Showing Posts For Callahan.3180:

Armor Penetration: Possible Traits/Utilities?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


So I just remembered today, In GW1 we had a lot of skills that dealt with armor penetration. You have since removed this kind of stat in GW2. It seems like developers wish to give us a higher damage output and don’t really give a hoot about our sustained survival.

I’ve mentioned in an earlier post that you guys also took away our many stances that actually NEGATED damage. If you don’t believe me, then just look up GW1 Block and see how many warrior abilities were actually good defensive abilities.

Possible Dev comments on this? Maybe even some headway on what you’re actually doing to make this class better? Please? With cherries?

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


My my, I never expected this post to encourage such healthy debate. Keep it coming guys. Maybe the devs will read this after sorting their troves of green paper.

There’s been a lot of very great points mentioned on the warrior side against the perma blind build for thief. Haven’t seen any relevant counters to these posts yet lol…

Strength needs some love

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


To this day I don’t understand why they put confusion as an interrupt in strength tree-that’s for condi warriors…….

Who the hell wants banners to do damage when being summoned. oh man a 1k every 120 seconds so good. Short tember is horrible too.

Physical training needs to be an adept tier.

My 2 cents.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This video is a great example of why I hate the entire thief class. It doesn’t matter how much of a horrible player you are, the ridiculous stealth mechanics in this game give them a free escape until another one of their tryhard buddies shows up to save them.

Mesmers are even worse………. Especially a staff mes. I saw such a bad reaction time mesmer get cc’d almost every Earthshaker, but then just destroys me with damage and keeps teleporting away. ALMOST as bad as a tryhard theif buddy. LOL.

I feel like that’s almost every player I face, they run away from me, then come back tryharding with another or 2 more buddies. If they get you they actually /laugh on your corpse like they achieved something. Ohh the scheming, I’m loathing just thinking of it.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


You were outplayed, isn’t it obvious? Haven’t you ever seen ‘Hollow Man’? It takes an exploding elevator shaft with the thief in it to kill him…\

No seriously, insane skill man, kudo’s.

LOL! Yeah that’s how it feels sometimes… The blinds are just so bad now though I don’t know what to do

Play defensively, strafe around the smoke field without touching it. If the thief disengages just don’t follow. In the grand scheme of things they are pretty easy to deal with 1v1 as long as you aren’t intent on killing them.

Believe me I’ve taken every rout. The only reason they’d leave you alone is if they’re getting to their zerg, or… there’s a zerg about to swarm me and him. They will constantly keep you locked in combat, wait till some other pric arrives, then 2v1 you like a coward. So I generally try to finish them. I nearly had him too, but I should have kept running.

Playing defensively is me running away when my spike fails. After that a warrior is just horrible in a long, sustained fight.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Equip mace/shield and GS. You can face Chuck Norris with it and stand a chance. If you also equip Healing Signet, win.

Noo… I’ll remain one of the underdogs who refuses to conform to the cookie cutting latter

Then dont conplain about a build when you have options to fight it on better ground. I do agree D/P is cheesy as hell in WvW but using stuns on him is a good counter a long with berserkers stance. Range weapons are better than melee weapons too but depends on your class.

Actually, the m/s + gs build can have problems against d/p. They will just pop a black powder at your feet, and since all your attacks save 1 are melee, you won’t be able to hit them. 100bing through it is also not very ineffective. You can possibly pop berkserkers stance to have an 8 second attack window, but that just means they use their shadowstep and go back to black powder.

If the thieve gets overzealous you might be able to punish them. But they can otherwise just sit in their black powder. Luckily this means they will have to leave their black powder if you choose to stand back as well, but they can just backstab and black powder again.

A longbow would likely be much more useful against a d/p thief, although I haven’t used one in quite some time.

EDIT: Also, that was a really nice move you did with earthshaker -> stagger blow to knock them out of the refuge. If your crippling wave had come out a split second earlier, you probably would’ve killed the first thief.

I still think black powder is really lame for the stomp guarantee. You can do similar things with other classes, but you often have to spend a cooldown to do so (i.e. engg flamethrower). The BP ends up basically being for free.

