Showing Posts Upvoted By Pompeia.5483:

I disagree with the Legendary Weapon system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stitch.1794


You don’t need to play WvW much to make a legendary weapon, and you never need to set foot in PvP at all. The shards of glory and memories of battle are tradeable, so you can get them by farming PvE if you want.

The only thing that makes you step out of PvE is the gift of battle, and you can get that by just doing some of the simpler dailies for a few weeks and using the potions from them to advance the reward track – ones like Big Spender or Master of Monuments that can be completed in a minute or two.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaladinVII.1647


Gem purchases will now resume with the continuation of legendary weapons. Thank you for honoring your promises.

Raids and build snobbery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ensign.2189


And to re-iterate for the thousandth time, the reason they do this is not because they are evil or as you call them “morons”. They don’t know you, they don’t care to know you, they want a speedy, efficient, as effortless as possible run, and it’s their right to want it. Therefore they expect you to have the build ready beforehand, and knowledge of the mechanics. It’s up to you to either adapt to it and be ready, or if you want to train look for a training run, there are a few around.

In my mind the biggest problem with showing up on a non-meta build is that it’s a big flashing warning sign that you are not prepared for the content. It’s not even that your build is necessarily bad – it’s that showing up on a build that deviates substantially from the meta is a strong signal that you do not know what you are doing, that you not only do not have experience with the raid but have not even done any prep work outside the game (reading a guide, watching videos). It tells me, as a raid leader, that you’re completely unprepared to raid, and unless I’m advertising specifically as a training run I would cut my losses at that point.

Even if you haven’t killed, or even fought, a boss before you have to at least do some prep if you want a regular pick-up group to take you – read a guide, watch some kill videos (especially from the perspective of the class you want to play), set your gear and build up in accordance with what you saw there, go practice it for a bit in open world / on a dummy so you have some feel for how it plays. Once you’ve done that you may not be experienced, but you are prepared, and a lot of raid leaders won’t look closer if you’re prepared.

It’s getting lame but I’m not changing a working build just to be “allowed” to participate in raids.

Sure, are there are workarounds to that – show up with a Slippery Slubling title or show off your Matthias and Xera minis and I’ll cut you some slack. Experienced static groups switch up builds and have a good amount of flexibility because they understand what parts are necessary to cover their bases and which are just nice to have or substitutable; if you can demonstrate that you’re that kind of player, I’ll let you run pretty much whatever you want in a raid, because especially when pugging you’ll need your experienced players to be flexible and to swap roles and skills to cover the gaps in what your newer and less flexible members can offer.

What, you don’t have those things? You mean you aren’t a seasoned raider that has killed all of the bosses several times and has experience seeing what works and what doesn’t? You aren’t familiar with several of the roles and how they play in the different fights? Then don’t talk to me about how you’re bringing a ‘working build’ that my team needs to build around. You don’t have any of the metacognitive knowledge necessary to be in that conversation.

(edited by Ensign.2189)

Raids and build snobbery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zohane.7208


Tempests have plenty of group support. All reapers have is condi strip, blood is power, and sometimes transfusion (though that is a crutch).
Viper tempest can pump out might and fury with fire fields and provide vigor and regen instead if needed. They also make easy-mode tanks with infinite protection and 50-60% damage reduction.

If you really think that you have a superior build, why not submit it to (for example), and have it vetted? You might be right in which case your discovery would help the community progress

Gunnar’s Hold
Guild Leader for Tyria Liberation Council [TLC]


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Biklen.5490


I take your four man and raise you a solo:


Edit: two of the players were pugs, rest was our static group. The same ending happened with a sloth kill a month after that wing was released… By the same guy!

LoL! Nice Kill…I think that’s pretty amusing also…Great work

Practice Raid mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


Training mode wouldn’t really work – you can just look at Unbound Guardian in Bloodstone Fen for an example.

People there don’t really go to greens, don’t dodge blues, don’t care about seekers and half the time don’t break the bar. When the mechanics are ignorable (as would be the case here in a dumbed down training mode), they will get ignored.

