Showing Posts For Alga.6498:

Future dungeons and it's fate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alga.6498


Will we ever getting future dungeons or has ANet decided to stop creating this, as we have Fractal and Raids?

Dungeons for me is something unqiue, special than Fractal and Raids.
I’m a non-raider, beacuse you literally need the right equippment, build, runes and know what to do or else you’ll be kicked!

I am still waiting on ’Easy-mode’/Storyline mode for all the Raids as I wish to explore and play them. But I haven’t heard anything of it for a while now,

Dungeons is more free, wear what you want, equip what you want. Sure you need to know what to do but you can guide your team through it for those who don’t know or remember what to do.

Dungeons can also explain much lore and other questionmarks across Tyria.
It’s also a 5-member party.

I keep seeing LFG dungeon parties active and I am playing dungeons Daily.
I dont understand why ANet has abandoned dungeons.

Is dungeons truly dead?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Jennah's kingdom and Kryta nation

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


I actually heard a few random villagers gossiping at the market under deck of Divinity’s Reach about what will happened if Jennah was actually killed or worse?
I’ve been thinking about this aswell through the story and Living World Seasons aswell.
When is Queen Jennah going to get married to a king, in order to the Krytan Royal throne will move on?

Jennah has been multiple times getting kidnapped, attempting to murder her and even high ranked ministries went behind her back as they were White Mantle spies/agents.

Vanilla story:
Undead soldiers, if you remember one of her Seraph Captain tried to kill Jennah in order to reclaim his curse as he needed ’’Royal blood’’.

Caudecus Manor story:
Seperatists kidnapped Jennah during the garden party in order to break the peace between humans and charrs also trying to kill her.

Scarlet and Watchknights:
Watchknights, whom were supposed to protect Queen Jennah and her people. Scarlet Briar took control of the Watchknights and used them to create voice-controlled Twisted Watchwork creatures.
Aka also trying to kill Jennah as she almost falled to her death.

The World Summit:
Leaders across Tyria has been gathered, Mordrem foes tried to kill the most important people.

White Mantle’s attack of Divinity’s Reach: (The head of the Snake)
White Mantle trying to destroy Divinity’s Reach and reclaim Kryta nation, aswell trying to kill Queen Jennah.

I’m sure I’ve missed other attempts of trying to kill or kidnap Jennah.
Anyway, you get the point. Lots of people want to kill Jennah.
What happens if someone actually succeeding killing her?
The Krytan nation will fall, the peace between human and charr will be broken, Ebonhawke along with Ascalonians will shut their doors from Krytan army, human political will also fails and much more.

Since Logan, her beloved ’’prince charming'’, her personal bodyguard and Seraph most high-ranked Captain/Commander(?) has finally moved on to his own path, to become the actual Commander of the Pact.

So what happens now? Their everlasting love has ended as they have to rule different ways now.
Killing Jennah isnt the first time and wont be the last one we’ll see. Jennah needs a king in order to the Krytan Royal blood line will move on.
Lemme know your thoughts,

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Foefire items in Gemstore- a hint?

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


I’d love to hear what actually happened to Rythlock when we falled down into the Mists with Ascalonian ghosts.
And I’d LOVE to see more lore and story about Ascalonian ghosts aswell.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Arenanet has broken its promise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I agree, GW2 has indeed changed their vision and prob everything in this game, both in good and bad ways.

I do miss the old GW2 Vanilla back in 2011/2012 as their old trailers did promised so much more.
If you look back in those old trailers, you see alot did changed just before the actual release.

All of the Capital cities did changed, had a ’’make-over’’.
They changed the story of Zhaitan, his appearance and end story.
They also changed lots of the skills of the character trailers, as the older ones were more ’’team-up’’ skills, as I would prefer.
Sure there’s alot of other things too but one thing that they actually broken which was #1 for me was that you were able to equip every NPCs outfits/clothes/armor.
Yes, even town clothes, unique armors aswell different hairstyles and faces.

When I saw the GW2 old trailer, I felt in love with the game. Underwater content, jumping, dungeons, character creation, beautiful areas and much more.
I also saw these beautiful longer dresses, which screams Mesmer profession to me as I was going to create my first character as a Mesmer in order to look just like in the picture below here.

And guess what? Neither the hairstyle, face OR the dress/armor was included to the game!! That was so disappointed,
But as we all do, we take pauses from the game from being bored, have no time for it, to hate it and then we once we come back, we fall in love again with this beautiful game.

