Approximately 7 with a crafting booster. Also, there’s another thread that mentions you can discover non-exotics to get to 450.
For artificer, you can discover potions first before getting to exotics.
For 469/470-500, it takes approximately 13 exotic discoveries.
OP, are you seriously complaining about something that will diminish your score by exactly 3 Points? Who gives a rats kitten…
I also have a hard time understanding why anyone would even bother all the trouble of alt-f4ing, logging back in etc just for 3 points, (at most). He would be better off using the time to kill a yak and get triple the points, but I guess people are just, I had to laugh 1st, mere 3 points you say ?
with 3 stacks of bloodlust it’s 3 points per stomped player, in comparison…a camp gives 5 points per 15 minutes.
if you stomp 2 players you already have 6 points instantly.
this is the reason they alt+f4, the points add up quick
you can come from behind and beat a server if you manage your bloodlust properly
and get stomping.
The server that’s behind doesn’t usually have the full three stacks of bloodlust, or even one or two, because they’re most likely outnumbered, so not sure how it’s going to help them win.
I, personally, enjoy having a shot at precursors/exotics/rares in each of the rank chests that my individual characters get. If WXP were account bound, the amount of chests earned would drop dramatically. I think it’s important to know that I’ve only seen those in favor of account wide WXP posting here. Any dissenting opinions are met with what is oftentimes rude down-talk.
When making suggestions in this game, please try to remember that you do not represent all of the players, even if it appears that you have the same views as others. The majority of folks who are fine with the system do not post in the forums at all.
I’m not sure you understand how the rank system works…
After rank 5, all the ranks require the same amount to rank up. That means no matter what rank you start at, it takes the same amount to get to the next chest. In addition, all the rank chests have the same probability of holding those goodies (next to none).
So in terms of reward from the rank chests, there is no difference between piling the ranks on one character or spreading them out between multiple characters.
As far as I can tell, the people who want to keep ranks character bound are those who are mistaken, like you, on how rank works, or who don’t play alts and wish to maintain their advantage over alt players. But don’t worry group #2, I stopped playing playing my alts!
How about bloodlust not give +1 points to stomps. Radical.
“We want their to be value to the time you spend playing the game and the way we do that is by rewarding you for that time. We think the WXP system needs to be more alt friendly, no doubt, but we also want you to be progressing your characters while you play the game. We think that the attachment you build with individual characters is important and that is part of the reasoning behind the current version of the system.”
I’m attached to my characters, but I’m more attached to my account as a whole. Don’t make me choose which one to play.
The Wexp chest answer was a response to questions about the “raining ecto” statement. If they did increase the rewards for those chests to contain more rare/exotic/ascended gear, then it was probably by a percentage point and most of us still won’t see an improvement? tinfoil hat
Also, happy they’re at least reducing bloodlust, but would much rather it be completely changed. Thanks for listening to that much and trying it out.
But wouldn’t it be easier and still logical to just give stats to outnumbered and give outnumbered to bloodlust?
(edited by Car.3805)
Try another server for Frostgorge. It’s still very active on most.
I am deeply, deeply disappointed in the direction that Anet has taken GW2.
In general:
- I suppose the first inkling that things were going downhill was when dye went character bound in the beginning for the sake of “character progression”, instead of staying account bound. I argued against it, because quite frankly dye shows nothing about character progression when the money to buy the dye comes from a primary character anyway. The logic was deeply flawed and suggests only one reason dyes became character bound.
- Then came ascended trinkets, with its alt unfriendly time-gated gearing dependent on laurels. There were multiple threads and posts begging Anet not to proceed with time-gating or ascended gear, but alas, they were merged into one giant thread and every constructive post became buried behind “this is our vision of the game”.
- Then came ascended weapons, and soon to come, ascended gear, behind more time gating and massive grinds to reach 500. The threads are also merged and ignored for the sake of the vision of the game.
The reasoning: it took too little time to obtain all exotic gear.
Wasn’t that one of the original selling points of the game – the ability to reach level and gear cap quickly so everyone can participate in WvW on an equal footing without much time or grind?
