Showing Posts For Cyninja.2954:

How much DPS lost from torch to shield?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I dont want to help you. How dare you come to a forum to ask questions?!

Might as well not post at all if thats all you are gonna say.


Someone got up with the wrong foot this morning. Fine, keep blaming others for not helping you.

Also when you quote someone, quote what they said or make it visible that you changed the quote. Everything else is dishonest and quite frankly beyond rude.

So. Astralaria.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I really hope the new elite has the same effect in it like the chrono: time marches on….since i can´t think of my mesmer without the Speed boost (that some other classes can get with their signet…i dont think we can equip both elite at the same time…why? well when you are without elite your class Symbol is a mask…when you have the elite your class Symbol is a clock….so the new elite will probaly give us a new class Symbol…and since you then can not equip 2 new symbols, you can not equip 2 elite i think…or they have symbols for mixed elites (wich would be awesome)…
(also i am waiting for the Chance that since you can have 2 weapon sets equipped, maybe you can have 2 trait lines that swap automatic when you Change your weapons…so 3 traits in tab one for weapon-set 1 and 3 traits in tab two for weaon-set 2….but this is just wishful thinking by myself…….hope never dies XD..since you know have 6 trait lines and with the new elite would be 7… )

It’s already been confirmed that you can only have 1 elite specialisation at a time. This was way back when they introduced the idea of elite specialisations. So yes, it will be an either/or scenario for all classes between their current elite specialisation and the new one.

How much DPS lost from torch to shield?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Thank you everyone for your replies kinda sad that there hasn’t been an actual answer to my question yet.^^

There is a damage golem in the raid training area.

Go there, do your normal rotation with a torch and note results. If you have no damage meter, pick the smalles golem and note your time to kill.

Then redo your rotation with a shield instead of the torch, note the results.

Then check how those 2 relate to each other and note the % of less damage you had with a shield (or % of time if took you longer with a shield). It can be assumed that this will hold true for fractals where your damage will be naturaly lower to begin with.

The reason no one can answer in exact numbers is because no one knows your exact ability to run the rotation. As others have mentioned, it will be quite a bit.

[Spoiler] Why pretend be a fake-god?

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


1.) Do you know how Balthazar lost his power?

2.) Do you know exactly how weakened Balthazar was before he absorbed part of the bloodstone explosion? Would he have been in danger of getting killed?

3.) How would the other races have reacted? Would the Charr have been overjoyed about a human god returning? Would a Norn who wanted his name forever told in an epic story challenge Balthazar?

4.) How did the Sylvari react when their creator and essentially god appeared? Might a faction of the humans reacte in a similar way?

5.) What about the powers that oppose Balthazar? Gods have enemies and usually those enemys are of a same epic proportion. How useful would have been an entire continent of humans following you when another god being shows up and wipes them all away?

I don’t know, somehow I feel these obvious questions that come to mind very well explain why someone in Balthazars position might want to slowly and covertly repower himself. It’s not always the smartest move to go:“I am your depowered god, bow to me and let me regain my strength!” until a time where you can be sure you don’t get wiped off the face of Tyria.

The real issue with raiding as a raider...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Ask youself, if legendary armor were available through other means than raids, would you still want to raid?

I’ve been told time and time again that legendary armor cannot be made available through other means, because this would significantly decrease raid population. In fact, some of the people that argue against me about raids and their accessibility said so about themselves. Does that mean they also have no right to speak up about raids and their balance (unlike Blaeys, who specifically is not interested in rewards at all)?

I have never seen that argument made. Not saying there won’t be some who will use it but it is one of the weaker arguments (I’d not even count it as an argument). Sure, those individuals should have no impact on balance disscussions.

Now with a straight face tell me that rewards are an equal issue on both sides? If I’d have to wager I’d say there is a way higher amount of people with reward envy from the non raiding crowd at the moment than people who would willingly have content kept away from others. It’s not about who is right, it’s about just being honest and pinpointing the issue instead of making up excuses.

I never said people who want legendary armor via different means than raids are wrong by the way, I’m just opposed dumbing down content due to reasons not related to said content.

I for one would love to see multiple ways of legendary armor introduced into the game. For example I’ve always been vocal about spvp and wvw needing more love. Then again, I play almost all game modes.

New Silverwaste Farm next Expansion??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Silverwastes hasn’t been THE money making map in a long time. It’s still a good farm but arenanet have gone all out in creating similar if not even better farms.

The way I see it, Silverwastes is great the way it is now. It’s a good map for people who do not own HoT to farm if they so desire. My guess is that arenanet will continue down the path of adding different types of maps with different amounts of rewards trying to give as many players something to do as they can.

So no reason for SW to change.

The real issue with raiding as a raider...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The only major irritant I ever had with raids is Anet choice of making the Raid reward be the only suit of legendary armor in game. It was a poor choice to put it there if they only planned to ever put one out before GW3 comes out.

This is I believe the major reason why people argue back and forth about raids. Which in itsself is already a problem because non raiders will take just about every argument they can as to why raids need to change without having the game mode at heart but rather its rewards.

The biggest complaint non-raiders should admit to is:“I dislike raids because currently they are keeping me from shiny xyz.”

How do you find out if you are prt of this crowd? Ask youself, if legendary armor were available through other means than raids, would you still want to raid? If no then you should stay away from any type of argument about game mode balance or simply shorten your argument to: “I want the loot.”

[Spoiler] Lazarus' identity a poor plot twist

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The plot twist lacked the impact it could have had more because much like this entire season it was rushed.

If we had been with Lazarus from episode 1, all the way to 5, then this plot twist “might” have been a genuinely interesting surprise. But I frankly feel that being too smart isnt always a good thing. There are many ways you can impliament an amazing plot twist without giving away the obvious spoiler. Episode 4 gave the game away and the problem was, by that point, we had speculated to death who Lazarus could really be.

