Showing Posts For Callahan.3180:

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


and bump. I’m still not satisfied with my views yet :/

Loving my new warrior pvp/wvw

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Gave up on my ranger since it was so neglected by Anet it’s pretty much a dead profession now.

Anyhoo i made a warrior and have to say i’m loving pvp and wvw compared to ranger – i actually have fun playing the game now. I may also make a guardian so I can serve as a tank/support profession.

I’ve noticed a bit of moaning on the warrior forum but now i’ve played the profession i don’t see any moaning that needs to be done… Then again i’ve only ever played ranger before this so frankly any other profession will seem a lot better….

You have valid thoughts. Warrior destroys a ranger hands down in so many easy ways. I never understood how Anet failed to see that rangers needed a valid form of imobilization removal. That condition truely is the end to you guys and I have not seen it so for any other class. I put my 80 ranger on the shelf because longbow was the worst weapon I’d ever seen-Just god awful design. Devs who thought this crap up should be put to rest LOL. Second, I was so sick of getting imobilized while trying to focus on microing my pet that it became so futile and frustrating. I’ve alwasy been a warrior main though. It’s still hilarious to me that Warriors are far superior to a Ranger in both single and AOE target capabilities with a Longbow.

Not to mention ranger’s sword 2 is a warrior’s clone, but with a clunky, horribly layed out kite mechanic that if you try to use it to kite, you’ll end up screwing yourself because the character model can’t turn as fast as your mouse…. lol.

You’ll come to love your mobile strikes trait and will soon never run a build without it

Being unstoppable in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


8 min video where you killed 2 people, died once yourself and ran from every 1v2, doesn’t exactly showcase you being unstoppable with mobile strikes and lyssa runes. The greenie/lowbie even traded blows with you with him jumping off the cliff while you were both at around 60%. Cool jumping puzzle skills though.

The point was to abuse terrain whenever you feel threatened. Good luck otherwise.

Does anet care about warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Thread #102304.

You have to learn to take this kitten with a lite heart. If you take this kitten serrious, it will ruin your mental health, believe me. Just try to focus on the hilarious kitten that only we can do and try to master certain mechanics. One day there will be balance and we will have an actual play style that is unique, you just have to give it 2 years……………………………….

Being unstoppable in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


IMO, if you want to be unstoppable just pick up mobile strikes and carry lyssa runes on w/e set that helps you survive. You always need to play near gaps/leap spots so you have a clean escape when things hit the fan. Warriors are never good in open land. Ever.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


God i miss stance dancing…
They should bring that back by lowering the duration and cooldowns of the stances.

Build adrenaline >Frenzy>Rush>Eviscerate <3 now i’m still stuck in nostalgia.

My point was that our current stances are the most useless defensive stances one could ask for. It’s like giving someone a rock for self defense against someone with a bazooka. I mean.. you could use it and get away with it in like 1/million.. but after that 1/million shot, you’re done and that skill is just wasting space on your util bar. It’s the most predictable skill to use in the world. I mean unless we get some kind of 1200 blink, the skill is just garbage because you’ll never close enough distance to disable an enemy from getting a killing blow right as soon as Endure pain/Bers stance goes off of you.


in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Actually “disabling skills” sounds more like a mesmer mechanic, since we already got a huge amount of totally useless traits centered around interrupts, but i could imagine warriors also getting 1 or 2 applications.

Why must mesmers revolve around interrupting a target. They already blast almost anyone out of the water with their kittening illusions. This continues to mind boggle me. A combat oriented class gets no reward for interrupting skill actions…? what? Meanwhile thief gets a daze skill on no CD. GG balance 1-Warrior: 0. We were interrupt heavy in gw1. Just look at interrupts in gw1 wiki. Now look at gw2 wiki. kitten is a joke.


in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I personally don’t want to see it changed. Distracting Strikes is amazing for me, with a power/condition hybrid build. And the last change was a massive buff for me especially against Rangers and Thieves.

