Think about it though, what else has the ability to take down a dragon, besides another dragon? You’re also forgetting Glint’s egg. You know, the one pooped out BY a dragon?
sorry but its NOT fair!
Welcome to Life and MMOs. It’s not always going to be fair because players will generally have a seriously narrow perspective on this. Much like all you wvw players whining about this change.
I am with the above posters that would rather suffer some form of torture before spending any amount of time doing fractals.
Isnt that what you guys consider fractals? You know, torture.
Living World Update:
There are plenty of mastery points in HOT. Where mastery point are needed desperately is PACT!
Not really, you just need to do more content in core tyria that grants points.
More to the point…
Why didn’t you give me back the actual VALUE (in Laurels) of the infusions you took out of my amulets across all characters!?
Now I have a bunch of infusions that I bought for Laurels that I no longer need, and I have to spend more Laurels to fill the new Enrichment slots.
The old utility infusions are AUTOMATICALLY turned into enrichments.
Max AR Fractal players got kittened.
Compensate the players for their loses.
……You REALLY did not read the patch notes did you? Agony infusions can now go into ANY SLOT. No need to compensate people when they gave people the ability to “fix” it along with the kittening patch.
This right here folks is a classic case of someone who needs to RTFPN.
You have issues with airship oil. I dont. I have issues with all that aurillium kitten from AB, and the leyline sparks from TD. Honestly, either get a collection expander, or just do what everyone else does: trash the stack in your collections when it gets full.
RNG is still going strong, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a named exotic.
That might also help the TT population).
Hardly. The only way to fix that is to have the event start giving out loot commensurate to what effort is required to actually complete the event. I mean, look how easy teq is, and the gobs of loot you get out of that.
The effort to complete it is very low. The problem is the setup time is too obnoxious for most people to bother. Most maps I’ve seen take an hour to set up for a 20 minute meta. There’s only so much wood you can farm while waiting for the meta to actually start.
It’s hardly low effort. If you think it’s really low effort, go lead a full map on a successful kill without explaining much.
The other major issue is that the game side of the chat bits only expects interaction from the game client; I’m not sure what the game will do when it sees your own guild chats sent to your game client from your phone.
Lemmie get all the easy stuff out of the way first, then I’ll work on chat and character portraits and stuff ;__;
Too bad they cant make what amounts a gutted client for iOS and Android that’s basically just the client wrappings and guild/chat interface. That might get around the problems quite nicely.
Rather hard to believe someone who started 3 weeks ago can accomplish that much without being an alt account. Would explain why what amounts to a scrub managed to get into raids that are probably beyond their masteries.
So, yea, it’s a verbose “give me dps meter” thread that can be merged with all the others already made. Then we can promptly forget about it.
That might also help the TT population).
Hardly. The only way to fix that is to have the event start giving out loot commensurate to what effort is required to actually complete the event. I mean, look how easy teq is, and the gobs of loot you get out of that.
A PTS is worse than you think for other ideas Ranael. People never test the new content for bugs or glitches like they should. They test it to see how to make their characters better, or seek out ways that the upcoming patch will effect the economy and then take steps to capitalize on it. Remember when they changed the insignia requirements to include leather? Imagine if someone noticed that because of a PTS and successfully bought out the entire supply, or a good 10-20 thousand pieces of t6 leather on the market? The amount of money they’d make off that action is astronomical.
According to GW2E, there’s roughly 2.5 thousand weapon skins available in the game. Assuming there’s a SINGLE dye channel for the entire weapon (like if you’re simply adding a hue/shade to it), that’s 2500*500 variations. That’s 1,250,000 different versions Anet needs to make sure work. Full dye channels? 5,000,000 variations. Just for the current dyes available.
wFS for GW2 provides the lack of non-active space of actual Full Screen, but lacks the border of windowed mode. It’s basically a fullscreen-sized borderless window. There’s no stuttering or anything when you tab out. If you do have such, it’s probably a result of system performance.
ArenaNet please consider supporting PokemonGO for GW2 so we can explore Tyria and find Pokemon while exploring and doing Jumping Puzzles and such!
It would be nice to catch a Charizard in the Citidal of Flame dungeon.Thank you! <3
No. Anet’s not going to advertise another game they do not own, in a game they DO own.
