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Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

“Sooper pooper sekret 4moola” oh come on now that was funny.

To think Anet would reduce reliance on gold is a big stretch, I believe it is the complete opposite. The more dependent players are on gold the better it is for Anet.

Impending changes seem to support that notion.

Why do Anet people play with Anet Tags?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

It also depends on what exactly is going on at a given time too. TTS has had anet devs show up at Tequatl raids (I’ve been told a few are in one of the TTS guilds, dunno if it’s true or not still) and hang out with us while murdering a dragon.

Fire shaman system change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

It’s not fire lines or hitting shaman, it’s a 10-meter area around shaman. I tested it extensively and made a thread about fire shaman HP resets but since no one bumped it and the search function is a son of a cat here, no wonder it got lost forever.

Shameless bump.

I’m really tired of people yelling at everyone to not cross the lines when it has nothing to do with the why the elemental resets.

Curious though – did you test the effects of dead/downed players in the 10m area? Once had a commander lag out and die atop the shaman, and it sure seemed like it was constantly resetting before he finally dc’d.

Fire shaman is one of the worse metas to fight when you have people that refuse to pay attention to chat. Most of the time it’s snarky bearbow rangers or misplaced pvp minion masters thinking he’s a keep champion.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

People may want to look up how much Anet made in micro transactions. The more gems are worth the better it is for them. Now lets see, what is connected to gems that give them value….

Gold, though only directly through some “Sooper pooper sekret 4moola” or some equally foolish method that determines the actual conversion value.

China and the trading post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Let’s refrain from referencing an entire nation of people categorically, it’s not good business.

You guys change the entire game because the diferences.

There’s a difference between changing aspects of a game to suit a region that would otherwise be prohibited to the game company and actions/words that border on xenophobia.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I think you should convert all merchants to BL trading post representative which will buy your goods at best buy offer and pass it off to the seller (minus the fee) if you really want a more robust, more equalized market. So many people just merch things anyway unless there is some significant gap in TP to justify selling it that way. Plus it saves new players from selling off extremely high valued items at vendor value. (which i wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if that didn’t happen regularly). Obviously things that can’t be listed or traded (porus bones and such) would just sell at regular value.

You then could actually toy around more too with some of these concepts (FIFO, average values, 1% undercuts, etc). Since it would actually be a QoL improvement for a lot of players.

The problem with this is that the value of an item on the trade post MUST be higher than the merchant’s value by such a price that the 15% fee does not drive the value below that point. That’s why there’s certain items that you NEVER see buy orders for: their sell price is so low that it’s already zero profit compared to merchant cost.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

What about tying the increase to the velocity of the particular item? More specifically, it’s velocity over the last hour (on the hour)? If item A sells 10,000 in the last hour, and item B sells 100 in the last hour, the listing difference is going to be higher for item B than it is for item A.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Mostly, yes. High velocity markets dont need a 1% rule.

What about the idea of an increment being a function of bid/ask spread instead of time?

I believe this would leave your high velocity markets alone and would encourage markets with large spreads to converge quicker to a stable price and remove the negligible undercut except when the spread is small rendering it no longer negligible. I believe it would make it very difficult to game the system as well.

Because determining the point the spread is not negligible is not easy. Is it 1s? 10s? For some items, a spread of 10g is negligible. Plus it’s extremely easy to abuse. If I want to undercut someone by 1c, I’d set a buy order high enough to facilitate such an undercut, then list at the price I want, then remove my buy order. Not to mention you’d have to decide what is and isnt a high velocity market, and that can also be easily abused by those that have that much money.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I am not actually sure, if the API allows us to track how many buy orders and sell listings of an item get filled in real time.
If that is some kind of information Anet doesnt want us to know, this solution might not be very good because it allows players to more or less acurately determine when an item sold last.

It’s possible, but due to the sheer quantity of items on the TP, most sites only pull every hour for high traffic items and once a day for everything else. It’s also because Anet’s side of the api will, i believe, blacklist an IP for too many queries in a given amount of time. I think that’s also the reason a lot of sites, and spreadsheets, make their calls to the api gw2spidy wrote so they query his/her database instead of the game’s api.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

In any case, potential losses are on you, we’re only talking about the profits here. Just because it’s a gamble does not mean that you are unaccountable for the profits, even lottery winners have to pay the same taxes as anyone else.

