Hi Zuarasiz – Guild Wars 2 is very CPU heavy and it looks like your limiting factor here is your Celeron processor as it is really kind of borderline as far as minimum requirements go and technically does not pass.
Portal to Divinity's Reach = Crash to Desktop
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi again Taris – Have you tried repairing the client yet? I also noticed that it looks like you do not have a valid installation of Direct X. This could be due to corruption or you may just not have it installed. Either way we should update this.
This is what we are seeing currently from your Game Advisor report that you provided:
= Installed DirectX
– x86
– x64
d3dxof.dll – 6.1.7600.16385
The first link will provide you with the June 2010 redistributable which will force Windows to update Direct X. I provided this link below:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 (download and run this first)
Once installed, please use the following link to install all material post June 2010 for Direct X. Again this link is provided below:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 (download and run this 2nd)
Hope this helps!
Connection Errors Detected: retrying...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Saika,
To my knowledge there is no way to bypass the updater when using your mobile connection in order to go directly to the login screen.
Hi FaZe – You had mentioned you get a crash error. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so I’m curious to see a crash report from you. You can find it by navigating to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and it will be the ArenaNet.log file.
You can attach it to the thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
Hey JeroenXP thanks for the update! I’m glad to hear you got this worked out!
Hi Erthrak – It’s difficult to say what exactly is helpful information from the ArenaNet.log files. Generally the most important information will be displayed in what you have just provided, however, in this case it just isn’t enough and so we’ll need to look through the whole thing. If you want to provide the whole log file, you can do that by clicking *More posting & formatting options…"
The log files may indicate what exactly is causing the crash or it will show us if you’re getting any CRC errors or if a simple repair is necessary to resolve the issue.
Hey guys, if you’re still having this issue and the DNS flush didn’t completely resolve it for you, you may want to considering performing a Winsock Reset. You can do that by trying these steps here:
Windows 7:
1. Click the “Start” button to bring up the Start Menu.
2. Type in CMD into the “Search programs and files” field but do not hit enter. Doing this will change your start menu to show the program “cmd.exe.”
3. Right-click on “cmd.exe” and select “Run as Administrator.”
4. Type “netsh winsock show catalog >C:\LSP.txt” without the quotes. This will save a file to the root of your C drive called LSP.txt. Please attach that file to this ticket. (We would like this report even if the issue is resolved)
5. Once complete, type “netsh winsock reset” without the quotes. When the command is completed successfully, a confirmation appears, followed by a new command prompt line.
Once completed, please try connecting again.
Windows XP:
1. Press and hold the Windows key and then hit the R key. This should bring up the Run dialog box.
2. Type “cmd” without the quotes, and click “OK”. This should open a command prompt window.
3. Type “netsh winsock show catalog >C:\LSP.txt” without the quotes. This will save a file to the root of your C drive called LSP.txt. Please attach that file to this ticket. (We would like this report even if the issue is resolved)
4. Once complete, type “netsh winsock reset” without the quotes. When the command is completed successfully, a confirmation appears, followed by a new command prompt line.
5. Close the command prompt and restart your PC.
6. Once back into Windows, try running the game again.
Hi akanibbles – I would recommend putting in a Technical Support ticket so we can better assist you one on one. Lag issues can be difficult to diagnose and troubleshoot from the forums alone.
Portal to Divinity's Reach = Crash to Desktop
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Taris – If you’re still experiencing the issue with the client minimizes and flashes to your desktop, I’d like to collect a Game Advisor report so I can look into why you might be experiencing this issue. You can download the Game Advisor application at the link below:
Please note that you will be automatically prompted to install Game Advisor upon clicking the link. Once you’ve generated the report, you can attach it to this thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
Game crash when chatting or sending mail.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Rayne – I’m curious to see a crash report. This may give us some indication as to why you’re experiencing this issue. You can find this by navigating to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and it should be the ArenaNet.log file.
Hi Jereguy – Are you using s 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system? Additionally, did you re-install all of your motherboard drivers as well as DirectX?
