Showing Posts For Callahan.3180:

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I checked the other class forums and haven’t seen any other complaints.

mesmer is starting to complain

blind affects warriors and mesmer the worst out of all the classes

I just saw that one too. I can’t test, but the change made it so that you either have to be close to them with melee or shoot at them with ranged?

basically, you have to actually hit them while blind.

Range is less affected than pure melee builds

Ah, I see. Well, that doesn’t seem too unfair, but I understand how it could be frustrating. Swinging at the air to remove a blind was pretty cheesy.

If you said it doesn’t seem to unfair, you’re obviously in the wrong forum section. Thief thread is that way>.>

It posed as a great annoyance because you would go in for an Earth shaker and a good thief would insta blind it, making it not hit. And since you can’t sheath/interrupt your own leap skills, there’s no way to save the cooldown. So they would essentialy bait your CD’s then go in for the kill. Now they can do it from range. Just pistol you from afar while you sit there helplessly. Pretty sad joke

Ranger Patch Notes - June 25, 2013 - Official

in Ranger

Posted by: Callahan.3180


You needed to fix the things that were broken instead of breaking the things that were fixed…

Warrior main reporting in. I have an 80 ranger and refuse to play with a short bow because I always enjoyed the idea of longbow. I’ve played my ranger for probably about hours or so and saw everything you mentioned in this post. I quickly realized that a warrior is better at range with a longbow, and a riffle. I can safely say I’d prefer warrior’s LB and riffle to either the ranger’s SB/LB. I cannot agree with you more on everything you have stated and you have done a fantastic job with underlining the persistent problems a ranger faces. If this update was not proof that the devs truly don’t understand what they are doing, then I don’t know what is. I feel like they don’t even read the forums anymore.

Devs, if you’re reading, give this man a bone. He has been a loyal follower and devout subject toward your unfair ways. I feel his pain, believe me. Warriors have it bad as well, but not “ranger” bad.

When you see 2 seperate class forums, both engulfed in flames, you know you’re not doing your kitten right and you should get on it. Class balance is slow? “It should be slow”?? I have not read more slander in all my mmo life lol…. It’s nearing the 1 year anniversary of the game and you still have bugs and skill mechanics that are simply broken since launch. Fix your kitten balance team. You have a lot of players on the brink of uninstall.

Now, put that in the form of a living story update and then go sell content weapons for real money. If this was a kingdom, heads would be on spikes by now -.-

So... Now what?

in Ranger

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The game is slowly dying. Devs are… beyond comprehension.

Too me the best warrior PVP build

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


good luck fighting anyone with skill.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


5s ES would be pretty…. yeah. no. 7s is balanced lol.

Hammer Warriors - 1 second stuck

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


it’s a bug with stag blow. There’s another forum about it.

Staggering Blow bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I’ve submitted a bug report already. Yeah it’s bugged. Try a different skill chain in the mean time, like stag blow to ES.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


come on flock to my call criers.

Sword is now officialy broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I’d say new blind mechanics are more menacing than our new… sword.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Serriously. If you haven’t run into it, just wait guys. You’re in for a world of hurt lol. The old blind was better. Why do i need to hug the guy to get rid of my blind. This makes no sense to me. With this thieves moved from being demi gods to gods.

Also Staggering blow is bugged. Use it then run forward after the animation. You’ll quickly get stuck for another second and i’m sure this is unintentional.

Cry with me my brothers, for I feel the demise of our class is soon at hand :…(

for once i have to agree blind is buffed quite a bit

it makes no sense… it truely… /hospitalized

the sad thing is that there isnt much counter for blind

it get reapplied so often

Just woke up from my coma, sitting in my hospital bed. The doctor says I need to take these blue pills to relieve my stress. I just remember these divine hands looking over myself and I’m sitting there kneeling to a shadowy figure dressed in leather, with daggers in each hand. I reach up at the hands and ask them for mercy. I felt a cold pause as the hands quickly shifted toward the shadowy figure and laughed at my presence. Shortly after, I fell into a state of comatose, the world all black around me.
When I opened my eyes, I was standing under a luminous, blue beacon and different colored portals ahead of me.
“Is this a sign?”
I asked myself,
“what do the divines wish to do with me?”
I then fell unconscious yet again and woke up in my hospital bed. The doctor says I have taken irreparable damage to my dignity. He says that no matter how smart I am, or how hard I try, the shadowy figure of my torment will always be more so than I.

