Showing Posts Upvoted By wasted.6817:

Discouraged to play multiple characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


You heard it, OP. Just be inferior on alts and enjoy it, even if you don’t enjoy it. (really guys? blaming the problem on him? Lol…) this game actually requires you to have a main with fractals and WvW ranks, etc.

Right, but it doesn’t have to be the same main. And inferior is an interesting word. What’s superior, having fun or killing stuff faster?

Because my goal is to enjoy myself, I will play what I want, how I want. My warrior kills stuff faster than my other characters, but I enjoy my other characters more. So my warrior is the inferior experience.

It all comes down to how you filter your perceptions.

Perception has nothing to do with being statistically inferior and not being able to advance on an alt if I made one in fractals as opposed to my main with 35AR.

Stop trying to fancy talk me, I know the facts. ANet time gates everything in the game and blocks most of the fun that is making alts. (more time gating) I would have to go through hell to get 2 characters full ascended. Screw that…

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

Discouraged to play multiple characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


You heard it, OP. Just be inferior on alts and enjoy it, even if you don’t enjoy it. (really guys? blaming the problem on him? Lol…) this game actually requires you to have a main with fractals and WvW ranks, etc.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

Discouraged to play multiple characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


OP, I understand how you feel, you are not alone in these thoughts. However, you will not find much support on the forums. Everyone thinks you should want what they want or you are doing it wrong.

The game had many alt- unfriendly features. Most of them were introduced to satisfy the needs of the gear grinders. If there wasn’t a time gate in ascended items we’d probably on ascended++ gear by now.

However those of us who enjoy multiple characters and/or builds bear more of the burden.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

(edited by TooBz.3065)

Discouraged to play multiple characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


Fractals 48 is already believed to be a huge waste of time on it’s own. The main intensive are the fractal weapons. I would like to continue my journey for these fractal weapons on a different character but as I say, you can’t…

@Amun Ra, PvP ranks are already account bound and it would only make sense if they did the same for WvW ranks.

… I still want tengu.

I am enjoying Southsun.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: ColinJohanson.2394



Game Director

I will not be satisfied until I can ride a karka.

Let me die happy, Anet.

You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!

I am enjoying Southsun.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: TooNu.4530


It is true. And right now I am going to be that guy.

It’s been great to run around a dangerous sunny island paradise each day collecting flowers and passion fruit, mithril, and lot’s and lot’s of green items. Fighting off waves of giant Karkas has been amongst the best group events I have done, they are big tough, angry and have left enough player bodies in the sand to keep the danger level convincing.

The jumping puzzle is probably the toughest JP there is, at least from my experience with it and the sheer volume of player complaining in /map. It’s a real challenge and I think it meets the islands expectations as nothing here is easy.

The crab challenge frustrated me for days until I got the hang of it and won, thankfully losing still means you get an item so it’s bitter sweet but, it taught me lot’s about dodging and managing my abilities a bit better.

That’s how I see it anyway.

Guild Wars 1 GvG/PvP Brought To GW2?

in PvP

Posted by: Motoko.2875


*Disclaimer – My post will consist of GW1 PvP. If you do not like GW1 PvP at all or think GW2 Pv kitten uperior in every way, shape, or form – This thread is not for you and I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t post.

Guild Wars 1 PvP (and the game itself for that matter) is a game type that is miles ahead of any existing game out there. There is no debating that. HoN, LoL, DotA2 are the only games that come remotely close to the PvP that GW1 provided.

Obviously the style of PvP, let alone the game mechanics ANET has chosen, in GW2 PvP is less favorable to people in general. A very small percentage of people enjoy GW2 PvP. The amount of people that are fans of GW2 PvP are dismal compared to the 8 year old PvP game Guild Wars 1.

With that being said…

Is there a huge technical barrier to implementing a seperate arena(s) that mimick and copy the exact style of Guild Wars 1 PvP? I am only bringing up this idea after this concept of the SAB was introduced to the game. The mode essentially showed that the game engine has a variety of capabilities and that you can modify numbers in the game very easily.

