Showing Posts For Aidan Savage.2078:

Suggestion: Female/male armour toggle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Go look at the Heavy armor. Kinda hard to sexualize plate armor unless you add detailed nipples. But then you get the question of “why would you need nipples on armor?” And no, glass cutting isnt an acceptable answer.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

what exactly is your issue with randoms.
this is not to start an argument, its more like tell me exactly why you think most randoms dont work
is it mostly communication?
is it gear?
is it that they dont listen even when communicated?
Is it that what is required is above and beyond the average players skill set?

Mostly i think this problem needs to be solved, but i think first we have to understand the problems.

*A large amount of them arent willing to communicate by getting onto teamspeak (which 9/10 times people dont have problems letting randoms on it), because “i dont have a mic”

*They assume we’re being frivolous when we say to do specific things at specific times, such as the abom at Amber and kegs at Cobalt (screw you keg achievement noobs)

*They dont understand the necessity behind the phrase “stack on the commander tag now,” phase 2 wurm WILL charge the one person not stacked in the right spot, leave the event “zone” leash and go invulnerable for the remaining time

*They dont comprehend the tactics necessary for the fight, even AFTER they’ve been explained multiple times, not only extensively BEFORE the spawn, but during the fight, both teamspeak and /say

*They’re there for no other reason than to troll that given guild by doing everything wrong, apparently some people are offended by big guilds doing this stuff

*They bring other randoms into the overflow stealing (yes, stealing) that room from non-randoms who know how to do the fight, and WANTED to do the fight, due to the timing of raids some days, we do have 200+ people wanting to do wurm, and 10-20 randoms “sneaking” in does not help

*They assume strongly asking for them to follow what the commanders say is being “elitist” and think it means they need to go “be a rebel and not do what they say cuz it leet” and do something stupid enough to fail the event

Pick any or all of the above. Gear has very little to do with it. You arent asked to wear zerker the whole fight (it’s a bad choice for phase 1) or are required to change into zerker for phase 2 (you can if you want to or have it). Now, if you’re wearing severely underleveled, or underquality (blues at 80? GG) gear, then it has an impact.
First and foremost, it’s communication. That’s why teamspeak is strongly asked for. By the time they type out something yelling at some noob standing in the middle of nowhere, it’s too late.
That’s how unforgiving the three-headed wurm is. Anet MADE the event so difficult it requires conditions on the part of players doing the event that are perceived as elitist, but are in fact only able to give a CHANCE at victory. Teq can take several mistakes and still be beaten.

Will CDI´s continue after Feature Patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Guild halls are a pointless cosmetic though. The only way I’d see them be- oooh… I’m gonna hang onto that thought.

Anyways, guilds need to benefit multi-server/guild communities before stuff that some people see as “fluff” though.

Will CDI´s continue after Feature Patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I would also like to do a Guild CDI soon.


Guild missions included, I hope? Looking forward to it regardless.

More importantly, guilds actually benefiting LARGE community guilds. And no, this isnt limited to just guilds like TTS (who are, aside from chat ability, completely shafted by how the guild system currently works), but any guild that recruits on multiple servers as a result of how influence and upgrades, which includes guild missions, works.

fx 8350 performance experience

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

i-series procs will be faster in GW2 than a comparable clock speed AMD proc as a result of the i-series having better single thread power.

Again, ANet built up too much hype...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Added FEATURES would be things like additional weapon options (even just existing weapons transposed to off-hand/main-hand/another class), <-CONTENT
new zones, <-CONTENT
new skills, <-CONTENT
new class/race?<-CONTENT

Do people really not see the pattern here? Granted, if people are this willfully blind, I suppose there’s no point in this thread. People will just believe what they want even if it’s wrong.

Please don't make traits start at 30

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I hate this change so much. Unless ANet plans on balancing content to make up for the fact that you don’t have any traits until level 33 (which they probably won’t), leveling is going to be even more of a tedious chore.

