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Ritual of Life

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I believe its the full spell. I never pick it up cause I don’t go into vitality.

Remember during a rez, you’re going to be eating a ton of damage so ‘might’ be useful if you were support.

help a noob make a PVP build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


You need minion life at least or else the minions are going to die to a few aoes.

Consume conditions is better than the minion. And if you going power build with minions I suggest Soldier instead of knight. Precision is really weak on necros some people like it for conditions.

Only reason atm to go into soul reaping is for the 3% life force on marks activation. Otherwise ignore it. And going for 30 point for stability as a minion master doesnt make sense.

If going staff you’ll need 30 points in death for area marks, staff CD reduction, and minion life. ANd then best to pick the 20 points for the life force in soul reaping.

And then the last can be the vitality or the power if you want more damage. Minion siphon is underatted so I would suggest power.

If you go stafff, I suggest shamans.

I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


@ Chuiu. I think those traits would be better at like 2nd tier and not first.

And I think Last Gasp should be a tier one trait in the toughness line.

The convert condition>boon one makes more sense than the minion toughness trait we have now.

The minion one only makes sense if you go full MM. Otherwise its completely useless to the other builds. So taken as a whole we have two minor traits that are complete trash.

Hell most people don’t even use minions so the minion trait is useless for them.

Engis have that convert minor trait but I don’t know what CD they have that on.

(edited by Berullos.6928)


in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Yes most classes can easily remove our cripples conditions easily.

The scepter cripple doesn’t last very long only 5 seconds. The focus cast time is ridiculously long and the damage is pathetic. And taking the focus over a dagger is just loss of damage.

The chill on staff doesn’t last long nor does the fear last long.

The Dark Path as mentioned is unreliable and gets outranged a lot.

And the best snare in the game is an Elite from the Ranger. You heard of that sucker?
Immobilize, unless the roots are damage, except they’re so buggy its very difficult to actually damage the roots, usually get lots of dumb Obstructed stuff.

The roots also damage you while stuck in them. Does a buttload of damage.

Only reliable way to get out of it is to teleport out somehow.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


The Necro, on the other hand, should be the dude you CANNOT get away from.

Unfortunately, that is not the way things are working right now. Any class built for mobility can easily get away from a necro.

It’s the necro that is stuck in a live or die fight once they engage or are engaged. That is not true when a mobile class engages a necro. They can pretty much disengage and leave whenever they want if the fight is going poorly for them.

If they increased the duration on chills and increased the duration on cripple I would totally go for this play style.

But yes, currently most classes can easily disengage from a necro.

I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Yeah that minor trait sucks. Look at the other classes’ toughness tree:

Use Blinding Powder when your health reaches 25% (90-second cooldown).

Increases endurance regeneration by 50%.

Gain aegis when your health reaches 50%.

Gain regeneration for 10 seconds when you are attacked while under 25% health.

Extra armor when health is above 90%.

Gain 1 toughness per level while attuned to earth.

Gain 10 seconds of regeneration when your health reaches 75% (30-second cooldown).

What’s interesting about comparing all of these is that ours is the only one that doesn’t immediately benefit us in combat (we have to kill someone first).

Moreover, does anyone have numbers on the damage it does? I have a feeling it could be immune to damage, auto-tele to an enemy and still be underwhelming… but this is just whining. Any actual numbers on it?

It literally bleeds on the target it attacks.

I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


It does not give a free res. These guys can’t rally you. Also they die in about 11 seconds, not 2 seconds. I would like them to have a bit more survivable, but the real problem is obviously them aggroing. Necro minions are supposed to aggro based on what you attack only, so if this particular minion is not following that rule that is the real problem. We are currently investigating it and will make any changes we think are necessary.

Unless you are going to make it so that they live long enough to see multiple minions out (with a much shorter cooldown of, say, 5 seconds) then I still don’t see the trait being wanted or useful at all.