It’ll be a waste of resources making a training mode as is suggested in the OP.


Ascended gear/weapon: worth it?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Ascended weapons and trinkets are very important in raids and high level fractals and they offer a rather large dps boost because of the base damage increase. Armor is not really worth the effort/gold to make.

Can we have a white tag?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


What? Are you French?

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Can we have a white tag?

in WvW

Posted by: dianeh.2745


Ya blue / green / red = not great colors for tags . Also for those of us that like to be tagless could you just enable the squad capabilities (ie. lutenint and markers even when there is not someone tagged)

Can we have a white tag?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Ya blue / green / red = not great colors for tags . Also for those of us that like to be tagless could you just enable the squad capabilities (ie. lutenint and markers even when there is not someone tagged)

A ghost tag visible only to your squad would be amazing.

Can we have a white tag?

in WvW

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


Ya blue / green / red = not great colors for tags . Also for those of us that like to be tagless could you just enable the squad capabilities (ie. lutenint and markers even when there is not someone tagged)

A ghost tag visible only to your squad would be amazing.


I don’t know why this hasn’t been done yet. We need a private commander tag.

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

Road to a new RAID

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sykper.6583



18 items for the first Envoy Armor Chest, 6 per wing.

We have 6 items hidden in the mist for the Envoy Stage 2 Armor set. And we have an allusion to Raids not necessarily being multiple wings.


Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

How many people raid?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SeventhGrave.7896


I would raid if the community did not judge your gear & skill level, for those of us who have never raided we need to learn. I have tried for months to get into a raid but get kicked out if I don’t have the right gear or know the run.

That’s kind of the point. Raids are supposed to be a test of skill. If you don’t have the skill… or the knowledge… or the gear to compensate the lack of both… then you may be the direct cause of your team wiping before you even get to the very mechanics you are trying to learn.

There are plenty of guides out there and videos of each encounter. Read up and watch, educate yourself on the encounters so you know what to do when you try to practice. Gear up and learn the core game first then you’ll find that you’ll have a better time with raids.

Learn to walk before trying to run.

How many people raid?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oh Snapalope.1378

Oh Snapalope.1378

I would raid if the community did not judge your gear & skill level, for those of us who have never raided we need to learn. I have tried for months to get into a raid but get kicked out if I don’t have the right gear or know the run. I play GW2 because I love this game & it’s predecessor GW. I also hate that part of the awesome story line is locked behind the new raid & that the rest of us never get to see it unless we raid or watch it on youtube! I have a life & real world stuff so I play when I can, solo people should be able to do a scaled down version of the raid with the help of the story npc’s like we did in GW! Just my two cents! I still love the game but wish it were easier to raid without all the judgement. I play for fun & not competition! Peace!

As an add on to that, most training guilds won’t let you in if you are not even going to put in the effort to gear properly. My last training guild took a team of 8 raid virgins and we got them 6/6 cleared (before wing 3 release) in 4 weeks.

Think of it this way, if you are not even willing to acquire the required gear to raid, what do you think the trainers will think of you? They will obviously think that you are unmotivated and are just in it to get a free ride without putting the effort in. Putting the effort to get the right gear will at least show that you are serious and prove to the trainers that you are not wasting their time.

If you really want to know how many people raid seriously, probably the easiest tell is look up how many people that has more than 50 insights. I think 50 is a good amount to filter because I don’t think the credit card warriors are willing to buy 50 raid kills.

(edited by Oh Snapalope.1378)

Where are the promised scoring changes

in WvW

Posted by: Hexinx.1872


Well Anet you said the DBL would be around the 29th, and scoring updates a little after that … you delivered … I think most people still picking up there jaws from the floor.