That brings me to WvW.
- Orbs were a bad mechanic. Yes, they were removed because they were hackable, but behind that was also the problem of the snowballing effect it gave to the winning server. Yet it was brought back, against our protests because and I loosely quote “WvW isn’t supposed to be fair.”
Is the vision for WvW one of unfairness, then, with blowout matches and the winning server flipping everything quickly because “it makes for more exciting matches”? Where alts are detrimental to server performance because they lack points in wexp?
- On the WvW forums, we begged and pleaded for leagues to be canceled, or in the alternative, gave multiple wonderful constructive suggestions for how leagues could be organized and scored for a better player experience. Instead, we get a “Q&A” session with Devon a week before leagues will go live – a session where he will most likely evade questions and nothing will be changed.
- Plopping down ruins in WvW, providing new maps in PvP, or bringing back a broken mechanic into the game is not more content. Especially when there are so many imbalances and issues that should and could be fixed first before being further imbalanced by these new and exciting features!
TLDR It seems that no matter how much helpful, constructive feedback is provided, Anet will decide to go its own route and give silly answers such as:
- “character progression”
- “not supposed to be fair”
- “makes the game more exciting”
- “our metrics say that WvW population isn’t declining” (so it must be a great mechanic?).
I honestly don’t see the point for anyone to post in the hopes that their opinion won’t be taken as a “vocal minority”, and frankly, I only posted this to vent.
P.S. I see GW2 heading towards more grind, more levels, more levels of gear, and more time-gating. If you would like to have a meaningful conversation with the community, perhaps you could address, in a blog post or in this forum, why this vision is definitely not happening, or if it is happening, provide a kitten good reason. Otherwise, I’d say to expect more angry outbursts on the forums.
(edited by Car.3805)
I find it amusing the amount of griping about the lack of rewards in GW2 content.
Those people either (A) never played GW1, or (B) have forgotten that the vast majority of “rewards” for content completion in GW1 was cosmetic at best, if not outright garbage.
(A) I’ve played GW1
(B) Those are the best rewards If only GW2 had stayed true.
As for what’s in the box? More RNG crap.
The cost of ascended stuff is quite ok, as it is, the kitten grind to reach skill 500 is not. How and where nodes of ore and wood spawn has never been an issue before, telling us, it is no issue now as well. But the cost of leveling is…
My being a reasonably casual player i hadn’t tried upgrading mats in the Mystic Forge before. Last weekend i though I would give it a shot by buying 2-3 stacks of each type of T5 mat from the TP…..45 gold spent on T5 mats netted me aproximately 600 T6 mats…more than enough to craft all the exotics i need to max all 3 of the weaponcrafting skills.
Except… it’s currently a huge loss to upgrade T5 to T6, except for gossamer. You most likely got extremely, extremely lucky with the forge.
Private instance that you can enter solo or with your party.
It wasn’t charming to run with griefers and in one gigantic blob.
How is “roaming” fair in the first place? The majority of targets who are downed are either uplevels or are zergers built for group play and trying to run to their commander, not built for 1v1 combat.
Just grab your nourishment and go.
I’m really glad they made this liquid wxp obtainable with laurels. I was wrong to doubt you, Devon, you really know how to encourage alt playing and character progression in WvW. Why, I have about 50,000 extra laurels to spend, after already spending it all to get ascended.
In short, thanks Anet and especially Devon, for making my WvW dreams come true.
After more Teq kills than most servers:
Tequatl’s Hoard is ONLY in the daily exotic dragon chest floating in the corner.
Teq’s Hoard is still once a day in the exotic dragon chest :P
Good job on bumping loot so it’s not a complete waste of the hour, hour and half, but…
Just spawned on all servers. Is it back to 3 hour spawn timer?
Minis can come from the dragon chest. I’m still doing 2-3 at least a day, but nothing so far.
Even if the Teq specific only drops from time-gated boxes, the ground chest holds ascended mats. This means it can technically produce another random ascended weapon regardless.