There is a fallacy in this argument. Why is one responsible for profits and not losses?

People who gamble can also deduct losses on their tax return to offset the gain:

God, let’s not get started on the validity of various tax deductions. So much potential for discussion there.

But yes, you make a good point.

They should take advantage of that so people can stop complaining about not getting a prec off the mystic toilet. Afterall, they are gambling and losing xD

Granted, the lottery is a bad example. A more accurate one is buying stocks in a startup company at their IPO, and then the next year their stock value has quadrupled in price and you sell at a massive profit. Or, you bought the same number of stocks and then the company subsquently goes bankrupt and dissolves the month afterward.

On capping Achievement points: Don't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Mark my words, they’ll raise that cap some day.

Its also time wasted on frivolous stuff instead of fixing/improving the game itself.

IF ($player{dailyap} <= $dailycap){
$player{gaindaily} = “true”;
$player{gaindaily} = “false”;

Repeat for monthlies and you’ve spent maybe 3 hours on it after you account for testing purposes. Hard to see how that’s frivolous.

Info from the Gem Store Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Removing the gemstore history doesnt hide how much you’ve spend on them. That information is written in ink on your credit card statement and no amount of “tinfoil” theories will remove it from there.

Also, I’m not sure how many players would be interested in what they bought or sold 3 months ago, let alone 3 days or weeks ago. TP flippers aside, it cuts down on the amount of processing and storage it requires.

Transmutation charges and PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

The question is simple. If they are doing something for PvP for achieving something, in this case, ranking, what are they doing for PvE for achieving something, in this case, map completion?

Since I already have 100% map completion, I cannot go back and re-explore the map and there’s no other places I can explore to get Trans Charges — that’s why I asked for clarification.

You seem to be willfully misunderstanding. They are not doing anything for people who already did map exploration. YOU GOT THE REWARD ALREADY. Take those trans items you received and redeem them for charges. Right now, when you explore a map, you receive 3 stones. After the update, those stones can be turned into a single charge. AFTER the update, you get the same exact thing. There you go. It does not get any simpler to explain than that.

edit: Danikat basically vomited the same explanation you got from the blog posts, which has been repeated several times in this thread.

Dual legendaries solution?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Let me start off with this.
I have 3 incinerators. (With 15 other legendaries)
I have 5 female human characters all with t3, and multiple others with cultural armor as I have the Emperor title.
I have purchased multiple of every kind of dye, including abyss, celestial, pyre, regal, etc.
I have 2 mjolnirs.
I have a lot of duplicate gem skins, fractal skins, and black lion skins.

Now, in my opinion The legendary issue is by far the most important. This update is making thousands of gold I have spent useless. Of all of them though I care more about my time and money wasted on my incinerators. You may say “but you can change stats!”. Who cares, I can make ascended weapons easily and have plenty of chests for them. On that note, I made my first two even before they were ascended stats. Did it purely for the skin. Same with the third one that I bought.

The amount of time and gold I have used on all my other duplicate skins/dyes, etc is MAYBE close to being even with what it took for the 2 extra incinerators. And that is a tonn of duplicates not even equal to the two duplicates I have of my legendaries.

I could care less about compensation on anything else. I spent the time and gold to get two extra “legendary skins”. All the hours mapping and getting the gifts for them is now in vain. I got two items which are supposed to be and are named legendary.. what makes them legendary now that anyone who has one, can appear to have as many as I have now? “You still have changeable ascended stats!!”… no, screw that, that is no way the same. In a game where legendary weapons are the one biggest, expwnsive, most sought after items in the game, you would think they would take more care with this. It’s not quite the same as raising a level cap or anything else these people are arguing about.

Now, with that said I don’t exactly know the best way to go about this but an idea I thought of would be nice is to reward people with duplicates, a legendary salvage kit, you can salvage your extra legendary for all the gifts and items used to make it, that way making it so people can just sell em, but now get back the stuff they spent all that time working on back. In my opinion this would be very fair.

I still dont see why you should be compensated. It’s not like you paid cash and bought a legendary off the gemstore. Now, people who bought duplicates of 1handed skins off the gemstore, those people I can understand asking for a refund due to the wardrobe.

