Showing Posts For Ashlar.2519:

Account suspended for 3 days for swearing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Account suspensions for various infractions are generally for 3 days. This is ArenaNet’s policy, in effect since the game launched. ArenaNet are keen to actually uphold the Terms of Service and End User’s Licence Agreement, so be sure to read and understand them so you don’t run foul of them again. I also doubt that they will lift the suspension early. If they did lift it early for you, they would end up having to lift it for others, which just leads to nobody paying attention to the user agreements and a less enjoyable place to play.

Cant create custom human guardian :) lol

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


It may be possible that the name you have chosen for your guardian is already taken by another player. Names are in use across the entire game, not just for each individual server. Have you tried creating the character using a different name?

Server 'Full'?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I know I’m going to get an inordinate amount of good-will posts protecting the decision, but any choice made by a game developer that limits a player from experiencing the game should not be made.

Each server is able to handle a certain number of players before the gameplay and service starts degrading. As a result, there is a limit to the number of players that can play on each server. If the hardware was able to support everyone who wanted to play the game, I am sure there would be just one server. Think of it like a glass – it can only hold a finite amount of water before it becomes full.

You are not being forced to not play, you have the ability to play on any server that is not listed as full. Because the server your friend is on, and the one you want to move to, is listed as full quite often, you will just need to keep checking back until you can find a time where it is not listed as full. That, or play on another server and have your friend transfer to it. Transfers are currently free but limited to once every 7 days.

Is reporting someone without chatlog "safe"?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


We have detailed game logs, and if you really feel that the incident involved behavior beyond the acceptable, you may report, giving the date, time, time zone, and the game world, plus your character or log-in name and the name of the infractor so that the team can research the incident.

Some parts of this info can be forgotten or not precise because game client does not save chat/combat logs anywhere to remind you, which is another game design flaw imo.
You can take as prime example an online sandbox game about spaceships that keeps all combat/chat information since your 1st log in until you personally delete them.

As a suggestion, if you feel the behavior of another player in chat is not acceptable, take screenshots of the conversation to remind yourself. The shots will have your local date and time as to when they were taken, and you can then see the conversation as well in order to include the information in your report. I am sure ArenaNet will not accept your screenshots as “proof”, since they have much more detailed logs at their end, but it will at least give you a reference as to what happened, when and who the other players were.

Is reporting someone without chatlog "safe"?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I would certainly report them. It sounds like you have your profanity filter turned on, which is why you were missing parts of the conversation. However, I would report the players that were abusive. The ArenaNet Team members will be able to read word-for-word what was said, without any filters. Just make sure you list as much detail as you can in the report – date & time (Seattle time if possible, or tell them what time zone you are in so they can convert it), as many names as possible, what the group was doing, and some information about what you COULD see in text. With that, they will be able to locate the appropriate timeframe in the logs and review it.

ArenaNet is awesome: bot/exploiter bans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


They don’t deserve to be praised when 1000 of accounts are being hacked while they can’t do anything about it.

I’m sorry, but account security is up to the player. Reusing email addresses and/or passwords from other games or other internet sites for something that should be kept secure is not a good idea. Using simple passwords for something that should be secure is not a good idea. These are not under the control of ArenaNet, they are the full responsibility of the player. When players take their own security seriously, ensure they are using unique usernames and passwords, as well as ensuring their machines are kept free of viruses/malware/keyloggers, then we will see the theft of accounts reduced.

Convince me to play again...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Your fun is a matter of your own choosing. Nobody here should be trying to convince you to stay or to leave. The decision is yours, and yours alone. If you are not having fun doing what you are doing, then it is up to you to change that – either change what you are doing in game or change games.

Server "Full" - Play with friends ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


You cannot transfer, or roll a new account, onto a server when it is listed as Full. I would suggest having your friend start his account on another server, and keep checking server populations to see when your chosen server drops off the Full list. It may take some time, it may happen only in the wee hours of the night, but it should happen at some point. Weekends would most likely NOT be a good time to try.