Better to go with a different minor trait altogether. There is plenty to do with the necromancer. I’ve listed tons of ideas in the past, here a few new ones:

  • Gain toughness based on how much life force you have, 1 point of toughness per percent of life force.
  • Poison someone when they attack you, 30s cooldown.
  • Gain 10% life force every time you take more than 10% of your health in a single hit, 40s cooldown.
  • 5% chance to convert a boon to a condition when an enemy hits you, 30s cooldown.
  • Gain 10s Fury whenever you gain life force, 30s cooldown.

Those ones you listed would be amazing as a minor trait. Too strong though imo.

Changing "Close To Death" Into a Melee Trait.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I think its a fantastic trait to be honest. It works with multiple power builds if you go that route.

The only downside is I can’t use a Staff power build not because of the trait, but because of how low Base damage Mark of Blood has which is primarily a condition move.

Even with the 10% Mark base damage increase, its barely an increase.

looking for a specific build for necro in wvw

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Please do give it a try in WvW. Just don’t think about escaping much.

The AOE potential with a group or defending is unparalleled.

Epidemic can also destroy entire groups. Marks and Wells.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Also the advantage of other gap closers is even the attack misses it will still travel the distance. You see this with thief steal all the time. Try to steal and even if you dont get the steal attack it still travels the distance as long as they are within the range.

I’ve seen this multiple times with dark pact speed, you do the move in range, and while during the travel they move out of the distance or behind something and it gets obstructed and the movement is not given.

Time is always of the essence especially with distances.

This is also seen with spectral grasp, where the time flying would make for some sweet combos if it landed but it frequently gets obstructed or out of range by the time it actually gets there.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I agree with chuiu.

The combo you listed makes sense theorycrafted but it happening in actual battles is very slim.

If at any point does the target dodge the fear or the dark pact or the immobilize all the burst you plan on using gets wasted.

Plus there are a lot of other character abilities that can get out of immobilize especially when they get bursted hard.

The general practicality of a gap closer is wasted for the small possibility of combos. And the amount of CD’s you need up for that combo is far too great.

Waiting for an enemy to dodge twice requires you to waste other cooldowns beforehand forcing the dodge. A good enemy will save dodges, unless their class is all about dodging (thief), or have tons of vigor up time. You can’t accurately tell how much dodge a person has because you cant tell what gear / build they have.

I’ll tell you that my thief can dodge almost 5-6 times in a row in combat.

And wasting time waiting for a dodge is wasting time not dealing damage, and taking damage in the meanwhile.

The necro playstyle is about, can I live long enough so that you die before me? If you wait for them to dodge, you’re withholding damage and wasting time. Our heals are not potent enough to fully heal our massive health pools, nor do we have other options of healing like elementalist or guardians or engis.

So necros best end up being buffer tanks using their health pools and the consume conditions to act as a timer to show much time you have left to fight.

(edited by Berullos.6928)

looking for a specific build for necro in wvw

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I have. And while you say they escape they really aren’t reliable as the other classes. Sure you can escape sometimes with them, just like you can sometimes escape with the necro. But most of the time you can easily chase the three classes I listed down.

Btw, guardian you listed need targets. Its not an area cast escape.

Also I’ve rarely met engis who use slick boots. It’s a gadget which people rarely use, 60 second CD and the knockback isn’t that great when engis naturally have tons of knockback. Big Bomb is shorter CD AOE and much more reliable in terms of knockback.

(edited by Berullos.6928)

looking for a specific build for necro in wvw

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Please look at thief or elementalist.

These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.

The only escape you got is the flesh wurm which must be precast and the distance isn’t that far.

Classes that can’t escape. Guardians/Engis/Necros.

(edited by Berullos.6928)


in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Doom AOE fear would be ridiculously OP.

20/17 second AOE fear instant cast would be broken.

It’s already the best DS move we have and best defensive as well as offensive CC we easily have access to.

I just think the duration of all fears in general should be increased by half a second. So 1.5 seconds by default.

Currently a 1 second fear isn’t enough to push people off ledges unless they’re sitting right on the edge or very close to it. This is really needed sometimes in places like Forest of Niflhel at the Keep.

Compared to the knockbacks of a guardian or engineer it is severely lacking in actual moving distance. Or even Ride the Lightning.

