We found the source of the problem. Frametime should be back to pre 3/10 patch times.
It was a bit harder to track since the issue only manifested itself on specific hardware configurations.
This thread was of great help to track the problem. Thanks!
Once again, We apologize for the inconvenience.
Stress Tests are early versions of a game. Please don’t judge something based on a stress test. In fact, I have tested a lot of games over the years and I’d highly recommend you not judge the release version of the game on the beta tests, either. (For, looking back, I’d have gone into StarCraft with some really unfounded concerns about balance, given that the game was tweaked between beta and launch, as is intended with the beta test process.)
Basically, it’s too early to judge the story so please hold on that until release.
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
We’re really happy that you had a good time in the stress test.
Thanks a lot for posting, it was very nice of you!
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Hey Everyone,
As you may have noticed bleeding stacks go above 25 stacks when playing in the demo map. This is not a mistake, rather as we have said for a while now, we know that the current stack cap creates problems for condition players who want to work together. What you saw today was the first test in solving some of these problems. Keep in mind, it is not necessarily final and absolutely not the entire plan. I see many questions about how this will work and how it impacts other conditions, balance, etc. Rest assured that as soon as we have a final plan we will be revealing it and letting you all know exactly how it will work.
Thanks for writing up your concerns so succinctly.
This test season is intended to test an algorithm that’s tailored towards ranking players higher for better W/L ratios, in addition to using points gained from playing (meaning games played does not become valueless). The algorithm we’re using this time around is completely different than what was previously tested, and they both have different purposes. We’re already having internal discussions on how we can adjust this season’s algorithm to better suit the goals we stated on Thursday – rewarding players who play well, not just play. These discussions will continue into the next week, and now we have an entire weekend’s worth of data that we can look at and extrapolate on.
An important thing to keep in mind is that these events are tests, and the only thing we’re testing right now is the formula behind ranking. We’re gathering a lot of useful data that we can use to help us make better decisions. These “test seasons” not a final product by any stretch of the imagination.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
AND… in a matter of seconds, the team wrote back to tell me they have noted a lot of good info in this thread (thank you, guys!) and they will continue to investigate.
I imagine we’ll have an update soon, but don’t quote me on that, because I know that “soon” isn’t… the favorite word around here.
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I haven’t really posted on the forums before (as in, at all!) but I wanted to drop by and say a huge thank you to the entire ArenaNet team for making Rezzed an incredible weekend.
I loved playing the HoT demo, and still can’t believe that me and my husband now have the matching foil HoT shirts for winning a Stronghold match! We wore them with pride on Saturday, alongside another guildie who was playing host to us for the weekend
It was an absolute pleasure chatting with Tyler, Tirzah and of course Gaile. Your passion for GW2 shines through, and you really made my weekend! Thank you so much! <3
If our going to Rezzed got you to post for the first time on the forums, well, that’s just awesome!
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I can feel your pain Harvest, and probably you’re right about bad ingame communication by Anet about Start/end Season, but complaining now about rewards for off-season is really useless.
I only suggest you to read website/forum/twitter/reddit in the future :\
I shall with hold Judgement till tomorrow to see if I get anything to be fair. If not then No this isn’t over until Josh Davis pays the debt owed to me and the other top 25, top 500 for going through that sludge fest of a test season. I’m calling it a test season not an Off season because as far as I’m concern there was an ongoing leaderboard that I worked to climb and maintain.
I’m on reddit and twitter, (I have a phone) but like I said I can’t be everywhere at once. But compared to other games who are VERY publicize about there ladder/test ladders IN-GAME this area lacks severely.
Hi Harvest,
I’m sorry that you were under the impression that there’s been a test season the past two months, but this is certainly not the case. To say that there’s a debt owed is a bit misleading as we’ve never given any indication that there would be additional rewards for ranked play after the scheduled test. If you could point me to something that explicitly mentions a continued test season I’d be more than happy to investigate the miscommunication.
As a general rule, if we’re running a test season you will be notified in-game through the event UI in the top right hand corner of your screen (as we did with the Winter test season) and out-of-game via our blog.
It’s definitely something I’m working on. If you’re technically-minded, there’s a pull request on Github that details our plans for the initial release of an API endpoint that will allow the creation of sites that can access your character data.
Just wanted to say I had a great time. London was great, Rezzed was a lot of fun, and everyone who showed up made it an amazing experience. I’m very thankful to those of you who patiently waited in line all day (or several times a day) to play. It was a lot of fun talking to everyone and I’ll be passing along all of your kind words and feedback to the many people who worked really hard to make the demo possible. Even though it was a busy week, I feel more refreshed and energized to get back to work than ever before. Here’s hoping we’ll cross paths in Heart of Thorns soon.