Extedn all the buffs to 10 people

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The OP wants the standard for how buffs work to shift from the dungeon/PvP model to raid configuration. However, this would have no effect on FotM/Dungeons/PvP, would have minimal impact in open PvE, and would have a negative impact on Wvw, where boon sharing is already too easy. In raids, it would negatively impact players who want to play something other than the max DPS professions, while the benefit would likely be a very small gain in clear times for maxed out groups.

This change would also foster the perception that raids are ANet’s fair-haired child, at the expense of everything else. Whether this is true or not, there’s already too much perception that raids have had a negative impact on the game.

No, thanks.

No more DBL please

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


hello i have a handcrafted guide to help you cope with desert borderlands

fwiw desert borderlands is plenty active, red team has been holding steady


Nalhadia – Kaineng

Raid rewards overhaul!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sigfodr.9576


The only change that I’d like to see is a reward focused on helping people that dont already have the weekly kill.

Lets say that if a group kill á boss (any of them) and 1 in the group dont already have the weekly kill. Then the 9 others get a bonus of some kind (lets say 1 rare or whatever).
If there are 2 people in the group without the kill. The reward to the other 8 are abit larger. etc.

This will greatly incentivize exp. raiders to help others with kills.

Will still Server no link at 8/26 ??

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

YB is not guaranteed a link. By themselves they can compete with SBIHoD and SoSNsP, just slightly smaller.

But they probably will, maybe one of the smallest servers.

It will be interesting. I just hope that they normalize Glicko this time. And mark linked servers the same fullness as the host server so we don’t have bandwaggoning again ruining the matchups.

Will Desert BL get any more improvements?

in WvW

Posted by: ThomasC.1056


I’m honestly not sure DBL are bigger than ABL. When you look at the 3 maps (just call maps and de-zoom, you’ll see), I’d say they’re slightly broader (W-E direction), and clearly shorter (N-S direction) than ABL.
Yet, I admit they’re clearly more intricate than ABL, because of verticality. The patch just before they put back ABL fixed the most of it. For now, I still think that the area around Air keep may be not so easy, but it’s also the part I’m the less familiar with.
Anyway, the map isn’t so hard. Having a look at minimap is really helpful, and you can read most of paths. Of course, you can’t really do it well when running away from a blob, but it helps for “explore and learn” part.

  • Fire Keep: I still think Fire keep is a disaster, even after the improvements that Anet made to Desert BLs. The biggest flaw of Fire keep, I think, is the area just outside of the inner gates and walls. The design of all other keeps/garrisons/smc allow many angles of attack for the attackers and many ways for defenders to slip by the attacking zerg into the inner. Fire keep, however, has only ONE way for anyone to access the inner gates/walls, which is the big open area in front of the supply depot. Attackers and defenders eventually have to funnel into that small opening, not to mention the annoying little pillars which you have to jump through for passage. I suggest that Anet adds more ways to enter Lord’s Room. That’s my biggest complaint about Fire keep, but there are a few others, like the stairs being too narrow.

There’re many entrances at the outer wall, but indeed far less in the inner wall, and most of the fights are in that courtyard. A possible solution would be to provide an underground access, somehow like ABL’s garrison’s southern gate you enter at lake level. Could be some kind of tunnel linking the two camps (north and south from fire keep) with a gate leading to inner fire keep and some room below lord’s room, and another gate leading to staircases climbing up to lord’s room (south and north of the catwalk thing).

  • Map Navigation: The multi-level design of the map had everyone complain about the map being too big (or at least feeling too big) since the release of Desert BLs. I personally never had any issues with the size of the map, but rather the path from any Point A to Point B was always too round-about. In Alpine BLs, if I want to get from Southwest spawn to Northeast camp, I could probably figure it out all on my own even if were my first day in WvW. In Desert BLs, however, with that same situation, I would either end up underground next to Fire keep or next to the Skysplitter (R. I. P. in Peace 2015-2016) looking for a ramp up a sheer cliff Northwest of Air keep. My suggestion would be to make the entrances to every camps/towers/keeps easily accessible with wide pathways. Why do I say “wide”? It’s because “mini jumping puzzles” seems to have been the theme when Desert BLs were being designed. For example, if I want to get from North gate of Fire keep to the Northwest camp, I have to jump up 3 or 4 small ledges. Why? Why is that even there? Just make it a wide pathway. The wooden bridges leading to South Air keep were definitely improved, but they could still use more. The bolded statement is what I think could save Desert BLs. People complain about Desert BLs because the time it takes to get to a place is ridiculous: the map’s not big, it’s just that the Desert BLs were designed with the phrases “Narrow pathways”, “Sheer cliffs”, and “small cliffs you have to jump over”.

