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[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I have posted this topic in the suggestions forum, but will place it here as well because it regards warrior.

Well, I disagree that we are terribly designed. I agree in some respects to what you guys are feeling, but I think the majority of the greatsword population wishes they were not predictable any longer. I never picked it up myself and strived to use hammer and sword shield. I’ve picked up a lot of mechanics that can easily break barriers for anyone’s skill level including sheath interrupting your attacks to save them from people who dodge, kiting, skill rotations (the optimal ones), and fast hand swapping/weapon swapping on the 5 second margin. The warrior is best when played aggressively, yet it lacks the abilities to really retreat from a fight or even prolong it. Anyone who watches heroic medieval movies, knows that the heros are usually masters with a shield. I feel that warrior needs better sustainability through different stances and perhaps a better shield update. Maybe even give us a burst skill FOR the shield? A guardian utilizes boons very well, but warriors should be MASTER of a shield, not a jack of all traits. Our stances severely lack sustainability because there is nothing in the stances themselves that really help us negate damage. Sure there’s that new berserker’s stance but tbh, it’s such a long cooldown it’s useless. In GW1 we had a wide range of protective stances we could use to help us negate damage. It seems like you gave those to the guardian? skills like watch yourselves.

Take a look at how many defensive skills we had in gw1
Most of those skills are given to the warrior and it fits his role well. He utilizes combat, not magic. In GW2, we don’t really have anything that makes us unique aside from an adrenaline bar…. Our stances are garbage, though useful at times lack universal interest. Our banners were a unique idea, but again… they are cunky, horrible weapons when used, and are only good for the buff-which we need to be chained to like a tamed dog. Sad but true. I’ll show you guardian, just let me throw down my banner, no wait come back, I can’t receive my buff when you go that far.

Now take what I just said and take a look at this.
You can see, that guardian easily has more sustain just through blocking, not even including the damage immunes/invuln’s.
Warriors have 3. Who the hell fights underwater anyway.
Not to mention, guardians have a profession skill (f1-4 keys) that applies block on passive AND active. Warriors only have one profession skill, and that is a burst ability. While the abilities themselves are on a short cooldown, it forces us to stick with certain weapon sets to utilize defense. Guardian can utilize defense no matter what weapon they use and thus have more freedom. I am surprised that burst was not better layed out. Perhaps you could add 2 skills to the burst menu, an f1 AND f2? I know this would be very different from the current menu, but it would make more sense. This would also strengthen us without having to change traits a whole lot.

So, Arenanet, balance team, john, joe, doe, or whoever implements class changes, please consider my ideas as I have outlined because I am sure many warriors will agree with these observations. If anything, I am more interested in seeing stance and combat oriented changes, instead of traits. I feel the under powered element comes from this.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Well, I disagree that we are terribly designed. I agree in some respects to what you guys are feeling, but I think the majority of the greatsword population wishes they were not predictable any longer. I never picked it up myself and strived to use hammer and sword shield. I’ve picked up a lot of mechanics that can easily break barriers for anyone’s skill level including sheath interrupting your attacks to save them from people who dodge, kiting, skill rotations (the optimal ones), and fast hand swapping/weapon swapping on the 5 second margin. The warrior is best when played aggressively, yet it lacks the abilities to really retreat from a fight or even prolong it. Anyone who watches heroic medieval movies, knows that the heros are usually masters with a shield. I feel that warrior needs better sustainability through different stances and perhaps a better shield update. Maybe even give us a burst skill FOR the shield? A guardian utilizes boons very well, but warriors should be MASTER of a shield, not a jack of all traits. Our stances severely lack sustainability because there is nothing in the stances themselves that really help us negate damage. Sure there’s that new berserker’s stance but tbh, it’s such a long cooldown it’s useless. In GW1 we had a wide range of protective stances we could use to help us negate damage. It seems like you gave those to the guardian? skills like watch yourselves.