Seems like you’re one of the few who notice what I had to do there lol. you can fight them outside the blackpowder. There’s a certain range where you’re not hit and you can hit them which I did here. It just becomes overwhelming when another kitten comes in and they both use it on you so you have to be godly with positioning…

I feel like Hammer still needs some rework and many of the skills are LONGER than the listed time. Earthshaker takes atleast 1.2 seconds just to initiate… that 3/4 second cast time is just bullkitten.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Equip mace/shield and GS. You can face Chuck Norris with it and stand a chance. If you also equip Healing Signet, win.

Noo… I’ll remain one of the underdogs who refuses to conform to the cookie cutting latter

Then dont conplain about a build when you have options to fight it on better ground. I do agree D/P is cheesy as hell in WvW but using stuns on him is a good counter a long with berserkers stance. Range weapons are better than melee weapons too but depends on your class.

Well I don’t feel like paying 20-30 gold to switch builds everytime there’s an update. I made this from scratch and it can kill 90% of what I face with my current skill level. Had I got my heal off before I died to the bleed stacks, the battle might have taken a different approach. I could also go the other rout and say man.. those blinds were sure easy for that unskilled thief to dominate me with. Lyssa is a strong build too, it just takes a lot of plays and you can’t screw up like I did various times when I wasted cooldowns in the blind. Ranged weapons suck on a war, unless I run condi’s, which again theives will dominate me. That’s probably the 1 weakness with longbow is that thief has so many teleports that LB is used mainly for the fire field. Also note the clunkyness of the kitten skill animations and 30% of the time my f1 won’t even fire…..

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Equip mace/shield and GS. You can face Chuck Norris with it and stand a chance. If you also equip Healing Signet, win.

Noo… I’ll remain one of the underdogs who refuses to conform to the cookie cutting latter

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Thieves play a very different game than every other class. I hope the rpg market never sees another implementation of a stealth class as ridiculous as what GW2 has created.

NO cooldown itsself is just a dumb kittening idea.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I agree that D/P build is pretty cheesy, that’s why I don’t use it.

Yeah you’re right. BRB gonna go to thief forums and cry about it.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


You were outplayed, isn’t it obvious? Haven’t you ever seen ‘Hollow Man’? It takes an exploding elevator shaft with the thief in it to kill him…\

No seriously, insane skill man, kudo’s.

LOL! Yeah that’s how it feels sometimes… The blinds are just so bad now though I don’t know what to do

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…
This compared to warriors that can deal extreme amounts of damage all the while regening health at extreme amounts, they’re virtually unstoppable.

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

Someone excommunicate this troll. Go play a warrior and tell me how successful you are with your endeavors. It’s a class that takes a while to get down and we have to constantly result to things that other classes don’t such as terrain play and Sheath interrupting. I’ll bet you 5 nickels you don’t know what either of those are.

Unskilled peons....

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


So many get out of jail free cards

I hate this build so much lol……..

Noob! Plus hammer build

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I just found out about the Unsuspecting foe Sheild bash>Final thrust combo on those under 50% hp. That is just diabolical when you get your hammer burst, you know they’re going for a heal-oh there’s the arm in the air! spam 4, then 3 and bam….. This combo is so fun now lol

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This is my Warrior. I run 0/20/20/0/30. Knight armor/shield. Zerker weps, and Rest Cavalier.

I use Lemongrass+ Melandru+Dogged March and sharp stones.

I’m a solo roamer in wvw. This build is in fact, OP, but not in the sense you mean it, in spvp not really, it however does make an excellent duelist build.. I can stand in necro wells, eat ranger traps etc etc. I have not lost a single 1v1 since the change. Cripple doesn’t stop me, CC doesn’t really stop me, nothing really stops me. I can replace Bulls Charge with whatever I want. Still 100% crit dmg while stunned + 10% dmg to stunned targets.

It is a very powerful duelist build, but that’s pretty much it. If I face any 2+ well played opponents nothing really helps, and that goes for any class,build.

But having close to 4k armor with mace/shield doesn’t hurt either. =)

Oh you look like candy, I’d love to duel you sometime but I don’t think we’d be in the right server matchup :// FA.