Is it feasible to introduce GvG? RA? AB? FA? JQ? HA?
Of course there would be a list of things to do to the game in those arenas:
Disable the Z-Axis/Jumping
Disable dodging
Enable click to move
Replace the weapon skills+current skills with GW1 skills.
Replace Traits with Attributes (From GW1)
Copy over existing GW1 maps (Update the graphics obviously).
Each character currently in GW2 essentially represents something in GW1 – Guardian’s obviously would play the monk role and engineers the ritualist role.

I don’t see the issue with this being implemented into the game – It would easily help bring a considerable PvP crowd to GW2 and it would also be a good base to build an eSport up like ANET originally had in GW1.

I don’t care about GW2 – Keep it in the game for the very few that like it. (Keep in mind with the current numbers in GW2 s/tPvP only 9-10 months after the release is a very sad reminder have how unsuccessful and appealing GW2 PvP has been).

As I stated before – I really don’t mind if you disagree with GW1 PvP in any way, shape, or form – But this thread isn’t a discussion about that. This thread is a discussion about implenting GW1 PvP into GW2 and the technicalities of it.

Thank you!

IGN: Motoko, Motoko Kai, Gladiator Motoko – Zero Quality [zQ], [LaG], [USA]

So much better than early F&F chapters

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Orpheus.7284


Compared to early F&F Chapters

I actually did not use Dulfy at all (nothing against Dulfy, she’s awesome) and only took about 3 Hours to do everything, including all of the achievements in Crab Toss minigame. Could have been even faster if I didn’t wonder off and started doing jumping puzzles and farmed with the new magic find…

It is short and sweet, but has replayability because of the rewards and fun concept.

200%+ Magic Find on the map is fun, it made killing those tough Reef Drakes and Karkas rewarding (With my magic find set which stacked up to 400%MF, 90% of my loot were Masterwork and above…not to mention all the bloods and armored scales and stuff)

Crab Toss was laggy at times but I think the concept is fun. I really enjoyed it. But it may be too competitive (lol funny I know) for some people as it is Players VS Players and there will always be scenarios where a really good player is there and some not as good…they feel like kids that never get to play with the ball in the playground. My suggestion is if you think the people you are competing with are too good for you to win and obtain that achievement, try a different server.

Sample collection inherited the Halloween scavenge hunt idea which provided hints on where to get them and gives you an audio feedback if you are in the vincinity of your target when you scan the area…This is so well done…future scavenge hunts should be like this, and not like F&F chapter 2 treasure hunt where it’s like pure RNG locations and no hints

Storywise…I really would have preferred more cutscenes (especially with Faren and Kasmeer!), but other than that its shaping up to be more interesting than F&F where 2 monster races join up and attack…

Overall it’s a nice and warm welcome back to Southsun Cove, my friends and I loved it.

RNG - Please stop Anet.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Treeline.3865


Post edited and recreated for mod approval:

So I saw the post with descriptions of all the new items including RNG chests
Can we please not have these? I would rather not see the items in the game at all than have them through wallet grabbing luck chests. Seriously. We have had enough RNG for a while. Make it stop. Even if you go through with it, make sure everything is tradeable. That’s the least you can do to the people spending gems on it.
No one likes your lucky chests. We like fixed prices or obtainability through play.

The exact description:

Get packed for the return to Southsun Cove. An assortment of souvenirs from the Southsun islands. This chest contains Southsun crafting materials and a chance to get a wide variety of items such as shoulder skins, new boosts and conveniences, and a rare chance to get new weapon skins and mini pets.

No one wants chances or rare chances in something we buy with our real life cash. If you must, make the items expensive, but let us buy the items. You know you will have people complaining after “OMG having openened 100 chests, no mini!!1!” anyway.

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest

People with mult 80s kittened by Laurel limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

So, the major flaw with the new Laurel system seems to be that dailies are account bound and not character bound. I can only earn ONE Laurel per day and it will cost me 35 Laurels to get my ascended Amulet.