But those that bought or made 2 legendaries? No.

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Devs said no.

edit; alright alright, less sarcasm. The devs saying no means you’re going to need an overwhelming amount of proof that it’s a good idea to introduce the mounts. “pro mount” players need to provide what is essentially a 20 page report on why it’s a good idea to introduce mounts. The rest of us who DONT want mounts merely have to point at the current standing statement of “devs said no.”

(edited by Aidan Savage.2078)

On capping Achievement points: Don't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

All it would take is one player with an obsessive-compulsive disorder claiming he “suffered” somehow as a result of being “forced” to play too much and bingo, lawsuit. You might scoff, but there are an amazing number of frivolous lawsuits in the U.S. every year. Risk manager says, “Not worth the risk.”

Even if such a lawsuit would be thrown out of court, imagine the headlines, “Game Developer Sued for Triggering Psychotic Episode by Fostering Compulsive Behavior in Teen!” Such a headline would be negative for ANet. Its opposite, “Players Sue Because Game Developers Take Away Ability to Earn in-Game Rewards Faster!” would not have the same impact.

And then the next day the headline is “OCD suffering teen willingly plays game that can trigger a psychotic break instead of seeking treatment.”

All in all the idea has as much merit as someone who commits a triple homicide blaming it on the influence of playing too much GTA.

Serious Problem In Rata Sum!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Even though I am a Norn, I am still concerned.

Seems like it’s the perfect time to to stop, drop, and roll all over the floor laughing.


Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Well, there’s another hidden flaw in your suggestion. If it needs to sell within X minutes for a 1c undercut, what’s to stop someone from buying a single item at Y price, then relist Z+1 items at Y-1c price and eat the minor loss associated with that purchase?

Dual legendaries solution?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Another good point is that people who made Eternity are being given Sunrise and Twilight skins. Why would it be so bad to give people with dual legendaries the option of just a new skin of their choice in the wardrobe. Obviously Eternity would have to be off limits, but this would appease everyone I think.

Because if you’ve made Eternity, clearly you possessed Sunrise and Twilight. To my knowledge, no other legendary requires you to craft it from 2 other legendary weapons.

But it still doesnt answer the one important question: why should you be compensated? “Because you’re being compensated for duplicate dyes” is not an answer. You bought a duplicate knowing full well beforehand that you would not be compensated for any changes regarding what you bought unless Anet decides otherwise. Well, they havent decided otherwise.

On capping Achievement points: Don't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Without the cap a new player would have no way to catch up someone who’s been playing for longer. With this change it will take a long while still but new players won’t be at a permanent disadvantage. Change makes sense.

Clearly you havent seen the size of the “Historical” achievements category. It includes EVERY living story achievement (which are no longer obtainable once the LS moved to the next event) and holiday achievements (which might not be achievable anymore).

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I actually like the thought behind this but i dont think it would change much on the status quo as even precursors propably will never go longer than 12 hours without at least 1 selling.

Precs are usually undercut by a large chunk anyways if it’s one of the “slower” sold ones.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

There is no such thing as a 100% guaranteed profit from flipping.

There are…. certain items that do in fact guarantee profit. But like anyone else who has an uninvaded market on the trade post, I’m not going to spoil my own profit. I’ll simply confirm that they do exist. Smart TP players should be able to easily find the items I’m talking about too.

How do you prevent others from undercutting you when they see the same good deal? Once the spread becomes narrow enough, the item is not worth flipping anymore.

If you know when to stop flipping, you can generally earn a profit overall, but you need to monitor and you certainly can’t say that there is absolutely no risk to flipping like what LordByron is saying.

Because I dont stay in those markets until they run dry or start bleeding money
from me. I poke at them so they bleed enough money to suit whatever need I had at that time, and then I move on to other things and let the market recover. It’s remained stable for as long as I’ve been using it.

So they dont guarantee profit 100% of the time, as you claimed earlier.

100% of the time I’m in the market, they do guarantee profit. Granted, it’s a lose-lose situation for me. I cant reveal what I use for profit to show it exists, because doing so loses it’s viability for such profit for me, and consequently invalidates the fact it provides risk-free profit.

So the rest of you can keep denying such things exist while I continue making money out of them.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

There is no such thing as a 100% guaranteed profit from flipping.

