Showing Posts For Alga.6498:

Human gods and human characters [spoilers]

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Spoilers, if you haven’t been played the newest LW ch, please don’t read this!!

Why are the commander always like ’’ let’s kill everything in our way, even if it’s our own gods ’’ !?
It make sense if the commander was Charr, Norn, Sylvari or Asura, but Human?!

Humans and the Six gods are something special, something they’re praying and granted blessings from.
Just because the kitten commander and the little annoying Taimi kitten has a theory that Balthazar will take over the world bla bla bla....
It’s one of OUR gods. We just can’t kill our god who has been a blessing for the humans for over 250 years and even more! (GW1~ years aswell)

Just imagine if Jesus Christ or Buddha would come to our world and then we must kill them because we BELIEVE that they are evil?
No but for real....

I am a huge fan of the Six gods, as my favorite race is human and their lore. I just hate how lazy ANet turn something like ... oh I don’t know, a GOD to evil just like that and we have to kill them!?

I simply don’t get it. As the commander (in my case, my ’main’ character is a human) shouldn’t even consider to kill one of our god just like that!!

I was excepting the human characters would be more how Kasmeer reacted when we revealed Lazarus’ imposter’s identity.
Atleast that would make sense!
They are our gods, not a kitten dragon or something we simply need to kill just like that and then happy endings. >_<

If the 2nd Expansion will give us more lore and meeting the rest of the Six gods, I hope the human characters will have their special and unique way, being affected by the influence of the Gods’ return to Tyria, just like Sylvari characters had in the 1st Expansion.

Extra to the LW story:
Otherwise the story was really exciting, map was a well-done as always and the mastery is so much fun!
Cool that we actually got to see Primordus in a close shot but abit disappointment that we put Primordus back to sleep once again....

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

Where are all the horses?

in Lore

Posted by: Alga.6498


As someone said above me, ANet wont bother creating all wildlife animals?
Ehhhhhh....... okay...

We still have cows... atleast that’s something..

I mean, how hard is it to create a horse?! We have Tamini but they wont bother to create a house? They literally have the horse body, all they need to do is re-create the upper half of the shape.
Jesus christ..

But guys, it’s ANet we’re talking about here....

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

A memo to Anet regarding Zojja.

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


I agree, we haven’t heard from Zojja since we rescuse her from HoTs.
Same goes to the Pale Tree.......

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Why is Common Clothing a tonic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I wish this too!
I would love to wear my tonic clothes as armorskins or as outfits.... just get rid of the tonic....
But ANet keeps ignoring this!

Can’t be that hard to turn tonic clothes into skins or outfits?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Water Dragon ''Bubbles'' will never come?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


As much as it pains me to see ANet has literally stopped doing anymore underwater content and I still don’t get what’s the problem?!

I enjoy the water content and I wish we had more of this in this game. It was one of the main reason(s) I bought this game in first place, to actually explore and fight underwater.

If some people dislike it, yes there’s always people who will dislike stuff no matter what, but what about for those who actually enjoy the water content!?

So, since ANet don’t give a crap about the watercontent anymore and kicking the playerbase who enjoy it, we wont see the water dragon, ’’Bubbles’’ whatsoever…

I want ANet to get their eyes back of the beauty of the underwater content, unique and fun playstyle.
Please ANet, don’t ditch this! If it’s so unbalanced and need buffs, then please re-work the things that has to be done, but don’t cancelled or ban the underwater content!

Tyria has so much water content over the World, which is still unexplorable, it would be huge waste of opportunity to literally make no water content because of this.

Thoughts about this? Let me know below with your comments!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Elonian elite specialization ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I would love to see Elonian elite specs skills!!
Very nice idea! I hope, hope this will come!
Specially Paragon Spears

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Human God Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I agree, I am a fan of the human gods aswell and actually I’ve been creating the 6 gods including Abaddon, 7 and along with Balthazar’s half-brother, Menzies, 8 ’’human-gods'’ characters of my own.
I’ve also created Dhuum aswell so 9 god characters.
I still have to level them up and gear them up which takes time of course,

I’ve collected all of the currently god backpieces for Dwayna, Balthazar, Grenth, Lyssa and Melandru.

For Abaddon I used the backpack of Sclerite Karka Shell.
For Kormir I used Book of Secrets.

Sadly Grenth has no outfit yet and neither does Kormir and Melandru.
But you can kinda create your own Grenth outfit since we do have the Hood.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Ep5 update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Awesome, I am waiting for it!
Will ep5 be released near the end of April?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Wizard's Tower

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


One thing i’ve always been curious about in this area is the asura stuff in the top floor of one of the houses. Seems rather out of place to me.

An asuran personal story takes place here. It’s a secret inquest base, probably because they are interested in the wizards tower too.
In the story though it is a detainment cell for a troublesome scientist.