Hi JeroenXP – Please submit a Technical Support ticket in regards to this issue with the following information:
- Login Name
- Affected character name
- ArenaNet.log file (you can find this by navigating to Documents\Guild Wars 2)
- Game Advisor report
If you’ve never submitted a technical support ticket before, please refer to the thread below for more info:
For anyone still experiencing this error message – please submit a Technical Support ticket. The best way for us to gather data and troubleshoot this issue would be one on one.
Please refer to the sticky thread below for information on how to contact support:
Hi pizdek,
There’s a few different things that could be causing this error message but without any diagnostic information from you it will be a little more difficult to troubleshoot. We can still try a few things. To start, have you tried a DNS flush? If not then to do this, please try the steps below:
1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the R key. This should bring up the “Run” dialogue box.
2. In that box, type “cmd” without the quotes, and click the “OK” button. A DOS window should open.
3. Enter the following command below and press enter: ipconfig /flushdns
This should clear your DNS cache. You may need to perform this command a few times.
Connection Errors Detected: retrying...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Saika – Mobile connections aren’t really recommended for playing Guild Wars 2 as they can be unstable. While there’s nothing wrong with using them, you may encounter issues such as this.
Hi Colonel Autumn – Unfortunately for this particular issue there isn’t really the “one fix to fix them all” sort of thing we can do, as the resolution tends to vary. That being said I’d highly recommend creating a support ticket so that we can better assist you one on one because we may need to collect a bit of information from you that you may not wish to post on the forums.
You can refer to this stick for info on submitting a support ticket:
Don’t worry about providing any account information – the most important thing we need from you will be the Game Advisor report.
Hey guys this does appear to be a known issue with HD 7000 series cards that is currently being looked into. At this time there is no workaround currently available. Sorry for any inconvenience!
You can try a repair, but to my knowledge this appears to be a bug that affects some players. There isn’t a fix at this time so I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience!
Hi madmalkav – Sometimes this happens when the Interface Size is set to “Small.” Do you still encounter this issue if you change the UI to “Normal,” “Large,” or “Larger,”?
Endless loading after character selection
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hey glad that worked! If you’re curious as to whether or not a specific application caused this issue for you, it’s a bit tedious, but you can try the following:
1. Press and hold the Windows key and then hit the R key. This should bring up the Run dialog box.
2. Type “MSCONFIG” without the quotes, and click “OK.” This should open the System Configuration Utility.
3. Go to the “Startup” tab and check one item.
4. Next go to “Services” tab and check the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box, then check one item.
5. Click the “OK” button and you will get a prompt to restart your computer. Please restart your computer.
Once Windows is back up, do not start any other programs and then try the game again. You can repeat this process (adding one more each time) until you receive the errors again. When this happens disable the process that was last selected and try adding another one. If it works, then you have found the problem. If it doesn’t, it is likely the amount running.
If you would like to re-enable all of the processes that we disabled:
1. Follow steps “1” and “2” above.
2. Go to the “General” tab and select “Normal startup”.
3. Click “OK”.
You will need to reboot the computer for the changes to take effect.
Hi Taven thanks for the screenshots and the DxDiag! It looks like you’ve got some of your settings turned down incredibly low which would distort the image somewhat, and I apologize if I had misread your issue.
I would definitely recommend creating a support ticket so that we can assist you one on one because there’s a bit more info we may need to request from you that I’m not sure you’d want to have to keep posting to the thread. This could potentially involve just some settings in your Catalyst Control Center.
As for the upgrades, 8 GB of RAM should be plenty, although you may want to consider upgrading your card if you’re looking for a performance boost. Guild Wars 2 is very CPU heavy, though upgrading your graphics card wouldn’t hurt either.
With AMD cards, you can look at it like this: the first digit is the generation, the second is the series, and the last two say the model. Examples:
4xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx are the generations, the higher the number the newer it is. Not necesary the most powerful but more efficient.
x9xx – The most powerful series.
x8xx – Mid-High-end tier series.
x7xx – Low-Medium-end tier series.
x6xx – Low-end tier series.
So that should give you some idea of what you’re getting when looking at cards. Tom’s Hardware actually has a pretty helpful graphics card hierarchy chart which gives you a nice breakdown of most AMD and Nvidia cards.
If you have any other questions just let me know.