There are…. certain items that do in fact guarantee profit. But like anyone else who has an uninvaded market on the trade post, I’m not going to spoil my own profit. I’ll simply confirm that they do exist. Smart TP players should be able to easily find the items I’m talking about too.

How do you prevent others from undercutting you when they see the same good deal? Once the spread becomes narrow enough, the item is not worth flipping anymore.

If you know when to stop flipping, you can generally earn a profit overall, but you need to monitor and you certainly can’t say that there is absolutely no risk to flipping like what LordByron is saying.

Because I dont stay in those markets until they run dry or start bleeding money
from me. I poke at them so they bleed enough money to suit whatever need I had at that time, and then I move on to other things and let the market recover. It’s remained stable for as long as I’ve been using it.

Which points to what I said about knowing when to get out which requires some amount of active playing and monitoring. Certainly not equivalent to a risk-free investing.

Knowing when to get out because profit is no longer there is distinctly different to getting out because you dont need that amount of profit anymore. It’s risk-free because I do not stay and abuse the market long enough that the risk becomes tangible enough to impact it’s viability.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Want to know something funny? I don’t want the Trading Post to change either. I think it performs its function perfectly fine the way it is. John proposed a discussion to see if there was a way to regulate pricing that wouldn’t cripple the Trading Post.

And you dont see how removing the sellers’ listing half of the Trade Post so that it becomes an “auction house lite” system can be perceived as crippling the Trade Post? Sell listings act as a control on the “auction” potential of buy orders. If I list an item at 1g, and buy orders are currently at 50s, I’m basically saying “1g is the maximum bid allowed before you can no longer bid and must purchase an item for sale.” If others were to follow my example and the price eventually crept down to 50s20c, that means players cant auction their way to 10g for an item without the items listed at 50s20c to 9g99s99c are bought out. Sellers determine the absolute maximum price of an item, not buyers. Buyers determine the behavior of the item’s price. If they list below the sell prices long enough, sell prices will eventually drop to match. If buyers suddenly increase demand, the sell prices will naturally rise (based on players sometimes choosing to leave listings up instead of relisting) until it reaches a point buyers wont pay more than X.

The problem is that at what point of item value X combined with supply flow Y does the game decide to increase the listing difference by Z?

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

There is no such thing as a 100% guaranteed profit from flipping.

There are…. certain items that do in fact guarantee profit. But like anyone else who has an uninvaded market on the trade post, I’m not going to spoil my own profit. I’ll simply confirm that they do exist. Smart TP players should be able to easily find the items I’m talking about too.

How do you prevent others from undercutting you when they see the same good deal? Once the spread becomes narrow enough, the item is not worth flipping anymore.

If you know when to stop flipping, you can generally earn a profit overall, but you need to monitor and you certainly can’t say that there is absolutely no risk to flipping like what LordByron is saying.

Because I dont stay in those markets until they run dry or start bleeding money
from me. I poke at them so they bleed enough money to suit whatever need I had at that time, and then I move on to other things and let the market recover. It’s remained stable for as long as I’ve been using it.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

This would completely erase the TP as a storage and doesnt give players the ability to sell at their desired prices or buy at any given time (as long as there is supply).
It would greatly slow down trading in general and wouldnt work with a global TP as there are way too many participants.

Overall, i think the cons outweigh the pros by a wide margin.

I agree that the cons outweigh the pros, but I have yet to see any other ideas from other players that attempt to change the system where it doesn’t stem from a selfish point of view.

I tried to look at the Trading Post from a point of view where it would still function, add some Pros, and where the Cons weren’t so detrimental that it would lead people to discontinue use of the Trading Post.

I think the system would only work BECAUSE there’s a global Trading Post. The price of an item would climb to a point where players accept buying goods at that price and sellers accept selling goods at that price. I think it’s possible for the price to reach that point more quickly than in the current system. Not every item would reach equilibrium quickly….but many would.

But the problem is that the items listed on the tp also work as a buffer to prevent market shock. Just think what would have happened to Iron prices, when the backpiece got introduced, if there wouldnt have been a reserve stock on the tp.

