Unreleased regions:
• Far Shiverpeaks
• Blazeridge Mountains
• Blood Legion Homelands
• Crystal Desert
• Depths of Tyria
• Isles of Janthir
• Ring of Fire
• Scavenger’s Causeway
• Woodland Cascades
• Sea of Sorrows
More elder dragons!!
Primordus, Jormag (The REAL Jormag), Kralkatorrik, Deep sea dragon & Jungle dragon.
bump 4 suggestion
Just want a few tips on about which titles in GW1 will be the fastest way to get 50/50.
I really want the “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals” title + the last achievement in GW2 of HoM category.
Need total of 6 more titles to gain access and revive the 50 points to my HoM.
Please, share your thoughts and tips to help me with this!
Thank you!
Same here, I got the same problem as you have.
Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!
Posted by: Alga.6498
Ya, that is what I miss most about BETA..
I am getting surprised when I am actually seeing another player running around in an area I am in.
Before you could see lots of people were in the same area as you were.
The current one is much less appealing, however it gives them the chance to advertise their website and their blog posts. This is important to them as many of those advertise new features and, more importantly for them, advertise new gem store items to be bought.
I agree that the beta login in nicer and I liked it during beta, but I can’t see them ever going back to it unless they find a way to advertise on it as well. Just part of the business of gaming.
Well! They could have add the little ’’Announcements’’ blog as they did in GW1! Then we could have still the awesome login screen AND the announcements.
1. I want those unreleased regions to actually become released:
• Far Shiverpeaks
• Blazeridge Mountains
• Blood Legion Homelands
• Crystal Desert
• Depths of Tyria
• Isles of Janthir
• Ring of Fire
• Scavenger’s Causeway
• Woodland Cascades
• Sea of Sorrows
2. New dragons!
Primordus, Jormag (The REAL Jormag), Kralkatorrik, Deep sea dragon & Jungle dragon.
3. New dungeons!
4. New armors ( most NPCs armors..!! ) My thread of something I’ve been waiting ever since the BETA:
5.. New professions and races. —> Tengu?
bumping this thread due I want those dresses/sets INGAME already!!
I am totally agree with you! To 100%!
I have nothing more to say about this… let’s just hope Anet actually make some of these in the future patches!
I’d LOVE to have new dungeons armors! I just wish they would release more NPCs armors afterall…
That would have been nice! Just like the weapon swap, an armor swapper! I love the idéa!
That will save time and alot quicker to change your alt armor sets!
1+ !!
I am still wondering ever since the BETA was released, I can’t understand why they changed that beautiful login screen into a boring login whatever it is.
That was really GW login! I just felt that it was the same as GW1 back then… but nooooooo..
Is there any chance to change it back to this loginscreen again? It was beautiful and amazing..
At max, I had over 840g, now I got 30g I believe.
Ohhh I just loved the Cathan theme back in GW1, It was sooo pure awesome and beautiful.. I really loved Factions expansion.
I’d LOVE to spend my days and hours of playing in those other unreleased regions..
I wish that they would bring back Cathan and Elona..
I mean, after all those regions of Cathan and Elona are a part in the game. I don’t really see the point why they should not bring those contents back.
I’d also love to see the 4th cancelled expansion set, Utopia in GW2 along with ‘Factions and Nightfall’ aka Cathan and Elona..
I am still hoping for the expansions to get released..
I got 42 characters in total.
7 of them are level 80.
(edited by Alga.6498)
I don’t think that’s a dragon!
If you have completed Eye of the North, Primordus will be wake up and he was the first of the Elder Dragons to awaken in Tyria. He’s a destroyer Dragon.
Also… this is so confusing.. I thought Primordus would be in GW2 since the EotN gave us a hint at the ending that the first Elder Dragon awaken up, but yet he’s not in GW2??You can also see:
Jormag sleeping in the sea in Far Shiverpeaks. – He’s in GW2.
Kralkatorrik can be found sleeping in the Charr Homelands. – But he’s not also in GW2?!
Zhaitan is also a Elder Dragon.Jormag is not in Guild Wars 2 – not physically. None of the Elder Dragons except Zhaitan have shown themselves and this is because they’re not close enough to be a true threat yet. Supposedly all Elder Dragons will eventually be featured, though honestly I now wonder if GW2 will even last long enough for such…
Mind telling me what this is then? [picture] Jormag is an elder dragon, and he’s physically in GW2. I don’t really understand what you mean about your answer about Jormag.
I wanted Evon to win, just because the Fall of Abaddon Fractal Dungeon… that would have been so exciting and epic awesome!