If we had NEVER KNOWN Lazarus wa sa fake it would have been more impactful, we could have had a moment where we are working with him to defeat Primordus only for Taimi to say “commander somethings wrong” and Lazarus “Killing” Primordus would result in his reveal as Balthazar, with subtle hints left here and there about fire, honor, war, revenge.

Small snippets that weave together when you put it together.

Instead, we got a “Oh its not actually Lazarus” teaser in episode 4 that more or less spoiled the entire plot twist.

I’m not sure less hints at a fake Lazarus would have been the way to go. If you read through this thread one of the main gripes people have was the lack of foreshadowing.
Completely removing all hints about Lazarus would have created way less suspense I think.

Again, I think people are focusing to much on Balthazar and less on what actually happened this LW episode as a whole. Story is subjective I guess.

How did B-Man lose his powers?(SPOILERS!)

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think the writers forgot about / ignored that detail and will now find a way to write around it, maybe with an off-hand explanation in the next chapter.

How did they forget the detail when Balthazar himself points this out?

Did the voice actor go rogue and add something to his dialog?

Player Housing in the Next Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


please stop talking about expansions, what if they listen to you?? haven’t you learn about what happened last time they released one?

This isn’t wow, this game doesn’t need expansions… sadly only pre HoT players would understand… sigh

Expansion 2 was a sure thing a while back, now it’s an official thing with the AMA from yesterday.

Sorry pal, expansion 2 is already being made and will likely go live end of this year.

Equipment Questions

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Ok so I’ve made myself a full set of exotic berserkers armor/weps and trinkets. I have plat doubloons in my trinkets, the 3sec sigil of concentration in my main hand sword. What runes should I run? I have a set of travelers in my armor now, monk in the bank and 2/6 leadership runes….working on 6/6 obviously. I feel like im starting to get the hang of this. I’ve been completing Living World Season 2 and having a blast. Been taking breaks to do dailys, PVP a little, run dungeons but no FOTM yet.

Get Herald (or monk or stick with traveler) runes 4/6 and use the 2/6 Leadership runes, then eventually replace with more leadership. Traveler 6 piece bonus is useless when running chrono since your last minor trait gives you 25% movement speed.

Then focus on your specialised collections for the ascended shield (your pve setup will always be Sw+Sh/Sw+x) and complete the Caladbolg questline for an ascended sword.

Keep collecting unbound magic and materials daily from the Living World 3 zones for when you want to upgrade to ascended trinkets.

The small sigil is a start but with 3 seconds every 10 seconds of boon duration increase you’ll struggle.

So. Astralaria.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


But Astralaria is gorgeous, and I finally have a reason to go for it.


Now if only dual wielding for mesmer was confirmed…

Deimos the Handsome - Necro PoV

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Not sure why people are so critical. Haven’t seen any of you post your PuG necromancer runs yet.

The TC never claimed to be a perfect player. I think the video does a nice job of showing people that you do not need perfect play to get the achieve done.

What good is a video of a perfect rotation necromancer to someone struggling with Deimos? He’ll likely be at best at half the dps, make way more mistakes and get frustrated.

Thsnk for sharing TC, now go hit that golem. :P

Cairn heart achieve is a pain !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


1) Sometimes special key go on cooldown without moving.

Haven’t had this happen to me.

2) Boss teleports to you and push from the platform.

Don’t stand in the green circles to early. I’ve learned this the hard way too.

Dodge his circle swipe.

3) No chance for redoing if boss is killed already. Good Luck find another group.
This heart must be changed!

Yes, this is quite anoying. Then again it’s the same for all the other achieves of the heart.

I’ll be honest, the Cairn achieve was the one I dreaded the most simply because the fight doesn’t always go as smooth as one might wish. Best advice I can give here is:

- pick a class and build that provides some more protection than usual (minstrel mesmer, druid, etc)

- pick a class with simple rotation (I went with hammer guardian for the braindead rotation to focus exclusively on not getting hit. even managed to get someone downed up at the very end of the fight.)

- be selfish the one time you are doing the achieve. If the boss is at 15% and you got 8 people alive and 2 downed, well sacrifices must be made, you can always ressurect after the boss is dead.

When the LW =is= a JP...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


For me, I like the Living Story, I’ve never missed a chapter ’till now. However, I love to play to kill stuff, using skills the right moment, cooperate with others in some mechanics to take a huge boss down (yep, à la Raid)…

But spending 2 hours and a half jumping on a rock to reach the next story step is… ridiculous. If people loves spending time in exploring, getting PoIs and masteries in hiden corners in the map… it’s ok, it can be fun, and I also do that myself sometime. But gating the LS behind difficult jumping puzzles is just frustrating and reveals that Devs don’t have any idea on how to make PvE entertaining

You sir stepped into the same trap I did and tried to bruteforce your way to different story steps.

A hint for the future, take a different waypoint, look at where some of those thermal tubes take you, profit.

As others pointed out, you can reach all story relevant steps by simple navigation and gliding. Granted, some of them are a bit hidden. Took me about 2 hours on my first character (and probably 30 minutes of that was trying to use the vine pull to get somewhere the hard way). Took me 15 minutes my 2nd character.

Fancy Flier...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It’s no more difficult than Flights of Fancy in Hearts and Minds and has the same mechanics working for and against it.

The first thing you have to realise is you can change (and have to) direction on both the Y and Z-axis. The destroyers will aim at your projected flight path so slight variations with left and right or faster/slower as well as up or down work. Ideally combine 2 directions, then after 2-3 seconds change.

As for picking up the orbs, either fly right beneath them and drift up, or try to gather them while falling into them. The updrift is to slow and will expose you to potential hits, hence why you want to keep it as short as possible.

In order to scan the last time you don’t have to drop all the way to ground level, there is leeway. Drop down, open you glider, activate the scan and already while scaning start alternating directions.