PvP / WvW build after patch

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Well let’s see I dropped balanced stance for Save Yourselves, put a lot more traits into boon duration and started utilizing our endless sea of protection skills…… OH wait. wrong forum

No reason to play Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Little damage.
No sustain.
No Evades/Invulnerabilities.

You forgot to mention you need to hug your target to remove blindness, you can’t simply attack air anymore. /wrists.

Sword is now officialy broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The problem I have with the new Final thrust is THEY DON’T SHOW YOU DAMAGE ’S. Oh you used it when the target was 51 damage, not 49%, sorry you don’t get your golden ticket. GG no re.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Serriously. If you haven’t run into it, just wait guys. You’re in for a world of hurt lol. The old blind was better. Why do i need to hug the guy to get rid of my blind. This makes no sense to me. With this thieves moved from being demi gods to gods.

Also Staggering blow is bugged. Use it then run forward after the animation. You’ll quickly get stuck for another second and i’m sure this is unintentional.

Cry with me my brothers, for I feel the demise of our class is soon at hand :…(

for once i have to agree blind is buffed quite a bit

it makes no sense… it truely… /hospitalized

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Serriously. If you haven’t run into it, just wait guys. You’re in for a world of hurt lol. The old blind was better. Why do i need to hug the guy to get rid of my blind. This makes no sense to me. With this thieves moved from being demi gods to gods.

Also Staggering blow is bugged. Use it then run forward after the animation. You’ll quickly get stuck for another second and i’m sure this is unintentional.

Cry with me my brothers, for I feel the demise of our class is soon at hand :…(

One final plea for banner changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Like I’ve read in atleast 3 different forum posts, just set them on our back and give us 3 skills per active banner, or 1 active skill per banner. 3 Banners? no problem, just put 3 of them in a tricone flag fashion on our backs. This makes them portable, you don’t need to pick them up, and it’s essentially an active signet you can play with. Kind of like a minion or pet. But yeah, just give us backpack banners :/

Hammer / Sigil of Impact or Fire

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Intel is better than both of them. You never wanna run with hammer out all the time. You should be using fast hands and swapping every 5 seconds so you don’t use hammer auto attacks. Intel will give you either a 4-5k back break or ES every time you swap it. Impact is only good when they’re disabled which is only 30% of the time you hit them. Fire is okay but the procs reset other sigils that you may have if they are active sigils.

May be true in WvW where you can see some outrageous numbers, in tPvP you don’t get anything to crazy with hammer. Factor in blinds and you may end up missing that +100 crit attack.

Sigil of Fire is the most consistent damage output sigil for when it comes to PvP.

Agreed. If you sheath correctly you will always have it though and if you’re blinded you simply have to swing once, but be careful not to be near a target or it will disappear. only in mid air.

Hammer / Sigil of Impact or Fire

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Intel is better than both of them. You never wanna run with hammer out all the time. You should be using fast hands and swapping every 5 seconds so you don’t use hammer auto attacks. Intel will give you either a 4-5k back break or ES every time you swap it. Impact is only good when they’re disabled which is only 30% of the time you hit them. Fire is okay but the procs reset other sigils that you may have if they are active sigils.

Talon Deathblade Solo WvW Videos.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I don’t play a warrior but man, you make me want to. I like how you used LOS against those thieves. Now for the obvious question – What is your build if you don’t mind sharing?

Good video sweet skills.

I have a longer video in my channel it’s like 29 min long. It’s got my whole build food for food.

Talon Deathblade Solo WvW Videos.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I’ll keep my stuff here for a while I guess.

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


good stuff for the new warriors.

+frag. nice testing and observations. Will be using these in the future.

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


King of PvE because CoF is all PvE about right now. once they put more complex AI and higher difficulty contents, warrior will get throw on the ground

Speak for yourself. I only farm CoF when I have absolutely nothing else to do, getting tokens from other dungeons takes priority (as well as from CoF too obviously.) All dungeons are made for a team of Zerkers to waltz all over it, the only variation is how much utility you’ll need (x guards + 1 mesmer to bring along.) All other professions may as well stay in PvP/WvW. It’s sad but true.

Also if they ever do jack up the difficulty you will still find Zerker Warriors, hell a CoF party could easily clear the revamped AC…

I don’t know pvp underwater i actually feel op. Unlike on land i got tolls underwater

Spear – pull, gap closer, block and cc on spear
Harpoon – immo to set up a “killshot”

Its makes me actually deadly to any other class. See what we lack on land weapon sets? If i want to set up a killshot i have to use that crappy bolas which miss 90% time.