Talon you may get your shot, I recently moced to Yak’s Bend, what server are you on these days?

Fort Aspenwood…

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This is my Warrior. I run 0/20/20/0/30. Knight armor/shield. Zerker weps, and Rest Cavalier.

I use Lemongrass+ Melandru+Dogged March and sharp stones.

I’m a solo roamer in wvw. This build is in fact, OP, but not in the sense you mean it, in spvp not really, it however does make an excellent duelist build.. I can stand in necro wells, eat ranger traps etc etc. I have not lost a single 1v1 since the change. Cripple doesn’t stop me, CC doesn’t really stop me, nothing really stops me. I can replace Bulls Charge with whatever I want. Still 100% crit dmg while stunned + 10% dmg to stunned targets.

It is a very powerful duelist build, but that’s pretty much it. If I face any 2+ well played opponents nothing really helps, and that goes for any class,build.

But having close to 4k armor with mace/shield doesn’t hurt either. =)

Oh you look like candy, I’d love to duel you sometime but I don’t think we’d be in the right server matchup :// FA.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It is an extremely OP 1v1 spec. As someone said, you need 2 people to beat it. Balanced right there folks. At least thieves and D/D eles have counters, this does not.

You said it yourself. It’s a 1v1 spec not a 2v1 spec. So you may excel at a 1v1, but 2 players should always be able to take you down if they’re good enough. I’m the one who said bring another if you can’t by yourself. D/D eles are hard to kill themselves without another player. Is that OP? A good thief is hard to kill by yourself, is that OP? Same goes for an engie, a guardian…………………………….. you get the point.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This thread will be the one that results in a Warrior nerf. Some dev will roll on by just to check out the forums, click on this, and nerf skull crack to a 1 second stun, and raise 100 blades to a 20 second CD.

No, you forgot the part where they increase heal times all to 30 seconds, including Healing signet. man the 10 year olds. They get everything they want in life and need it more so in a video game.

Certain build of war OP in pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why is this thread even this long? It’s obvious the OP has no idea whatsoever about how to play the game, let alone the intricacies of defeating certain class builds.

There was another thread just created on the same topic with a similar title. I’m now bombing the OP LOL.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It’s pretty obvious warrior is the most OP/faceroll profession now. For people who have all 8 classes at lv80, all of them are using the warrior since it’s so faceroll. Basically pwn everyone even with no skill due to how easy it is.

Lack of substantial evidence, no emphasis on where the OP aspect comes from, and again lack of evidence. Are you a troll? This is pretty hilarious if you’re using sarcasm. LOL

How am I a troll for stating the facts? You just want to defend your OP build from a nerf (but it’s coming and you know it!), and throw the L2P card even though you know that learning to play would not save you from this OP build!!

You sound 10. Use constructive argument. It’s called being professional. There’s a few reasons why this build is fine and you should read more posts on it. Warrior has been the most underplayed class in Spvp for quite a while and finally a good build comes along, and here goes the community crying because they don’t quite understand the mechanics behind it. It will eventually become the same issue with the 100b bull’s charge. Play with it and you’ll see that it’s easy to keep someone stunlocked who DOESN’T CARRY STUN BREAKERS.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


How does a thief go against it? Short bow? have you tried kiting a war.

I think what you meant to ask was:
How does a class with Stealth, Extremely High Mobility, and a weapon with a Teleport, kite someone who has 1 gap closer (rush) on a 20 second cooldown?

Obviously the answer is to buff Thieves.

PS: If he has Regen Signet, he’s weaker vs spike damage. If he has Surge, he’s weaker vs attrition. And if he has mending, he’s weaker vs both (but strong vs condis). I shouldn’t even need to say this.

I haven’t seen a case of someone with the mads this bad since I first encountered the perma stealth thief on my warrior…………..

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It’s pretty obvious warrior is the most OP/faceroll profession now. For people who have all 8 classes at lv80, all of them are using the warrior since it’s so faceroll. Basically pwn everyone even with no skill due to how easy it is.

