Showing Posts For Callahan.3180:

[DUO] Warrior Duo Idea

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



I thought this made things pretty interesting, perhaps someone would let me know how it goes if you have a partner? I don’t play the game much anymore, but I still like to build craft.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I think I’m missing something here. Can you elaborate on what sheath-canceling is and how it helps.

Also, I copy/pasted your build (well, Wilson’s build really) and it just plain rocks. Desperate power is such a clutch lol. Always love watching your videos, too.

He summarizes it very well, I have a few tricks that I’ve picked up along the way of incorporating these tactics. The main key is to bind sheath/stow weapon to thumb button. This works on any class and it’s very useful. If you watch closely, you see some of my abilities reset on a 3.5 second cooldown instead of the full duration. This is me noticing that I won’t land my attack and therefore sheath or cancel the animation so that I save time for recharge.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Really like your videos.

For the last six months, I have been solo roaming with a 0/0/30/20/20 hammer + sword/warhorn build that shares a lot of similarities with your build. I do pretty well, but I wanted to try something a little more conventional for roaming.

I tried the build in this video, and found that I was having a hard time dealing condition specs (especially if there was more than one). Any general tips?

Also, on your first fight against the GS/Hammer warrior, it looks like he procs Protection on activating Healing Signet. Do you know how he did that?

You never fight an unfair battle where you’re disadvantaged. That’s the first rule. I use kiting spots to handle this and it’s a lot more difficult if you’re simply on flat terrain, partly why I always roam near a ruin or on the new map now. Anytime there’s a 2v1 and the second person you know isn’t upscaled/is a counter class like mes, you book it right there and just leave it.
Condi bunkers are the reason I think healing signet is so powerful at the moment. Warriors in general will still have problems against necros and certain bunker engies, even with the -condi build. I find that just like a thief, the best way to handle these opponents is to maximize face to face time with them. If you have high enough precision, you’re hitting very hard with your auto attack. The longer you can stay on them, the more advantage you have against any opponent who can’t perma weakness you. Agression is a warrior’s greatest attribute. Learn to sheath cancel skills when you see the enemy dodge, or if you become blinded mid animation or you’re simply out of range. It isn’t always best to chain your CC skills because of that. You want to keep them as close as possible. Auto attack is your best friend.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I just want to say that I love the fact that Cal is using my build… I have played warrior since day one of this game… Callahan and… Matelo… errrr omg I can’t remember his name, are the reason I started making youtube videos in the first place. Anyway Keep posting stuff man.. you have a fan in me.

Good job on the build. My old lyssa setup got washed out with the update and you appealed to me. Gonna try to play with mending to give others a fair chance though XD
His name is Matale. Yeah he got all of us wanting to go ham ham.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


That first fight was kinda kitteny at the end. Don’t play with your enemies, it’s unbecoming. Other than that, good job.

I only do it when they are excessive kittenheads. I find it satisfying.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Don’t worry about. I was very upset of meeting too many hambow warriors yesterday in solo queue and I’m not traited for them properly so I was kind of upset

My apologies.

What class are you?

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I’m not doubting your skills as a warrior. But it’s just the fact that at the moment warriors is the most easy class to play just because it’s so passive. A very powered up build with a fairly plain learning curve.

Sure, you can learn to counter other professions moves and foresee your opponents attacks to minimize the damage done to you. But other than that it’s just swing your hammer until earthshaker is not on cd. I can’t blame you either for choosing to play with a build like this. I would prob. do it if I mained a warrior for wvw/pvp. But it’s just too overpowered right now. Anyone with half a brain can understand the basic rotation and use it and actually do some good with it.

I’m not hating on you. But some things on warriors needs to be nerfed.