Don’t care about the ascended mats, as temple farming is far more profitable. There are a lot of people chasing the specific skins and downing Teq multiple times a day in the hopes that the Hoard is in the dragon chest on the ground.
Less and less likely now…
Just curious, is the meta achievement a full set of ascended for all your characters? Or even just one since y’all hate alts? Probably not. If I had to guess, it’s something far less than I would get if I had spent my time in PvE instead, as usual. I’d also guess that it’s account bound.
P.S. Honestly, if you think completing achievements is the incentive that WvW players were looking for and receiving some trivial reward, instead of fixing the broken state of WvW…
So far one person in chat said that “someone” in map got it from dragon chest on ground, would love a first-hand account though, or a dev response.
I just told you i got mine from the daily chest, I would classify that as a first hand account.
Yeah, I know, I was on your thread. But that didn’t necessarily mean that it doesn’t drop from dragon chest on ground. But I guess since this thread has been up for a while and no one has gotten it from ground chest, means it only comes from daily.
Time to stop grinding Teq :/
So far one person in chat said that “someone” in map got it from dragon chest on ground, would love a first-hand account though, or a dev response.
I used the jump pad at laser to get to the southern turrets. I actually died to the wave, but got the achievement beforehand. When I tried using the pad to get to the northern turrets, I survived but didn’t get the achievement.
I did have title unlocked already, so don’t know if it’s connected.
I know what wiki says – would like independent verification. Also, I’m more interested in the Sunless weapon box, which wiki only says you’ll get in a chest after completing the event (could be either?).
PS Silly filters on Sunless and box
(edited by Car.3805)
Has anyone gotten one of these items from the big dragon chest on the ground that’s per character?
Or can they only be found in the floating daily chest for killing Tequatl?
(Removed the question about mini Tequatl because someone confirmed that they received it from the dragon chest)
(edited by Car.3805)
So far the drop rate seems consistent – one box per two Teq kills (for the whole zeg, not person). So far saw two Sunless stat sets (condi/prec/tough – thoe have unique teq skins), one settler, one cleric and one valkyrie (the last 3 had normal ascended skins). I am feeling very sorry for anyone that managed to get an ascended box with completely unneeded stats.
Been on 20+ kills, have not seen anyone link an ascended Teq box – I did see ONE regular ascended.
It was asked in Eurogamer live stream. From Dulfy’s synopsis -
Q: I got bored with a lot of the content coming out, any plans to raise level caps/expansions? A: Features you would find in an xpac are stuff we can release with Living World teams. Nothing is off the table – xpac, new playable races/level caps etc.
I guess people are trying to ward off level caps, in case.
FC was one of the first servers that BG guested to help, fyi.
I don’t think anyone told FC this, and as an FYI FC has never beaten Teq.
According to
FC has beaten Teq twice.
- People WvW for rewards only. I like to PvP and PvP with my friends, I could care less about the rewards. People of this nature tend to stick together.
Rewards absolutely do influence WvW play. You are making a false either/or here. People can play with friends and rewards will still influence them.
This video would not exist if rewards did not influence WvW.
- Population is the singular reason a server is succeeding or failing. No numbers have ever been published, you might be surprised what the actual data is.
The developers DO have this data and do not argue this point. Instead they talk about trying to balance match ups and the issues with being outnumbered.
wvw isnt dying, they have numbers they wont let us see that say otherwise
Au contraire. If WvW was thriving, they would be shouting it from the rooftops.
What do we have instead? Almost complete dev silence.
Complete dev silence, huh?
If they did listen to us, it’s only because of drastically declining WvW numbers (as stated in Devon’s infamous alpha forum post).
To head it off at the pass, there have not been drastically declining WvW numbers, or even marginally declining numbers. WvW continues to be as strong as it has been over the past several months. We made some decisions internally and were able to accommodate changes that it didn’t seem feasibly originally and that’s why the changes that are going to be announced later this week happened.
Ok people, do some research before saying stuff…
Also, the OP has the right idea.
