Showing Posts Upvoted By Pompeia.5483:

"Consume All" For Tomes of Knowledge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I think this could really use an improvement in the UI since these stack up so fast in either WvW or PvP reward tracks. Or even login rewards. They’re everywhere. It’s great. But using them is a pain.

If a character is below 80, consume all should only consume as many as needed to reach 80.

Having a confirmation per tome is quite annoying.

It’s very annoying for us that don’t have a need to start a new character. For those that do start a new character, they also have to deal with the level up spam chests as well which is nice, but also bad for your wrists.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Do you ever feel guilty?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

The ones I feel guilty about is the ones I made to be mules. They started their life leveling, seeing the world, thinking they would be the hero who would kill a dragon and have a fulfilling, meaningful existence.

Then one day they reach level 30 and I take them to see this really cool jumping puzzle with the ghost of a pirate and all sorts of tricks and traps. However, once they reach the end and open the chest, they are abandoned. After that they stand in that cold, clammy dark cave and open the chest once a day. They will never see the sun again or feel the wind on their face or gain in strength and levels. Their endgame went from the world to silence and darkness.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

On the Validity of WvW surveys

in WvW

Posted by: McKenna Berdrow

McKenna Berdrow

Game Designer


Hey guys, since I’m seeing this topic pop up a lot, I wanted to step in and clear up some misconceptions.

1. Nearly every player that voted, plays WvW at least somewhat regularly.

2. Whether they play 1 hour a week, or dozens of hours a week, the breakdown between people who voted ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ remains very constant around the 65/35 split.

3. The in-game poll notification mail is only sent to players who are actively playing WvW. They must be at least rank 10, and have ranked up while the poll was running.

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


So uh for the people saying they wanted a new map but don’t want dbl.

What happens if we vote for a new map, they make it, and you don’t like it, gonna ask them to delete that too?

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

[Request] Please lower LI for Legendary Armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fourpoundburrito.1698


No, dont lower the LI, lower the insane amount of T6 mats…


Changing Aerodrome Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirdyne.9843



So I’ve noticed the vast majority of time spent in the Aerodrome is spent climbing around on stuff while waiting for a group. Consider adding a Jumping Puzzle in here that changes? Completing it one way wouldn’t be possible the same way all the time. Maybe a floaty something has moved over to the other wall. Maybe it’s a crane. Maybe the chest itself moves.

Anyway, it’d give a lot of something to do in the long wait for a raid to get going.

Make Legendaries Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vova.2640


No extra dmg. But what I would like to see is an ability to add sigils into the a legendary weapon and then be able to choose which sigils you want to run depending on the situation, similarly to how you can choose stats on a legendary weapon.

Look at how effective someone is in a full Soldiers set.
Look at how effective someone is in a full Dire set.
Nice balance.

Request with respect to Legendary Weapons

in WvW

Posted by: TheNecrosanct.4028


PvE players are just as entitled as WvW players. The latter complain about having to do PvE world completion. The first complain about having to do a WvW reward track. Both groups feel they deserve alternatives that don’t “force” them into other game modes they do not prefer. Neither complaint gets offered a solution so the problem stands. I really don’t see the difference here.

If you mean, PvE players always get what they want, then you’re wrong too. We get negatively impacted by a lot of PvP balancing, to name one example. The nerf to dungeon rewards is another example.

Truth is, PvE is the core of the game, whether you like it or not. The main focus will always be on that part, because without PvE there would be no GW 2. That doesn’t mean the additional 2 game modes should be left by the wayside. But they will never be the main focus of this game’s development.

Request with respect to Legendary Weapons

in WvW

Posted by: TheNecrosanct.4028


Legendary weapons are something you have to work for. If you want them then work for them, they shouldn’t be handed out to people just because they don’t want to do the work required to get them. If you really hate PvE that much then get the gold and buy the weapons from the TP.

That’s funny because I remember a time when pve players had to get wvw map completion as part of their work for a legendary….

I fail to see how that is relevant, in fact it supports my argument. WvW map completion being required forced players to participate in WvW (or wait for possibly months on end if you kept getting the same 2 colors for the matches) in order to get all of those vistas and POI. That forced players to do different game modes, which is exactly what OP is complaining about now. He wants to not have to do PvE in order to get legendary weapons

So it’s okay for WvW players to be forced into PvE but not vice versa?

No, it’s not. I fully support a Gift of Exploration reward track, so WvW players can actually enjoy getting it. And I would like a Gift of Battle recipe for the Mystic Forge, like all the other gift recipes there are, so PvE players can also enjoy getting it. Sounds to me like a solution that would leave a lot more people happy, for a variety of reasons. Sadly ANet didn’t think of this.