I respect your honesty. I disagree that people roll warrior for this reason, I think warriors have been around since before they got this strong. Warrior has also seen its share of being underpowered. You speak like they won’t ever nurf something. I think they’ll run us into the ground at some point, however long it takes. That’s their mentality for whatever reason. I guess you can consider me a Warrior vanquisher, demolisher of all those who’ve wronged you with cheesey builds. Most the guys being smashed are terrible, aside from the norn who’s pretty good. You also notice how an ES doesn’t land on me very often because i’m too familiar with warrior mechanics. Once you avoid their 3 control skills, they’re not so difficult to beat (aside from the healing sig).

It isn’t any of our faults either that warrior was designed with a very basic approach in comparison to say a mesmer, or a guardian, or an engineer. I would have liked to see a more in depth stance process, or atleast mutliple uses of the burst system. Instead it’s just 1 burst skill per weapon which is pretty kitten boring.

I also disagree that Earthshaker is the most valuable skill for a hammer. I would argue that Backbreaker, or even Staggering Blow are more powerful when you can use them properly. Auto attack is probably the strongest thing for hammer, averaging around 2.4k per hit on crit is incredibly strong. A good warrior realizes this and does anything in his power to agress the opponent. Generally a warrior’s weakness lies just outside melee range.

I also don’t understand what you mean by we’re so easy because we’re so passive. Do you mean passive via utility maintenance? Passive in the fact that our utility skills are designed this way by flaw. Passive in our weapon skills and burst abilities because of how basic they are? I agree, we are a basic class, almost as basic as they come. Because of this, we are designed to do one thing: get in your face and hit you. That’s the one purpose of a warrior is aggression.

I agree that there are elements which definitely need to be changed and reworked. I feel they should add more complexity to the class in the way that stances work, and also the way the burst system works. I would very much like to see a system similar to GW1 in that you had to build adrenaline to use your stronger skills. I think stances should be slightly more complex in that they should be a f1-4 mechanic, not a uitlity skill.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


could you share your build?

I’ve pretty much copy pasted the build from Super Wilson. I was running lyssa until they nurfed Unsuspecting Foe.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This is why everyone rolls warrior. It’s so passive. Just stand still and let healing signet do it’s part while you wait for hammer cooldowns. The fact that you switch weapon to Sw/Sh confused me since you hardly ever used it.

I’ve been playing the class since before Healing Sig was even effective. I’m not knocking how strong it is atm, but there are good players who have no problem out dpsing my heal. I’ll tell you what, I’ll make my next video all with mending just for you <3. Lately I haven’t been needing to really use sword because I’ve been trying to maximise use of hammer. a 2.5k auto attack is double that of a 1.2k attack. I mainly use sword when they drop below 50 for the final thrusts, like a lot of warriors out there, or to setup flurry sheath combos.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I always amazed how you always find the most noobish ppl when you are roaming.
Lucky kitten.

The norn was actually pretty good.

[Video] Hammer Highlights by TDB

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Some highlights that remind me why I love gw2 combat. Take notes <3


Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I can’t upgrade anymore until they actually add some intricate looking armor like in aion.



in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Here I am farming for subs again. Just completed my look with Mjolnir and have been playing with it the past 3 days. Got some good footage against TC and some funny stuff as well. Next video will be solo fights and out playing people. Enjoy.


Dual Shot Speed

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I’m not so much complaining about the speed, I’m more upset about the general inaccuracy of tooltips.

If a move says 3/4, it should be 3/4 from start, to completion. Instead, moves tend to be 3/4 + arbitrary animation delay + aftercast delay…. your 3/4 could easily end up being 1, or even 1 1/4.

This is especially true for combustive shot. Since you can interrupt abilities with priority spam, I often interrupt f1 with 3, firing my 3 first because i thought combustive shot would have already animated…………

Thank you Anet for ZERO response

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


had to bump this. so true… soooo true.

if you nerf earth shaker u better fix it....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


srsly have u ever attempted to use earth shaker on a slope? i say attempted because IT DOES NOT WORK ON DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS.

so anet if u decide (which i recommend u dont) to nerf its damage YOU BETTER MAKE SURE U FIX THE CONTROL SIDE OF IT.


ps this has been an issue since day one.