WvW participation hasn’t declined, it’s just 90% of population is in T1&T2. Keep strong, brothers, and stack servers like nobody’s business!
Got the title, still killing Teq 5 times a day. Well done Anet, except for high rng.
Excited For World 3/4/5? Comments to World 2?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Car.3805
Tribulation is supposed to be tedious.
Well, don’t know about that. Challenging, yes. Tedious, hrm. Don’t get me wrong, W2 tribulation had some very clever spike and tribulation/no cloud placement, but the length of it is discouraging. It is especially discouraging when you consider that things like lag and disconnects can ruin the experience for so many players.
Either make W3 shorter, or have save points in case of disconnects.
W2Z3 baubles took much longer than its corresponding tribulation mode.
Ariylana might have a point that doing it on normal might have made it go faster though, since there is a TON of backtracking for keys on infantile. Don’t know, did it on infantile according to guide.
I feel for your disconnect.
There are now 10 or more people on all the portals into Sparkfly portalling in and out desperately trying to get in the main server. (Actually it doesn’t work).
What sort of rubbish is this, didn’t anybody at Anet think this problem with overflows might happen.
Actually this does work. I have reliably gotten into main servers this way. Of course, you MUST start doing this immediately after the last Tequatl fight ended.
If anything needs to be fixed, it’s the amount of people who AFK at eastern turrets after the battle. They prevent active players from entering map and are an autofail for the event. Please for world boss maps, shorten the afk kick timer to 30 minutes instead of an hour. Or, a check in the 5 minutes right before Teq spawn to see if a player as moved before kick – it’s possible to do this for PvP, so I see no reason why the system can’t be implemented for PvE.
(edited by Car.3805)
Because it is progression.
It might also be due to the fact that some people uses different character for different things, and thus would want different abilities unlocked in WvW.
As far as we know they can’t have account-bound ranks but character-bound unlocks.
Because when I’m defending a tower, I really like to take the time to wonder:
“Is this the character out of 8 characters that has ac unlocked? Or catapult? Maybe treb? No? I’m going to switch characters and try to get the right one into the tower again through the zerg!”
I think this system really promotes strategic thinking and definitely helps me separate out the characters in my mind, because honestly, the professions are all the same, amrite?
It did not glitch – Teq went straight from each stun phase to the next megalaser phase.
The matches are blow outs because of server stacking, transfers and the new “improved” match making system. Look at the match ups on paper and with or without the buff these matches would have been blowouts.
I really appreciate the buffs, because before, I couldn’t tell it was a blowout from the scoreboard alone. Now, I have several methods of verifying that it is indeed a blowout:
1) Leading server has all three buffs
2) Leading server spawn camping
3) Outnumbered buff
4) Scoreboard
Thanks for making it so easy to know for sure that it’s a blowout.
The build on October 1st is going to add WXP consumables to player kills, which should make a pretty sizable dent in this. It is the case that making the events themselves reward WXP is problematic at best because of how easily they cycle. All that said, we’ll make more adjustments as needed to make this a better place to play WvW. A bonus for kills in the area isn’t a bad idea at all.
Lately all WvW has been is PvD for both the stacked and the underdog servers, so WXP cycles fast in a zerg (faster than in the ruins, unless you’re in T1). How would adding WXP consumables to player kills allow roamers to catch up to zergers in WXP when the zergers still most likely will kill more players and obtain the consumables too? The bonus to kills in ruins would be the better options.
PS Bloodlust is bad and snowballing stacked servers.
PPS WXP should be account bound. Stop being stubborn about this, coming up with convoluted methods and pretending that alts and non-zergers are treated equally in WvW.
(edited by Car.3805)
They will be soon I think….as they are making your wvw level account wide rather than character specific
Where did you hear that?
We will be adding more liquid WXP that will be purchasable, likely with badges and some other currency, soon. As in, less than a month. I’ve made it a personal goal to improve the experience for playing alts in WvW. And to cut it off now, we are not making WvW rank account bound.
Unfortunately, Devon hates alts.