Simple QoL

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiddle Irk.9710

Fiddle Irk.9710

Again, super-simple QoL change proposed: open crafting stations to closed tabs. Would be vastly more convenient if I were to go to a crafting station and all the tabs are closed from the get-go. I know what I want to craft, I don’t need to see EVERYTHING that I COULD craft as I don’t want to craft 99% of that stuff! It would be much better if I could go to a station, open it, and from there open the tabs of the specific category of what I wish to craft. Example: Tailoring maxed, and all I want to do is craft my spool of silk weaving and elonian cord for the day; yet since I have 50000000~~~~ other recipe’s I have to either scroll waaaaaay down or close a bunch of tabs. Sure it’s not much but still, with a simple change of closed tabs upon opening station, it would be far more convenient =) or even just make an option for it so that folks that are training their crafting can see all available and folks that have it maxed can quickly select where they want/need to go!

Please: +1 this forum post if you think this is a good QoL idea and share your opinion!

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


People voting for DBL better show their kittening butts and not queue EB when Anet will switch to these BLs .

101% agreed. I hate it when people wax all poetic about something and it turns out they play on it once a month.

I am willing to make that sacrifice if it means other people are around to share the misery experience.

I mean for what it’s worth, people said they would come back to Alpine, and they did come back to Alpine.

This is the main problem with that argument. Stability changes, reward tracks, linking etc.. all occurred about the same time. How can one say ABL brought people back when other changes were also in play at the same time? For sure SOME came back primarily due to ABL, but we just don’t know how many. I also use the same argument with DBL killing WVW. There were so many HOT changes all at the same time it is hard to say DBL killed WVW versus pve for elites GHs tactivators etc…

What is apparent is that those that absolutely hate the DBLS have no where near the people that agree with them as they thought they did…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Untradable weapon skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaviston Hawkington.9647

Gaviston Hawkington.9647

So, IF you want the skin you need to get 10 Black Lion Claim Scraps or 1 Black Lion Claim ticket.

IF NOT, then nothing in your world or how you play the game changes, correct?

Meh, doesn’t bother me.

WvW Badges for WvW Players.

in WvW

Posted by: Korgov.7645


WvW rank is a joke due EotM. The badge would have no value if it was based on WvW rank.

The enemy name plate only needs server + guild. For example instead of Ring of Fire Mithril Assaulter [Much], my name could only show up as RoF [Much].

Sulkshine – Mesmer
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


DBL as it was was terrible for WvW yes. DBL as it was just before going back to Alpine was pretty good. Much easier to get around. They really should get rid of the garbage in the middle of the map so we can have a open fighting ground though. Not that people really fight in the open much. Most of the fight we have been encountering lately involve people on the other servers running the other way on an open field, but fighting from behind a wall, or when they are pretty sure they have bigger numbers. (Not kidding about this!). From what I can see Alpine is slowly becoming the “desert” land it was before HoT came out… it’s so much easier to roam around now since many people seem to have dropped back out of WvW.

HoT “killed” a lot of WvW due to the way the Guild Halls were linked to everything and people literally had to leave WvW to do a huge amount of farming etc just to get their halls upgraded to be useful for WvW claiming etc. The original DBL layout didn’t help either. But the way it’s laid out now is much better. Considering the fact that except for in EB (and even then people hide in keeps and towers still), people don’t really fight in the so called open fields of the Alpine BL’s I don’t see what all the whining is about against the DBL’s. They truly aren’t that bad. Most people still just go to EB unless they want to come back and defend something on their BL, otherwise the Alpine maps are not super populated a lot of the time.


… just call me … Tim :)

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Calendra.9074


Desert map have some problems can be fixed, like north strategically useless towers, but removing the map will not improve the wvw. It only needs some fixing.
DBL didn’t killed wvw, Hot killed wvw for a while because masteries and GH upgardes, this was the reason wvw was dead for weeks.
The game needs to evolve to keep old players and make new ones to play it, keeping same old maps for years will kill it for sure.
Just because some players can’t adapt to new, doesn’t mean removing its the best thing.

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Very happy that people aren’t voting to delete the DBL. You might not like it, sure, but other people do, and whether DBL is voted to stick around has an impact on future development.

Looking forward to 1DBL:2ABL. I think, judging from the last poll, the next poll will make it a very clear winner.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


I’m pretty much laughing at the poll results at this moment, removal might not even get a majority. forget a supermajority.

