The same could be said of the power of every elite spec we have details on.
Scourge Barrier and Shroud interaction looks busted
Weaver’s nonsense 20% condi duration and damage + 40 more skills
Thief’s 150% killshot damage from 2k range
Firebrands entire overloaded kitBut hey we’re approaching blizzard levels here where in, if everything is OP then nothing really is.
Except of course, the core stuff. Playing a core spec build feels a lot like playing a character in GW without a secondary profession, only more so. It can be done, but
chances are you are going to be underwhelming in comparison.In competitive play, the core-only choices offer too few counters to what the Elite Specs offer. It looks (so far, at least) like that situation is not going to improve with the new Elites. Honestly, that’s about what I expected.
Did Anet ever promise that there would be no power creep? It feels like if someone doesn’t commit to buying HoT or PoF, they shouldn’t play competitive.
They actually did for HoT. Notice the lack of them mentioning of it for PoF.
I won’t be purchasing the expansion, though. The power creep is too much as it is. If I can’t compete on core, I know for sure I’ll be leaving.
How about we all just agree on saying no to mounts as a whole?
Honestly, they should have just released horses as the only mounts, and then they could have released skins for them that were more favorable to the classes.
A horse of the riders of the apocalypse fits the necromancer very, very well. Rugged steeds for warriors, a lithe black mare for thief, an armored one for rev, summoned elemental one for ele, etc.
Bunnies and kitten? For real?
Please, please no.
There’s so much significance in seeing the weapons and whatnot your opponent has before engaging them to know what to activate and what to expect and when to expect it.Tonics f’d that up since jump.
Which is why I never engage anyone with a tonic in a fight and have advocated for their removal since their release.
So, death by lag is not the most important problem in the game, and tactic trolls don’t exist either and Anet is still fixing things that weren’t broken to begin with. Ok.
In other news? RIP gank squads trying to stop players returning to the fights.
The lag isn’t fixable until they reduce condition and boon applications and durations and passives. The WvW team has no control over profession changes, ridiculously.
It all comes down to profession design.
And if the new specs are anything to make assumptions on the future of WvW with, then the population is going to drop even harder.
Sad to say nobody cares about fighting gimmicks when the core gameplay is rotting fast.
Please, please no.
There’s so much significance in seeing the weapons and whatnot your opponent has before engaging them to know what to activate and what to expect and when to expect it. Mounts just add another layer of obscurity here to the central purpose of the format: PvP.
Hopefully they disabled the bloodstone fen gliding skills lol.
Still means smc will be brutal to defend… Need to watch out for third-floor smc drop veil bombs now as well.
Still very stupid, however. Corner someone into top floor garri while you siege it and they can just jump off a cliff to ooc glide and re-enter through various gaps. So much mesmer abuse in keeps… The list keeps on going.
The combat and balance alone is already laughably bad. The matchmaking process is poor. Now we have broken fight and territory mechanics to boot.
When has using your skills while youre gliding ever been a thing? Never lmao, if you’re fighting an enemy zerg in your keep, they cant glide away or glide back in, all of your points are incorrect, don’t knock it till you try it ok thx
1.) Bloodstone Fen gliding masteries.
2.) I was talking about defenders who already control the objective. They can flank or escape and veil bomb from a third dimension and even when backed into a corner.
3.) If gliding works like it does in PvE, then there’s no reward for using terrain to your advantage when making a siege because the glide, accessible only to the escaping defender, cannot be made by the attacking side, meaning they getva free escape despite being out-pushed and out-played. If anything, you’ll be punished for making the chase.
This is exacerbated by mesmers which can utilize gliding during the fall of a keep to re-position into harder-to-find/access locations for portal play.
4.) The mechanics are not fair for all professions or builds. Not everyone incorporates ranged cc onto their preferred style of play/build.
Please think harder about the mechanic before you dismiss my concerns of glaring problems thx.
Hopefully they disabled the bloodstone fen gliding skills lol.
Still means smc will be brutal to defend… Need to watch out for third-floor smc drop veil bombs now as well.
Still very stupid, however. Corner someone into top floor garri while you siege it and they can just jump off a cliff to ooc glide and re-enter through various gaps. So much mesmer abuse in keeps… The list keeps on going.
The combat and balance alone is already laughably bad. The matchmaking process is poor. Now we have broken fight and territory mechanics to boot.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
The meta in high level play will probably stay Daredevil. The boon hate may be enough to justify DE, but I don’t think so. The spec isn’t designed well enough to be good unless it’s mathematically overpowered.
CS/SA/DE or DA/CS/DE with D/P
Those 30k+ backstabs one-shotting warriors and the likes with no revealed is pretty dumb and will likely be what’s played unless the rifle does even more damage than backstab.
In which case, that’s just stupid because I could already backstab for >50k with this spec lol.
The term “op” gets thrown around way too much without being used properly.
There’s nothing “op” about deadeye based on what has been seen and what is known.
Its “killshot” (which requires 2 skills) is not unblockable either…unlike warrior’s (which you can turn unblockable).
So, unless you consider 1-shotting yourself thanks to the plethora of reflects in the game, or burning large amounts of your initiatives on blocks/evades/invul spams that all the other classes have at their disposal “op”, then there’s nothing “op” about deadeye.
Will bad players die to it? Of course…they die to nearly everything. Will they complain about it? Of course…they complain about everything. Is WvW primarily comprised of bad players that feel they’re good when they kill someone while blobbing? Yes…so, you can expect those complaints flooding in.
I don’t think it’ll be OP so much as anti-fun.
You can be a fantastic player and get one-shotted by some guy 1500 out from stealth. I think this class is just going to be mostly people taking pot-shot cheesy 1HKO attempts on others from range, or CS/SA/DE D/P signet thieves getting 40k stabs in other cheese with safe restealth. There really seems to be a definitive lack of skill required to play this spec with a lot of potential payout.
It might not be OP, but neither is something like a 1% chance to deal 50k damage to your target on-hit. Landing 100 hits begs you’d kill the player and is objectively more than what’s needed in most builds, but on the off chance the stars align for it very early on, there’s no way to really deal with it.
The Deadeye implementation we’ve been shown is simply poor design for the health of the competitive side of the game. It’s anti-fun to play against, like other things that have been revealed so far.
I tried BDO with friends and none of us lasted. I just use it to showcase characters I make for D&D.