I followed Dulfy’s video guide, but I noticed a single bauble on a hilltop in 2-3 when I panned the camera around in the latter part of the game. I’m not sure if I just missed it somehow (which is odd because it’s so prominent), or if the video misses it somehow…. or maybe it was a mob drop (which would also be odd, because I’m usually meticulous about collecting any bauble from mobs).
I did get the achievement.
Well, Zerker is optimal in just about every other PvE environment.
well, Skill is optimal in just about every other PvE environment.
ever wondered why there is never enough DPS to kill the dragon in the time limit? you are defending a broken system
But… the dragon has been killed many times in the time limit…
Morale is at an all time low thanks to bloodlust. I don’t know how it is on other servers, but I regularly log in this past week to see my server ticking only 40 with outmanned and no buffs – not the usual case prior to bloodlust introduction. This is NA.
I’d like to ride a rabbit. Make it happen, please.
2-3 is longer than 2-2, sadly.
Just happened to me – got daily leveler, champ killer, here be dragons, maguuma event completer, and leveler with the Tequatl kill and only received the first three chests for 75%, 50%, 25%. Did not receive the final defeat chest, which I assume is the one with the chance at the Tequatl goodies (although I guess Tequatl items would be in the large dragon chest in the ground? Not sure).
I have submitted a bug report.
(edited by Car.3805)
1. I hope they will merge PvE servers due to the low population for certain levels. While I haven’t encountered the complete ghost town that some people have, I have done plenty of dynamic events alone and it gets lonely.
2. I’m okay with the week long. Guesting will be good.
3. Not sure why there are so many different server branches of a guild anyway, since it’s not difficult to transfer.
4. In each bracket, the top server will receive the most bonuses. There is no need to transfer servers unless your server is utterly unable to be competitive at all in its current bracket. The bonus difference at the end of the week between the top and the lowest usually isn’t that extreme either, unless I’m missing something? Sure was nice to finally get them after the November patch though.
5. Kinda ambivalent about this.
6. I do a lot of WvW, so it’s no hardship for me, but I imagine that at some point, Anet will/should rotate that out?
Could we just… have the pop noises for all the rifle skills? I love the sound so much and will be sad if there’s less of them.
Don’t know, friend and I got 5 bells and 1 endless tonic in about 20,000 gifts. The medium gifts were the best bet, at around 50-60c each (and yes, they were that price back then too). With the sell price of snowflakes, ugly wool items, and weapon skins, it was actually a small PROFIT to open the gifts and an even bigger profit to sell the bells.
This is not true in the least. I just opened 500 medium boxes, to the tune of just under 4g. I received approximately 1.5g worth of items.
It WAS profitable – underlined where I said it.
It was no longer profitable after it was announced on the boards by the official post that the bells dropped from small/medium gifts too. It was a very small profit, but in total, I think I made about 2g from opening 10k gifts.
Enjoying Wintersday a lot more than Halloween.
Love the Jumping Puzzle without the dizzying swirly green.
Loved the daily dungeons.
Love Bell Choir Hero.
Like the Snowball Mayhem game. Would be better if it was balanced better.
Like Toypocalypse, could do with better rewards.
Hated all the skins from Halloween, but find myself stocking the skins from Wintersday, just in case I run out.
I did enjoy the adviser vs. villager game in Halloween, but it’s good to have different games for different events.
Don’t know, friend and I got 5 bells and 1 endless tonic in about 20,000 gifts. The medium gifts were the best bet, at around 50-60c each (and yes, they were that price back then too). With the sell price of snowflakes, ugly wool items, and weapon skins, it was actually a small PROFIT to open the gifts and an even bigger profit to sell the bells.
(edited by Car.3805)
Pretty sure it’s not only because of the bots that the prices on all of the gifts have gradually dropped. The Toymaker tonic actually cost 30g at the beginning, before it was discovered that it could be forged (randomly) with the other tonics. The Halloween tonics are rare because most of them are account bound for some reason. The ones selling the dolyak are kinda silly for pricing above the toymaker, but I suppose if that’s the only form people want…