with beta for GW2). I have experience. I don’t think everyone should have equal access to all rewards if they don’t do the work required.
I do have to say, I like the idea of one-man-dungeons, didn’t really think about that because it has been a long time since I last played something like that. But it would solve multiple problems, like the dungeonsgroups that don’t want anything but zerkers, stacking wouldn’t be an issue, and so on and so forth.
But then again, I guess the living story things are kind of solo dungeon esc… hmm lets see, I just hope for some kind of new content, be it solodungeons, regular ones, raids or more fractals, all of those work for me ^^
It solves problems you think are there. You just have to do no stack all welcome looking for groups
They said that if the new weapon is an offhand, you would be “compensated” with new utility skills to make up for it.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Just trying them out, it doesn’t seem to change that much. They just won’t activate if something is blocking the way, but I can still use them to gapclose to targets outside of my range as usual
There is no best or worst profession, there is only personal perception, only play what suit you the most
That would suck. Way to encourage skipping content, downplaying effort, and glorifying ignorance.
edit: I assume what you mean is that loot would only drop from champions and chests, or something like that, which is what would suck. Essentially you’d be encouraged to zerg with all your might just to get anything at all, instead of allowing yourself to fight lesser creatures.
(edited by Starfleck.8392)
Anet has stated that ‘challenging group content’ will be a part of the expansion but they have yet to announce what they mean by that. They have been quite evasive about it actually.
What will keep us playing after we finish the story 2-3 weeks in?
Pvp, WvW, open world content, adventures, guild-stuff (unlocking things for the guild hall, guild rushes etc), grinding masteries, leveling a Revenant, getting the new legendaries, doing map completion, completing new achievements and so on?
In a typical boxed expansion, the majority of the repeatable content is in the form of dungeons/raids. Generally for a $40 expansion you will get 8-10 dungeons with 8-10 additional hard modes, and 2-3 raids. These dungeons are generally what keep people playing the content as they search for new gear and master the encounters…
What exactly is this based on? How typical is that? And if is typical for other mmo’s, how typical is it for mmo’s that do not focus on gear grind? I mean, currently in GW2 it’s not like ‘pve end game’, to the extent that it can be said to exist, only consists of dungeons. It also includes fractals (which, granted, are basically dungeons), open world events (silverwastes, orr temples etc), map completion, creating legendaries, getting ascended equipment, collecting skins, getting achievement points and so on.
(edited by Diovid.9506)
Why? That makes no sense. Revenants don’t get special story or anything. What exactly is the value of not being able to level them up immediately if that’s how you want to roll?
Saying “raids are coming” is just like hearing “winter is coming” in Game of Thrones.
….it never does…..
Probably not, and personally i think this is for the better.
It’s quite impressive how many performance related topics have been opened since the announcement of HoT with absolutely 0 responses or any kind of info/news from the devs. I knew their PR is nonexistent at best but even so….impressive.
If you look at the history of GW thy have always made a product that could run on both high and not so high end machines. i don’t think there will be any changes made to the code to optimize it for beefier machines.
I don’t have a problem with this. I actually enjoyed the fact I could play GW1 on just about any computer I could download it on cause of how minimal the requirements were.
The problem is that you shouldn’t get to the opposite stage where the more beefier your computer the more issues you have with the game. I consistently client crash due to going over maximum memory at huge events. Either limit the client, or make the client able to handle what you’re letting it handle.
Do you guys think HoT will support multi cored CPUs?
WvW will have so much better fps if multi core is supported!
As long as there is a healthbar on the enemy then DPS will always be king.
And I’m with Deathpanel on this one. I’ve done somewhere well north of 500 fractals and surely 1000+ dungeons by now… I don’t watch cut scenes anymore and very rarely is it fun because of bads. I’m there for the gold/loots.
Living story maps require coordination?.. not sure if srs…
Blind isnt used on bosses anyway. Its for trash clearing. Now it will atleast have some use on bosses.
Have you ever read the text for defiance? It already treats blind as a control mechanic, reducing it to a 10% chance of missing an attack, and the blind is still removed in the very likely event that the attack hits.
Isnt staff a ranged weapon?
Like hammer is used as ranged weapon now by the Revenant?
Guild Website:
Youtube Channel:
Taunt isn’t the defining thing in the holy trinity, fixed roles are.
This is not accurate. The holy trinity is not defined by fixed roles, but by very specific fixed roles: dps, heal, tank. Swap one of them for another (control, support, roam, burst, whatever), and it would no longer be the holy trinity, even if roles were still enforced.
The reason as to why its considered “holy” is because you should by numbers not be able to survive with one of the pieces missing. The moment you can survive and complete a dungeon while missing a hard role, it no longer becomes holy. It is holy because it is enforced and only because it is forced.
no, it’s called a “holy trinity” because the term is a joke on the christian holy trinity. i thought it was pretty obvious.
It is the guild’s choice to require 100% rep or not. If you don’t agree with their policy leave the guild. It is that simple and nothing to be offended over. Personally I don’t join guilds that require it.
my guess would be that you would run towards him while auto-attacking
Teach them not to join the toxic elitist lfgs and instead to make their own “everyone is welcome” parties.