Take a look at how many defensive skills we had in gw1
Most of those skills are given to the warrior and it fits his role well. He utilizes combat, not magic. In GW2, we don’t really have anything that makes us unique aside from an adrenaline bar…. Our stances are garbage, though useful at times lack universal interest. Our banners were a unique idea, but again… they are cunky, horrible weapons when used, and are only good for the buff-which we need to be chained to like a tamed dog. Sad but true. I’ll show you guardian, just let me throw down my banner, no wait come back, I can’t receive my buff when you go that far.

Now take what I just said and take a look at this.
You can see, that guardian easily has more sustain just through blocking, not even including the damage immunes/invuln’s.
Warriors have 3. Who the hell fights underwater anyway.

Not to mention, guardians have a profession skill (f1-4 keys) that applies block on passive AND active. Warriors only have one profession skill, and that is a burst ability. While the abilities themselves are on a short cooldown, it forces us to stick with certain weapon sets to utilize defense. Guardian can utilize defense no matter what weapon they use and thus have more freedom. I am surprised that burst was not better layed out. Perhaps you could add 2 skills to the burst menu, an f1 AND f2? I know this would be very different from the current menu, but it would make more sense. This would also strengthen us without having to change traits a whole lot.

So, Arenanet, balance team, john, joe, doe, or whoever implements class changes, please consider my ideas as I have outlined because I am sure many warriors will agree with these observations. If anything, I am more interested in seeing stance and combat oriented changes, instead of traits. I feel the under powered element comes from this.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Daily blind complaint posted. continuing to do so until you decide to unnerf a melee anything.

The only difference i can see to blind is: you have to actually be in range of your weapon for it to clear it, which is how i imagine blinds were intended to work all along. Swiping on air and clearing a blind doesn’t seem fair to me, but my wvw build is also built around blinds so i could be completely biased here. After some testing in my guild’s custom arena we realized that you can clear blinds by striking most solid objects, whether they have a health pool or not. We tried it on the stairs and walls around the mid point on Foefire and found the blinds were removed. Just something that might help you against players like me!

Are you a warrior yourself? Doesn’t sound like it to me if you’re encouraging it. Blind was strong already, it was one of the best interrupts. You could blind an earthshaker mid air before it hit you, you could blind a bull’s charge before it hit you, and you could blind a backbreaker or shield bash before it hit you. Now you don’t even have to use it in that way, you just put that kitten on them and kite. Go play a sword board warrior/hammer and tell me that kitten isn’t broken strong.

Strike solid objects as in kitten that has health pools like a wall? Yeah that totally makes sense. I mean in most scenarios I’ll be standing in the middle of no where. I guess i’ll go chop the grass to remove it. Thanks.

I don’t spvp, but I can imagine that kitten is broken there too lol. A condition should never be that strong and so easy to apply at the same time. It takes away any skill needed to play the class.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.

It’s just like the players that can solo a dungeon run. Any class can do it, but you have to be a VERY good player and you REALLY have to know the mechanics of the fights you’re partaking in. If you watch the video of the thief soloing the lord you’ll notice a couple of things. 1) he isn’t running one of the “OP” builds that has everybody upset. 2) He has to disengage a couple of times and he knows when he needs to dodge. 3) the tower has no one in it and its not upgraded. He is definitely a good player and someone who has spent the time to learn the mechanics of the tower lords. He also timed his attack when there were no other players to come and kill him. It seems like this scenario is very situational and i would even say that the same player could solo the lord under the same circumstances with any other class he is very comfortable with.

I disagree. That kitten would never happen in a decent tier server. The thief, though I haven’s seen him in particular, I’ve seen my friend, and all you need to do is keep a dagger pistol and perma blind them. It does decent damage and can bleed out almost anything. That is except 3 people… right

Delete Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Warriors still not properly nerfed. Warriors still king of PVE.