They have already stated that they are going to balance early content to make up for lack of traits. Why wouldn’t they? It is an incredibly easy thing to do.

so AC becomes allot easier?

They could just as easily lock you out of higher tier traits and skills depending on how down-leveled you are.

Please don't make traits start at 30

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

So much blablabla about low levels benefiting from traits at level 10-30. BS. Pure and utter BS. The stat boosts from traits aside (which are matched or exceeded by minor runes), the actual traits you gain are next to useless because the stats your character has are that low. The traits are truly capitalized on when your character has far more stats. That doesnt happen at the low levels because gear has a single stat, usually single digit at that.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Turn down your graphics.

are you kitten serious?

Less whine, more trying offered solution. GW2 is a CPU-heavy game. If you’re running max graphics, it’s no wonder you’re getting off almost no skills.

[SUGGESTION] Hand health features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

+1 to all, but mostly to “Open all”.

I would suggest a real auto-loot function that loots mobs on kill and does not force us to repeatedly press F to revive dead, to pick up banners and to talk to NPCs instead of looting.

Go into options, scroll down to where it says Autoloot, PUT IN a bind key. I have mine bound to R with autorun disabled. The reason F is autoloot is because you need to be on top of a dead mob to get the interact option, which would be autoloot. If you set a bind key for autoloot, pressing that key instead does the looting. That removes the need to pick up someone who didnt know how to dodge because they’re lying on your loot.

The High Cost of Fashion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

1 Crystal (L80) = 1 Charge
3 Stones (L1-79) = 1 Charge

Map exploration = 3 STONES, or a BL key which can give a Crystal.

I hate to say it, but RPers arent in mind with this change. They arent in mind with a vast majority of changes because in most cases, such a game is simply a social chat room with a camera. That being said, if you’re going to go out and around outside of cities and RP, start building multiple sets of armor now to transmute. If you’re simply complaining about having to transmute more often inside of a city, all you need to do is transmute that stuff NOW when you can use level 79 and lower gear as both skin and destination for less cost than with level 80 armor.

You not being willing to take advantage of the simple alternatives to a complete change in the system they’re putting in (which, by the way, means you no longer have to repeatedly buy that look of armor) means nothing to Anet.

Again, ANet built up too much hype...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Just calling a QoL Patch a Feature Patch is over-hype.

Alright, fine. Anet can remove the wardrobe, stat changes outside of cities, and every other feature in the update.
1. a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.

Quality of life
Quality of life (QOL) is the general well-being of individuals and societies.

Quite mixing definitions in an attempt to garner support for arguments. YES the update has QoL improvements in it. YES there are features being added as well. Features that are tied to a QoL improvement does not equate not being a feature themselves.

A New Shatterer experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Make all Bosses have Attacks that constantly wipe the whole map, also that they must be killed on all Server worldwide at the same time else no loot. This will make everyone very happy especially also ANet since nobody plays anymore and so no new gold is generated in the open world.

Unrealistic. Meta events dont start at the same exact time.

Only resolutionworking is windowed.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Attach the dump file, easier to read/manage than posts :P

Also, restarting your computer and/or running as admin have fixed these errors for many people. If they dont, run memory tests.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Turn down your graphics.

Gate on CoF.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

CoF takes 10 minutes to open with a party of 5 intelligent people.

forum security

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Yes, because gold sellers pming you in the game compromises your account. Oh… wait. They dont force you to go to an obviously malicious site. Harassment in the game isnt on the same level of breaching account security. Case in point, I could just as easily discuss this with you via pm or mail ingame as I can on the forums. But that’s not going to make me able to breach your account. That’s the point of the verification, if it’s bypassed, that means fault of breach no longer lies with Anet because they dont manage or influence YOUR email account.

A far more appropriate analogy is me looking up people where I live on facebook (forums), then breaking out the yellow pages (the game) and calling them up about random bullkitten (WANNA BUY GOLD?).