My friend accidentally moved off the server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Yes, she will be able to transfer back once the 7 day cooldown is over. There is currently no cost to transferring servers, so she does not need to worry about that. What she will need to monitor, once she is able to transfer, is the server population. She will not be able to transfer if the population is listed as full, so may need to wait for a time when it drops to High or lower – which could take a couple of days, depending on whether it is a weekend or not. It may also need to happen very late at night, or overnight, so she will need to keep an eye on that when the time comes.

How to Close Acct. an Remove Credit card info

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


In order to close an account, you need to file a support ticket requesting the closure.

E-mail Change Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


The only way to change the email address associated with your account is to lodge a support ticket requesting the change. ArenaNet originally had this function available within the account management system, but due to so many accounts being hacked and the hackers changing the email address to keep the account holder out, ArenaNet removed that function.

Lodge a support ticket politely requesting the email address associated with your account to be changed. I suspect they will also ask for some details on your account, like your serial number, to verify and confirm that you are indeed the account holder before proceeding.

Goodbye and ty to the the 1 who stole my name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I would assume that if they required you to change the name of a character due to a violation, then you will not be able to change it back to that name later on.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Not having 1 time event is not any where near throwing out one of their manifesto promises. And the Shatterer isn’t the only one, there are plenty of other “bosses” that respawn that have no lore reason to respawn, but they do any ways.

Point one out. No, really. Find me one world boss in the game that matches the exact same profile as the Ancient Karka. Please, by all means, make my day with this. I’ll wait.

And yes it is a minority. In any other MMO, it has always been anywhere from 20-30% that play during the same 4 hour period, the other 70-80% are playing during the other 20 hours. This is the reason why having a 1 time event is a bad idea in an MMO, especially if they plan to do this every time. It will turn anyone who doesn’t play during the prime time into second class citizens, even though they pay the same amount of money.

If we’re to trust their released numbers from the betas, concurrency figures account for ~40% of their playerbase.

Assuming that the figure has dropped off (which it likely has), that’s still a very large portion of the playerbase online at the same time. Enough that entire servers crashed during the finale event from being overloaded.

Again, please stop throwing around that “minority” word as if it’s only 10% or less, when all data to the contrary indicates it clearly isn’t.

Arenanet is literally saying that the Prime Time people are more important then their paying customers who can’t play during the prime time, and this will have a trickle effect, in the long run, like less content being made for the game because of potential loss of revenue. It is already bad enough that the non prime time people have a hard enough time finding group, so do they really need to be punished with less content from these events just because Arenanet feels they are not important enough?

So yes, I actually do feel that 1 time events is bad for the health of the game, and I love this game.

I can guarantee you that there will be less content being made eventually whether players drop off or not, because quite frankly this event’s many massive bugs prove that ANet cannot maintain this monthly pace of patching in giant amounts of new content.

Also, how are non-prime-time people being punished by ANet? They’re not being punished. You’re mistaking punishment with reward, they are not interchangeable terms. Prime time folks are being rewarded for dedicating several hours of their time to an event that required them having to manipulate their schedules to be there. Non-prime-time players are not being punished just because they CAN’T be there.

I’ve had teachers who gave the entire class a piece of candy on specific days that most students loved to skip on, or who would give extra credit to the kids who show up. Are the kids who skipped being “punished” in any way? No, not at all, they just missed out on what amounts to free goodies.

When a band schedules a concert for a particular date and time, are people unable to make that concert being “punished” for their inability to rearrange their schedule? Nope. It might suck to miss out, but that sort of thing happens in the real world. And I doubt the band has to worry about people never buying their albums again just because some folks missed that one concert, either. Because, strangely enough, people in the real world seem a bit more grounded in reality than some of the people in here. >_>

Rewarding one group of people is NOT the same thing as punishing everyone who wasn’t part of that group. Everyone was given an opportunity, and everyone who showed up was rewarded for having to schedule themselves so that they were able to attend (except the folks who got DCed, who do deserve fair compensation for missing out). If you didn’t make it, yes I agree that it sucks, but it happens. Please be mature about it and move on, or at least be constructive in disagreeing with the company’s policy. Too many here are just whining and it’s rather disgusting in all honesty.

