Click the down arrow next to the word Main in the chat window, deselect emotes. Inelegant solution, but I absolute abhor the stupid emote spam so I simply disable the ability for them to display in my chat screen.
As a WvWer, I would pay a hefty premium for access to a gem item like this. So sick of crafting the eight professions to 400 which will only net you 56 levels and costs a great deal of money and time. I don’t see the downside to it—once someone already has an 80 that he or she leveled normally, it would save so much effort just to buy an item and be able to hop in WvW ready to go.
There is a large WvW population that I’m sure would be happy to buy something like this. What do other people think?
Or we can use the gw1 system where you create a character who’s sole purpose is pvp. They dont gain loot, they cant harvest, they dont gain levels, and the only thing they can gain is wvw exp/ranks. Oh, and you cant leave wvw with this character.
Of all the things that has been thrown at them, THIS is the challenge that TTS can’t meet? Doing something built for a normal guild?
No disrespect guys, but… that’s actually funny. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll find a way around the problem.
Not one of the TTS guilds has research done. They operate on the policy of if the whole guild is not going to benefit, it is better to not have it. That means each of the 12 guilds is going to have to pick a server that the majority of it’s members are on, or shift players around to a guild that’s a majority of their players on a single server, and do the research. Here’s the stickler, it’s going to take 760g for each guild to buy influence for the prereq research. Midway, they’re going to be forced into missions to build up influence which will cost a few more golds worth of influence. Then the research is going to take an estimated 2 months. And that’s not even covering what the cost for the world boss research is going to be.
That’s… wow. Okay, suddenly not funny, even to me. I had no idea it would take that much to get to that point. I mean, sweet zombie Jesus, that’s just nuts! Worse, if you DO go through the cost and effort, later they plan to merge all the cross-server stuff on guilds, right? So, a lot of the expense and effort may be wasted at that point?
I’m sure ANet will be just as flexible on this as they have been on the town clothes issue for us RPers. Why? Because none of these changes are really for us, they’re for the China market and potential new players. The Megaserver isn’t really all about making zones feel full for us, it’s about minimizing the amount of server power needed to deal with the larger groups of players they’re hoping to get in China. Heck, if the game does really well in China, they’ll be a success even if every person playing today quits and never returns.
For what it’s worth, I wish you guys luck.
Yep. This is why TTS personally is so adamant about this “Schedule” getting some changes. Another post of mine in this thread details what the possible cost of even maintaining the current run count TTS has would be. It basically comes out to 6k merits and 6k gold per month, assuming a 25 merit/25k influence cost for the consumable. Since each guild can only accumulate 110 influence max per week, they cant even meet the 509 merits per month required. It’s also rather unreasonable to request that each member donate an average of 1 gold a month in order to maintain that upkeep.
TTS would be forced to drop over 9k gold to pay for the research, and then 6100 gold per month to maintain the amount of runs we run now. It’s pretty revolting to think that Anet’s thinking such costs are reasonable for ANY community wanting to run teq outside of the “prime time” BS.
One thing I do wonder about is, will I ever be able to do events like the shaman at the Frozen Maw with just a tiny handful of people (fun!), which sometimes happens when I’m playing at off-peak hours? Or will every run of such events always have a huge zerg going on in the future, because I’ll be in the same instance as everyone all over the continent that’s still online at those ungodly hours, instead of just the guys on my server? If the latter, I might as well quit the game. I can’t stand zerg play.
Maw is scheduled for every two hours. Right now it’s every 1 to 2 hours. 1 hour until the window and then starting anytime within the 1 hour window. So not all that different. I rarely seen Maw go off early in the window. I have seen it go off with only 1 minute left to the window but usually it’s less than 15 minutes left.
Sometimes people arent actively going for the meta bosses. Even TTS only does meta bosses after their raids as they’ve got enough numbers to be able to do ALL the meta bosses available at that moment, sweep through one or all of the temples, and hit the bosses that become available during that time.
Honestly, they should do a fixed timer for the events so that the megaserver construct doesnt fall apart, but by no means should they do these events in the schedule they dictated.
No. For starters this screws with EVERY rune set that does a zero-point AoE effect when you get hit, and any sigils that have on-hit and on-crit damage/condition effects. It also screws with traits that provide zero-point AoE effects (the ele’s on-dodge one for example). It also completely disregards the cases where if something’s right on top of you, you cant use aoes. Nor does it bode well for classes who’s AA is an aoe attack.