Almost 5 years old and counting! I can’t wait what ANet will show us for the next 5 years!


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

My White Mantle collection [Completed!]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alga.6498


What’s been newly added to the collection:

- White Mantle female Cleric (not fully completed but it’s as nearest I can get)
- White Mantle male Necromancer
- White Mantle female Scout 3

Aurora Glade’s ghosts and personal story’s White Mantle:

- White Mantle Seeker (male)
- Inquisitor Torbon (from personal storyline)

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

My Aetherblade collection

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alga.6498


What’s been newly added to the collection:

- Aetherblade male Striker
- Aetherblade male Grenadier

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

My Ascalonian collection [Completed!]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alga.6498


Newly added to the collection:
- Ascalonian male Necromancer
- Ascalonian male Ranger

Pre-Ascalonian (Urban Battleground)
- Ascalonian male Monk
- Ascalonian male Ranger
- Ascalonian male Warrior/Captain

Which means this collection is finally completed!
If you would like to look alike one of the Ascalonian army, leave a comment below or send me a PM in-game or here in forums!
And I’ll give you the specific armor and dyes for the NPC character you would like to have.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Pure Speculation: 5th Anniversary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Yeah, I am wondering aswell!
5th B-gift will def include a level 50 boost, just like we had from our previous b-gifts.
Celebration dye pack.
Waypoint to a friend (oh I just love these!!!)
And then something BIGGG, !!

I cant wait:)
But GW2 will turn 5 years in August, correct?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

If You Had a Choice Of New Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Revenant redesign. Compared to core classes, it is just bland. It is just sitting there, occupying char slot right now.

Dervish would never see the light, because it was based on human gods, and we have 5 races in GW2.
Ritualist most likely would never see the light too, because Anet cannot design proper minions, and they already nerfed ranger spirits.
But Paragon could be elite spec for guardian or warrior, chants could be a thing.

Yes, sadly Dervish is indeed too based to human-lore and gods.
An alternative way could be for an example:

-Human Dervish: The 6 gods.
-Norn Dervish: The Spirit of the Wilds (Wolf, Raven, Bear etc...)
(Now for the hard part)
-Charr Dervish: Titans? Or maybe older heroes such as Pyre.
-Sylvari Dervish: Pale Tree, Vendari? Well I dunno really...
-Asura Dervish: Maybe their colleagues?

I doubt indeed Dervish will come aswell. If they make an alternative way like my example above it will be too "Cultural" difference.

I am so sad that we wont get the Paragon elite specs for either Warrior or Guardian this upcoming expansion pack

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

Separate Armor Weight from Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


A 4th armor set would be great if they bought back the old town clothes concept.
Since there you can use light clothes on any character for an example.

Yes, we do have the outfits but it’s not the same. Only old players know what I mean.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

If You Had a Choice Of New Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


1. Paragon
2. Ritualist
3. Dervish
4. Monk

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Why are we not invulnerable...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Sometimes our character’s bodies are indeed already in the World, but you are not targetable when you are at the loading screen so you cant be attacked or killed whenever your character has not fully loaded into the map.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Tengu can still make it as playable race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


If they ever make a new race, they could just make it so that when you create it, it is automatically level 80 with full exotics of your choice, and then place it at the start of the new expansion, just like TERA did with their new classes.

There is no point in forcing illogical lore as to why, for example, you can see Revenants in Queensdale. Makes so much more sense lore-wise and with the living world feature that a new race would join the fight at the current time of events. That would be their personal story.

After that, if you want you can, non-canonically, go back to the core game and do everything.

Sadly, don’t think it will be happening TBH, if you check the animations for the playable models, you can see those are the best animated models in the entire game. Anet doesn’t have enough resources™ to do that again.

Yeah, that is also an alternative way aswell, which sounds great indeed.
Yep, sadly but I agree.
It’s a shame really, it could have been awesome with something like this!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Tengu can still make it as playable race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Hiring 2 new voice actors need to be done of course but that wont be hard

It will be 10 new voice actors, not 2.

2 sexes times 5 languages.

I forgot about that. I was only thinking English speaking VA when I wrote the text, my bad.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Tengu can still make it as playable race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


That proposal seems to suggest that ANet should just release some substandard work and pretend it is okay. Have you considered the reactions and consequences to that?