Keep in mind any digital security measures in place are about as effective as a “beware of guard dog” signs on a fence and an alarm system. If someone really wanted what you had, they’d shoot the dog on the way in, disable the alarms or simply ignore them. Grab what they wanted, then leave, probably doing more damage on the way out just because they can. Not to mention people are stupid with passwords. They’ll use the same single, or set of passwords for everything. If you guess their email password, guess what you might be able to get into? Their bank account.

A New Shatterer experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

No one does teq because no one probably knows how, or doesnt feel comfortable leading it. It’s not hard to do. Once you know the very basics of fighting teq, all it takes is getting people together and them willing to listen.

Wurm doesnt get done very often simply because it requires far harsher cooperation than teq.

Underwater combat no longer being supported?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Doing anything with underwater combat would require massive overhauls of the combat system in the first place. That gives it a lower priority than easier to fix things, especially considering until recently, devs were dealing with the living story.

forum security

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Anet should be careful who they trust with these forums. These forums contain emails addresses, account names and passwords, that if not careful, can get into the wrong hands. Just look at the some of the major security breaches that have happened in the gaming and business history recently and the damages occurring as a result. Caution and security measures should be taken if anet does not want that to occur. Just a word of warning as a security measure. And i’m sure players would not want that either.

Do you honestly believe that these precautions arent already there? Also, since you appear to not understand this: your account name doesnt really amount to much. You cant log in with it. Also, since there’s something else you dont understand, Anet could have the most lax security regarding account information and IT WOULD NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 2 step verification curbstomps that. If your account still gets breached, I have some bad news for you. Not anet’s fault. Only way they could bypass the verification is if your email was breached. No matter the amount of noise you make, that makes your account troubles your fault alone.

A New Shatterer experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

World Boss = Raid Boss. They arent mere champions you can solo when you’re bored (the wurm in Caledon you can though >_> ). Meta event bosses should require a lot of people working together to take down. Unfortunately, a lot of them become increasingly harder the more people there.

Shadow Behemoth is not one of these. There have been a few occasions that I’ve been able to get enough people there before he spawns that he was burned down within 30-35 seconds from 100% to dead. Of course, him popping a couple of those times right after my guild finished off Teq did lead to around 60-80 people being there.

It's Not 10%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

3) Just because you’re jealous of other players skill levels, why do you think it is ok to berate and injure them?

Pot. Kettle. You know the rest.

The problem is that dungeons directly contribute to requiring max dps. CoF for example. I wouldnt be caught dead tanking an elite godforged in that dungeon, mostly because I WOULD be dead if I tried even wearing PVT and had the protection boon perma-pasted to my guardian. Mobs like that you either skip (when possible) or kill as fast as possible to reduce the chance of it killing anyone.

There’s also a massive disparity with mob scaling. Champion mobs I can tank pretty easily with PVT, but you throw in an elite, that changes. Instead of being tickled for 2-3k hits, I’m being kitten d by an elite dealing 8-15k hits. Seriously, the kitten is wrong with mob design that that is happening?

A New Shatterer experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Next time you fight shatterer, get a group of people to use the mortars south of him. I’ve seen him go down in less than five minutes with people on those mortars. All 6 mortars firing on him is an extra 1/2 a million damage a minute.

Teq requires at least 100 people knowing what the hell they’re doing. 1/4th of them will rarely ever directly attack teq themselves. Wurm? You need 150 people who know what they’re doing, organized in some sort of voice chat (TS/Vent), using the right armor and skills, classes evenly split, and EVERYONE listening to what their commander is saying, and following those instructions. You miss even one of these, you’re going to have trouble beating wurm.

No Holy Trinity = Boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Of course the game is going to have roles. What it DOESNT have are concrete archetype roles, IE the “trinity.” There’s no monk in GW2 when any number of classes are able to either passively or actively fill that role while doing another one. Guardians for example, are literally the trinity rolled up into a single class. They can heal (for immense amounts with the right traits), support (to a disgustingly high degree, moreso after patch), and can deal fairly substantial damage on their own.

