“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”
“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”
At least let me have the core game to give to a friend since I already own it…
Why I almost bought the ultimate edition
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jermoe Morrow.9501
- Saw the in-game thing, and was all excited.
- Saw the ultimate option had a gem discount, and was “:-O want!”
- Saw that standard didn’t come with a character slot when every previous guild wars series expansion that added classes did, and I would also be paying for a base game account I don’t get, and literally logged out of game in disgust.
I am no stranger to the gem store, and was literally moments from dropping a hundred dollars on a game with no release date like it was nothing, but how can I morally support this nonsense? Anet has clearly changed from their gw1 days, and this is a change I can’t support. And for that, Anet just lost out on a $90 sale, and ensured that I probably won’t making any gem purchases for awhile(I had been eyeing up more than $50 worth of stuff). Makes you wonder how many more sales like that they lost.
Now if Anet were to come to their senses, and added a character slot to the standard version(even if just for veteran players like in GW1), then they could easily count on my purchase of the ultimate edition.
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N
Only if you don’t attach the expansion to your old account. You can have a new account with the expansion and your old account doesn’t have it or you can have the old account with the expansion, but no extra new account.
ANet may give it to you.
We did get something, the lower end of the stick.
Because we bought the game in 2012.
Because we supported them for 3 years.
Because we spend additional money with gems.
Because of us, they have the chance to make an expansion.
And because of that, we pay more for less value.
Ye, being a loyal player feels good.
I’ve only experience a month or slightly more? I consider myself to be a newbie veteran. I purchased the core thinking it was needed. I was misled and lied to. It’s not a matter of being greedy. I also see that older veterans who bought the game will need to spend more than just $50 to experience the expansion in full. Either that, or they grind madly for that character slot. Is it fair older players needs to pay $60 instead of $50?
Jesus christ, spare me indignation.
All I’m asking for is a reduction in price because I genuinely feel that the expansion is not worth 45 euros.
Also this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/ANet-you-have-a-moral-duty-here
we love to give them the tools they need
to have big, important events!” Stop lying, ANet.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Altapir.2571
That, or give us 2 redeem codes, one for GW2vanilla, one for HoT (since we are paying for both), so we can update the account we already have and send the “free core game” to a friend…
…for the love of Crom, it was a simple and obvious move: free character slot + some perk for veterans, free core game for new players…
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: mohrad.8972
And here people thought the Expansion would be ~30$ ’ish.
“In your face”, NCSoft 2k15.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I didn’t think celestial gear was all that good in pve.
Cheer up? Really? I’d rather dual wield shields before using a frickin’ longbow.
I dont care about the name. DragonKnight would been better but I give it a pass. My problem is TRAPS…..
We could have got more Spirits or something from Rangers, but no we get TRAPS,,, very unGuardian-like…..
Man imagine if we could summon Ghostly Knight Spirits that follow us into battle and protects us? That could have been so much cooler.
We could have got a:
*Wizard Ghost- that deals ranged damage and CC.
*Knight Ghost – that deals melee damage and provides reflection fields, taunts, and protection to allies.
*Monk Ghost – that deals ranged damage, but is converted into healing to nearby party members, and provides cleansing and Boons. (this could been our Heal skill)
with a cool Elite skill that mixes with the spiritual concept.
25% movement trait…just because.
FYI traps will be getting a bleeding trait to officially give us a real condition build.
Except, well, everyone is hunting Dragons, not just the Guardian. Demon Hunter would work because the Guardian has skills that imply a holy nature, such as Consecration, Ward, Meditation, etc.
Are Demon Hunters the only people who fight demons? The Dragons are the evil that is corrupting Tyria, so holy magic would be just as effective against them as it would be against demons.
No, but they might be the only ones with specialized tools to hunt them.
Once people begin to realise they don’t actually have to take traps and they don’t actually have to use a longbow their attitudes might change. The virtue changes alone seem interesting.
than all we get from the new ES is new virtue active effects,,, thats it… a waste of trait line for just that…..
I doubt you are the only one, but I hate it. Technically all of us are dragonhunters, even the chronomancer is a ‘dragonhunter’, and the name does not even fit how the spec. looks anyway with its animations etc.. Even if it is not completely suited to the playstyle of the first elite spec for Guardian, I would have loved to have a more Guardian-like name, such as Zealot or Paragon.