Overreacting much?

in all reality, PvE takes much less effort than facing someone who knows how to counter your class specifically. Try a tpvp match, or wvw by yourself and watch how easily you are destroyed by blinds now.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Daily blind complaint posted. continuing to do so until you decide to unnerf a melee anything.

Please fix blind thread #3085

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Well you better stop playing gw2 as a warrior and play WHAT ANET WANTS YOU TO PLAY DAMmmmmmNIT. Play a kitten thief/necro/guerdian maybe mesmer.

um no. Played a war since gw1, and I will continue to do so. It’s definitely my play style, I just wish the devs would grow a brain and stop being morons.

Sounds like you are waiting for the rapture to happen.

lol. you hear that anet? kitten yourselves.

Please fix blind thread #3085

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Well you better stop playing gw2 as a warrior and play WHAT ANET WANTS YOU TO PLAY DAMmmmmmNIT. Play a kitten thief/necro/guerdian maybe mesmer.

um no. Played a war since gw1, and I will continue to do so. It’s definitely my play style, I just wish the devs would grow a brain and stop being morons.

Please fix blind thread #3085

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Guess we’re gonna have to flood the forums about it till it gets fixed.

Official Dev Stance on the New Blind?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


So, would you please confront us with your opinion of the blind akittens current state? I truly would love to hear why you have not changed it back yet. My second day in wvw post patch and you’d never guess what I saw. There on the hills, sat a team of 3 theives who ran the pistol dagger build. Let me tell you, I know they had a jolly time fighting that 3v10 not having to worry about being damaged.

I’m wondering if there’s ever the possibility that you would change it back to the old blind. I would much rather prefer that. I felt it was fine then, and that it’s just dumb now.

I understand you are trying to promote build variety, but by adding this odd remove while in range mechanic to the blind, you have essentially destroyed any melee build. I would rather not have to spec melandru runes and run some weird gimmick build to keep just blind away if that was what you intended for us.

Sheathing Saves Lives.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This has been a thing like, forever. o.o

haha it’s new to me XD

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I guess start praying they make dredge a playable race. =P


Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I don’t PVP much but I think it’d be fine if Cleansing Ire worked while blinded. Since it doesn’t, thereby defeating the whole purpose of the trait in PVP, I’d say it’s a very big problem.

Even then it wouldn’t be fine. We’d be forced to carry a trait around even if we don’t want to. This discourages build variation, the opposite of what they claim they are promoting. It was fine before but they have to buff a thief because warrior was actually getting to ground level in comparison to some classes. Devs: 1 Warrior community:0

Cleansing Ire is actually trolling

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Well how would you do it, then?

remove conditions on adrenalane bars gained. Simple, effective, and if it’s too strong put a time cap on it. Or make it so it removes condi’s and you don’t need to hit anything. As it is, try using this trait while blinded. It’s absolutely useless and serves as evidence that the devs are jumping into a vast blue ocean of unknown. Pretty moronic changes.

Also, if you pick up burst mastery, you can’t even remove 3, at most 2. They conflict with each other and there’s no reward for pairing traits. This discourages build variation, contrary to what they were trying to implement.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why can’t I be a master?

Because you’re not


(edited by Callahan.3180)

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why can’t I be a master?

I’d vote for you, but I think the higher ups might put the breaks on you.

What higher ups :/ I’m good to buster.

Sheathing Saves Lives.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Or you could just move. Weapon swapping interrupts abilities as it is, so no need to sheath beforehand.

I used to do that before I found defektive’s post. Sheathing is more responsive and you can sheath hammer 4, 5 abilities. You can’t interrupt those unless you dodge. Using movement becomes buggy and only works certain times. There’s a lot of lag to it. On the warrior that was practically an instant cast, I stood still for a split second allowing me to survive his little 100b lol.