I’m not sure making it plainer will make it more interesting. I’d suggest, for a beginning, to improve the minimap. Have a better outline of pathes, and add “ramp up/ramp down” icons like in HoT PvE maps. Also, why not put icons like “safe jump spot” near some clives ?
To me, going from A to B isn’t a matter of turning the character to the appropriate compass direction, and then press “autorun”. There’s a learn and experiment part, and also a landscape and minimap reading.

  • NW and NE towers are too far from garri and doesnt offer any home defense in terms of movement.
  • SW and SE towers are too far from east/west keeps.

Towers are indeed a big problem. Solutions have been suggested in old topics I’m too lazy to dig. Roughly, ideas were :

  • Have towers provide their specific guards (which are more powerful than camp ones) to guard camps, keeps and supply dollies ;
  • Implant in towers a network of skritt holes for fast travel from one tower to another.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m not really for providing towers with a tactical interest like in ABL (i.e. treb keeps from towers) for two reasons : it’s too hard to move towers from the map in its current state, and DBL shouldn’t be “ABL with a different landscape”. Let’s invent something new and cool !

We are temporarily shutting down servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike O Brien


Mike O Brien

President -- ArenaNet

There’s a bug in today’s release that can cause soulbound items in an inventory bag other than your first bag to become soulbound to a different character on your account. We can fix the bug with no damage done, except we can’t straightforwardly fix it if you’ve moved one of those incorrectly soulbound items into bank storage. We’ll have to work on a solution for characters in that state. To prevent additional players from getting into this state, we’re going to shut down the game servers until we can fix this bug. We apologize for this inconvenience.


Server transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Calista.1975


Ive transferred once in all the time ive played going on 2 years now and only reason we transferred was cause our server was dead..seriously if you need more then 2 transfers a year you ether make epicly poor choices or your jumping servers deliberately to stack im thinking more the later..I say they should only allow like 2 or 3 transfers a year on all accounts that should be more then enough or they should triple the current cost…enough of this server jumping already its not helping WvW at all…

New to GW2 - My thoughts so far

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shrugal.4513


I actually thing this is a fairly thought out post about how this game appeals to competitive PvE players. It might not be your preferred playstyle, but the points made are decent and should be taken seriously. It’s definitely not a “give DPS meter” post, it’s just pointing out some problems that hardcore/competitive players have with GW2’s structured PvE content.

The main thing that bugs be about dungeons and raids is that you have very limited feedback about what is going on. You get downed and have no idea what just happend (unless it was an obvious boss ability), your group fails do do enough damage but nobody really knows if they actually managed to contribute enough to the group’s dmg or not etc. I don’t think it’s necessarily about who other than yourself failed, but getting feedback on one’s own performance. I can hit my buttons as I think is best, but if it’s really optimal or better/worse than last time is hard to tell. It’s also often desired to find out what goes wrong (at least in friendly and helpful groups), e.g. to help a guildmate do more dmg or interrupts.

I would like to see two things to fix this without introducing the social problems that DPS meters create:
1) A tool to tell me what just killed me (I think this already exists in PvP/WvW).
2) A tool I can activate to tell me how I am doing in terms of dmg, healing, rezzes, interrupts etc. compared to my group as a whole (no numbers of other individual players in the group) and compared to my performance on the last (or last recorded) attempt. This way I can see if I am doing good or not, I can try to better myself and see if the last change I made in my rotation actually had a preferable effect. I can also choose to share the info with my group (and maybe ask for help) if I want to via TS/chat (no ingame option to enable sharing, since it would become mandatory) or keep it to myself since nobody else can see this info about me specifically. I can also just leave it disabled.