My personal feelings towards this matter is I love variety. I don’t want to play the same boring BL over and over. So I voted to keep DBL. Hopefully in 2-3 years down the line A net will build some more WvW maps and we can revisit removal of the weakest BL map then.

But Honestly WvW got stale and it needs variety in maps and in matchups.

Moving re linking time to 2 months to 3 was a step in the right direction and keeping map variety is also. A Net has been shown to be a company that takes change to heart and while DBL isn’t perfect we can continue to work on and fix it.

Honestly ABL isn’t perfect either, its blobby and small. DBL may have gone to far in the other direction and it has its own problems but it solved some of the problems on ABL. Mixing the maps up will let players play on the map they want to ( that last part is assuming we run mixed BL instead of rotating)

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Crise.9401


Considering that there have now been two sets of changes (with the most recent patch, as well as the patch that took the map out) to the desert borderlands that none of us has had the chance to play yet. I can’t in good conscience support removing this map entirely.

As such I will vote no on this poll and go for compromise once they poll again about mixed borderlands, to me this seems like the best of both worlds plus we have never experienced that level of map asymmetry and as such I believe it to be worth a shot.

Plus, when has ArenaNet ever gotten something right from the start… okay, maybe that is saying a bit too much, however, they claim to be an iterative company and so far their track record does support this claim, so I am opting to vote to give them the chance to iterate and learn from their mistakes. In the ideal world this will result in multiple good maps in the long run even if it may take a while.

(edited by Crise.9401)

Please continue with making more raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bysvyken.6235


Raids are the main drive for maintaining my interest in GW2 currently. I’ll probably always come back for new content dumps, such as expacs/LS, but raids keep me logging in each week.

The variety of roles involved and new roles introduced in each wing have helped me engage in so many more classes/builds. The ease of gearing up (save for viper stat perhaps) makes it much more possible for me to try out different classes/roles, especially compared to fractals.

Lots more raids please

reduced tick time?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I really like this change. Will be interesting to see how/if it changes wvw tactics.

Well I doubt it changes much since it’s literally a third the points at 3x the speed, but it does make havoc teams stronger. This evening I noticed it was much easier to try to defend objectives for the tick simply because the tick was just around the corner. It felt like it was much more worth it to try, instead of going yeah it’s 10 minutes to next tick, meh we come back and cap it again before that. I honestly cant see any flaws in this faster tick.

Silverwaste Drop Issue: Bug? Nerf?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mea.5491


Gaile, you’re awesome.

Silverwaste Drop Issue: Bug? Nerf?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

People, people, people.

You have a legitimate question, all of you. But some of you are going off the rails with a really high level of snarkiness, grumpiness, and general unpleasantness.

I have asked around, and after some discussion amongst teams, we think we may understand what happened. What you want (need) to know is this: The change to the Silverwastes drops was not intentional, and it will be corrected.

If you could please avoid the name-calling and the other tin-foil hat comments, I’d appreciate it. I can get down into core issues a lot more quickly, save myself a pair of permanently-raised eyebrows, and save my team members another muttered “Oh really, you guys?” if you just ask the question straight up and let us get you an answer!

Thanks! And I’ll update when we have more info!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Silverwaste Drop Issue: Bug? Nerf?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Allvaldr.3425


Too many people having fun in the Silverwastes. ANet hates fun.

Biggest fear of next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shylock.4653


After all the forum hate because of HoT my biggest fear is that anet makes the next expansion faceroll easy and boring as hell.

How to win each week in WvsW- Robot Manual

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Robotics Manual Section 1:


Positions Regulated:

-Tag (1)
-Blob (~)
-Scout (5)
-Accountant (1)


1. Take control of your corner (4 towers + 1 keep)

2. Insert emergency waypoints on the keep and towers

3. Have all robots on the map join under 1 tag, to create a single blob (offense).

4. Five of these robots are chosen to operate as scouts (defense)

5. One robot is chosen to act as Accountant (economy).


-All robots regardless of role operate on a 20 minute shift. Any robot not prepared/able to operate on such a basis is sent to The borderlands. Exception: a 5 minute break on all blob activities will be applied when the tag is replaced.


-Blob controlled by the tag, everyone stacks on tag and stacks aoe attacks on the tag’s location. The Blob moves in the most direct fashion possible across the map (straight lines) capping everything along the way. If the blob is too small then it redirects its route and heads in a different direction. The blob exists as a single entity, it lives and dies as one.


-Controlled by the scouts, and supplemented by the blob when needed.


Regulated by the accountant, to allow sustainable play and upkeep, to conduct all operations at peak performance.