It's Not 10%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I haven’t really looked closely at the math but because of the base multiplier of 150% isn’t the overall loss to the critical hit multiplier (for max zerker) like 2.5x to 2.25x? So yeah…looks like about 10-11% overall DPS loss.

To me, this looks like people are trying to compare the direct result of the additional bonus from critical damage/ferocity without adding the base multiplier. If you had 50% critical damage, that would actually be 200% critical damage (base multiplier + critical damage). Lower critical damage to 40% and it’s 190%, which is a 20% loss to critical damage while 5% loss to overall damage.

Maybe I’m just not getting it though.

lZoranl doesn’t know what his DPS is, because he believes that if it didn’t crit, it didn’t do damage.

Crit rate is not negligible cause its important for your total damage.

1000*0.48 + 2510*0.52 = 1785.2

1000*0.48 + 2140*0.52 = 1592.8


thats 10.78%, which, to me, is close to 10% than your 15%

This is the correct math using the numbers from IZoranl (“Now assuming my non crits are 1000 my crits are 2510 currently. After the patch my crits will be 2140.”, “Now with your genius idea to incorporate crit rate (my crit rate is 52% btw)”).

The only point crit rate is negligible is if it’s <10% or >90% IMO. Of course, the higher your crit rate, the bigger this crit damage change affects you. My elementalist, who uses assassin’s because she’s utilizing a lot of on-crit effects, is going to lose over half of the critical damage boosts she has (currently 101%). Honestly, if this was the entirety of their changes to zerker meta, they would be better off reducing the crit damage zerker got directly, leaving other builds alone. But since it’s not the only change they will be making, anet simply kittens builds that use critical hits for damage as opposed to straight power builds. Depending on what I see after the patch, I might end up taking my elementalist zerker after all.
Isnt that what anet’s trying to avoid?

No Holy Trinity = Boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Yes, because trying out a new system for classes in a game instead of “the meta” is the act of a communist.

… Come on, seriously? Are you seriously comparing Anet to the actions of countries like China? Of course, you had to bring politics into a game discussion. Oh well, I’ll just wait for the kitten to fall about that.

Now then. You’re also forgetting the social reason for NOT using the trinity. You know how it’s currently “zerkerorgtfokthxbaiNOOB” for various things? That same crap occurred in GW1. Demanding certain skills and runes in armor and to do certain things in fights. This happened more often than it does in this game.
Back then I played a ranger (when they were good and good go without a pet screwing things up) that didnt fit any meta build (I believe it was close to 1/4 second Barrages). I ended up duo’ing the last half of one of the harder shiverpeak missions in gw1 with a trapper ranger, including the boss. Know what I was being told?
“Die so we can restart.”
“Why are you still doing the mission, we all died.”
“Where are you going?”
“Die noob, we need to restart the mission.”
“WTF, DIE SO WE CAN RESTART THE MISSION.” <-3 people decided to leave at this point instead of wait.
“Crap, it’s the boss…finally we can restart the mission after 20 minutes.”
“HOW ARE YOU NOT DYING TO THE BOSS!?” <-my reply was “because I cant.”
“Jesus, they’re beating the boss…”
“How did you even do this?”

I didnt bother explaining and simply went with “praise me for I am your god.” Basically, wild tangent aside, it succeeded because I didnt fit into the meta by choice, and neither did my ranger fit the “trinity” meta. Class specific my kitten . Any class could kill, heal, and support. … I’m gonna apologize at this point, was writing this while watching tv and I no longer remember the point I was trying to reach.

Champ-trains wai?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

The loot isnt the only component of champ trains. It’s also a rather considerable amount of exp for characters of any level.

Feedback: Max Daily/Monthly AP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

People are forgetting one big thing. Two actually, you wont reach the cap on points from monthly achievements for a maximum of 10.5 years, less based on how many more you do each month. Second, the DAILY cap wont be reached for 5.5 years at minimum effort.