^ This basically.
If you’re in the story instance you can use the Inquest aka Arcane Eye’s dervice, you’ll get information about Arcane Eye Agents and their leader, Rakt.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Basket Brawl

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Where is this activity?
I saw a few threads about this and now I am in-game, but I can’t find the NPC for this event.

Or was the threads super-old ones?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Wizard's Tower

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


When will we find more about Isgarren and his tower below Garenhoff’s town?

The villagers are thankful and talking about Isgarren (the Wizard) who is guarding and protecting them with the help of his tamed Elementales.

But, when will we’ll actually meet Isgarren and learn more about his history?
I have been wondering this for years now but nothing has been shown up sadly,

I am playing with an alternative character, an Asuran character and I was doing storyline and saw a concept art of the Wizard’s Tower of that chapter, Pry the Eye open.
I haven’t been playing fulled Asuran storylines yet and I actually thought I was going to enter the Tower itself to rescue Professor Gorr.
Sadly, that was not the main story.

After running around from this beautiful town which I haven’t been in many years, I found a gate which I assume could be the area to enter the Wizard’s Tower and the map beside Garenhoff is still censored!

Here’s a few screenies below:

What do you think? Will this ever become a part of Living Story, (after so many years)?

I sure hope ANet haven’t forgotten about this, it sure looks interesting and awesome to me! And I am still looking forward whenever they decide to open up that map for us,


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|


in Lore

Posted by: Alga.6498


Why are they no info about this elder dragon? He has been awaken way before all of the other dragons and yet he’s still MIA??

Destiny’s Edge and many others have been fighting against him but we players haven’t even seen or heard of him at all except our (old) main heroes were talking about when Glint and Snaff died.

Where’s he?? Why are he’s not destroying Tyria like the other dragons?
Is he chilling out at Blood Legion Homelands and wait till Primordus and Jormag finishes off each other?


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Evergreen Philharmonic 2017 GW2 Concert

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alga.6498


Listen to this beautiful LIVE Concert of our wonderful game themes!

Here’s the link for

Part 1:

Part 2:

I can’t wait for our next expansion’s powerful themes!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Mini - elite specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498



Just a thought when I was playing the other day underwater during an event or random exploring...
Since most of us (including me) have been wanting underwater weapons as land-weapons for so long, and we probably will never see the actual Paragon class in GW2.
How about this?

Mini- Elite specs for each main classes using their underwater weapons on land with the same skills, perhaps some adjust here and there to make them work on-land.

Here’s a few examples of what I mean:

- Spear weapon = Paragon mini-elite spec (1h handed spear with shield)

- Harpoon gun weapon = Sharpshooter

- Spear weapon = Lancer (2h longspear)

- Spear/Harpoon Gun weapon(s) = Assassin

- Spear/Trident weapon (s) = etc....


What do you think?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


New professions
New races
New armors
Long campagin storyline
Beautiful and many new maps/areas
Going to Cantha and Elona
Bring back Paragon, Dervish, Ritualist and Monk.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Please Stop Disregarding the Sex of My Asura

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


So you prefer seeing Asuras and Charrs running around in longdresses with high heels on?
Oh why not add some cleavage too while we are at it?
Oh please.....

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Thankyou ArenaNet. . . Again!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


You can run a full dungeon and soon raid party with that many kiddos of yours and along with your wife!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Revenant BETA weapons skins still missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I agree, they look so awesome and I was surprised they scrapped them right after BETA, just like that?
Here’s screens of Mace and Axe. ’’Mistcleaver and Mistbreaker’’


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

New poses/emotes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


from left to right: surprised, point, (not sure), dance. Al tough i’m pretty sure some dev tools are in play here as well. Otherwise its kinda hard to capture "this exact moment". That is if that was intended ofc.

Yeah, I do believe the Devs must have used some sort of ’’time stop machine ( )'’ to literally stop the character’s dance move to fit it’s well-done pose.
I just wish it was an actual emote(s) though,

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

To Anet: Please stop the Copy/Paste

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Are you for real?
You don’t even have to buy anything from the Gem store or Trading Post.
If you don’t like it, then dont buy it. Let those who likes and enjoy seeing returning old content come back to life again.
GW1 --> GW2. If you’re literally saying you don’t want to play anything related to GW1, then I suggest you to uninstall GW2 and be done with it.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

New poses/emotes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


The Sylvari look like they’re just their /dance emote; looks like the shot is of the very start of the dance.

Awwh, you’re right,
kitten it....

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

New poses/emotes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I love the group picture aswell! Very well done, ANet.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

New poses/emotes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


First of all, I just love the new Spring outfit, really lovely outfit and awesome for both male and female!