True, that the advantage of fear is it bypasses stability but still limits me in actually moving people in the direction I would like. And the trade off for increased fear duration currently is too high compared to other classes who get the full knockback distance and CC duration without even traiting it.

The Great Disappearing Act of GW2 (Necromancer WvW)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


The editing is nice.

The clicking abilities makes me sad.

Axe also makes me sad.

The standing still often also makes me sad.

I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Ya I remember that. At low level the thing is worthless because I believe it scales with your life.

When you get ~20k+ it lasts closer to the dev’s 11 seconds.

But at low levels it barely stays alive. Dying in less than 5 seconds.

Cause the bleed it does to itself is constant, while the life it has is tied to the amount of health you have.

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Plague form is basically a defensive move that deals no damage output whatsoever. You can tell its a defensive move also cause if you look at it, it has no cast time. Meaning it can be cast during CC’s, stuns, rezzes, everything.

If a thief is stupid enough to try to attack you/tries to stealth through it, thats their fault.

The range of the poison/blind is also a lot shorter than you think. Just out range it and attack away. Not to mention AOE’s just bypass the blind altogether.

Basically the damage output is 200-250 poison damage per tick per second for 20 seconds. That is abysmal damage.

I’ve actually just stopped using unless I know I need to hold the point and 3 guys are coming. Just swap to it and use it.

Otherwise I primarily use Flesh Golem despite the bugs is more generally useful. Also the charge does a lot more damage than people think. 1k-2k damage with knockdown in a line? Hell ya. 1/4 to 1/2 the treb HP with a 40CD recharge? Hell ya.

Have they improved necros issues?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I really wish they would stop stealth fixing things. Its hard to keep track of what they’re doing.

Its either that or they’re basically testing fixes live, and then when patch notes come its basically them saying they’ve gotten it completely fixed.

I’m actually thinking its the latter. They literally apply fixes onto live, dont tell us, and test to see if its working. Don’t even bother fixing on a test server and just directly fix onto live to guarantee that its working.

Doesn’t mean that its bothersome though not being transparent about it.

Minion Master.....OP TPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Cept other classes can easily strip/corrupt that 30+ of retaliation and you’ve wasted 4 CD’s for that 30+ retaliation.

Also putrid mark is one of the best moves you’ve got and you’ve wasted it just for the combo finisher.

Well of Blood also is far weaker than consume conditions which is a full cleanse and is only better healing wise when you stack +healing. Additionally since you only have 10 in blood your CD for WoB is horrible.

You would be better to move the 10 from Spite into blood for the well reduction.

I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


They used to rally people. I’ve seen it done multiple times. They must have hotfixed it without being mentioned in patch notes.

Now most of the minions attack what you tell it to attack, the most consistent and best is the flesh wurm. The worst is the flesh golem. He wil continually stand around and not attack what you want.

Now I think all minions should be passive unless you attack something. This fits in with the dumb minions. Currently they attack whatever they want promoting inactive and afk play which is not engaging. This also isn’t viable when the amount of pets a necro can have out is limited to 6. This is only doable if the amount of pets we had was very high ala GW1.

A lot of pets sometimes stand around doing nothing, or attacking whatever they want.

Flesh golem needs a fix though. It may work in heart of the mist, but when it comes to actual pvp and pve it doesn’t hold up.

Death Shroud Stomping/Reviving Exploit or Bug? [my Hotjoin sPvP Match video inside]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


@ Cassius All classes are capable of doing this. Each class has a weapon that you can swap to for ~10 seconds of swiftness. (Bar engineer, however a 10 point trait can easily give perma swiftness by changing and rechanging the kits)

The spectral walk was changed because it basically gave necros perma swiftness with no need to actually take the spectral walk utility.

How important are the pets for Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I like the worm though. A teleport and a 10% life force gain out of combat. Also a stunbreaker if you plan ahead.

The cast time for it sucks though. 1 1/2 seconds for a stunbreaker/teleport that you gotta precast.

And ya the flesh golem is good, charge does a lot of damage and he regens health.