[Spoiler] Lazarus' identity a poor plot twist

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954



Oh I absolutely agree there have been weak points in the story telling. The entire 2nd part of the vanilla story was just way to many undead, to little diversity and let’s not get into the Zhaitan fight…

HoT story was rushed, I think everyone agrees on that.

The buildup was there, maybe more subtle than expected. The gods were gone, no one knows where they went and/or what they actually were. It not having been tied in to the story episodes so far does not mean it wasn’t there.

The build-up was there, but it didn’t necessarily point toward Balthazar. Sure, there’s the fiery death of some White Mantles on his initial reveal. But
a) this could mean a whole lot of things, and
b) it doesn’t really make sense.

I mean, come on, why the masquerade? What does it gain him? Why not show up as a human god directly? It won’t hinder his agenda, whatever it is, because the humans wouldn’t question one of their own gods. It would get him more followers, in both numbers and power, than a part of an illegal paramilitary organization. The whole charade is pointless.

Well you do have to remember, Balthazar is/was severly weakened. We don’t know to which extent, but he did have to fool the White Mantle into letting him absorb part of that bloodstone blast. Not sure the Charr would have been all to happy seeing one of the humans gods just show up and be all chummy and we also do not know who actually weakened Balthazar in the first place.

I think the reason for the deception is there. Now I will agree, having some more hints and minor details spread out before the revelation might have been decent, but let’s be reasonable, any serious hints towards the 6 gods returning would have spoiled the suprise. A shift this big in magnitude is very hard to foreshadow.

Then again this entire Living World (and unfortunately part of this story is told during raids) focuses heavily on:
- the white mantle and shinning blade
- kryta and the fire islands
- primordius and jormag

Basically on themes and areas established in GW1. The entire shift towards lore of Guild Wars 1 is there. So there is that.

[Spoiler] Lazarus' identity a poor plot twist

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Okey so here’s my oppinion on the story:

First, i know that LW doesn’t have great story.. personally i don’t like how each episode story is short, but i’m still hoping that this is just some introduction into something bigger and A LOT better in the next expansion (if you see the leaked info about elona )

Also i was thinking now that we don’t want to kill the EDs because of enviroment … it got me thinking what if we replace them with the human gods. It could make sense as 6 EDs and 6 GODs each with similar aspects:

Zhaitan – Grenth
Balthazar – Primordus
Lyssa – Kralkatorik
Melandru – Mordremoth
Dwayna – Jormag
Kormir – Baubless
(Last 2 im not so sure about but it fits the most)

Also i don’t judge the LW storywritting teams .. but i really hope they will learn from their mistakes and repair their broken reputation after EP5.

The human gods are not the dragons.

Their age is also unknown, but it is known that the current pantheon as a whole is not the first, and that they have not been on Tyria as long as the Elder Dragons.

It is much more likely that these outsiders each claimed a pantheon of power when arriving on Tyria. Since there is 6 types of magic, each picked one.

[Spoiler] Lazarus' identity a poor plot twist

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Balthazar is by far the worst possible choice of a reveal. A proper build-up was definitely needed and not just a mention last episode that Lazarus wasn’t real. Last episode was appropriate epic, but this episode’s story was a downer.

The buildup was there, maybe more subtle than expected. The gods were gone, no one knows where they went and/or what they actually were. It not having been tied in to the story episodes so far does not mean it wasn’t there.

Why now? Why is the God of War and Fire weakened? Why does a human commander have no other dialogue about a literal meeting their god face-to-face? This episode brings up far more questions than answers.

Exactly! One question answered and a lot more raised. I absolutely look forward to getting thes questions answered now. Imagine how boring the story would have been with no new questions raised.

After the Glory of Tyria arriving to fight Zhaitan from nowhere, and the idea that fighting Mordremoth in his mind despite him being a dragon of the mind were basically Deus Ex Machina thrown into the game for no reason other than the writers wrote themselves into a corner, the devs pulled an actual god out of the machine and didn’t bother to explain anything about his elaborate deception.

Yes, they did write themselves into a corner, but not at those points. The moment they had some being absorb a Bloodstone explosion and basically 1-man army destroy the attacking destroyers on the golden temple they had to turn to a character not present in the current story. It would be geniunely unbelievable that any character we had access to were so powerful and not step up to fight the dragon menace. Hence why I found all the speculation that Lazarus might have been Queen Jenna or some other known character hilarious.

[Spoiler] Lazarus' identity a poor plot twist

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think to many people expected the plot twist to turn around their entire GW2 world view as far as the established characters goes. It did not do so and I believe it was not ment to.

The actual plot twist is the new direction the story is taking. The reemergence of the old human gods allows for a wide range of new interesting material to write about.

We have been given some background of them disappearing and not actually being gods but very powerful beings (not during this living story) so seeing them return and sheding light on who or what they actually are makes for a great tiein with GW1.

Add to that the interaction between the old gods and the dragons and you have a multitude of possible story paths the writes can take.

Me personally, I loved the revelation and I’m sure most GW1 veterans did too (at least the ones heavily invested in the lore). THen again, I wasn’t rumoring or trying to figure out who the fake Lazarus might be but instead let the story playout and supprise me.

I do get that players new to the guild wars univers and ones who never played GW1 might have not been overwhelmed. Another reason I would love some sort of lore dictionary ingame which covers the basics and background to the game world.

Time for Noxious Pod home node?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It would be convenient. As for great … not really since you can just run through a “dead” DS and open a bunch of pods.

Pods appear only on finished events. And generally maps are divided in the succesful ones (hard to get into while they are running, impossible to get into after they’ve succeeded), and those that haven’t even started doing anything.
So, no, your suggestion doesn’t really work.

Actually he is right. Most dead maps will have 3-5 pods over their lifetime. Usually from the first events getting completed randomly.

How do I know? Because I’ve opened them often enough inbetween running alt characters to get the 30 easy hero points.