The truth is, the problem its self is the interrupt. The reward is too small for what you need to land. Blind can be easily applied in the same situation

Rangers and thieves are like the easiest professions to kill if they aren’t specc’d gimicky. I’m looking at you perma stealth……

Mesmers and guards who know how to counter you are what I have trouble with. Engies and necros are also high on the list. I don’t ever see anyone use the power line unless they run GS… which… seems kind of useless at this point. Hammer/mace are the stun combos. There is no synergy if you spec into crit damage and pick up confusion……

Agree on blind. kittenty dev thinking that was.


in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


closest thing to distracting strike is pommel bash
fast, melee interrupt

Yet mace remains one of the slowest auto attack weapons and one of the best, fastest interrupt ones also. Makes total sense……………..

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Can’t watch it because of the music :-/

can you upload it to another host or remove the music ?

I went through with the copyright claim BS. Hopefully it goes through, check back in a little while.

[WvW] Solo Roaming Raw footage-please watch

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Poison deacreases their heal percentage which is extremely strong. That and It is another damage condition on top of bleed and burn which are kind of easy to remove.
So 4-5 conditions including cripple/vuln, 6 including blind for them to have to remove.

[WvW] Solo Roaming Raw footage-please watch

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



I like your video, was really fun and I hope you don’t mind me sharing something that to me is crystal clear: You outplay your opponent and sometimes by such a huge margin! You are really good at your class and I fear some will copy your build and get owned and wonder why!

This ^^^^

I agree it is a solid build and completely fits your play style. I wonder how many hours have you spent exploring the ruins in EB. You obviously know every nook and cranny in the joint and take full advantage of it with swords leap. I bet you are a champ at jumping puzzles.

If I met you solo it would take all of 5 seconds for me to realize what I am facing and disengage and walk away….since I don’t do JPs you would troll me hard

I’ve got over 1k, but not all of those were me playing. I’d say in solo romaing i’ve probably got 300+ hours. I have a handbook of leap spots I continue to exploit. Warrior is the worst class in the world on flat terrain. It’s almost a death sentance to be trapped on open land most the time, unless you have a sword GS swap. I might make a video in the future on all the leap spots I know

[WvW] Solo Roaming Raw footage-please watch

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



I like your video, was really fun and I hope you don’t mind me sharing something that to me is crystal clear: You outplay your opponent and sometimes by such a huge margin! You are really good at your class and I fear some will copy your build and get owned and wonder why!

haha you just put a smile on my face

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


My suggestion is to move stances to our profession skills, taking up 1 utility slot for a 4-5 secs stance is a joke.

The only thing that really make me love my warrior is only Eviscerate and shield stance, everything else is meh.

This. That or give us something that’s actually defensive and not situational.

[WvW] Solo Roaming Raw footage-please watch

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I love the Longbow and I definitely love your play style. That’s my choice of weapon in tPvP too and it’s incredibly fun and effective, although I run with a full Rabid set with Undead runes for maximum Toughness, Precision, and Condition Damage.

You should consider using Berserker Stance instead of Signet of Fury though (buffed after the patch) since it greatly reduces condition duration and gives you adrenaline. This lets you use Healing Surge which heals for a hell of a lot more AND gives you full adrenaline.

But very nice video! I’m definitely subscribing.

Thank you for the kind words. I’ve played a full galrath set, with rabid access, but found it more beneficial with my playstyle to spec a hybrid. As long as I have 1k condi damage, I get the rest of my condi damage from my might stacks and spec into 50% crit damage. It lets my sword hit pretty hard while doing a mean bleed. I’ve also tried surge before but for me it requires too much micro and doesn’t remove chill when I need it to. I used berserker’s stance before but 60sec CD is a bit too long for my taste.

Ahh well there is no such thing as a cookie cutter build anyways! It’s obvious that your build is working amazingly well, so whatever works best for you. Looking forward to your future videos!

Check out the one before my last uploaded. It’s a half hour of this build and numerous 1vx fights.

[WvW] Solo Roaming Raw footage-please watch

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I love the Longbow and I definitely love your play style. That’s my choice of weapon in tPvP too and it’s incredibly fun and effective, although I run with a full Rabid set with Undead runes for maximum Toughness, Precision, and Condition Damage.