Lack of substantial evidence, no emphasis on where the OP aspect comes from, and again lack of evidence. Are you a troll? This is pretty hilarious if you’re using sarcasm. LOL

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Bullkitten, Defektive and you know it. How does a thief go against it? Short bow? have you tried kiting a war with 400+ health per sec regen with shortbow?

Come on, be more objective please. If you say kite or avoid killing the war, you just lost the arguement right there. And i love how you saying “GS is easy to counter” when in fact the skull crack is the real problem. No kitten GS is easy enough to counter, but a 4sec stun every 7.6 sec is a little bit harder to deal with.

That’s assuming he has a full adrenaline bar every 7.6 seconds. If this is the case then he’s really sacrificing some valuable traits. It’s a 1v1 spec, take 2 players to kill him. I mean it’s something like an offensive Bunker Ele if you think about it. You usually want more than one player to take one down right?

Also take note that if he doesn’t have stability you can also stun him, Blind is just a joke now if you want to be that cheesy and low you could totally do that. Weakness is also pretty strong now with the buff.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


TBH. GS is extremely easy to counter. I won’t even touch the thing against good opponents.

You can kite a Mace/Shield warrior pretty easily with cripples. And if they have Berzerkers stance up just simply spam evade frames, dodges, teleports or movement skills for the 8 seconds, then reapply cripples.

Personally, I’ve found that players who are over-eager to get a kill against a Mace/Shield warrior are the ones that get punished the hardest.

Agreed. I’m gonna have to use the L2P card on this one. Don’t joke about over powered when warrior has been one of the most under dog classes for almost a year now. Atleast give us some time to shine :/
I feel like this is the whole Bulls charge 100b Quickness cry over again. Play it and you’ll soon realize the weaknesses of the build. You lack a lot of great gap closing abilities if you’re constantly crippled/chilled. The only way to close is usually with shield bash which is ~300, bulls, which you should never get hit by…, or the Greatsword abilities-which cannot stun you. Now if he’s carrying a greatsword, chances are he’ll be swapping to mace fairly shortly. That’s when you know to run

Certain build of war OP in pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


There’s even a trait with a 50% chance to blind attacker when hit with melee weapon. On only a 10 second ICD.

Well, that wouldn’t work because it would stop only the first strike.

Wowww I never knew that trait existed lol. That’s pretty troll. It could totally ruin your bull’s/shield bash though.

Certain build of war OP in pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Ohhh this build. It’s pretty cheesey with a clerics shout heals and berserker jewels setup. You can net in some easy damage with HB and bait off all the stability cooldowns. If you play warrior the animations are so easy to avoid though. Main ones are bull’s charge and shield bash. If you can dodge those 2 and save your stun break for his skull crack-the one that’s not so easy to avoid, then it’s not so bad. Keep in mind warrior in open land is like a bunny thumber, but if he can LOS you through walls and such you need to be careful.

Cleric and shouts is not how this build is run. lol

You’d be surprised at how hilarious it is in WvW.

We were build for a heavy CC class no? Someone who uses mace shield with reflect projectiles can become pretty good with it. Not to mention the counter attack can crit for like 4-6k depending on your stats.

LOS-ing and Kiting like a boss

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Very well played.
I don’t see this in any way as you being forced into using LoS and terrain to win fights but just plainly using terrain to outwit and gain a huge advantage against players.
Great use of strategy and part of what I really enjoy in WvW, small fights where the use of terrain makes all the difference.
The use of mobility was splendid, makes me wish I had some on my class even more.

There were many instances where I had to LOS them. Theif’s burst, Necro’s condi’s and ranged attacks. Warriors have like no evade skills and barley any damage mitigation. If I didn’t use terrain I’d be dead lol. There are plenty of other classes that can do exactly this too like engies and guards. In a way though, it’s somewhat sad that I can’t use another setup because I always need a sword to get away.

It is always hilarious to kite people like this. They have no idea what to do lol…..

LOS-ing and Kiting like a boss

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Whats your build, its glad to see another different build than the common ones.

Its what happen when you theorycraft your own instead of cookie cutting.

Well stated haha.. I had to take a leap of faith when I designed it.