Demon Hunter is a stupid name too. FYI
Pretty much this. The OP is just trading one bad name for another.
Honestly, this entire thing is just sadly confirming how casual/brain-dead the gw2 community has become. Almost no one is attempting to discuss the changes occurring but everyone is in an uproar over a NAME. I really hope anet doesn’t change it since it literally has no effect on the game and they should not be cowing to nonsense rage like this.
Because it’s a label you are stuck with. It’s like getting stuck with a terrible name in real life. You can’t shake it unless you legally change it, but we don’t have that option.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
I’ll just wait for the new guardian elite specialization in two years.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
1. “Dragonhunter” sounds like it came from the mind of a child no older than 8 yrs.
2. Traps are already underwhelming on rangers, and virtually NEVER used on thieves. As if this isn’t enough reason for skepticism already, it was mentioned in one of the recent livestreams that traps are going to be nerfed to have an activation period upon being set, meaning that you won’t be able to set them off by just planting them under an enemy’s feet. You have to set them ahead of time and HOPE that someone is dumb enough to run in it without dodging.
3. Thematically speaking, it’s basically a guardian playing ranger for a day. It feels very uninspired, unoriginal, and doesn’t feel like it’s going to bring anything new and exciting to the table like the chronomancer does.
4. The virtue rework is okay, but should really be baseline, honestly. Not only are they not adding a new virtue, but the reworks feel quite counterintuitive, to be honest. VoJ will no longer proc to allies by the looks of it, VoR will require a leap to heal alllies (as opposed to just, y’know, an instant 1200 radius heal), and while the block looks like it’ll be useful, we really shouldn’t have to trait an elite spec just for a duration-based block. If the spec is meant to be more backline support-oriented, then why are they making our virtues less effective support skills?
If the bow deals decent damage then I can maybe see myself taking it, but there’s no way I’m going to use traps (not wells), and there’s DEFINITELY no way I’m going to refer to my guardian as a “dragonhunter”.
(edited by Black Box.9312)
Guardians are a support class that have to be up close in the hammer train, benefiting mostly the frontline. This new Dragonhunter spec allows them to hang back and focus on supporting the backline! Boons, CC for peel….looks nice to me.
Demon Hunter is a stupid name too. FYI
For some reason, with the changes to virtues the specialisation sounds super clunky and the bow attacks seem like they won’t be able to deliver much pressure offensively.
Traps are a huge let down. If I wanted traps I’d play ranger. The virtues kinda excite new that’s about it. I think I’ll be playing just melee dragonhunter.
They really turned us what sounds like into a ranger with lower dps. Killed my hype for sure. But we’ll find out tomorrow
I was hopefully optimistic with Anet in regards to the new specialization. I got really excited with the wings. The way I saw it we would be looking at almost an archangel type character. Maybe an Archangel is what we would be seeing! Imagine it with me if you will, gone is the guardian’s clunky mobility. All of a sudden we have the archangel with a bow using their utilities to spread their wings and igniting the areas they touch with burning blue healing flames as they soar to another location. You see a ally in need on the other side of the area? No problem! Spread those mighty blue wings and soar to his protection all the while burning and damaging your enemies. Possibly ensnaring those when you land!
I of course would see all of this too good and bad kitten to be true but hey I will say it again; I was optimistic.
Honestly Anet…excluding the fact that the wings seem kind of out of place seeing as they only have to do with one virtue, Traps??? TRAPS?!?!? Like what?
This is a huge turn off for me. It just is. I’m absolutely willing to watch the presentation on it tomorrow but I’m already pretty disappointed in the path you’re taking with my precious guardian. I have mained my guardian since launch and I can honestly say I’m so turned off by the idea I’m about to drop him altogether.
I’m very curious on how you are going to implement these traps. when I’m in pvp and I see a trap ranger I immediately grin because they are so easy to counter it’s quite pathetic. IF Dragon Hunter’s traps are anything like ranger’s traps It will be an automatic nope for me.
I guess the bright side to all this is at least the new meditation traits look very good.
They should just call it ‘Wards’. I do like the idea though, whatever it gets called.
my hyped just got slashed by half… traps??!?!? my goodness, my knight in shining armor, wielder of justice , holy lightbringer , uses traps…
Anything except dragonhunter.
Seriously? A light magic ranger? With Traps? What the hell?