That’s all well and good for someone with only one max level character, I understand that max level gear should probably take some time investment to get. But the problem is that I have FIVE level 80 character that I like to keep at BiS gear. I already have all five of them in infused rings and basic backpacks (two with infused backpacks). Now you’re telling me it’s going to take FIVE MONTHS to properly gear all of my toons b/c you’ve imposed a very low-end limit on the number of Laurels one can acquire per day?

tl;dr make dailies character bound or allow us to buy amulets with pristine fractal relics (the HUNDREDS of useless pristine relics in my bank say hi). If I want to put in 5x the work to get my 80s geared in a month, I should be able to do that. I shouldn’t be forced to wait 5 months to get my characters to BiS b/c there’s an artificial limit of one Laurel per day.

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

(edited by Errant Venture.9371)

Magic Find - What I don't like

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColinJohanson.2394


Game Director


Some fun ideas in here, we’re also actively discussing ways on how we’d best like to alleviate having to make players choose between having better stats, or using magic find. It’s not a choice that’s great for game play and there isn’t really anything that fun about it, even more so when group composition is taken into account. Ideally we’d also like to keep the ability to slowly build your magic find over time, but doing this at the cost of using better stats isn’t the right way to do that.

No ETA on any changes here, just want to point out we agree there is an issue here that goes against what we want Gw2 to be, and is something we want to address.

GW2 against the casual player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I think the OP is right but i think hes not saying his point properly, to me its not about casual per say its about GW2 isn’t engaging at least no where near as GW1 was..

The open world is pretty quiet and honestly dead mostly because everything has been nerfed and loot tables ruined to a point its not worth doing anything for no gain.., the AI there is trivial, dungeons AI is the opposite and too hard for most but hardcores, the DE’s have been done to death and still break on a regular basis with nothing new really added, on top of the lot is terrible DR mixed with serious loot table issues and magic find thrown in as icing..

GW2 Storyline is a shambles, jumps from one thing to another, forces players to be an NPC’s sidekick for half the game and has zero in rewards for even doing it, the ending is the worst thing i’ve ever seen from a MMO story..

Skills in GW2 are very generic and builds are almost non existent, nothing to keep the player engaged as they level up or get towards end game..

WvW and sPvP to me are suitable to a certain audience only not everyone enjoys PvP aspects in MMO’s so i’d say they are adequate…at best very few different styles of play though..but i’m not one to judge and very rarely do them..

Guildwars 1 had none of this it had the total opposite and engaged the player right from the start too the finish..Open world (instanced as it was still more fun) PvP (more variation) and Story (amazing stories that integrated into the game advancement) and Skills (so many skills/build variations and kept you going all through the game) GW1 had very little Gear grinding and treadmills the whole game was so much more engaging to do that’s why GW2 isn’t comparable to GW1..

(edited by Dante.1508)

GW2 against the casual player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


No actually he’s right on the money of what’s wrong.

We were promised these things, stopping at an outpost finding awesome things to do when we step out from the pitstop, that doing heroic things and failing would make a difference.

We were promised prelaunch that DE’s and metas would be the focus.

We were promised recently, that open world would be the new focus.

They simply haven’t delivered. And no the living story doesn’t come close.

I remember particularly an interview where they told the interviewer that the reason why they weren’t focused on dungeons (prelaunch) was that open world was so much easier, cost effective, and fun to develope and that they would continue after the fact developing the open world “NOT” dungeons so that people wouldn’t run out of things to do.

that has NOT happened. I’m one of the people they attracted with that interview and many others like it, all saying something that in November they threw out the window entirely.

OP is absolutely right. They have not delivered. There was a promise that people would never have to step foot in a dungeon ever to do anything in this game if they didn’t want to. In Nov 2012 they started to go back on that promise overnight.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

GW2 against the casual player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

GW2 is very good compared to most mmo’s but GW1 was better. GW1 was challenging in the beginning. It took effort and thought to play. They dumbed it down quite a bit the last few years but GW1 still has much better skill mechanics, storyines and PvP.