Or Radiant Dust, which experienced a 1000-2000% increase in price. If hoarders hadnt unloaded their stock, Radiant Dust would either have continued to rise, or stabilized at that price.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

That difference does not make up for the fact that buyers have to meet an unspecified price in order to receive the item. The trade post as it stands now, ALREADY has your system in it. That’s the half of the system suited to players willing to bid on a specific price and wait for it to be filled. The other half of the system is for the sellers who want to set a “minimum bid” on their item, and the players who have no compunction about paying that price to get it immediately. The TP now works perfectly fine. There’s no reason to change it out for a completely different system. Which really should be in it’s own thread, not one specifically dealing with the issue of pricing wars on the currently established system.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

There is no such thing as a 100% guaranteed profit from flipping.

There are…. certain items that do in fact guarantee profit. But like anyone else who has an uninvaded market on the trade post, I’m not going to spoil my own profit. I’ll simply confirm that they do exist. Smart TP players should be able to easily find the items I’m talking about too.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

When you try to flip something you never lose 100% (10% maybe? while potentially you can gain 50-300%)

Also if you are not trying to flip silly stuff you perfeclty know is extreme risk and you do that just because you have so much money you are doing it for the lulz, you never risk to lose much.

If you attempt to flip items that have an obvious profit margin, there is the chance to lose 100% because competition can move in on that item at any time. Smart flipping nets you a couple silvers here and there on each sale because the profit margin is going to be so small that it can only hold one, maybe two, person flipping it.

Flipping is high risk and high reward only if you try flipping items with sufficient profit margin. It’s moderate risk, low reward if you play it safe.

It honestly seems like you dont even know how to play the tradepost at this point. So I’m going to agree with a couple others and just disregard your posts in this thread.

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

RNG code has a problem they just can’t find that that favors some and has a major negative impact on many others, not only with precursors, but with many other drops as well even with good MF, and buffed. ;-(
Proof please. Find proof of it other than “I NEVER GET GUD LUTZ” that supports the claim. All I’ve seen about this supposed RNG “favoritism” are unproven claims.

(edited by Moderator)

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

In this system, sellers will NEVER have to foot the bill for a listing fee and thereby not risk being undercut. If a seller doesn’t like the price that buyers are willing to pay, they don’t sell their item.

An auction house doesnt work, not would it work in GW2.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

A good example of this are globs of ectoplasm, which at the time of writing this post, has buy orders at above 37s, and sell orders no lower than 39s, both of which vary by as little as 1c. With such a tight boundary between buys and sells, if people were forced into a 1% minimum undercut, they would be forced into selling to buy orders in a matter of seconds.

How would someone be forced into selling into buy orders? To me if they wanted ~39s for their sale they would be forced to GET IN LINE with a 1% minimum undercut rule, not forced to sell for 38.7s.

I’ve watched ectoplasm shift below 36s on sell orders. With a 1% mandatory undercut, if I dont want to take the risk of ectos shifting below their current buy price and losing more money, I have no choice but to sell TO the buy orders. And you’re also disregarding the fact that as the price creeps down, it’s not ONE PERSON doing a listing here and there, it can be hundreds of players throwing their listings onto the market driving the price down 1c at a time.

In fact, the price of ectos, since the time of my last post, have dropped to just 1c over the buy order prices. Now it’s a matter of time to see if they shift even further down, or rise back up in price.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

The spike in few minutes dring the interview maybe?
Quite usual..

Its really fun how this forum is full of “i was so cool i bought stacks of that reselling those later for thousands golds” and then “manipulation doesn t exist!”…

I won t answer to your lazy quote…read this forum you ll be disproven by TP players themselves as many time you want…

You mean the TP players who have already stated they can lose hundreds or thousands of gold because an item they had been attempting to flip got crashed? Or if competition moves in? And speculation happens because of low information availability. Sometimes kitten happens and TP players lose big by speculating the wrong way.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I wouldnt bother either. The price of Radiant Dust crashed down to 2-3s 15 minutes after it peaked because hoarders decided to unload and had a price war. This wasnt speculation either, it was nothing but reaction to a sudden, and enormously massive, spike in demand. That being said, even sites like gw2spidy would not have helped. The price rose and crashed long before the site would have had a chance to update.

Yeah .. i’m also always to late to the party when things like that happen, since here in germany i’m normally at work when we get such news, and when i’m at home the big rush has already gone.