The gameplay was mediocre and the lag is rubbish, the story is so bad they’d have been better off just outright not making one, endless gear grind, etc. etc.
No thanks, I’d rather just not play video games.
All jokes aside, gimme […] profession balance […] One can wish…
This alone would suffice.
But let’s be real here: It’s very obvious things are about to get even more imbalanced with the new expansion. The new specs look absolutely and tremendously poorly-designed and a number of already-dominant ones appear completely overpowered in their design and implementations.
We can only hope CU eventually comes out and is any good.
DeceiverX is just mad because Anet totally rejected his proposal yet took its name
No, I’m mad the concept they released is bad for the game and bad for the class itself.
They could have released MH torch or make the rifle melee shotgun and called it the Deadeye and I wouldn’t have honestly cared. Stealth-sniping burst kits are objectively not good for competitive games akin to chained immunities and passives.
Perhaps you misunderstand this idea was to not be a sniper at all by proposing the antithesis of it. The goal was mobility and kiting within the confines of a combat and allowing every single trait and weapon setup to have viability and possible synergy while bolstering new ways to play.
You mustn’t have read the OP at all. I said from the getgo I didn’t expect anything to make it. That said, there are a number of huge similarities between some traits and skills, some of which are near-copies exactly, even similar in name.
That said, given the reveal (ha) to be quite honest, if I had any influence at all in ANet’s decision-making process to lead to what they’re pushing out, I now formally regret it with what has been shown.
The upcoming Deadeye ignores all warnings that come with stealth-heavy ranged burst play which have repeatedly been stated by the thief and competitive communities. The kit is ramshackle and lacks synergy while being extremely one-trick-ish. The idea is strictly bad and will never be balanced or more importantly, fun to play as and/or against.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
How many still run vanilla builds? Yeah, thought so. You’ll line up to pay just like every other WvW player.
Or the countless masses that just got up and left with HoT lol.
Based on what I’ve seen… the future of WvW looks very, very grim given the design and balancing nature of the next elites. And we thought it was bad already, lol.
Did you guys seriously expect anything else? I mean I can understand hoping for something else entirely but this is what a sniper is gonna do: suck.
The sniper concept has so much wrong with it on the conceptual level that it’ll never be any good unless it’s completely overpowered.
Have fun with your snipes and mounts, I’ma pass on this expansion I think lol.
Welp with the new specs announced, have fun with your snipers, folks. I tried. Looks like the only thing that made it through was the name lol.
Straght from gw2 stream with potatos who presented live gameplay of deadeye in pvp lobby.
WOW dead eye so trash in pvp, iam calling it now. Much worse than daredevil.
Nothing will ever be as good as Daredevil unless it’s broken numerically.
The concept for Daredevil is about as strong as one can possibly make thief.
Bad spec design is bad, however.
I find a mix of power and condi is the way to go for necro, pvp wise anyway
No, you focus on either condi or power. There is no such thing as a “mix” build
I’ve seen a lot of Reapers have great success in the dueling scene/WvW with hybrid Axe/WH/Staff (Spite/X/Reaper.) But WvW offers greater stat mixing options, so it probably isn’t as strong in sPvP when you’d have to do like Destroyers + Adventurers to get a squishier version of it.
I have tried the destroyers amulet build in PvP and it’s very good when it cones to damage!
But the defense are nearly not existing, so only running a shout build for “Rise!” and Death Magic for toughness gives the build a bit of breath.With low health pool I was running Curses, Death Magic and Reaper (might stacking only up to 18) with GS Axe/WH, doing well in 1vs1 but without chances in 1vs2.
What can be a good WvW stats mix for it? Celestial/Sinister with reaper’s runes?
I’m not sure what the cool kids use, but I’d imagine a mix of Berserkers and like Trailblazers and Carrion for Condi + Toughness/Vitality depending on what they think they’re going to be engaging. (Or just durability runes instead)
Never Celestial for Reapers though anymore, healing power scales very badly with our healing and is almost wasted stats compared to any other option.
You don’t use celestial on reaper for the healing stat, you use it for the other 6.
But you can easily obtain the other six by mixing gear without wasting stat weight on healing power (and even get sone expertise in on the mix.) Berserker + Viper + Soldier + Dire + Trailblazer + Valkyrie + Whatever… Unless your OCD prevents you from having everything not be the same stat prefix.
If you’re trying to push those six stats, the highest you could possibly achieve would still be celestial as each stat would still be roughly 5% higher than a mix of the rest to even gains.
You could to Marauder + Viper and achieve similar figures in something specialized and have “optimal” gains for power I guess, but you’d be sacrificing a lot of power, ferocity, and condition damage to the point it’d be kind of questionable still as to whether or not it’d break even.
It’d only really be useful for very specific circumstances. Otherwise kind of pointless imho and other builds scale better.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
I tried, guys.
As of now, it looks like the OHKO ranged-stealth burster people with a level head in balanced/fun gameplay are so fearful of.
And you know this how?
Just based on the leaked info, it looks very much like a low-mobility burst-oriented sniper or something similar.
I thought the only thing that got leaked were images?
There were a few more details but even from the images you have a lot of icons which that heavily imply stationary, sniping-style play.
Fun is a relative concept. I think it would be fun to burst snipe for 20k from 1200 range. Healthy for the game? Certainly not! Fun? For me hell yeah!
It would be more fun to have an elite skill like this:
‘Murder from above:’
120s cooldown
If a tree is in 360 radius vicinity, teleport onto the top branches and stealth yourself for 15 seconds. Range of ‘20k burst snipe’ skill is increased to 3600 range.
Reveals you to other enemy snipers, making you vulnerable to get sniped.
Why not just play an FPS?
I mean Rev is a pretty bad class as is. This class got stuck as a boon support side-kick DPS and fails to excel as a true damage dealer other than hammer 2.
So i’m not sure how many more nerfs rev can take without being relegated to an even more support / ignored role.
For PvE maybe but that’s going to happen to literally anything that isn’t at the top of the damage or utility charts. It’s the whole “Berserker meta” BS complaint which is impossible to fix because it’s not caused by an imbalance but people optimizing.
The class is very much alive in WvW. In my solo endeavors I’ve come across a lot of good revenants who are very difficult to take down; a number of which I’ve been unable to.
I’d really like to see where these claims about ranger 12k autos are coming from, though. Even a 12k RF is high.