I dont really understand what you are saying?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Tengu can still make it as playable race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Greetings Tyrians,

This topic has been ever since the very first day and after 5 years we still see no sight of getting a new playable race, whom might be Tengu as it is the most popular requested race among the community.

We still can’t get access to their hometown, Dominion of Winds, as they’ve shut down all non-Tengu races from them.
We still don’t know why and what they’re planning or doing inside their walls.

Here’s my suggestions how Tengu can still make it to a playable race:

1) Female and Male bodies:
We’ve only seen male Tengus so far, and their body is indeed a bird-body so the easiest and best way to create their bodies is to have just like Asura and Charr, sharing the same body structure, unlike Sylvari, Norn and Humans.

2) Personal storyline:
As many, many players has been disagree about Tengu having their personal storyline as it might be too complex to create from zero and onward to Zhaitan’s final battle.
Yes, it might be indeed hard to create this but my suggestion is that they only create Tengu’s personal storyline before joining orders and the rest of that like the all the other races has.
By that I mean, just like Human, Charr, Sylvari, Norn and Asura has their own personal pre-storylines as in Cultural stories.

-ANet could explain why Tengu was thrown out and landed here and what happened to Cantha.
-What Tengu has been up to for all these years.
-Tengu can help and gain trust and respect from the other races as they could join and be part of the ongoing storyline with the Elder Dragons and other threats accross Tyria.

3) Newly content and onward stories: (Living World Seasons --->)
My suggestion here is that Tengu can’t be playable to replay older LS stories or Pact/Zhaitan’s story as none Tengu were part of, except one of two as being merchants or blacksmiths.
Whenever Living World Season 3 comes to an end Tengu will and can be playable in the next LWS 4. (and maybe joining in our new upcoming Expansion... or Expansion pack 3.. )

4) Female and Male voices:
Just like above here, no voices will be recorded from the old Vanilla GW2 Story or older LWS.
Hiring 2 new voice actors need to be done of course but that wont be hard.

5) Armor and sets:
Charr and Tengu has similar body structures, not completely but almost. Yes, ANet has to design all Armor & sets as they could fit to the Tengu body.
Remember that Tengu has no different design of female & male armors. Just like Charr and Asuras.
Tengu will of course also have Cultural weapons and armors, all three tiers.

I think that’s it.
This could be the best way (I’m not saying this is the only or the BEST-best way..) to make Tengu as a playable race for us!

Comment below and let’s discuss,
Sorry for not the best English, grammar or texture of my text, but I hope you’ll enjoy reading my wall of text.
Looking forward to read what you have to comment about this topic discussion!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

Story of next episode?

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Nightmare Court and Mordremoth do not share the same goal.
This is why you see Duchess Chrysanthea fighting along with us during final battle/map.

If you have paid any attention at all during the HoT story, Faolain- Grand Duchess of NC, were captured along with some other courties.
Mordremoth simply wants to kill everything as brainwashing all Sylvari to power up his army.
Nightmare Courties rejects the Ventari Tablet’s teachings and everything about the Dream.

As for the next episode, I believe we’re going up, as in Far Shiverpeaks with the Norns to fight Jormag, if he’s awake afterall.... which I doubt and I hope he’s not...

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

Asura Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Alga.6498


What’s this? A new upcoming arena?

How do we get there if it’s already there`?
Sounds interesting,


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

The new PvP Lobby! I love it!

in PvP

Posted by: Alga.6498


I just wanted to say I love the new lobby design! It feels fresh and it’s even more beautiful(er),
Well done ANet!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


More ’cultural’ gliders please!
Such as typical NornISH glider, Human glider, Asuran glider, etc...

Please, please, re-think and start making (gem)armorskins again! Full armorskins for all three weights.

Also, bring more NPCs clothes/armors which is still unable for us players to use.
Yes, I would like to dress up like a noble or a villager!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Wearing two headgears (face/head) at once?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Originally, some of the old armor concept arts had both mask and headgear, so I am sure this was their main concept for upper body.
For an example,
Nightmare Court Light armor have both its headgear and a "mesmer" mask both wearable.
I will see if I can find that concept art and upload it here.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Underwater weapons x2???

in Revenant

Posted by: Alga.6498


Why is this still not fixed?

Why does Revenant have 2 underwater weapon slots but can only equip spear underwater??
It make no sense!!