I’ve noticed this, though I tend to avoid the water as though its the plague, as does everyone else.

UW combat is like the most unbalanced thing I’ve ever experienced in a game lol. Just look at mesmer.

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


As a friend once told me, and I now go by his definition lol, Berserker build is a good way to make yourself rage.

Something to lol about

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Today i had a moment where for the first time i actually got annoyed by a thief (usually i just mow them down, trouble starts at blind spamming)

There was this thief who did nothing but heartseeker through blind field to gain infinite stealth and was following me around like this while i was roaming, and whenever i found another enemy player to attack this thief would pop out of stealth finally and make a 2v1.

This is the first time i used a stealth trap.

HS blind circle thieves are my fav. You will note that they rely on bleeding you out in long term fights. They usually run glass for this reason. They don’t do a ton of damage if you have 3.2k armor like me. When you see them HS out of the field, Put your Earthshaker or even start bull’s charging as soon as you see them do the leap. It will interrupt them and they’ll be stunned for atleast 2 sec. Just keep chaining cc’s that way and there’s nothing they can do. I also saw a guildie of mine (Bit Cloud-he streams a lot) stand inside the AOE smoke. It prevents them from stacking stealth this way but blinds you a lot. It can still be used tactically if you got someone else to clip him while you stand there.

Adrenaline wackyness. Possibly a bug.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Sometimes adrenaline starts depleting at insane rate and can’t stack it. Other times you can stack it by killing critters.

I reproduced this as such:
- Log-in, enter wvw
- Killing critters at spawn will retain my adrenaline
- Actually: whatever i do… i just don’t lose any adrenaline.

- go and kill a mob or a player, port back to border waypoint
- killing critters now does nothing, as your adrenaline is being depleted faster than gained

Relog and I can stack my adrenaline again.

Same thing also work on utilities that give adrenaline (healing surge and inspiring shouts)

That’s interesting. I wvw a lot and notice that you must keep attacking mobs in order to keep it for a while. I’m not sure at what time it depletes, but eventually after a long enough time out of combat it fades.

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


bulls charge can be dodgy as an interrupt… one could say especially up close as a lot of the time I find myself running in place cartoon style with it right in front of my enemy. Not to mention it just randomly carries you off places sometimes. The bad bugs are sometimes offset by the good ones though, it always makes me laugh when the other guy dodges and my char turns around and runs in place until the evade is over xD

I often notice the KD through dodge part. It seems like it’s just death trailing behind them waiting for them to get out of dodge lol…

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Normally i use shield bash and bull’s charge for interrupts pretty reliably. Shield bash is fast and easy to get the interrupt, but bull’s charge needs to be used at the right time and range to be reliable. Which minimizes it’s effective range, as you need to be in at a some what medium to short range. For it to be quick enough that the person can’t react, or if they get the lucky dodge cause they decided to roll, bull’s charge will keep tracking them and hit them once their evade is over. Also keeps tracking stealthed players if used pre-stealth, so when u hit them u know where they are and you can just immobilize or something.

Once you’ve been using them for a long time, you can predict and interrupt, fairly reliably even with the latency. But yes there is a degree of luck involved, especially with bull’s charge as you never know what the other person might do, or you could be unlucky as the time u hit them is between skill casts.

My problems with it are, the reward for interrupts is too low, it’s only a 3 second delay on a skill. It might be more of a problem in the future as Anet have said they’re considering adding more stun breakers across all skills. So disables might become nerfed.

I think an interrupt should make the interrupted skill go on 1/2 it’s CD, as a more severe punishment and reward. A blind is rewarded/punished with a full CD, but interrupt is only 3 secs.

That’s an excellent point about the 1/2 CD on interrupt. You’re totally right about the blind it kitten es me off. I’ve resulted in binding sheath weapon to a mouse key so I will save my Back breaker most the time if I see them dodge early. But man… that blind.

Why don't we have a pull or drag?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Aion’s doom lure for templare. I was really hoping war would have something like that but was terribly shattered.

Even a utility skill man. I mean engie, guard, necro, and even thief has one.

Please fix our pathing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Honestly I am kitten ed now. I am tired of being in melee range and literally having straight misses with skills like bull’s charge and shield bash. No dodge by the opponent just moving a little bit equal a total miss. Lets not even get into rush. We have put up with this crap for months now and I guess I just can’t shrug it off anymore. Come on Anet throw us our bones.

