There’s some extreme context denial on display in this thread.
You can’t compare petless core ranger to SB with a selfish build. Rangers are taken as it is for their party-wide damage augmentation which is massive such that it makes up for their lower-than-thief-level damage.
Ya on druid, and that’s only when playing a healer role or condi spec.
Plain frost spotter is not enough to justify power ranger anymore. People will just insist you go cranger instead and do ~30% more damage.
And how many top-tier builds are there for most other professions?
It’s stupid to talk about optimization in the game for competitive speed clears when there’s only ever going to be only one optimum. Anything else is just downright wrong when you get technical.
OP’s testing methods and logic are still flawed at the end of the day, and when evaluating outgoing damage as far as DPS goes, you need to include any modifiers given party-wide to said profession.
Optimized group PvE is in fact a group effort where everyone partakes in a comp to complete the content… optimally. You don’t need an optimal comp to clear the content as people have proven time and time again.
Ranger is king in open-world, a strong pick in the PvE scene, and is one of the best small-scale PvP classes in all of GW2, with an emerging zerg presence via SB as well. You can’t say the class is overly-weak because it has low personal DPS. Every profession can argue something similar in some other context. Don’t like it? Either play a new profession in the role you like or don’t do the content if you don’t enjoy doing it in such a way.
To fix some of the issues with the ranger would require (like many professions) sweeping reworks of major systems, skills, and design principles. ANet is only willing to do shoddy balance patches three times a year as it is, so don’t get your hopes up.
Buffing the ranger to be so competitive as a selfish DPS option would invalidate the entire purpose of various other professions in their entirety in nearly all scenarios. SB as it is will help a lot more than people are recognizing.
Or rather Anet can take this data and buff the coefficient of core ranger weapons so Soulbeast doesn’t has to be OP to bring us on par?
This is sort of a reminder post for Anet’s dev. It’s not like power ranger is OP in PVP anyway, so buffing the coefficient shouldn’t be a problem.
You just tested without using the pet’s damage for one, the other being that a loss of pet does also reduce available utility in a lot of encounters. If you make petless core ranger deal the same amount of damage from itself kitten you end up nullifying the purpose of SB.
Like every other spec, there is only going to be one or maybe two viable builds for any kind of content when optimized. Until ANet starts constantly changing balance and reworking things, it’s going to be this way. This is the same thing about the “berserker amulet OP” complaints which did nothing but shift the meta and give people to complain and hone in more on profession/build comps etc.
That’s a fact you just need to face when looking at optimization problems like raids. The problems lie more with higher-level problems than numerical balance.
Pet dps is like 3~3.5k max when grab nature magic (boon share), and 2~2.5k~ without nature magic (cuz boon application priority issue), so adding that doesn’t change much honestly.
Also, a serious note, Power ranger is NEVER strong in any of the game mode, be it open world, wvw, pvp, raid, anything, so abit dps buff really isn’t a big issue here.
I’m sorry, are you not just assuming your might is capped from other players like it should be when in environments where DPS matters?
The only time DPS matters is raids. Everything else is about burst and sustain presence, which the ranger comes close to topping the charts at in both for any given gear combination compared to a similarly-geared other class.
Power ranger is a strong small-scale/roaming option if you’re good. Not with full PvE berserker gear running all offensive utilities, but it can pump serious damage building just a little bit tanky and can sustain a lot better than a majority of builds as a consequence.