I think this would go a long way in helping players working on their own playstyle and performance, as well as figuring out (in a helpful and cooperative manner) why a wipe happend or why something didn’t work.

Raids aren't working better than dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


Finally, the last two days in this subforum have shown that again we have people telling us stuff and after several posts there are ex-group members telling us the true story which is not fitting to the first. And in the end the so called toxic raiding community wasn’t the issue – the single player was because he couldn’t behave like a teamplayer. Guys, be honest with yourselves even it is hard to do so!

Preach brotha!


Siege Repair Hammer - Feedback

in WvW

Posted by: Xmasreturns.6491


Feedback I’ve heard is based on repair hammers:
1) being lost when “transformed” (e.g. jumping into water)
2) taking up inventory space + activation from inventory
3) being useful/fun only for defenders of objectives
4) uses ‘1’ instead of ‘F’ for repair

What about adding a “bucket of repair hammers” near the supply stations in larger objectives? For players without adequate mastery for it, interacting would show a “You don’t have the mastery”. Loss of hammer on transform and targeted repairs still need to be addressed.

1) naturally directs new players to look closer at their WvW UI
2) solves all issues associated with being in the inventory
3) makes repairing on assault difficult (reduces power of assault golems and assault ballistas)
4) has potential for changing the dynamics of high-end defenses

About #4 specifically – It makes sense to combine all repairs (both ‘1’ and ‘F’) into just one format, and to have them repair everything if hammers are added. Unfortunately, it would likely remove the gameplay of walling assaulting players inside via repairs, so diving into the balance aspect would be absolutely required. This might involve tweaks to repair cost/speed, perhaps scaling to objective size in some fashion.

Note that with my suggestions, the reduced defensive capabilities – specifically at walls – is balanced by stronger defensive siege and weaker offensive siege.


Can we get a nicer bow string for Kudzu?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matthew Pennebaker

Matthew Pennebaker



It’s being worked on!

Siege Repair Hammer - Feedback

in WvW

Posted by: Korgov.7645


So.. a week of Repair Hammers in. My initial conserns about upsetting the balance did not realize. In fact the Repair Hammers did not have any effect (good or bad) in my matchups.

Does the Repair Hammers make WvW better?
Ever so slightly, yes.

Ability to repair damaged cannons/oil/mortars is for the good. We didn’t have this before.

This is outweighted by the ability to repair golems which is bad for the game. Sometimes accumulating damage over several assaults is the only way to fight them and Repair Hammers nullify this tactic.

User experience?
In general Repair Hammers feel awkward to use and overly complicated for the little they do for the game.


  • Costs BoHs and silver
  • Consumable
  • Requires inventory slot
  • Requires opening inventory, double clicking the item and pressing skill 1 to use
  • Unequip button instead of put back to inventory skill (destroy vs cancel)
  • Cast bar is as poorly implemented as all other siege cast bars
  • Auto-targetting instead of allowing player to choose what siege to repair
  • Auto-unequip and destroy the hammer when entering water in ABL bay keep
  • Not being able to repair siege that is being used (this is good for game balance, bad for usability)
  • Uses skill 1 instead of F-key to spend supplies
  • As much fun as refreshing siege


  • You can move around and even resupply while holding the Repair Hammer
  • There is an AoE indicator showing the area where your repairs will take effect when you channel the skill
  • Repair skill can be channeled multiple times

Should the feature be rolled back?

Come up with a better solution to repair damaged cannons/oil/mortars. (hint: siege weapons regenerate health while the objective is not contested)

Sulkshine – Mesmer
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire

Advanced design technics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


OK, technically, there is a nearly invisible line above and below our toons (see the attached screenshot I just took), I had to zoom the picture to over 200% to even realize there was anything there.