Death Shroud Stomping/Reviving Exploit or Bug? [my Hotjoin sPvP Match video inside]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


@ Eileithia yes that does work. However the stomp is 3 seconds and the stability is 3 seconds from activating death shroud. Dropping death shroud and then stomping takes at least half a second for it all to register.

So if the opponent times it they can interrupt you at the last second.

Also having death shroud up mitigates any damage taken while stomping. This is common what people do when they cannot stop the stomp/interrupts not up. They just try to do as much damage as they can since you’re stationary and also cause they might down you before the stomp goes off.

Death Shroud Stomping/Reviving Exploit or Bug? [my Hotjoin sPvP Match video inside]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


@Pyrial. I think its a bug in that its not easier to do.

Like after you push the stomp button you can hit the death shroud.

Instead of where it is currently where you gotta do both at the same time.

Death Shroud Stomping/Reviving Exploit or Bug? [my Hotjoin sPvP Match video inside]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


One of the hotjoin sPvP matches I did. My computer isn’t great so its hard to play with the lag/stutter. This video shows me death shroud stomping people with Grandmaster trait Foot in the Grave (30 point Trait Soul Reaping).

Necros lack stability besides a 30 point grandmaster trait in Soul reaping and death shroud is instant so should be castable during the stomp (IMO), however it isn’t and you must push both the shroud and the stomp at the same time. Due to this some people believe it is an exploit because it is not easy to do compared to other classes. I think this is just a bug and shroud was meant to be used whenever we wanted (due to it being instant and usable during CC/stuns).

Other classes that have profession based mechanic stability/invul stomps.
Mesmer = Distortion (doesn’t require traits only clones/phantasms, can be used during stomp)
Engineers = Elixer S (the direct utility can be used during a stomp, but the profession toolkit can also be used during a stomp however it is unreliable as stealth doesnt always guarantee stomps) , the toolkit is not instant cast and cannot be used during the stomp, must be precast
Elementalist = Earth Grandmaster Rock Solid (grants 2 second of stability can be used mid stomp/attunement swap)
Guardian = Virtue Master Trait Indominable Courage (grants 3 seconds of stability during Virtue of Courage, if the block itself doesnt stop the attack the stability will guarantee the stomp), can be used without traits assuming the block will stop the attack

Classes that lack profession based stomps.
Rangers (I feel bad for them. None of their pets can guarantee stomps either. I’m unsure if a MOA daze can guarantee a stomp. Spider stuns ‘may’ be possible but its really hard to do since the spiders attack really slow. I have been unable to test it. Mesmer clone daze doesn’t guarantee stomps. Rangers can use utilities [quickness], and ult signet for a guarantee)
Thieves (kinda sorta, they have stealth but its not profession mechanic based, and its not guaranteed stomps, guardians can still hit in stealth)
Warriors (not profession mechanic, however can use utilities to guarantee stomps)

I’ve asked both streamers Powerr and Xelfer and they both believe it to be an exploit.

I think its just another necro bug because death shroud is instant cast. And instant cast moves can be used during stomps/revives.

I didn’t show that you can death shroud revive as well. You can also plague revive, just start the revive first before you hit plague [Note: can get cc’d before you hit plague]

While stomping/revive you can doom at the same time since it’s instant.

I didn’t figure this out myself. I first saw it done in another video in this forum that showed him Death shroud stomping people.

(edited by Berullos.6928)

Rune of the mad king and Flesh Golem

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Last time I tested runes regarding elite skills it didn’t work for the Flesh Golem Charge.

Rune of the mad king and Flesh Golem

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


All Elite skill activations happen on the summon for our minions. Not the minion skill activation.

It sucks really bad for us.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I mostly don’t like the tiers we get certain traits. Some of the desirable ones are way too high tier.

I end up making builds just so I can reach certain traits and ignoring a lot of the minors/base amount of direct benefits.

I also feel pidgeonholed into taking Death magic for staff as the only semi counter versus thieves and mesmers and engis that cloak, as marks are the only reliable way I have to hit them in stealth.

Well of corruption

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


No. Its called Well of “Corruption” because it converts boons into conditions. But it is a Well cause its AOE. Note it only converts 1 boon into a condition per pulse.