Hey guys sorry to hear that so many of you are experiencing this issue. We’re still currently looking into this but at the moment there is no known resolution.
Hi Laura MacIntyre – It’s likely your school has some of the ports blocked. You’ll want to get in contact with your school’s IT department to see if they can get those opened for you or at the very least check to see if they’re open and unrestricted.
Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, 6112 and port 6600 be fully unrestricted and accessible, both inbound and outbound.
Endless loading after character selection
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hey thanks for the Game Advisor report Object. I want to apologize for the wall of text in advance, but I would like for you to try freeing up some system resources to see if this resolves the issue for you as I’m not seeing anything else within the report that would indicate why you’re experiencing this issue.
I would like to rule out the possibility that there is another program interfering with the game connection. To do this, we use a Windows command called “MSCONFIG.”
Please note, this command will not uninstall any applications from your computer. All MSCONFIG does is prevent these applications from automatically starting when Windows boots up.
To do this:
1. Press and hold the Windows key and then hit the R key. This should bring up the Run dialog box.
2. Type “MSCONFIG” without the quotes, and click “OK.” This should open the System Configuration Utility.
3. Click on the “Services” tab and check the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box near the bottom, then click the “Disable All” button. (You MUST click “Hide all Microsoft Services”)
4. Next go to the “Startup” tab and click the “Disable All” button.
5. Once these items are all disabled, click the “OK” button and you will get a prompt to restart your computer. Please restart your computer.
6. Once you return to Windows, please try connecting to the game again.
To reverse these settings, simply run MSCONFIG again and click “Normal Startup” on the first window labeled “General.”
Note: If you need a specific application to run with Windows but still want to use MSCONFIG, just follow the above instructions and on step 4, re-check any application you feel needs to start with Windows. Examples would be wireless connection software, mouse or keyboard applications or even security applications. Please note that security applications can often be a contributing factor to such issues. If you haven’t done so already, please also disable any Anti-virus, Firewall or other security applications for testing purposes. While we do not recommend running your machine without a security application, should disabling the software help resolve your issue we can reinstall it and work to configure the application so it doesn’t cause this issue.
Please try these settings and let me know if they have any effect on your issue.
Hi Fabio D – Lag issues are always kind of hard to look into as there are a number of different factors that can contribute to lag. More often than not it is an ISP issue though I am definitely not dismissing the fact that this could potentially be server side as well.
That being said, some troubleshooting and a bit of investigation needs to be done in order to reach a conclusion, and the best way to do this is with one on one support.
With any lag issue I always recommend players try bypassing their router and connecting directly to their modem (if able), eliminating any unnecessary start-up background applications via Msconfig (making sure to hide all Microsoft processes of course), running a Winsock reset, and even a defrag of your hard drive.
Next, we need to look at traceroutes. These will show us packet loss and ping, and generally indicate where the issue lies. Sometimes we’ll ask for a report from a third party application such as PingPlotter since it nicely illustrates a player’s connection and any latency and packet loss. To avoid running any third-party applications, we can also look at Network Diagnostic reports. You can provide this by following the steps below:
1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder.
2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
3. Right-click on “GW2.exe – Shortcut” and select “Rename.”
4. Rename this file to “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic.”
5. Right-click on “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” and select “Properties.”
6. Locate the “Target” line and add the following to the end " -diag"
Your target line should look like this: “C:\Gamse\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -diag
7. Click “Ok” to save your changes.
8. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” to start the test.
Once completed, please click “View Results” and save the results to a text file on your desktop. Once saved, you can attach that to this thread for review.
So, I apologize for the wall of text, but this is why this issue is generally best handled through our support ticketing system.
Hi there Phatzoo,
I’m thinking the best place to start would be with a repair. First, I would like for you to navigate to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and delete the local.dat file. Next, please try the following to repair your Guild Wars 2 installation:
1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 installation folder.
2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
3. Rename this shortcut to “Guild Wars 2 Repair.”
4. Right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties.”
5. Edit the “Target” line to include -repair at the end.
Note: Please make sure -repair is outside of the quotes
Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -repair
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe -repair”
6. Once completed, click “Ok” to save your changes.
If you get an error trying to save, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try step 5 again.
7. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Repair” to start the repair process.