A couple other things too. Odds are Anet’s not going to take points from people with this change. Why? Because then they’d have to take account bonuses, laurels, gold, and skins along with them. And here’s the big cherry on top: they arent the only place to get achievement points. I’m pretty confident that there’s going to be more achievement points available when they start adding more content and features that can be tied to them. In fact, there’s something they’re adding in a couple weeks that likely has achievements with it: the wardrobe.

It is time to take a second look at racials.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

The sylvari druid spirit is one of the far more useful racial skills I’ve seen. It hits hard. It pulls conditions off you automatically. It takes hits better than a guardian and warrior. It immobilizes up to 5 enemies at once. The number of situations I’ve used FGS over the spirit on my ele doesnt even reach double digits.

Feedback: Max Daily/Monthly AP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Every chapter of the LS had achievements tied to them. People need to stop being shortsighted over changes. Just because they’re limiting the points you can get with daily and monthly achievements doesnt mean you’re not going to be able to get more than X total achievements. It wouldnt surprise me if they had achievements tied to every substantial update cough wardrobe cough.

Champ-trains wai?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I’d assume they are, as events give roughly 7% exp if you’re at or above the event level. Plus champ chests dont give out materials based on character level (just gear), but the level of the champion.

Feedback: Max Daily/Monthly AP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

For a lot of players (A LOT) this is a neon sign saying, “Don’t log in each day.”

A LOT of players realize that this simply means you no longer GAIN AP off dailies and monthlies after you earn that many AP OFF then.

Let’s see… Monthlies are worth 10 points each, right? That’s 5000/10=500 individual monthly achievements. It takes 4 monthlies each month, so that’s roughly 125 months of monthlies before you get capped. TEN kitten YEARS.

Now then, dailies. Dailies are worth ONE POINT. It takes 5 dailies to complete a day. 10000/5=2000 days until you reach the maximum amount of points allowed by dailies. That’s roughly 5.5 YEARS. Guild wars hasnt been around for that long in the first place.

Result? Stop complaining like whining children. Do the math first. Doomsay less.

Champ-trains wai?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Um… “wai”? Out of curiosity, why is it that your entire post is reasonably good English, except for this one word that doesnt make sense?

And the reason trains in low level areas are MORE popular is because of how much more quickly they cycle. Weeniedale completes the cycle in about 10 minutes (the champ oak runs on 10 minute timer). Frost gorge? Definitely longer time.

New Lyssa runes 6 set question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

It will be the left-most 5 conditions I believe, as those are the “first” ones to be placed on you.

Suggestion: Trait Reset-more toxic behavior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

What are you talking about?

First off, don’t join those groups of players who ask you to change traits. If you are excluded from a group, make your own and have fun playing the way YOU want, with like-minded individuals.

Secondly, making it only work in major cities partially defeats the purpose of making it doable anywhere in the world since you would have to go to a place that the trainers were in in the first place. The only thing that would change at that point is the small cost associated with the reset would go away. This also would not stop people from “forcing” you to go to a major city to change stats to play with them.

Lastly, I still don’t understand why people like you simply cannot live with being excluded from some groups even when it’s just as easy to make your own group and let others play the way THEY want.

Don’t worry – I don’t plan to join a group of people like that. It’s not myself I am concerned about (I am happy to ignore those kinds of people), it’s the effect on the community that my concerns lie.

But I know my ‘solution’ is hardly solid (just a minor inconvenience if that) – but if anyone has any other suggestions then that would be great.

What effect on the community?

It can help foster elitist tendencies. It’s why we don’t have an inspect feature. I don’t think itd have much of an effect in that regard though.

It wont. There’s no way to share what traits you’ve got other than you informing them. If they demand xyz traits, fiddle around for 5 minutes, and tell them you changed your stats when you really didnt. Most of the time they wouldnt even be able to tell. A large majority of people just dont care about changing their stats. If you dont like the fact I run 30/25/0/5/10 on my ele, go trip on a pile of crap and land face first into a puddle of chunky vomit. I’ll change it when I kitten well want to.

Yeah i don;t think it’d have much of an effect on its own. If it were paired with other systems it’d be a ball ache.