Officer of Zero Negative
Charr Jesus

Migrate to a different game. It’s mainly a giant cosmetic monopoly and they’re focused with this. There’s a lot they could do to every class like add new skills by the end of 2013, which I doubt will be happening until 2014…. or fix a persistant bug that’s been around since day 1 like you said. You and I can both see who gives a kitten and who doesn’t.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Since I have a PhD in mathematics and astrology I feel eligible to give a prognosis here.
I spent hours making, erasing and remaking charts, rolling dices and mashing numbers into my calculator and came up with this:

Hammer before: Op
Hammer after: Little less Op

More details to come


[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The overall goal here is to reduce the damage for every warrior. This means reducing some dependency on going 30 points into discipline for Burst Mastery, making warriors spend 10 more points in Arms to get the benefit of Unsuspecting Foe. We also reduced the damage on the hammer’s burst skill to separate the control from the damage, but no compensation. Because we do mind warriors doing massive damage, or doing great area of effect control, so we’re trying hard to prevent them from easily doing both. We also increased the readability of Skull Crack, which will allow opposing players to react very easily and in time. Combustive Shot on longbow also saw some more rework. It will scale worse for each adrenaline levels, but still provide strong burning per adrenaline level, yet the raw damage was toned down just to reduce the adrenaline gain from it.

Much better

What they don’t understand is that our damage comes from control. It’s hard enough to control effectively as is when people know these telegraphed animations.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


honestly cba with this game anymore, first pve nonsense in wvw, now nerf to my favourite class’s weapon. going back to sc2

Be careful. You might get flagged spam by all the people who don’t see through cosmetic RNG monopoly. -____________-

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The traits don’t concern me that much, but that huge raw damage nerf to the hammer is just uncalled for.

I agree. I feel like they are erasing parts of very intricate and well designed combat by slowly migrating away from burst until burst will kill almost as slowly as conditions. I don’t understand why this is because as long as you carry a stunbreak, stability, or protection then hammer damage can be pretty easily mitigated. 1 of the 3 is not hard to do.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Since I found out about the upcoming nerf to Hammer… I decided to prepare by dropping Unsuspecting Foe and Merciless hammer to try to somewhat equal the new nerfs that are coming. Keep in mind this analysis is only for WVW and my toon is in mostly zerk gear with a few cavalier pieces, with hammer and sword shield.

So far it has been much harder to defeat people I fight and the burst is insanely lower. But, I still win vs most classes in a 1v1 fight. I have always had a hard time with mesmers and with my self nerf they have become impossible. Because you only have a small window of a few seconds to burst them before they teleport or invis or have aegis up again. I would say after the patch goes live a smart mesmer will laugh at all warriors, but vs other classes warrior will be ok. But the one thing I cannot test is how weak hammer will be vs someone with Stability since my self nerf only takes the damage away from stunned targets. I’m quite sure even with my 99% crit damage it will hit like a wet noodle… but until that day I am trying to stay positive and will continue to use this “self nerf” to ready my body for the nerf hammer.

This is a hilarious approach, but the Merciless Hammer trait is the boost we really needed. Post-patch, this trait will be on every hammer warrior’s traitbook because you’ll be forced to take it and probably along with UF. It’s hard enough as is to kill a good mesmer (don’t even try sometimes), as well as other long endurance classes like an ele…. or a decent guard.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Anet is on the right track.

The problem of the Warrior isn’t the CC.
Or Dmg.
Or sustain.
Or mobility.
Or highest hp/armor combo.

Is that they can easily bring all of them at same time with very little effort.
Alone, they’re acceptable.

Then surely how to fix this might be debatable – taking away dmg from hammer (cc weapon) and uncalled crit chance from low precision CC builds (unspecting foe) – but that’s another topic.