Pretty sure it’s been stated by Anet devs that legendaries arent going to be a tier above everything else. They’re going to remain forevermore BiS WITH ascended weapons.
Given the complaints that push you away last time, I dont advise that you waste your time coming back if you still have those feelings.
Brazillian/Portuguese is not a supported language, and in order for that to be so, it’s going to take a LOT of money for anet to do it.
Nah. I’d only see something like this if you had an active CC effect on the mob, and/or were the one who applied that last bit of Hard CC, and it actually DID interrupt the boss. Merely depleting the breakbar while the boss wasnt doing anything doesnt merit the same result as truly interrupting them.
It’s less about what it’s used for, and more about how it fits into the theme of the class. Guardians are the frontline “last to leave” fighters. Makes sense for the skill.
No guarantees of sales even if they did program in support for VR. And that’s YEARS after the game’s been out. Developing support for a VR system, whether it’s Oculus, Samsung, or whatever the next fad is, is going to detract from all other projects involved in the game including future content.
I have several stacks of these. I have already made the tempered spinal blades and don’t wish to make any more.
Is there any use for these short of making another tempered spinal blade?
As far as I can tell, they have no other use.
You can craft up to the ascended one, then salvage it and try to get the “salvaged something” that comes from backpieces. Last I looked, it was 800+ gold on the tP.
Waste a stack? It’s already considered just trash by so many. Whatever one receives, it’s more than one gets by deleting it. =)
You’re better off crafting 2 sets of toxic utilities and saving 50 dust for the next day.
I’m trying to discover the best way to make money. I’ve read dungeons and boss-trains, but dungeons only yield like 2g once a day. You can run multiple dungeons, but the gold doesn’t make up for the time it seems. Boss-trains also don’t seem very efficient. I’m looking for ways where if I have a free day to play GW2 all day and I want to just farm gold, I can make a ton if I just put in the time. Tips?
8 unique dungeon paths a day will net 5 gold, and 100 or 150 tokens of your choice in addition to the gold and tokens you get from the paths. You can further turn those tokens into gold in various ways as well. For mindless farming, there’s silverwastes chest trains and “pacman” after a vinewrath. If you have HoT and a couple exalted masteries, you can farm AB as well, farming AB when it’s up (takes 40 minutes or so if you actively participate), then going back to SW until AB’s ready again.
Cant fix what they cant replicate. You want them to fix something? You actually need to provide more information than just “yo kitten broke, fix it” to them. Perhaps you should take a look at your own system first. It’s far more likely your own stuff is borked in some fashion and causing issues. Seems the case when you seem disinclined to provide any sort of information.
Do they often (or ever) have a sale on character slots? If so, how much are they commonly on sale for (if there is a common amount they put them on sale for)?
I’m going to pick up HoT while it’s on sale but really don’t care about the extra stuff in the $38 pack… I’d rather pick up the $25 pack and wait for a character slot sale (so I can buy a 9th slot to make a Revenant) if that’s an option. …but if they never (or very infrequently) go on sale, that could change my mind.
Spend that extra $13 you saved on gems to buy a character slot. Done~
I had quite a bit of Bloodstone Dust saved up before acquiring Herta, but considering it eats 250 per day, they didn’t last long. If you are acquiring more than 250 per day, you might consider opening your bags on a lower-level character.
Same with Empyreal Fragments and Dragonite. I only acquire enough of those to use the eaters once or twice a week.
As to the others, perhaps more eaters are on the way. In the meantime, if you’d rather not store them, and you feel they are extremely easy to acquire, discard them; they will be easy to acquire, should you ever need them.
Herta’s total kitten unless you use it in AB. Dont ever waste a stack of bloodstone dust on herta. 10 aurillium, 1 silver, and a trashy green to salvage are all you get. Meanwhile, you can get 5 times that out of mawdrey.
Yes, ignore someone because their opinions differ from yours. That’s totally the way to foster discussions. Check Please!
Oh god….. I’d rather they do that as an april fool’s thing. Instead of inflicting a stack of burning, skills and traits would instead inflict a stack of that fire DoT. The delicious wubwub tears would be hilarious.
Oh, dodging is the other one too. In the game you can dodge twice, then wait for endurance to raise up, but in reality, it would depend on a lot of factors. For example, an ele would be able to dodge more than a guardian by sheer virtue of their differing armor weight.
