holy trinity was never the holy trinity. tank healer and damage dealer but every mmo and rpg has always been at minuimum 4 classes.
melee tank
person who can heal
ranged damage caster
melee other
but whatever
you can tell who the people are who are still kids just by reading what they write over the internet. its funny, did i used to write like this and think like THAT?!?
mesmer bullett points have nothint to do with how much attention was paid to them.
My group has been working on a version of our application night and day for the past 6 weeks and we have come up with 2 bullett points for patch notes. but I can assuse you we spent a ton of time on it, now as to its actual effect? time shal tell when the latest build goes live. working at a software company is the same as working at a software company….
do i get a graphic when i have 17 stacks of thief bleeds that they can apply in 5 seconds?
how r u people still dying to retal?
I sacrifice a LOT for retaliation , it takes up a slot and has a cooldown.
how are you still dyign to retal?
if retal was doing 900 damage per hit i can see… but it hits for AT MOST 200 damage.
its a weak dot that you dont have to cast.. every single game has a thorns buff and in every single game the glass cannon stealthers complain about it and not being able to kill healers and tanks fast enough… so in thisgame the healer and the tank are the same class and they have thorns… guess what happened… again
(edited by BishopX.6453)
G Dagger/Dagger thief
S Thief (other) Mezmer 2h+___
A Smite condition Bunker guardian, 2h warrior, shhortbow ranger
B) warrior other, 2h Guardian, Bunker Engi, FOTM necro spec
C) Guardian (other) Dagger/Dagger ele, Necro (other) Ranger (other)
F) Ele (other) ranger (other)
1v1 in no game will ever come remotely close to the variables that were involved with 8v8 daoc.
think back for a moment at how GOOD you had to be to run a high end 8v8 group.
if I told you in WoW, we had an 8man group that ccould kill 52 people you would be amazed, but wow is a game where you could out GEAR your opponents and thus hit like a boss mob against greys. Now think about daoc, we had stat CAPS so everyone nomatter what their gear all were capped at the same numbers. so its more closer to this game…. now imagine a group of 8 in this game beating a leigon of 50 in Spvp?
and I always thought i was sooo GOOD at the game plowing over 3 groups of albs…., til echoic torid and sweat would roll over the hill and domolish us :\
part of what made daoc 8v8 so addicting is knowing in 80% of the fights you could have won if someone had done 2-3 things better. where as wow and warhammer you lost and you always knew it was because of gear/ fotm spec beat you.
give me a game where running around circle straifing like a spaz dosent make you win
bunny hopping dosent give you an advantage
everything has a counter
has a stat cap
and has 3 sided pvp
is not heavy on insta cast spells.
and ill be happy.
perhaps because my firegrab can light up 5 people standing on a node or wall together and the duellist is single target?
same logic with tsunami slash vs whirlpool
please i know its frustrating but make a better argument than comparing our aoe attacks to others single target attacks.
with that said…. I am fine with nerfs to bunker because our bunker makes other bunkers UNKILLABLE, while other bunker builds just make themselves harder to kill.
(edited by BishopX.6453)
holy crap, Im prob the only person on this thread whose name you can google and see top level pvp in more than one game over the past 15 years, and I am all three… a b and c but im not a newb (ok IRL i am but not in gaming)
you sir need to predict the weather!!
but I gotta say, I like 8v8. wanna know who dosent like 8v8? people who play classes suited for soloing. like thieves mezmers and thieves and sometimes thieves.
I find it funny how I play my guardian who is supposidly UNKILLABLE and GODMODE, and in 8v8 i am constantly steamrolled. now I have noticed its not that its god mode or broken in 8v8, pve or wvwvw its just that it only seems unkillable godmode when you are being attacked by one thief/warrior/mezmer who is speced to roam and have speed and is attacking you and has to kill you in less than 40 seconds.
I say keep variety in the game, heck man, Im almost wanting to say bring in a 10v10 gameset. Why am i playing a support spec and my buffs only get to hit 2 people?
does burn work???
i played condition a few weeks ago going with bleed and it worked very well against non thieves.
thieves just vanished then killed me.
but i would chew guardians and warriors and other large people up and spit them out. it only takes 4 rotations to stack lethal amount of bleeds on a target unless they clense.
in a trinity wouldnt one of the remaining two counter the third?
