here it is
I cut the screen shot and pasted it on my stat page just incase someone would say “get moar toughness” or “get MOAR DEFENSIVE1!!!”
not happy with this, and it happens all the time.
9k backstabs 3k steal and 1 hartseekers
killed me by the same thief TWICE
the first fight he killed me outright before i even saw him and before he broke stealth
2nd time I caught him from behind, he vanished mid swing, killed me INSTANTLY
by the way. I am a full bunker guardian.
no… its unique to the class.. no weapon swap but 5 different weapon loadouts.
dont like the mechanic dont play the class.
why play the class IF YOU DONT LIKE THE MECHANIC???
you can play any of the other classes. im not saying this to be a bad person, i can see asking for buffs or nerfs or a skill change but when you want to change the mechanic i have to ask…. WHY PLAY THE CLASS if you dont want the mechanic!!?!?!?!?
did I ask that enough?
Why are there healing builds when healing gived you nothing?
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
ya while playing a heal spec you get no type of points i noticed. everyone runs in and beats on 2 guys, I lay down fire field do 3 blast finishers and then start throwing out healing… fight ends .. we win i dont get any points…. CHANGE THIS
I have been playing online mmorpgs for over 17 years now
and in EVERY game , theres always the class that lags behind that people complain about , and theres always the one L33t d00d who claims “YOU ALL SUK I OWN WIT DIZ CLAZZZ”!!!
I kid you not, we even had this happen in STREET FIGHTER, where a guy was trying to tell everyone DAN was a good fighter to pick and he was only lagging behind because we didnt know how to play.
playing a necro is like playing DAN…. but playing an ELE is like playing HAKAN!!!!
i have actually never used any OTHER heal than this. shorter cooldown so its more guilt free when you use it.
90% of the time i channel it while in mist form haulin azz away from a fight im losing.
works out rather well since mist form dosent remove conditions.
it winds up being a full heal and full condition removal when used with mistform and the trait that makes mistform or cantrips regen.
just stop attacking while its on..
I was 2 shot as my tank spec by a thief today. I got the jump on him as he came to my base, set him on fire and he stealthed…. then i died.
and they wanna nerf THAT spec?
i cant believe my combo isnt in here,
use earth for the earth shield, put 1 stack of bleed on them,
throw the air shield
change to air (which hits them with a bolt)
use air 2 insta bold
use secpter air for the knockdown
change to fire and start moving forward
cast dragon tooth on the dude thats on the ground
from here you can do the normal version or the alt version
my normal versrion you cast phoenix and then flame grab
the PRO version is you ground target wall of flame on the person while still down and THEN cast phoenix
this will give you 3 stacks of might but you will obviously miss the burst damage of Phoenix+dragontooth hitting at the same time then flame grab on the burning person…..
you will have better sustained because of the 3 stacks of might
if this combo dosent put you in the lead, you are in trouble… since the only phase left now is water and you dont go into that until you have a conditions on you and are down to 70% life. so your just stick form here spamming fire 1 only wit no points in condition =/
HAHAHAH the answer WINZ.
when will they create a game where the best cc and stun are not accessable to the classes with the highest burst damage?
when will they make a game where defense trumps offense? and 90% of the playerbase just dosent roll the most overpowered or easy to use damage dealer.
only one game did this and thats the game STILL to this day 15 friggin years later, everyone says was the best pvp game of all time. how can we have not mastered this after all these years??
For all those that complain about elementalist being Underpowered
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
That is true, however. Good player on a ____ > good player on a Ele.
(please fill free to fill in the blank with class of choice…other than ele)
quoted for truth and for making me literally laugh out loud.
as I have said before… playing an ele in guild wars is like how I feel being black in america. sure i CAN become president, sure I COULD be a pro golfer but look at how much EASIER everyone else got there with half the effort?
Retaliation needs to stack in intensity, it’s a horrible mechanic as a tiny amount of damage people try to keep on continuous duration.
Duration Retaliation promotes the unkillable bunker build that does 50% of their damage through Retaliation over a long fight that benefits the defensive build.
Intensity Retaliation would promote many other different options for doing damage and for spike possibilities either offensively or defensively.