I’m not sure what to think when yous say we bring all of the above about easily. I think compared to a guard (the other heavy class) we have significantly less sustain AND damage even when both classes have the same gear. We have to run certain builds that render us as support like shout heals, or carry healing signet+adrenal reserves which really forces us to put more emphasis on our builds. I think that without the spike damage from a hammer, killing anyone will become much more difficult than it already is. My argument is that hammer is very telegraphed. The damage it does I believe is justified because most of those attacks are dodged when I fight someone who knows my class. It’s not like Earth Shaker and backbreaker have a 1/4 cast time….

So if we know we have low survival with berserker builds, we cannot really have a “heavy armor” play style without hitting like a rabbit. It doesn’t make sense to me.

Is it the recent buff to shout heals that caused this outbreak? In all honesty I thought that’s the last area warriors needed improvement on.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Let’s keep an eye on the fact they also plan to nerf Vigor gains on many classes.

Only spammy ones, with close to 100% uptime. We hardly can get such, because you need to have traited warhorn and HEAVY investment into boon duration to get even close to such thing.

This. After putting 5 into a minor trait on my guard, I can almost guarantee permanent vigor as long as I land a crit every 5-6 seconds. Warriors themselves don’t gain any benefit from dodging, and our endurance meter recharges very slowly without vigor.

I think I can say that decreasing a warrior’s damage, which is basically the only thing they have going for them (endure pain aside), will practically decrease his overall survival.

We already have such low utility as is compared to other classes that get a f2,f3,f4.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I think the problem is hammer brings good aoe burst damage whole also proving cc. It’s too much utility and damage together. 12k damage is a very large amount of damage for using 3 skills that are aoe and stun/knockdown. An ele or thief that used theist stunbreak already (say against a skullcrack from the warrior) can easily be killed without every getting to use a skill. If you use hammer #4 you can easily get off 5 and earthshaker and down the opponent without them being able to retaliate. You also have to remember that anytime the warrior is ccing an opponent they are also getting health from HS and adrenal healing (which most warriors use right now).

I think the hammer nerfs are a good idea. If you want more damage now you will have to trait for it, but if you don’t you still have a weapon that has great utility on every part of the weapon.

I don’t think you’ve thought about this enough. Basically, those 4,5,f1 combo would only net around 5-8k of AOE damage. Backbreaker is single target. So you’ve got 2 abilities, 1 a knock back, and 1 that’s actually useful which is a stun (earth shaker). Backbreaker is a single target. Even then, an imobilize is more useful than Earth shaker because it’s usually less readable and forces them to stand still. It’s harder to get out of an imobilize than it is for a stun. This is assuming they crit and that you’re not weakened, blinded, or they have protection….. There’s so many factors that can prevent a good warrior from using a combo. The damage is already shrugable if you know the animations.

How are they a good idea when it’s an overall damage nerf by atleast 20-27% and it forces you to pick up merciless hammer just to negate those changes? This doesn’t make sense when they come with the tone that they want to encourage build diversity. The weapon itself has horrible utility compared to anything else a guard can do for you.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


So Earth shaker will now be reduced in damage by a total of 27% (if we take those traits), and Staggering Blow is reduced by 23%.This almost forces us to adopt Hammer Mastery in order to do some kind of viable damage with hammer. I thought the point of this update was to encourage build diversity. It seems like you’re doing the opposite of that.