LOS-ing and Kiting like a boss

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Also those lyssa runes work beautifully with warriors. Might have to pick the set up.

I highly suggest you do, use it with cav trinkets/ascended version trinks. Stack 3k+ armor and hit super hard. Works amazingly.

LOS-ing and Kiting like a boss

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Whats your build, its glad to see another different build than the common ones.

I have an earlier hammer build that’s about 30 minutes long. The build is posted at the end of the video. I have a slightly revised version in this video made for heavy quick burst and run away. I’ll be making a full video later.

LOS-ing and Kiting like a boss

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Weeeeelll to be fair you were outnumbered the whole time. For most classes/builds, you can’t just sit there and fight like it’s a normal 1v1.

Also, glad to see more sw/sh hammer vids.

It’s just hard to get picks these days with fat zerg armies trying to pick you off any chance they get.

Certain build of war OP in pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Ohhh this build. It’s pretty cheesey with a clerics shout heals and berserker jewels setup. You can net in some easy damage with HB and bait off all the stability cooldowns. If you play warrior the animations are so easy to avoid though. Main ones are bull’s charge and shield bash. If you can dodge those 2 and save your stun break for his skull crack-the one that’s not so easy to avoid, then it’s not so bad. Keep in mind warrior in open land is like a bunny thumber, but if he can LOS you through walls and such you need to be careful.

LOS-ing and Kiting like a boss

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Yeah I wish my class didn’t have to do this :/

Warriors and Rangers

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


No he’s totally right. I have a warrior and ranger both at level 80 with full exos. I have over 1k hours on my warrior now and mostly play solo wvw. I’ve got around 300 hours on ranger and that’s mostly in wvw as well. Ranger really sucks in this game, I cannot agree more. The gimicky BM tank builds only get you so far until you get immobilized. I always run with mobile strikes on warrior. That trait never leaves me in any build and I’ve come to rely on it heavily. Passive condi removal is still sucky, I’d say they have less condi mitigation than warriors even now.

Melandru guide me...and bring me some soup

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hoelbrak, if you are stacking loads of might(i.e. if you are a bullrush frenzy 100b freekill)

Melandru, if you are part of the 2% who don’t have some weird greatsword fetish and do not stack might from other sources aswell.(My only source of might is warbanner anyway)

Right now, I use neither, tho. Unsure whether I should grab melandru or respec to SoR and grab Lyssa Runes. Because My Hammer build is rather low on might stacks, Hoelbrak Runes are not that good for me.

this made me lol. so true lol… so true

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Condition Warrior is awesome!

Until you play a necromancer…
- Better Utility for group.
- Better Sustain.
- Double the Condition Damage, and can spread it to 5 targets additionally every 16 seconds.
- Range is 1200-900 instead of 130.
- Chill.

-AoE blind spam
-faster condition application

you forgot chill.

Chill>x2>x3>x4> dead roamer.

Defektive, our master, has left us

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


He’s just tired of his skill cap being higher than any other player he faces, yet he dies so easily. RIP warriors.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Condi’s are practically the only viability if you’re playing pvp/wvw solo or in small skirmish. Weakness and blind pretty much destroyed power builds on a good player.

Sniper build doing 24k+ dmg

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Not sure how you come up with the assumption that just because he is in full zerker gear he must die a lot as if it isn’t possible not to die often if you play it smart and correctly.

aka hiding behind your zerg. Right this is smert, and correct. Good point.

Berserker Stance Duration Doubled.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


If this is that long of a blind immunity, I might use it to revive my old hammer build. That 60SEc CD is busting my balls though.

Help building Cri hit warrior. (PVE)

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Yeah I do see that atm looked at some 30/0/0/10/30 Build whit 102 crit build up by traits and stuff seem’s very much fun.

Just 1 thing ppl i have no idea what thous short names mean :S !!!

valkyrie, cavalier

New patch!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


At least warriors don’t have to fear every patch knowing that their class will be nerfed even further.


You can’t nerf something that is already scraping along the bottom of the abyss.