It was opposite day yesterday.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It makes sense, that’s why this “buff” isn’t exactly what it should have been. LOL

Why blinds why?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I don’t understand this whole blind thing. Before the patch everyone could auto-attack the air and clear the blind? Then such a change was needed, just how, a few months back, blind wouldn’t negate basilisk venom until that was fixed aswell.

In GW2 with limited weapon buttons to use, every attack counts. No, you shouldn’t be able to clear blind if you are attacking the air. However, you should be able to clear blind when your auto attack is in range of an enemy.

Oh a blind sympathizer. You should be tried for treason. This mechanic is now so disgusting it’s kittening sad. fix your kitten anet. it’s pathetic.

Sheathing Saves Lives.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I remember looking for an ability interrupt mechanic way back when, not finding a reliable one, then seeing that Sheath would do the trick.

Not hating on ANet specifically here, but it’s the exact sort of mechanic that can be extremely helpful while also being considered a “bug” and getting “fixed” in a later patch. Then we can all have another collective sad at the loss of a potentially interesting mind-game mechanic.

q-knocks were fundamental in gw1. This is the equivelant I feel in gw2. They never removed q-knocking.

Sheathing Saves Lives.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The tutorial.

And you’re welcome Cal. Glad to see people putting it to good use :P


Sheathing Saves Lives.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Thanks Defektive for opening my eyes to this mechanic. i use it so much now I can’t play without it. Backbreakers and staggering blows are up an additional 40% hit rate because of saving them.

Pay attention for those of you who are unfamiliar with sheathing. I have mine bounded to mouse 5, 1 of my 2 thumb mouse buttons. Saves you a lot of cooldown.
Also, thanks to anet for finally putting shield master in adept tree. That helps tremendously with solo roaming now.

Martial Artist

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Martial Artist : Master Level Trait in Discipline (instead of mobile strikes)

- Movement skills break immobilize
- Melee attacks have 66% to ignore blindness

OP ? Well the new blindness may be is…

Signet of might needs to grant immunity to blind for 3 seconds along with unblockable 3 attacks. Don’t know why the kitten they didn’t do this in the first place.

Why blinds why?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


A few things:

1. People are trying to apply real-world logic to how the game mechanic works, and that’s ridiculous. Please stop, it helps no one and doesn’t provide anything resembling a legitimate argument.

2. The purpose of Blind is so you “Miss” the next attack you make. That being said, I’m really, really, really surprised they went through the trouble to distinguish between an attack that would land but now “Misses”, as opposed to an attack made out of range that misses, like an auto-attack.

For those who don’t understand, here’s a common situation for someone like me, who uses, I don’t know, let’s pick a Warrior weapon at random:


I’m at range against a player, closing in. I have various forms of initiation, the most popular for me being Earthshaker. I’m closing in on a target, and he blinds me.

What do I do? I take a moment to swing, then I’m ready to initiate. The fault lies on the opposing player for blinding me at a dumb moment, and I clear it, then Earthshaker him into a damage chain.

Enter: Blind Change. Now I’m blinded for multiple seconds, and the opposing player’s dumb play pays off, because I’m stuck in a terrible position now.

I could Bull’s Charge to close distance, but that’s a 45 second cooldown that will not hit.

I could switch to GS and Rush, but that’s a solid chunk of damage as well that won’t hit (and is also reserved to help counter the high mobility of… most other classes, to catch back up after I’m already up ins).

I could Earthshaker anyway, but it misses and no one cares, then it’s on a 7 second cooldown (for now, which isn’t bad, but still sucks).

I could do a number of things, but here’s the problem:

Blind is now mindless, and skill-less. If I get blinded from range, it’s now “You can’t initiate, sucks bro”, instead of “Whoops, used that at the wrong time and it did nothing, I should probably learn how to play the game”.

For those who blind mid-animation or otherwise use it in intelligent situations, nothing really changes for them. The long tail of worse players just had their days made intensely easier, and most probably don’t even know why.

Makes me sad.