I feel your pain there, I went to bed with fine dyes at no higher than 3s and wake up to the lowest fine dye price at 20-25s. Then I later heard unid dyes peaked at over 1g. I cried for an hour.

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Don’t forget about the Economy manipulators, that are forcing precursors to go to absurd prices, buying all the stock, days ago i saw some going from 500g to 900g just because.

And yes ANet, of course game is big enough to not be possible to manipulate economy… tell that to the guilds dedicated to spend dozens of thousands of gold on TP.

It’s not economy manipulators. If you’d read the blogs instead of put on the tinfoil, you’d realize the surge in prec prices is because of the fact that by crafting one, you can give ALL your characters the look of a legendary. That’s what’s driving the uptick in prices.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I disagree with the premise that 100g = 99g99s99c.

There is some utility in a copper. The only question is who should be able to extract that value. I can’t see any good reason why it should be the person who places a buy order or the person placing a sell order (as opposed to the seller and buyer, respectively).

Regarding tax purposes, they are functionally equivalent as tax is rounded up in most cases. Outside of that, they’re two distinct prices. And BOTH seller and buyer extract value from a difference of 1c. As a seller, it means I receive my money faster, and as a buyer, it means I bought my item cheaper.

And as everyone knows, a copper saved is a copper earned.

50% Off Digital Deluxe Upgrade

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

The chalice of glory is temporarily disabled until anet figures out how to make sure it gives the pvp RANK boost like intended, instead of the glory boost after glory was removed.

50% Off Digital Deluxe Upgrade

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I already have the Heroic Edition. If I buy this upgrade will I get the Heroic Stuff again?

Yes, in fact, you will. If people would read the item on the gemstore, it specifically states it includes all items from the GW2 HEROIC EDITION. That being said, I now have a skin set of profane armor AND primeval.

And the mistfire wolf elite is an account-wide unlock.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I agree that rising prices for things you want effect you negatively, i also wont deny that tp traders make a profit with those items.

But i strongly disagree that they are the mayor force behind the rising prices because its driven by demand of the general player base. There is no way that the richest 2% have enough gold to dictate prices more than the combined gold and demand of the other 98%.

I think the Iron prices in the weeks of the last LS Stories shows very good how a highly rising demand can suddenly change the prices.

Too sad that iron now is down again .. as a harvester that was such a nice month

Oh, you missed something of muuuuuuch higher profit~ Shortly after people began making the blueprints for the back item, Radiant Dust went from 1s and some copper, to over 20 silver a piece on buy orders in a matter of minutes. Do the math a moment, ONE STACK of Radiant Dust was able to sell for 50g. There are very few low tier materials capable of doing that.

But i’m no flipper .. whenever i try to speculate and buy stuff the price goes down. So i better just harvst stuff or kill mobs to get stuff to sell.
At least i don’t know where i could farm radiant dust in mass that it would had bring me more profit than harvesting iron.

I wouldnt bother either. The price of Radiant Dust crashed down to 2-3s 15 minutes after it peaked because hoarders decided to unload and had a price war. This wasnt speculation either, it was nothing but reaction to a sudden, and enormously massive, spike in demand. That being said, even sites like gw2spidy would not have helped. The price rose and crashed long before the site would have had a chance to update.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Let’s simplify the debate a bit. We have a lot of variables in discussion, let’s say that TP Fees are still a factor, but controlling inflation and gold sinks are not.

Furthermore let’s assume that we all agree that 1c holds a virtual non-value on goods above X price. How do you determine a system that effectively chooses what an appropriate value is that doesn’t
1. Injure the market 2. Discourage use of the TP
Note: this value may be algorithmic, but you must PROVE the values are effective. You may assume you have perfect data of the TP if you need it to support a hypothesis.

The one thing I have to suggest to this is that you need a second assumption (or more) in that 1c is a non-value on goods with a per-player movement speed below or above certain thresholds.

Now, if I’m selling a handful of items here and there, 1c is a non-value if it means selling the item immediately for X amount as opposed to Y-1c opening me up to potential losses via undercutting. This also requires the assumption of what amount of time would have to go by before it’s considered a loss. An hour? Two? Or is it a day/week later? Sometimes people choose the “instant sell” option because the item they’re selling fluctuates enough that listing only a handful (relatively compared to average traffic) means it could be undercut by hundreds or thousands of items listed lower in a matter of seconds.