And if they were to lazy to ‘’remove the slot’’ why not simply ’’copy’’ Elementalist or Engineer underwater weapon slots as they only have 1.

Does anyone know why this haven’t been fixed ??

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

dealing with excessive Tomes of Knowledge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I wish ToK was sellable, as I could buy these tomes to level up my many alt characters!
I still don’t get why they’re not sellable...

If person A do not need his/her tomes why should this person keep them?
And if person B is deepy needing tomes to level up alternative characters why can’t we just trade them between each other?
Everyone will be happy then!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Sylvari female medium legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Ohhh... yes.. now I see what you mean...
That’s odd, but in a good way, it make the pieces more unique by racial.
I hope we’ll see more stuff like this.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Sylvari female medium legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Can you show the differience with screenshots?
I’d like to see what you mean!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Race sub-forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Why was these sub-forums removed?

If you don’t remember or haven’t been here around that long, it was basically sub-forums for each race:
- Human
- Charr
- Norn
- Asura
- Sylvari

I so enjoyed them so much years ago, as you can find useful armorstyle or some lore behind the races. Storylines from Vanilla etc..

Yes I know we have a sub-forum called ‘’Lore’’ but I want the old Racial subs.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Separatists and (ghost) Ascalonians

in Lore

Posted by: Alga.6498


This topic has prob been up for a time ago, as I’ve also been discussing this aswell but I find it weird that Separatists and (ghost) Ascalonians are fighting each other.

I mean, they’re literally the same ‘group’, as they’re both anti-charrs, which I would gladly join them, hehe,

Anyway, is it because the (ghost) Ascalonians are too blindly due to the Foefire and see everyone except themselves as ghosts are their enemy?


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Action camera

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Oh, I’ve been wondering where to find this option!
I’d like to try this5feauture but I cant find it.

Can anyone show me where it is?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Chaos Armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Well, there is kinda already a chaos armorset, unlocked by achievements points..
Glowy and whiteish

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

The White Mantle Bandit Leaders

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Dead content? Just tag up in the World and say ’’Bandit boss- his/her name at my tag!’’
Random people will also join up if it’s a low-leveled area...
I Always found a lot of ppl when I did this and last time I defeated the last boss was a few weeks ago only.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Do we only get 4 birthdays?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


It will keep coming, of course!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Worst and best voice acting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


The worst VA for me is:
- Trahearne
- Taimi
- Female Human PC (she literally gasp for air when she’s talking all the time. -.-)
- Every child VA NPCs, specially the kid in Divinity’s Reach and in Rata Sum near the bankers.
- A really old man VA, you can hear him in Hoelbrak and trust me... if you have been here as long as I have, you know which I mean,
- ....
- ....

Overrall I enjoy almost all NPC VAs.
Great thing for GW2, and their funny convo for NPCs sometimes aswell.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Waste to have too many character slots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I have literally 70 characters. Maxed out till the limit.
I really love playing as my other characters, I try to keep changing them Daily but of course I do have my "main".

I had an idea of creating my own "god-humanoid characters", so I design them for their weapons, outfit/armor to match them as much as possible.
Dwayna uses her Winged longbow along with her outfit and her backpack.
Grenth uses his daggers, "Tear of Grenth", along with his backpack.
And the list go on..
Dwayna, Grenth, Balthazar, Lyssa, Kormir, Melandru, Abaddon, Menzies, Dhuum are my god insprired characters.

I have three Asuran characters and three Charr characters, main reason to represent their cutural storyline and armorweight aswell.
Huge fan of the Inquest so I am going to copy all the Inquest’s NPCs armor into mine along with their weapons.

Norn and Sylvari characters are my most favorite, I think I got 50/50 here.
Almost all my Sylvari characters are based on the Nightmare Court, as I copy the NPC style to look alike.
I’ve got pictures if anyone is interested of any of my characters look like when I copy the NPCs.

Humans are my absolutely favorite race, 70% are human characters,
Here I simply try to copy any cool NPCs I like into my own such as,
Seraph soldiers, White Mantle fanatics, Shining Blade guards, Ascalonian soldiers, Pirates and many other.
I also try to get all weightarmor pieces for the human characters as I find the armor fit them best.

Main reason I have so many characters is I guess that I like to change to a different character, armorstyle and different weapon gameplay.
It’s also fun to re-visit old places in Tyria along to re-play storylines and dungeons and also random Events worldwide!