I would have loved to have had the CHANCE to attend. I could not, however, because the final event started at 7am Monday morning. If the event had some recurring aspects to it, maybe through the use of cinematics shown at varying stages (like when first loggin in and going to Lion’s Arch), portions of the battle being instanced, etc, then the event would have included ALL PLAYERS instead of the only the portion that were able to be there at the scheduled time. The player-base is global, and there needs to be opportunities for those outside the US to be able to attend, participate and have a chance at potential rewards. As this event occured, many did not even have that opportunity.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


critickitten.1498 said:
“Unless you have a good in-world explanation for how a lighthouse can be destroyed, re-built, and destroyed again twelve times in a day? Or how about the massive amounts of destruction that were necessary to drive the ancient karka back into his lair?

Face it, sometimes having something happen ONCE is the only way it’s going to make sense. You can rationalize it as being all about the players and maybe that’s fair to say, but you can’t possibly rationalize it from any sort of in-the-world sense. And that’s precisely why they’re doing one-time events in the first place: to make changes to the world that people can witness and say “I was there”."

Or, create a cinematic that shows the destruction of the lighthouse that plays when a character logs into the area. A further cinematic later on can show the rebuilding, if needed. Something like this would allow the storyline of the event to still occur, at a time when the player logs in. This would then include ALL players in the event, rather than the select few that were able to attend at the scheduled time. Many players in Europe would not have been able to attend due to the event starting late on a Sundey evening. Many players in Asia and Australia could not attend due to the event starting early on a Monday morning. All of those players were excluded from the event entirely, did not get the CHANCE to attend, participate or a shot at any of the rewards.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I will start off by first saying that I did not attend the event at all. When the scheduling for the one-time events was listed, and I knew that I was going to miss the final one because I am not in a US time-zone (Australia here, so 7am on a Monday for us), I made the decision that since I would not be able to complete the event and take advantage of any rewards that I would just not attend. In the end, listening to the feedback, I think I am kind of glad I didn’t. Sure, it would have been nice to be able to participate, to even have a CHANCE at earning some of the rewards, but a one-time event that I was not going to be able to attend anyway just soured the idea for me.

I do applaud the ArenaNet team for attempting the event. I do feel, however, that this early in the game’s life, that the time spent on designing and implementing the event would have been better spent on correcting issues in the game and gameplay that are still problems since launch. There is plenty of time to come yet to host these type of events, but I think many players will agree that the priority at this point in time should be resolving game issues rather than working on events and new content.

How to "legitimately" purchase Guild Wars 2?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


It looks like there may have been an issue with the Billing System near the beginning of November, starting after they did some maintenance on the system on the 2nd. I would suggest to everyone that purchased around that time frame and is now suspended – check your bank statements to ensure the charge has gone through. If it has not, then ArenaNet did not get their money which is why the account is suspended. You’ll need to work with Support to get it rectified. If the charge did go through, you’ll also need to work with Support. Please note that if you put through a chargebank now, the account will be permanently closed and it may be unlikely that you will be able to repurchase the game later using the same card.

really been enjoying the game so far.... but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


My suggestion to you is, while you are waiting for your support ticket to be looked into, make sure your computer is clean from viruses, malware and/or keyloggers. I suspect that it is probable that if the account was suspended due to botting, it is quite possible that your account has been accessed by someone else that was doing bot-like behavior while you were not logged on and that, as a result, your account was reported and suspended.

Make sure your computer is clean, and change the password on your account. ArenaNet are trying to eliminate the bots from the game, and there are cases where legitimate players are being locked out as a result because their accounts were actually hacked even though nothing was taken. It looks like the accounts were being used to farm only, nothing taken, but it was enough to get noticed and reported. If this is the case in your case, you should see your ticket change from botting to unauthorised access (or something similar) once the agents are able to review the issue.