Mesmer and Ele are both heavily combo- and rotation-heavy, though. Condi mesmer is both.
Fun-value, an offense-based thief or guard will provide the most reactive play, though the more damage you try to really push on the thief the less viable it usually becomes.
Hi. I am interested in playing a profession that is mostly reliant on reactive gameplay. I generally find that clutch style of gameplay more stimulating. I enjoy using ‘oh sh**’ buttons and having to react to situations quickly. What would you consider to be the most reactive profession?
Thank you! Heres to the new expac!
Depends on what format you want to play.
Most good builds in this game aren’t reactive, and PvP is broken from passive effects on most professions.
For the PvP formats you’d probably like core power guard or some damage-oriented power S/D thief like DA/Tr/DrD.
I wouldn’t get your hopes up, though. Reactive play here doesn’t really exist because the previous expansion included so many things which cannot be predicted or negated which have a tendency to one-shot or come close to one-shotting people.
I don’t understand how people can justify arguing this:
Can you be effective in all Soldier’s stats? Realistically: no.
Can you be effective in all Dire stats? Proven and common knowledge: yes.
Is someone in Dire stats effective as someone in Berserker stats?
-In zergs: Yes, more effective than Berserker.
-In small scale: Yes, equally as effective, and in some situations, more effective.So where is the justification that one person who is just as effective as another, gets to have ~10k more HP and ~1000 more toughness?
Best post in this thread.
Condis need rework/heavy nerfs, there can be no argument against that.So you’re quoting a post saying that soldier is not working and it leads you to the conclusion that condis needs to be fixed ?
To me, if soldier is not working, then soldier needs a fixing.
Soldier’s and Dire are both “defensive” stat combos 2/3rds vit and toughness and 1 stat dedicated to power or condition damage. So why does 1 do so much more damage than the other? Because the power and condition damage builds are inherently unbalanced in the sense that power needs 3 stats where condition really only needs 1, maybe 2. The problem isn’t with soldier’s, it’s with condition damage. The only way to “fix” soldier’s to be on-par with Dire is adding a ton of precision and ferocity. Then it would be pretty OP and almost a no-brainer for many classes. Doesn’t that tell you something? It’s not soldier’s that’s the problem.
Then why would that need that much precision and ferocity ? What would honestly change in the “power dmg scene” if suddenly all the marauder/zerk gear was turned into soldier ? (WvW talking here, not PvE wells of HP)
Answer is : longer fights. And that’s all. No possibility to kill an enemy in one single well done burst.
Theoretically, crits (and thus, ferocity stat) should be more the icing on the cake than the regular average way for power damage. I can only see two reasons why maximizing those three stats has become compulsory :
- Baseline power is underperforming.
- Players are too lazy and jaded to bother managing a long fight.
I won’t go here into the “best survivability = short fights” topic, because it’s more relevant in PvE than in WvW.
I don’t need to go to the “conditions” topic to talk about power damage underperforming. Yet I’m really bothered because, even if I’m positive there could be an issue, all that I read here reduces down to :
- I want to melt an enemy in a matter of a few seconds = I don’t want to fight, I just want to win fast and easy
- My toy doesn’t work well while my neighbour’s does, so please destroy his so that we both could be unhappy.
Longer fights isn’t a good thing, mate. Frankly, tankier kits are almost always more efficient in the context of PvP in this game. Have you forgotten the defensive amulets were all removed from sPvP because the game was too boring when literally every profession became unkillable because everyone was running a tank spec? Dire has been deemed so overpowered that even during the tank meta in sPvP ANet wouldn’t release its amulet there for the literal reason that the kit was too mathematically OP for the format.
Which is why people are upset. For one, the “killing fast and easy” derivation/claim you’ve made is BS. Not many people are here demanding everyone play full DPS. People usually enjoy that frame of mind more, but that’s really not the claim at large.
Dire/TB condi tanks aren’t actually killable by full tank builds, though, and full tank sustain kits aside from a very select few against a very select few opposing builds can’t out-sustain the dire players which they can do to power ones. It’s that here’s a kill-all tank setup via Dire/TB that nullifies literally every other stat combination in the entire game, regardless of how you want to play, and it shares the same two stats as another kit yet does astronomically more damage at literally zero expense elsewhere in one’s build, typically with gains. That’s not power players complaining. That’s literally everyone except condition players complaining, including a number of condition players who’d prefer other stat combinations and less cheesy so they can get respect for playing well rather than people writing them off as playing cheese.
Current WvW state:
Marauder DH is broken because of huge discrepancy between block uptime and damage.
Marauder Warrior is broken because of huge discrepancy between damage negation and damage.
D/D Condi Thief is broken because of huge discrepancy between evade uptime and damage.
Dire Reaper is broken because of huge discrepancy between susatain and burst capability (a condi bunker that can burst like a full zerker (and spread that kitten to 5 other targets)).
Bunker Druid is broken because of huge discrepancy between mobility and damage (the pet is the problem).
Condi Mesmer (even full viper – I play one from time to time) is broken because of huge discrepancy between mobility, ridiculously low cooldowns (alacrity uptime) and design (dishes out conditions that punish movement and skill activation). Condi Rev shows how balancing should work as he overloads you with torment but is full melee and so can be fought (almost) standing still.
Most of these issues are fixed in sPvP (thief endurance gain nerfed hard, Deadly Chill works different, no tanky amulets, no Durability Rune, no burst sigils…).
Condis are not the problem. Condis are just a part of the bigger problem of PvE balancing in WvW.
Which is what many people, including several in this thread, have been stating for years: The problem lies in risk:reward and is almost entirely caused by gear.
Pre-HoT stat distributions and the removal of Dire gear and you end up with balanced gameplay for the most part with a few exceptions which could be pretty easily fixed via profession changes.
The duration of most conditions should be reduced by 1/2 with a hard cap on most of the damaging conditions of 5~ seconds or so. Expertise needs to go away, the damage of conditions should be increased to compensate for the duration reduction, more cleanses should exist and none of them should happen automatically and resistance should be removed from the game.
Make the game skill based again. Give conditions the ability to burst whilst removing their ability to hang around for 10~20s. Force players to react quickly instead of forcing them to watch their health bar deplete whilst being unable to do anything about it because they don’t have enough cleanses to outlast a trailblazer [profession].
My thoughts.