Do you realize that the pathing is messed up for all classes such as ele.

I think might take awhile but it will be nice if anet commented on this matter

No. Don’t expect a dev reply. The devs are busy sniffing their fine wines. Mediator hear me now lol……

Why we can't rush like that?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Might as well put us in body armor and tell us to sprint over mines…. oh wait sounds familiar already

Why we can't rush like that?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


because it’s silly

Good to know sir..Keep ur animations of 60 years old grandpa then. Warriors need to be dynamic to be effective..current animations are a joke

The video looks like that character is using magic to gain the speed and flight used for that rush.
GW2 Warrior don’t use alot of magic. Magic use of a warrior is limited to magical weapons and magical signets. Magical would be items like Bolt/Volcanus Foefire Weapons…
They don’t channel that magic through their body.
The rush animation reflects this.

This logic is like listening to a bakery clerk tell you there’s no more bread for today. He’s pulling it out of somewhere.

Why we can't rush like that?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


That would be amazing! Rush needs to be a leap type move so it can be immune to the effects of cripple/chill (like Savage Leap.) This move looks more intense than Bull’s Rush, and it would certainly be a step in the right direction…

Savage leap and Earthshaker are themselves leapskills. They are both heavily hindered by chill. Cripple simlpy decreases how far you leap. Chill is so gross it’s molding.

Why we can't rush like that?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It’s less silly than running in place for a full second and a half or running past your target and then stopping to uppercut the air. But it’s okay, we don’t need skills like that fixed! We have a new animation for a gem store harvesting sickle!

just lol…. just… LOL

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


LOL. Man I’m surprised this thread is still alive. I really stirred up a hornet nest didn’t I?
Man some of you guys live this as a second life. I mean Ghash Dhang. I’m not even gonna defend myself anymore it’s like I’m soloing a zerg here. But for those who actually care and for those who are actually interested in my build, I have a 29 minute video with a description of exactly what I’m running down to the food. Try it out sometime you may like it. I’m also not looking for build critiques, I pretty much got this set.

Something to lol about

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Still doesn’t count :P

Come now, I want to see a true 2v1.

Second Edit: Use instant aoe’s based on your mouse cursor (game options), makes playing hammer much smoother and it tends to bug out less.

I actually don’t like fast cast either, even though sometimes when clicking fast it decides to just not cast. The reason being is placement, landing an earthsaker outside of some sort of AoE effect is quite often handy, but really hard to do without the circle to tell you if it’s even possible. It’s also not like it takes long to double tap.

Kay, still a few I have yet to appease. Accept my baby lamb sacrifice next time I post a video lololol

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I can interrupt pretty consistently with shield. Mace as well, though I rarely use it. Earthshaker as well if I’m close to them. But yeah, cast times on most skills that interrupt are longer than the skills I’d really like to interrupt, so kinda pointless. Fun to knock people around ressing/stomping though.

I see. Yeah shield bash is a quick init and that’s why. There’s nothing like interrupting a heal spell, or a thief’s invis lol.

Dragon's Jade Weapon Tickets - PLEASE NO RNG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I liked how they did it at Wintersday though. They gave everyone a chance at buying the weapon skins outside of the RIG if they wanted. I’m guessing it didn’t sell well and Anet took that as a bad example.
Honestly though those skins for weapons were crap. They were bulky and ugly and just ewww. I’m guessing that has more to do with the fact they didn’t sell well then putting them directly in the cash shop. I have two of those skins from the RIG boxes I got and I hate them and wish I could have sold them on the TP to someone who actually wants them.

This 100%. The reason, Anet, they didn’t sell is because I literally said to myself “my god. These are the worst skins I’ve ever seen.” I spent gold on my ghastly grinning shield because that thing was so amazing to look at. Seeing just the axe and shield already makes me want them. I will spend 800 gems each on whichever weapon I buy no problem. The RNG is something old school that doesn’t suit your “revolutionary MMO.” In fact I find it to be false advertising.

Please don’t kill your real community like valve did with TF2 and keys/krates. The only people who play that game now are people who like unusual hats… I feel like it’s becoming something similar with this beutiful game.

