I’d like to know myself. All things considered, they should rightfully carry around a 2.x multiplier to their damage.
Haven’t seen anything like this yet in T2. I’d have to see it for myself to say whether I think it needs fixing. Like permastealth…had my first encounter with a really annoying Thief two days ago in a supply camp. We got him, but it was annoying.
I experienced my first true loss tonight at the hands of SoR. My guild put quite a bit of work into securing Redwater tower and supply camp on our BL a few hours ago. We did a pretty good job of it too. I personally put a bit of money into siege and upgrades for each, and I felt quite good about it. I was actually contributing to the server’s progress.
And then our meager 10-12 man guild team got rolled over by an SoR zerg 3/4 of the way through our upgrades. We held out for a decent while, but the end was inevitable without any support from any of our zergs (still kind of sad that not even one of the two very close groups came to assist).
But oh well. It felt good to actually make a contribution finally. It sucked to have it taken away so hopelessly, but hey. It was fun. Thanks for the challenge, SoR. We’ll be back to take over some obscure tower again real soon.
WvW is meant to be imbalanced. It’s been emphasized since way, way pre-launch.
Go play s/tPvP if you don’t like it.
Huh. I never even noticed that it did that.
Guess I’m too busy fighting.
I will now proceed to use this against IoJ.
For teh lulz.
Stop crying. After this tier (which they probably planned from the start anyway), it’s just infusions. Six months from now you’ll have full Asc and will no longer care.
For that matter, if you’re losing to people currently just because they have an Ascended back and ring, it’s your skill that’s lacking, not their gear that’s putting them ahead.
The smaller karkan have a channeled barrage-type ability that ticks for the numbers you’re complaining about. Dodge/block/bind it, and then kill the mob.
Tackling the veterans by yourself is supposed to be a challenge, but it’s easily doable.
Ahh, thanks for clarifying Kesuto. That really is pretty misleading.
Even then, the recharges are too high.
I enjoy it wildly. I run 0/0/10/30/30 myself. No AH, but the heals from dodge rolls + Resolve + regeneration add up to a metric puppyton of healing output.
For reference, I run 3/6 Dwayna and 3/6 Water and will be swapping from Dwayna to Monk as soon as I have the time to grind AC. I also use Sigils of Energy on both primary weapons (scepter and GS) and a Sigil of Life on my focus. The extra 250, though it may take some time to build up to, is wonderful if you’re already stacking HP.
I won’t claim to be a pro though. Their may statistically be a better way to approach my type of build (support with some force behind it via Power stacking—I use Cleric’s gear) in terms of survival. I’ve yet to see any solid math stating that one thing is better than another though…so I just go with experience for now.
Can’t wait to see some written out theorycrafting though.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
Quite simply: I am traited all the way into the Virtues trait line, granting me what should be a +30% Virtue recharge rate. Let’s look at the numbers.
Virtue of Justice
30 second base recharge
30 * 0.3 [recharge rate bonus] = 9
30 – 9 = 21 seconds
VoJ’s new recharge with 30 in Virtues should be 21 seconds. Instead, I’m seeing 23 seconds.
Virtue of Resolve
60 second base recharge
60 * 0.3 = 18
60 – 18 = 42 seconds
VoR’s recharge should be 42 seconds traited. Instead, I’m seeing 46 seconds.
Virtue of Courage
90 second base recharge
90 * 0.3 = 27
90 – 27 = 63 seconds
VoC’s recharge should be 63 seconds traited. Instead, I’m getting recharges of 69 seconds.
What am I missing?
Thank you Konig. Solid stuff. I had actually planned to post this on Guru, hoping to get your take, but I keep on getting login authorization errors over there. /sigh
Would be odd though as there have been sailing within the bay assumedly, and it is not all that far from other landmasses so it would be hard to miss.
This is what drives me crazy. There had been sailing through the Sea and Strait throughout GW1. I seriously doubt the island came up with Orr…it just doesn’t seem like it’d make a lot of sense. If that island was [dumb censor is dumb] and sunk by the Cataclysm, why not the surrounding terrain as well?
I realize that there is no transcontinental sailing now due to the DSD and (now formerly) Zhaitan, but that island is pretty big and is pretty darn close to inhabited mainland. Someone would have seen it.
I feel like they should have just found a better place for it to avoid this kind of confusion and brain-killing.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
It’s seems a volcanic island. The island could have been formed way afterward GW1. There’s an obvious crazy Sylvari who has been trapped for a long time.
Certainly possible. Could you provide his location? I didn’t spend more time there than I had to for the event due to server load lag.