~ Kovu
Given the aforementioned, this is a viable strategy. Still allows for some good ramp-up but duration boosts etc. throw a lot out of whack, especially in respects to cover conditions re-stacking.
Power does MORE damage and people do not HAVE to invest in more stats. They do because it allows them to do MORE damage.
This is only true in builds running Power + Crit Chance + Ferocity and other modifiers. And I’d hope that a build running three offensive stats would out-damage a build running one. That just makes sense does it not?
Power alone, like a comparison of Dire vs Soldier’s, the dire spec will typically deal around three to six times as much damage at virtually every given point aside from (class-specific) first few hits or skills with high power coefficients.
As for the rest of the discussion, too many people are leaving out too many variables on both sides of the argument. Small things like toughness/armor values and opposing builds make a huge difference in how people need to prepare for power/condition play in general. Some of this even gets very matchup- and combo-specific so it’s pointless without diving into scenarios and working from there.
As of right now, there is definitely a huge balance problem in WvW with condition builds. The community at large, including many condition players, nearly unanimously agrees it’s a problem. It’s largely a problem from a raw stats perspective on the particularly big offenders.
game should allow for simpler effects on skills. may help?
data traffic may be so heavy that the game servers in t1 cant handle it.
It’s not effects or visuals or even the servers themselves, it’s processing the data and the current limitations of the speed of computing with so much going on.
As it’s been stated repeatedly by ANet, the problem lies in profession design and the sheer spammability of various abilities (mostly condi/boon application and passive procs bouncing off each other) which causes huge strain on server hardware. Fixing the issue hardware/software-wise isn’t something within ANet’s control.
If they massively cut down condition and boon access and threw out out passives, we likely wouldn’t lag.
It not as if other MMOs do not suffer from lag. The simple fact is as stuff added to a given game and more calculations need to be made (Which is NOT limited to GW2) lag goes up. If new things not added to a game people move on to find something else.
Cutting out boons and passives and Conditions is removing half the game. It akin to removing all your options from your car so it “lighter” so as to improve fuel economy.
Here I am reminded of pen and paper RPG games. They started off bare bones with minimal rules that were relatively easy to understand. Fun for a while people demanded more so yet more rules added such as specializations, more complex spells, multi-classing and the like. Soon you had ever more rules that became harder to understand and digest. People then got nostalagiac over when they first played the game in its simpler form and how much better it was.
They try to go back to the basics but a great segment of the population that plays the game finds the basics boring as they have been there and done that and they now miss all that new stuff.
This is not to say I do not feel there too many passives and boons and the like . I am not a big fan of passives myself for reasons other then lag but that said I just feel we can not look at them in a vacuum without considering the entire fabric of a given game.
I think you’re not recognizing the difference between cutting boon/condition access and cutting boons and conditions entirely.
The former is more akin to launch GW2 design where you’d maybe get non-permaneny boon uptime and 1 condition per attack on a condi kit with no shared application benefits rather than allowing a group of five people to stack 150 stacks of conditions within a two second window on five other targets like we can now, where we have huge chains of passives proccing each other which puts a lot of strain on resources in a large scale. More numbers and rules doesn’t make a game better if those numbers and rules are there for no good reason and inhibit the game elsewhere which if isolated works fine. That just begs for changes.
Personally, I think Its pretty easy to dodge out of the way of coalescence or ruin.
The funny thing is you don’t even have to dodge it. Just strafe. Not even joking, it will miss everytime on someone strafing.
Most people that die to CoR were most likely either
1.) Already low on health, and anything would have killed them
2.) Tried to facetank the enemy, and would have been cleaved by anything
3.) Standing still.It was once a BS skill, but post nerf it seems fairly managable.
Also note that while you could probably hit random stragglers for 12k, in practice it may be a little less due to easy tempest aoe protection, frost aura and also random rite of the great dwarf and whatever voodoo invul is around these days.
Finally, in big groups, it is not just about numbers. Sacrificing group survival for more personal dps can work, but it may also have indirect effects when your own people drop and end up rallying the people you just downed.
That being said, I guess hammer could use a rework since it is just a zerg weapon atm.
And that’s kinda the thing. It’s super easy to avoid in small-scale or 1v1 but the visual clutter from everything going on in a ZvZ with the skill having no reflect/deflect and the likes just lets it drop five people out of nowhere every four seconds.
Hammer just needs a rework in its entirety.
I tried, guys.
As of now, it looks like the OHKO ranged-stealth burster people with a level head in balanced/fun gameplay are so fearful of.
And you know this how?
Just based on the leaked info, it looks very much like a low-mobility burst-oriented sniper or something similar.
Anet doesn’t contract work out to forum posters, so I don’t know what you think you attempted.
I am aware of this in that ANet is under no obligation to take any suggestions made. I could only try to plant the general concepts underlying my proposal in hopes the reasoning behind it would prevent something un-fun from popping up in the future.
I can only really speak from power reaper experience. I played condi for a day and got bored with the facerolly nature of it. There’s little room to outplay people and it becomes a battle of the builds.
If this is WvW, power reaper stands a hell of a lot better of a chance against Daredevil than condi. CC lock them and build into mobility and you’ll keep up better than most other professions. If you actually play into a reaper’s mobility, it can catch people off guard with how much it can close a gap. You should already be doing this for any power build in a PvP environment, so it’s not like it only helps against the Daredevil matchup. You’ll need to learn how to play as and against thief to do it (timing on Suffer to send back weakness etc is huge), but you should beat a majority of daredevils as a power reaper if you run things like A/D + GS, CC-chain properly, and use your range and huge cleave radius and raw damage/defense to your advantage. You need to play very aggressively at the right time against them, but if you do, you can destroy them without much issue. Usually only takes 3/4 of a Soul Spiral to 100-0 them.
Exec Scythe if the scythe lands close to a stealthed target does track stealth, by the way. Learning to predict stealth and utilize cooldowns will kill most thieves that aren’t in the top like 2% of players.
As a power reaper, the only build which you really just can’t kill is Boonbunker staff druid. It’s just as mobile as Daredevil with a lot more sustain, innate defense, and will zone you out from its range and pet cutting your life force. Just run from that fight.
You’re going to struggle immensely against condi reapers as you’ll lack the cleanses, be taking huge damage hits from their larger health pools and armor rating on top of mass-weakness applications, all while your own conditions will be transferred and used against you. It’s hard, but winnable.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
I tried, guys.