Underwater combat is in need of a lot of work for certain.
I will quote myself from five monthes ago:
The TTS will be futile as soon as the encounter is fixed.
All I see is the people participating in TTS in fear of losing their only reason to exist and argue against fixing the encounter, sorry.As said before, one-trick-pony guilds exist for a failure in the system, something that can only work because they exist.
Tequatl is a failure in the system. It is an encounter so deserted, that you need to gather people from all servers of a region to do it on overflow.It can not be intended, to destroy your own content, ANet knows that. TTS will be robbed it’s only purpose to exist, and people will leave as there is no necessity for a band-aid guild, as soon as we get a workable Tequatl.
I have faith in ANet, I even have enough faith to check the patch notes next tuesday and see some first steps into the right direction.
Your guild exists for one purpose, and so, as this purpose will be gone, your guild won’t work anymore, at least in the way it did.
I thought this was obvious in the first place. This is not a new discussion, it is just the expected result.
Neither of these changes remove the need for guilds like TTS. If you cant see that, there’s no point in a discussion.
It is a unique experience, but it’s also infuriating because elementalist appearently sucks in water.
You could say that I suck, but I can’t really imagine what I’m doing wrong, using every tool at my disposal, restricting enemy movement, activating combos, kiting, using obstacles to avoid some attacks and get enemies close together…
Elementalists underwater are generally meant to be really close to enemies. Earth sucks like usual and does little damage in exchange for condi, while water attunement works well for both close and far range.
It honestly looks like it depends on how the LS goes. We went to Orr to kill one elder dragon, and regularly fight against the champions of 2 other elder dragons. And now a 4th elder dragon is waking up. How have we not gone up into the northern shiverpeaks and killed jormag, or down in the crystal desert and finished off kralkatorrik (for christ sake a group of 6 people nearly took the kitten down once)?
Because wubwub isnt the only content in the game
This thread is not just about TTS, something a few people are overlooking. Of course TTS can adapt to the changes as they are now, the real question is will the community interactions built by TTS survive? As stated before, TTS runs teq during the NA “time slot” 3 times officially, with 2-3 more runs sprinkled around the other hours of a 24 period. So for the sake of argument, we’ll say 12 teq runs a day to account for overflows. 1/3rd of those will still be “prime time” spawns after this schedule. That leaves 8 spawns that would need to be covered by consumables. A day.
Assuming the ultimate worst case scenario, TTS would have 2 months before the first guild would be able to research the consumable. That’s 61 days of TTS having to rely on other guilds to cover these spawns. 488 Consumables used in that time. Assuming each consumable requires 25 merits and 25,000 influence, that comes out to a total of 12,200 guild merits and 12,200,000 influence. That’s 111 weeks of complete guild missions (without considering the merit cost to start those missions either), and 24,400 gold.
That’s a pretty gross cost just to maintain what TTS does now being pushed onto the other guilds. Once TTS has that research, that cost is going to fall squarely on their members. Imagine what the cost would be if TTS tried to add even 2 runs a day to that count?
they will give you a refund if you ask nicely on support, but alas, you had to be a complete kitty and post a whole thread on the general discussion forums, DEMANDING A REFUND, like an entitled little whiny kid
Perhaps it would have been a better idea if the OP had asked if anet was providing refunds due to the wardrobe.
I don’t think cantha is possible anymore since they agreed to sync the game between US/EU and China. It would be highly illegal to bring cantha to China so I doubt they will waste development time on something that only a small part of their customer base would ever get.
Easy, the chinese release of guild wars 2 would simply never have that content brought to them. A single, and relatively brand new, region is not a good reason to completely scrap a good portion of potential content releases. Besides, it would not be the first time a game has introduced content that was either exclusive to one region or excluded FROM one region.
Communicate with other guilds that DO accrue influence and merits to coordinate with TTS to do 8pm Teq raids. There are likely many guilds that would want to kill Teq at the previous time, but don’t have the numbers to do so. TTS can act as a mercenary force to help those guilds complete those raids. Get organized and summon each other to cross the gaps between worlds and engage in jolly co-operation! Then we can all be grossly incandescent Sunbringers!