I like your attitude btw. I’m personally more concerned with reasons why someone chose particular trait set up. I don’t take “it’s the meta” as sufficient

It’s the same reason my guardian wont run anything other than PVT. Especially when I’m running a dungeon for the first time. PVT means I’m going to live longer during mistakes or late actions. Take lupi in arah for example. He’s got an attack that wall of reflection CAN work against, often to spectacular results. I’ve fought lupi a grand total of 0 times before I was invited on that run. I have no clue what his tells are, and still dont, yet I was willing to walk into that aoe circle and be ready to drop WoR on that skill of his. I’m looking at 20k hp on my guardian, and I’m losing roughly half that by the time I can drop the wall. If I was zerker, I’d be eating dirt.

In fact, there was a point in that fight I was the only one not downed and had to tank lupi while picking people up. I dare anyone in zerker to do that.

Do it all the time. Its calling dodging. Lupi has tells that are pretty obvious. I would hate to point out if you hand’t been running PVT that those zerkers you picked up might not have been down in the first place. If you are in doubt you can go to youtube and search for Lupi Solo and you will see that soloing him isn’t exactly difficult

Seems you missed the part where I said it was the first time I’d even ran the dungeon, nor did I have the time to bother looking that kitten up in the middle of a run. Kthxbai Mr. Elitist.

Upcoming Changes: WvW Implications

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Welp, I crafted everything for my full set of ascended beserker gear, which is a total of 24 days for armor +…. 12 days for weapons (something like that). And 100s of gold worth of material.

I feel a bit bad. And I feel less likely to invest heavily time wise into something that may just be taken or modified in a way that negates my expenditure.

Quit the game then. By your own words, you have no reason to invest time into the game because it’s going to be taken or modified in a way you perceive affects you adversely.

Again, ANet built up too much hype...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

A Solid Foundation also means anything that underlies any system in the game, including the upgrade system for guilds.

Again, ANet built up too much hype...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Features = QoL and minor QoL-content (wardrobe for example)
Content = New areas to explore, particularly either PS or LS pertaining to fighting Mordremoth (cant remember the name at the moment)

DirectX 11 any News?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

The other reason for the transition not being made is financial. They need to see some sort of income boost to justify that expenditure. Not just one that’ll cover the cost they just incurred, but actual profit. If they spent half a million on this change, they’d need to justify it by proving it’ll bring in, say, 150% minimum of what they put in. If there’s no profit margin available, or the more likely case, a loss near 100%, there’s no reason for them to do it.

The ONLY way I can see them doing it is if they included that code rewrite into an expansion style that gw1 had. Unfortunately, it seems anet’s not interested in doing something like that.

Feedback: Event loot nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

A lot of people are still fixated on the fact that this change likely effects only the CASH from events and champs. They arent affecting the loot. So… who the hell runs champs for the silver or three from each champ when the loot bags are worth far more because of the other things they contain.

As you may have realised by reading the title, we’re talking about event rewards, not championbags.

That still doesnt negate my point. So I’ll make it again: who runs champs for the pittance they get from them? I certainly dont. I run them for the karma, experience, and the materials found within the loot bag.

Well, you should post your concern in a thread dealing with the champion bag loot nerf then. ^^

You’ve also glossed over the fact that this change is also affecting champ bags, thus doesnt really need another thread. Oh, and the fact that the same people who run champ events for anything but the money, also like the bags for everything BUT the money in them. I mean, I cant tell the last time I noticed money out of a champ bag. I’m more interested by the stuff I can sell in them. Which, as far as I can tell, isnt being affected either.

Suggestion: Trait Reset-more toxic behavior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

What are you talking about?

First off, don’t join those groups of players who ask you to change traits. If you are excluded from a group, make your own and have fun playing the way YOU want, with like-minded individuals.

Secondly, making it only work in major cities partially defeats the purpose of making it doable anywhere in the world since you would have to go to a place that the trainers were in in the first place. The only thing that would change at that point is the small cost associated with the reset would go away. This also would not stop people from “forcing” you to go to a major city to change stats to play with them.