As of now, it looks like the OHKO ranged-stealth burster people with a level head in balanced/fun gameplay are so fearful of.
You can’t compare skill kit similarity by what is in their skill slots. Your basis for your argument would suggest that if there were another kit which had the exact same skills as P/D just in mixed order, it’d be nothing like P/D, despite being the literal equivalent. Your reflection needs to account for all utility of all skills and in their respective use-cases as a response to combat in what type of encounters. P/D and D/D have a lot of similarities given how they need to play and in their overall consistency. If P/D rivaled D/P’s consistency it’d have been played and have been dominant from the getgo.
A good D/D player will tell you HS is not a primary source of damage but a secondary source when it calls specifically for its use as a damage and gap close tool. P/D has no “burst” because it doesn’t “burst” conditions on one button except for steal. P/D via Sneak Attack and Shadow Stike do have power burst tools because those two abilities, paired with CnD, offer substantial coefficients, which before the AA buff, were playable as power (a guildmember and I both ran P/D power for a period of several years/several months respectively and had zero issues). It’s a functionally-worse version of shadow shot for an overwhelming majority of all fights while providing no bonus utility. The finisher damage-case is almost irrelevant, and the skill when used properly is used almost entirely for the mobility and utility (ignoring cripple/chill etc.) it provides. If you want damage on D/D, you don’t waste it on HS unless you can on the fly calculate exactly what you need when, but that’s almost arbitrary given the boon generation in the game at the moment. Even D/P does not utilize the skill except to leap BP because Shadow Shot in almost all cases is more consistent while offering superior or similar damage and provides extra utility via the blind while also traveling further and faster as a gap closer. Shadow Shot is better than Body Shot and Heartseeker, and further, very few thieves playing D/P utilize Backstab because it’s a damage loss versus just AA’ing and Shadow Shot. HS is almost strictly a utility tool at this point on MH dagger.
Again, use case measure here. Shadow Shot is utilized only when the thief wishes to engage. DB and SStrike can be used as defensive, escape, and supplementary tools. DB’s not used to proc dodge effects but to dodge incoming damage itself and/or provide a reposition, however small its movement effect is. Even still, it’s more comparable to Body Shot as a measure of utility per fight (powerful when necessary, not good when not necessary) with HS better-aligned to correspond with the utility from SStrike, which is variable in use and both can be used as defensive and offensive tools. The only similarity which makes SStrike closer to SShot is its power coefficient.
DDagger is unreliable in power kits as a source of chase potential and is best-mixed with HS to account for a difference in mobility faster than depending on cripple. The damage is poor in both kits and frankly I find myself using this only for its AoE potential to clear mesmer clones, get tags for bloodlust stacks, and pop proc effects from range (guardian aegis and other passives). Rarely is the skill actually worthwhile to use outside of offering a potential solution to some problem in a fight; usually when DDagger is used, the entire bar of initiative is dumped using it because all other skills cannot be used at the time nor for the forseeable future. Other use cases like downed heal interruption are shared between both kits in regards to its utility.
Your argument for skill 5 is identical to Backstab as providing defensive and offensive utility and represents a core part of D/D power’s and P/D condi’s usability in respects to bursting targets down. Headshot is a closer comparison to Body Shot than BP+HS. Once again, power D/P does not use backstab for damage unless it’s guaranteed, as it otherwise wastes time and initiative and better damage is achieved via other skills. The BP+HS combo when against top players is largely used for stealth solely for utility rather than any offensive pressure due to backstab’s damage losses and punishable attack ICD.
This is a stupid argument, though. P/D isn’t consistent enough and in most cases does not fill the role of the thief in the context of the meta (past and present) as well to be compared to D/P. The kit may be strong in the right hands, and in the right hands, like D/D power, can be played much above peoples’ initial expectations of the capabilities of the set, but that does not make it even remotely in the same region of competitiveness.
My guildmate’s condi build hits CoR for 6k and my crappy-geared lowly-optimized rev was regularly pushing 10-12k’s.
Frankly if you can’t get above a 7k CoR you’re doing something horribly wrong. It’s so easy to push over 10k with with negligible build sacrifices or proc-dependencies.
CR is what pushes an optimized hammer rev’s CoR damage to the >20k margin.
Whether or not the skill hits too hard isn’t even really the issue at hand; the whole of hammer needs major changes because of how stupidly binary and poorly-designed it is.
The damage is overbearing in WvW since it can’t be reflected or negated by traditional projectile hate while being a super low cooldown AoE and is hard to see with all the particles/glowing skins flying around, meanwhile the kit is a joke and totally worthless in most other forms of play.
Both of these are just caused by poor design. Hammer damage could and should easily afford a nerf if it offered proper utility or consistency in smaller-scale fighting.
game should allow for simpler effects on skills. may help?
data traffic may be so heavy that the game servers in t1 cant handle it.
It’s not effects or visuals or even the servers themselves, it’s processing the data and the current limitations of the speed of computing with so much going on.
As it’s been stated repeatedly by ANet, the problem lies in profession design and the sheer spammability of various abilities (mostly condi/boon application and passive procs bouncing off each other) which causes huge strain on server hardware. Fixing the issue hardware/software-wise isn’t something within ANet’s control.
If they massively cut down condition and boon access and threw out out passives, we likely wouldn’t lag.
I haven’t once checked how many tickets I have. There was a time where I felt compelled to WvW as much as possible for things like server pride and the war effort and, looking back, it wasn’t worth it. So when I saw something else that suggested I put in extra hours, I didn’t think twice about turning it down.
The game’s much more fun this way.
Also can we ever get a kitten patch that adds more than updates to score and rewards? Anet can go around saying they spent so much time on WvW. But we’re still playing the same game as 2 years ago, only the numbers and blinking screen text has changed. Give us some kittening balance while you’re at it.
The problem is the WvW team only has the ability to control these things.
Anything pertaining to skills/profession design/balance comes from a PvE team dedicated to professions, where input from others is pretty much ignored unless the problem comes from PvE (like trapper thief being nerfed a week after it soloed a raid).
Yes but you do not utilize #2 as your primary source of damage to actively win a fight. You use it for dodge denial, preventing a gap from being closed, and damage ramp, just as a good D/D power thief uses DB several times a fight to avoid incoming large attacks rather than burning the dodge.