Questions about power mesmer in WvW & raiding

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


There’s nothing more rewarding than playing a good chrono.

Except when you join WvW, you join a commander and get ditched out of the melee subsquad. Cause mesmer “doesnt get prioritized” while he still demands veil from you. ..Yeah rewarding…


Let’s wait for expansion 2 and then show them all! XD

Chalice of Tears, huh?

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


CoT was supposed to make players cry. Which is fine if it was completely optional. But Anet decided to lock an unrelated achievement behind it which I hate. JP in general should be there only for people who enjoy them. Locking other achievements behind JP is trying to force players to do JP.

One more time: “play your own way” – bull.

Every jumping puzzle has an achievement associated with it. They are under your Jumping Puzzles tab in the achievement panel. What you are likely refering to is the mastery point associated with the achievement. Well there are more then enough spare mastery points available to play the way you want.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


You’ve obviously never played WoW

My over 200 days played beg to differ. I did not play WoW during Pandaria and only 4-6 weeks during Cata, Warlords and Legion each and grew very bored very quick.

What does any of that have to do with Gw2 wasting time and energy remaking the same system. I mean seriously what is innovative about Bouncing shrooms, jump pads, air pads, and vents? They all do the exact same thing. Defending redundancies isn’t normal in any circumstance at all and it makes me question your intent. I’m not interested in the argument I’ve back and forth so many people engage in but if your plan is to defend the wasting of resources and redundancies then it’s not going to gain any traction.

To each his own, I enjoy the different travel options and I’m sure the next expansion will add more of them. Maybe I just enjoy playing something different than 90% of what literally every other game on the market offers. It’s called being unique.

Most people would typically like to see something new other than another rerelease of the jump pad. Freeing up reinventing the wheel for the hundredth time might lead to something new being introduced.

Yes, because the implementation of mounts is new. What were you saying about redundencies earlier?

The argument is that gw2 has squandered everything that has made it unique aside the combat system as underwater and WVW are woefully neglected.

So no reason to squander away any more uniqueness.

If there going to shift to a more traditional game as they have with the introduction of raids then a competing game would only need to hit the basics.

To create a full on carbon copy of other MMOs in GW2 too? Gotcha.

There are upcoming MMOs such as the one from Amazon “New World” which has some of the original devs behind it could very easily have a similar combat system.

I have honestly NEVER heard of that game until now, and I’m usually quite informed about intersting upcoming games. The fact that you are speaking in possibilities does not confer a lot of confidence that your formentioned game might even apply to your argument. GW2 is not only it’s combat system (which is slowly becoming dated), it’s the summ of all it’s part from monetisation, combat, lore and much more. If GW2 combat system is the only thing keeping you in this game, I’d argue your not part of a crowd worth fighting for.

So why not we need mounts because they sit in a happy medium between universally desired things like templates and odd things like reinventing the movement wheel.

You enjoy jumping back and forth between arguing against redundencies when you oppose them, then argue for redundencies when it suits you. This isn’t the first topic you are all over the place with your argumentation. It gets very frustrating having to disscuss something when the opposite side doesn’t stick to 1 line of argumentation.

Chalice of Tears, huh?

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’ll be honest, I took my mesmer out, went there and basically used guide videos and security portals from myself to get to the top fully expecting a world of pain. I was not disapointed.

Took about 2 hours the first time I went up there. Not about to do it a 2nd time except for the mursat tokens which obviously I missed the first time (which I’m already dreading).

No way I’d ever do this on a non mesmer class and I did place portals for poor non mersmer sobs left and right who missed jumps (this probably extended my time by a good 20-30 minutes). I didn’t need (or risk) using one of the check points.

It’s certainly one of the if not the toughest jumping puzzle ingame. Clockwork and Winterwonderland do not even compare (then again I had those on farm with around 30-40 minutes for first clears).

I still enjoy arenanet adding this type of content. It’s optional, it gives players who love jumping puzzles something to do and as long as no absolutely required rewards are locked behind daily jumping puzzle requirements, who cares?

PS Warrior With No Experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Depending on which type of group you join you might get kicked withing 10 seconds or not at all.

First off, don’t try to join groups which have “require experience” in their tags. You’ll be wasting your and their time. Ideally join a group looking for new raiders, practice run, training run or “raid group in developement all welcome”. Then:

1.) gear up your character as good as you can. Exotic armor is fine, ascended weapons are preferable but exotic works in a pinch, exotic trinkets work but with LW3 access to ascended trinkets is very easy so put in the few days extra effort. Correct Sigils and Runes for your build are almost a must. (check if need be what you should be running)

2.) once equiped pratice your rotation on the target golem in the special forces area. Get your basic rotation down as good as possible.

3.) get an overview of the 4 raid wings and decide on 1, maybe 2 [I’d recommend wing 1 or 4]. Get familiar with the basics of the bosses, especially the first boss.

4.) now go join one of the forementioned groups for the wing and bosses you’ve decided to start on. If it’s a training run it might be a group which explains every boss, but it’s still helpful to have a general overview beforehand.

Alternatively join a raid guild (or guild who runs raids) and have them take you along in their training runs. It’s the slightly more handholding way but essentially the steps are the same.

Personally I’d absolutely recommend joining a guild and getting to know some people, it makes the entire process way more enjoyable and easier. It’s not necessary though and running with pug groups works just as well (maybe slightly more frustrating).

Wish things were less expensive in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Alternatively, 184 gems is $2.30. While $2.30 is expensive to some, its the price of a cup of coffee to others.

Edit: misread OP

Pretty sure last time i checked 800 gems cost $10.

800 gems = 10 $
182 gems = x

x = 2.3 $

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

The frustrating thing about the Guano hero point is the bar resets when it does its “BREAK THE BAR NOW! attack” – even if you had JUST broke it, and all your CC is on cooldown.