Honestly. It’s not even hinted at in Guild Wars 1. It was on the map of neither GW1 or GW2 (before now). So where did it come from? I’m genuinely confused. It’s a large, obvious cove that has turned what used to be a very open bay into two narrow passages from the Sea of Sorrows into the Strait of Malchor.
How do you “lose” that? How does something of this nature not appear earlier? It’s really just driving me nuts. Any reasonable speculation should be enough to relieve me of some of this crazy. Thanks.
But that basically means that this form of pvp isn’t balanced at all.
It is all about gear, even when the numbers are more or less equal.
WvW is officially described (and has been since pre-launch) as an unbalanced war game in terms of both numbers and power (gear+level).
They should do it like sPvP, especially in light of this new gear treadmill. But I don’t think they ever will because that raider mentality they seem to want to attract now is a mentality that demands stat advantage over those who don’t grind dungeons.
You clearly do not understand what a gear treadmill is (hint: it isn’t a single half-tier upgrade on the only new rarity they’ve planned to add). Gear from now on will be upgraded through infusions which will only directly affect PvE. And again, WvW isn’t intended to be balanced.
(edited by Moderator)
You mean the NA players who stay up wayyyyy late and the few aussies we have /faint
Hah. You guys really are insane. I think I’ve seen you on as late as 6 AM Central.
Can’t wait to have time to actually get in there.
“We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement.”
That video is the greatest thing to happen to me all week.
Christia Dawnheart with her FDS and Zweihander.
I’d love informative and complete patch notes. Because I’m spoiled.
I do use male characters on a lot of games. In fact, the only games I play female characters on so far are this and WoW. I play a female character on WoW because I play a Draenei for the racials and male Draenei are…well, stupid-looking, as are human males (too square all over). If I played, say, an Orc, I’d play a male because they just look a lot better than female Orcs.
As far as this game goes, I simply find the female Human animations to be more fluid for Guardians (I don’t know if different professions have different animations, heh). I’ve actually never known anyone to straight up ask me why I play female toons. I know a lot of other male players that use female characters and I’ve never thought to ask why. Does it matter?
My personal reasons are strictly aesthetic though. Female models just look nicer, I guess. Male models and voice acting are just never that pleasant for me to look at and listen to for hours on end.
For reference, I play male characters almost exclusively for games like KotOR, Elder Scrolls, Runescape (laugh it up), and whatever else you can think of. With that in mind, I think it really is the “what’s easier to look at for a long time” thing that draws me to female characters for MMOs. You spend a lot more time (typically) looking at your characters in MMOs than you do in console-based games and coffee break-sized browser games.
I play female characters both here and in WoW because 1) male models are never very appealing to me (maybe because I’m a dude? maybe because they’re just poorly drawn?) and 2) because they’re just easier to look at for hours on end.
That, and I’m comfortable in my masculinity. So what does it matter?
Hi there. I’ll just jump right into it.
I played Guild Wars 1 from week one of Prophecies but had to wait until just recently to have a new computer that can actually run this game. I bought Guild Wars 2 less than three days ago. I’m a level 22 Guardian at the time of this posting.
I have extensive gaming experience between my many years of Guild Wars and my time as a hardcore raider and PvPer in WoW (I still raid, but very casually…most of my time is spent on GW2 and on schoolwork).
Basically, I’m looking for a guild that has groups running for WvW fairly consistently. However, I’m also very interested in explorable dungeons once I’m level-appropriate.
I don’t care if your world isn’t ahead by 200k points at any given time. As long as there is activity and full, decent groups running on any given day, I’m interested. I want to storm keeps. I want to siege that massive castle. I want to enjoy myself doing it. I want a group of people who, much like myself, intend to win while having fun doing it.
I’d also rather not try to move to a server that I’ll have to queue for an hour to get into every day…
For reference, I am an American and I live in the Central timezone (GMT-6). My usual play times are late afternoon to late night (sometimes early morning) my time.
Thanks in advance!
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
I’m sure this seems absolutely pointless to some. Mechanically it has no use. But please find time to add this feature to the game. It’s just something I (and I’m sure many others) am used to being able to do.
And while we’re all here, maybe you could add a “Smaller” option for the UI scale. There’s a “Larger” option, so why not “Smaller?”
[Suggestion] Moveable/Resizeable/Transparent UI options
in Suggestions
Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802
Bumping for much needed customization.
I want to be able to make my UI even smaller. There’s a “Larger” option for scaling; why isn’t there a “Smaller” option? I’m on a 20" monitor and the skill bars, chat window, and everything else is still too cluttery. The action bar is a major culprit in the clutter as well. I just want to be able to scale it down some more.