I just love the human True Six Gods..! I hope they’ll create something bigger storyline in the future!
Yup! He’s good as dead.
I believe that future Living Story releases should include these organisations more. As well as more references to them in banter among human soldiers at least. The Ebon Falcons are the elite unit of the Ebon Vanguard in much the same way as the Shining Blade were before their current station as the Royal Guards of Queen Jennah.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Founding (reference to Ebon Falcons).I would also like to see both organisations play a much enlarged role if we ever get a real expansion to GW2 and thus they be included in Personal Story an extended human version.
I want to see more of Countess Anise, Master Exemplar(leader) of the Shining Blade. And for her to interact more with Logan, Marjory, Kasmeer and the other members of Destiny’s Edge.
Implementing these enhancements to GW2 – Human Lore would allow humans to some significant degree, recover some professional military pride in a way that would improve the ongoing plot lines of the game.
Yes!!! This is exactly what I want too! I can’t wait to see what’s next Living-World event will be…
And I am also with you, waiting for GW2 expansion…
Very interesting to read all this since I totally LOVE Ascalon, Ebonhawke stories, backgrounds etc..!!
I miss Ascalon (pre-Searing).. it was so beautiful. Ebonhawke reminds me alot of Ascalon. <3
The Pact is owning it now, I believe.. since they reclaimed it.
On professions: the devs have been really careful in this game to balance out light/medium/heavy classes. If we see another, which is in no way certain- ANet intended for the present 8 to fill every niche- it will almost certainly be a heavy class. I would not expect to see any casters like the chronomancer or summoner would have been.
For races, I think the only ones in the current line-up that have a chance of becoming playable are tengu, largos, and kodan, roughly in that order. The others currently in-game are either too hostile of a faction or too primitive/physically unfit to fill an adventuring profession. Each of the three I listed, though, have potential problems all their own, and it may well be that ANet decides to sidestep this by making any future playable races from scratch, or drawing on the non-playable races from Cantha or Elona in GW1.
I want to see so much more of the map! I certainly can’t confirm that we’ll see anything of it, but there are hints that ANet is moving slowly in that direction- Southsun, the temporary Labyrinthine Cliffs, their creation of desert assets as displayed in Skyhammer and Edge of the Mists. Personally, I’m dying to see Scavenger’s Causeway- the name really captures my imagination, all the more so because there’s really nothing for us to base expectations on.
I’m with you on wanting expansions. As much as I enjoy the free ride of not having to pay a cent for content, the current system only allows for iterative storytelling, slowly adding more and more that builds up on itself. That model sorely limits the story’s ability to integrate with the setting, and it harshly curtails the sense of player exploration to barely bite-sized chunks. That’s what hooked me in both games, and it saddens me to see ANet has over time moved progressively farther away from that.
Thank you for your reply, it was very interesting to read your message!
I am totally agree with you, so I have nothing more to say, lol.
I don’t think that’s a dragon!
If you have completed Eye of the North, Primordus will be wake up and he was the first of the Elder Dragons to awaken in Tyria. He’s a destroyer Dragon.
Also… this is so confusing.. I thought Primordus would be in GW2 since the EotN gave us a hint at the ending that the first Elder Dragon awaken up, but yet he’s not in GW2??
You can also see:
Jormag sleeping in the sea in Far Shiverpeaks. – He’s in GW2.
Kralkatorrik can be found sleeping in the Charr Homelands. – But he’s not also in GW2?!
Zhaitan is also a Elder Dragon.
(edited by Alga.6498)
The short answer is that Kormir wasn’t a goddess at the time- she was a mortal who ascended to godhood four years after the Sinking of Orr. She ‘helped’ in the slaying of Abaddon and replaced him. Her godhood is Abaddon’s godhood.
Oh okay, I thought so too but I was unsure. So I needed someone who confirmed it. :P
Thank you for your answer, I really appreciate it!
I’ve always been wondering why Goddess Kormir have no Cathedral?
All the rest of the True Six Human Gods have their own Cathedral, and even Abaddon has his own!
Cathedral of Glorious Victory – Balthazaar God of war, fire, and challenge.
Cathedral of Zephyrs – Dwayna Goddess of healing, air, and life.
Cathedral of Silence – Grenth God of darkness, ice, and death.
Cathedral of Eternal Radiance – Lyssa Goddess of beauty, water, and illusion.
Cathedral of Verdance – Melandru Goddess of nature, earth, and growth.
Cathedral of Hidden Depths – Abaddon fallen God of water and secrets.
So where’s Kormir Goddess of order, spirit, and truth, Cathedral?! :O
This will be a discussion just like the topic of my title says, about ‘upcoming’ future races/classes/geography/expansions etc…
Let’s start with races and professions/classes!