Jagged horrors

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


When they die, do they at least contribute some Lifeforce? Cuz I’ve never had a single one reach an enemy and deal damage.

Don’t give lifeforce. THe only minion on death that gives life force is your Elite. And your worm if you actively kill it.

You can easily gain 10% life force by summoning the elite and then changing the elite. I do it often in sPvP most consistent way of gaining life force along with the worm.

Necromancer is bugged?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I don’t think its that spectacular a build to be honest. The damage he puts out isn’t even that great despite the fact he’s running Berserker’s.

Any decent burst class would decimate him. And you’re also reminded to the fact he can edit the fights he wants.

Well of Blood CD is too long and scales only well when you have decent healing power. And even then it isn’t that great.

He also lacks condition control. He has no condition removals of his own. No dagger 4. No consume conditions. No staff 4.

Noobromancer looking for help overhauling build...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Have you tried minion builds? Minions are really dumb however it is actually extremely viable in PvE. Meat shields which let you go almost completely glass.

Axe (power based) actually helps minions the most damage wise but sustainability staff with Mark of Blood is the easiest/laziest. So it would be condition based.

Necros + Legendaries = Wait what?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


The legendary Axe looks quite nice. Too bad it isn’t viable in many builds. Minion master is the best I can think of.

Does anybody else feel really squishy?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


You feel squishy cause we can’t run away, we have no invulnerabilities besides DS. And if you get caught without life force you feel like you’re screwed.

Weakness is a terrible condition. I can’t believe they made that. 50% of non-CRIT attacks do 50% damage. Who runs a burst comp without crit? No one. 50% of burst still hurts like balls.

So this is basically (assuming opponents have at least 50% crit). 25% chance of 50% reduced damage. Less if they’re crit heavy.

So the thief Bread and Butter combo Mayyybe decrease damage of around ~20%. Cause most thieves run huge burst and such high crit chance.

Also I feel poison is underwhelming. I’ve seen people just heal through it, and it barely decreases the amount of healing they do. I hear it used to be 66% and that sounds really too much. But all the way down to 33% is so weak. I was thinking 50%. Also not to mention our poison doesnt last very long anyways nor do we have ways to access it often.

Just wondering.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I agree with what Will said. I play necro cause its my main and I always wanted a minion class in games. Unfortunately minions are broken but I’m still playing it in hopes of it not being broken later on.

Currently I play conditionmancer as it sadly enough is the best thing we’re good at. Condition control, no other classes matches us in that, so it pidgeon holes us into the build.

The best abilities for us atm are:
Corrupt Boon (this is almost essential vesus guardians/elementalist/engineers)
Epidemic (only IF your team has enough conditions to spread, you yourself apply conditions so slowly itll fall off by the time epidemic is used)
Well of Darkness (5 seconds of near immunity to melee, if they have quickness they’ll actually attack so fast itll go through blindness)
Plague (20 seconds of blind, 20 seconds of poison, stability and instant cast) this is basically when you got 1-2 burst classes wailing on you and you need time to breathe. Lich form is underwhelming. The 1 is damaging as hell, however you can easily be corrupted (lose stability), the toughness and vitlaity boost are not as good as plague and can be MOA’d easier than plague, as the blinds can make the moa miss.
Consume Conditions is almost mandatory in sPvP. A complete condition removal on a heal is very good. Only 1-2 other classes have it, and ours is the lowest CD at 25 seconds. The Well of Blood CD is too long and requires staying in the circle the whole time for full benefit.

Also the best necro weapon in the game is the Staff. It does everything. Bleeds, poison, chill, Condition transfer and an AOE CC. Marks do not need a target to cast can be used versus stealthed characters, made unblockable, its pretty much the best thing we got. But look at it carefully, the Staff 2 the lowest CD mark for staff is PRIMARILY a condition. The base damage is pitiful for power. Yet the staff 4 is power based and can easily do 1k-3k damage. If they boosted the base damage of staff 2 you could use it in power builds.

Our down state is arguably the worst now in sPvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I agree. We probably are the class with the weakest downed state now.