Unless you never enter stealth with D/P, you likely use them about the same. Stealth should be maintained almost fully when not in combat when playing D/P to enjoy gank unpredictability when moving around the map. It’s a big reason why D/P and Blinding Powder (and Refuge beforehand) have been used so much at the highest levels of play for so long.
The stray from CnD/SA is build-specific and like D/D power, something only likely really utilized once or twice per fight per enemy with the bulk of the overall damage of the fight coming from other sources.
Like D/D, you wouldn’t use a number of skills in various contexts or are weak in others (reflect/projectile hate etc.) but can exploit weaknesses extremely well when they open up. That’s the big gain to D/P and why it’s always been dominant; it has an answer for virtually everything while retaining good purpose in every skill it has through its kit diversity.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
Not to nitpick too much, but I think P/D’s skill-usage distribution plays more like D/D power, and D/D condi plays more like P/P power.
Skills 2/4 on P/D and 3/4 on D/D power are situational with “bread and butter” damage sources being 5/1/3 and 5/1/2, respectively, however the other skills on both are strong when used at the right time. Both kits can be strong but are pretty dependent on things like the matchup and fight states than anything else.
D/D condi and P/P power typically just mash 3 with the occasional use of 4/5 and AA’s, deal asinine amounts of damage for how easy they are, and are quite forgiving to play given their relative simplicity, while both taper off at higher skill levels given their counters lying in their same moments as their strengths.
D/P has all of its skills always used heavily and rarely are any of the options wasteful when it comes to initiative or killing potential outside of blatantly-obvious poor decision-making. It’s not that it’s implicitly easier or better (granted I personally think this after years of playing D/D power with solid success) but it’s just so much more consistent, when helps a lot when you can’t change builds in the middle of a match and are mostly there to + 1, to which it objectively offers the best surprise ganks given BP + HS sustained stealth.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
what i don’t see on this is Ricochet trait anywhere.. gaining rifles is pointless without it.
Not to sound like a prude but it’s only pointless to not have the trait if the Deadeye was designed to feature AoE play with the rifle. It isn’t, so it’s not really pointless considering the whole point of this rifle is control rather than damage, because damage on the rifle would be unfun to play against.
If the trait should come back, it should replace Ankle Shots. Pistol’s damage is fine if not too bursty since the buffs, but the AoE nature would probably break this proposal if it applied to rifles despite the synergy. I’m not going to run numbers and simulate encounters like before to affirm or deny this claim, though, because at this point I can’t be bothered; this entire proposal is no longer really valid given the changes to core thief as it is.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
Since we’re talking about issues with monsters in WvW, can the number of Ascalonians by blue keep finally be toned down or made non-aggressive? They ruin fights and escapes anywhere near the keep for defenders by forcing combat early and slowing down responses to attackers.
That said, Hammer Bolt does need a nerf of some kind to its damage. This shouldn’t happen against an ascended/maxed medium player with an AA from 1500 away. As you can see the rest of the damage I was taking was totally normal so it’s not like I was missing armor or anything to be deceptive on the screen. I’m a ridiculously durable thief as well with +8k health; That AA would have likely one-shotted an exotic-wearing thief in non-toughness/vit gear.
I think hammer bolt is a straight flying projectile and is 1200 range unless that has been changed.
Secondly hammer Bolt itself isn’t inherently strong since it’s damage coefficient is only 0.95. it in itself is fine as a skill. What makes it strong is all the self sufficient damage modifiers revs have access to via traits that will almost triple the next attacks damage under the right circutnaces then also having one of the highest ferocity and crit chance in the game due to aura and GM trait.
As another person put it here, it definitely isn’t 1200 or has the capacity to gain huge ranged increases. I don’t really play rev (or for that matter GW2 in general) that much at all as I loathe the playstyle, but there are times when I’m getting hit by revs at roughly 50% further distance than what Steal/IStrike can close the gap on.
I get that CR and various other modifiers break a lot of the revenant (thief AA’s have a similar problem but are at much higher risk, and I opposed the AA buff there to begin with) and are mostly to blame, but there’s honestly no way to justify the capacity for such crazy damage on a huge-range baseline-piercing AA from a heavy that aready packs a spammable non-reflectable ranged AoE backstab, projectile block, and hard CC’ing nuke in the same kit. If the rest of rev isn’t broken, the AA could frankly take a nerf in the interim of a rework given the fact the weapon is mostly just used (and subsequently abused) in WvW, and we know the next weapon for the rev will be the longbow which could fill an AA-heavy ranged option for the profession as well.
I don’t like putting weapons into states where they’re only usable for one purpose, but I’d much prefer a weapon to be a good pick for a niche purpose and weaker overall rather than being near-mindless and very overpowered for that small niche purpose in order to make it usable for a broader scope.
Hammer rev in respects to CoR, much like most of rev, needs a re-design. Numbers changes won’t fix hammer because it’s terrible in the 1v1.
That said, Hammer Bolt does need a nerf of some kind to its damage. This shouldn’t happen against an ascended/maxed medium player with an AA from 1500 away. As you can see the rest of the damage I was taking was totally normal so it’s not like I was missing armor or anything to be deceptive on the screen. I’m a ridiculously durable thief as well with +8k health; That AA would have likely one-shotted an exotic-wearing thief in non-toughness/vit gear.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
I think the key (lore related) reason it looks the way it does now is so nothing can blow it up. At least not as easily.
Seriously, I get that people like the pirate theme. I personally, don’t, but whatever. Personal taste. But not EVERYONE does. I actually like the new design better, and it makes more sense. Rotting boats from a bygone era of sea piracy (Tyria has made boats pretty much obsolete for anything other than fishing) make for a terribly dangerous city to live in.
Wooden boats forced to stand in odd positions they’re not designed for would require constant maintenance to keep upright. They have no chance against any kind of attack. But most importantly, the aesthetic just does not fit anymore. In a world now full of magitech and steampunk marvels of engineering, the richest trade hub on the continent is a bunch of people squatting in ancient boats. It’s weird.
I don’t see why it’s any less-prone to being blown up than before. If we had Scarlet V2 invade the same damage would happen; it’d just look less catastrophic because there’s simply less around.