Warrior Community

You never played ranger then

No but for real, we have it bad, rangers have it far far worse. Just get imobilized and find a reliable way to remove it. kitten sucks.

Berserker Stance Duration Doubled.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Does it stack with Melandru Runes and Dogged March? Also 10s traited might just be enough of a window to burst down that necro, no?

behind the mass implications of chill, their 2nd health bar, the damage condi’s, oh and fear+cripple, good luck. Unless you’re running a condi spec yourself, I have the hardest time hard damage bursting a necro.

Sniper build doing 24k+ dmg

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It is bad. Sorry, but that is WvW with a full berzerker build, full exotic zerker gear with ascended zerker amulets, and banner of discipline, signet of might, and FGJ. Full zerker is not good in wvw.

The video was unfortunately broken into pieces showing you owning opponents, so we could not really see how often you died, but obviously, with that gear and setup, you died alot.

You took a total of 26 Killshots in the video, with another 4 that you cancelled. Two of the killshots were evaded (again these were in the middle of your 3v3 sequences at the start, I have no idea how many were evaded that didn’t get shown). Your highest Killshot was indeed 24.4k against an upleveled light armour character, who was neither fighting nor using skills. Your weakest Killshot was 10.7K against a level 80 necro. Your mean average for all the shown killshots which were not aborted is 13.7K, most of those against upleveled opponents.

woah. You tore his hole bro. He’s gonna be hurting now LOL… You took the time to take the average of his shots LOL. I agree though, these videos are what’s wrong with the class. It masks the player voice and I think devs just watch this glass cannon kitten from 2012 and think we’re okay.

Help building Cri hit warrior. (PVE)

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hah full zerker. I enjoy using my pve builds in wvw solo roaming too. I’ve got a full valk’s set with cav trinkets/ascended version of cav. I hit just as hard as a berserk, have more armor, and crit for slightly less. There’s ways to build crit for war with traits and skills

Hammer 4th skill in PvP...

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


It’s another kittenty version of kick, but far far worse because you have the hardest time directing the knockback that’s so small it’s almost futile.

Berserker Stance Duration Doubled.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


While immunity skills have a nice ring to it, there is truely not a more useless skill in this game. Because it revolves around fast paced, quick plays, and there are so many ways to out sustain a warrior, these skills become useless because it only sets you up for predictability. Sad truth, kitten update.

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Nice video. I’m almost 80 on my warrior and my first set of gear will be condi-based, inspired by your videos.

Any tips for starting out with WvW, be it build tips, gear, etc would be nice. =)

Try to make sure you have a good build. Once you have the good build, you need to give it patience because you will die a lot. A lot. That’s just how you’re designed lol. Take risks and reap the rewards for doing so and try to not become frustrated by death. It is only this way that you will improve quickly. Abuse terrain like I have, fight in the same spots shown in this video and learn the range of your sav leap. It’s truely your bread and butter.

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


You do a fantastic job and abuse terrain to the max but I just feel sad that warrior is in this state, Anet really needs to improve class survivability.

Haha, as I replied to someone who shunned me. Good luck otherwise. And yes, I agree. There’s a lot they could do better but choose not to. Buffing berserker’s stance wasn’t the right way to go LOL….

[video] Talon Deathblade 2 solo WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


man could you guys please try not to include all this terrible music. it gets banned in alot of countries!

idk how to fix it My recording program records everything I hear on desktop so if I’m in mumble it gets annoying.

all sorted. I finally gave in and just proxied it. Nice vid, I’ve actually been running something very similar on my roams. Thumbs up at the use of Lyssa runes. Very win!

To anyone else who hasn’t managed to watch this due to the video being banned in your country, get google chrome and then google proxmate and install it (its a google chrome extension)

Am well jealous at your uber cool sword too! Peace

second edit: If you want more views, maybe put some text if not commentary over your fights. Point out cool stuff/what you were doing and why/or just what was happening

Haha I’m sorry man, I followed through with that dispute rights b.s. I thought that would fix it, but I guess not I see no problem with using music so long as it’s credited.

I’ll take your commentary or text advice next time. There were many instances where explaining would make it over obvious in my opinion, but I understand there are still new players.