With around 100% critical damage from gear, a full combo of Backbreaker, Staggering blow, and Earth shaker will amount to around 7-12k damage in 3 attacks depending on the armor of the target and whether protection is on them or not. This combo is hardly enough to take on a skilled mesmer, or good elementalist, and will barley harm a good guard. Now take into consideration how obvious those 3 attacks are when used in a chain. Earth shaker can only be landed now if someone is imobilized, inexperienced, or lagging due to the vast numbers in a zerg. Almost everyone knows the animation of it by now. Not to mention that Earth Shaker is completely useless on a slope because you guys can’t figure out how to fix this 1 year after launch. Backbreaker’s windup takes literally forever and is also a very obvious animation. Staggering Blow is a useful setup skill that helps you chain Earth shaker or Backbreaker. Ideally, a good combo is considered 4,5, f1. Landing 3 abilities at fight start proves very difficult without the use of imobilize, or Line of sight mechanics (By this I mean stunning people through walls, where they can’t see your player model). A good player will often carry atleast 1 stunbreaker or CC immunity. Some classes such as Guard even have this built into their weapon skills and don’t have to waste a utility slot on it. These changes would then increase longevity of an opponent and therefore increase the fight duration. Shout heal builds aside, a good warrior will likely agree that unless facing another warrior, for sake of class knowledge and equally readable skills, a prolonged fight against almost any other class will equal a warrior’s loss. This is speaking in terms of a 1v1 situation, and on flat terrain. I suppose I could tackle the element of zerg play, but I feel that going the direction of army vs army simply dumbs down skillful and interesting combat that can be seen otherwise if maps were created bigger, with greater terrain diversity, and less simplistic over all. I feel that you seem to balance in this perspective primarily when you should be looking at class balances in terms of class vs class, instead of army vs army.

Instead of damage nerfs towards warrior, I honestly think you still need to consider Guild Wars 1 for useful traits and class mechanics. There were many intersting ideas behind stances in GW1 that I find greatly lacking in GW2. Please consider the use of stances, class knowledge, and the stability boon in general for counters towards a hammer warrior. In truth, a hammer is just as obvious and easy to read from telegraphed animations as a Greatsword warrior. The last thing we need is another damage nerf because less skilled players do not bother to inform themselves of class mechanics and builds.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I truely don’t understand the path you guys are choosing FOR us. You specifically target hammer damage when the most significant weakness to hammer is stability. I have over 1 thousand hours on warrior, the majority of that play time was in WvW. Anyone who has played with a hammer build knows that someone who cannot be CC’d can usually shrug at the damage output of a hammer. This means that our 2 strongest weapon abilities(4 and 5), plus the f1 are there only for damage capabilities. This ties into one of the most fundamental traits for a hammer build: Merciless Hammer. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the trait, this is from the wiki:

“Hammer damage is increased when a foe is disabled. Reduces recharge on hammer skills.
Damage Damage increase: 25%
Miscellaneous Recharge reduced: 20%
— In-game description
“Disabled” refers to any effect that prevents character action. (Daze, Stun, Knockdown)"

Now take a look at this piece:

“Discipline XI – Burst Mastery. Reduced damage increase from 10% to 7%. Removed erroneous adrenaline gain fact.
Earthshaker. Reduced damage by 20%.
Staggering Blow. Reduced damage by 23%.”

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The overall goal here is to reduce the damage for the very high control warriors. This means reducing some dependency on going 30 points into discipline for Burst Mastery, making warriors spend 20 points in Arms to get the benefit of Unsuspecting Foe. We also reduced the damage on the hammer’s burst skill to separate the control from the damage. We don’t mind warriors doing massive damage, or doing great area of effect control, but we’re trying to prevent them from easily doing both. We also increased the readability of Skull Crack, which will allow opposing players to more easily react to it. Combustive Shot on longbow also saw some rework. It will scale better with adrenaline levels, and still provide strong burning per adrenaline level, but the raw damage was toned down slightly.
Strength 5 – Reckless Dodge. Increased Damage by 25%
Strength III – Great Fortitude. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%.
Arms IV – Unsuspecting Foe. Moved to Master Tier.
Arms VII – Crack Shot. Moved to Adept Tier.
Arms XII – Last Chance. Increased the threshold form 25% to 50%. Reduced the cooldown from 45 seconds to 40seconds.
Defense 25 – Armored Attack. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 10%.
Defense XII – Spiked Armor. Reduced the recharge from 15s to 10s.
Tactics 5 – Determined Revival. Now correctly displays the amount of toughness.
Tactics 25 – Reviver’s Might. Now applies 3 stacks of Might instead of 1.
Discipline II – Thrill of the Kill. Increased Adrenaline gain from 1 to 10.
Discipline XI – Burst Mastery. Reduced damage increase from 10% to 7%. Removed erroneous adrenaline gain fact.
Earthshaker. Reduced damage by 20%.
Staggering Blow. Reduced damage by 23%.
Skull Crack. Increased the cast time from 1/4s to 1/2s. Updated the animation and effects of this skill to be more clear.
Combustive Shot – Increased pulse duration to 3s. Increased burn duration per pulse to 3s. Normalized damage per pulse. Updated pulses per tier to 2, 3,and 4 respectively for tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3.”