Tengu race have been a hot topic during the time of GW2, (and GW1). Lots of you perhaps know about the unreleased/cancelled GW1 4th Expansion – Utopia.
They were going to release a whole new content of Aztec theme and along with that, two new professions: Chronomancer and Summoner.
Summoner: https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/127368/-Summoner-_concept_art.jpg
Also, what about the Tengu race? There’s not much info about it in Utopia, but there’s a few concept arts of the race. Why isnt Tengu so important in GW2, yet? Why can’t you visit the ’Tengu’s homeplace? – Because it hasen’t been released yet..? I’ll come back to this later on.
Tengu race:
Who knows? One of these might become playable in GW2. IT was alot of rumors about it back in GW1 that Utopia will become an expansion in GW2, since Eye of the North released in GW1 instead.
When the Living-World content ’’Queen’s Jubilee’’ was released, I found a screenshot of Watchknights NPCs and I actually thought they were the Chronomancer profession/race. But as usual, it wasn’t what I thought it was about…
Indeed, it is known that multiple races were intended to be introduced in Utopia, such as the Sidhe (which later became the concept for the Sylvari).
Other known non-playable-races from GW2:
Kodan – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kodan
Skritt – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skritt
Centaurs – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Centaur
Grawl – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grawl
Hylek – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hylek
Krait – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait
Ogres – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ogre
Quaggan – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quaggan
Tengu – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tengu
So, what do you think that will be an upcoming race/profession?
Tyria’s geography
Now about Tyria World Content. I was so disappointed when I found out that some of the most famous regions in Tyria wasn’t even released, yet!?
Yes, I am talking about:
• Far Shiverpeaks
• Blazeridge Mountains
• Blood Legion Homelands
• Crystal Desert
• Depths of Tyria
• Isles of Janthir
• Ring of Fire
• Scavenger’s Causeway
• Woodland Cascades
• Sea of Sorrows
Can anyone confirm that those regions will become playable in future?
Do you think some of those regions will perhaps become permanent places in Tyria that you actually can run around in?
I am still waiting for them to release those regions… I really hope they will aswell.
What I miss most from GW1 is expansions..
Sure, the Living-World is fun, sometimes and not all of them. But that is not the topic I am going to talk about here.
I just loved Prophecies, Nightfall, Factions and Eye of the North.. I’m sure I would love Utopia aswell. The different stories, races and professions, armor and weapon types, creatures and etc..
Why isnt GW2 making any expansions? I mean, box-expansions with a whole new storyline, regions, places, weapons, armors, professions..!!
The Living-World event about Scarlet Briar will never end!
If they’re only keep going to create Living-World events, me and lots of other players will get bored of this. Atleast me.
I want expansion to GW2 with further new storyline, regions, places, weapons, armors, professions etc.
But this is my opinion and thoughts.
Share your thoughts!
Thank you!
I would LOVE to have Cantha back! Also Luxon and Kurzick factions..
But you know how Anet and NCsoft are. ._.
So far we know the following:
1. Scarlet
2. Scarlet
3. Scarlet
4. Scarlet
5. “features”I can’t say it’s looking too hopeful…
No new zones
No new professions
No fighting the other elder dragons
More Living StoryIn short, no expansions.
Sad but true!!!
This is so disappointing, we’ll only get more Living Story which are getting so boring now, specially with Scarlet Briar…
I have to agree with you, sad but true!
All they do is creating Living-World events about Scarlet Briar… .____.
(edited by Alga.6498)
This will be a discussion just like the topic of my title says, about ‘upcoming’ future races/classes/geography/expansions etc…
Let’s start with races and professions/classes!
Tengu race have been a hot topic during the time of GW2, (and GW1). Lots of you perhaps know about the unreleased/cancelled GW1 4th Expansion – Utopia.
They were going to release a whole new content of Aztec theme and along with that, two new professions: Chronomancer and Summoner.
Summoner: https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/127368/-Summoner-_concept_art.jpg
Also, what about the Tengu race? There’s not much info about it in Utopia, but there’s a few concept arts of the race. Why isnt Tengu so important in GW2, yet? Why can’t you visit the ’Tengu’s homeplace? – Because it hasen’t been released yet..? I’ll come back to this later on.
Tengu race: https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/127369/tumblr_m78ihxTofg1r21rsxo1_500.jpg
Who knows? One of these might become playable in GW2. IT was alot of rumors about it back in GW1 that Utopia will become an expansion in GW2, since Eye of the North released in GW1 instead.