GW2 right out of the gate had faceroll pve. It was still fun at first when there were lots of other players around triggering massive events. But even that old quickly because there just isn’t any challenge to it. And now with most zones empty the pve is just lame. The WvW has a lot going for it but also doesn’t have any long term appeal.

GW2 is almost a great game. But for whatever reason the devs failed to live up to GW1’s standards. GW2 is better than most but ultimately forgettable.

(edited by Grim West.3194)

GW2 against the casual player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


It is not uncommon for GW1 players to feel out of place in GW2. The lack of community, teamwork, interesting combat, meaningful PvP and PvE are pretty much the biggest detractors for GW1 fans. Not to mention the level and gear grind.

Despite the graphics, Neverwinter is probably a better sequel to GW1 than GW2 is as far as game play and mechanics are concerned.

The death of Elementalist variety in sPvP.

in Elementalist

Posted by: innocent ouarior.1954

innocent ouarior.1954

I spent all my playtime in sPvP since patch to test every possible builds I could came up for at least one hour. I am very sad to see that 0/0/10/30/30 and 0/10/0/30/30 are even more powerful than before, i mean better than other Elem builds.

Signets, even with buff are complete crap due to casting time.
Arcane squishy builds and Glyph oriented got smacked in the face with Mist Form nerf.
Staff/Support’s only point was Cond Immune zone with Healing Rain.
Cantrip D/D is hardly affected by Cleansing Water and is the only set up able to survive Mist Form Nerf.


I see many cleric eles..why?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Artemis.6283


That’s the beauty of the new patch….
Anet wanted more viable builds and less Bunker builds… So they nerfed our escape ability and survivability…. Oh how mysterious because of that people were forced to go more into bunker … how can that be?!
LoL Anet u failed on the whole level! :P

Mist Form Nerf - Care to explain Anet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Naurgalen.2374


I’m not Anet, but here’s an objective analysis on Mist Form, with a comparison made to Endure Pain since you mentioned it.

Firstly, Endure Pain is a 90s CD stun breaker that lasts 4 seconds allows you to take no damage but conditions can still be applied to you throughout it’s effective duration. On the other hand, Mist Form is a 75s CD stun breaker that lasts 3 seconds that makes you invulnerable. Meaning other than not taking damage, new conditions cannot be applied to you nor do CC have any effect on you.

Granted, you can’t use skills in Mist form as opposed to Endure Pain, but you can still do element switching which I figured is a relatively good deal.

Plus you can still stomp with Mist Form and no one has any chance of stopping you. Unlike with Endure Pain, because it grants no stability, you are not excused from CC.

So all in all, with only a one second effect duration difference but a much lower default cool down while benefitting largely from being invulnerable, I don’t think other skills “seem to be much better than mist form” at all.

The problem with this kind of numbers view is that you aren’t really thinking about the uses.

You can use Endure Pain too:
+ Break a stun
+ Dodge 4 secs of damage (that means 3 full stuns if you were smart enough)
+ Combo with Frenzy to evade the extra 25% more damage you would take
+ Recover ( you can still heal / remove those awful conditions)
& Run
& Counter Attack
+ Deal Damage while for example “rooted” or when the 2nd stun goes out

You can use the new Mist Form too
+ Stomp people
+ Revive people
+/- Dodge 3 secs of damage (situational, read below)
+/- Recover a little by swapping to water (to make it “decent” it would require 3 traits)

Now, for stomping stability and blind sometimes can do the trick without using a 75 CD skill + in battle sometimes its just better to finish with damage. Still, I wont deny its use.