PvE is killing WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Callahan.3180


How is allowing equivalent progression in terms of game economics in WvW unfair to anyone?

It’s not, but then that’s not what OP is actually complaining about. He’s unhappy that other players on his server are daring to leave WvW for some PvE action instead.

it’s patch day, assuming that most players are checking out the new content for strictly economical reasons is pretty silly.

I’m just waiting for them to fix skill descriptions already. It’s been a year. Why the kitten are you still updating the descriptions. This should have been done before release. Focus on giving us new and interesting abilities and class mechanics, not cosmetic bullkitten.

Warrior - An Evolution of Burst Skills

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


mace f2 rapple sounds so kittening amazing. I’d love to see this implemented.
I agree with having multiple f abilities since most classes have atleast 3.

Best looking Warrior race

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Ohh I gotta kill this thread. I got 2 sick sets as humus.


Solo wvw Roamer having a hard time?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hey guys, Talon Deathblade again. I’m going to be uploading a series of raw gameplay videos with annotations on how I play. I thought some of you might be interested especially if you enjoy playing solo against other players. Those who are experienced might notice some familiar tricks as well. Some of the annotations kitten up, sorry about that.

Annotated vid:

My build (I simply run 0/10/20/10/30) focusing on unsuspecting foe and burst mastery/mobile strikes. My older build, practically the same gear can be found at the end of this video:

WvW Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


just to spoil your day completely Callahan – gems sales are going to ncsoft and are prolly invested into Aion or the next GW2 expansion

oh nice. Makes me feel much better about how terrible they are doing with balance this late in the game. Thanks.

WvW Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


So I’m interested in the versatility of the warrior, with so many weapons. However everyone says that the warriors aren’t really that great, other than maybe a couple builds in wvw. Is this really true? I mean, player skill is definitely a huge deciding factor, but I feel like a good warrior fighting a decent anything else would have trouble.

go back to thief, I wish I started there. 1.2k hours in and I solo most my days and still get destroyed by some kitten grenade engie noob who doesn’t even carry stun breaks. Devs don’t really give 2 kittens about the class seeing as how they finally gave us what we STARTED with 1 year after release. My gems are being put to cocaine addiction and paid sex that is Arenanet development. You’ll wish each month, hoping for a better balance update or even new trait mechanics, but constantly get disappointed by the kittenty PVE Meta content that is just masked by weapon skins. Mic dropped.

Is Longbow just bad?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


First off, a disclaimer that I play Necromancer primarily and, while I have a Warrior, do not play him often.

The thing is, I pretty much never see Warriors with longbows, either in PvE or WvW. Due to their AoE, I would think it would be more common in WvW, but I can count the number of Longbow Warriors I’ve seen there on one hand. Is there something that I am missing about this weapon? Is it just plain bad?

It’s bad in the sense that it’s clunky as kitten. Almost as clunky as a Greatsword. You can still be very skilled with it-using pin down at the perfect moment for example: scoring a mid air shot on someone who jumps. But the f1 is so buggy that it won’t even fire 30% of the time so you have to spam it and most the time by then it doesn’t land where you want it to, or a guardian has teleported into you. I know I’m not the only one who experiences this issue. It’s one of the best dps weapons because you can stack 15-25 stacks ofmight as long as you have atleast 20% boon duration from traits. F1+3 give 3 every shot. With my solo build I maintain around 14-20 stacks during combat. If you run a 75%/25% condition/Crit damage spec, having atleast 1k condition damage and around 45-50% crit damage, you will hit very hard with sword when paired with the might stacks. 700-800 on heavy armor targets+the bleeds.