EDIT – In fact, I’m kind of surprised I don’t see anything about reverting Blind in the Suggestions forum. I only got to play with it for a night of silly buggering around WvW, and in that limited time, I was intensely annoyed by how “fire and forget” it was. Removal of counterplay is just

Sounds like an l2p issue to me.

gotcha! haha I think they’ll change it back sometime soon. Give it 2 months and it should be okay LOL

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Now fight an enemy with blind.

Doable. Definately doable, esp with hammer. Just a matter of your skill vs his skill and if his skill is 50%of yours, then you’re done for!

Criticism on the recent Warrior changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Anet’s patch didn’t change anything much. It just created new abilities similar to the old ones and sometimes inferior.

I’m guessing the devs are thinking now: let’s see how long the stupid warrior community will stay this time thinking they will do well in spvp..then went back to playing their mesmers/thieves/guardians..

I don’t blame them since there is no accountability for them sacrificing the paying customer base.

This is what you reminded me of when I read your post lol…….


Criticism on the recent Warrior changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


War is amazing..a class where traits are antisynergic with each other

Cleansing ire removes 1 condition per adrenaline bar spend (3 total), howered with burst mastery we can remove 2 at best (burst mastery reduces adrenaline spend by 1 bar)

Adrenal health – without healing power thats 120hp/sec, howered to get that effect we have to sit on the whole adrenaline bar. If i use burst to clean condiitons automatically i lose benefits from that.

And the best one: MR Healing Surge:

Heal yourself and regain all adrenaline. Heal amount is based on your current adrenaline level.

Stage 0: heal: 5,240
Stage 1: heal: 5,880
Stage 2 heal: 6,840
Stage 3 heal: 8,440

So if i had to use burst in order to remove poison to heal up, i will heal for as much as i were poisoned? Wheres the logic?

$%$%^#!!%^$ < some insults about two guys

LOL wow, Anet done goofed.

right? This was seen like right after the update. What goes on in the minds when they try to implement these ideas. I feel like they don’t play the game themselves.

Criticism on the recent Warrior changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The former easy off for blind was at a time when blinds were also easy on. Now that blinds are more difficult to remove, hopefully they will become more difficult to apply, eventually, that is, with future updates.

Also, so far everyone I’ve seen on the forums here that have tested Cleansing Ire with Burst Mastery note that it works as intended, meaning, a burst at 3 full bars removes 3 conditions. When I get some time I’ll have to make sure myself though.

So a complete rework of the ol’ over powered thief. So change like what 5-6 skills that give him blind? Yeah good luck with that. As a wise warrior once stated, don’t forget, they balance the game around thief. kittening morons.

Criticism on the recent Warrior changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I don’t get it guys.. I love the changes and on sword too…
I made a 30/0/0/10/30 build and I could pull 10k Kicks, 8k Final thrust, 12k+ whirl axe etc. with a sword/axe – axe/mace.
The potential of glass cannon builds just got skyrocket in front of our eyes and we whine about a 3/4s cast time, which is not even that big

10k kick? wtf are you serrious? LOL what..? God if this is true I’m gonna go sparta people right now!

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why can’t I be a master?

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


What makes no sense is that your burst skills need to hit someone for you to cleans them. But if you have blind this is impossible, rendering that trait absolutely worthless. Face a blind spammer and it becomes apparent. They didn’t even put it in the trait desc either. Shows how kitten the idea was.

Good changes? Yes, here's why:

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


1) Cleansing Ire: If you get used to using your F1 skills on cooldown, you’ll notice that Conditions aren’t that huge of a problem anymore. They are still irritating, but not the be all end all.

2) Final Thrust has opened up some impressive burst to otherwise tanky builds.

3) Berserker Stance is absolutely hillarious against Necros.

4) Desperate Power is very viable now.

5) DOTE + Burst Mastery = Great damage even when built tanky.