When you consider the cost of running and maintaining seafaring vessels for bulk trading and constant transportation versus whatever the top-of-the-line innovation of transportation is, it’s far cheaper and safer to distribute via more traditional means. Comparing military airships to BLTC trading boats is like comparing aircraft carriers to barges. The operating cost is thousands of times higher on the former and isn’t practical day-to-day.
I know it’s personal taste, but I know I’m not in a small group of players when I state I preferred the old rustic feel to GW2 more than the magitech-driven worldspace that started going haywire with S2, and most notably, HoT. It begs questions about what GW2 was and what it’s become. That rustic nature really let GW2 stand out in the industry. The game environment feels super generic these days as a consequence of their change in heart about how the world runs. I recognize the need for a living world to have innovation, but it seems excessively quick and overly convenient a lot of the time.
Considering WvW had even less rewards before this funky implementation of reward PIP-(that the OP values at least partially), when was this game mode “fun?” Dropping nostalgia goggles, why was/was not fun back then?
The balance and class diversity on top of general gameplay were bar-non the best in the game of all formats, and any group of any size could be impactful.
I could take literally any build concept and make it work in WvW at one point, in any circumstance. Even in the days of tank hammertrain thieves and gank classes if played properly could single-handedly account for winning or losing a ZvZ/GvG.
The power creep and general poor profession design decisions from HoT, the guild upgrades and locking of +5 supply behind expensive guild halls, and un-fun mechanics like Watchtower and DBL keeping roamers from the game leading to the omniblob make the game substantially less fun for a majority of players.
All they had to do was make food free and siege blueprints no longer consumable to fix WvW rewards. That’s it. Boom, there’s the loot and profitability. Attention is just in all the wrong places, notably profession and gear balance.
I must have missed the part where it’s written that you must hit the ticket cap each week. lol
Would be nice if we could all be rewarded fairly for doing the same activities, instead of giving huge advantages to those who played mindlessly for years with no clear objective or gain. Who argue that they play not for rewards but for fun but instantly turn on a dime to defend not giving out said rewards which they don’t care about to others.
It’s not intrinsically about denying people the rewards. It’s about being recognized and making a statement: We played “mindlessly” (lol, for serious dude, we play for the fights and no other reason) for years because we played WvW solely for the experience of WvW. As soon as anyone acknowledges and abides to the notion that WvW is fixable solely with more rewards, they immediately destroy all of what’s left of WvW and invalidate all of what it ever could have been by outright ignoring the problem at its core.
It exposes the fundamental flaw of the format, like any proper PvP game: People are supposed to play it because it’s fun, not for some arbitrary shiny which once achieved they’ll never set foot back into the game mode. It’d be like playing League of Legends just because you wanted to show off your extensive champion pool to your friends. That’s just doing it wrong.
If WvW was really in good shape or had comparable rewards from the get-go which anyone else could have accumulated over the years, people wouldn’t be complaining. It’s just that “ermagerd the shiny is locked behind actually playing the game,” and people lose their minds.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique
And a swinging hot spotDon’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got til its gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lotThey took all the trees
And put ’em in a tree museum
And they charged the people
A dollar and a half to seem ’emNo no no
Don’t it always seem to go,
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Til its gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lotHey farmer farmer
Put away the DDT
I don’t care about spots on my apples
Leave me the birds and the bees
Please!Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Til its gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
Hey, now they paved paradise
To put up a parking lot
Why not?Listenin’ late…
Big Yellow Taxi
Applicable in the case of the world having depth and meaning.
To be quite honest, new LA is devoid of all emotion and also devoid of all logic in its construction.
The old city felt like a city. New LA is pretty but feels absolutely nothing like the harbor and economic powerhouse that it’s supposed to be.
The BLTC is supposed to be a no-nonsense business center – the Lionguard and their grit, and the very real possibility that things like pirates are part of the world and so on in the story portrayed this excellently and really fit well. New LA looks like a place people would retire to. Unlike beautiful monuments which mourn the losses caused from major battles/attacks, there is no sense of respect to the fallen, no sense of real personality, behind the new LA. It honestly looks like the designers were perfectly happy with the total annihilation of a large quantity of people and infrastructure as an excuse to make HappyLand: the place where everything is pretty and safe.
Does anyone know how to go directly to the trait panel with one key like this person does at 9:13?
I couldn’t find a bind for it in the key bindings, so for years I’ve just been pressing h, then having to manually click the tab.
Edit: Oh, after looking at the video some more, it looks like he is using a macro, the mouse just appears in the correct locations… Is that even allowed?
No idea about the hero panel – but the mouse always being in teh right spot is something you get used to. I guess mine’s always where I need it as well – well almost always.
The person in the video is a ‘she’ btw.And there’s a lot of good thieves in this game and according to what Deceiver told us how he’s playing (never saw it) – he should be the best – by far!
Good luck – and please don’t randomly accuse people to cheat or anything.
Just regarding the trait swapping, it isn’t the mouse being in the right place; it magically just appears on the trait from totally different locations if you slow down the video.
Terrisimo has historically been good and has done a lot for the community, but Sindrener is the better thief (#1 in sPvP and winner of worlds with amazing displays in WvW) and I am severely disappointed in the very blatant macro use being displayed. Sind is also very helpful and usually willing to provide meaningful insight if you actually care to improve instead of camping outdated/bad kits like I do.
If you really look at the footage, the mouse doesn’t even move; within two frames it’s just outright changed locations. This isn’t a random accusation; Terrismo is actually just cheating in the aforementioned footage.
Min Scherzo is also very skilled, particularly with staff, and has consistently also been a top sPvP’er and impressive and WvW player in the past few years. If you’d prefer to use the staff, he’s the guy to ask about it.
And well, I can provide insight about D/D power, but let’s be honest: The kit is trash and won’t get you any real results while playing it.
As long as I remember it is stated in the Anets own policy Policy: 3rd-Party programs; Multi-Boxing; Macros that Macros are allowed to be used as long as they won’t press more than one skill/click at one time. Is that not the case?
Moving the mouse and clicking the trait is two actions, even if we assume the menu is being opened and closed manually.
Otherwise it’s four and five with the mouse moving back respectively.
A similar macro using AA and click to move would be called a bot, which is also illegal.
With blinds the radius is a problem because it’s offsetting other skills which have too large of radii and leaving the rest at a loss. Arc Divider is just silly in this regard, and so on. I don’t think trying to fix other professions via changes to the rest is a good idea in general. Those radii should be reduced and problem solved.