On the other side of the spectrum, if I’m selling hundreds or thousands of an item, most likely craft resources, 1c IS a value regardless of the item’s price, even if it’s above X. This is because I’m selling in such large quantities that 1c for every item in my “portfolio” could mean the difference between making a profit (1c under a listing) or making a loss (forced to undercut 1%).

A good example of this are globs of ectoplasm, which at the time of writing this post, has buy orders at above 37s, and sell orders no lower than 39s, both of which vary by as little as 1c. With such a tight boundary between buys and sells, if people were forced into a 1% minimum undercut, they would be forced into selling to buy orders in a matter of seconds.

The ability to under/overcut prices by 1c stabilizes prices on items instead of turning them into a freefall to null value (in this case referring to items being more valuable to an npc).

Precursors (legendaries are not a good example because they tend to cost nearly their craft cost if bought on the TP, bifrost only makes a 200g [~10%] profit after tax) are the other end of the scale. They’re a low volume item that sells at a high price. Here, a difference of 1-100g is more substantial and influential on purchases than 1c. People are more likely to buy Zap at 800-900g (125-25g under current low) than they are at 924g99s99c.

That being said, I think any sort of advanced function to determine what should or shouldnt be subject to a 1% under/overcut is more heuristic than algorithmic. Item price and movement speed can change in seconds if updates, or discoveries, show that such an item is now a necessity for certain things. Radiant Dust with the blade packs for example. I personally watched it climb from 1s and change to over 20s for a single Radiant Dust. Some guild members made HUNDREDS of gold when they sold the stacks of the stuff sitting in their storage.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I agree that rising prices for things you want effect you negatively, i also wont deny that tp traders make a profit with those items.

But i strongly disagree that they are the mayor force behind the rising prices because its driven by demand of the general player base. There is no way that the richest 2% have enough gold to dictate prices more than the combined gold and demand of the other 98%.

I think the Iron prices in the weeks of the last LS Stories shows very good how a highly rising demand can suddenly change the prices.

Too sad that iron now is down again .. as a harvester that was such a nice month

Oh, you missed something of muuuuuuch higher profit~ Shortly after people began making the blueprints for the back item, Radiant Dust went from 1s and some copper, to over 20 silver a piece on buy orders in a matter of minutes. Do the math a moment, ONE STACK of Radiant Dust was able to sell for 50g. There are very few low tier materials capable of doing that.

As for this thread, can we just admit that it’s become pointless? Progressive tax does nothing but harm low-cash players. TP runners merely shift the cost onto buyers, and low-cash players that attempt to sell their materials get a very high tax burden that’s hard to overcome. This is even more obvious when some players, like me, dont sell stuff until there’s considerable amount in their collections, or need that money.

Gem Store item idea I would gladly pay for

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Then look for a guild that runs dungeons and can help you. There’s much easier things you can do than ask anet to do than something that would take months of coding.

Gem Store item idea I would gladly pay for

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

- I like running dungeons but…I don’t like spending 45 minutes in a dungeon I could run in 10 minutes with my warrior, ele or guardian.
- it is annoying to try and find decent parties to run low level characters with in dungeons and such runs take forever…..
- I don’t like running inefficient classes in dungeons but some of those classes are actually pretty good at other game types aka WvW.

People already get around this. How? They ask if someone else is willing to open the dungeon, and at the very end of the run, HOLD the cutscene so that you can switch to the character you want the experience on. If they arent, drop group and try again, or run with friends.

I know this exists but….

I hate character switching like this with a passion
so many runs ruined by kittens that do not know they cannot switch at the end if they started the instance, so many parties that do not manage to finish the boss while I was loading and wipe :S grrrrr

this item would save me from all that grieve

And as the internet meme goes… “You’re doing it wrong.” You dont switch at the boss. You switch in the time between the boss dying and the cutscene starting. Much less prone to failure unless someone forgets to hold the cutscene. Also, it still validates my point of running the dungeon with friends.

On capping Achievement points: Don't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Basically, this is just punishing the most faithful GW2 players.

That’s what the living story AP are for. Capping dailies and monthlies is a punishment for players who merely log in to complete dailies and monthlies and then never be seen the remaining time of the day/month.