TTS already does this. Why do you think they guest to a different server (excluding the “ultra full” servers, BG, JQ, and TC) every day? TTS runs teq at 3pm, 5pm, and 11pm right now. Want to kill teq at one of those times, but dont have the numbers, or not sure how? Poke at the leaders on at that time and let them know. There have been days where TTS has run teq not just on the guest server’s MAIN map, but on three overflows at the same time.
You have the numbers and the willingness to follow what the commanders say? TTS will bring the core teams and leaders necessary and teq’s going down. It’s that simple. In fact, I dont think the leaders would have ANY problem with doing a teq kill outside of the guild’s “official” schedule if there’s enough TTS players active at that particular time to fill out the core teams.
This is not the case very often with wurm because it’s already a hard fight if it has 150 TTS members there. I’m pretty confident when TTS is able to kill wurm with as few as 100 people, they’ll be more willing to open up the raids to “public” access.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
That system was put in place to solve this problem, of guilds and groups that can’t play at certain hours.
Then why in the name of sanity are they changing the system in the first place? Teq and wurm spawn EVERY two hours like clockwork. If you miss one, you wait 90 minutes and catch the next one. This change anet’s going to try rolling out takes the ability for anyone to get on at nearly any time of day and do these bosses and throws it into a blender, then sets it on fire before putting it out by urinating on it. Because that’s basically what anet’s doing by making the world bosses shift to this schedule, STILL not fix issues with guilds, and give guilds the ability to spawn the world bosses (mostly) when they want.
I’m sorry but you are not willing to adapt to the new times nor are you willing to put in the extra effort of 1 hour of running missions each week. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Allow me to requote some numbers for you:
380,000 influence.
260 merits.
760 gold.
12 guilds.
24 servers.
The guild research is going to be a hellish nightmare for TTS to do in a single guild, god forbid 12. Additionally, it’s going to take roughly 250g just to reach the FIRST upgrade that can begin to earn merits. Compounded by the fact that only players on the server the research has been done on can see, or even activate the guild missions.
Have each member pitch in 50s. Say half of all your community actually donates that, you have more than enough to pay for a crapton of influence for 2 guilds.
How about TTS asks each server to contribute a world boss spawn consumable in exchange for TTS helping them with the public spawn of the boss? Both are undesirable solutions to a symptom, not what’s actually broken.
Well… most of the times people would just start arguing in the map chat and those who were farming bags would just ignore the event, so we were forced to just focus on the red knight to try to get at least some power cores. I know, they’re not forced to partecipate… but this usually caused the failure of the event for the rest of the players.
This is the exact reason guilds like TTS use overflows to fight wurm. The players that dont want to participate in the event arent actively working against the event, but they’re still working against the event nonetheless. The primary difference with the megaserver, is that instead of 5-10 afk somewhere, it’s going to be 40-50 or more. For anyone who’s been at a wurm event, you know that the wurm heads cannot be fought with less than 30 players at each head. Ideally you want more than 40 players at each head to allow for unforeseen problems. The Amber and Cobalt heads both require a minimum of 20 players working to remove the invulnerability mechanic. Crimson can have fewer people, but ideally crimson should be the one wurm head that is able to give the other two the extra time they need. Add to that the need for teams to manage the wurm heads spitting out eggs (which can be reflected back, so guardians and eles), and the digested husks which require teams able to inflict condi damage to deal with them. That’s another 10 players at each head.
And that’s not even getting into the bad design of the environment around the events either. The cobalt head has open water on one side, and if it charges into the water in phase 2, the event is over because the wurm goes invulnerable as a result of leashing.
Any “elitism” people see regarding the wurm isnt because guilds like TTS are elitist, it’s because that’s what the event being done requires.
I dont believe you could get double rewards in the first place.
They’re more likely to go North Shiverpeaks or Crystal Desert next for an expansion, simply because we already have them on the current map.
More likely Maguuma expansion than either of those now. Kinda weird if Anet’s going to tacitly admit Mordremoth is one of the Elder Dragons, and happens to have just been awoken by a salad with a case of nuts larger than a giant squirrel, and suddenly do a 180 on the next LS season.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
You know what would really help here? The ability for one guild to gift merits (and perhaps influence) to another: that way the multitude of main guilds that people represent can gift the somewhat useless merits to guilds like TTS that would actually use them.