-Tag’s responsibilities include: leading the blob, placing all siege, placing all food/utility/banner buffs at the start of each shift, electing a replacement before they shut down. They are also responsible for communicating all information visually to the extent that even deaf robots know exactly what the intent is. An ‘Aid’ may be elected by the tag to fulfill this or any of their other duties on their behalf should it ever be needed. Special Usage: Attack symbol using map symbol, coloured circles 1-8 to indicate siege placement and attack points. Basic example: Blob wants to set out to hit SMC from their keep>place attack symbol at smc on intended point of initial attack> upon arrival place coloured symbol (1-8) to indicate you will be dropping siege there and robots should prep for speed build > usage of broadcast messages to remind blob members of their duties.
The tag is given the ‘cache’ (all siege/food/utility/banner buff) at the start of their command. They pass this ‘cache’ over to the accountant at the end of their session.


Blob members are responsible for stacking on tag, fighting on tag, resurrecting parts of the blob, building siege with supply, and following orders from the tag when given.

Blob members are required to pay a lump sum of 30 silver/20-min-shift to the designated accountant when they are finished their last shift. Ex) a blob member completing 3 shifts must pay 90s to the accountant upon removal from the blob.


Station 1 scout at each outermost tower. 1 scout is kept on standby to look after the keep and other 2 towers. Remaining 2 scouts are sent out to stalk each bl’s blob (should they have one). At the end of their shift they may continue another shift or notify the blob they need replacing, at which point the blob elects a new robot to take their place. Scouts get paid 2 gold per shift by the accountant. Scouts place defensive siege, traps, pull waypoint, and communicate information about enemy movements to the tag.

Scouts are provided with a ‘defensive cache’ (siege) from the accountant. These are to be given to the replacement once the scout resigns. When refills are necessary, the accountant is to be contacted by the scout.
Scouts are required to have 5 active siege disablers/supply removers on them at the start of each shift.

The accountant:

-Payed from the excess of each blob operation. Payment is a minimum of 1gold and maximum of 5 gold per shift. More work = more robots = more payment.

-They collect money from blob members.
-They pay the scouts at the end of each 20mins
-They buy siege/food/utility to manage the cache
-Accountant receives the cache from each expired commander and refills it with newly collected good and sends it to the newly designated commander.
-Accountant is charged with electing a new accountant at the end of their session and passing all excess funds to their replacement.
-Accountants are given authority to increase or decrease the blob fee per shift (to a maximum of 40s/shift and minimum of 0s/shift), based on too many or too few funds being available.

Accountants are allowed free reign to be anywhere on the map, so long as they finish their duties. Given the duties are extensive, most accountants should not expect to be engaging incombat during their shift.


I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

WvW Poll 6 June: World Linking Schedule [CLOSED]

in WvW

Posted by: McKenna Berdrow


McKenna Berdrow

Game Designer


The poll has ended! After removing all votes for “Don’t Count My Vote” the final results are:

38.1% Reevaluate match-ups monthly.
28.9% Reevaluate match-ups quarterly.
15.9% Reevaluate match-ups every other month.
11.6% Reevaluate match-ups every 6 months.
5.5% Reevaluate match-ups every 4 months.

After analyzing the results we have decided to go with a 2 month world linking evaluation schedule because the majority of players voted for evaluations to be more frequent than quarterly but less frequent than monthly. Since we have decided to reevaluate every 2 months we will be reevaluating the current world links and making adjustments on the very last Friday of every even month starting this month on the 24th. Thank you to everyone who voted!

Reached 30K AP milestone. Now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Grats on 30K! I’m just 3 points from 21K and I know how much I’ve played to get that much so, wow, you rock at this.

Do you RP? RP can add years to a game’s life, literally years, if you get a decent group that tells fun stories.

Also I keep finding new people that need help. I was up to nearly 2 am Thursday because a new player hadn’t done DS and wanted the electric wyvern, so I led him through mid lane and explained the whole process. I didn’t need a DS run myself, especially not one starting at 11:30 at night! But it felt good. Plus the game is reinvigorated when you vicariously see it through fresh eyes as the newer players are amazed and delighted by things you’ve long found routine.

All Stat Sets Available in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: McKenna Berdrow


McKenna Berdrow

Game Designer


In the next release, a 6th pip is being added to the provision master ability line that allows you to buy HoT recipes, sigils, and runes from the heroics notary vendor.

Kudos to Raid Team for consistency.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Zealous Templar.3861

The Zealous Templar.3861

Yep, keep it up Anet! Raids have definitely invigorated my Guild Wars 2 experience and I have never enjoyed something as much in the game!