You’re probably referring to the attack she uses when she reaches very low health. It connects a red beam between the boss and a player and causes her to heal rapidly. If you break her bar at this point it will simply refill as if nothing happened. Instead, anticipate the attack and get out of range until it’s over so she doesn’t heal so much. She also heals for a lesser amount with a debuff she applies, so try to kite her and avoid letting her hit you if possible.

I finished the fight earlier for the x-th time and the breakbar definately interupted the animation and the champion was stuned. life leached was from 25% to 35% instead of 25% to 65%.

It was me and 1 other person so we did not have the damage to burst her down too.

Running away also does not work. The enemy will catch up to you and the range on the channel is above 1,500.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Leaks indicate we’ll be getting mounts next expansion – and they WON’T be just cosmetic, but instead provide more movement opportunities similar to gliders.

Yes but let’s put those leaks in perspective. We are talking:

- local and map specific mounts which will be far more similar to bouncing mushroom or leyline gliding than what people perceive as mounts

- they will very likely be similar to Guild Wars 1 mounts in that they are required for certain areas of maps

So no, we are not getting mounts as they are commonly refered to here. We will likely be getting masteries similar to the ones we have right now just with maybe mounted creatures.

Does this mean we might get all over Tyria mounts in the future? Maybe (if animations are covered and adaptable) but still unlikely. I don’t see bounding mushrooms, leylines or updrafts all over Tyria. So I wouldn’t be getting my hopes up as a mount fetishist.

Economics of Mystic Coin & Hardened Leather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No, ANet’s assumption is that Mystic Coins would be handled like every other mat, as the price goes up, it would reach a point where players would sell rather than hold. This is normally true if new supply is elastic, that players can control acquiring more of that material.

Mystic Coins however are rationed out a little bit at a time and while ANet did add a “farm” to get one a day, it’s not easy. And as the price on the TP reached a tipping point, players who had sold the ones they got stopped. As long as the price keeps marching upwards, why sell? Especially if not selling is what’s keeping the price going higher.

This doesnt make sense.

People stop selling, once MCs reach a tipping point? In my opinion, they will start selling at a certain price value. And I would argue that is what actually happened, once they hit 1g at the start of the year. Sine then, their price has been incredibly stable at that value .

Yes it does – at some point, the price is so high re-acquisition becomes prohibitive (I think this has happened to Leather, which is required for EVERYTHING). You can’t sell it, because you’re going to need it later. The short-term profit from selling isn’t worth the long-term cost of not having that good later. And for those genuinely interested in selling – why sell now, when you can wait as the price continues to rise?

Yes but unfortunately your view is unrealistic. The playerbase (at least a majority of it) does not go about looking at longterm profit or availability.

Case in point, the current price spike once leggy armor was announced to release. Other examples? Every single addition of new items which players could prepare for yet prices still spiked.

The majority of players (as in the real world) have a price point at which they are willing to sell assets because they feel the value they receive in liquid currency matches the value ot they item they are holding on to. It’s actually one of the most basic economic priciples (

Will there be a part of the playerbase which will hold on to their mystic coins expecting further price increases? Sure, it’s called speculation. This amount will be castly smaller than the increase in sellers simply due to the risk avert nature of most humans.

The common proverb going with this goes:
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”

Ignoring something not released yet isn’t the same as holding onto a good because you already need it for current projects. It’s not “I need to save this leather for this shiny new Legendary Armor coming out” – it’s “I need to save this leather for the Gift for the 5-year-old legendary weapon I’m thinking of pursuing, and the set of Viper armor I maybe want for my backup Ranger I play once a month, and Celestial armor for this cool guardian build I want to try out, and maybe I’ll finally switch my warrior from PS greatsword to the meta condi, but I don’t want to commit my current set of armor to it, and I’ll still need leather for inscriptions to convert even if I would. And I’ve always wanted to try Thief, so I’ll need leather to quickly gear that up in Marauder armor once I finish leveling her.” Because the demand for leather is tied to so many things (All armors, several legendary weapons), every player has a reason for wanting to hold on to it instead of sell without having to speculate on the market or future releases.

Sure it does. Your reasoning is slightly different but all it does is shift your price point up. Also legendary armor was known material wise for months now, that’s no different than people going:“I might make legendary xyz, I need to hold on to these materials.”

If for example Mystic Coins were to hit 10 gold a piece, I guarantee you a LOT of players holding on to them at 1 gold would sell them off, especially new players. Why? because for many of them that would be insane value per MC per month compared to effort invested.

Would some hold on to Mystic Coins at that price? Sure because they might expect future price increases. That’s called speculation. The majority of the market does not work that way though.

Economics of Mystic Coin & Hardened Leather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No, ANet’s assumption is that Mystic Coins would be handled like every other mat, as the price goes up, it would reach a point where players would sell rather than hold. This is normally true if new supply is elastic, that players can control acquiring more of that material.

Mystic Coins however are rationed out a little bit at a time and while ANet did add a “farm” to get one a day, it’s not easy. And as the price on the TP reached a tipping point, players who had sold the ones they got stopped. As long as the price keeps marching upwards, why sell? Especially if not selling is what’s keeping the price going higher.

This doesnt make sense.

People stop selling, once MCs reach a tipping point? In my opinion, they will start selling at a certain price value. And I would argue that is what actually happened, once they hit 1g at the start of the year. Sine then, their price has been incredibly stable at that value .

Yes it does – at some point, the price is so high re-acquisition becomes prohibitive (I think this has happened to Leather, which is required for EVERYTHING). You can’t sell it, because you’re going to need it later. The short-term profit from selling isn’t worth the long-term cost of not having that good later. And for those genuinely interested in selling – why sell now, when you can wait as the price continues to rise?

Yes but unfortunately your view is unrealistic. The playerbase (at least a majority of it) does not go about looking at longterm profit or availability.

Case in point, the current price spike once leggy armor was announced to release. Other examples? Every single addition of new items which players could prepare for yet prices still spiked.