It really would be nice if guilds could outsource research to other guilds, not just a nameless asuran krewe.
Unfortunately, the problem guilds like TTS experience are not problems they experience because of their size and policies. It’s problems caused by the craptastic Guild management system anet put in. These exist in guilds with as few as TWO people, or conglomerate guilds consisting of 200000 people. The larger the guild, the BIGGER these problems become. All people are able to suggest are “solutions” that merely address symptoms.
A guild will not change it’s policy on upgrades just to solve a symptom. Anet needs to fix the guild system so that such a policy is not necessary. You know, get rid of the guild chapter crap and have a single influence pool.
Fix what’s broken, not the symptoms.
Bully people? No. You create a Guild or Guilds that focus on World Events, PvE etc. etc. and make it a nice community for everyone and whoever wants to join, joins, who doesn’t, doesn’t.
You basically just defined what TTS IS. The only difference is TTS doesnt require others to rep the guild outside of raids unless you want to.
Some people have dual legendaries. Like two incinerators, but with this new update you can have multiple skins of the same weapon. So, will all those people with dual legendaries get 1 free legendary to compensate? It’s like 1 of their legendaries just disappeared. People that have for example Eternity, get both Twilight and Sunrise, but dual wielders don’t get anything like that.
By playing an MMO you acknowledge that things can change without notice, and forfeit any right to compensation outside what the managing company chooses to give out.
The reason people with Eternity get both sub-weapons is because it’s a case of “if they have this, it’s because they had the weapons to make it.”
Is TSS not a huge guild? Why is it out of your reach to get those boss spawn thingies? Please do explain that to me. If anything that specific change should make it even easier for a huge guild to do World Events as they can do them at will.
The answer lies in this very thread, a few post up from yours. Try reading Daemon’s post.
So basically because this is TTS’ problem and therefore everyone else’s too. Aaaalllllrighty then.
TTS is comprised of not hundreds, but thousands of people across every NA server. There are 11 full guilds with 500 people in each. I’d say that means we’re talking about 5500 players, not just one small guild.
12 guilds. And this problem has more implications than people are willing to see. That’s six thousand people who are members of OTHER guilds. Those other guilds have anywhere from 10-500 people. That means TTS is running content that is open to 60,000 to (accounting for some guild duplication) 500,000 people.
Of all the things that has been thrown at them, THIS is the challenge that TTS can’t meet? Doing something built for a normal guild?
No disrespect guys, but… that’s actually funny. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll find a way around the problem.
Not one of the TTS guilds has research done. They operate on the policy of if the whole guild is not going to benefit, it is better to not have it. That means each of the 12 guilds is going to have to pick a server that the majority of it’s members are on, or shift players around to a guild that’s a majority of their players on a single server, and do the research. Here’s the stickler, it’s going to take 760g for each guild to buy influence for the prereq research. Midway, they’re going to be forced into missions to build up influence which will cost a few more golds worth of influence. Then the research is going to take an estimated 2 months. And that’s not even covering what the cost for the world boss research is going to be.
Why not just ask guilds to donate their spawns?
TTS runs teq on the NA zone 4 times a day. At BEST, one of those would be a server’s “public” pop. The others wouldnt. That’s 3 spawn consumables a day. 21 a week, over 90 a month. It’s unlikely even TTS can manage to accumulate that many consumables if they had all 12 guilds churning out the items. What makes you think other guilds can?
To top it off, those other guilds are going to demand room for their members at runs. While it’s not necessarily a problem by itself, but do you want to be the leader that has to pick and choose which 20-40 people (maybe more) cant attend the run because the guild spawning it is “selling” it in exchange for their members to be there?
If a boss spawns on it’s own 3 times a day, that does nothing to make it accessible to more players. A megaserver system doesnt magically transport players 2-7 hours into the future to be at the next spawn. This combination makes the content even more exclusive than it already is. Teq spawning every 2 hours is about as accessible as it can get. Increase it to 4 hours, or 5 hours for a rotating cycle, and you suddenly allow guilds to be able to pop private spawns when they want one, and make public spawns still occur often enough other players can get together when they’re on.
They will open the encounter to thousands of players who have been unable to do the event on low population servers unless they joined a one-trick-pony guild.
You can manually start the event now, so adapt your schedule a bit and you will be fine.“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
^ That.