I will keep going if ANet decide to add more slots in our upcoming expansion,

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Gem Store Level 80 Boost? <3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I agree. Specially for us who have alot of alts...!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Question: impossible to add new weapon types?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Spear, Trident and speargun could be a nice start of having new weapon skills and land-weapon and there’s alot of skins.

I was so sad to see neither Warrior or Guardian did get "Paragon" Elite specs in our upcoming expansion, since we’re going to Elona....:(

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

Most boring race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


The Charr is the most boring race ever, specially their lore.
"omg humans we take bak Ascalon sinxe its ours!!! Now we rebuild a stupid capital above this crap and keep killing mad ascalonians ghosts 24/7!!
I wished Charr would not been allied with humans, since I wanted to slay and slaughter even more furry Charrs than ever!


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

What's with Braham? (spoilers)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I agree, he is the worst and annoying NPC ever.
I wished Eir and Braham simply could swap places so he died in the Jungle from a random mob instead and Eir could live on with her legendary tale and fighting against the other elder dragons.
*sigh* Poor Eir... atleast she was my favorite among the "older heroes".
Braham needs to be killed before he kills off too many Norn soldiers as they march to Jormag because he’s too stubborn and stupid.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Anise in The Dragon's Reach, Pt. 2

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


She’s a mesmer, she casted an illusion on herself to disguise as a Sylvari to watch over Queen Jennah without getting any attention as if she would come in her human-form.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Bring back Cantha, please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I would have been honored if I was from Asia and it was Asian themed in GW2, as it was in GW1.
The beauty, cutural, themes, places, story..!
I really hope ANet will change their mind and in our 3rd Expansion, we’ll go to Cantha and fight the underwater dragon, Bubbles.

I find it more weirder that NCsoft and ANet simply just banned and removed all Asian-Cantha themed stuff just like that instead of have and give us an actual story what happened in-game instead....
Let’s hope and pray to the Six! Maybe they will grant us blessings of Cantha’s return..

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

Next Elite Specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


As some of you mentioned about ANet has to create X of skins if they were creating an unique weapon, other weapons than we currently have in-game.
I mean, sure that take some time but we dont need over 100 skins of (for an example) Battleaxe/2h Axe on the same day it got released.

If anyone remember that some of the Seraph soldiers at Lake Doric were using a new weapon, the Battleaxe/2h Axe and I am 100% that weapon come from the Ascslonian weapon Collection, but is unreleased for us players.

Also, I was so dissapointed that Warrior or Guardian didnt get Spear for their upcoming elite specs, Paragon.
That would have been awesome, also fit perfect to the theme, Elona.
And as for the Spears, we have alot of spear skins so that wouldnt be a problem....

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Please, return to old, classic designs!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I would love to see more of Ascalon, or even similar theme! It’s the beautiful places to run around in!
I still hate that Charr allowed to build their crap over the Beautiful city of Ascalon just like that!
GW2 Humans are betrayers for GW1 Ascalonians (also our older characters )

Do remember that the Humans first took Ascalon from the Charr to begin with, so by that logic it’s Charr’s by right of first claim.

True, and even before that it was the Grawls homeplace…
But still, pre-searing Ascalon was the beautiful places in GW1, I’d love to visit it again but in GW2… or similar places…

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Yep, just like Sephas and Ookamikun said, she was defeated but escaped so she’s still alive,

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

A largos in the new map

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Someone on reddit made a map to it. It’s not near any place you need to go for map completion. I found the Largos just kinda sitting there. Steaming.

Oh my god!
I haven’t seen or heard of this before until now..
How sad!

Can you click or does it say anything at her corpse?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Human gods and human characters [spoilers]

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Buddah is not a god…. just saying. Let’s just say if he comes in and does the opposite of what he was known to preach, things would change. Or more likely, be regarded as a false prophet; stuff like that happens often.

I was simply giving examples of Jesus and Buddha…. just pretend that we are the GW2 characters and we act like the Commander did in this episode if you’re a follower of Jesus or Buddha or any other faith, god, spirit etc. etc.

