Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
That isn’t elitism, that’s just plain rude and obnoxious.
Please stop using “elitism” as to go to buzz word for insults in dungeons.
One-per-profession when Heart of Thorns launches.
More to follow.
For the man who went boldly where no other went before.
With his trusty right hand man Roy, being his eyes and ears in times of need.
“Options are good. There’s not only one way to do things guys! That’s why I believe Anet needs to ‘fix’ their game by implementing forced roles like every other MMO ever has done.”
What a silly, contradictory thought process… :/
Would love to have sources for these things, because as far as I understand it there is no points whatsoever involved in the specialization system.
In fact I believe that they have outright stated that going with a specialization might stop you from using the some of the base-class’s mechanics or skills.
Why do people have the misguided opinion that Taunt is for tanking and not simply a control/positioning effect. You don’t even need to have tanky gear; cast taunt and kite or dodge the attack and you don’t even need to worry about the damage.
This has some very revealing things about the Rev. in it as it pertains to story:
“While the revenant is very story-driven compared to other professions in the game, ArenaNet says it will not make class-specific story content for them.‘We want professions to have more story to them about why they exist and why they’ve come about,’ Peters says. ‘But one of the things we learned in the original Guild Wars 2 release is that when we gave people a bunch of story paths to go down, they only played one of them. It’s better for us to give players choices along the way but not have those choices make them go in a different direction and not play a thing we spent a lot of time building.’ "
Because of silk. It is the most sought after material because it is needed to make Damask.
(edited by Zera Allimatti.2541)
The whole idea of GW2 is that the game begins at level 80.
For a lot of people, their 1-80 levelling period is time to learn that profession, so then they can do actual content, knowing what they’re doing, but if they have to start over and learn something new at level 40, then they’re going to have 50% less experience using their profession by the time they’re 80.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176
Have none of you realized that the PS NEVER mentions what your class is, so there is NO lore issue with you being in the full existing PS story as a Revenant (beyond the Rytlock is the first one issue).
It may not be pretty, but the idea that they are going to do a new personal story / starter area for the new class is kind of silly.
I’ll be amazingly surprised if you simply don’t start a Revenant just like you start all the other classes now…..(pick the NEW REVENANT icon when creating a new character). All this over-speculation and posturing is pointless right now anyway.
I don’t think having people run around in their underwear is the vision Arenanet has for their game.
Would defeat the purpose of them though.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Buying it off the TP…. so LEGENDARY!!!11
Probably not.
I do however somewhat expect Anet to give you an option to buy all of season 2 in one go for a price that is lower than what you would pay if you bought each chapter seperately.
During the recent PoI, when talking about map design, it was said (see notes here, courtesy of Dulfy): “In Queensdale for example only half the events were Queensdale themed (humans vs centaurs). Our new maps have events themed with the map more”.
Yeah… That’s not a good thing.
Enemies in the same army (the centaur army, the Risen army, the Inquest army, etc) usually have similar mechanics and look similar, too. Fighting a bunch of them soon becomes repetitive if that’s all you do.
One of the reasons why Queensdale is one of the best maps in the game is exactly due to the variety within it – you are not just fighting centaurs over and over. You have centaurs here, bandits there, wild creatures on that corner, domestic disputes to settle on that house, and so on. Not only this makes gameplay more diverse (you are fighting different enemies all the time, instead of a single enemy type everywhere), but it also gives the developer freedom to make more diverse and tonally different events.
This changes as the game goes on, and we have maps in which basically all the events are themed with the map – like Orr. Where we fight basically the same few enemies in the entire map.
Now, I have never seen someone saying, “You know, I wish the Risen were part of more of the events we have in Orr”. What I have seen are complaints about how Orr is repetitive and lacks diversity within its enemies and events.
It concerns and worries me to see that ArenaNet (still!) doesn’t grasp this aspect. Saying that they think Queensdale would have been better if it had more “human vs centaurs” and less of all the different things it has is very bad. It hints that the expansion maps will consist of fights against the Mordrem over and over, with little to no variety.
In other words, the expansion will be a lot like Orr. Instead of being as great as Queensdale.
As a big fan of Nochtli myself I’m here to tell you that there’s still going to be plenty of unique and unexpected things happening in the jungle. I think Steve’s point was simply to illuminate the premise that we’d like to build on our epic map stories with events wherever possible. That doesn’t mean crazy hylek won’t play a role in say, surviving in the jungle.
The map Nochtli is on – Dry Top, is one of the monofocused ones. It makes it way more boring than old maps. OP’s concerns are quite valid.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701
My question is who ISN’T going to buy the expansion? and for what reason. Because lets face it, if you don’t buy it you will get left behind, thats how it works for MMO’s and GW2 is no exception.
Honestly though, everyone who cares enough to keep playing WILL buy the expansion I gaurantee it
IGN, good job. Please jump the gun more.
GW1 had personal trading and scamming was still rampant. The TP exists for a reason and to be honest, I’d rather not see map chat flooded with WTS messages.
And they say GW2 drops never give you anything. I mean look at that data this clearly means that… No wait, that is without a doubt the worst drops any game has ever had.
Anet you should be ashamed with the loot.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Genesis.8572
In some regards, I’m beginning to think that “specialization” is a poor word choice for ArenaNet’s new system.
From what has been revealed so far, “specializations” are less about specializing in “one path” and more about unlocking (account wide) and choosing an alternative path for your profession. It’s not really a single path to try. That’s what they mean by second profession and not that your specialization is your second profession in addition to your original.
The option, for example, is between playing a Ranger and a Druid. If there were two specializations, then the choice would be between a Ranger, a Druid, and a third sub-class. Given that specializations unlock new elites, heals, utilities, and other skills, then it seems like a bit much to expect two specializations per profession at the outset. That is a lot to balance.
There have been multiple interviews in which Colin stated that no new weapons are coming.
Prolonged periods of not moving and not attacking at events equals leeching, whether you’re actually sitting at your keyboard or not.
Just don’t use them. Simple. There are people, like me, who use them to save time on days when game time is minimal. On days when I want to feel the immersion, I have the choice to not use them.
Just out of interest, if I put the money in for this expansion, do I get some character slots like in the old GW1 expansions? Otherwise I’m going to be annoyed that to keep using my account I’ll have to fork over 800 gems when you can get five character slots on a new account for 9 bucks.
The guardian will wield spirit weapons instead of real weapons, which also can be destroyed.
They will most likely be level 80 maps, as the expansion seems to be quite heavily about end-game content.
The only new weapon being added in the expansion for ranger is staff, though more specializations will come in the future. As for switching between, you will be able to switch between specializations (including default) anytime you are out of combat.
most of us have been beta testing almost every mmo. every beta tester knows that posting on forums about an invite as joshuaRAWR said will not work for any reason.just patience for announcement
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