I cant kill a thief on my guardian and guardians kill my elementalist with ease.
best i can do is stalemate a thief on my guardian… and knockdown + run away + teleport away from a thief (if I live that long) on my elementalist.
My guard cant kill an ele…. and ele takes 5 times as long to kill my guard as a thief does…. litterally.
how is this a trinity?
and where do mezmers fit into this? I cant kill a mezmer on either my thief OR my ele….. and if so plz tell me the spec!!!!
renewed focus is good if its traited right but come on…. stack that up against thieves guild, moa or time warp.
if i use renewed focus in a 1v1 or 2v2 nobody really noticed the difference… it helps, and at times helps a lot but nobody would REALLY notice, its not swinging the balance. the other 3 i named IMMEDIATLY do.
lets compare renewed focus to the bottom 3-4 elite skills….
supply crate (get the right drop and its awesome)
battle standard … still better than renewed focus.
Tornado.. about the same only whirlpool is better underwater.
mass invisibility… still better then RF
Mortar…. ok lets be honest this is horrid
our best elite is still worse than most of the bottom 4
This is thief hate is devolving into straight up prejudice.
Soon it won’t matter what they do to thieves, they could nerf them to unusability and people would still rail on them.
name me another game where a class was hated and still hated after it was brought off of it being top tier?
you act like this game is an isolated incident and there have never been games or forums before.
daoc… when savages a class who had a 4% chance to kill you OUTRIGHT came in people hated them. anyone who played a savage was just hated. they changed the mechanic and then they had to nerf a few more things . nobody hated them after the nerfs and things just returned to normal.
WoW do people still hateshadow priest? cuz i remember in betta i could play a priest and kill anyone. they nerfed it and the hate subsided.
Rift – anyone still hate the beastmaster warrior? back when they were broken and could givethemselves 80% more dps than the next closest class they were hated. people would laugh at them now.
all you gotta do is nerf the class everyone plays and buff the class nobody plays.
if thief wasnt good then you wouldnt see so many
if dagger dagger wasnt so powerful you wouldnt see 90% of thieves using it. its not like i see tons of sword pistol thieves, no they are all cookie cuter hs spamming, mug spec burn you down type thieves.
oh that is except for the new short bow caltrop thieves which are just as op
ya, nerf this class PLEASE
one thing i have totally noticed is in this game high defense dosent counter high offense.
all the blast combos with the exception of the area frose armor and area healing, are pretty much offensive. all the weapon procs are offensive.
and you can raise crit chance all the way to 80% but never get any ability to reduce crit chance.
when i run out with full toughness peopel tell me, your a noob get more hp.
when i get hp they tell me “you need more toughness”
there is a power+crit and a power+ condition armor sets and talisman but you cant find a vitality+toughness or vitality+toughness+healing talisman.
I get bursted down a LOT as a guardian, and i have been a decent player in too many former pvp games just to think , well perhaps im jus a scrub and need to l2p.
the reason people are playing these glass cannon thieves and glass cannon wars is because they work. notice you dont see glass cannon necros, guardians eles running all over the place.
ya imagine if there was some jerk of a guardian running around doing both block bugs then using the heal that causes you to block all attacks for 3 sec also and then using the 2 talents that burn opponents on block and gain stacks of might each time you block…….. i mean.. that guy would be really big jerk for doing that
how can a char kill a bunker before they get killed? umm what would kill them? the bunker?????
but if you wanna know how to kill a bunker, use conditions and buff removal..
Human male
Fire: Its getting Hotter/ Fire!!/ Here come the flames
Warer: My power is like a tidalwave/ Water!!/ Behold the oceans power
Air: urge to kill rising/AIR!/ I call upon the storms power/Reap the whirlwind
Earth: I summon the power of Malandru/EARTH!/ I can move mountains
I feel ….STRONG (from gaining might)
Refreshing (when gaining regen)
(edited by BishopX.6453)
Getting 16 stacks of might before your PvP game even starts (video)
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
wait.. people werent already doing this? my phoenix and dragon tooth are 90% used for granting stacks of might, and my earthquake is as well. i do not run arcane WAVE though.
wait.. people werent already doing this? my phoenix and dragon tooth are 90% used for granting stacks of might, and my earthquake is as well. i do not run arcane WAVE though.to me this is the only way we can kill people. walk around 100% defensive, and stance swap and combo til we have 15 stacks of might and can actually deal damage.
and what exactly do you think you would be doing damage wise to the person while attuned to water? I tried to vapor blade like that and only was hitting for 300ish
but i agree, i am all for harder to use but higher effect damage abilities. especially if i have to blow a stance to make it work? totally. if dragon tooth did +50% damage to frozen targets (and then +20% from knocked down players with grounding) would result in a 9k dragon tooth crit. but woudl take THREE stances and only done once per 40 seconds.
i like that better than saying, hi i press 100 blades and u die.