Stealth is already largely resetting the timer on high stealth uptime builds so to speak; there is a maximum duration upon re-application so it pretty much already exists like that. The biggest issues regarding balance for the thief and stealth builds in general is just how accessible it is and how much it can be sustained for long periods of time. IMHO, the best thing you could ask for is simply to make stealth timers simply not stack or reset at all – you get one fixed duration. Yes, it might throw the thief a bit out of whack in terms of balance, but on the design level I think this is something that needs to happen to make the thief more fun.
1k health per second is still a tremendous amount. I know the thief is squishy, but that effect during stealth basically gives every stealth (as proposed) a 50% base hp heal every few seconds. I don’t really know if I have an alternative right this moment, but I don’t necessarily think it’d be a good idea.
Yeah, being a S/D player I appreciated the old jump-casts and it helped a lot against condition builds while applying pressure. Just how it is, though.
You understand correctly with FS/LS; both attacks unblockable. I think this alone would help S/D tremendously given LS’s high damage value and boon stealing. Would definitely impact the thief/DH matchup a lot. Granted, this may make S/D a bit 3-spammy against guard, and may warrant some damage redistribution elsewhere on the kit (buff AA, nerf LS damage), but I think it’d be the best way to handle S/D in terms of its overall usability.
I gave a more holistic overview of some propsoed OH dagger fixes here a while ago:
Stealth → Blinds has some pretty severe implications for resistance and condition removal effects. 450 radius is also insane. Arc Divider is OP only for this reason as well.
Upping base stealth durations won’t work without increasing the initiative cost on weapon skills used to gain stealth, especially given the blind access for something as simple as a Steal→BP → HS combo. Even when BP was on a 1s pulse the blind application was too overpowered on its small radius due to how much damage the thief could mitigate this way.
SR would just be kinda busted if changed to that, especially stacking with RoS.
They’ll never revert jump-casts on IS. I’ve done all in my power to communicate the importance of it, and while it was a big part of the kit, they’re never going to undo this. Even Robert Gee has come out directly and said as such.
S/D needs some other utility and damage improvements to things like DDagger and its stealth skill to really warrant use in general. 5% won’t really do much, and the FS/LS change, while keeping the kit out of viability in sPvP, was only largely viable due to the boon stealing capacity in the past boonbunker sPvP metas more than anything else. For a lot of players, the ability to chain FS is a huge gain as it has no precast or aftercast periods so the evasion uptime is amazing for disengages and skill avoidance when in the right hands.
Of all things for S/D, I’d just have to say FS should become unblockable as well as LS and the kit becomes very usable while still promoting smarter play and letting the weapon keep its potential no-target dodge utility. This may even warrant some damage nerfs to LS and putting more damage from it into the second hit of the AA chain on sword, but getting the consistency here is a big deal, and it gives S/D thieves a better way to deal with more things rather than just precast 3 into a fight to stomp harder.
D/D needs substantial design changes to DB and DDagger which I’ve outlined a bunch in the past. DB focusing on dodges and mobility, and DDagger some AoE and power damage and control condition application would give D/D the utility it needs while help pushing some further love to P/D’s damage as well.
CnD doesn’t need a blind. The issue with D/D is the unreliability of the set and its over-dependence on CnD landing. You addressed the issue with S/D as being the blocks; power D/D has the same if not worse problem, and like LS, there’s plenty of punishment out there as it is when the first hit (CnD/FS) lands. To make stealth more accessible to more builds and bump the kit’s reliability, CnD’s initiative cost should just be reduced to 4.
S/P doesn’t need a ton. If PW’s delay is to be reduced, its absurd cleave radius (nearly 300 degrees) should become more in-line with the animation as to let people who do flank/kite out of the impact be rewarded.
SoH steal reduction should be made baseline just because CC often hurts more than helps these days from passives. Preparedness baseline is controversial as I’m not 100% sure it’d make Trickery worthwhile to really pick beyond that point.
Given the changes to DB, Backstab should just baseline apply a few stacks of 4s poison to compensate D/D condi players for the lost damage. This keeps them still using DB for damage for procs on DT but also utilizing stealth and the other parts of the kit rather than just mashing 3 in order to achieve good damage.
Does anyone know how to go directly to the trait panel with one key like this person does at 9:13?
I couldn’t find a bind for it in the key bindings, so for years I’ve just been pressing h, then having to manually click the tab.
Edit: Oh, after looking at the video some more, it looks like he is using a macro, the mouse just appears in the correct locations… Is that even allowed?
No idea about the hero panel – but the mouse always being in teh right spot is something you get used to. I guess mine’s always where I need it as well – well almost always.
The person in the video is a ‘she’ btw.And there’s a lot of good thieves in this game and according to what Deceiver told us how he’s playing (never saw it) – he should be the best – by far!
Good luck – and please don’t randomly accuse people to cheat or anything.
Just regarding the trait swapping, it isn’t the mouse being in the right place; it magically just appears on the trait from totally different locations if you slow down the video.
Terrisimo has historically been good and has done a lot for the community, but Sindrener is the better thief (#1 in sPvP and winner of worlds with amazing displays in WvW) and I am severely disappointed in the very blatant macro use being displayed. Sind is also very helpful and usually willing to provide meaningful insight if you actually care to improve instead of camping outdated/bad kits like I do.
If you really look at the footage, the mouse doesn’t even move; within two frames it’s just outright changed locations. This isn’t a random accusation; Terrismo is actually just cheating in the aforementioned footage.
Min Scherzo is also very skilled, particularly with staff, and has consistently also been a top sPvP’er and impressive and WvW player in the past few years. If you’d prefer to use the staff, he’s the guy to ask about it.
And well, I can provide insight about D/D power, but let’s be honest: The kit is trash and won’t get you any real results while playing it.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
Doesn’t affect ticks, or at least never has historically.
Does anyone know how to go directly to the trait panel with one key like this person does at 9:13?
I couldn’t find a bind for it in the key bindings, so for years I’ve just been pressing h, then having to manually click the tab.
Edit: Oh, after looking at the video some more, it looks like he is using a macro, the mouse just appears in the correct locations… Is that even allowed?
It isn’t allowed, which disappointed me. Begs questions about the legitimacy of past gameplay, too.
Sindrener is the best thief in the game and honestly more helpful in general if you’re not annoying and will actually try to improve.