I’ve never heard of TTS, but again I’m from Desolation ( EU ), which happens to be the biggest server in the world, so whenever there’s need, people just gather and do anything together – just like in the case of the first 3H Wurm kill in the world.
Reschedule it and you will be fine.
TTS runs teq at 3pm, 5pm, and 11pm just for NA members. There are 2 runs done in the “mornings” for OCE members. We cant reschedule anything when a lot of players work OR attend college. When you fix the time at a specific hour, one that tells a lot of players “suck it” because they cant reach it, there’s a problem. At 6k members strong, that’s a lot of people to tell “we’re sorry, we’re no longer running this content because the times Anet set for it excludes the large majority of the guild.”
The way it seems, is that a LOT of people would rather see the downfall of guilds like TTS and TxS instead of changing this “schedule” so that players not even in those guilds have a chance to reach those builds. Are you people that against cutting the schedule to a 4 hour rotation instead of the disgusting 8 hours? The “mega bosses” are already on a 2 hour loop to begin with. Hell, changing it to a 5 hour loop means it’s going to be different times each day.
If I might add,
OP if you were getting celestial for the damage I must inform you that celestial is getting a significant damage nerf in next update coming April 15th.
You might want o cut your losses and opt for another set of gear that’s easier to obtain…celestial is getting a 6% buff, not getting nerfed. and only part that would be even effected by the nerf is the crit damage which is being changed to ferocity, that is effected by the 6% buff. it should be at or better then where it is now… dfently better off then everything else with crit damage
That “6%” buff amounts to a boost of a full set of roughly +20 points. Yes you’ll have more stats, but stats that are still subpar compared to tri-stat sets everyone else uses.
TTS is not a server based guild we are WORLD based.
My server is multi server. We decide on a server to guest on to do guild missions.
TTS has members from all 24 NA servers. This is the case for basically all 12 guilds. Anet has made the system for guilds deny and continue to deny such large guilds easy upgrades. You’re also glossing over that TTS only asks you to rep the guild if you’re at one of their raids, which you might be at once a week/month.
Then that’s the option you use for reporting them. If anet’s going to give you trouble for it, tell them to give the option to report them for harassment, which does unfortunately take more forms than chat.
From the looks of it, there’s a total of 30 total pages combined of feedback anet needs to go through to find what the relevant concerns are (and should be addressed), and what’s fluff from people who complain for the sake of complaining (and can be safely ignored).
Then they need to figure out how to address the concerns. Which is another can of wurms entirely.
With the amount of money you can make off crafting, 40-50s is a pittance. Once I realized the digital upgrade was half off as well, I churned out 95 gold in about 5 minutes with the crap I had lying around. I only used 2 professions too.
If you can see them in chat, they arent on your block list then, are they?
As for everything else, report them for harassment and ask for other players to do the same. Eventually he’s going to grow up or get thrown out of the game.
Answer these questions first
-how do you define ‘rich’
-how can the game define rich so that it can be properly coded
-how do you expect to close all the loopholes while also making sure the game is not changed significantly?Furthermore, what could ANet even do to stop me from having multiple accounts to circumvent such ‘rich’ specifiers?
Or from investing in a GW2 equivalent of gold bullion, like ectos? If the game impacted me based on how much gold I had, there’s definitely nothing stopping me from buying a stack or three of ectos to “hide” my real cash supply.
You severely misunderstand how the megaserver is working then.
And if a player absolutely refuses to cooperate in the smallest means necessary with a run, or has no interest in joining the run to see new content, dead weight is teh most accurate title to slap on them. They’re taking up zone spaces that would otherwise be better used by someone who wanted to participate in the event.
Now, if they’re going to insist on having large guilds deal with bloodtide coast having 20-30 players worth of dead weight wandering the map, they need to increase the capacity of that zone by 50-100 players or drastically tone back how difficult those fights are.
Until the 15th comes around, large guilds are going to be assuming the worst out of necessity. Once it does, they’re going to have a chance to actually test this new system. And believe me, it’s going to be fun watching anet scramble fixes for server stability if guilds like TTS decide to camp maps like weeniedale and poke at the system until it snaps.
Heck i can’t even do my 60 monthly champions it seems.
Weeniedale. Or some dungeons. I did the first leveling up another character instead of using my main.
All that this means is that you will have to change your tatics depending on how many are actually doing the event.