Banned Acct - but my husband just saw me online?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


It sounds like these are issues where the account holder’s machine may be compromised by some malware or a keylogger, and the accounts have been accessed by someone else. In these cases, it is very important that you carefully have the machine inspected and remove any malware or keyloggers as well as change the password on your account. It is also highly suggested that you apply one of the Mobile Authenticators to your account if you can.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I know people are upset at having their game suspended, but we also want the bots removed from game. I wonder, though, how people would go about removing access for accounts known to be botting while still leaving non-botting accounts active? Especially when there is evidence that an account has quite possibly been compromised by another party and then used without the account holders knowledge to bot-farm?

It’s a sticky situation for ArenaNet. We want the bots gone. It also appears that there are a number of cases happening here where accounts have in fact been compromised, even though the account holder sees no evidence of that. How would you handle that if you were on ArenaNet’s end?

I believe that they are doing the right thing here in suspending the account so that the bot cannot function and then working with the account holder to secure and restore the account. In the end, it’s my opinion that it is better to suspend a compromised account – especially when the account holder was not aware of the compromise.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I am not letting the bots win, it’s a war and the players will be the victors with ArenaNet’s help in clearing them out. I will continue to report botting when I see it, giving notice in /say that the reporting is about to happen. I also will continue to farm in Orr on occasion. I don’t do it every day, as I do have multiple goals I would like to reach. However, when going into one of the zones, I party up with a could of guild mates or friends. If there is room in the group for a couple of others, we usually put up in /say that we have x spots available for the events. I know it’s frustrating, but don’t let them win. The Support Team is working as hard as they can to get through the tickets and restore as many people as possible. Try to be patient and understanding – and don’t let the bots win by quitting.

Never do a "one time only" event again.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


It was rather frustrating, playing from Australia and not being able to be on at the time the event happened, only to be able to watch it later on videos. I would fully support a “one-day” event, something that repeatedly happens at a few set intervals during a 24-hour window, or as in the case of the cinematic event for The Mad King, having it trigger when you first log into Lion’s Arch that day. It would enable a lot more people that live in areas outside the US to be able to participate in the event. As it is, we feel kind of left out.

Commander Title and you.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I don’t mind if someone wants the title, and I don’t mind if they pay their own money to get it. Personally, I think they’ve sidestepped the intention by buying it instead of earning it, but be that as it may. I would dearly love, though, that the icons are not visible on the city maps though. It is distracting and annoying. Have the icon viewable in the PvP zones only, please.

How to disable bots - Cailewyn's method

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


The very best thing we all can do is to report them when we see them. I make it a habit of first watching the group for a bit to ensure they are bots, then posting in /say that I am reporting bots and if you’re not a bot to move away and say something. It gives plenty of opportunity for real players to not get falsely reported. I report and then move on to another area as I don’t want to be even near them in case someone else reports them as well and I get reported by mistake for being in the area.

Will we be able to change our character's name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I think they said they might bring this opportunity in in the future. For now, you’ll just have to wait and see.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


… If a bot is detected, no one looks at the party and takes out every member. Every member is detected to be a bot and then they are removed.

Having said that, I would not accept random invitations in bot hot spots, because I’m pretty sure you’re being invited to try to hide botting activity.

Are we therefore not to accept random people who ask to join our party in Dynamic Event zones? Isn’t that against the whole ethos of the community spirit?

Are we therefore not to do certain events merely because they are popular?

There is a common assumption among players that joining a party gives you better drops. I have no idea where this comes from, but I have not read anything in the User Agreement or other terms stating that joining a party is a bannable offence. Nor have I read that doing any particular Dynamic Event or killing monsters in a particular location is a bannable offence. To ban people simply because they engage in activities that also happen to be the target of bot makers is ridiculous.

It is more than clear that we are witnessing the teething problems of a bot detection system in its infancy, and many of the posters in this forum have been banned for no good reason. Some are probably real botters, but I am convinced that many are telling the truth.