6) Weakness, sweet sweet weakness. It’s so strong now if you can constantly apply it.

I really recommend people play with Weakness + Cleansing Ire more, you’ll find you have much higher survivability than you probably can anticipate!

On another note, Blinds are so unbelievably killing me, but that’s not a class specific change.

Build I’m running:
20pt disc is DOTE

Blindness is jsut dumb strong now. They buff warrior, but buff everything else in exchange lol. It looks like a funny build to play. I play that same weapon setup myself. I’m just wondering how imobilize feels when you don’t have mobile strikes. DoTE is amazing if you’re auto attacking a lot with sword or hammer, but if you like to ES a lot, Burst master is more powerful. I don’t think you need both though, as it might be over kill.

Props for supporting something out of the box though. Keep building like this.

The Swordsman build

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Talon Deathblade here. So among the big bust of this sad update, I feel there is still yet light at the end of the tunnel. I made an augment of my old build that I think some of you will enjoy. While it isn’t as good as my build, it is still pretty fun to use if you’re a sword boarder like me.

Quick gear reference: has the description of everything I run. If you have trouble getting the fractal chest and boots, full valks will work for armor. Ascended p,t, crit dam trinkets are a big part of it, but you can also run cavalier trinkets from balthazar temple. I keep the same weapons I have in that video.

Traits are a allocation, picking up
unsuspecting foe
blade master
shield master
cleansing Ire
Signet Mastery
Mobile Strikes

Balanced Stance
Bull’s Charge
Dolyak Sig
Sig of Rage

My final stats, with ascended trinkets, are just shy of 3.4k armor, 93% crit damage… 2.7k attack, which is easily brought up to over 3k with SoR. Crit chance(i have valk weapons, you can run berserk for more precision)39+20(fury)10(blademaster)5(sig of ac) for a total of around ~75%.

Playing with it is pretty lolzy. So long as you know how to sheath Flurry correctly, there are guides out there, you will have no trouble keeping up with them, however many gap closers they have.
Defektive has a great guide here:

In all honestly, you can debate it all you want and you should. This build was put together in 5 minutes and works pretty well. 3.4k armor is hilarious and you still hit like a truck on final thrust. Keep a hammer in your swap for the occasional backbreaker and Earthshaker. You should be swapping weapons every 5 seconds and always so you keep that adrenaline going. But you can setup main damage with sword and just poke them to death.

Take it and try it out, and perfect it.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Bump. Read it balance team. Read it and correct it.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


No matter how much I may kitten personally I rather see this game get better than quit. There is simply too much potential here that is not elsewhere. If you look at it GW2 is actually the best game out there right now because we are still in vanilla. Our complaints are meant not to ruin the game but to make it better so that as future expansion packs come out and the game expands we help it reach its full potential. This is a labor of love to an extent. How many of us played GW1 even when WoW was king? How many of us gave hours to that game and money? We put a lot of faith in Anet and we still do.

Our kittening is akin to a mother’s nagging. Its annoying as kitten but in the long run most of us are talking about what would be best for the game.

Little speech over.

A truely loyal follower. I share your passion, but…. the way this is going I feel like they don’t even read the forums man.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This blind mechanic is absolutely kittened. It’s really that simple.

Wait till you fight multiple thieves who are all blinding you and dodging/rolling/stealthing in different directions. Might as well just stand there and die because there is nothing you can do.

LOL!!!!! Welcome to my post. I feel like I was one of the few people to see how kittened up this mechanic is now. I expect it to be returned to its former state some time soon. If not, then, well, anet has a lot of complaints about to be handed out lol

Simple 1-10 Happy Warrior Rating

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Nice custom you have there. I don’t think this is a solo wvw build though? That’s a dumb amount of CC and it seems hilarious.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hopefully something changes.

Right. The reason that both rangers and warriors still play this game still. Oh hopefully they’ll get it. oh yeah they’ll get it next time. Oh okay next time.. and so this is the next time. But when is the next time? If you catch my drift. I feel a large player base ready to leave the game. I’m getting pretty close myself.