Can we get this changed to actually show in game? 1920×1080 is pretty standard, and those lines are basically non-existent at that resolution.

Agreed. in large squad that frame is hardly visible. I would give a few other suggestions though:

  • Instead of a highlight frame: Make your own square copper instead of green.
  • Highlight commanders with the tag colour.
  • Give the commander a golden frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Highlight Lieutenants with a Silver frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Give Lieutenants a Lieutenant tag.
  • Give the commander an option to mark subgroups with number tags that only those who are in the subgroup can see.

This would mean that

  • If you’re the commander, you’ll have a copper square with a golden highlight glow.
  • If you’re lieutenant you’ll have a copper square with a silver highlight glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, you’ll have a copper square with no high light glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, the lieutenants and commander is easy to locate.
When commenting on a suggestion:
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.

Advanced design technics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moira Shalaar.5620

Moira Shalaar.5620

Agreed. in large squad that frame is hardly visible. I would give a few other suggestions though:

  • Instead of a highlight frame: Make your own square copper instead of green.
  • Highlight commanders with the tag colour.
  • Give the commander a golden frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Highlight Lieutenants with a Silver frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Give Lieutenants a Lieutenant tag.
  • Give the commander an option to mark subgroups with number tags that only those who are in the subgroup can see.

This would mean that

  • If you’re the commander, you’ll have a copper square with a golden highlight glow.
  • If you’re lieutenant you’ll have a copper square with a silver highlight glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, you’ll have a copper square with no high light glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, the lieutenants and commander is easy to locate.

This suggestion is fantastic. I have never seen any indication where I am in a squad and have never been able to find a commander. This is a problem when joining a squad from lfg in a different instance in order to change and join the squad. frequently if I am trying to get into a map to join the meta I am just as likely to click on someone else doing the same thing and end up in a entirely different empty map and still not on the map with the commander. It would be great if these kinds of highlighters would be visible to squad members in different maps too.

mid-2011 iMac; OSX 10.9.5; 3.4 GHz Core i7;
16GB RAM; AMD Radeon 6970M 2GB VRAM

GW2 Sales 2Q16: a new All Time Low

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Those of us that do more than PvE have been seeing the downward trend for quite awhile now. WvW was pretty much destroyed by HoT because they introduced maps players didn’t like, mechanics that were overpowered, and features that have more to do with PvE than player vs player combat. Players that stuck around looking for the magic bullet patch gave up when they saw what Anet had to offer. WvW only feels active right now because of server linking. WvW also lack long term goals & its own legendary wings to strive for.

Then on the PvP front, the most recent pro tourney was only viewed by 1200 – 1400 people. HoT threw the balance out of whack with introduction of elite specs. The game mode has been hurt ever since HoT expansion, and viewership keeps getting lower and lower. The game mode is stale, but they did release a new map recently. Unfortunately the new map isn’t in the ranked rotation so people who have their wings, or have been playing pvp for awhile, really are not motivated to play yet another season. Again, lack of long term goals & rewards is an issue, and lack of new maps & alternate non-conquest modes keep PvP stale for many.

Now PvE is Anet’s bread & butter, you would hope PvE players would be able to shoulder the game and keep it funded. Seeing how much Anet puts PvE as its main focus. But those figures speak for themselves, not even PvE players are spending that much money right now. So argue, debate, reason all we want. The numbers & the charts don’t lie. It doesn’t matter if PvE feels alive and active, it doesn’t matter if your guild is hopping with players or if you are having fun personally. All it matters is whether people are spending money, because this game is f2p it needs people to spend money. And right now, people aren’t spending that much money.

You know how it is, when people are happy, they spend more money. People spend money when they feel the content is fun & worth it. People spend money when they’re addicted to the game and want more out of the game. Anet really needs to figure out what they’re doing and what they want to achieve. Because the bottom line is really just the bottom line, it doesn’t matter how any of us feel the game is doing, all that matters is whether people are spending money.