If Retaliation stacked in intensity it would allow people a counter against front loaded burst specs that try to kill a player outright in the opening attack, however if they bluff you and fake out of your initial Retaliation stack then it’s useless (which is good). Right now the mechanic allows you to stack a long duration Retaliation to damage the initial burst and the rest of the fight (which is bad gameplay).
whoaaa.. no
I recently started using 2handed sword to give out aoe retalliation. its quite powerful in its aoe form. if anything needs a nerf its 2handed sword. Im currently making a video of clips where i kill thieves and other aoe spamming classes almost instantly with aoe retaliation and a the damage from my attack.
if you gave me the ability to sit in a pile and keep stacking retal on one person that would be ok, but when I can do it aoe to everyone in range then your just making a skill plain op and not balanced
holy crap was it really 1o sec? yeah thats a bit TOO long. i never knew it was that long, thats insane. but then again aegis only comes p once per battle.
3 is too short.
you can clearly see who came from wow and who came from pvp games.
no, burst is NOT ment to blow past bunker
in REAL pvp games its supposed to be
debuff > Bunker
healing > Dps ( but spike damage is supposed to trump healing because of surprise)
AoE > Healing
ranged burst > melee burst
melee sustained > ranged sustained
only people who came from wow would think… im just SUPPOSED to blow everyone away because im deepz… and thats what deepsz does AMIRITE!?!?
I play a bunker mezmer and obviously by the name, a bunker guiardian. both die very slow and painful deaths to condition as it should be because neither build has much condition removal.
i have no problem with 100 blades becuse its a channeled stationary ability on a cooldown
I am VERY upset with crossfire, pistol whip and , “hartsekorz!!” even after the nerf, they can still gain haste and plow me under on any class other than my shield +defensive guardian.
I cant stop a rogue spamming 1111111222 or even 2222222222222 in my heal spec cuz they say
“DOOD we ment to keel healerz”
and i cant stop them in my damage spec because “DOOD we ment to kill deepz”
and now your telling me I cant even give up 4 slots and take away all offense to be a retaliation tank against them?
key factore to balance ANY pvp game.
fix the blantant op stuff first which is OFFENSE. nobody in no pvp game ever likes to be killed fast and easy.
after that fix the defense and adjust healing and debuffs of the sort.
NEVER… EVER fix the defense before you fix the offense.
guess they didnt learn the lesson from warhammer… and rift…. and daoc….
leave it like it is, because its the ;argest damage spell we have and I would rather have
“hard to use but powerful”
rather than
“easy to use and normal”
rangers always say “ITS MY ONLY ABILITY” and I always say back, if it wasnt a 1 button OP , then you and the other 90000 rangers wouldnt all be the same weapons and same spec.
ya I must say we are blessed combo wise. what more do you need than might and retalliation!!
nothing makes me laugh more than giving out group retaliation when a thief is using pistol whip and watch them drop instantly
I have to lol with the main poster, since i did the same thing, play ele and necro and last night i finally deleted my thief (who i only use for name holder only) and made a mezmer… even without knowing how to play, I died ONCE in 6 games. and that was because I was bragging and got a head hunted.
playing an elementalist is like taking practice swings with a led pipe before you step to the plate in a whiffle ball game.
LOL i see im not the only one.
nothing makes me rage more than me swapping 3-4 stances, and pressing 10-12 spells only to die, my opponent still be at 50-60% life and my log reads 40hits from 1 ability and no others.
I gave up trying to be a killer and now play my ele as a buffer healer.
I stay in water for the cooldowns and then switch out to bring up buffs and combo fields. then switch back to water when its up again, each time you bring it up you give regen to everyone around you and remove 2 conditions… so in theory, you want to switch into water EVERY SINGLE time its up and get out of it and into ANYTHING else as fast as you can… 5 sec in water and switch, thats the best way to be a healer.
unless you are staff then you can just shoot all the mezmer pets with water spray and constantly heal your team!!
wow players make me so dizy with all their mouse turning circle straife nonsense.
I am awe struck by how effective you are at Spvp solo qued on the roughest least popular spec of the 2nd least popular class though sir.. i am sitting here jaw on the floor.
you want to use a staff and set up 2 fields and finishers to apply healing might and protection.
how the hell are we supposed to get that many kills with an ele??
you did it with a fotm shorbow crossfire spamming ranger… what the hell are we gonna do?
fixed it for you
How well can each class perform in this role?