Lol. The only 2 reasons this game is still alive are: 1) It’s free to play 2) It isn’t competing against any other mainstream pvp-centric MMORPGs. That will change soon enough.

It doesn’t even have good pve. Honestly. Getting hard to tell what was so revolutionary behind this “masterpiece.” I don’t even think aion was this bad when thief era was happening. They got on balance pretty quick and it wasn’t much of a problem lol

No kidding. GW2 has actually made me miss Aion… For anyone who played Aion, that says a lot.

I don’t think its that bad yet to bring up Aion. I mean kitten you remember how Aion was? Or maybe still is (its been a few years since I was done with that).

Also free to play my kitten . I payed for this game and the sub model is on the way out as it is. The old server cost argument is dead.

As far as action goes. Bah DCUO is the stick I actually measure action by (Poor CoH). The is a basic mmo with action elements. TERA is technically an action mmo but the animations are so slow in PvE its stupid.

I agree it was bat at times. I remember a thief named ghost fayce would go around in full golds and wreck people. He’d stay at level 40 so that he could level cap the rift and just dominate. He racked up like 50k frags in a short amount of time lol… it was pretty bad. It is heading this direction though. They already have the thief mechanics setup for it. It died last I remember because of some corporate game that ncsoft instilled which killed off all the player base. Tera, if i’m not mistaken is the result of those people who left aion and created their own thing. I hold this knowledge loosely, so don’t destroy me for it.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Ya, most of my friends have either quit or are also transitioning to Tera. Some of them even left for Minecraft… Minecraft! 0.o

:/ I don’t wanna cry for a better game, but I was truely hoping this would answer all my worries and that I could run to it as sustenance. It’s quickly becoming the opposite of that, having to play skyrim and tf2 or something as a chaser for this bad gameplay I’ve been experienceing lol.

Longbow still doesn't...

in Ranger

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Give us this at 1:33. Then we can scream AIRSHOT!!!! like in all the fps projectile games lol.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hopefully something changes.

Right. The reason that both rangers and warriors still play this game still. Oh hopefully they’ll get it. oh yeah they’ll get it next time. Oh okay next time.. and so this is the next time. But when is the next time? If you catch my drift. I feel a large player base ready to leave the game. I’m getting pretty close myself.

Lol. The only 2 reasons this game is still alive are: 1) It’s free to play 2) It isn’t competing against any other mainstream pvp-centric MMORPGs. That will change soon enough.

It doesn’t even have good pve. Honestly. Getting hard to tell what was so revolutionary behind this “masterpiece.” I don’t even think aion was this bad when thief era was happening. They got on balance pretty quick and it wasn’t much of a problem lol

No kidding. GW2 has actually made me miss Aion… For anyone who played Aion, that says a lot.

It looks like tera is the new aion revival if you were a big fan like I was. I’ll give them another month to sort it out and if they put another porta poty update, I’m done man. This kitten is a joke and they’ve made a lot of money by now. We should be seeing it where it actually matters.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hopefully something changes.

Right. The reason that both rangers and warriors still play this game still. Oh hopefully they’ll get it. oh yeah they’ll get it next time. Oh okay next time.. and so this is the next time. But when is the next time? If you catch my drift. I feel a large player base ready to leave the game. I’m getting pretty close myself.

Lol. The only 2 reasons this game is still alive are: 1) It’s free to play 2) It isn’t competing against any other mainstream pvp-centric MMORPGs. That will change soon enough.

It doesn’t even have good pve. Honestly. Getting hard to tell what was so revolutionary behind this “masterpiece.” I don’t even think aion was this bad when thief era was happening. They got on balance pretty quick and it wasn’t much of a problem lol

Is Staggering Blow Bugged. Or Intentional?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


There is an extremely annoying delay after using the skill Staggering Blow .
Using the ability basically renders you useless for ~.5 seconds. It may not seem like a lot but it is truly irritating.