What is far more trickier is the “dodge 3 secs of damage”.
1) While it would appear that like EP you can escape 3 stuns, in fact being untargetable makes that you did escape only 1, the other 2 are waiting for you when you pop out from MF.
2) The real point is, can the 3 secs save you? You cant really escape while in MF, you cant damage you opponent either or now even heal substantially. So it comes to if you use it after or before the damage spike. The thing is -for me- we have more efficient cantrips to prevent damage. They may not work in some situation -lots of clones, ranger pets and bosses- but in most situations -again, for me- they are better.

Moving on with the comparison I must agree with other people that the new MF is FAR more related to the Engineers Elixir S. But something to take note is how Elixir S has 60 CD and not 75 CD. (and I still think both skills should be better unless Elixir S has some synergy I don’t know -only played engineer in the betas-)

Suggestions with 4000+ views vs. responses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enikuo.9205


I have a few pet suggestions that I check in on often. And, I’ve become annoyed with some players who appear to shout down every suggestion or criticism that gets posted – it seems like reverse trolling. Maybe they are just emboldened by Anet’s lack of response, I thought. Then again, maybe I’m being sensitive because they are shouting down the suggestions that I care about. And, I just happen to care about suggestions that aren’t getting official responses. So, I surveyed 805 pages worth of suggestions (~24148 threads) to see how other players were fairing with the issues they cared about. I didn’t intend to go as far as I did, but since I did, I thought I’d share the results.

I looked at suggestions with 4,000+ views. This was originally just a sanity check for myself, so I was trying to be fair in selecting a view count that I thought reflected enough traffic in the forum community to warrant a response. The suggestion I had come to check on has over 10,000+ views, but there aren’t that many 10,000+ threads. After surveying the first 100 or so pages, 4000+ seemed to be the sweet spot.

Here’s what I found. (Links are provided below, 7th post – post was too long to edit)

37 threads with 4,000+ views:

  • 24 received no response
  • 4 received responses acknowledging the issue, but stating Anet was still investigating/deciding
  • 4 received non-substantive responses that comprised of 1) a teasing/coy response 2) a statement that the issue had been answered, but no link to the answer 3) a notice that the thread was being moved to Suggestions and 4) a ‘thanks for the suggestion’
  • 1 received a response that Anet would to fix the issue asap (corrupted shortbow particle effects)
  • 4 received no responses, but responses would not be expected since they were not specific suggestions (what’s your dream patch, you’re the lead designer, 10 things you’d fix, and one bug)

No response from Anet:

1. A client for Linux (503 replies, 16280 views)
2. Consider adding cyrillic alphabet (312 replies, 4776 views)
3. There is no real way to be ‘invisible’ or anonymous (49 replies, 4342 views)
4. Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis (141 replies, 4137 views)
5. Skinny female in Guild Wars 2 (73 replies, 5036 views)
6. Magic find obsession needs to be addressed (145 replies, 5368 views)
7. Should outdoor boss events drop loot? (239 replies, 6441 views)
8. Dyes – Please make them account bound (277 replies, 6724)
9. Reforging Orr with WvW mechanics (90 replies, 10834 views)
10. Largos must be a new race (211 replies, 4834 views)
11. Why can’t Superior Runes be Mystic Forged? (23 responses, 5873 views)
12. Change female heavy Arah armor back to its beta model (96 replies, 6088 views)
13. Why don’t transmute stones allow us to look the way we want (127 replies, 7412 views)
14. Solo Dungeons (60 replies, 4221 views)
15. Adjustable Camera Pivot Height (22 replies, 9775 views)
16. Housing? [locked] (221 replies, 4677 views)
17. Why not make legendaries accountbound? (19 replies, 5857 views)
18. “Underflow” Shards – for Underpopulated Zones (39 replies, 11767 views)
19. The multi-guild system & why guilds are pointless. (331 replies, 7372 views)
20. Here’s how to fix the precursor complaints (89 replies, 25875 views)
21. 09/24 midnight has passed, wheres the patch? Oh right.. (19 replies, 4467 views)
22. Black Lion Chest- Upgrading or Cheaper keys [Merged] (77 replies, 5367 views)
23. Sexier Armor Plox (83 replies, 4776 views)
24. Waypoint costs (184 replies, 4720 views)

(edited by Enikuo.9205)

Suggestions with 4000+ views vs. responses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enikuo.9205


Posts are too long to edit. Here are the links.