Most of the humans worship gods and prays to them.
I hope ANet wont make us kill one of our god, or even more of them.
Atleast give us a unique and special treatment to the Human characters just like Sylvari character did in HoT if we’re going against the Six.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Please, return to old, classic designs!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I would love to see more of Ascalon, or even similar theme! It’s the beautiful places to run around in!
I still hate that Charr allowed to build their crap over the Beautiful city of Ascalon just like that!
GW2 Humans are betrayers for GW1 Ascalonians (also our older characters )

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Zhaitan's Weakness

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Anyone else wondering why there was no Bubbles’ (water dragon) creature along with the other test subjects?
I was hoping to see it aswell but nope..

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Official Episode 5 Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Why are the commander always like ’’ let’s kill everything in our way, even if it’s our own gods ’’ !?
It make sense if the commander was Charr, Norn, Sylvari or Asura, but Human?!

Humans and the Six gods are something special, something they’re praying and granted blessings from.
Just because the kitten commander and the little annoying Taimi kitten has a theory that Balthazar will take over the world bla bla bla....
It’s one of OUR gods. We just can’t kill our god who has been a blessing for the humans for over 250 years and even more! (GW1~ years aswell)

Just imagine if Jesus Christ or Buddha would come to our world and then we must kill them because we BELIEVE that they are evil?
No but for real....

I am a huge fan of the Six gods, as my favorite race is human and their lore. I just hate how lazy ANet turn something like ... oh I don’t know, a GOD to evil just like that and we have to kill them!?

I simply don’t get it. As the commander (in my case, my ’main’ character is a human) shouldn’t even consider to kill one of our god just like that!!

I was excepting the human characters would be more how Kasmeer reacted when we revealed Lazarus’ imposter’s identity.
Atleast that would make sense!
They are our gods, not a kitten dragon or something we simply need to kill just like that and then happy endings. &gt;_&lt;

If the 2nd Expansion will give us more lore and meeting the rest of the Six gods, I hope the human characters will have their special and unique way, being affected by the influence of the Gods’ return to Tyria, just like Sylvari characters had in the 1st Expansion.

Extra to the LW story:
Otherwise the story was really exciting, map was a well-done as always and the mastery is so much fun!
Cool that we actually got to see Primordus in a close shot but abit disappointment that we put Primordus back to sleep once again....
I love the new make-over of Kasmeer and she finally managed to get her noble Lady title!
Too bad we only got to see her for about 5 min....

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

[SPOILER] Out with the Old. In with the new?

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


I think Caithe is already part of the new Guild, as the commander asked her to join last time we saw her.

I guess this is the fully Guild members:


Marjory literally gave us the middle finger when we asked her to join our new guild and so did Braham.
We haven’t heard from Zojja since the HoT expansion.
And as you said, Logan is now the new Pact commander and Eir’s dead, rip.

I guess we need to recruit more guild members,

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

LADY Kasmeer Meade

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


So, if anyone else has noticed our lastest episode where Kasmeer finally shows up, since HoT (she was barely there anyway.. ), Kasmeer has Lady title!

So it seems like Kasmeer managed to get her noble title back, though we did not see her during the defending of Divinity’s Reach against White Mantle and spy ministers.
Specially as we were around both Queen Jennah and Countness Anise but still no sight of Kas.

As you also noticed you can talk to Taimi after the first part of the new LS, she’s wondering if Kas were helping out in DR and why not, etc....

Sooooooo..... the real question is, how the heck did she managed to get her noble title back?! Yeah she has been away quite a long time now and I’d like to hear more from her.
I’m glad she got it, she always wanted to be a noble again, for the sake of her family.
I also love her new make-over!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Where are all the horses?

in Lore

Posted by: Alga.6498


As someone said above me, ANet wont bother creating all wildlife animals?
Ehhhhhh....... okay...

We still have cows... atleast that’s something..

I mean, how hard is it to create a horse?! We have Tamini but they wont bother to create a house? They literally have the horse body, all they need to do is re-create the upper half of the shape.
Jesus christ..

But guys, it’s ANet we’re talking about here....

As someone with knowledge in 3D modelling and animation, it’s not that simple no matter..........................
Wall of text basically.

The base model of the Tamini is a horse, right?
Remove the upper part of it and re-work it to an actual horse part.

Can’t be that hard really.
And as for the ’’armor, clothes’’ part as you said, I’m pretty sure they created the base model of the Tamini, without the armor and clothes, surely it can be easily removed.

Of course it’s a computer made 3D concept, not an actual skin or bone constructed... why would you even think games have to skin animals and use their bones for the actual GAME 3D model?! lmao,
But oh well, I don’t really want to start a flame war between your wall of texts.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|