If bug – Please fix it.
If intentional – Please reconsider.


it’s a bug. seems like it’s caused by the aftercast timer or something, since they did decrease aftercast time.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


“So where is that sustain we were promised?”

It was taken by the fabrics of reality and through some kind of chemical equation added to the phrase “life is never fair.” lololololol

Short answer: gave it to thief and guard. Like usual.

Sword in Power Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


you hit real fast and I can do like 11k final thrusts after 50%. It’s pretty dope

11k on anyone who doesn’t weair proper gear and isn’t 5 years old. you can probably hit 11k against a clone of yourself, which is why you give pathetic numbers.

It actually hits about as hard as an eviscerate for axe. Sword board is never and probably won’t ever be a viable main weapon build. In the time it takes for you to pepper them to death with little sword pokes, you could do that much in 3 hits with burst damage from a hammer. Sword should be used mainly as a 40-60percent with whatever other weapon you use to dps. Mainly hammer or axe or w/e gives better damage output. Sword still isn’t that great for a followup kill. The final thrust animation takes ages to cast and the target should be stunned or imobed for it to work reliably.

Simple 1-10 Happy Warrior Rating

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


With warrior I’d say 5/10. If it were a potential candidate for sex, you wouldn’t want to have sex with a 5. The only reason you would go for a 5 is if there’s truly no other means to acquire a 8 or 9. This is how I feel with the game right now, and from the looks of it people are getting ready to leave for something else lol. The devs have continuously brought hopes up only to kitten on them when the time comes.

Even more interesting, they decided to cut ranger even more. That whole forum is in flames as well. So if you think warrior is bad atm, try ranger. If you came from ranger, then yeah I can see how you feel the despair.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hopefully something changes.

Right. The reason that both rangers and warriors still play this game still. Oh hopefully they’ll get it. oh yeah they’ll get it next time. Oh okay next time.. and so this is the next time. But when is the next time? If you catch my drift. I feel a large player base ready to leave the game. I’m getting pretty close myself.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This was expected, a stealth buff to thieves, remeber that they balance the game around them.

This. LOL. even in harbinger times, there is humor. But at the same time it makes you look at your shoes after you laugh and you know that’s where you class is. Right there below your shoes, and you’re the thief standing in them.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This blind buff is so wrong so so wrong

And when loserdoit starts complaining its deadly serious situation

usually, i am ok with the change

I made my build in a way that anet will never nerf it. This patch did buff it but they buff other classes to the point where my build is near worthless. Arrgg, I only make balance builds too.

Mine is built that way too. However, I proposed 2 different scenarios on how this buff was going to go.

1) They buff warriors/necros and they’re so strong that they will become nurfed into the ground like a ranger, rendering the buff completely useless, or:

2) they buff warriors moderately with much needed changes and it isn’t really a buff, more of a step towards being not under powered, but at the same time they buff the strong classes like mes, thief, ele, engie… guard……… Which it seems like that’s the path they went. kittening morns man. What the hell. This buff is essentially useless to a warrior with the new blind mechanic now.

How does balance work exactly? You buff things that didn’t need it and cut things that were fine already like leg specialist? How does that work in unlogic 101.

New blind mechanic is....? wtf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


they should get rid of the adren gain of SOF (IK you rely on it in your build cal but i do too) and turn it into something that resembles the engies goggles that counter blind. I think 5 seconds of immunity to blind on a 27 ish second specced CD would be enough to kill thieves that think they are safe from us by throwing some smoke in the air and inserting their left hand into their kittening arses. Cleansing ire could have countered this kitten so easily if they made it cleanse blind if a target would have been hit. (like how unsuspecting foe procs at the same time as ES and mace f1)

Yeah I started using Bull’s again. I’m enjoying it more.