High tier (can perform well in all 3)
Guardian – Damage, support, control melee only
Mesmer – Damage, burst, support, control
Thief – Damage, control burst condition
Engineer – Damage, support condition range melee aoe
Ranger – Damage, support, burst ranged condition
Elementalist – Support, burst, condition ranged melee
Necromancer – Support, condition ranged melee
Warrior – Damage, burst, support, condition ranged
ill kill this whole topic in 1 post…
if it was REALLY easy to stop a mezmer (or thief) then 80% of the players in every random match would not be comprised of said 2 classes.
theres a reason everyone is a mezmer and a thief
wait.. a team full of retal guardians… so what happened when you ate them alive with the range?
or have your mezmers combo field them and remove boons?
retal without protection and might would be rather pointless eh?
and condition damage?
wait.. a team full of retal guardians… so what happened when you ate them alive with the range?
or have your mezmers combo field them and remove boons?
retal without protection and might would be rather pointless eh?
and condition damage?seriously take a step back from your own class biased for a moment….
which is worse
a class that cant escape and cant kill you but takes a long time to take down and can kill you if you are stupid/make a mistake
wait.. a team full of retal guardians… so what happened when you ate them alive with the range?
or have your mezmers combo field them and remove boons?
retal without protection and might would be rather pointless eh?
and condition damage?seriously take a step back from your own class biased for a moment….
which is worse
a class that cant escape and cant kill you but takes a long time to take down and can kill you if you are stupid/make a mistakeOR
wait.. a team full of retal guardians… so what happened when you ate them alive with the range?
or have your mezmers combo field them and remove boons?
retal without protection and might would be rather pointless eh?
and condition damage?seriously take a step back from your own class biased for a moment….
which is worse
a class that cant escape and cant kill you but takes a long time to take down and can kill you if you are stupid/make a mistakeORa class that has enough offense to kill you if you are defensive and enough defense to never die unless he makes SEVERAL mistakes and is easy to play.
ya defense has pretty much NO effect on offense.
its like putting a sponge in a river.
a bandaid on a bullet wound.
or ketchup on steak
Shedim, perhaps they are overpowered, but that is a balancing matter. You are totally right, the suggestions you made are really great. They are probably a little over powered – not too badly, but probably enough to be tinkered with.
The one issue I see is that they would be changing the function of the skill entirely. The only two reasons I stuck with Tomes in my suggestion was that (1) they are a current game mechanic and removing /switching them might cause programing issues; and (2) they look pretty cool.
That having been said, I like the function of your skills better.
This is especially true of Renewed Focus. It keeps the same purpose while actually being beneficial. (Just a note: Motion/skillless invulnerability is not a beneficial ability. It simply replicates the same effect you would have if you were logged out: You take and give no damage.)
- The RF would appease the Virtue-pounders in the audience! (Will the real F1-masher please stand up, please stand up!) The blind and extra virtue trigger would give the skill more options than just resetting other skills. As I said before, I am not a virtue-pounder, I try to use them judiciously. But I still like the sound of that Renewed Focus.
- I love the idea of mobile “aura” style combo fields. Further, although they would not destroy our playability for a period of time – like the current Tomes do – they would enhance the team-play experience that so many of us Guardians love. Additionally, I do not think that they would not be any more powerful than the Mesmer’s ridiculous mass quickness or the warrior’s banners. (But note, a lot of people feel that the Guardian’s elites are supposed to suck, to balance out our excellent regular skill synergies. If push came to shove, I’d rather the elites sucky then them nerfing all our weapons and utilities.)
- The only problems I worry about is that the current programming scheme may not allow for mobile symbols.
That having been said, don’t you think that they should be called symbols? Symbol of Valor or Symbol of Courage.
Or, while we are introducing new mechanics, Aura of Valor and Aura of Courage.
symbols are important… once i learned about combo fields it changed the way I played the game. I just wish they lasted longer when speced and were larger.
on my ele when I use water elemental it turns the tide of a mass combat
When i summon my fire sword, and someone else picks up the other one, it changes things dramatically
when a thief calls in reinforcements… you normally always lose
when a mesmer uses celerity.. you notice it
when you get turned into a dodo bird… you notice it and normaly die
Daggerdtorm.. wrecks me
FLesh golem changes things a ton when you have the build for it
litch form is good.