Keep in mind some meta bosses also have exclusives in their chests’ drop tables. Teq has Sunless weapon chests and some unique exotics, triple trouble has piles of regurgitated armor (unique ascended armor skins, which are coincidentally the only reason people really do TT, cause the loot’s total kitten for such a difficult fight) and unique exotics. Most other meta bosses have unique exotics as well.
Actually Na, could you imagine how OP Burn builds would be if burning acted like the fire DoT in Sorrow’s Embrace? God… that would be terrifying in WvW…. fail to cleanse everyone quick enough, the burning just spreads to everyone again….
Those inaccessible nodes are actually a crafty trick employed by anet. There are no legitimate means of accessing those nodes, so if someone mines it…..
Before y’all discuss the “real world” or “breaking immersion,” please consider whether you really want GW2 to be more realistic:
- Do you really want friendly fire? Why isn’t immersion broken when friends stand in a Barrage
- Do you really want burning things to burn you if you get too close?
- Do you really want to be locked into your direction while falling|gliding, without needing actual impulse to change your linear momentum 180 degrees?
Game physics tries to be realistic, but in the end it has to serve the game first and Real World Physics™ last. Issues of balance and fun have to take priority over imitating our world.
The way I avoid “immersion breaking” issues is by assuming whatever the game does is how it is supposed to be; for me, immersion is only broken when I forget that and assume RL is somehow ‘correct’ in Tyria.
Re: Friendly Fire
From the context of the game it seems to me that weapons being magical in nature have a sort of safety that only damages the enemy target.
Re: burning
Sure, stand in a fire and get burned. I’m ok with that. I’ve wondered why it wasn’t that way.
Re: Gliding
A glider in the real world has control over the direction of the glider. Even falling bodies have a measure of control on direction. A good example is a sky diver. They aren’t falling like an object in a vacuum. The can shift their direction and control their rotation even before deploying the parachute. I’m ok with game falling/gliding being more like the real world.
1: Then why dont my aoes damage someone on my block list? They’re MY enemy, so why isnt it working? Why cant I kill them?
2: He’s talking about things afflicted with the burning condition. It’s illogical to think that you can stand close enough to shave an enemy while they’re a living torch and not be harmed by the fire.
3: Not what he’s talking about either. A sky diver cant instantaneously about face while falling at speed OR with a deployed parachute/glider.
High ground is hardly an advantage in pvp/wvw. It just makes it easier to focus aoes on a single point. As for pve? You do understand how broken it would be if I had an entire zerg standing 800-1200 range above a boss’kittenbox? Plus iirc, GW1 had a much higher range on bows anyways.
Just bring back lockpicks. Put a vendor somewhere sells them, and also maybe exchanged keys for them.
Then again, it’d probably be a BL item
Same problem however. I could easily farm AB for keys, convert to lockpicks, then go to VB and open up a bunch of cargos without ever touching an event there.
same with their S3, you need HoT or you can’t play it, that’s like saying “you need to smoke or you don’t get your payday”…..
No, it’s more like you needing to get that required certification you didnt have when you got hired 29 days ago.
I believe it depends on the “material” of the dye channel. For example, some heavy armors also contain cloth and whatnot in the skins. Those will behave differently than something made of metal.
This might clarify:
“Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.” -Isiah Cartwright
Thank you, that is indeed what I was referring to. That being said, it’s probably more accurate to say that MF doesnt give you better loot, it gives you a better chance at loot.
it will take me time to find the video for the reference, but hey 40actors per line and 1,500 lines could be just a start.
You’re forgetting that they would ALSO need to re-record every single PC-spoken line from Personal Story (massive clusterkitten of lines right there), LS1 if they ever find a way to bring it back in a playable form, LS2, HoT, and the first episode of LS3. And that’s just what’s in game right now.
Well, given that it’s a +%, just like the other bonuses, I’m going off the logical assumption that it’s a linear impact on loot drops. Sure it’s possibly more complicated, but as far as I can remember, we’ve had devs state that it improves your drop odds. By which we can assume starts at 100% of something. For all we know, you could be rolling what amounts to a 1dX die, X being the total number of lootable items in the game, with some “no loots” sprinkled in. Thus MF acts as a multiplicative modifier of your roll result, determining what it is you gain. I’m almost certain its going to be more complex than that, but it could also BE that simple.