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


For those of you who played pvp in gw1 as a warrior, and had success in q-knocks or other forms of interruptions, what are your thoughts on guild wars 2 style interruptions?
In wvw I can understand skill lag/initiation and cast times, but I feel more than ever that interrupts are more luck than skill. Even if you have great reflexes, they’d have to be some of the best to hit constant interrupts on enemies. I know there’s also no skill timer on your end if they’re casting skills, quite contrary to gw1. However, I feel that there should be more ways to interrupt an opponent or even punish them for being interrupted.

I enjoyed the skill distracting strikes in gw1, as it was a very quick interrupt that did no damage but made the skill on your opponent’s end completely useless for a duration. I also enjoyed the q-knock function in gw1. I won’t explain this for those of you who don’t know it, it’s kind of hard to explain. I encourage you to look it up though.

So in summary, what are your thoughts about interrupts in this game from a warrior’s perspective in coordination with skill lag and initiation time? Do you think a skilled player can rely on interrupts all the time like in gw1? Do you take my stance that interrupts are more luck than skill based most the time? Finally, if you have success in consistant interrupts, what tactics do you use to help you get interrupts all the time?

Well on my warrior I can just interrupt on will with a mace. All the other skills take too long. I can reliably interrupt with a hammer by judging what the person will probably do. Bull’s Rush and Shield Rush seem to have a weird on hit delay, which makes wanted interrupts kinda hard.

But yeah, interrupts feel more like luck than in GW1. But GW1 also had an enemy castbar, which made things alot easier. It kinda hard to see certain animations on points, when there are like 20 different effects on it.

Oh and q-Knocks would kinda exist on Hammer (#4 und #5 and F1 can be used that way, and you will probably know that), but most skills you wanted to q-Knock in GW1, will have build in:

  • Evade
  • Block
  • Blind
  • Teleport
  • Invul

So we have one person who takes my side. Any one else? I’d love to learn some nice ways to hit interrupts 8/10 times if there are any. I only know heals are easier to rupt. I know if you wait too long to cancel an attack your 4 for shield will only go after you’ve completed the first attack animation, delaying your skill since you press it by atleast 1 second. This is pretty bad IMO.

Something to lol about

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


WOW , i have an level 80 warrior (pve tool) but i mean you pretty much is a good warrior and you had to work that kitten a petty thief and an upleveled…like the above poster said “Watching this makes me wince though, reminds me how bad warrior sustain really is.” Wow just wow , also that Thief with those blinding fields completely disabled you really need a form of Engineers goggles lol.

haha yeah I want an anti blind skill for war. It would make a lot of sense. He was upleveled but he was close to 80. He hit me for some pretty decent damage and if you pay attention he took a lot of my spikes and still managed to get out. I wasn’t 1 hitting him or anything.

How to kill a thief as a Hammer warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I killed 3 mesmers and 1 thief one after another in the span of 2 minutes today in wvwvw. It’s not really a show of anything. People are so bad there.
If you want I can skirmish with you a bit in spvp Callahan, you can train against somewhat proper thief gameplay. I’m EU though, so I don’t know how it works out.

Always down for improvement. There’s some specs in spvp that are a lot different than wvw though. I lack a lot of my build but mechanics are still there. I wasn’t sure if US can battle EU even in spvp?

[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The actual breakable part is when you’re lying on the floor btw, so don’t use shake it off in the air (unless you’ve got like 25 stacks of bleed or something anyway). You’ll land, the effect will apply, and you won’t be able to get up any sooner than usual because it hadn’t happened yet when you used the skill. Instead wait until you land, then use the shout and you’ll get up momentarily.

As for why, I’ve no idea. Maybe they figured going ‘no I’ll stop now’ when you’re hurtling through the air is silly, or maybe you’re just meant to use things like stability pre-emptively in some cases.

I know it’s not breakable while in air. I’m saying you can use shouts in air why not stun breaks? Pull skills are pretty kitten strong because they can tear through a block, atleast guardian’s can. I know you can wait till you land, which is what normally happens. You can get pulled through a dodge roll though which is what I don’t like. Due skill lag I have initiated balanced stance before I’m pulled on my screen but in real time I’m actually in air already. That’s what I mean.

Pre-emptively is no excuse because anyone who’s decent will wait till your stability is off before they use it. That leaves dodging which isn’t always reliable. I don’t see why not use a stance in mid air, it would make sense because it’s called balanced stance. You’re being pulled laterally so you balance yourself upright or vertically. Only suiting for its name.