You should consider using Berserker Stance instead of Signet of Fury though (buffed after the patch) since it greatly reduces condition duration and gives you adrenaline. This lets you use Healing Surge which heals for a hell of a lot more AND gives you full adrenaline.

But very nice video! I’m definitely subscribing.

Thank you for the kind words. I’ve played a full galrath set, with rabid access, but found it more beneficial with my playstyle to spec a hybrid. As long as I have 1k condi damage, I get the rest of my condi damage from my might stacks and spec into 50% crit damage. It lets my sword hit pretty hard while doing a mean bleed. I’ve also tried surge before but for me it requires too much micro and doesn’t remove chill when I need it to. I used berserker’s stance before but 60sec CD is a bit too long for my taste.

[WvW] Solo Roaming Raw footage-please watch

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hey guys, still trying to promote how fun it is to play warrior solo with a decent build. I thought I’d record a raw clip of me playing some wvw. I play in Fort Aspenwood and this matchup included Crystal Desert and Dragonbrand. I thought some of you would enjoy my play style. Please hd+full.

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I personally think cleansing Ire is marvelous as is. The only problem I do have iwth it is that it doesn’t remove when you don’t hit a target unless you’re using a LB for f1. I spam f1’s all day to remove condi’s and it’s soooooooo goood. It would break my build if I had to pick it up in grandmaster

Improving Warrior’s Blocking Capabilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Imo I feel like Distracting Strikes should be changed to the following.

Distracting Strikes:
Upon interrupting a foes skill(excluding auto attacks) that skill is put on a 7 second cooldown.

7S would be nice. It’s a lot better than 3.5.

More than half of a year, still no Balance

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Funny thing is they mentioned “power creep,” and if you ever look at a thief… they are the definition of that phrase. Blinds now are so agonizing, stupid burst, and even crazier survival/baits. I find it humorous but sad at the same time.


in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Expecially because if you play hammer or mace you can’t afford 20 points into strength, IMHO.

Only way to use it might be with physical skills in a condi build, but even condi build need some utilities other than physicals.

So yeah, they might change it.

Right? It should be an adept trait in defense or tactics. Noone runs strength unless they run a GS… or…. pve?

Warrior 5 signet viability

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


If you’re going for high crit numbers, 30 in discipline is a must. If you’re running a lot of berserk you’ll have the precision. Your goal is like 115+ crit damage. Power is so easy to stack because you have many options like LB’s blast finisher-6 stacks in a short period of time, Plus other class buffs. You should have no problem with like 2.5k power. Crit damage is what you wanna stack though.

Cond warrior WvW roaming , Duells

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Watch how much might I stack DURING the fights. It’s pretty crazy.


in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why has there not yet been a trait implemented that models this skill like in GW1

As it stands, who the hell wants confusion for interrupting a target. I’d rather see more payoff in skillfully shutting down someone’s heal or elite for an extended period of time instead of the 3.5 sec or whatever it is that the skill would normally go on if interrupted.
We are masters of combat after all, this would only be suiting.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I disagree. Protection has been 33% reduction since guild wars 1 and they never changed it. I don’t think they ever should. There should instead be better balances… yeah I know right? around the idea of heavy armor. I have seen this thread and it makes a lot of sense. The problem would be with guardian as it would only add more to their survival.

Why Some Won't Share LB Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Cleansing Ire+LB combustive shot is kittening strong. It doesn’t need to hit anyone so you can use it while running away form someone to take condi’s off of you. They might eventually nurf this though… for one reason or the other -.-

But if you run some crit damage with it, In this video I run at 50% crit damage, and you have a sword, you’ll be hitting 800+1k bleeds every hit almost. It’s probably the strongest burst I’ve ever seen. It’s not predictable too. If you land your initiation with pin down and have a full bar of adren, the fight is practically over by the time you swap to sword lol

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I’m gonna bump this because I put some work into it

condition/boon removal priority?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


cleansing ire+LB combustive is gorgeous.