Once completed, please try starting Guild Wars 2 again.
Hi Taven – Could you attach a screenshot of your in-game graphics settings in addition to a DxDiag report? You can find the DxDiag by hitting the Windows key + R and typing in “dxdiag.” You will want to make sure you click “Run 64-bit DxDiag” and then “Save All Information” to an easy to find location such as your desktop.
Once you have this, you can attach it to the thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…” under your reply.
Endless loading after character selection
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Object – I’d like to collect a Game Advisor report so I can look into why you might be experiencing this issue. You can download the Game Advisor application at the link below:
Please note that you will be automatically prompted to install Game Advisor upon clicking the link. Once you’ve generated the report, you can attach it to this thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
Hi StrayDilettante – This issue is currently being looked into as either a bug, or potentially a driver based issue. Could you please provide either your full system specs, or attach a DxDiag report to the thread? You can attach it by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hey guys this is still being looked into. Unfortunately I don’t have any information to provide on the status of this issue other than that, but again, I would recommend creating a support ticket for one on one assistance.
Hi mokou – Thanks for the Game Advisor report. I apologize for the wall of text in advance, but I’d like to rule out the possibility that there is another program interfering with the game connection. To do this, we use a Windows command called “MSCONFIG.”
Please note, this command will not uninstall any applications from your computer. All MSCONFIG does is prevent these applications from automatically starting when Windows boots up.
To do this:
1. Press and hold the Windows key and then hit the R key. This should bring up the Run dialog box.
2. Type “MSCONFIG” without the quotes, and click “OK.” This should open the System Configuration Utility.
3. Click on the “Services” tab and check the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box near the bottom, then click the “Disable All” button. (You MUST click “Hide all Microsoft Services”)
4. Next go to the “Startup” tab and click the “Disable All” button.
5. Once these items are all disabled, click the “OK” button and you will get a prompt to restart your computer. Please restart your computer.
6. Once you return to Windows, please try connecting to the game again.
To reverse these settings, simply run MSCONFIG again and click “Normal Startup” on the first window labeled “General.”
Note: If you need a specific application to run with Windows but still want to use MSCONFIG, just follow the above instructions and on step 4, re-check any application you feel needs to start with Windows. Examples would be wireless connection software, mouse or keyboard applications or even security applications. Please note that security applications can often be a contributing factor to such issues. If you haven’t done so already, please also disable any Anti-virus, Firewall or other security applications for testing purposes. While we do not recommend running your machine without a security application, should disabling the software help resolve your issue we can reinstall it and work to configure the application so it doesn’t cause this issue.
Hi mokou I’d like to collect a Game Advisor report so I can look into why you might be experiencing this issue. You can download the Game Advisor application at the link below:
Please note that you will be automatically prompted to install Game Advisor upon clicking the link. Once you’ve generated the report, you can attach it to this thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
Hi Sai – I’m wondering if this is some potential driver corruption. I would try repairing the client and if this doesn’t resolve the issue for you, would you mind attaching some system diagnostic information to the thread? A Game Advisor report or a DxDiag would be the best thing for us to refer to.
Hi UnholyGrazer – Could you please attach a crash report to this thread? You can find this by navigating to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and it should be the ArenaNet.log file. This may give us some indication as to why you’re experiencing this issue.
Hi Ryla Raven – Could you please post your crash report to this thread? You can find it by navigating to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and it should be the ArenaNet.log file. You also attach it by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
This will hopefully give us some indication as to why you’re experiencing this crash issue.
Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Dreadpoolage – This could potentially be due to some of your router settings. Do you still encounter this issue if you bypass your router completely and connect directly to your modem?
Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hey there Belastorm – I would recommend creating a technical support ticket so that we can further assist you with this issue one on one. We may need to request some diagnostic info that you may not wish to share on the forums which is why I am thinking going the support route may be the best bet with this one.
Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Belastorm – Just so we can rule out any potential variables that might be causing this issue – do you by chance have any security software currently enabled? This is usually the cause of this particular error message.
Hi TimIsOnTheInternet – could you provide your Guild Wars 2 crash logs by attaching them to this thread? You can locate these by navigating to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and you will be looking for the ArenaNet.log file.