The majority of players (as in the real world) have a price point at which they are willing to sell assets because they feel the value they receive in liquid currency matches the value ot they item they are holding on to. It’s actually one of the most basic economic priciples (

Will there be a part of the playerbase which will hold on to their mystic coins expecting further price increases? Sure, it’s called speculation. This amount will be castly smaller than the increase in sellers simply due to the risk avert nature of most humans.

The common proverb going with this goes:
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


- What ever developement cost there is can be easily made back with simply selling mounts on the gemsstore.

So we are going to add an extra mount developement team to arenanet. Sure sounds not risky at all.

-Theres no need to change how character design and movement skills go as they dont effecct mounts in any way the only thing that needs to made is a riding animation and maybe a new rule for swiftness to not affect while mounted to to affect minimally.

I was not talking about non mounted animations. I was talking about mounted animations and no, it’s not “just” a riding animation. It’s 10 riding animations for male and female versions of each race with new anchor points for weapons and armors etc.

-Gliders require also proccessing power (i mean have you seen that kitten raven glider) and ppl dont seem to have issue with those. So yeah a simple horse or w/e not seeing how it will break the game.

Gliders are open how long? A couple of seconds at best. How many people have you seen use gliders permanently while standing in player hubs?

Yes the questing seems great at the start but after the first expac rolled out and the questing design in there was far superior to that of vanilla and it became apparent that the flying mounts were a great thing.

Yes I’m sure players were extatic when they could skip 90% of all content and just fly from quest objective to quest objective. I was too when BC came out and I hit 70 on my priest. That unfortunately became the games standard. It absolutely kills immersion and world design. Exactly the reasons why Blizzard was considering not allowing flying AT ALL in Legion until player outcry forced them to added it back in. As I said, once the box of pandora is opened…

-I suppose you got a point that it could prob reduce the size of the jungle maps but that will reduce the complains of ppl saying that im dying all the time. Moving fater will help you get further away before getting in combat if getting hit.

Players complain all the time. Sometimes those complaints are justified, sometimes they go against the games design philisophy and/or core game aspects. Knowing when to listen to player feedback and when not to in order to stick to your vision is what makes a good developer.

But with more and more maps with way less waypoints and expecting the desert maps where i dont believe Palawa would allow waypoints. Mounts there to traverse the vastness of deserts would come in handy (nd yes i expect anet to capture the essence of the desert like they did with the jungle.

I guess arenanet are following a strategy giving players less waypoints. Maybe that strategy is to anoy the entire player base, or maybe it’s part of them wanting for players to have to experience the game, not skip it. There might be local fixed mount events like in Guild Wars 1 IF we get to the desert phase. But that is not the type of mounts asked for here.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Not all asked for flying and flying is impractical since the zones are instanced and it would be wierd but ground mounts will not hurt the game in any way. It can even be fun with thieves or mesmer being able to make jokes abou outrunning a horse or w/e. And i dont find ridiculous for the mounts to have a 50% mov speed increase which dsnt stack with swiftness or it gives it a 10% more tops.

Sure superspeed for everyone. You can’t be serious. There is a reason why superspeed is one of the more seldom buffs in this game.

None of the speedbuffs stack in this game fyi. The highest speedbuff takes priority. Obviously a mount speed buff would not stack.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Ok time for some history. Vanilla wow has some of themost terrible questing in the form of that where accept the quest, where you had to do the quest and where you had to turn that quest was really poorly made and flying solvedd that issue back then. With newer expacs their questing became better and flying was just a way to bypass zones (which is bad). WoTlk has some of the best zones period with how well it made the maps with the idea of unlcking flying later. Now blizzard tries to reduce the flying not mounts in general as ground mounts were and in every game are a good thing.
Gw2 will not lose its flavour if some of that that want mounts get them. What made gw2 unique and still does is the focus on so many diff area the living world the amazing story the dungeons the fractals the world bosses the jumping puzzles wvw its combat (even raids here feels diff from other mmos). GROUND mounts will not take away something from the game, instead for those of us that waypoints absolutely KILL every bit of immersion the world could have. Mounts to allow us to move around the maps freely but still somewhat efficiently and experience the entirety of it in a diff more natural way. Why do you think so many ppl like the hot maps? The lack of wp goes along way to make something feel big and expansive.

I never said they are trying to reduce mounts even if the wording might have been poor on my part the context was very clear. I was refering to Blizzard reducing mount and mount speed bonuses for travel.

WoWs questing when the game released was mindblowing and basically broke the industry and skyrocketed WoW into the behemoth it now is. You are comparing questing design of a 13 year old game to moddern MMOs. Now go back and compare WoWs questing design on release to other MMOs of that time.

Yes Blizzard is reducing the flying and artificially reduces the speed players can skip content on ground mounts. That alone is reason enough to realise that a mount system is not all blessing but another component which needs management.

Your argument that ground mounts will not take anything from the game is straight up flawed:

- they require ressources in design and implementation (costs developer ressources)

- they require area and skill design around a mount system (will affect character design and game balance especially as far as movement skills go)

- they require additional processing power to display (this in turn ups the specs of the game)

I’ll turn your argument around about HoT maps which currently have select waypoints. Giving players the ability to bypass areas of the maps with groundmounts would reduce map size. Your argument makes no sense.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Mounts aren’t needed imo. You can run fast enough from A to B as is (at least compared to most games that do have mounts running by foot really isn’t that terribly slow) and it’s not like we don’t have waypoints we can access by hitting “m”. What do we need mounts for?

Shrooms, swiftness, traits, ley lines, signets, gliding, air pads, wurm tunnels, jump pads, jump shrooms, vents, masteries, updrafts ,skills, waypoints, portable portals, and no doubt many more over compensating systems that people tend to stack to counter the stead fast system of the simple mount.