Alright, moving on to the real question…
As shown in the photo, both of the Sylvaris are posing/using new emotes.
Are we, the players, also able to use these emotes or are they not added to the game itself yet?

If they are added in-game, what’s the command you need to write in order to use the emote?
Because these new poses of the Sylvari looks so nicccee and coool!


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Does Shield of the Goddess belong to Kasmeer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


As I said before, it was indeed a Dwayna-themed shield.

BUT! No matter who or what, this shield is so beautiful!!
The real question is, which weapon does it match with?!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Does Shield of the Goddess belong to Kasmeer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I was actually thinking of an actual goddess, not Kasmeer since she’s no god.
I wonder how Kasmeer will look like in her new outfit,

Dwayna or Kormir looks like it.
(Yes, I know Dwayna got her own ’’weapon collection’’, but it looks it’s from her theme.)

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

My Aetherblade collection

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alga.6498



Similar to my White Mantle collection thread,
Please check out my Ascalonian Collection aswell here!

#1 Aetherblade female Captain
#2 Aetherblade male Captain
#3 Aetherblade female Taskmaster
#4 Aetherblade female Striker
#5 Aetherblade female Grenadier
#6 Aetherblade male Taskmaster
#7 Aetherblade female Thumper
#8 Aetherblade female Swashbuckler
#9 Aetherblade male Swashbuckler
#10 Aetherblade male Striker
#11 Aetherblade Mai Trin
#12 Aetherblade male Striker
#13 Aetherblade male Grenadier

What’s left of the Aetherblade army:
- Aetherblade Asura Assassin
- Aetherblade male Thug

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

My Ascalonian collection [Completed!]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alga.6498


Ascalonian female Ranger, Ascalonian female Fighter (alternative version)


Pre-Ascalonian female Fighter, Pre-Ascalonian male Mage and Pre-Ascalonian female Monk are now added!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

My White Mantle collection [Completed!]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alga.6498


Female White Mantle Scout 2 and Male White Mantle Battlemage are now added!

Amazing. I love the looks of the White Mantle NPCs.
I really like the White Mantle Battlemage (female) armorstyle.
Could you please tell me the armor pieces/dye she’s wearing?

Thank you!
Yes, I really love all of their looks, very beautiful, elegant and rich-style,
Of course!

White Mantle Battlemage female:
Armor pieces:
- Bloodstone Visage
- Sorcerer’s Shoulders
- Sorcerer’s Coat
- Winged Gloves
- Sorcerer’s Pants
- Sorcerer’s Shoes

- Enameled Crimson
- Crushed Bone
- Sand

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

(edited by Alga.6498)

If you had to design a new LW Character

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


A Tengu would be a nice additional for the group, as they could introduce the Tengu race finally.

I hope we’ll get newer and other main allies rather than these ones we currently have.
Kill them off, or make them go mad or something, we got stuck with them for over 3 seasons now.

I don’t care what kind of type or professions our new allies will be, only the new ones will replace these boring old ones, specially Taimi.

A male Asura for a change, perhaps? Similar to Snaff. Elementalist.
A female Norn Warrior.
A male Human Ranger..
Well, no matter what, I am looking forward for any new cast members to come.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

No new hairstyles yet? really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I am still waiting for these hairstyles, as some of NPCs also have already, so why can’t we players have them aswell?

NPCs such as Villagers from Lake Doric, White Mantle and others.

ANet, please... add these hairstyles!
Specially the last picture of the lady in that beautiful dress along with her hairstyle. I’ve been literally waiting for her hair and her outfit to be available for us players since BETA,

(I found these ’’bugged’’ hairstyles from dat_shaman and it seems like it’s for Norn and Human characters)


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

[Suggestion] Lock Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I’d love to have the old feature as in GW, so much better.
I totally agree with you all here, and I do not see why this haven’t been added YET!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Raven's spirit glider is too big

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I really like it, something new and fresh.

A powerful raven spirit flying to kill you!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Canach's Outfit [Gemstore Picture]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Guys, please....

The Canach’s outfit IS the Verdant Executor Outfit.
I just bought the outfit so it’s there already.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

The screaming corn in LA

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


I can’t find/hear any near the bank. And if they are left over from Halloween, I would imagine someone would have mentioned it before now. Maybe some recent patch accidentally tweaked something to bring up the old sounds?

Really? I can hear it when I am at the banker near the Mystic Forge, not as loud as the OP showed in his video but you can still hear some nosies from a ghost.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Melandru’s Regalia
Kormir’s Regalia
Grenth’s Regalia

NPCs civilians and villagers armor/outfits/skins.
Please, look at this thread.