No response from Anet:

1. A client for Linux
2. Consider adding cyrillic alphabet
3. There is no real way to be ‘invisible’ or anonymous
4. Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis
5. Skinny female in Guild Wars 2
6. Magic find obsession needs to be addressed
7. Should outdoor boss events drop loot?
8. Dyes – Please make them account bound
9. Reforging Orr with WvW mechanics
10. Largos must be a new race
11. Why can’t Superior Runes be Mystic Forged?
12. Change female heavy Arah armor back to its beta model
13. Why don’t transmute stones allow us to look the way we want
14. Solo Dungeons
15. Adjustable Camera Pivot Height
16. Housing? [locked]
17. Why not make legendaries accountbound?
18. ‘Underflow’ Shards – for Underpopulated Zones
19. The multi-guild system & why guilds are pointless.
20. Here’s how to fix the precursor complaints
21. 09/24 midnight has passed, wheres the patch? Oh right..
22. Black Lion Chest- Upgrading or Cheaper keys [Merged]
23. Sexier Armor Plox
24. Waypoint costs

Anet responses:
Aware, but investigating/deciding
1. An option to disable right click targeting
2. Turn off “Titles” below Nameplate
3. No love for condition builds?
4. Traits missing vital informations in tooltips to make info

Non-substantive responses
5. Attention! [April 1st troll face suggestion]
6. Color bling gamers: Issues seeing red circles
7. Weapon scaling and asura
8. Combat UI improvements [locked]

Commitment to fix asap
9. Revert changes in corrupted shortbow

(edited by Enikuo.9205)

Official explanation for temporary content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I’m wondering if ArenaNet has addressed why content like the new dungeon—which is excellent on many levels—always has to be temporary. Could you imagine how expansive this game could become if the new content that gets added could actually stick around?

What's up with the trickshot nerf?

in Thief

Posted by: Irapi.5937


Shortbow was perfectly balanced as it was, and now we are getting nerfed for what? Trickshot is completely useless, the projectile is too slow and it doesn’t even require a dodge to evade it, sidestepping does the trick.

What is the reasoning behind this nerf? I have played thief for a long time, and I have yet to hear a single complaint about SB. Mug nerf is fine by me, change on flanking strike is awesome, but really, couldn’t we just get a damage nerf (which is also not needed I think, but ok), or make it hit one less target? Because now we are hitting nothing. At least increase the projectile speed then.

Pringled | 80 Thief | GH | Aurora Glade

Uhh... they destroyed ele lol.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


I rarely play anymore, I can’t seem to get past the character selection screen before I tell myself to just log off. But whatever, on topic now:

a) Mist form wasn’t exclusive to D/D 0/10/0/30/30 etc
b) Same thing about RtL, this is what gets me though… not only the CD was nerfed, but also the range! Talk about going overboard.

Only the cleansing water trait nerf directly hits that build, it was something that I proposed back then and I’m glad that they finally did it, but obviously they could not just stop there.

This is one of those mass nerfs, where they, instead of being cautious and slow on their approach, just take the easy way out and go wild, stacking nerfs to the point of making things useless. Anet did a great job.

Soo… conclusions:

1. Glass dps D/D ele is DEAD, for good. You cannot afford to be squishy because you don’t have mobility anymore, even a glass d/d necro would be more viable. The mist form destruction also hurts.

2. D/D bunker was severely hit, they’ll manage though. Their survivability in hand-to-hand combat is still unparalleled (despite the signet nerf)

3. Staff ele is still bad for pvp, but at least it’s now better than glass d/d.

4. D/F is gonna be the most used combo from now on.

I still can’t believe ANet gave in to the complaints and downright destroyed RtL, I think it would have been wise to reduce its range for now to see how it performs, and then take further action after carefully analyzing everything. But nope, they went for both things at once. A skill receiving a nerf of such caliber (twice the cooldown when used to escape or to move from X to Y) is, simply put, a very, very poor decision balance-wise.