Arena Net should hold up its hands and admit this mistake openly, and apologise to those innocent players affected.

i am sorry, seems i have misunderstood what Gaile was saying. English is foreign language for me. is she saying that being in the party with boters actually DOES get you baned!? if this is the case it is scandalous. must be changed immediately. not to mention i’ve been farming dungeon with guildies 80% of my time in the last few weeks. no boters in sight there, so i am wondering now, how long does it last (the bot disease i got). and was my friend who was in party with me baned cause he got boting disease from me!? is it spreading through air now?

i have no words for the outrage of this idea…

I would assume that if you are in a party with bots, that you will be reported by other players seeing the group and as such get caught in the net. I know when I see a group of bots running around, once I am sure that they are bots, I report each and every member of the group. However, before I begin reporting, I watch the group for a few minutes to observe behavior as well as put a post in /say that I am reporting botters and if you are not a bot to speak up now. That gives plenty of opportunity for someone actually at the keys to say something. As yet, not one single character from any group I have reported have said anything.

I am sure there are others that, when they see the group, just report all members and move on. If you want to group up with others to do the high-end zones or Dynmic Events, I would suggest grouping with people that you know – guild members or friends – rather than just blindly accepting a party invitiation from someone you don’t know. That said, should you find yourself in a group where it appears a bot is operating, I would highly suggest reporting that user as a bot as well as submitting a ticket to Support with detailed information. I won’t say that it will guarantee you don’t get suspended, as there is a chance another player seeing the group may report that group, but by filing a ticket with Support detailing the date & time, location & activity as well as names of the party members, Support can then have a look at the logs and hopefully prevent you from being suspended.

Change password request question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I’m pretty sure that you need to use a new password. The original password you have would have been added to the password blocklist when it was created. This was done so as to prevent the RMT and hackers from “reusing” known passwords. I was pretty confident that the password I had was secure, a nice long one with random letters and numbers. However, just to be sure, I did change mine.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I know it must be very frustrating to be banned from playing the game when you do not feel you have done anything to deserve that ban. The only thing you can do at this point is to submit a ticket on the issue and wait for the Support Team to get back to you. They are working through the tickets as quickly as possible, though it may take some time before they reach your ticket as they work through them first-come-first-served.

As we all know, there is a problem with bots in the game. It very well may be possible that your account has been accessed by others at times when you were not actively logged in, and used that account for bot farming. You may not have seen any evidence of this if they did not take any gold or items from your bank. ArenaNet have the logs to be able to identify this activity, and would have shut down the account in order to stop the bots. They will work with you to reinstate your account if there is also evidence that the account was not entirely under your control.

It also seems that there were a lot of players that purchased their copies of the game from a third-party supplier – someone who was not on ArenaNet’s official supplier list. In some of these cases, it looks like the supplier you went to, or maybe who they went to, has used a fraudulent means of obtaining the copies. The copies were purchased via stolen credit cards or chargebacks of the purchase were processed. In these cases, you the player are caught in the middle. Since ArenaNet have ultimately not been paid, they have closed the account. Again, ArenaNet will work with you to reinstate your account using a new serial code.

I know it’s frustrating, by do try to be patient. The Support Team is working as hard as they can to get through the list of tickets, and they WILL get to you. This may also be a good time to ensure that your machines are free from viruses, malware and any potential keyloggers that might causes issues in the future. If you are unsure of how to do these scans yourself, take your machine to a reputable service technician.

Can't change password

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I had an issue when changing my game password where it did not take effect right away. I gave it a few days and then tried again. The second attempt worked and it went into effect right away. I would highly suggest using a strong password, one made of random characters and numbers using both upper and lower case. Write it down on a piece of paper before trying to change it.

email change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


The only way to get this done is to submit a support ticket requesting the change. They had to remove the option for players to change this themselves since the hackers were changing account addresses in order to keep players out.

A Joining Player: full server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Unfortunately, they do not have that capability right now. I cannot say if they plan to bring something like this to the future or not. The best thing you can do now is to keep checking the server population at various times of the day and hope for it to not be listed as Full. Either that, or you’ll have to go to a different server in order to at least get started and then hope you can transfer at a later date if the population goes down a little.