On capping Achievement points: Don't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Actually the only other repeatable achievement I can think of is the Salvage one, and guess what? It is capped.

Also keep in mind that no one is even close to hitting the cap yet, so it is not really that much of an issue.

How close someone is to hitting the cap is immaterial. Eventually, the cap will be hit, and the point behind having dailies in the first place vanishes.

The point behind having the dailies is that they provide experience, money, laurels, and a distraction from the normal “zergeverythingandmashF” a lot of players do. The fact they add a MINOR amount of AP is not the point behind dailies. It’s the same case with dailies.

And the leaderboards are pointless. You’re going to be competing only against the players who joined Day 1. Anyone who joins even a day later is going to struggle to keep up in AP, much less surpass it. And that’s even disregarding the fact that someone who starts the game today misses out on 100% of the AP from the living story.

It’d be nice if people kept in mind that you’re going to be seeing more achievements tied with future content releases, whether they be new zones entirely, or the next “chapter” of the living story. All of which give you more AP than a piddly daily.

Gem Store item idea I would gladly pay for

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

- I like running dungeons but…I don’t like spending 45 minutes in a dungeon I could run in 10 minutes with my warrior, ele or guardian.
- it is annoying to try and find decent parties to run low level characters with in dungeons and such runs take forever…..
- I don’t like running inefficient classes in dungeons but some of those classes are actually pretty good at other game types aka WvW.

People already get around this. How? They ask if someone else is willing to open the dungeon, and at the very end of the run, HOLD the cutscene so that you can switch to the character you want the experience on. If they arent, drop group and try again, or run with friends.

How about you remove the trading post?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Well think about it a a bit more…

MOST of the loot you get, as of right now, is salvage/vender garbage. You get all your crafting mats from just salvaging the greens/blues that no one uses or buy, then sell off your junk to venders. So all the loot right now is boring. Most people only get 1 exotic maybe once a day.

By removing the player driven economy, you can then increase loot drops in the game. Therefore you earn your t6 mats quicker, you get more exotics to get more ecto/matter/sigils through salvaging.

I’m pretty tired of this game being driven by gold. All the items are bought with gold, nothing is earned and its not a better game for it.

If this game was about cosmetic progression instead of vertical progression, there needs to be more ways to earn skins… not just farm for several hours for gold and then just buy it out. This is part of the reason why SAB TM weapons have higher value to them because they are inaccessible via gold, they are earned.

Sticking with the TP system means sticking with boring loot. It’s time to shift up to a loot version 2.0 like D3.

If you dont want to use the tradepost to purchase what you are unable to hunt, loot, or craft yourself, then by all means dont use the tradepost. Your self-imposed restriction is not shared by anyone else. The BLTC is simply an impersonal “player” store for people to list their goods. In fact, I wish we’d be able to set and track “watchers” for certain items much like we can track achievements. If item xyz drops below/goes above abc gold, it lets me know that and then I can decide whether or not to buy or sell.

And there’s plenty of ways to increase the loot you get as it stands now. You’ve heard of and used +magic find stuff, right? There’s a lot of ways to increase it permanently and temporarily, and many people have noticed better drops with it.

Oh, and here’s the best reason to leave the tradepost alone:I can be out getting the loot I really want while selling trash to some random player who thinks it’s treasure. I’m no longer required to spam every city 8927456928175 times an hour just to make my sale seen, or log off my character because she needs to “man the booth” in the same cities and hope somone actually looks at my “store.”

Transmutation charges and PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Because it’s easier to create a new character, run around for 10 minutes and complete a map than it is to gain pvp ranks. That’s all there is to it. You arent getting more free stuff, which is what’s really being asked here tbh.

5-slot bags? Seriously?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

We get starter level loot in a starter level zone? Seriously? Wtf?

I have gone along on the Queensdale train a couple times for daily champ slayer when it has come up for dailies and MANY DROPS were for my level which is 80, so, not everything is low level.

I think they’re poking fun at the fact someone’s complaining about 5 slot bags off champs in a starter area. Also, gear drops are generally affected only by character level.

Transmutation charges and PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Well, it wont be retroactive for map completion because you DID already get the transmutation items. If you want charges, you’d just convert what you received.