Unlimited Swiftness: Warbanner & Warhorn

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Are you talking perma swiftness? This is so easily achieved by SoR and warhorn swapping when out of combat. I run a shield and have no qualms. Boon duration helps but isn’t necessary. We’ve probably gut the most abundant swiftness casts of any class.

Longbow vs rifles for ranged options

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


if you spec boon duration, you can stack 6 stacks of might within a very short time period, and every time you have your combustive. I use this to gain like 20 might stacks on myself during solo wvw.

Applied fortitude

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


5 stacks of 50 vitality per guard killed? Isn’t that a little…. strong?

On a side note, I finally know what to invest points into lol.

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I think I remember. I’m playing with condi’s now but I run a hybrid.

Yep. I don’t recall taking too much condition damage.

I’ve been using a similar condition build as yours (with a tweak to the traits) for a few weeks now and have been loving it. I swap though between that and zerker and I’m not sure which I like better. It seems like each build has it’s strengths versus certain classes.

what server are you on? Don’t think we could have a rematch with these matchups :/

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Callahan, what guild are you a part of?

[edit] Nevermind, I found out you’re on PRO from a previous post.

I fought you at the south windmill the other night. I was the [TKVA] norn female warrior using longbow/sword+shield that beat you in the duel.

That was a great fight. Always fun fighting other warriors!

I think I remember. I’m playing with condi’s now but I run a hybrid.

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The fight starting at 2:12ish is included again at 18:18.

I noticed, but it took ages to render. Sony vegas loves to screw with me on my clips. Sometimes tehy’ll go completely black and I have to restart it….

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


man could you guys please try not to include all this terrible music. it gets banned in alot of countries!

idk how to fix it My recording program records everything I hear on desktop so if I’m in mumble it gets annoying.

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hey guys, I’m back with another epic video. It’s a half hour long for those interested. It showcases a lot of good examples on how one should play with the s,sh/lb setup. All build info is posted at end of video.

HD+Full please.

Could use help with a build. [sPvP]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Your traits need to be changed. You only need 20 in def. Pick up shield master and cleansing Ire. Believe it or not it helps you build adrenaline so fast it’s hilarious. Don’t carry 2 proc sigils. Proc sigils interfere with eachother’s cooldowns. Put intel sigil on your sword so fthrust always crits. just make sure you dodge count so they don’t get out of it. I’d go for a, if you’re trying to keep unsuspecting foe. Make sure you pick up empowered because you run lyssa and maybe burst mastery. You’ll want the extra 10% crit damage, it goes a long way with power builds. 2nd trait in tactics could be desperate power or empower allies for more power.

My best play ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Oh.My.Goodness. That was actually good playing and absolutely hilarious at the end. Well done haha! I had a great chuckle.

haha I was like yelling when I sniped him in the air. That never happens in an mmo. Like ever lol…

My best play ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


My best play ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Dude.. that leap into the bridge should give you an “Alex Mercer” title.


My best play ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I logged in on my phone JUST to comment on this. The fighting was impressive, but THAT SAVAGE LEAP! And shooting that Guard out of the sky was nice too Good work. You inspired me. Now, if only I had a leap on Necro….

I’m glad I had that much affect on you. You’re able to do things I can’t on a necro though, be thankful for that You’re practically a 1 man army now.

My best play ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Blind-Hate: Unhindered Assault.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



Dude how many ideas you got in that head of your’s? One of them has surely got to make it into the game at this point.


Cavalier and hammer.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This vid is somewhat outdated by last patch, but you can swap out precision sig for sig of stam and carry bull’s charge in place of FGJ. Look at the gear in desc. It gives me 3.2k armor, allows you to hit 4-5k backbreakers every time you swap hammer, and hits pretty hard otherwise. Be weary though, there blind and weakness buff really screwed power builds.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


just ran into another perma blind thief kitten YOU ARENA NET kitten YOUR KIN

kitten you balance team

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


serriously. kitten is frustrating

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


he has awoken. the one who got me into warrior to begin with.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Callahan.3180


You should send a message to them, i don’t think they even read the suggestions ^^"
Never seen something wrote here applicated at the game

through email or what? I’ll take that up stat.