When the Living-World content ’’Queen’s Jubilee’’ was released, I found a screenshot of Watchknights NPCs and I actually thought they were the Chronomancer profession/race. But as usual, it wasn’t what I thought it was about…
Indeed, it is known that multiple races were intended to be introduced in Utopia, such as the Sidhe (which later became the concept for the Sylvari).
Other known non-playable-races from GW2:
Kodan – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kodan
Skritt – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skritt
Centaurs – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Centaur
Grawl – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grawl
Hylek – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hylek
Krait – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait
Ogres – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ogre
Quaggan – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quaggan
Tengu – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tengu
So, what do you think that will be an upcoming race/profession?
Tyria’s geography
Now about Tyria World Content. I was so disappointed when I found out that some of the most famous regions in Tyria wasn’t even released, yet!?
Yes, I am talking about:
• Far Shiverpeaks
• Blazeridge Mountains
• Blood Legion Homelands
• Crystal Desert
• Depths of Tyria
• Isles of Janthir
• Ring of Fire
• Scavenger’s Causeway
• Woodland Cascades
• Sea of Sorrows
Can anyone confirm that those regions will become playable in future?
Do you think some of those regions will perhaps become permanent places in Tyria that you actually can run around in?
I am still waiting for them to release those regions… I really hope they will aswell.
What I miss most from GW1 is expansions..
Sure, the Living-World is fun, sometimes and not all of them. But that is not the topic I am going to talk about here.
I just loved Prophecies, Nightfall, Factions and Eye of the North.. I’m sure I would love Utopia aswell. The different stories, races and professions, armor and weapon types, creatures and etc..
Why isnt GW2 making any expansions? I mean, box-expansions with a whole new storyline, regions, places, weapons, armors, professions..!!
The Living-World event about Scarlet Briar will never end!
If they’re only keep going to create Living-World events, me and lots of other players will get bored of this. Atleast me.
I want expansion to GW2 with further new storyline, regions, places, weapons, armors, professions etc.
But this is my opinion and thoughts.
Share your thoughts!
Thank you!
(edited by Alga.6498)
I really want to play new professions! I miss Paragon, Ritualist, Dervish and Monk…
But I can’t wait if they ever release new professions and maybe new races!
But just like Karalaza just said, I’d LOVE to have Spear on land.
Lovely armor! I’ve been waiting for this armor since the Beta!
Also, I am waiting for the other unreleased human dress as you can see on a few elegant females in Divinity’s Reach, Ebonhawke etc..
PLEASE ANET, release this armor and my lovely ‘saucy’ dress! They look sooo mesmerish!
This is so bad move for Anet to actually release a popular culture armor of the human to EVERY race!! That’s just so wrong.
There’s a reason why it’s called ‘culture armor’.
I am so disappointed on this sale.
I am one of the players who actually bought this culture tier 3 armor for golds, alot of golds!
Now you can easily buy it from Gem Store with 800 gems. That’s just sick.
Glad they’ve removed it now.. but I still hate to see it when other players got it.
I also miss the Grenth vs Dwayna winterdays back in GW1…
GW2’s winterdays Living-world achievements are not the same at all!
btw – about your colours, Grenth = Green and Dwayna = Blue.
Yes!! I would gladly join to re-take Ascalon, again!
I would love to help ghosts of Ascalon to get their eternity sleep and rebuild Ascalon.
I just love Ebonhawke.. it reminds me so much of Ascalon..
Love their armors and weapons aswell.
This is really annyoing! I hate how human female are running now and yes indeed they’re running as the males!!! Fix this please…
Does anyone know the theme in Last Stand Shelter in Ebonhawke?
It’s soooo beautiful!!
I can’t find it anywhere.
Sadly Jeremy Soule wont create anymore music to GW2 from now on.
This was his final creation to Guild Wars games.
Pretty sure her voice actor is Courtenay Taylor in US version, who also voice Jack in Mass Effect series.
If that really is Captain Ellen Kiel’s voice actor, don’t forget that Courtenay Taylor is the voice actor of Ada Wong in Resident Evil!!
I am still waiting for these armors since the Beta:
As you can see, the most beauitful, sexy, most awesome armor who have ever been made for Light armor is the ’Mesmer’s dress’ ( Look at the Mesmer’s profession Picture, the Purple dress, please look at the picture )
Also called as ‘Saucy’ dress or just human dress/Noble dress.