ENtangle is game breaking
rampage as one is huge and drops anyone
when a warrior pops his elite AND GETS EVERY BOON IN THE GAME… you notice it.
nobody plays an engi… but i can say their elites are not good.
and ours are horrid. im sorry NOBODY would call 3 sec of shield and the ability to block 1 attack immediatly after and heal yourself for 500 damage… an ELITE skill.
MEZMERS GET ILLUSION OF LIFE which is a temp aoe REZ, that is actually MORE powerful than tome of courage or renewed focus.
FRENZY is better than both as well.
i have never killed a thief on my guardian that didnt want to be killed.
they all run away if they get low on health and vanish. the vanish lasts longer than the burns
same with my ele… unless i am playing a burst spec and kill him in the opening window when he isnt looking, he will get away or just spam HS in my face since you can spam HS more times than people can dodge away.
Ele’s are actually good at stomping. The mist form trick is nice but it is on a long cd. Scepter/dagger ele’s have access to two instant cast blinds on short cd’s. They can be used while stomping without interrupting the stomp. You should never get knocked while stomping as a scepter/dagger ele.
why bring an ele to stomp when you could bring a mesmer or thief to deal damage AND stomp from stealth+stability?
biggest problem is you have quickness on classes and specs that can kill..
move quickness to shield or staff guardian, and elementalits and remove it from thief, warrior and mezmer.
im waiting on the first mmo to create a thief/stealther class that is weak and watch everyone who claims “I ALWAYS PLAY THIEF CLASSES” would jump off the bandwagon.
warhammer had witch hunters which were HORRID in the beginning of the game… looked cool with a trenchcoat, witch hunter hat and a gun, but nobody wanted to play one because it couldnt kill a darn thing.
Serious shout outs to anyone who plays a elementalist engi necro or guardian.
(edited by BishopX.6453)
here are the classes in FLAVOR OF THE MONTH rankings
2) Thief with Daggers (ZOMG WHY 4 DID dey nurf meh hartS3K0rZ!!!?
3) 2hand sword/staff mezmers
4)2h warriors
the above person saying the ranger types are ALWAYS popular in mmos?
if a class is not good people will not play it. people ONLY play the most powerful class. I point you to warhammer online. the ranger class was called Shadow warrior, it looked like STRIDER and nobody played it…why? because it was a horrid class.
did anyone play the thief in D&D? no they plaed warriors
they always claim healing classes are the least played, but in warhammer the best class was a Damage dealing dualweild melee healer, and it was the highest played class.
dark age of camelot, had a thief caster that could be an elf and a dual weilding archer that could be an elf… two least played classes for most of the game.
and everyone who CLAIMS they would have played a mezmer because they love the lore or loved them in the last game yadda yadda yadda.. this mezmer is only the same in name only its nothing similar to the last mezmer and theres no other class in any game like it… but… itsPOWERFUL so everyone plays it.
the entire concept of initiative is that we can forgo CD’s on our weapon sets, and use the same spell back to back in exchange for a sort of future tax and risk that if we do this too much we wont be able to use any weapon skills for a little bit.
Yeah but to continue the metaphor the problem is with the right spec you have so many tax deductions that the tax ends up being miniscule.
Thief needs tax reform to close some of those loopholes.
funny post but accurate. currently you can use your burst abilitys back to back to back to back which is enough to kill 1 target but then you also have enough escape utility to get away and resume the process all over again.
raise your hand if you have been backstabed or hartsekor teleport spamed to death only to watch the thief get away.
But when a guardian can 3v1 with 14k health and retaliation and never fall below half health while killing the 3 fighting him somethings wrong.
and if you didnt spam attacks on the guy with retalliation up…. how many people would he have killed?
here are the classes in FLAVOR OF THE MONTH rankings
2) Thief with Daggers (ZOMG WHY 4 DID dey nurf meh hartS3K0rZ!!!?