Mounts have always been a cosmetic thing however its been over four years and at this stage mounts are a protection thing for the health of the game. If a competing game released with a very similar battle system to this game akin to WoW clones and the wow battle system a gw2 clone so to speak this game would shrivel up fast. A competing game wouldn’t need all those movement systems they’d go the mount system and be done without any hassle. If it isn’t broke then don’t fix it and Anet for some reason wanted to try to fix the unbroken mechanic and thus were left with a bunch of time and effort put in for redundant systems.

We have a ton of movement systems in the game and we will no doubt have a ton of additional movement systems added but it all seems like a complete waste when you consider all of this is just equal to one single system the mount system. Personally I think it’s to late because redundant systems coupled with season1 means a game in direct competition could catch up extremely fast in terms of content and character development.

Yes beacuse WoW has not tried to reduce the amount of access to mounts and especially flying mounts over the last 2 expansions…. oh no wait, they did. Unfortunately once pandoras box is opened… instead now they have to add arbitrary restrictions in order to limit mount and flying access in WoW in a last ditch effort to keep their open world and questing system semi interesting.

What you call reduntant movement systems I call innovative and more engaging than simply flying or bypassing open world content as fast as possible.

Guild Wars 2 doesn’t need to copy or improve or make it’sself more like something it never wanted to be. Let GW2 remain unique and special.

The rest of your argumentation is basically purely assumptions of how some similar game to GW2 might, would, should or maybe beat GW2 because it has mounts.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The expansion is now bordering over 1.5 years out. There is a multitude of ressources available to read up on and get advice from.

Thousands upon thousands of players have managed to play and finish the content without issue and/or after adapting to the learning curve which is the step from core Tyria to HoT areas.

I understand the reason some might need to vent.

Now maybe make a cup of Tee, check the build you are running and maybe take some more defensive options or ideally ask someone from your guild and/or friends to duo in the beginning.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954

Cyninja.2954 enjoy.

In case you by error posted in the wrong forums, here you go:

Possible Merge with Steam?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I know little of how Steam works, but every time someone posts a request on this forum to have GW2 available on Steam, the common response from those who do know is that Steam takes a sizable hunk of the income for the games it runs. So apparently it’s great for small games that otherwise would have trouble marketing and distributing at all, but terrible for larger companies that are well-known, established, and have easy direct purchase options in place.


Any plans for GW2 on consoles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I was about to write something about cpu core usage and how poor it is in current generation consoles but then figured, if people are to lazy to look up such simple stats and instead like to focus on gfx and other useless stuff it be wasted time.

Simply put: GW2 is not optimised to run on current gen consols, the effort to change this is quite huge and finally as long as you don’t see GW2 on steam, don’t expect arenanet to willingly give Microsoft or Sony part of their cake (go look up what PS4, Xbone and steam have in common monetisation wise).

So, a dps class that wanted for raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


EDIT: if you want to compare damage numbers, perfect rotation cPS on the training dummy gets to about 20-21k. In raid scenarios depending on boss fights and group composition it’s realistic to land 11-13k with not perfect rotations, with ideal boss fights and good play toping at 15-17k. If you are sub 10k on cPS you really need to work on your rotation no matter which boss.

Ehm. 20-21k are realistic to many bosses. On the golem you should go way higher with a good rotation.

Condition PS, not condition berserker. Difference there bud.

He knows lol, benchmark from qt for condition ps is 27.4k, not 20-21k…

My bad, I was mixing up PS with cPS earlier when checking top dps. Still 15k is a very proper median I"ve been seeing in raids on average. Everything above that is fixed raid team crowd, ideal boss, maximum risk and dps situations. Very unlikely to be relevant to someone who is asking about which dps class to play. So adjust what I said to:

- golem perfect rotation at 25k (ramp up time for 27k is absolutely unrealistic so I’m not even going to bother with that for golem dps)

- 15-17k decent dps with bosses that require 0 cc and target switching maybe a high 19k

- 11-13k dps low end and pug likely

- sub 10k absolutely need to run golem practice

The real issue with raiding as a raider...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Why? Did their raid developement stop any non raid content coming out? Did we miss a Living World Episode I was not aware of? Has the developement of expansion 2 been halted?

Dungeons are dead content and will never get more developement until this stance is changed. This has nothing to do with raids so stop shifting the blame.

Fractals have received multiple updates. It’s harder to design extra content for an already existing instance (and if you payed attention you’d know that all fractals are essentially on the same map. A poor design decision I think but one that is hard to reverse) instead of creating a new one (as is the case for raids).

Honestly, I don’t know their internal kitchen, their development priorities, how many devs really work on different content parts and so on. I just see, as I have said earlier, 2 fractals, 0 dungeons and 4 raid wings in HoT. So, if you are playing PvE and want to do something more that grind gold in zerg, you essentially will face lack of the new repeatable content everywhere, except raids. So, if raids are going to be “side content”, then why they are getting so much attention? And if they are getting so much attention, why someone trying to call them “side content”?

Let’s recheck those stats:

- 2 fractals and fractal redesigns please. Those are not magically ingame. Essentially we are looking at multiple reworks of fractals and as I had mentioned, adding fractal content will be way more time consuming than creating a raid wing with some fancy small maps and essentially 3-4 boss fights. Raid maps are empty.

- 4 new maps with 1 more likely coming on tuesday

- 0 dungeons because content that does not get worked on does not appear ingame. Moot point as mentioned since they are not developing for dungeon content any more. This has nothing to do with raids so stop bringing it up as an argument. It’s not.

- 4 Living World episodes with a 5th coming on tuesday

- rebalance of classes every quarter year

- that’s not counting spvp or wvw changes and developement (which are minor compared to total pve developement currently)

I just don’t see how raids are this big of a factor. Raids are the most visible yes, that’s the idea. They are by far not the most time consuming development wise.