You’re reading too much into how the wiki treats the MF recipes.
Therefore, I again urge ANet to change the design decision and to publish standardized MF outputs via the API, so that they are more universally available to the community as a whole.
How would you feel about an API endpoint that effectively was just a wrapper around the wiki’s semantic search?
I’m standing by my guns on not automatically revealing new recipes upon or after discovery. In my opinion, the discovery process is for Bartle’s spades and the only reward is temporary control over the use of the discovered recipe. An API, even with an arbitrary delay, would severely hamper the incentives behind the forge puzzles.
Thanks for the feedback, all! I’ve found some constructive stuff here and there. As I’ve said elsewhere, it’s really exciting to finally show off Heart of Thorns, and we found today that we had a tendency to get so involved talking about it that we forgot to keep Anthony moving his character around. I’m going to be a little quicker on that front when needed from here on out.
Windu (and others who were expecting all of the things on that list), I’m not sure what to tell you. We outlined what we’d be showing in a news post, then put that news post on our main Guild Wars 2 site, the Heart of Thorns site, in the game launcher, and on all of our social media outlets, in four languages. The information was out there, and didn’t contain any of the things you mentioned.
We did know that people would want to see even more, which is why I decided to add a bonus episode in addition to the regular one. Which means I have a lot of work to do this weekend, but I think it’s going to be worth it.
yeaaaaa they are pretty much just heart events with a different name
Hardly, they’re competitive minigames almost. Calling them hearts with a different name doesn’t do them justice.
Bnok – [EXG] Desolation
“A leader leads by example, not by force.” – Sun Tzu
“A leader leads by example, not by force.” – Sun Tzu
Given that the expansion isn’t released yet you guys have the chance here to give your feedback on what you’d like to see in Adventures.
Bear in mind that the we what we’ve seen so far is content tuned for the show floor being played by someone who’s already had a few tries.
I too find the doom-sayers to be quite funny.
Hardcore pvers finally have a boss that takes strategy to kill. Meanwhile the casual pvers come and try to take this hardcore content and try to convert it to casual to cater to them.
I’m sorry but if you want something easy, go do the other +dozen metas in game. Teq is now reserved for those who want a challenge and want to be richly rewarded for it. If you don’t want to dedicate the time and coordination, then tough luck.
[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I apologize sincerely.
Somehow I don’t believe that, your entire OP reeks of condescension and borders on being a troll post.
Maybe it is you who is trolling. I read the OP post and no where does he talk DOWN to anyone.
I’m on Ehmry Bay, and I absolutely love the new Twauatl fight! Me and some friends tried (and failed, of course) to kill him a few times last night and didn’t even get him down to 80%, but we did a tiny tiny bit better each time. And that’s super exciting! The fact that it’s a huge deal for Blackgate to have gotten it is so awesome, and makes me so excited about it! Last night I dreamed that Ehmry Bay was the 3rd world to bring him down. You know something’s cool when you dream about it and can’t stop thinking about it at work the next day!
One thing I will say though is that the vocal negative side of the community makes me laugh at shake my head at the same time. Here’s some examples.
“RIP, low pop servers.” (said while in an overflow)
“This is impossible.” (Said on the 3rd time he’s ever been fought.)
“He has too large of a health pool, and still requires no actual skill. Look at Blackgate, they killed him with pure DPS without even dodging waves. Nerf his health and increase the time limit and make skill actually important!” (This one just makes me shake my head and want to bang it on my desk. News flash — by using even more skill than BG did their first success they/we can get his health pool down even faster by not wasting time and buffs rezzing, etc. The statement makes the assumption that we’ve already mastered the skills and that BG’s success was the only way, neither of which are true.)So, anyone else wanna share anything that people have said negatively about the new Tequatl that made them facepalm?
EDIT: tl;dr: I love it and dreamed about it. Some of the negative comments about the new fight make me facepalm.
So let me get this straight, you think you are better than people who are frustrated with the mechanics of the fight because it is cool to fail at 80% the one time you have done it. Let me share something with you, it is not fun to fail repeatedly, all while making zero progress towards the next phase. You are not better than anyone else and starting a thread like this to specifically bash people who could have valid concerns about the fight is not only childish, but incredibly ignorant to the views of the opposing side.
Have some respect and some tact.
Please re-read his post. He said that each time they failed it they did a little better.