WOW! this was my favorite ability… which is funny because its instantly killed me on numerous occations. if they are going to change the duration of the buffs, can we change the duration of the conditions that you draw off others on to yourself?
Save yourselves is supposed to be a martyr ability. I cant handle the 10 stacks of bleed 5 stacks of poison , weakness and burn all on me for 10 sec, if my sys only lasts for 5.
i guess the problem was when bunkers were using SYS solo, did we really jus balance a skill around what the 1% does ?
condition damage in this game is lacking,
knockdown, dragon tooth phoenix, ring of fire firegrab, roll back fire charge dragons breath… and you think thats ok?
or how about the ultimate in overpowered…
staff… throw down rain, throw down puddle throw down frost field.
switch to scepter dagger fire
drop ring of fire+dragons tooth + phoenix+roll forward.
now lets just leave the damage you do OUT of the equation for a sec
you have just granted regen, frost armor, 4k healing burst, fury, swiftness, and 9 stacks of might to every teammate………… oh and you can do it all over again in 15 more seconds………. ya thats totally fine.
ya id rather change the scoring rather than say.. umm.. i dunno play the “burn ever person down” game
moderator edit: This post has been edited to remove a violation of the forum code of conduct
(edited by Moderator)
you say in your opening line “they are around for diversity”
… yet half the playerbase plays the same class?
this is what you call diversity?
who cares about pve builds??
EVERYTHING works in pve
on a side note.. sandstorm is AWESOME. you would think fire storm would do the most, lightning storm would do next and ice and sand wold do the least. but sand storm does the MOST damage AND it blinds while ice storm deals the next most and it slows…. lightning storm deals the least but looks the coolest.
but i totally recommend anyone who wants to try a condition build run sandstorm
Secret to playing a d/d, bringing Cannon back in Glass Cannon
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
condition removal? i think thats called respawn
like i said before, i died a LOT. my KDR stayed POSITIVE… BARELY positive. something like 7 kills for 5 deaths which is pretty much a zerglings mentality and not fun at all.
but I died to aoe dots and the such. caltrops are just too abundant now to even think about condition removal for it and this build dosent have enough healing to get rid of it.
Ether renewal would be good but you dont have enough survivability to wait for the whole channel, I tried the signet of heal every time u cast… but that didnt return enough life either. the point of the build it seems to work BEST when you get the extra % damage from being at full life. so using the heal+regen from the glyph seems to be the best bet.
i am not sure if you saw it in my clip but i spent a LOT of time running away from the combat circle.
I felt like i was back in daoc on my savage. I sat outside of every combat waiting… waiting… waiting, and then once everyone blew the initial TADAAA skills I picked a target, ran in and blew them up then tried to blow up a 2nd person and as soon as I was at 70% life I mistform and ran away!
seriously though… dont try to make this build more survivable, it WONT work.
bunker guardian is not EASY to play but its the most rewarding out of the hard to play classes,
the HARDEST class to play is the elemtalist because you pretty much cant deal damage unless you take the time to stack buffs and use combos.. its very unrewarding though, but it will keep you intersted and workign hard for your results.
I run a roam/support ele (just like all other eles) and a guardian
IM rank 29 now and honestly I pug 99% of the time but im a DAoC vet and warhammer vet. you can google the name and see my videos and accomplishments and comedies from past games rather than jus go by a forum post.
Im on east from 8-12.. except for when the jets are playing
In no other MMO to date has a theif class had this high burst+constant run speed plus spammable invis while in combat abilities…BECAUSE IT’S STUPID!
quoting this because its true.