So, a dps class that wanted for raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


EDIT: if you want to compare damage numbers, perfect rotation cPS on the training dummy gets to about 20-21k. In raid scenarios depending on boss fights and group composition it’s realistic to land 11-13k with not perfect rotations, with ideal boss fights and good play toping at 15-17k. If you are sub 10k on cPS you really need to work on your rotation no matter which boss.

Ehm. 20-21k are realistic to many bosses. On the golem you should go way higher with a good rotation.

Condition PS, not condition berserker. Difference there bud.

Auric Lodestone drop rate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It’s just pure rng, for the good and bad of it.

Indeed. I think it took me something like 50-100 nodes, so at least way longer than I anticipated.

This. Pure rng which can get nasty.

Took me 3 trips to the map and probably around 40-50 nodes if I remember correctly. Unlike the specialised collections which are almost 100% drop rates, this one is closer to 5-10% I think.

Distortion-share New Meta...

in WvW

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Okay, you got a full mesmer group to troll you until they ran out of cooldowns and got killed.

Funny I admit, not sure if that effective though.

Get someone to run it in a raid if you want it nerfed.

Yes please run 10 man mesmer raids for permanent distortion uptime (which funny enough doesn’t work on key boss attacks which arenanet does not want to have distorted). While doing so please up mesmer dps to levels where the raid actually becomes completable. KK ty bye.

The real issue with raiding as a raider...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Which would make sense in that game, it’s primary end game content, is raiding. Not so in GW2.

So, are you going to say that anet will drop their focus on raids and stop making new wings instead of fractals and dungeons?

Why? Did their raid developement stop any non raid content coming out? Did we miss a Living World Episode I was not aware of? Has the developement of expansion 2 been halted?

Dungeons are dead content and will never get more developement until this stance is changed. This has nothing to do with raids so stop shifting the blame.

Fractals have received multiple updates. It’s harder to design extra content for an already existing instance (and if you payed attention you’d know that all fractals are essentially on the same map. A poor design decision I think but one that is hard to reverse) instead of creating a new one (as is the case for raids).

Season 6 Conclusion is... Frustration.

in PvP

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


All of which wouldn’t matter and wouldn’t happen if

1) Matchmaking had hard limits on its search ranges. Specifically search for players to play with/against ONLY in your division. Nothing higher, nothing lower.


2) All MMR gained/lost from a match is calculated based off of average TEAM MMR, and not personal MMR.

Not sure about the hard ranges, but number 2 definately should be impemented. It’s almost industry standard in most competative team games to get rewarded and penalised based on team rating.

The Biggest Problem With Class Balance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


they can fix the chono issue buy simply introducing a diff elite spec that stacks quickness. Since no class like warr have acess to quickness by default i see it simply as give the ability to generate quickness to more classes as elite specs. For druid as long as gotl is there the other healers are suboptimal

The argument with elite specs is quite a lazy one, because we’ll probably have to go without new elites for a rather long time. In the meantime, they definitely should raise the general buff cap in raids to 10. That would result in warrior, mesmer and druid having one guaranteed spot each and seven spots for competition by dps classes, in contrast to just four right now.

Some issues indeed can only be fixed with a massive update that will probably be reserved for the next expansion. Mesmers need a proper dps build (not just for raids) and that’s not realistically possible without a new elite. But apart from this issue, there’s no excuse not to fix the stuff that can be fixed easily.

This would work and I’m sure it’s on arenanets radar, but this would also require a massive rework of all the other classes involving nerfs. Current raids are balanced around current damage done. Freeing up 2 spots to potentially full dps classes (replacing a mesmer by a dps is a gain of easy 10k dps, PS replacement probaly brings 5k). Thus current dps classes would have to be retuned to compensate if such a change were made if not wanting to risk trivialising content.

When looking at balance changes overall you can notice that there is sweet spot arenanet is trying to achieve. Nerfs to eles and buffs to other classes were all part of this process. I doubt adding 15k potential dps (essentially 1 extra class) to a 10 mann group would go unchecked.

Any plans for GW2 on consoles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Short answer: No.

Longer answer: Very very very unlikely.

So, a dps class that wanted for raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Not sure what to tell you. cPS is just about as desired as you can get. PS in general has 2 spots in every raid and except for some bosses like Keep Construct or other bosses with short burst phases cPS is on par with PS. I’m going to assume that you know that cPS and PS primary raid purpose besides damage is banners and Headbut, that’s a no brainer.

I guess if you want to diversify and have a second class which is supposed to compete for a dps spot the 2 the come to mind immediately are:

- cranger – easy rotation, very good damage and Entangle for some of those boss encounters were adds need to get snared

- tempest – fresh air is not to hard but definately above cPS, very good damage, lots of utility for different encounters

Now if those 2 don’t work for you, any other top tier dps will do like Power guardian (hammer rotation is basically just auto attacks, GS rotation is barely harder) but realise that people often ask for cranger or tempest when filling up dps spots.

EDIT: if you want to compare damage numbers, perfect rotation cPS on the training dummy gets to about 20-21k. In raid scenarios depending on boss fights and group composition it’s realistic to land 11-13k with not perfect rotations, with ideal boss fights and good play toping at 15-17k. If you are sub 10k on cPS you really need to work on your rotation no matter which boss.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Questions about power mesmer in WvW & raiding

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It’s as lot better to use the sigil oif concentration from the start and test it on the golem till you hit your rotation. It is way too efficient to bypass it. Can be difficult when starting but half an hour on the golem and u will be fine. Generally builds without that sigil limit you stat-wise and utility-wise.

I agree, but I tend to give my advise based on what I expect to be realistic scenarios or expectations. I know a huge part of the playerbase have never even entered the training area to practice on the golem. Even if they do, that’s usually after they have started raiding.

Yes, ideally people would gear up completely, get enough practice runs on the golem to be adept at their classes rotation and have read up and maybe watched a video or 2 on the boss they are about to try. In reality the group can be happy if at least one of these is true.