Talon Deathblade Signature Finisher

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


looool that’s almost better than my shame ram fatality

Sychronized hammer smash into ram fatality. Better?

Talon Deathblade Signature Finisher

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Arena net finally thought of me XD.

too hilarious to not get.

warrior is a coward!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I was explaining my sword/sheild build to a theif the other day cause he swore i was hacking. Heres exactly wat he said. " you kitten hacken nub. No warrior no matter how skilled they are can beat my build. You peice of ****."
All i said was " i kitten the fool who dont dial collect"

LOLLLLL what does that phrase even mean? I wanna use that at work XD

The guys that say war is OP are describing:

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Is just too OP, i can believe it!, what a monster!


warrior is a coward!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I was hoping this would be someone from JQ or Maguuma complaining about me killing them numerous times to no avail. Nope. The thief plays a cheese class and it’s easy. Simple as that.

Future Skill?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I could see it happening, however they’d probably give it to guard or some other class that doesn’t make sense. They give us crappy gap closers, one of witch is the only that has an evade built in. We really need a pull or something that isn’t so telegraphed. This mechanic would be a nice start

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


What build is used in that Video?
I want to get my warrior back out of my closet and try some nice power based builds

will upload at the end of my video tonight.

Pretty much How I Skirmish

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Thought there’d be some stuff the new guys can learn. Positioning, and situation assessment are just plain crutial to survival. Don’t forget about Sheathing and terrain play.

song is cloud control-scar

also thieves have the most annoying downed skills -.-

Armor Penetration: Possible Traits/Utilities?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


GW2 is so different than GW1 that I’m finding it difficult to draw any parallels whatsoever. Warriors might have had a bunch of good defensive abilities in GW1, but times, they have a changed. It’s just a different design philosophy for a different type of MMO.

Yet they still draw heavily from the original. I feel like there were a lot of ideas going with warrior and they just dropped them due to time frame. I still feel like it’s a not yet finished class.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Oh man, more terrain stuff in general in WvW. Fighting near a couple of trees against anything with range is hilarious.

I’m gonna upload 2 videos tomorrow, hopefully you guys will be generous with the veiws. Some hilarious kitten that I can’t help but share LOL

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Another thing to note is how bad we are in general on open land, but if you watch my other videos I abuse line of sight on walls/corners and even trees-I wish there were more trees in this game lol… I’ve gotta say we’re probably the best class that can abuse LOS and terrain with Engie coming in second.

Armor Penetration: Possible Traits/Utilities?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Making toughness even weaker then it already is?

I don’t feel like toughness is that bad. I roll around with around 3.2-3.4k depending on how I switch my build and I take a lot of punishment. Like a lot…..

Armor Penetration: Possible Traits/Utilities?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Making toughness even weaker then it already is?

I’m just trying to evoke responses. We had a lot of great mechanics in gw1 that simply disappeared in gw2 and I have no reason as to why. Still waiting on a response on why our combat stances actually suck kitten at… well combat -.-

Warrior roaming clip

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Mace GS meh. A bit disappointing that warrior still revolves around 100B nearly a year into the game.

+1. I’m so tired of seeing Gs videos. The skull crack build has been here for a while now. Try to be a little bit more creative next time OP. No offense, but we here in the community have seen a lot of these videos now :/

Water underwater combat

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I feel like the amazing pull skill we have underwater should be given to us on land instead. It’s no joke how much we need a pull skill…………………. still waiting for it……………………….

Water underwater combat

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Don’t think I ever lost a 1vs1 in the water, don’t forget to place a rune on your helmet. And yes, even rangers died. Just keep killing them till they have no downstate, take loooooong time tho. Mostly they give up earlier and let you kill em.

Never faced a mesmer underwater aye? goodluck with that once it happens.