Seems pretty useless to me. Maxed MF and 2200+ hours, still never found a precursor.
RNG is RNG. You’re either lucky or you’re not.
Like you buy three lotto tickets instead of one, it’s not like you’re significantly increasing your chance to win, it’s still a drop in the ocean.
300 times 0.00001% is .003% Which means you go from a 1 in 100,000 chance to 3 in 3000 chance. Both of which can result in a trial of 2000 drops not yield a single precursor.
It’s useless if you’re getting it simply to get a precursor, you’re not going to be able to get it high enough to make the chances of it even remotely in the realm of reasonable to expect to get one in the very short term. It’s useful if you want to over the long run get better/more loot. Better means more greens and blues than whites or nothing. Better loot doesn’t mean a lot more rares and exotics. Especially when drop tables always include whites, greens, and blues.
Um.... not even close on any the math or numbers. You forgot MF is a linear increase
of a percentile going from 100% (+0%MF) to 400% (+300%). So it's not 300 times
anything. It's 0.00001% @ 100% (+0%MF) to 0.00004% @ 400% (+300%MF).
Also, 0.003% isnt 3/3000, it’s 3/100,000, and 0.00001% isnt 1/100,000, it’s 1/10,000,000.
edit: had to use the preformed coding tag to get it to show right.
(edited by Aidan Savage.2078)
having a linux client
For which version? Ubuntu? FreeBSD? Redhat? Custom kernel builds? The other issue is that there’s going to be driver issues as well, which arent any particular problems of anet’s outside of being a consideration as to whether or not it’s possible to make a client.
From what I can see, and have personally experienced, linux is more of a coding and software development platform than anything else.
I recently upgraded to full 4K on my system. Everything looks amazing. The only thing I’m finding, for obvious reasons, is that the UI is very tiny. I have it set on the largest setting (Larger).
Is there any chance this can have an even bigger (Largerer/Largerest) setting in the future?
And, as an added wish list, it would be really really really nice to be able to customize the windows individually instead of the entire UI.
I know this may sound a little nit picky, but this is how we are able to directly interact each day. Being able to adjust my ‘window to the world’ a little bit more would be … incredulously pleasing.Thanks -
- Q
Downgrade to a lower resolution. “Problem” fixed. This is what happens when you try to play a game in conditions far beyond what it’s development had access to, ie 4k was limited to, as far as I recall, cinematic format in theaters until recently.
When I change my status to “Invisible”, it cuts off the guild chats. I think it shouldn’t work like that. In some moment I want to not be seen, but I still would like to be able to read all the chats, and answer if I have a will to.
The status change to “invisible” cuts off only the guild chats.Also, we can’t whisper to invisible people. I think that this should be changed too, but with the extra condition maybe, like:
The message will be delivered to the person who is invisible, only if that person has you on friend list.“Invisible” is not “offline”.
Can you consider a change of this, or explain the reason it works like that?
The guild chat+invisible status is a bug they’ve tried to quash multiple times.
Also, the reason you cant whisper people who are invisible is so if I dont want to be bothered by some random kittens or idiots, I can go invisible and they cant message me. If you want to message someone who is or appears offline and have it go through, send them a mail, that’s what it’s there for as well.
edit: @the other posters, do some history checks as well. Gaile’s said it’s a bug they’ve fixed in the past, only to have it crop up again.
No. There is too much tied to map completion.
It’s not completely gone. If someone’s fast enough, they could still experience the “error.” It’s just that for the vast majority, they wont experience anymore.
For instance I have a sorta friend who has Spark that I’m wanting to buy from him but since I’ve played Eve Online I’ve grown to trust absolutely no one in any online game when it comes to anything currency related.
I know scamming is a reportable offense but I want to know if Anet would rectify the situation if things didn’t go according to plan.
I know of the gold limitation when you mail gold.
1. Mail “trading” is at your own risk.
2. If you get scammed, anet WILL take action on it, but at their discretion-
2a. You wont get anything back or be given what you were expecting.
2b. Your “partner” will lose whatever they gained and may or may not lose what they promised in trade.
3. If you want safe trading, use the kitten trading post. That’s WHY it’s there.
That’s anet’s stance.
It would help if you had said what the errior message is.