Look at the whine posts that started 20 minutes after this event went live and you’ll see people were complaining that it was too hard. That it’s impossible. That Anet Killed this Event.
Yet, Blackgate did it in under 12 hours.
If you are frustrated at this event that’s fine. Voice your concerns in a reasonable manner, and maybe if enough people are able to give civil reasons why they feel it’s too hard, maybe it might be made easier.
If you are an individual who wants to rage at Anet, well, that’s a different matter.
At no point did I read the OP’s post as an “I’m better than you” slap on back/slap to your face. He was just stating that his server is slowly making progress. Every server can make progress. You might not get it done at Blackgate’s speed, but it can be done.
Getting frustrated and raging in game/on the forums will not make you improve.
Is this event hard.?Heck yes.
Is there tweeking that Anet needs to do? Sure.
Look to Blackgate for inspiration, and know it can be done.
He explicitly claimed they were not meant to be a subclass to add extra customization, but rather a niche tool you swap into under specific circumstances.
Like a Thief taking Smoke Screen against a heavily ranged boss.
But that is how it’s going to work, you can swap the specialisations out when you’re not in combat. Say you play a ranger, having terrible condition cleanse, if you’ve been fighting condition heavy opponents, you can leave combat and swap your specialisation to Druid which could theoretically have better condition cleanse so you can better combat that type of attack. It won’t give you extras per se, more like giving you a different way to fight.
Brotherhood of Blub [blub]
What worries me is not the fact that we are here speculating how many maps we will get……….
It is the fact that Anet is reading this and they are not saying anything about this…………………….
Why the silence? Maybe we are right?
Wait, is this a serious complaint? Really? Why the silence? Because they have a scheduled release of information. They already told us this. They will be revealing bits and pieces over a period of time. It’s only been a week, man, calm down.
They’re going to tell us everything. We’ll definitely know a ton within a month since they’ll have a playable version at PAX East which is the first weekend in March.
Just give it a rest.
Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot
The first one can rather easily be explained by the Mists.
Rytlock might simply have returned from the Mists with his new powers before he went into the Mists.
As for the second I really see no issues with Charr being able to “summon” human heroes and so on.
Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
What worries me is not the fact that we are here speculating how many maps we will get……….
It is the fact that Anet is reading this and they are not saying anything about this…………………….
Why the silence? Maybe we are right?
They’re saying nothing because this childish, entitled tantrum isn’t worth a response, lol.
You all act like we know everything there is to know about this expansion. Take a breath, dry your eyes and calm down. It’s going to be okay. I promise.
Hoopa doopa.
Why waste resources to make tons of skins to “new weapons” like crossbows, greataxes etc.
To me it’s better to make all classes use more of existing ones (like specializations).
At example give engineer : Hammer, Mace (of hand also), Torch, Axe (of hand also).
Adding new weapon type to the game comes with huge costs of developing them.
Trust me. I’m engineer
But what would they add, gameplay-wise that is not there now?
What would a land spear add that the Warrior needs that he/she/it currently can’t do?
It is still adding stuff for the sake of adding them. A spear would not fill a niche that is not already filled.
Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Why would more weapons be needed? What would they add to the game that isn’t already there?
Adding stuff just for the sake of adding it is usually not such a good idea.
Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I had a shaman build warrior for support and buffing with banners and the war horn, it seems now form what I read that’s a worthless spec and should do something else?
I see people playing this build in the game today. What makes you feel it’s no longer effective?
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I realized I was always answer the same question: “how do you make gold?”, and wanted to share some knowledge, so I decided to make one thorough walkthrough and just direct people here instead.
(TLDR at the bottom)
Section A) Table of Contents
- General Tips
- Producing your own gold / farming
- Converting other currencies
- Crafting
- Trading: Spread/Speculation
- Trading: Ecto Salvage
- Trading: Luck Salvage / Bag / Precursor
Section B ) General Tips
1) Almost always buy through buy orders and sell through sell listings. It takes longer, but it saves you gold. Also typically, undercut and overcut by 1c. The only times you don’t want to follow this are when buy order and sell listing are very close together, or the item is overpriced and you would end up relisting it.
2) Grouping several gold-producing methods together makes them more effective. This saves the 15% TP tax and gives you higher profits.
3) For how much gold you have I recommend different proportions of TP investments:
<100g = 100% instant profits (meaning you buy and sell in about a day)
100g – 500g = 90% instant + 10% long-term
500g – 1000g = 75% instant + 25% long-term
1000g – 5000g = 60% instant + 40% long-term
>5000g = ~3000g instant + rest in long-term
I would recommend you always plan to keep at least ~10g+1% on hand. This is a buffer, in case you need to pay listing fees, or relist, or you spot a really good deal, etc.