When you play normal thieves you lose, but when you play the REALLY good ones who use EVERY trick its just not fair at ALL. I died today and watched a thief on my team go on to kill all 3 people who were chasing me. I know they were raged since i never saw him for more than 1 sec so I know they didnt either.
ive played this game since launch, as a bunker guardian and a retaliation guardian I rarely win 1v1. Id say my win rate is about 10-15%
especially against thieves and mezmers
necros i have NO CHANCE against, only few times I have beaten a necro are the ones who gave me every debuff and I turned that into boons and beat him down with my 2hander with a few lucky crits. other than that, my god necros kill me, thieves kite me around and vanish… steay stealth drop caltrops that are unclensable and you cant catch them but cant stay on your node… they never reappear
i dont know what guardians you guys are playing against perhaps the ones using an exploit, but a legit played guardian is currently not winning against thieves and mezmers and NO CHANCE against necros.
please someone … anyone post a video of them going 1v1 or 2v1 with a bunker and losing to him…. PLEASE
Secret to playing a d/d, bringing Cannon back in Glass Cannon
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
Hmmm i didnt even think to add flame grab on the end, honestly whats been killing people for me is the fire 1, ive had all 3 barbs hit a thief and all crit for 900, but then again in my clip i think you can see lightning whip hit for 2k and if you are close enough it will hit the person twice….
but I been playing this a bit more, I will co sign, you can blow other squishies away but be warned, the era of the caltrop thief is upon us, and i have died waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many times in the past 4 hours to caltrops left by people i never saw / this build is THAT squishy
oh stop complaining… at least we still get to use it to escape and attack people… who cares that we cant to evil canival. god, this generation of wow players will complain about the stupidest and smallest things
i spent 40 minutes today just following around the moving practicee golem and RTL+UPDRAFT+Blazing speed and rtl updraft+ dragon tooth+phoenix+flame grab+arcane blast.
OHNOES!! thats like all of our builds/traits and runes.
ya, Jets lost last night… I couldnt sleep, knicks lost and it made things even worse. Its almost november and I have 5 sicks days and 13 vacation days left and you cant carry over days, so i figured lets take the day off and relax in my chair and game.
and while i was gaming, i decided to try out new builds and combinations.
I know it sounds shallow to not go to work while other people are broke, but sometimes ya just need a day to decompress.
too bad i think i worked up more stress and rage playing against these thieves and mezmers than actually being at my office.
Secret to playing a d/d, bringing Cannon back in Glass Cannon
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
ok this is a REALLY quick clip, Ive only been playing it for 30 minutes or so but this is what the numbers look like with the setup. I wanted to get the clip of where i 14k bursted on a poor unsuspecting Asura.
but i spent too much time on the ground. this is very glass cannon, not sure if it would work at range since range abilities dont hit for as much, but KILL THEM BEFORE THEY KILL YOU, is pretty doable
Secret to playing a d/d, bringing Cannon back in Glass Cannon
in Elementalist
Posted by: BishopX.6453
i laughed when i read the op’s post. we fall over like bowling pins i said.. i have been home all day trying out all kinds of differnet builds to no avail. so i decided lets try his build before I go to bed…. umm.. wow. I actually HAVE killed people accidentally with just blazing speed ring of fire X2 arcane. I bursted down a guardian and I saw from his corpse (WTF WAS THAT)
made me feel good.’
Im going to shoot a REALLY quick video a post
thief can turn invisible and teleport away
mezmer can make a clone of himself that hits pretty hard and teleport away leaving a body double.
warrior can knock you down AND get back up and kill you + spike
meanwhile we get a root that dosent root anyone til they are already in spike range.
i felt just as mad as i did before i did the “one and only” build we can play (defensive + auras)
i dont know why i for some reason thought we had flexiability to play other specs.
I went full earth, and arcane, ran nightmare runes for the condition and toughness and 2 centaur runes for the 15% bleed duration.
now when i went up to golems, this was a GREAT spec, 3 cast pretty much put enough bleed to kill a golem outright, which made bleed far superior to burn, and with the raised endurance i figured i could get into long term fights.
well the thieves showed me just how stupid this spec was, i thief teleported over to me at the base…, stealthed, droped caltrops on me, then proceded to dodge all over the place throwing caltrops. I bled to death even with armor of earth up.
this happened to me multiple times today, took off work and stayed home to play, i rage quit at least 5 times. so when i say I REALLY gave this build a try.. i REALLY did.
the build i ran
things of note for anyone else thinking about doing pvp with a condition build…
churning earth applies many stacks of bleed but for a short duration, but the evasive arcana churning earth applies ONE bleed for the same damage but for a much longer (12 sec)
im happy with the damage output, but i had forgotten that 1 clense removes 12 stacks of bleed, so it took a while to kill other eles, but i chewed past most guardians i ran into that didnt pay attention to me. but too many bleed + caltrop thieves now and too many aoe effects for this build to work. you need to either have protection up or regen+soothing mist up at all times for the ele to work it seems.
rant over back to bunker aura build i go
shout build and hammer mace, use soldiers amulet and use the runes where shouts remove conditions.