3) 2hand sword/staff mezmers
4)2h warriors
i cant count guardians as a problem since all they do is live, deal no damage unless you attack them and then die.
only.. you CAN kill a guardian 1v1 eventually it just takes a while, they cant run from you. while you can NEVER kill a mesmer or thief unless they are being over aggressive or greedy… yet they also have enough offense to kill any class 1v1 and sometimes 2v1.
most of the daoc players went into WoW and dominated
most of the wow players who came over to warhammer for the pvp got stomped
jus sayin… it aint all about “MOUSE TURNZ111”
us old school seem to be doin jus fine mechanic wise.. compared to you generation Z kids.
i love all the wow generation gamers who say “DO NOT CLICKY IT MEANZ YA NOT PROZ!!!111”
dont you know that we have been using keyboard to walk and use the mouse to click hot keys since before you was eating solid foods?
An entire generation of daoc and UO players mastered pvp just fine without your non pro looking circle straifing and mashing 123123 with your left hands.
besides all that circle straife to keep your target in front of you just looks absolutly STUPID for entertainment purposes wit the cam spinning .
Yeah lets turn the squishey range class into a melee dps that does low damage and dies to everything.
Basically the 4 -5 weapons are totally wasted utility slots, none of them are viable in competitive pvp and i would be perfectly happy if they were removed and replaced with anything.
wait… WHAATT?
umm frostbow perhaps? hellooo?
in what game DOSENT the class with the damage over time abilities have more survivability than the aoe magic damage dealing class??
hell even the dark cleric in DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS had d8 hp compared to the mages d4
I spec 30 water for the HP healing and split the rest between toughness and arcane so I can change stances faster for the buffs. I the load up on toughness and vitality and i get absolutly ROCKED by people spamming 1 button auto attacks
someone told me “you not playing ele right you gotta change stances!!”
my opening attacks on him,
EARTH rock barrier… throw ..blind..
switch to air , free insta bolt, casted insta bolt ride the lightning thenknockdown
FIRE, begin casting dragon tooth while he is on ground, target with phoenix (both hit at same time ring of fire + blast wave (+3 stacks of might)
he spammed 1 button and killed me from here
that opening above was done before he responded
and i still died
47 hits of crossfire
because im a masachist and every single game i play that class thats supposed to be hard to use but worth the reward and it never is and i always play them……….
daoc aug healer nature druid,
wow prot warr,
Warhammer dps runepriest,
rift melee cleric
yes thats 20 years of mmo pvp and i still cant break that annoying habbit. im like a woman who only dates convicted felons
I felt bad for you guys til I made an ELE and facerolled sPvP.
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
macWaffle did this in warhammer and rift… he is the best and most skilled gaming troll I have ever seen. he is better at my job than I am :*(
guy can take any bad class and make it look good.
only.. in an attempt to troll all you people who claim ele sucks.. I found out it really DOES and I cant create a troll video.
can someone give me a build and hints on how you are dealing with these two classes?
everyone seems to be playing these two and rangers.
but i have no clue what to spec for against thieves. i use a shout build and stack toughness vital at the moment but they seem to chew through my cooldowns with their own and then both classes just blow me away with their elite.
I m not complaining ele isnt a 1 button class.
im complaining I can be a top pvper in the last 5 pvp games I have played and always played the hard to use classes
and then I come to this game where every OTHER class i play is easy to use, this one is hard to use… i use 15 different spells in a combat and I die to a thirf and ranger who presses 1
you know how hard i raged all night last night from dying to the SAME TWO RANGERS and looking at my log and only seeing crossfire spam and a few “bites” ?
1 button beats me using 4 stances and 3-4 spells in each snance and using combo buffs to givemyself might and protection….
THATS what we are saying.
just because we have a black president dosent mean its EASY to succeed as a black man in america. I feel the same way playin my ele =/
but other than that… mad props on puttin foot at azz brotha.
I aint mad at you, just saying what it is.
now show me some clips from Spvp pugging and ill say bravo.
oh and for the peopel complaining about how this class performs in pve…. GO BACK TO WOW
i have to discredit this because its wvw
you are able to have a GEAR afvantage over your opponents
hell i have a video of a MELEE norseman healer from daoc, a holy dps priest in wow and lets not forget about my most famous DPS RUNEPRIEST videos from warhammer online i can roll out and I am forever flamed for.
if thats not enough, also check my youtube channel for my streetfighter 4 searies where i win with DAN HIBIKI and beat up ryus , kens and Akumas.
its like being a single mother…. just because you can do it dosent make it the right was for it to be done.