You can attach the file to the thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
As a side note, have you tried deleting the local.dat file and following up with a repair?
every time I close the patcher it will start downloading all over again.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
By default the client will install to Program Files which can sometimes be problematic and for testing purposes we do sometimes ask players to make a folder in the root of their C drive. This shouldn’t cause the client to re-install, however.
client crashing after launcher (post-patch)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi unbanx – Have you tried a repair yet? If not you can do so by trying the steps below:
First, navigate to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and delete the local.dat file. Next, please try the following to repair your Guild Wars 2 installation:
1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 installation folder.
2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
3. Rename this shortcut to “Guild Wars 2 Repair.”
4. Right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties.”
5. Edit the “Target” line to include -repair at the end.
Note: Please make sure -repair is outside of the quotes
Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -repair
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe -repair”
6. Once completed, click “Ok” to save your changes.
If you get an error trying to save, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try step 5 again.
7. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Repair” to start the repair process.
Once completed, please try starting Guild Wars 2 again.
Can't open H tab after patch update ....
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi MLNeko
If you look next to where it says “Module” in the crash report, you’ll see “igdumd32.dll” which indicates an Intel driver issue.
So, to start I’d reinstall your Intel card drivers and see if this resolves the issue for you.
Hi TWMagimay – This could be a couple of things. You can reset your in-game settings by deleting the local.dat file and then following up with a repair. Your local.dat file is generally located at Documents\Guild Wars 2 or just in your Guild Wars 2 folder if you’re using Windows XP.
Additionally, I’d even suggest a clean installation of your video card drivers if you haven’t tried this already, in addition to a re-installation of DirectX.
Without seeing any system diagnostic information, however, this is just what I think could be the issue here.
Hi ARMsimkowski – Do you happen to have any security software currently enabled? That’s the main cause of that particular error message.
every time I close the patcher it will start downloading all over again.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
If your client is being run from a temporary location, such as your “Downloads” folder or even your “Documents” folder, then it is very likely that every time you launch the client from this location, the installation will begin all over again.
Hi Max Lexandre,
There’s a few things that resolve the black screen issue for players and unfortunately this is difficult to resolve without a bit of troubleshooting involved. So some things that you may want to try if you haven’t already:
1. Navigate to Documents\Guild Wars 2 and delete the local.dat file. Once you’ve done this, repair the client.
2. Try different driver versions, starting with a clean installation of the newest drivers available for your graphics card.
3. Bypass your router and connect directly to your modem. If you have a modem/router combo, you may need to disable your SPI Firewall.
4. Some background applications have been known to cause black screens, and so eliminating all unnecessary background applications via Msconfig may resolve the issue.
5. Improperly/over/under clocked systems – adjusting your CPU, RAM, or even GPU clock settings back to stock settings.
6. Re-installation of DirectX
7. Going into your Catalyst Control Center or Nvidia Control Panel and settings your Anti-Aliasing settings to Application Controlled.
Hope this helps. If none of these troubleshooting steps work out for you then I would highly recommend creating a technical support ticket so that we can better assist you one on one.
Hey guys, SantusVeritas is correct – the update is approximately 1116 MB so yes, a little over 1 GB. In regards to your suggestion with the launcher, I would be sure to include these in the “Suggestions” section of the forums.
(edited by Ashley Segovia.8276)
every time I close the patcher it will start downloading all over again.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hi Shayd – Where do you have the client installed to and where are you launching it from?
Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Thanks for the reports guys.
This is still being actively looked into and we shouldn’t need to collect any more net diags for now.
Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Hey guys we’re looking into this issue at the moment. In the meantime could you guys provide some Network Diags for us to check out?
To do this please follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder.
2. Right-click on “Gw2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
3. Right-click on “Gw2.exe – Shortcut” and select “Rename.”
4. Rename this file to “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic.”
5. Right-click on “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” and select “Properties.”
6. Locate the “Target” line and add the following to the end " -diag"
Your target line should look like this: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -diag
7. Click OK to save your changes.
8. Open “Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic” to start the test.
Once completed, please click “View Results” and save the results to a text file on your desktop. Once saved, please attach that to the thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
Hang tight guys – we appreciate your patience.