I’ve seen this armor/dress in the Guild Wars 2 Trailer as real players worn this armor set! Why haven’t this armor been released in public yet?! ( Check Picture to see a Picture of the trailer video. )
( Please, check the picture for seeing what kind of armor I am talking about )
I was so sad and disappointed when GW2-game was released and this armor wasn’t among with it. Kinda why I quitted for a while. ( Around Halloween’s patch till Southsun cave patch – I started to play again )
PLEASE release this armor to GW2.
Also, in GW2 wiki they wrote that ‘’Players can wear the same armor as most of the NPCs’’ – Yeah sure.. not this armor/dress who were in first place releasted in the Beta Trailer video.
Another unreleased Light armor set who also was in one of profession skill videos ‘’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKyl8o4uF2U’’ is yet not released in GW2 aswell! ( See picture for armor Picture )
‘Noble’ dress in Town (most of the Noble females are wering this among with the leather dress), will this dress ever be released to us players? ( See picture for ‘noble’ red dress )
There’s a setting for high resolution player textures in your graphics options. I’m guessing if you turn it off you might get to look something like how the NPC’s do.
Edit: actually I just checked and it claims to work on NPC’s too. I’d suggest testing it anyway though, because the way you look in that screenshot is much closer to how I see NPC’s in that armour – and even just the armour on stands in rooms – than your screenshot of an NPC wearing it, with maxed settings.
Edit2: quick screenshot of some still ones. The lights seems a lot less intense here than your SS so it’s less pronounced, but on my settings it’s significantly different from the NPC you found. If not something to do with textures, maybe lighting, reflections, etc? The ‘clean’ one looks almost like it’s got a coat of grey paint on it, so anything that makes metal look less… well, metal… might make you look that way.
Thank you for your post! It does look the same if you’re lowing the settings to the lowest or the high resolution player textures. I guess I have to live with this..
Althought the female’s chest of this armor looks also different from the Dungeon armor….
Watch at the Picture;
8/10 I really like the French ( or spanish haha ) name! I Believe you’re a necromancer.
Pamela Fluorite – My main character, also the finest blonde bombshell you’ll ever meet! Watch out, I might cast an illuision on ya.
I’m still waiting for this unreleased hairstyle for the female ( and ARMOR!!! ) from the beta Pictures:
Who doesn’t want a mini-dungeon in Fractals of the Fall of Abaddon?!!
I really hope Evon wins!
That’s the rapier that people initially thought would be the “aetherized sword”. I am hoping they would release that as well, as it would fit my mesmer quite nicely.
Ya! I thought so too, but when I checked the sword in LA it was not the same sword, lol.
Ya I totally agree, this fits for mesmer sooo good..
I really hope the Charr will win! I mean, who dosen’t want an awesome Fractals dungeon of the Fall of Abbadon?!
I absolutley falled in love with an elegant slim longsword while I was doing the Candidate Trials Challenge and one of the Aetherblade pirates was equip that sword!
The Aetherblade pirate was called ‘’Aetherblade Swashbuckler’’ ( please look at the picture )
I really need to know if that sword is yet released to us players? I would do anything for that sword!! I really hope that kind of sword is released in GW2 to us players.
Hello GW2 forums!
I got a very annyoing issue..
I don’t really know why my game is so laggy, I’ve asked lots of people ingame if they got the same problem like me, I’ve googled it and I’ve pretty much tried everything to get the lagging off my game client.
It takes awhile to load maps, traveling, cities, etc.
And it specially lags alot when I’m in Lion’s Arch or in WvWvW. ( much people )
Any idéa what I should do about this issue?
My GW2 Graphics Options:
Resolution: Full screen – 1680 × 1050
Frame Limiter: Unlimited
Interface Size: Normal
Full-screen Gamma: 1.00.
Advanced Settings:
Animation: High
Anti-Aliasing: FXAA
Enviroment: High
LOD Distance: Ultra
Reflections: All
Textures: High
Render Sapmling: Supersample
Shadows: Ultra
Shaders: High
Post-Processing: High
WvWvW Character Limit: Highest
WvWvW Character Quality: Highest
Best Texture Filtering: Yes
Depth Blur: Yes
High-Res Character Textures: Yes
Vertical Sync: Yes.
When I am changing to the lowest quality, it’s indeed not so laggy… but I want the highest because I just love the graphic are made done, it’s so beautiful!
Do you think it’s wrong with my PC’s driver or graphic card?
My computer’s system: ( notice it’s Swedish text. )
’’ Windows-utgåva:
Windows 7 Ultimate
Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Med ensamrätt.
Service Pack 1.
Klassificering: 5,9 Prestandaklassificering
Processor: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz 2.50GHz
Installerat minne (RAM) 4,00 GB
Systemtyp: 64-bitars operativsystem
Thank you!