Armorskins!! Just like Aetherblade, Strider, Phalax skins. These armorskins are awesome!
We need more like these!!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

ascended aqua breather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I would love to see more underwater aqua breather and weapons. But didnt ANet said they will create no more spears/tridents/speargun/other underwater stuff?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Nobles and Villagers' clothes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


The old towns clothes would be nice, maybe with slightly smaller and less frumpy boots (human).

Another that would be nice, and I can’t seem to find the screenshot (I have 1000s) is the human female repair NPCs. They have like some sort of overalls on with a short sleeved shirt I believe? There’s one in the area by the tavern close to where you start as a human. That would be a fun outfit.

Of course, I’d love my old mix-n-match pieces back ‘merged’ together as an outfit, but I don’t suspect I’ll ever get to see that, even if I offer to pay for it.

Do you mean this Corset?
I’d love to wear this one too, really well-designed and beautiful!
The female village in blue long dress always wear this, I always get so jelly when I see her. Along with other farmers…


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Nobles and Villagers' clothes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


It’s a cash maker, ANet!
Release these unique NPCs town clothes for each races.
Sylvari have some really beautiful town clothes.
Asura has cool ones too

This could be just like the wedding attrie but for "noble"/town outfits, cultural outfits.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


I surely hope there will be no GW3 and ANet will stick with GW2 for many years to go. There’s so much to explore once it’s unlocked.

If ANet are going to create a whole new story/race etc as OP said, I hope they’ll be a whole new game and not the same thing all over again.
But let’s just stick with GW2... There are many great things to come, I’m sure !

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

The screaming corn in LA

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


You can also hear a few ghostly screams near the LA bank too! :O

Prob old used Halloween sounds that haven’t been removed properly?

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Jade Maw Need to be reworked

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alga.6498


I don’t like the fractal in it’s current state, and absolutely want to rework it (and other fractals). Right now though my full focus is on the next fractal, and I just don’t have the resources to commit to a Jade Maw rework in the near future. ;(

Oooooh, looking forward for a new fractal!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Easy mode for Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alga.6498



This has been mentioned quite alot but we never have got an actual answer of this.
Will ANet ever consider and add an Easy mode to Raids for us non-raiders?

Just for the story’s sake and as for rewarding you could lower the chances or getting smaller ending reward.

I would love to actually play all the Raids, just because of their interesting stories, specially about White Mantle since I am a huge fan of them and their lore.

ANet, please, add an Easy Mode for us too so that everyone can actually take part of this!

What are you thoughts about this?
Do you disagree with me? Would you also like to see an easy mode aswell?
Comment below!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

raid answer from dev

in Lore

Posted by: Alga.6498


I would love to see an ’’Easy mode'’ or us non-raiders, just for the story’s sake because I’d love to see what’s inside of those Raids!!
Since all these super-elite pro players are only looking for exp players and ’’omg u have to have these gears or u out!11'’ and kitten like that, there’s no chance for me to enter a raid.

And I really hate you Anet for making one of my Favorite weapons, the White Mantle Collection, ONLY for Raiders!!!!

I miss the old dungeons, because there you can actually enjoy playing whatever profession, weapon type etc, you have!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

about *spoilers*...(crazy theory)

in Lore

Posted by: Alga.6498


I really do hope Taimi, the little annoying kid kitten asura will get infected by all the dragon virus she’s working on in Rata Novus and cuz her legs are still kittenty for some reason and we have to kill her.

That would be an awesome episode!

Or a Norn/Charr will just stomp on her, work’s done!
I would gladly do that.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

What is Minister Caudecus' profession?

in Lore

Posted by: Alga.6498



Noble, rich and evil.
And his combo weapon sword+pistol is also a Mesmer wep combo.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Guild wars 2 Elite specs suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


- Phalanx/Paragon

- Priest/Monk


- Seer

- Oppressor

- Zealot/Dervish

- Ritualist/Enchanter

- Assassin

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Caudecus's Mask is Horrid

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


You know you can dye the mask, right?
The ’crushed bone’ with the ’abyss’ along with the ’red’ dyes are just the basic colours for the mask itself.

Some parts does have a basic colour on their armors.

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Where is the Aetherblade Armor set??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Hey guys, I was curious about this too:

It turns out, the Aetherblade set is coming in the next few days. Evon Gnashblade apologizes for the confusing wording.

Omg, yeeeeesssss….. finally!!!!!!!!
I’ve been waiting SOOO long for Aetherblade armor bundle sets!!

My credit card is so ready !

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Spears as Land Based Weapon?

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


As you aswell see the Seraph’s Soldiers are equipping Ascaloniain weapon type of battle spear!

Which meeaaans.... they’ll create battle Spears for every weapon set !
Battlespear confirmed!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Sylvari haircolour, HELP!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


This is not right but it’s the closest I can get to...

It feels like Sylvari character creation and their colours are the hardest thing to create imo.


|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|