This is, of course, dependent on your preferences.
Section C) Producing your own gold (farming)
1) Guild Commendations
- Guild missions can be done once a week and take about 1-2 hours. Bounty, Rush, Challenge, Puzzle. Total, you get at least 2g, 8 rares, and 6 commendations. The commendations can be turned into Sentinel’s Inscription/Insignia and sold on the TP for ~8g. That’s about 8.3g/hour (@ 40s/ecto).
2) Daily Dungeons
- Each dungeon path gives extra loot the first time you do it each day (resets at the daily reset). Easy ones: CoF 1(2), AC 1(3), SE 13, TA UF, CM 3(1), CoE 12, HotW 1, Arah (123). About 5-10g/hour.
- Fractals of the Mists has tiers that you can each get daily credit from: 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, and 41-50. FotM is better for account-bound loot: ascended items and fractal relics and karma, but it does give decent income as well; about 3-4g/hour.
- Edge of the Mists is similar to Fractals in that it’s better for karma and badges, but can also give a decent income, especially if you actually fight the other zergs.
3) World Bosses
- Less lucrative than they used to be, but if you hear that one is going on, go there. Can take less than 5 minutes and you get 1+ rare. That’s about 5g/hour (@ 40s/ecto), but obviously can’t be done continuously as there’s not always a world boss going on.
4) Harvesting
- Ancient wood and orichalcum are the obvious choices, but there aren’t very many of them. If you do go for these, it’s helpful to use a website such as gw2nodes.com.
- There is also Iron ore, Platinum ore, Soft wood, Seasoned wood, Hard wood. Each of these sell for over 1s, and there are hundreds of nodes.
- Some more node farming guides:
5) Champ trains
- Frostgorge Sound. I hear about 5g/hour.
6) Farming Locations
- Too many to list, here’s a decent guide:
- http://www.almarsguides.com/gw2/farming/
7) Event ‘exploits’
- Every now and then someone will realize an event gives better loot when it’s not finished, or can be done quickly/repeatedly, or spawns lots of loot-dropping champions, etc. Just listen to forums, map chat, friends for what the latest one is. Rewards are usually in the 10-50g/hour range. Warning: Anet has banned people for exploiting parts of the game in the past, but the difference between ‘exploit’ and ‘use’ seems to be orders of magnitude. If you run it for an hour then go do other things, you’re probably fine. If you’re farming it 16 hours a day and yelling at people who mess it up, you could be looking at a ban hammer. I don’t recommend abusing these, partly because of the ban potential, but more so because it’s boring.
GW2Profits - a collection of gold-producing tools
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
(edited by Mystic.5934)
Sorry guys, we’re investigating currently exactly what happened with this issue. I promise we will have a fix for this bug, but unfortunately it isn’t working right now.
Again, we’re really sorry about this mix up and confusion.
It’s been two weeks and no fix has been implemented nor information on the progress given. Having paid for a finisher, I find this delay completely unacceptable as this bug has made the use of the finisher questionable at best.
It is very difficult for us to fix bugs outside of normal build process. As you can see from today’s patch notes, we fixed the bug with today’s patch. I did not want to confirm the fix going out prior to it being an absolute sure deal, especially considering that the fix did not work last time despite our messaging.
If anyone is still having issues, please let us know.
Updating the list.
(Please note this does not mean that any of these things will happen, won’t happen, are planned to happen, and or not planned to happen)
- First person camera
- Increase max dolly (camera distance) distance
- Decrease min dolly distance
- More finite dolly control
- Automatic camera height adjustment on /sleep emote
- Manual camera height adjustment
- Stop ‘random snapping’ from happening
- Look at camera
- Free orientation movement
- Fix automatic camera height so that the over the shoulder camera works as it would be expected to work
- Manual FoV adjustment
- Look acceleration toggle
- Keep drawing mouse cursor when right clicking toggle
- Keybind toggle for holding right mouse down / click once to toggle option
Transition smoothing when spectating in PvP
For the record, I don’t personally care if it takes dollars, gems or three goats and a chicken, I will be among the first in line to buy the new expansion. I was just curious to know how gems worked based on what I had read in the past.
You guys rock.
Wow, that is a tempting offer. Can you toss in bulk bag of cherries and a couple of sprigs of lemongrass to sweeten the deal?
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)