Something to lol about

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Gotcha, I can see where you’re coming from for most points, most reason I said the lyssa thing is because you used it prior to them shortbowing you and the protection wasn’t used more or less (just had a case of bad timing).

Anyways, nj, keep up the stomping.

There’s a few reasons I constantly pop it. Mainly perma swiftness/fury. 2 min of swift is always nice. 48 CD is very small for getting all boons. I’d rather use it 3x in a fight instead of once or twice.

But believe me I’ve tried a million builds. This one is my personal favorite because it’s so well rounded vs any profession. It’s always fun to compare contrast though. Thanks for feedback.

On a side note, it’s hilarious to see yourself in a video from their end:

How to kill a thief as a Hammer warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Very interesting video. I tried the condition removal heal once before, but since I was using signet of Fury I just found it less useful than Healing surge, plus I use lemongrass.

Whatever works for you. So many people try to tell me that I should pick up Heal surge and drop mending, drop SoF and pick up SoS. In reality it’s what ever you prefer. There’s some pretty nice tricks I found to using SoF. It catches people off guard and lets you use your f1 for sword, pop SoF and land an ES no problem. Mending is a backup condi remover for me. 25sec CD is better than 30 sec CD. I don’t like to use util/heals as a main source for adren but love fasthands instead.

But it also depends how you build. I’ve found a happy medium and encourage anyone to try my build for who wants to.

Something to lol about

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


@Call, Nicely fought, but (and nothing against you personally) they were bad.

Also props on the /dance

Watching this makes me wince though, reminds me how bad warrior sustain really is.

This is known. This is still hilarious footage.

Something to lol about

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


No sympathy for thieves, two bads getting reverse ganked +1, nice job.

Critique: dodge more, use shield block, if you’re going to stack crit go for burst mastery, use flurry even at 1 bar to help pressure, don’t activate signet of rage just for the regen from lyssa runes, and I realize you’re using mending for condition removal but healing surge is so much better. (If you take burst mastery and keep your signet recharge trait, take signet of stamina over fury).

Second Edit: Use instant aoe’s based on your mouse cursor (game options), makes playing hammer much smoother and it tends to bug out less.

Lyssa helps with protection too. 6.5s of prot is a godsend against glass. pair it with 3.2k armor and i take a lot of meat. I wasn’t using flurry because it was futile. They remove condi’s on stealth and one of them was a blind spammer. I constantly swap weapons to build up for 1 bar of adren and do an ES every 10 seconds (roughly). I didn’t feel like using flurry cuz I would have died. Some of the skills bugged too you can notice. I used fierce blow and it hit nothing even though he was right in front of me. No the goal here was to maximize as much burst in as little time. Had to have ES for that. Flurry on a thief is alright but you don’t need to do it that often.

Your other points have already been noted by a few people. I’ve tried out surge and it’s not that great honestly. 30 secondc CD is too much, I don’t have a backup plan if I get chilled. Wars already lack condition removal and my main source is lyssa. Surge may be better if I save my adrenaline all the time, but I don’t. I use it all on ES. SoS is good, but Fury is prefect for my play style. There’s a lot you can do with it. I will try out SoS, as I haven’t given it much attention. I usually save my dodges for engies, wars, guards, Etc. My goal on thieves is to burst them down stat before they get me in a long term fight.

I’ve played with the instant aoe and I don’t find it useful. I use ES to run away and kite sometimes too and you can’t find the maximum range to use it, so you cut yourself short some distance. You also can’t use the margins to aoe outside of a smoke circle for example. I did that a couple times in this clip. Knowing aoe margins is paramount IMO.

How to kill a thief as a Hammer warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why are we not able to cast balanced stance while in air? If it breaks stun, why can’t it break pull? I don’t understand. It’s a groovy skill, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that vs an engie, and guard those pull skills are so powerful and usually end in our demise. If I’m not mistaken you can cast shouts while in air, but not balanced stance, which is instant. I believe this change wouldn’t be strong enough to set us off balance, but I feel it would be a step in the right direction. Thoughts? Dev feedback is appreciated as well.

Endure Pain [Bug?]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It is working as intended. Also note conditions can still be applied.

It may be, but the tooltip description says otherwise. So if anything, it’s a tooltip bug.

60 lowest. Balanced stance would then be rendered useless.

Signet of Might error?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Seems like this just hasn’t been thought through. I guess blind works as intended, sadly. So might should be changed.

I believe that is the right thing to do.

I wish they’d give us an anti blind instead of an anti block….