Well, see you in another month when ANet feels like giving out compensation buffs to those poor souls that enjoyed playing glass d/d.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

IMO, Ele is dead - 30th April Patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


This is a kittening disaster.
Impossible to kitten up a class more than that.

How the hell is the ele supposed to heal now? This means we will have to run away from battle pretty much as soon as it starts.

VERY disappointing, the ele is already getting destroyed and the first to die in pretty much every situation.

IMO, Ele is dead - 30th April Patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aedil.1296


What do u guys think about this?

Ele mist form locks you out of utilities (No more #6 healing in Mist form HUGE change)
RTL Changed to be 40 seconds, but if it hits something it will be 20 seconds (Blocks/invul ect count as a hit).
Signet of Restoration passive nerfed slightly.
30 Point trait that removes a condi upon gaining regen will have a 5 second CD (Trait is dead).
Conjure Duration increased (Still useless).

I’m gonna choose another class definatly. this sucks after all the time and money and gold invested on my main toon.

I don’t care about pvp, but healing in mistform is the only thing keeping me alive during high lvl fractals (50+) also putting a 5s cd on the only viable build for the ele is just nonsense. Pls don’t force us to use those (useless) conjure weapons outside AC p1 instead of the cantrip build?
At least give us something else, new options to play the ele.

Why you didn’t touched the guardian? 10-0-30-30-0 condition remove with shouts + soldiers rune, hold the line 28s cd, stand your ground 24s cd, retreat48s cd, every shout removes 2 conditions and transform 1 condi in 1 boon.
Our cantrips recharge in double this time and remove only 1 condition.
Pls reconsider these changes.

This is my personal opinion about this, hope this can help you reconsider these changes.

For now Ele is dead.


Edit: I don’t u se D/D Ele I use a staff 0 10 0 30 30 Pve Cantrips Ele full soldier armor + figther runes. I use it almost everywhere, dg, WvW, general pve and it was great (altought was the only viable build in my opinion).

Edit: the patch note released right now faded some doubts, but i can’t still think about not using heal with mistform hehe

(edited by Aedil.1296)

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Why does the dungeon need to be temporary?
Why are the Fused Weapons only from the BLC?

Why can’t they make this (and add to it) a permanent dungeon with tokens much like the others and add the fused weapons as dungeon rewards to spend tokens on…?

Would it be so bad to allow more players to see these weapon skins rather than wasting 100s of dollars or more on keys and never seeing one? The dungeon on its own was awesome. Imagine it being its own explorable.. New content is what’s going to keep this game going, not temporary content and then the same old stuff afterwards.

What are your thoughts on this?

(edited by TehPwnerer.7215)

Is it me or GW2 feel like a chore [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fate.5961


How many posts do you need to make for this? Maybe less whining on the forums and you could get the dailies done. It is not like they are required anyway.

I fail to see how your flaming adds value to this discussion. “It is not like they required anyway” is hardly a counterpoint. I apologize if reading this thread is an inconvenience, but I hardly recall asking you to stalk me.

Daily achievements are indeed required to attain certain things, such as the Laurel currency.

My thread addresses a concern felt by many players who share the same concerns as I do. It’s a shame that many people choose not to articulate their opinions in public (and just remark in game chat) to avoid belittling responses from young, hateful, or immature group of people.

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

Is it me or GW2 feel like a chore [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


There’s so much to do in this game and I like to play both PvE and PvP, despite my busy life. Why not allow me to play what I want, when I want to?

This should stay a fun game, not become stressful, boring grind!

I was going to respond to this, but Anet just called and told me I’m not allowed to post on the boards any more until I complete five fractal dungeons.

They also made me throw away my dinner because eating will distract me from dodging when the boss attacks.