Lastly, I still don’t understand why people like you simply cannot live with being excluded from some groups even when it’s just as easy to make your own group and let others play the way THEY want.

Don’t worry – I don’t plan to join a group of people like that. It’s not myself I am concerned about (I am happy to ignore those kinds of people), it’s the effect on the community that my concerns lie.

But I know my ‘solution’ is hardly solid (just a minor inconvenience if that) – but if anyone has any other suggestions then that would be great.

What effect on the community?

It can help foster elitist tendencies. It’s why we don’t have an inspect feature. I don’t think itd have much of an effect in that regard though.

It wont. There’s no way to share what traits you’ve got other than you informing them. If they demand xyz traits, fiddle around for 5 minutes, and tell them you changed your stats when you really didnt. Most of the time they wouldnt even be able to tell. A large majority of people just dont care about changing their stats. If you dont like the fact I run 30/25/0/5/10 on my ele, go trip on a pile of crap and land face first into a puddle of chunky vomit. I’ll change it when I kitten well want to.

Yeah i don;t think it’d have much of an effect on its own. If it were paired with other systems it’d be a ball ache.

I like your attitude btw. I’m personally more concerned with reasons why someone chose particular trait set up. I don’t take “it’s the meta” as sufficient

It’s the same reason my guardian wont run anything other than PVT. Especially when I’m running a dungeon for the first time. PVT means I’m going to live longer during mistakes or late actions. Take lupi in arah for example. He’s got an attack that wall of reflection CAN work against, often to spectacular results. I’ve fought lupi a grand total of 0 times before I was invited on that run. I have no clue what his tells are, and still dont, yet I was willing to walk into that aoe circle and be ready to drop WoR on that skill of his. I’m looking at 20k hp on my guardian, and I’m losing roughly half that by the time I can drop the wall. If I was zerker, I’d be eating dirt.

In fact, there was a point in that fight I was the only one not downed and had to tank lupi while picking people up. I dare anyone in zerker to do that.

Patch will again hurt players for Exploring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

When i saw the hype about this blog posts, i was hyped because “finally, maybe it’s this time PvE will get changes to help fix the many issues we face right now”.

Oh lord, we were wrong.

When i saw the “No More Repair Costs” i did not understood, i mean:
- They remove the punishment to players when they die.
- Yet they still punish their players with Mad Waypoint costs when we try to help our friends/guildies with their new chars/stories/quests/events….

One minor but major change they could make is a 50% discount waypoint cost to areas we already 100%, so we do not need to think twice when a friend is asking for help in a area where it’s costing up to 4 silver to travel to.

Maybe, on the last posts of friendly play we can see some light at the end of the tunnel.

They already have ways of discounting waypoints. It’s called guild research. Oh, wait, I could waypoint a thousand times or so before it’s even worth getting that upgrade.

Also, if you’re that concerned over 5 silver because you’re going from Cursed Shore to Iron Marches to help a friend, then obviously you arent a friend to that person.

Here’s the solution: when you waypoint, kill crap for some blues, make back the money. Viola. It seriously is not that big of an issue to waypoint anywhere.

Feedback: Event loot nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

A lot of people are still fixated on the fact that this change likely effects only the CASH from events and champs. They arent affecting the loot. So… who the hell runs champs for the silver or three from each champ when the loot bags are worth far more because of the other things they contain.

As you may have realised by reading the title, we’re talking about event rewards, not championbags.

That still doesnt negate my point. So I’ll make it again: who runs champs for the pittance they get from them? I certainly dont. I run them for the karma, experience, and the materials found within the loot bag.

Feedback: Event loot nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

A lot of people are still fixated on the fact that this change likely effects only the CASH from events and champs. They arent affecting the loot. So… who the hell runs champs for the silver or three from each champ when the loot bags are worth far more because of the other things they contain.