They should change #2 to an aoe fear, scrap #3 and instead add:

‘Conjure Phylactery’ (ground target skill, 900 range): Conjure phylactery (urn thingy with 2000 HP or so) at the selected location. If the necro dies he is instantly revived at the phylactery’s location with 50% HP.

That would be kittenn!

I’d like if we maintain the single target fear, to have instead of poison turn us into a minion or something for like 10-15 seconds a la warrior style. The minion would have its own set of skills. That would be kitten.

Otherwise maybe an AOE fear.

And maybe change the life siphon to do bleeding as well, cause its life siphoning shouldnt the target be bleeding as im siphon the life out of him?

Or you could go Elementalist style and have a “Lazarus” move where we were seeemingly down and then all of a sudden come back to life only to fall back down again.

And then the second move would be summoning a minion or something.

Our down state is arguably the worst now in sPvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


With the recent buff for Elementalist where they basically get to delay time and stop multiple stomps (teamfights) even with the buffed damage and combo field we probably have the least defense versus stomps.

Our siphon was buffed however since downed state is based off of stats (siphon being power based) it means it still does horrible damage.

Our fetid ground was buffed but some damage doesn’t stop an incoming stomp and you aren’t going to force them to die with a poison that ticks for maybe 200-300 damage.

Right now my thoughts on downed state rankings.

1. Thief
Basically two ways of delaying time, a teleport and a stealth. Their 1 also is power based which almost all thieves roll making their damage actually pretty decent downed and also bounces. Teleport and stealth ignores stability/blinds/blocks.
2. Mesmer
Teleport to delay time and ridiculously powerful phantasms while downed. The 1 is power based and causes confusion. Teleport ignores stability/blinds/blocks.
3. Elementalist
Now with the new buff are basically sitting high. Its a visible teleport/invulnerability and actually has them have a second downed penalty however it basically gives them a mild heal. (downed penalty is -25% health when redowned) So basically they get low They vapor form and go to 75% when redowned. Also I believe the vapor form may also allow them to keep points.
4. Guardian
AOE interrupt knockback. Can be blinded/stabilitied however blind is unreliable as their 1 is a channel and can stop the blind easily. Their 3 is also a heal. Their 1 is power based.

Next few are a bit closer, but take into the factor of traits.

5. Warrior
The interrupt rather sucks as its single target. However, the vengeance is extremely powerful and can be traited where if they kill something they rally. This trait is almost broken underwater in Raid of the Unicorn. They die, they rally off of the sharks with the spin move they got. They’re also invincible for a brief moment during the rally. Power based 1. Can be blocked/stabilitied/blinded.
6. Engineer
A single interrupt which sucks in group fights however the 3 is an AOE knockback. They can also pick up the Elixer R which if timed well can self rally themselves. The 1 is condition based and power based. Can be blinded/blocked/stabilitied.
7. Ranger
An AOE interrupt however it is easily waited out. Their pets can rally them as well. The 1 is a condition which is horrible for them. Can be blinded/blocked/stabilitied.
8. Necromancer
Only single interrupt. Our 1 is power based which most necros are not. Our 3 is poison but it ticks slow and creates a combo field. Can be blinded/blocked/stabilitied.

What I think the devs were going for...and fell short of

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I do worry about being focused and I have built for tankier. But I felt the trade off for the increase in tankiness isn’t worth the loss in damage.

I feel the counter pressure damage is more defensive than actual defense. By forcing them to do defensive counter measures it is an indirect defense. I see thieves all the time try to burst me hard, and I would die even if I went full tank eventually. The more chances they have to open on me and burst when they see fit the more chance I have to eventually die. It is better to instead counter pressure with damage as if they make a mistake and overpress they’ll realize they’re going to get downed quickly and this happens a lot more often than people realize.

And the lack of stability/invults/stealth/mobility/CC IS part of being squishy. Sure if you look at all our healthbars it would look like we have a massive advantage in sheer numbers. And it will be that if people don’t know what they’re doing versus necros. CC absolutely destroys necros so bad. If they’re cc’ing us, they don’t have to worry about defense. The cc in itself is a defense. Stealth is a defense, mobility is a defense.