(edited by BishopX.6453)
no wonder people keep complaining guardians are OP and cant be killed, I play a guardian and I get facerolled by thieves and mezmers all day .. so THATs how people are surviving so long.
guess when we fix this we can all continue on with the nerf thief and mezmer crusade
if one of those SLOW moves, like Elemealist Dragon tooth falling out the sky, or warrior elite skill snipe, or mortar.
see if stuff like THAT hit me for 10k id be ok with it.
but hartseeker and backstab and 100 blades? nah not cool with it
if thief or mezmer were counterable then 80% of the game wouldnt be playing them in spvp
i used to think save yourselves was uber …. til the time I used it an instantly died.
i then read the tooltip.
happened again to me lastnight. a necro can put ONE ring of poison on the floor, all your team can trip it and you can pull 10 stacks of poison onto you and 10 stacks of vulnerability. i pulled 20 stacks of vulnerability onto me lastnight, i LIVED, but I hadnt noticed what I pulled ONTO me from someone else til I got hit for 6k
there is a warrior skill that REMOVES all conditions and gives you EVERY boon for warrior and thats fine, but a guardian skill that gives you boons and takes all conditions from everyone else onto you.. needs a nerf?????
(edited by BishopX.6453)
ok here are 2 of the fights.
is that how its supposed to work?
I find myself spending more time waiting on buffs to clense, should I just try to fire them off as soon as I get below 80% life or should I just save them?
no anet didnt say they want to nerf bunker..
ONE PERSON from anet who PLAYS A THIEF was upset about bunkers and said what he was thinking.
i work for the NBA… ok ok nba entertainment….. if you ask me what I think about carmelo anthony id say “HES A BUM GET RID OF EM” if you asked me casually. that dosent mean david stearn is going to remove him … or the knicks… from the league tomorrow. and I would never suggest in a meeting that I dont like carmelo anthony because my personal feelings i would rant about has ZERO to do with my work and the product of the company I work for.
HAHAHAH people play what " is cool" ? seriously? I have been playing online pvp mmos for 19 years i have heard all this before and seen it disproved over scores of games.
Played modernwarfare 1. M16 was more damage than a shotgun up close and more deadly than a sniper at range, so everyone used an m16 and the claim was “I like burst weapons” or “my dad was in the army!!!”
then mw3 came out and the m16 was one of the weakest weapons… guess what? nobody uses it.
DAoC comes out and everyone picks up the thane!! it is the 2nd COOLEST toon class of all time. Its a chain wearing avatar of thunder and lightning. so think of thor thay could buff his own STR and cast lightning bolts. Well thane looked cool and sounded cool but wasnt a great class…. nobody played it. the best classes were the archers.
so everyone played an archer and ran around and shot people. and archers were the band of assassin classes (eveything was the band of 2/3 assassin classes cuz they were not very good)
then wow comes out, everyone goes to wow and makes…ROGUES! yes dispite nobody playing them in DAoC because of how weak they were (in mid and hib) and people rolled Hunter to continue their “we love archers” motif
then warhammer online came out. and guess what ? you had a guy in a trench coat, a wide brim hat with a gun in 1 hand and a sword in the other as your stealther class. the THIRD most awesome looking class in mmo history the witch hunter. Wanna know how many people played it? lots tried… none stayed. for most of the games uptime it was one of the bottom 5 classes. wanna know what the TOP class was? ZOMG THE HEALERS!!! yes the warrior priest and Deciple could deal great damage and heal themselves for the amount of damage they delt +300%
wanna know what class NOBODY played? Imagine Strider Hiryu with a bow. so you had a Ninja/archer complete with the half cape, ninja mask hood and everything… the #1 most COOL toon in mmorpg history…. ya nobody played it. it was one of the most inneffective low damage low survivability and HARDEST TO USE classes I have ever seen.
so the new motif is… I LOVE DPS MELEE HEALERZ AND DOT CASTERS when we left warhammer
so we go to rift!
everyone jumped to the DoT caster and the melee healer first because of the last game.. well melee justicar and warlock were weak classes. Wanna know what EVERYONE rolled? 2handed warriors (worst than 100 bladez could ever be) and rogue/mages. yes thats right, they had a stealther who used magic flames and daggers and everyone played that spec over the poision+backstab type assassin.
now I come here and its “OMG I ALWAYS LOVED THIEF I DONT CARE HOW BAD IT IS” but i have now seen two games where the stealther with the daggers is weak and nobody played it.