Again, ANet built up too much hype...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

But Anet fed the hype by releasing the blogs they way they have. If they didn’t want people to speculate, why release them over a week and a half, and give us vague titles at the start? I think it’s somewhat fair to say it’s not fair to blame anet for not giving us our wildest dreams, but I think the blame is mostly on anet for letting us run rampant with out expectations. It’s their job to temper our expectations so that we don’t get disappointed when the truth comes out.

No, it’s their job to do what their job is. And that isnt keeping players in check. Besides, ANYONE who’s played MMOs for a good length of time know that devs and publishers face a kitten ed if you do and kitten ed if you dont scenario. Players kitten when there’s no announcements. Players kitten when there’s announcements. Players kitten when announcements dont live up to their self-deluded expectations. Players kitten when the game company says the announcement is for this and that instead of some unrealistic fantasy concocted by players.

See the common point? It’s entirely unreasonable to think that anet is going to willingly walk into more flak than they have to as a result of ill-mannered players with a disgustingly sense of ego and entitlement.

DirectX 11 any News?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

The reason for no 64bit was because the game would be rendered incompatible with 32bit systems, namely winxp and the idiot versions of vista and now win7 and win8.

Feedback: Event loot nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

No but you don’t get it man, they are getting rid of this gold sink that literally no one has ever complained about, so they have to make up for it, don’t you see?

Nerfing champion loot is definitely the right way to do this. /s

p.s. dungeon bosses drop champ loot too – this is also a dungeon nerf

Yes. Because nerfing something people DONT run champs and dungeons for, is really a nerf. I say this because I never see champ bags give out actual money. It’s not because I’m not watching the screen scroll of loot, but because it’s such a PITIFUL AMOUNT of money, I dont even pay attention to it. Nerfing something that inconsequential isnt a nerf. It’s a waste of our time to be informed about it.

Suggestion: Trait Reset-more toxic behavior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Reminds me… seeing as traits will be unlockable being told to change your traits in a dungeon may result in further embarassment if you’ve not unlocked the trait

Only for brand new characters. All existing characters will have their respective traits unlocked already.

Suggestion: Trait Reset-more toxic behavior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

What are you talking about?

First off, don’t join those groups of players who ask you to change traits. If you are excluded from a group, make your own and have fun playing the way YOU want, with like-minded individuals.

Secondly, making it only work in major cities partially defeats the purpose of making it doable anywhere in the world since you would have to go to a place that the trainers were in in the first place. The only thing that would change at that point is the small cost associated with the reset would go away. This also would not stop people from “forcing” you to go to a major city to change stats to play with them.

Lastly, I still don’t understand why people like you simply cannot live with being excluded from some groups even when it’s just as easy to make your own group and let others play the way THEY want.

Don’t worry – I don’t plan to join a group of people like that. It’s not myself I am concerned about (I am happy to ignore those kinds of people), it’s the effect on the community that my concerns lie.

But I know my ‘solution’ is hardly solid (just a minor inconvenience if that) – but if anyone has any other suggestions then that would be great.

What effect on the community?

It can help foster elitist tendencies. It’s why we don’t have an inspect feature. I don’t think itd have much of an effect in that regard though.

It wont. There’s no way to share what traits you’ve got other than you informing them. If they demand xyz traits, fiddle around for 5 minutes, and tell them you changed your stats when you really didnt. Most of the time they wouldnt even be able to tell. A large majority of people just dont care about changing their stats. If you dont like the fact I run 30/25/0/5/10 on my ele, go trip on a pile of crap and land face first into a puddle of chunky vomit. I’ll change it when I kitten well want to.

Just something for the devs to consider

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Epic Fail.
What constitutes a 3rd party app? Teamspeak? Guess all the major guilds get hit. Overwolf? Guess a large part of all the major guilds get hit. Gamepad software to game with something other than M/KB? Guess all of those people get hit too. Oh, people who use gaming mice with software for keybindings? Guess they’re sent there too. Ventrilo? Same people affected by teamspeak. Fraps, xfire, livestream, any other number of apps? This would affect them too.

Anet has better things to do that screen every app out there to say what is and isnt fine.