Can we just have a little info on your plan to fix this? I hate the silence on this topic so much :[
still no response O-O this is ridiculous…
I hope they don’t ignore this topic like they did on the teq thread :/
I am so sick of this issue… Anet, I know it’s not going to get fixed right away, but update us on how it’s going.
Another day without a word on this topic. Disheartening :[
Why won’t they respond to this thread?
This is a huge shame. I go around the world solo, doing my world completion and have a really fun time, but once I hit some group events I feel so worthless because I do such little damage due to bleed cap :[
At least they’ve announced the next living story. I think we can all look forward to the new content that will smooth over this condition kerfuffle.
No. This has been a serious issue since release and will continue to be until they fix it.
I hope we get an official response soon :[
They should design around limitations (common sense)
My husband’s playing a power build right now, so I just stare at him with envy and rage as he plows through turrets and walls and I throw my little stones at them and do 1/4 the damage.
Tell me you love me again :[
Can we get a response on this?
I wish I could somehow tell all the Chinese players on their release day to just play a power build so they don’t ruin the game for themselves. Wish I knew how low on the priority list of fixing this was before I started playing…
If the bleed cap is a technical limitation, then why did you make classes that stack 14 bleeds?
I hope we get a response on this soon…
Glad to see no one acknowledged the fact that Teq cannot be critically hit. zerker builds aren’t exactly useful either. GW has always been about making people bring the right tools for the right task. Every profession can contribute fully in the teq fight with the right tools, this is already miles ahead of the GW1 days where if you’re not ele, sin or war it’s gtfo.
This is such a strange post because at the end of it you praise more accessibility and contradict your original opinion.
We’re beyond arguing if it’s a good idea or not, we’re just waiting impatiently for a response and a fix because of how horribly designed and addressed the issue is.
Anet trying to force this sPvP eSports bs is what’s messing this game up. GIVE UP ANET, YOUR SPVP SUCKS. NOW FIX YOUR PVE PLEASE. ty
It actually effects sPvP too. Gates and trebuchets are objects and conditions don’t effect them. It effects every part of the game. :/
This needs an official response that’s more than we’re aware of the issue or its technical limitations.
If it is technical, gives us a timeline or a plan to fix it, or straight up tell us if it’s not going to change. This isn’t one of those issues that should be put on the back-burner. It needs to be addressed and constantly updated on until fixed, like culling.
(edited by Derek.9021)
I honestly can’t imagine a game having this issue, let alone be ignored for so long. Imagine WoW’s warlock DoTs not applying or getting replaced after .1 second.
I love guild wars 2, but this is the kind of thing that makes me wait for the next big game to play, hoping a good dev team comes along finally. I am losing interest because I don’t feel like I’m contributing, and I’m actually not.
I like that once it hits 25 stacks, deals it in direct dmg to reset bleed stacks. I’d rather it stick to DoT theme though and add a stack of a new buff that does that direct damage over 30 sec or something and stacks to 25.
Idk! Im not a dev. They should have thought of something a loooong time ago :/
Biggest problem with the game for me by far. I hate how this game handles conditions. It honestly feels like Anet doesn’t even acknowledge their existence. It’s ridiculous.
Every open world event atm is zerg win, most of the dungeons are very easy and all are pug-able, and guild missions are just for guild open world zerg events.
This game needs a cosmetic gear progression with some kind of raid content like what lopez said with 10 main dungeons.
Yeah, and you’re being really generous with those times. I remember the rants about the gear grind when ascended gear was first announced.
This is just ridiculous.
I don’t want to run CoF or any other fast paths over and over and over. This sucks…
that’s true, but then you have an unrewarding event that takes forever with no urge to keep going, and you only want it to end for the last chest.
I’m just saying it needs redone asap
The champions don’t drop any loot, the regular mobs rarely drop loot, and the event takes 10 years!
Why is it like this? Can the devs not go by level when redoing the dragon events, and just do jormag next after teq.
So bad.
If you’ve never fought an Engineer with Automated Response as a condition build, you should try it. It is the most ridiculous thing you’ll do in this game.
The thing with the bleed caps is I’m still not sure how it works. Say I (a necro) have 1500 condition damage and a ranger has 1200 and a thief has 1400, and the three of us capped bleeds at 25, I’m responsible for 12, ranger 8 and thief 5.
It makes the most sense that my 12 ticks does my condi damage and the thief’s 5 gets his condi and ranger his, but there’s no real way of knowing how many ticks each person is responsible for.
Also if I’m on my zerk warrior or thief and doing 3-4k damage per autoattack, I don’t really care if the guy next to me is doing 1k damage or 7k, it doesn’t affect my damage output at all. If I’m with another condi necro now its like “hey do you have more condi damage than I do? You do? Well kitten , I guess I’ll try to get out of your way then…”
There needs to be a better solution to bleeds. Perhaps leave the cap at 25 but make it 25 per person so each person gets their own bleed ticks and they feel less useless
WoW does something similar to that personal bleed cap. For warlocks, they can use their dots on an enemy boss but instead of capping the dots out to one debuff, they have multiple instances of the same dots on the enemy.