Account Banned?!?! Says im a bot?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


You will need to file a support ticket and wait for someone on the Support Team to get back to you. Be prepared that this may not happen immediately, it could take 24-48 hours before they work their way through the tickets that are ahead of you.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


As I think many of us know, players have been asking ArenaNet to do more about removing the bots and RMT accounts from the game. I believe what is happening with these suspensions and terminations that we are seeing is that these are accounts that have in fact been compromised and used for bot farming and/or gold selling announcements. It very well may be that you thought your account was secure but it may not have been. You may not have seen any evidence of it in game, they may have left all your goods intact and simply used your account when you were not to farm.

It also seems that the moment you get the suspension/termination is not necessarily when the report was submitted. It may have been a few days prior, and after someone at ArenaNet – a real, live human being – has reviewed the report as well as the logs they have at their disposal, that the decision was made to suspend/terminate the account. It is not an instantaneous or automatic system, a human is reviewing each report and then acting based on information they have available to them.

For anyone receiving one of these notices, the only thing you can do is to submit a support ticket on the issue and wait. The Support Team, I am sure, are working as hard as they can, as quickly as they can, to restore accounts where ever possible. Posting about your suspension/termination here will not do any good as the Support Team does NOT monitor this thread. Try to be patient, they have others that have been in line ahead of you and their cases will come up first, but they WILL get to you.

OHNOES - Lion gone for good!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I like to think that the people living in Lion’s Arch would not like their missing lion statue, and I suspect that they will start rebuilding it soon. Just my thoughts, time will tell what ArenaNet have planned for the area.

A little hard to get excited about the new stuff.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Or, team up with someone else in your family, friends list, or guild to run the early zones together. It makes it a much more pleasant experience being teamed up with others.

Why did you guys make it so frustrating to change our email address?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


You can thank the account thieves for this. When the game launched, we had the ability to change the email address our accounts were associated with. Unfortunately, the account thieves were changing the email address when they got access to the account so as to keep the valid account holder out for that much longer. So as to help protect the valid account holders, ArenaNet have suspended that ability. I suspect it won’t be back for the simple reason that the thieves would have access to change addresses again, but that is a decision ArenaNet will make when they make it.

Changed password "successfully" and still have the old one.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


My suggestion is to create yet another new password and change it again. I had this happen a few days ago, and it looks like the password went to the block list instead of being applied to the account. Make another new one and change it again. You can check to see if it is active by logging out of account management and then logging back in again with the new password. If it took effect, it will do so right away.

Can I get banned for pulling champ into Botters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I don’t know if that is a bannable offense or not. Personally, while I do appreciate what you’re trying to do (and silently applaud it), I would not do it myself. I would report each name as botting as well as open an in-game report explaining what each of them were doing. They will then be watched, and if indeed are botting or automating, will receive suspensions/terminations. Report and move on, let the ArenaNet team do their thing and close them down.

Account Password not changing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I can confirm that the second password change was indeed successful and I now log into the forum and game using a new password. I’m not sure what happened the first time, but it appears that even though I got the success message, the password went straight to the block list instead of activating on the account.

Use a new code?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


And sometimes the answer is “no”. This is one of those times.

were to appeal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


You see that link up at the top of the page that says SUPPORT? I would suggest going there, filing a ticket and waiting patiently for them to get back to you. Please also understand that it will take time for your ticket to reach the front of the line, for a human to then review and investigate and then get back to you. It also appears that this all occurs during normal business hours in Seattle, so it may take a couple of days before you hear anything.

Disappointed with the level of sobriety in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Get plastered all you want, and have fun shouting out crazy things in your house. I wouldn’t go shouting them in /say or /map, though, as not everyone might appreciate your drunken humor and it may get you suspended.

Use a new code?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Imagine that you are a game producer. You’ve worked for years to make this new game and you want people to play it. You then find out that some of the people playing your game have invalid accounts, which means you did not get paid for that account.

Are you going to let those accounts remain active? I doubt it. In essence, the account was stolen from you.