If you’ve actually done any of the content this pertains to, you’d not be saying this. The three-headed wurm requires the coordination of a full map to succeed. Not a majority, not a handful, not everyone but the 20-30 who ignore you in map chat. EVERYONE. If you refuse to participate in the event because you’re doing something else, unwilling to leave the map for a little bit (this is the reason a lot of big guilds Force an overflow for wurm), unwilling to use the provided/offered means to communicate (teamspeak/ventrilo), or unwilling to do anything else to provide some measure of assistance to the raid, you’re one thing. Dead. Weight. You’re contributing absolutely nothing useful to the event’s success, and everything to the event’s failure.
Wurm is far harder than Teq is, and a direct result of that is that it requires a hardcapped server where EVERYONE there is there for one purpose: killing the wurm.
The thing is though you should not be able to claim an overflow just for yourself. To me that is just an exploit. The issue is the scaling and difficulty of the events that anyone can join if the want. That is something Anet must do. But making it raid content that is instanced should never be added since that is the reason a lot of people came to GW2 because it did not have raids.
Taking advantage of how the overflow system works isnt even an exploit. It’s using the tools available to you to deal with some of the bad game designing Anet has done.
The wurm itself is just a bad boss in my view. It’s also the only one that’s truly a “raid” size boss (teq you can do with no more than 100 disorganized people). It’s also the most unforgiving boss if people are gallivanting around like a mindless drone. And this is just made worse when it requires you have an entire map dedicated to just that event. No other event is that harsh, not even Teq. So instead of calling guilds like TTS “elitist” (a word far far too many of you throw around like it’s pocket change), realize that it’s the event itself that’s elitist. You cant half-kitten wurm like you can a boss such as Jormag. You try, and you’ll get handed back the tiny pieces of said kitten .
Champ trains are probably the single largest source of raw materials on the trade post. Guess what’s driving the cost of the materials you buy when crafting? Yep, you guessed it, the champ train.
as for a high lvl helping a lower lvl, go to his low lvl zone,buy white armor and weapons from the armor/weapon npc and replace your exotics with it.
Would you like me to zero out my traits and unequip skill slots they would not have open while I’m at it? Do you even see how unreasonable that request is?
And removing event trackers doesnt fix the non-existent problem either. New players aremore likely to be looking up their skills on the wiki than they are looking up a website they have no idea exists for a boss that they have no idea exists.
Oh, and I’m not going to “ask” for anything like that, I have no problem with it just like so many other players do.
All that this means is that you will have to change your tatics depending on how many are actually doing the event.
If you’ve actually done any of the content this pertains to, you’d not be saying this. The three-headed wurm requires the coordination of a full map to succeed. Not a majority, not a handful, not everyone but the 20-30 who ignore you in map chat. EVERYONE. If you refuse to participate in the event because you’re doing something else, unwilling to leave the map for a little bit (this is the reason a lot of big guilds Force an overflow for wurm), unwilling to use the provided/offered means to communicate (teamspeak/ventrilo), or unwilling to do anything else to provide some measure of assistance to the raid, you’re one thing. Dead. Weight. You’re contributing absolutely nothing useful to the event’s success, and everything to the event’s failure.
Wurm is far harder than Teq is, and a direct result of that is that it requires a hardcapped server where EVERYONE there is there for one purpose: killing the wurm.
It’s doubtful. Once they’re on your block list, you essentially remove ANY potential method they have of griefing you.
The coin from champ bags is a big reason why ecto costs 38 silver today instead of 20 silver.
Anet has a good idea of how much gold they are taking out of the economy with the changes. I’m inclined to support them here.
Plus the waypoint changes essentially double your expenses on a death.
Not charging for armor repairs in WvW is a good change.
I would blame
ascendedexotic crafting for that.
5 to 10 ectos per craft with exotics. As little as 2 ectos for ascended.
And then they turn around and offer that same info via API so it’s just a kick in the teeth to all the players without a second monitor.
Overwolf has an ingame overlay that you can install “widgets” or whatever onto. Quite a few of them happen to be GW2 event timers. The one I have I like faaaaaaaaaaaar more than as it explicitly tells you what steps remain and the events inside those steps.