There is a reason why everyone plays Ryu and Akuma in streetfighter and not DAN.
a guardian thats bunker, the 2 bunker specs I use only have condition removal when you use a shout and the shouts all have 30ish sec cooldowns. so you can remove a condition every 30 sec ?
as an ele I can remove conditions constantly though, there is a heal skill on a 15 sec timer that removes all conditions, and you also remove a condition whenever you gain regen, but each of your cantrips gives regen and our 2 healing skills give regen and whenever we dodge roll we heal+remove a condition.
I think the problem is everyone plays a thief or mezmer. thieves and mezmers can burst down a bunker ele, but cant burst down a guardian…. so you hear MORE complaints about the guardian.
the necro and engi would have problems with the bunker ele but since those are the 2 least played, you hear from them less
Bunker Engi gets RUN OVER by rangers necro and mezmer
so its pretty safe to say, bring a necro and run over 2 out of the 3 bunker builds
playing a necro will make you less than average against all other classes.
so pick your poison. stay playing your FOTM class and spec (dagger thief 2h mezmer shortbow ranger 100blades warrior) and have problems killing the specs but slaughter everything else.. or play the necro and slaughter these specs and get rolled by what 80% of the rest of the population is playing
well if you think about it, it was a horrid build until people learned they can make blast counters inside of the fields.
its quite unlike the guardian in that an ele can get constant contition removal so you cant really NECRO it down, and you cant stun it because it has 3 stun breaks.
there is really no nerf you can do to it without nerfing another class as well. I mean, we going to nerf combo fields now?
I honestly dont see how you feel “powerful” by contantly at 50% life dodge rolling every time its up, just to keep youself at 50% life, deal zero damage.. not “low” damage… ZERO damage.
a bunker mezmer can still deal damage and slo can get away
a bunker guardian can deal damage with hammer strikes and retaliation
bunker ele has ZERO, litterally ZERO damage it can dish out , unless you have the ice elemental whack someone over the head..
how are you finding yourself POWERFUL when you have no power to harm others? im not just talking about power to KILL… i mean you cant harm AT ALL.
People should not have to trait for the single specific purpose of countering a bunker, making their build bad against everything else.
wait… dont the bunkers have to do the SAME thing? spec and gear to counter bursty types and leave ourselves bad against everything else???
you think I have fun with my shield and mace trying to run after a necro who is stacking conditions on me and hitting him for 200 damage per swing? crying as I have 15 stacks of poison an and vulnerability on me?
and its bad to have vitality and healing in the same spec but its ok to have crit AND crit damage in one spec or power AND condition damage?
I think its funny that 2 of the biggest proponents of K:D are two people with giant egos (bishopx and bunzy who both played rift) and would claim to be the best but always had plenty of excuses for their frequent losses.
Especially when Bunzy says his reasoning behind wanting to see it is to “see how beast he is”
I know we must have played against eachother in a game cuz the name is familiar, i jus cant place it at the moment. but HI
im old, its been 19 years of this online pvp stuff, my list of friendenemies is long.
you mus not know me well, i never claim to be the “MOST BEASTEST” i just like competition.
im from brooklyn, its called swag. google it
anyway, we dont go down to the playground, see 1 team steamrolling over the other and just say “hey fellas lets just go to another park and play against empty nets!!” that may be what they do in YOUR neck of the woods but thats not being competitive.
and when we play said team we keep score. why? because its not a competition if we are not keeping score. ask any man in the park how many points he has and he will be able to tell you.
I like KDR, I play a kitten elementalist. its not like I play a class that gets high kills and is OP so im gonna even have a GREAT ratio. but I just like it. if its in, Im for it, if it is not.. oh well. but it is gonna be in, so ….deal.
(edited by BishopX.6453)