I can see why they are closing those accounts. I can also see why they are not reinstating them even if the end user is obtaining a new serial code. The original account is fraudulent, and in the long run it is better to close it off and not allow it to be accessed again. The end user should start off with a brand new account that has no bad marks on it.

Account terminated - wrongfully reported.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I would kind of suspect that the buying and selling of dungeon spots might very well be a violation, even if it is simply for in-game currency. However, I am sure that the team in support will be able to answer you better once they have reviewed your ticket.

Ticket turn around time? Still waiting for your error to be fixed.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


You know, it wasn’t all that long ago that another certain well-known game company with a very popular MMO had similiar issues with regards to ticket times. They were working for years in order to hire more qualified people to work on their support team so as to keep up with the ticketing system. The problem at hand is that not just anyone can be hired to work in support when it comes to users accounts. You need to have good people that are trustworthy, considering that usernames, passwords, serial numbers and credit card numbers are at stake.

At this point in time, ArenaNet are doing everything they can to answer tickets as quickly as they can. It takes time for each ticket to be reviewed, the reasons for the lockout as well as working with the user affected. This is all done by a human being, not some automated system, so as to prevent inappropriate restorations to hackers, botters and the like.

I am also quite sure that they are doing what they can to hire more people, but that is going to take time to not only get the qualified people but to train them and have them ready to work unsupervised. Until that time, I guess that they have enough people working in support to handle normal business hours, but that as they get more people they should be able to extend those hours.

Try to be patient and understanding that there is a real, live human being working on each ticket. It will take some time for a ticket to get to the front of the line, and a bit more time once there for review.

Suspended account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


ArenaNet are not suspending or closing accounts willy-nilly for no reason or just randomly. If they were, we would be seeing a WHOLE lot more of these posts on the forums and elsewhere. The account was flagged for something and on review by a human, it was felt there was a violation of some degree. It may be as simple as the account password showing up on the blacklist (just guessing here, not trying to imply anything). I know if my password showed up on that list, I would greatly appreciate ArenaNet locking my account until such time as I could work with them to change the password, thereby preventing the account from being compromised.

Yes, there are some that still have their accounts locked from the previous wave. And, that may be because there was indeed a violation that the account holder is not owning up to. ArenaNet WANT people to be able to play the game, they’re not going to just lock people out for no reason whatsoever.

The only way to get it sorted is for those affected to file a support ticket and work with the support team to rectify any issues.

Reserved Names Still?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


Names were able to be reserved by Guild Wars 1 players shortly prior to launch. Those reserved but not yet used have not been released as of yet. Once they are, I am sure there will be an announcement made on the forums. Once they are, though, I imagine it will be first-come-first-served in grabbing those names. You might be better off just coming up with something else now and be able to play in the mean time.

How do i change my email adress/login?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I believe the only way to change the email address your account is associated with is to open a support ticket. The ability to change your address yourself was removed shortly after launch due to hackers changing account details to lock legitimate users out of their accounts.

Reset password won't work.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


He should make sure that the email did not arrive and go straight to his junk mail mailbox. It may be possible that it did come through and went there instead of his inbox.

Account Password not changing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


After several days of the password change not updating, I took a chance and tried changing my password again. I did get the success message that the password changed, logged out of the forum and then was able to log back into the forum using the new password. Since I’m at work, I cannot access the game just now, but I’m hopeful that this time the change took place.

Account Password not changing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I recieved a notice when logging into game that I should change my password. So, when I was at work on Friday (AUS time), I did just that. I created a brand new password, and applied that to my account. I was given the success notice that the new password was now in effect.

I logged out of the account, and then tried to log back in with the new password – it was not in effect. I figured that maybe it would take a bit of time to update on the servers, and that by the time I got home at the end of the night, the new password would be working. Nope.

All weekend, the new password has not yet taken effect. In order to log into either the game or the forum/account management, I need to use the old password. I did try to reassign the new password to the account, only to be given the notice that the password was either already being used or blocked on the blocklist.

For now, I will not try changing password again, continuing to log in using the old. I do have the new one written down in case it does kick in, though at this point (more than 48 hrs later), I doubt that will happen.