So here’s why we’re squishy and why people target us. Yes you pointed it out a little on the lack of avoidance. They just keep wailing on us, we can’t escape, and can be easily cc’d out of our heals.

And yes, I do agree with you that I actually want them to attack me. I ‘want’ to be a priority target. We can handle the most punishment and a lot of our traits/skills/abilities rely on us taking damage. And what better way than us who can build life force (as a seperate healt bar) compared to other classes?

You do state about the range we should fight at. I think medium range is best, it takes advantage of our marks the best, wells, and fields. I personally die to rangers sometimes if they are allowed to keep it at super long range. Staff autos move so kitten slow, and marks suck at such a long range don’t get to benefit from the regen.

And yes I agree the fear is too short. I feel 1.5 seconds is perfect. Half a second more and it should be okay.

And our downed state is not on par with other classes. Here the order I feel goes the best for downed states.


We are 6th out of 8.

Mesmers and thieves abilities can’t be blocked/blinded for a stomp. They can pick any target and it will still go off.

Guardian and ranger are next because they are AOE. Guardian is more useful due to knockback.

Warrior is next due to Revenge.

Then it comes to us, we have a single target fear.

Engineers are here because their first skill to come up actually brings the foe closer to them, which is pretty awful. However the second skill actually blows up.

Elementalist cause you know why.

DS should hit harder

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I don’t think it needs to hit harder I just want a faster cast. It comes out so ridiculously slow I actually get antsy and it ends not getting off. I literally have to wait around while it takes time to cast.

And then the cooldown between casts is ridiculous. It feels like one shot every 3-4 seconds.

What I think the devs were going for...and fell short of

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


@Kayotik I think we ‘are’ a priority target. If people leave us alone in a team battle our condition manipulation can turn the tide of battles extremely easily.

Putrid mark > epidemic, or maybe a corrupt boon into epidemic and the group wipes because all the conditions are transfered.

Or maybe a plague signet into epidemic.

Or even just Marks spam, conditions hitting multiple targets with an AOE fear every so often.

Plus people attack necros cause they’re easy targets. We are easily CC’d, we don’t stealth so the target locks dont get disabled, and people know once Death Shroud is down we can get bursted so fast its not even funny. I see people just sit around waiting for me to drop my Shroud even from time or just I had to drop or else lose all my Life force, and once it drops they completely burst me in a few seconds or CC chain me until I die.

Its also why warriors/eles are easy targets. They dont break locks and usually run very fragile builds. However if you leave them alone they can wreck your face. Also their downed state is very weak just like ours. You just need two people for a stomp on a warrior, necro, only 1 for an ele.

doesnt seem to work

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


ok i found the bug, when you use trait 9 in curses focused rituals wich makes wells ground targeted you no longer trigger spiteful vengence when using well of blood

as long as you dont use trait 9 in curses well of blood will trigger both protection and retaliation

That is a terrible bug tbh. Thats like mindblowingly bad. But really how does that bug happen when it becomes target able?

I keep trying to use WoB however the cooldown is long I wonder if it’s even worth it. Consume also clears conditions. Not many other classes has a heal that wipes all conditions, I think its one of the strongest heal abilities in the game.

The only other contender is Ranger’s heal and the thief’s cloak heal. However some might like guardian shield heal too though however our Marks bypass the shield and the poison would still affect them.

(edited by Berullos.6928)

support necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Support necro is pretty simple to make.;TsAg2Crouxcj4G7Nubk3s2YsxuBA

Wells and Marks. Wells are ground castable and creates Dark Fields for your guildies to use. Not the greatest combo but lifesteal is convenient and blinds are sorta nice.

You’re mostly going to be staying with your staff the whole time. Spamming Marks all day everyday. Your main and best one is Mark of Blood gives bleeding and Regen. With the high amount of healing you have and the Runes of Dwayna you should be getting near constant uptime on Regen on your guildies if they’re in range of the enemy when the mark goes off.

The Regen should be in the Range of 200-300 per tick.