Say I’m using the warlock corruption spell and another warlock comes up and uses it. His corruption will not increase the duration of mine, but will rather be set right next to mine on the debuff location, both with individual countdown timers and damage.
There is a problem with this set up that rises then. If we all had our own personal bleed cap of 25, think of how many people are applying bleeding to that boss. Five people could run a bleed build, get to 25 stacks each, thus making the boss bleed 125 times a second. If everyone, and most likely they will be, was running with exotic condi-gear, we’re looking at a large, REALLY large number of bleeding damage being done. and thats just 5 people.
Zergs tend to be 40+ people. Even with the compensation events do to scale enemies up for multiple people, 125 bleeding a second from 5 fully decked out guys is a lot and would probably wreck most legendary bosses. I know my condition damage can do anywhere from 130-170 depending on the location buffs, so if say we had 5 people doing 125 bleed a second at ~150 a tick per stack.. You’re looking at 18,750 damage a second. From 5 people. let that sink in.
It’s not just server load that would have an issue, its the mechanics of the game. It needs to be capped out like it currently is otherwise we would see bosses with like 500 million health or 5 billion health like in WoW. Do you honestly want to sit there fighting a Destroyer legendary or a Risen legendary with 5 billion health? That would make me wonder how much an elder dragon would have if we actually fought one.
Then you would have elitists who would require you to be able to hit 25 stacks mandatory if you wanted to group/speed run with them.
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if they increased the cap to 50. 25 is very easily reached in zergs and sometimes in just a full party. Hell, 30 or 40 would be cool too, but thats just something I’d like to see, not necessarily required for my personal enjoyment of the game.
the damage argument never makes sense to me because condition damage is damage over time instead of all at once. Not more or less, just a different time scale. If EVERYONE went power builds, those bosses would be down a lot faster than with kitten condition builds like now.
so this long, and it still is a technical limitation?
Still waiting on this.
Condition builds have it a bit harder than power builds in PvE because of bleed cap and objects not taking some form of DoT damage.
Why is this still an issue?
Edit: Anet has said before it is a technical limitation. That was months ago. I think this is a little more urgent.
(edited by Derek.9021)
inconsistencies and annoyances all for something that singles out some classes and specs to just do worse than everyone else is stupid.
stop running off to farm destroyers in your 100% burn uptime build. It’s pve, you chose you run out there in that build.
This would be reasonable if we had templates like in gw1 or some other form of duel spec
TheDaiBish.9735, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard balance wise. Can you imagine something being immune to bleeds? That would be honestly gamebreaking.
Destroyers have an immunity to burning and I hate it as an engineer.
I can imagine Guardian and Elementalists hate it too. World of Warcraft had resists when it first release, and they got rid of it because it’s established as bad and just annoying.
Yes lore blahrghghahh. Gameplay is more important.
Imagine as a mesmer, something was immune to confusion. You’d be upset too.
Wallet is missing Pristine Fractal Relic
It’s hard for me to understand what anet’s thinking with this kind of programming change.
Everyone hates culling, then they add something to the system that makes more. I was expecting a reduced spell effect, like pixels, totally graphically on my system.
I’d like to request The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind theme!
I don’t like the press the same note to cancel the sound. Do you know how many songs use two notes in a row?!
I hate it. Please change it back!
And just waiting for the time it takes for those two notes is viable but NOT GREAT :[
Lately, I’ve had trouble finding fun farming spots. I’m kinda tired of CoF and running to specific events for the chest. I want something like how Cursed Shore use to be.
I was hoping that Southsun would be that, but it’s barren. Cursed Shore has few people in it after the plinx, shelters and penitent nerf, except with grenth is going.
I still have fun doing the type of events where you kill tons of mobs up to the boss, like the melandru escort. But most are just kill a boss, get a chest.
I know I’m being a bit picky, because the game has those cool world bosses to kill, but it’s not like how I pictured farming would be like. Soloing in lower level zones is slow for gold because t6 mats don’t drop anywhere but 70+ zones.
I use to farm fractals up to level 30 something, but after the WvW infusions came out, I don’t have the AR to do that again. Idk! if someone has any cool ideas for me, let me know.
That’s what I was thinking.
still not cleansing after today’s patch :[
karka queen made me sleepy and from waiting for it to spawn and fighting it!
Instigator events ftw!
This dungeon is so bad, I think it gave me cancer!
Oh! I loved that dreamcast thing! I had a little chao xD. I miss him
Archeage just released an iphone farming app and it’s really cool. It connects to the game and is like a daily quest hub but a lot more elaborate and fun.
Having a fun portable mini game would be awesome for guild wars! And I wonder why games like WoW dont have it. Like a pet battle app or something.
I just got some help from the support team, and the entire issue got resolved in under 25 minutes!
I get more and more impressed by ArenaNet. I often feel bad about being overly critical at the launch of the game, but every patch you guys improve things that have bothered me.
I’m really happy for you guys and hope you have as much fun running and building Guild Wars 2 as I do playing it.
Keep up the good work support team and devs! I look forward to everything you guys have planned!
Why is the items/gear team so bad in this game?
I can’t believe this isn’t stickied yet!
Is it intended that you can invite enemy invaders to your party?
(edited by Derek.9021)