This change ONLY affects waypoints which can be contested, such as settlements in Southsun, or the beach teq spawns at in Sparkfly Fen. Keep in mind this is also likely intended to fix issues caused by overflow maps, which show contested waypoints as being open. Let me tell you something, waypointing into shank anchorage, before it’s actually taken, into a massive blob of risen is not a fun experience.
Save silver, lose gold!
No repair cost + less loot for those who win = reward for failure!!
It’s a bad sign when a game starts to reward failure.
It’s a bad sign when players aren’t correctly reading the blogs. Let me ask you, do you ever notice when a champ bag drops money? I’m not talking about the EQUIPMENT OR RESOURCES that comes out of the bag, but the money. You know, cash, moolah, greenbacks, copper, silver, golds, MMMMMMMOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY, whatever you want to call it.
No? Then why would you begin to notice a marginal drop in something that was so inconsequential, you never noticed it unless someone mentioned it?
Out of curiosity, I went and soloed a champ event for the hell of it. 98 copper from completing the event itself. Nothing to write home about, it covers some of the waypoint cost. Opened the exotic chest it dropped, I get a little more than 2.5 silver. Total amount of roughly 3.5 silver. Per champion in a 1-15 area. Out of the chest, I happened to drop an item worth 40s. Now, compared to the actual cash drop, which I wont miss even if they removed it entirely, the value of the items themselves are going to be much higher.
Perceived flaws. Perceived flaws based directly on little information and the fact you’re looking at something on paper instead of actually seeing how the system works “in person.”
This was a stealth nerf recently. I never had a problem solo’ing during the temple runs before the last patch…now suddenly I was getting absolutely no loot from champions at the temple…Myself and several others were all talking about it in map chat and so we decided to party up and see what happened, instantly we all recieved loot bags from the next champion. I left the party briefly and killed another champ and got nothing. At least for temple runs, you do have to be in a party now…it had nothing to do with damage since I was running full ascended zerker and doing tons of damage.
It does have to do with damage. It requires a certain threshold before you can get loot. Parties lower that threshold directly in a “X people in party means Ythreshold/X to get loot” method or indirectly in a “X people in party working towards Ythreshold” method.
Plus, if you’re doing temple events, you WANT to be in a party because it means the one or three hits you get on a mob yourself means you might actually get loot off it when you’ve got 20-130 people there.
It has been quite a while since the last free trial offer and I have a couple of friends willing to try GW2 out but as much as I try to pursuade them into buying a copy, there really is nothing I can say against them wanting to try it out first, as I myself follow the “try it first” attitude.
If anything I think this is an ideal time to have a free trial set up, taking into account the amazing upcoming feature patch and the 50% off promotion, but no info has been realeased about anything of the sort.
Has something been said that Im not aware of?
$25 nets you 1 or 2 months subscription to other games. If they get bored before then, then all I can say is that for the foreseeable future, they’ll STILL be able to come back at some later point in time to see if the game’s more interesting for them. Not many mmos have that option.
The problem with the algorithm?
Not all RPers are on RP servers. (They just guest)
Not all RPers are in RP guilds.
Not all people add Rpers to friends lists.New players are going to struggle to get INTO the RP scene.
Until Anet says otherwise, I’m simply going to continue to reiterate the fact GUESTING STILL WORKS and the vast majority of baseless complaints are just that, baseless complaints. Try to hold in the panic when you’ve only been handed what amounts to a ToC. Panic after you get all the information.
Enough of the complains, enough of the crying, move on guys. It’s time to head to the phase where you realize it’s time to start hammering out ideas for solutions based on the severely limited information available. In fact, why not expand on the very idea I brought up? Yes, people RP in cities. No there isnt always enough room. To my knowledge, there’s a handful of low-capacity instances in each city. Think about that for a moment, you’ve got precedence for extra zones in a city due to those areas (one of which is the home instance), and precedence for zones being able to hold a large number of people (you’re probably standing in one reading this thread). There’s plenty of other ideas along this vein waiting for people to bring up. I shouldnt be the only one doing so. I’m one of the last people that one benefit one way or another.
I’ve never seen loot depend on whether you were partied up or not; I think that’s a complete myth. At any rate, I’d like to see sombody do a real test.
And I’ve gotten loot out of thin air before. No, I’m not trolling. Yes, others have done the same thing. If you’ve ever done the Melandru temple event chain, you probably know exactly what that gilded coffer comes from