The Staff 3, also is a poison field and a chill to stop fleeing enemies. Also with a rune of Water you’ll be healing teammates around you whenever you cast 30% of the time, with an internal cooldown of 10 seconds.

Traits the fall damage is most useful in WvW but you can swap it while in WvW to something more damaging like the 20% bleed when you’re not falling around.

Your staff auto will be generating the life force for you, itll be easier since you can sit back and just spam it. And your life transfer will heal those around you for 292/tick I believe.

Couple more conditionmancer questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


The Spite Tree itself increases condition duration though. Just not ALL power. Just that specific trait line.

Most of the spite trait is not useful for conditionmancers unless you’re going hybrid spec which is a whole different ballgame.

Is this an exploit?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Swadow.6213 – test it it goes trough stability/iterrupts spells, only thing stability secures is that you dont lose full controll of your character.

That is kitten. So Staff 5 is basically the best at saving others from getting stomped.

Cannot Finish / Revive inside Deathshroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I’m pretty sure we were supposed to be using “Blind” finishers.

Problem being it isn’t reliable enough to consistently finish people. If they attack at all after you blind and then CC you, it stops. But if they’re blinded and they try to use the cc it misses and they get stomped.

Vs. Thieves, Mesmers they don’t have to “hit” you in order to teleport which is BS imo.

Vs. Guardians this works “sometimes” cause I believe their attack is channeled and it stops the blind before they CC. But it is immensely satisfying to see their AOE attack fail when we lack ZERO stability. It’s quite hilarious actually.

Null Field is better than all our Wells

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Does each pulse remove all boons and conditions?

And I didn’t realize its also ground targetable.

And my bad I didn’t notice it had been discussed to death.

Null Field is better than all our Wells

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I don’t play Mesmers but a friend of mine showed me this skill and I realized how ridiculous it is.

It is better than all of our wells combined.

Same cooldown as well of suffering/well of corruption. Sure it lacks actual damage but the sheer utility it can do is ludicrous. And most of the time if you’re a conditionmancer and you usually are, you got zero power unless you run carrion. And even then the pulses only do ~500-700 damage.

And if your enemies were dumb enough to stay in the field the whole 5 pulses they deserve to die.

So lets look at the actual ability.
-Tooltip says it lasts 7 seconds. Wiki says it lasts 5 seconds. Okay duration is the same.
-When you look at it, it says it removes ALL conditions and ALL boons.
-Doesn’t pulse, happens at the first time you drop it. Much easier to land.
-Gives Ethereal combo Field (confusion and chaos armor), arguably far superior to the Dark Fields we get.
-The recharge duration trait is located in the FIRST tier of their vitality/compassion line.
-Can be traited for longer duration, blinding and confusion

Lets look at our wells.
-5 pulses
-Well recharge is on the SECOND tier.
-Well of suffering grants damage (fairly good for power builds) and vulnerability (crap) for everything besides power builds.
-Well of corruption 5 pulses means only 5 boons converted and they aren’t going to stay in the field the whole time (usually)
-Well of darkness 5 Seconds of blindness which makes us immune to melee which is technically superior to Null Field

But the opportunity cost of getting Null Field compared to us getting Wells is so dramatically different trait wise.
- 10 point traits compared to 20 points for us.
- It does far more than any of our single wells.
- Could leave it untraited and it still beats the other utility Wells we have CD’s (Well of Power, Well of Darkness)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


The 50% increased siphoning does not increase the minion siphon nor the well siphon.

Optimize my build! D/F

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I would probably demolish that necro if I saw that on the field. The dagger trait with spectral walk doesn’t stack so it would be max from the swiftness. I don’t understand the high precision line. That is a condition build you’re going down and yet you’re specced for power. You want to go into Spite where you’ll actually do some damage. Play with quickness on crit sigils. Quickness currently is OP.

And most dagger power builds run with wells as wells scale with power. And no soul reaping is going to get you rocked as that increases your damage with the crit and higher uptime with Death Shroud which is your defense and offense.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Are minions that are summoned through items (Rock dog, Flesheater) supposed to scale with Minion damage increase and survival increase?